The meaning of moles on the body are three witch marks (how to recognize a witch). Witch marks, or What do moles on your body mean ...

In Europe, in the Middle Ages, a mole on a body could be burned at the stake. This is because unusual skin changes were considered the marks of the devil. During the Inquisition, one could easily pass for a witch or a sorcerer for a single mole in a conspicuous place. Today, we do not attach much importance to moles. However, some marks are still worthy of our attention, as they indicate a person's predisposition to extrasensory abilities.

What moles on the body indicate a predisposition to extrasensory perception.

Esotericists distinguish three places on the human body, moles on which indicate the presence of paranormal abilities:

Mole on the temple. A person with such a mole has a very developed intuition. He should listen more often to his feelings and inner voice. Such people can see upcoming events, they quickly recognize lies and see through a person.

The mole is just above the knee. A mole in this place indicates the presence of magical abilities. People who have a mark just above the knee can get in touch with the other world. They often dream of dead relatives, as they have a strong energy connection with another world.

Mole above the upper lip. People with such a birthmark have the ability to hypnosis and the gift of persuasion. They have an inner charm that attracts people. In addition, a mole above the lip gives a person the gift of materializing the word. Such people need to control their speech, since almost all the phrases they utter in an emotional outburst can be realized in reality. Also, people with a mole above the lip can jinx and affect the mood of a person. Their strength is in the words they speak.

The meaning of moles on the body is interpreted depending on their location. As a rule, they reveal information about the character of a person and his talents. Moles can appear and disappear - this means that changes are taking place in a person's life. The meaning of moles on the body, which were given above, is special, and people who have them should take into account their sacred meaning.

Incredible Facts

Palmistry is a powerful source of very valuable information. It gives us an understanding of both our physical and spiritual bodies.

Each of us has heard about the lines on the palms, which can tell almost everything about a person.

There are signs that help to learn more about what awaits us in love, how many marriages and children we will have in the future, what successes await us in work.

Palmistry, lines on the palms

And there are lines that indicate what we will succeed in life. Our abilities and talents "carve out" peculiar signs in the palm of our hand.

In addition, there are some imprints that indicate powerful witch energy and strength. So, what signs in the palm of your hand indicate that a woman was born herself real witch?

By the way, you do not have to have all these signs. However, most often the presence of such signs indicates that their owner is a witch.

Signs of a Witch

1. Secret Cross (Mystical Cross)

Perhaps one of the most powerful signs that you are a witch is the presence of a secret cross (or mystical cross). This X-shaped sign is located between the line of the heart and the line of the head.

Examine your palm carefully. Do you have this secret (mystical) cross?

People who have these signs are considered to have magical abilities from the very beginning. early age. And, indeed, among real magicians, witches and clairvoyants there are a lot of those who have such a sign in their palms.

Moreover, their owners have a natural inclination towards the occult sciences and secret wisdom. They have a highly developed intuition, which makes them powerful witches and sorcerers.

2. Psychic cross

Among all the lines in the palm of your hand, the Psychic Cross is a really important sign.

It is located at the base of one of the fingers.

It must be borne in mind that each finger represents a certain planetary entity. Therefore, you need to match the finger with the corresponding planet and see what this sign means on a particular finger.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the index finger:

The index finger is the finger of Jupiter. Therefore, the psychic cross at the base of this finger means that Jupiter's luck is on your side. You will have magical abilities that will help you achieve success.

It also means that you have an uncanny predisposition for magical wisdom. You can become a very powerful person because you have the ability to easily absorb knowledge.

You are attracted by the same powerful energy people who can become your wise teachers and mentors. In the future, you are destined to become one of these teachers yourself.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the middle finger:

The middle finger is the finger of Saturn. Thus, if a psychic cross is found in this place, Saturn itself, considered the planet of witches, will bless you.

You have the ability to learn and assimilate easily everything you touch. Moreover, you have been blessed by a strict teacher, but you want to know Magick solely through your experience.

You will be able to discover your extremely powerful energy as soon as you start taking enough time for yourself. Pay attention to meditation. She really works wonders. Good healthy sleep also has a truly healing effect.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the ring finger:

The ring finger is the finger of the Sun. Therefore, if you notice the cross there, then you are blessed by the Sun and Apollo, the God of Magic and Prophecy.

You have the power to attract what you need in life. You are a real wizard or sorceress.

This means that your love life can be the inspiration for your magical activities. When you are sexually active, you find enlightenment through the pleasure you receive. Charge yourself with positive solar energy.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the little finger:

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. It is Mercury that is associated with all magical deeds and predictions.

If you have such a sign, it means that from a young age you plunged into the magical world of mystery and magic. Therefore, if you are blessed with this sign, you were born to love magic and be associated with it forever.

This means that Mercury - Hermes, the wise god blessed your birth, making you a powerful magician/witch. Be sure to use your brain and heart to develop your magical abilities, but only for peaceful and good purposes.

