How to salt river fish on a ram. How to salt fish for ramming at home - how much and how to salt correctly. How to make ram delicious: secrets of gourmets

First, we prepare an ordinary bucket that you don’t mind spoiling. We make several holes in the bottom through which concentrated brine will subsequently flow. Before salting fish, it must be thoroughly washed. A thick layer of salt is poured onto the bottom of the bucket, part of the fish is laid out, salt is poured on top again, a second portion of fish is laid out, etc.

For 1 kg of fish you need approximately 200-250 g of salt. After placing the fish in the vessel, it must be pressed down tightly with a lid that will fit freely in the bucket. It is necessary to create a good press: for 2-3 kg of fish you need a load of 3-4 kg.

A bucket of salted fish is placed in a cold place for 3-5 days (depending on the degree of salinity). Larger specimens will require longer salting times.

After the required amount of time has passed, we take out the fish, wash it and put it back in the bucket. Fill with water, then add 20-50 g of vinegar; We wait another 40-60 minutes. After such procedures, salt will not appear on the fish, and vinegar will protect the ram from flies.

Now the fish is ready to dry. You need to hang it so that each copy does not come into contact with its neighbors. The fish will dry for approximately 1-1.5 weeks, depending on the temperature and degree of air humidity. During this period, make sure that no flies get to the fish, otherwise the ram will have to be simply thrown out.

Salting ram in your own brine

With this option, no holes are made in the bottom of the bucket, and therefore the fish is salted in its own brine. In all other respects, the salting process is similar to that described above.

Delicious ram comes from the following fish:

  • roaches
  • blue
  • silver bream
  • perch

Chekhon is often used to prepare homemade herring.

Taranka can be stored for a very long time using the preservation method. To do this, you need to thoroughly sterilize the jars, place the fish tightly in them and close them just as tightly with a nylon or roll up a metal lid. To make it easier to place fish in jars, you can trim their tails slightly. The jars themselves should be placed in a cool place, out of reach of sunlight. An excellent traditional option is a cold and dark cellar.

Salting fish (video)

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Now is the time to talk about taranka, because from now on and throughout the winter, this is the best time to prepare it. Well, let's start with the fact that we, Kremenchu ​​residents, call dried roach ram, and when I visit friends, I had to try ram from bream, perch, pike perch, pike, catfish and even crucian carp. And my friends are right too, because according to Wikipedia:

Taranka, taranka is a common name for dried dried fish. Basically, various fish of the carp family, the genus Rutilus, roach, such as ram (from the name of which the concept of “ram” arose) and roach are used to prepare ram. It is considered a Russian national snack for beer.

So what is important to know when preparing this delicious and popular fish product?

The first and most important thing in this matter is the body density of the fish. The density of the fish depends on the water temperature and time of year. The highest body density of fish is in October – November. This time coincides with the maximum feeding of fish. Then you get the most delicious battering ram. But not everyone manages to catch a large number of roaches at this time. Of course, traditionally there is also winter and, of course, spring. All this time it is actively feeding and with certain skills you can catch it and catch quite a few. Naturally, with successful fishing, it is not possible to process all of it, so you just need to sprinkle it well with salt in a large plastic bag (like those that ship soot at a soot plant) or in a plastic food container and store it in a cold place (cellar or old refrigerator in garage (if, of course, there is an extra one for this purpose). But in any case, you need to hang out all the caught ram before the onset of warm weather. Summer roach, no matter how hard you try, will not make a particularly tasty roach. The reason for this is the low density of the fish, its stomachs filled with organic matter and not the first freshness when transported in the heat. Well, the ram made from roach, red bream, saberfish and blue bream is considered a classic. Moreover, the last two types of fish in our rivers have become very rare, but if you know where to catch them, you should know that in order to prepare ram from them, the specimens must not be small. White bream is considered an amateur ram, but bream is quite difficult to prepare (it is better to smoke it) and this is a separate topic on HOW to properly make ram from it. I have one good friend, and he knows how to cook dried bream so that you can choke on your saliva while it dries. Therefore, I want to tell you how to prepare ram from roach, because this is what I catch for this purpose most often and most of all.

So, if you managed to catch a roach - that’s great, no - you can buy it, it’s less time-consuming, but more expensive in terms of money + you won’t get the same pleasure from fighting with this strong and beautiful fish! The most delicious is, of course, spring fish with caviar. Males are less tasty, but this is not a reason to ignore them. It is advisable to immediately after fishing divide the fish by size, dividing them into large, medium and small. And salt all types separately. The smaller the container, the easier it is to salt the fish. I consider ideal plastic food containers, which can now be bought WITHOUT PROBLEMS in any market and in any volume, so to speak. Under no circumstances should the fish be gutted, because then all the fat will come out of it and it will lose half of its taste + (which is definitely) it will lose its appetizing appearance! The fish is placed in rows and salted in layers. No need to skimp on salt! The salt should completely cover the fish. For larger specimens (today it’s 350 grams or more) - take an individual approach, i.e. Don’t be too lazy to pour salt under the gills of each fish.

