Chakras and their significance in human life. Receiving and distributing energy - chakras

It is believed that there are about 72,000 nadis in the human subtle body.

The chakras are located along the main channel - sushumna, which runs along the spine. They are compared to rotating energy wheels that absorb and then transform higher subtle energies for their utilization on the physical (bodily) level. In the East, chakras are depicted as lotus flowers with different numbers of petals.

During the process of breathing, a person absorbs both positive and negative energy. The right side of the body contains positive energy, and the left side contains negative energy. The difference in energy potential causes the chakras to rotate. In this case, each of them rotates in the direction opposite to the rotation of the neighboring one.

During classes on sensory perception of the aura, you have already become convinced of how powerful the energy radiation emanates from these centers. Each chakra emits its own individual color, corresponding to one of the colors of the rainbow spectrum. Consequently, the aura of any person contains at least a small fraction of each color of the rainbow.

In Eastern countries, chakras have been known for thousands of years, while Western scientists, until very recently, ignored this concept as such.

In 1970, Japanese scientist Dr. Hiroshi Matayama conducted a study to obtain scientific confirmation of the existence of chakras. It was crowned with success - the book “Science and the Evolution of Consciousness: Chakras, Chi and Psi” was published. For the purity of the experiment, Dr. Matayama’s experiments were carried out in a room shielded with lead and were aimed at identifying the bioenergetic radiation of the chakras. During the experiment, a copper electrode was brought to the chakras, with which they tried to measure the potential of the bioelectromagnetic field. Among the subjects there were people who stated that they were able to “open” specific chakras. The scientist discovered that the amplitude and frequency of electromagnetic radiation in the area of ​​one of these chakras significantly exceeds the characteristics of the chakras of ordinary people.

At the same time, Matayama became convinced that some people could consciously emit energy from the chakras of their body, which was confirmed by disturbances in electromagnetic fields. Unlike previous similar experiments, the experience of the Japanese scientist was demonstrated in university laboratories many times.

Another interesting experiment was conducted by Dr. Valerie Hunt. The goal of her research was to identify the therapeutic effects of a technique known as "rolfing." During the experiment, special ones were used. electrodes with which the electrical potential of the muscles was determined. She discovered that in the chakra area, the devices recorded higher readings compared to other areas of the body.

During this series of experiments, conducted with the participation of the gifted parapsychologist Rozaline Bruyère, an equally impressive discovery was made. While Dr. Hunt monitored the readings of the instruments, Ms. Bruyère examined the changes occurring in the auric fields of the subjects. It turned out that aura testing gave the same results as electronic testing.

In other words, when Bruyère noted, for example, a red glow, the instruments showed the presence of waves of the corresponding configuration. The same thing happened when the psychic woman pointed out the presence of other colors.

Quaternion. This name often refers to a conventional square representing the four lower chakras. Compared to the three upper chakras, their vibration is not as high, and in an esoteric sense they are considered “down to earth.” Each of the four chakras is associated with one of the traditional "elements": fire, earth, air and water. Now let's look at all the chakras in turn.

Sahasrara Chakra

Color: purple.
Astrological correspondence: cardinal.
Desires: the desire to penetrate to the essence of things.
Objective: gaining knowledge and wisdom.
Keyword: spirituality.

The chakra, located in the parietal region of the head, controls the most powerful vibrations of the body. Artists often paint portraits of highly spiritual people, depicting it in the form of a luminous halo.

Catholic monks cut tonsures to free this part of the head from all unnecessary things. Translated from Sanskrit, “sahasrara” means “thousand”, and the chakra itself is depicted as a lotus flower with a thousand petals.

This chakra maintains a balance between the outer shell of a person and his inner spiritual content. Mystical understanding of reality, awareness of the deep interconnections of all things is also carried out under her leadership.

In this sense, the renunciation of one’s own “I” and the expansion of consciousness to the universal level is an extremely difficult task, through which a person acquires his true nature.

Overstimulation of the chakra makes people irritable, intolerant and depressed. In such cases, there is a high probability of severe headaches. Lack of stimulation leads to feelings of loneliness, reluctance to communicate with other people and loss of joy in life.

Chakra Ajna

Color: blue
Astrological correspondence: mutable.
Desires: to be in harmony with the Universe.
Mission: make dreams come true.
Key word: intuition.

The chakra is located at forehead level, between the eyebrows. Translated from Sanskrit, “ajna” means “order.” The chakra controls the mind and is a kind of command post in relation to other energy centers. And indeed, thought always precedes action.

Unfortunately, there are few people who are able to completely control their thoughts. On an emotional level, the chakra increases the level of awareness of everyday reality and shapes the spiritual structures of a person.

As already mentioned, ajna is responsible for intuitive perception, including such minor aspects as feeling the mood of others and empathy. Have you ever felt completely empty after interacting with another person? If yes, then you have been influenced by someone else's negative energy. At the same time, the culprit of the incident may not have expressed his negative emotions out loud, since we are all susceptible to influence on a subconscious level.

Excessive stimulation of this chakra makes a person proud, authoritarian, domineering and dogmatic. A classic example of such a person is Adolf Hitler. Insufficient stimulation of ajna makes people timid, shy, failures.