Signs of a witch in a woman

3. Mental triangle

The pyramid sign, which looks like a triangle at the base of the ring finger, is the Psychic Triangle. Look closely, most often such a sign is fuzzy or pronounced. Important lines on the palm tend to be pale and difficult to recognize.

Did you find such a sign? If it is present, it means that for some reason, intentionally or unintentionally, you are blocking your magical abilities in yourself.

Sometimes we block our magical abilities. This happens if in past lives we did something bad and used magic for dark purposes. This is a defense mechanism that works so that we no longer hurt ourselves and other people.

Every time we use black magic to harm someone and/or interfere with someone's free will, we create bad karma. This bad karma eventually comes back to us.

The Psychic Triangle is more like a psychic prison in which our magical abilities are imprisoned. This sign can also indicate that someone else has bound our forces. It can also mean that in past lives we have created enemies for ourselves.

The key to releasing our powers and abilities is to love and accept ourselves and others. We can become strong magicians again if we learn to forgive others, and most importantly, ourselves.

4. Sign of the healer

Four or more parallel lines on the bottom of the little finger are indicators that the person is a powerful healer and has the strongest abilities.

This means that people with such a mark on their body have great powers, they can touch people's hearts and heal their scars, both emotional and physical.

Nowadays, such people are usually doctors, psychologists or trainers. They chose this difficult path to help other people recover and live happily.

It is safe to say that these signs on our hands are similar to the marks of Mercury - Hermes, the god of communication and healing.

4-5 parallel lines indicate a powerful healer, 6-7 lines indicate someone who is destined to become a healer.

But 8 or more lines indicate that this person had the ability to heal in his past lives. The more lines, the more developed this gift is to heal others and help others.

Of course, to master the art of healing, it takes practice, incredible patience and attention. It is important to be able to listen to others, as well as those who can rightly be called teachers.

5. Astral lines

These marks in your palm indicate a natural ability to transcend time and space. You travel more in the astral plane than you realize!

If there is a similar mark on the palm of a person, then the person was born to travel both in the physical and in the astral body.

In addition, the owner of such lines in the palm of his hand has every chance of becoming a great magician / witch, because he knows how to do what other people are not given.

Shamans, witches and magicians travel in the astral world, they can heal others, and also have a number of other incredible abilities that simply amaze an ordinary person who is not endowed with superpowers.

The most important thing is to develop your unusual gift in time in the right direction, without harming, but on the contrary, helping those who need help.

In addition to the signs in the palm of your hand, there are a number of other signs that indicate that you were born a real witch. These signs are in the perception of the world, in the manner of behavior, in interaction with other people, etc.

In the old days, witches were identified by strange and ridiculous external signs: the presence of warts, moles. Those who fit the description were caught and judged. Nowadays, magical abilities are not punished, but on the contrary, they cause admiration, envy and fear, among other things. Witchcraft is already considered a habitual and safe practice.

Not everyone wants to do black magic, many are interested in white. Who is pleased to be aware of the magical blood flowing in their veins, read the signs of a witch. Perhaps decide for yourself who you really are.

1. Appearance.

Witches do not always have an attractive appearance. But they have magnetism, the ability to attract people to them. The witch can also be invisible, but at the right moment she will show her true face. On the body of a witch, and especially on the face and necks, there may be dark birthmarks, moles. Birthmarks and moles can form an unusual pattern.

Do you have signs of a witch? Read below.

Moles on the body are special signs that are worth dwelling on in more detail.

In Europe, during the Inquisition, for a mole on the body, they could easily be burned at the stake. It was believed that unusual skin changes were the marks of the devil. Today, we do not attach such importance to moles. However, some very characteristic marks are worthy of our attention, as they indicate a person's predisposition to psychic abilities. In magic, there are three areas on the human body, the presence of moles on which indicates the presence of paranormal abilities.

Mole on the temple. A person with such a mole has a very developed intuition. He should listen more and trust his feelings and inner voice. Such people can see future events, see through a person, recognize a lie.

The mole is just above the knee. A mole in this place indicates the presence of magical abilities. People who have a mark just above the knee can get in touch with the other world. They often dream of dead relatives, they have a strong connection with another world.

Mole above the upper lip. People with such a birthmark have the gift of persuasion. Having an inner charm, they attract people to them. They need to control their speech, since many of the phrases they utter, spoken with emotions, can be realized in reality. Their strength is in the words they speak. You should also pay attention to several moles forming a symbol or pattern. Moles can disappear and appear - this means that a person's life is changing radically.

2. Look.

If in a conversation you often lower your eyes, because the interlocutor is embarrassed and lost from your gaze. When you look at the back of a walking person for a long time, he can slip, stumble. In any case, feeling the look turns around.

3. Behavior.

You are confident in your abilities. You don't show a negative attitude towards people who annoy you. Do not complain, do not gossip, but solve the problem in a magical way. To do this, you look for solutions in magazines, the books of which are in abundance in your home.
Children feel comfortable with you. Pets are hovering around. The cat keeps jumping on your lap, even if you've kicked it out a few times already.
Next to you, people just want to "pour out their soul." Even if you don't care, they don't care. They will stick like leeches until they tell everything.