I dry fish on the balcony, although it’s clear that this is far from the best place and my wife is not particularly happy with it. I try to finish with all the strategic stocks of ram (including those stored in the freezer) before the appearance of flies capable of reproducing. Because it is extremely difficult to protect yourself from them, they even find some kind of cracks in special drying nets, or I don’t know how they throw their worms there so that they end up on the fish. :(And then your fish will have to be used only purely for breeding maggots. As for the drying time, I think this is all purely individual. Personally, I don’t like overdried fish, even if it’s better if it has a little blood on it (then it’s 2-3 days of drying for small fish and 4-5 for large ones) because salt begins to appear on overdried fish and the fat dries out and it is no longer so tasty. BUT... as they say, “There are no comrades for taste and color.” Therefore, good luck to you all and have a nice time appetite!!!

How to make a ram from bream? This question interests many. After all, everyone understands that fresh fish can make an excellent snack for beer. Taranka is a cooking method that involves pre-salting carcasses and then drying them.

The question of how to salt bream on a ram is of interest to many. After all, everyone understands that fresh fish can make an excellent snack for beer, but they don’t know how to make it. Taranka is a cooking method that involves pre-salting carcasses and then drying them. The question of how to make a ram from bream is asked most often due to the fact that this type of fish is most suitable for this. This is due to the fact that a distinctive feature of bream is its flattened body, which promotes rapid salting and, subsequently, better drying.

Fish cooking process

To prepare fish using this method, it is necessary to use small fresh bream weighing no more than 600 g. The length of such specimens, as a rule, does not exceed 30 cm. The preliminary preparation of the selected carcasses is that they must be thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel. There is no need to clean or remove the entrails from fish that is being prepared for ramming.

Most often people are interested in how to salt bream using a dry method. For this, coarse salt is used at the rate of approximately two kilograms per 10 kg of carcasses. Dry salting should be carried out in special wooden boxes with slots into which fish juice will flow out during the salting process. The bream are thoroughly rubbed with salt on all sides and placed tightly in a prepared box, the bottom of which should be first sprinkled with salt. At the same time, the fish layers are also sprinkled with salt. A pressure is placed on the top layer, covered with salt, which will provide elasticity to the meat of the dried carcasses. Salted bream are kept in a cool place for 5 to 10 days, and this depends on their size. As soon as the backs of the bream become elastic, the salting process is considered complete.

Upon completion of salting, the fish is washed for several hours in low-flow water in order to wash away excess salt. After this, the bream are hung out to dry in a dry, well-ventilated place, out of direct sunlight. To do this, the carcasses are strung through the eye sockets onto a tourniquet using a large needle. To protect the product from flies and other insects, a special mesh should be used. The drying process takes from a week to a month, depending on the size of the fish and the ambient temperature. Store ram prepared from bream in cloth bags or parchment in a cool, dry place.

Taranka or ram is the most delicious snack to accompany beer. For some reason, from the store it is always overdried, hard and oversalted, and sometimes the price is too high.

As for me, the perfect battering ram can only be made at home. You can salt ram from ram, roach, silver bream, bream, crucian carp.

The fish must be gutted, gills and eyes removed, and washed well. I also remove the luster, because I don’t like it when it scatters later when cleaning, it’s better to remove it all at once. For salting, it is better to choose fish of approximately the same size so that they are salted and dried at the same time. It is also worth choosing a fish that is not too small, but not too large; it is best to take it about the size of your palm. You need to salt the ram in an enamel pan. Sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the bottom. Rub the fish well with salt on all sides and inside. Place the crucian carp in a pan, sprinkle a little salt on top and lay out the next layer.

Sprinkle the top layer generously with salt, place a weight and send it to a cold place for 2 days to salt it. Water will be released, it needs to be drained 2-3 times.

Rinse the salted fish in cold water. Using a needle, thread the fish through the eyes onto a double thread. Broil the fish, open the bellies a little. Hang the future ram in a well-ventilated place, without direct sunlight, distribute it along the entire length of the thread. The fish can be hung on the balcony from the ceiling, but on the first day it is better to place a basin underneath, as water may drip. The next day, insert matches (without sulfur coating) into the bellies of the ram so that it dries better. The fish should hang like this for 2 weeks. It is necessary to ensure that flies do not have access to the fish. You can cover it with gauze, but so that it does not touch the ram; for this, a frame is made or spacers are inserted.

Self-prepared dried roach is a healthy and very tasty snack for foamy drinks and boiled potatoes. This fish can be consumed without fear for your own health and figure: the calorie content of 100 g of roach is only 88 kcal, and its meat is rich in vitamins and minerals valuable for the body. It is rarely used for preparing fish soup and main courses and is never smoked. The size of the roach is ideal for drying. Anyone can prepare such a snack at home; it is only important to strictly follow the rules for salting and drying roach.