4. Thoughts.

If you suddenly think of some person, how he immediately appears in your life: calls, says hello through friends. Or just by chance you meet him on your way.

5. Emotions.

When you are angry or just in a bad mood, dishes fall in the apartment, light bulbs burn out, the computer is buggy. You know a lot about someone else's and your mental or physical pain, and you can deal with it.

6. What do you believe.

Do you believe in signs, the interpretation of dreams. Often your interpretations are more accurate. If you guess friends - a lot comes true down to the smallest detail.

7. What do you remember.

You remember your past lives. In a dream, pictures of your life, people, relatives come. Once in a new place, it is easy to navigate as if you have been here once before.

8. Energy.

Plants and animals are sensitive to the energy of the mistress of the house. Flowers grow beautifully on the windows, cut flowers take root. Animals feel comfortable.

You are often asked to give a massage, soothe headache which you do with success.

In the full moon, you can hardly fall asleep. It excites and excites, but at the same time brings cheerfulness, a surge of strength and inspiration. It's easier for you to go to bed late than to wake up early.

9. Loneliness.

Life begins to take shape in such a way that people dear to you leave your life. Relatives die or simply leave, move to another city. They quarrel and no longer want to communicate. As a result, you are left alone with a black cat on your shoulder.

10. Attitude towards the church.

You rarely go to church, perhaps you have never been. If you have to visit, then you feel not comfortable, as if you are not at ease. You really don't understand why this is necessary.

I understand that these 10 signs of a witch in a woman are conditional and can manifest themselves in any person with abilities. The main thing is how you define them for yourself. Do you like these signs in yourself or do you want to get rid of them?

Now moles are not given much importance, but for several centuries they could be the cause of very exciting adventures. For example, you could expect a pleasant walk through the angry crowd to the place of execution, where the executioner is already diligently fanning the coal.

In those days, many were sure that since you have moles, it means that you are marked by evil spirits. They were called so - witch marks. True, only those moles that were located in special places caused fear. By the way, some still believe that they testify to paranormal power, which you, it turns out, quite possess!

If you suddenly spotted one, know that the owner of this mole has a strong gift of persuasion and at some point can even hypnotize you. Still such people can jinx it. If you yourself were awarded such a mark, then you might well have noticed that those around you are literally attracted to you. This is definitely a no-brainer!

You have prophetic dreams, you can decipher secret signs that you can easily see at any time. For example, if suddenly the deceased appeared to you in a dream, you can get some information from him. In general, people like you have a strong connection with otherworldly forces and they are often referred to as magicians.

This is a “good” mole, and if you have one, it means that you have excellent intuition: you can know in advance where luck will be, and where it is better not to meddle. You can also easily recognize a lie and see any little thing. In general, there is nothing to hide from you! Agree, in modern world it is a very powerful tool.

moles, or, scientifically speaking, nevi, in most cases do not carry any danger, although they appear throughout your life in various places on your body. Another thing is if they suddenly darken sharply and start to hurt: in this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor to prevent melanoma.

moles can be very attractive, because it was not in vain that a fashion for them arose in the past - the ladies painted on the so-called “flies”, and some are happy to do it now! If you think that moles bother you, then they can be easily removed using, say, a laser: it is fast, safe and there will be no traces left.

In Europe, in the Middle Ages, a mole on a body could be burned at the stake. This is because unusual skin changes were considered the marks of the devil. During the Inquisition, one could easily pass for a witch or a sorcerer for a single mole in a conspicuous place. Today, we do not attach much importance to moles. However, some marks are still worthy of our attention, as they indicate a person's predisposition to extrasensory abilities.

What moles on the body indicate a predisposition to extrasensory perception.

Esotericists distinguish three places on the human body, moles on which indicate the presence of paranormal abilities:

Mole on the temple. A person with such a mole has a very developed intuition. He should listen more often to his feelings and inner voice. Such people can see upcoming events, they quickly recognize lies and see through a person.

The mole is just above the knee. A mole in this place indicates the presence of magical abilities. People who have a mark just above the knee can get in touch with the other world. They often dream of dead relatives, as they have a strong energy connection with another world.

Mole above the upper lip. People with such a birthmark have the ability to hypnosis and the gift of persuasion. They have an inner charm that attracts people. In addition, a mole above the lip gives a person the gift of materializing the word. Such people need to control their speech, since almost all the phrases they utter in an emotional outburst can be realized in reality. Also, people with a mole above the lip can jinx and affect the mood of a person. Their strength is in the words they speak.

The meaning of moles on the body is interpreted depending on their location. As a rule, they reveal information about the character of a person and his talents. Moles can appear and disappear - this means that changes are taking place in a person's life. The meaning of moles on the body, which were given above, is special, and people who have them should take into account their sacred meaning.