Preparing the fish

You can catch this fish in almost any body of water in Russia. It is best to dry roach in the spring, when the fish is most tasty, fatty and does not yet have the smell of mud. It is during this period that many individuals with eggs are caught.

If it is not possible to catch fish on your own, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the roaches. Fresh specimens have shiny scales without mucus and mud, transparent eyes, and red moist gills. High-quality roach smells like river water and freshness.

Before salting the roach, it is sorted by size. Small carcasses (up to 0.5 kg) are dried whole: unpeeled fish has a more pronounced taste. Larger specimens must be gutted so that they do not spoil during the cooking process. You can leave milt or caviar in the roach's abdomen.

Prepared carcasses are washed in cold water and left without wiping to dry naturally.

Salting methods

To prepare dried roach at home you will need:

  • 2 kg of fresh fish;
  • 300 g coarse salt.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Carcasses are rubbed with salt from the outside, especially carefully near the gills; when gutted, they are also rubbed from the inside.
  2. The remaining salt is poured onto the bottom of a large plastic or enamel bowl.
  3. The roach is placed tightly on the salt. If there are too many carcasses, sprinkle salt on each layer.
  4. A press is placed on top: a board, a lid with a stone or dumbbells so that the fish is constantly in the brine.
  5. To dry the roach, you need to salt it in the refrigerator for 2–4 days. The period depends on the size of the individuals. The readiness of roach is determined by its shade and density: they become dark and difficult to bend.

To salt roach using the wet method, prepare a strong salt solution called brine. To determine whether there is enough salt, a raw chicken egg is dipped into the solution: if it floats, you can salt the fish. The cleaned and gutted roach is lowered into the brine, a wire mesh is placed on top and pressure is applied. In this way, the fish is salted in a cool place for 3 days.

It is better to salt especially large roach using the dry method. To do this, the fish is gutted, washed, several transverse cuts are made at the ridge, then rubbed with salt, and the belly is stuffed with salt crystals. The carcasses are placed in an enamel basin with their backs down and covered with salt. The container is covered with several layers of gauze. How much to salt a large roach? Large carcasses are completely salted in the refrigerator in 4 days.

The container with roach is periodically removed from the refrigerator to drain the resulting liquid.

Advice: in this way you can also pickle other subspecies of roach: roach or ram.


Salted fish must be soaked in cold water before drying. The average time for this procedure is 2 hours. You need to focus on the period of salting the fish: if a large fish has been salted for 4 days, it needs to be soaked for 4 hours.

It is believed that a roach, filled with plain water for soaking, is ready when it begins to float. However, if you don’t like fish that are too salty, you don’t have to wait for this effect. The soaked fish is laid out on sheets of paper or towels and dried. You can hang the roach over the sink for a couple of hours.

Drying process

The prepared roach is hung upside down on a strong cord. If the fish is cooked with its entrails, it is hung by the tail so that liquid or stomach contents do not leak out onto the meat. There should be enough space between individuals for ventilation.

If drying occurs in the summer, flies can damage the fish. To prevent this from happening, the carcasses are first dipped in a solution of 3% vinegar. For the same purpose, the roach is lubricated with vegetable oil. You can cover the hanging carcasses with gauze, and apply a vinegar solution on top using a spray bottle. You should also dry the fish at night so that by noon it will dry out and become unattractive to flies.

It is convenient to hook the ram behind the eyes with straightened paper clips

In hot weather, it is not recommended to hang roaches in the sun. To make it soft and juicy, it is placed on a drying rack, which is placed indoors in a draft. It is convenient to use special wooden boxes on which a special mesh is stretched. You can prepare such a device yourself by using a piece of gauze instead of a mesh. In winter, fish can be hung in the kitchen or in the hallway.

The ideal temperature for drying roach is 18–20 degrees. Depending on the size of the carcasses, the fish needs to be dried for 7 to 28 days. After this, the roach is placed in fabric bags and left to mature for another 3 weeks.

Fish storage conditions

Dried roach should not be kept in rooms with high humidity, as it can quickly deteriorate. It is best to store the product in gauze or fabric bags in a suspended state. You must first make sure that the roach has been completely dried, otherwise it will soon go rotten.

At low humidity and temperatures close to zero, dried roach can be stored for about a year. The condition of the product should be checked periodically. If you get rid of fish that have started to spoil in time, you can save the entire batch.

The recipe for dried roach can be changed by adding new ingredients. The taste of the fish will be more delicate if you add 30 g of sugar to the salt. Fans of spicy dishes can not only salt the roach, but also season it with black or red pepper. The same spice can be sprinkled on cooked fish. To ensure that the roach acquires a pleasant sourness and becomes softer, the carcasses are sprinkled with fresh lemon juice before drying.