Chakra Vishuddha

Blue color
Astrological correspondence: fixed.
Feeling: sound.
Desires: finding inner peace.
The challenge: take risks.
Keyword: ideas.

The chakra is located at the level of the throat. "Vishuddha" is translated from Sanskrit as "pure". This energy center is a kind of conductor of thoughts and ideas from the upper chakra to the four lower ones.

The chakra is responsible for sound and is the speech center that controls communication and self-expression. On an emotional level, it promotes the emergence of new ideas, love and mutual understanding between people.

A balanced chakra calms the mind, develops a sense of timing and strengthens faith. Excessive stimulation of the chakra makes a person arrogant, arrogant, dogmatic, and domineering.

Insufficient stimulation of the chakra makes a person weak, deceitful and unreliable.

Anahata Chakra

Green color.
Element: air.
Feeling: touch.
Desires: to love and be loved.
Challenge: Gain self-confidence.
Key word: emotions.

The chakra is located at the level of the heart, in the center of the chest. She is responsible for love, harmony in relationships, feelings of compassion and controls the sense of touch.

When someone is dear to us, the heart “opens” towards this person. In the Far East, this chakra is called the “temple of love.” "Anahata" is translated as "invincible".

On an emotional level, the chakra is responsible for compassion, self-respect and respect for others. People who experience the dominant influence of anahata are benevolent and caring towards both themselves and others.

People with some kind of "heart failure" can be identified at first glance. They are too sensitive, compassionate and, in an effort to please others, reach the point of self-denial. They often feel sorry for themselves and are in the grip of various fears. Most dependents and hangers-on have an energetically weakened anahata.

If this chakra is overstimulated, people become picky, capricious, and domineering. Triad. The three upper chakras are conventionally called the triad. Compared to the four below, they vibrate at a higher level. In astrology, they correspond to the cardinal, fixed and mutable signs of the Zodiac, respectively.

Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are considered excellent, energetic and expressive. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are firm, stubborn and stubborn. Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are able to adapt to emerging circumstances.

Chakra Manipura

Yellow color
Element: fire.
Sense: sight.
Desires: desire for understanding.
Task: to establish smooth relationships with loved ones.

Keyword: intelligence.

The chakra is located in the solar plexus area. Its name literally translates to “umbilical jewel.”

It gives a person a sense of self-worth and self-satisfaction. The chakra extends its influence to two areas - vision and digestive organs. Therefore, it is not surprising that when a person is happy and satisfied with everything, he sees the world “with different eyes.”

Equally, the chakra determines a person’s sensitivity, and on an emotional level instills a sense of self-confidence, self-esteem and optimism. However, an unrighteous life can lead to the accumulation of aggressiveness and negative emotions in the chakra.

Excessive stimulation of manipura leads to the fact that a person devotes all his energy to work, becomes picky and too demanding. With insufficient energy saturation of the chakra, a person loses self-confidence, becomes timid and indecisive.

Svadhisthana Chakra

Orange color
Element: water.
Feeling: taste.
Desires: respect, recognition.
Mission: to love and serve other people.
Keyword: public.

Located at the level of the sacrum, approximately five centimeters below the navel, this chakra is associated with the element of water and, accordingly, is associated with the “fluid” functions of the body. She represents sexuality, creativity and emotional balance.

Translated from Sanskrit, "svadhisthana" means "abode of life force." The chakra instills optimism and hope in a person on an emotional level and determines the sense of taste.

Generally, outgoing people have a well-balanced sacral chakra. If there is an energy imbalance in this area, diseases such as arthritis can occur.

The illness is often preceded by external manifestations of insufficient energy saturation of svadhisthana: irritability, despondency, resentment. Excessive stimulation of the chakra leads to manifestations of aggressiveness, despotism and tyranny.

Chakra Muladhara

Color: red.
Element: earth.
Sense: smell.
Desires: physical contact.
The challenge: think before you act.
Key word: material.

Muladhara, located at the base of the spinal column, gives a person a feeling of security and comfort. Translated from Sanskrit, the name of this chakra means “support”.

In fact, the chakra provides a person’s vitality and fills him with energy. On an emotional level, it builds courage and perseverance; on a sensual level, it is responsible for the sense of smell and has a significant effect on teeth, bones and nails.

This chakra plays a decisive role in a person’s struggle for survival. The lack of muladhara energy potential makes a person nervous and deprives him of a sense of self-confidence.

During such periods, a feeling of fear accumulates in the chakra. Conversely, excessive stimulation of the chakra provokes arrogance, egocentrism,

Translated from Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “wheel”. Ancient texts indicate that a person has 88,000 chakras, which means that there are practically no areas on the human body that are not constantly sensitive to energy! At its core, a person is a creature that is tuned to frequently receive and transform energy. Most chakras are very small and play a small role in the energy system, with approximately 40 chakras playing a significant role. Among them, the most important are located in the spleen, back of the neck, palms and soles of the feet.

The most famous and most important in human existence are the seven main chakras, located along the midline of the body, parallel to the spinal column. They are responsible for the physical, mental and spiritual health of a person.

These seven chakras are located in the etheric body. They are shaped like a flower with petals and a stem, and in ancient Indian texts they are described as resembling a lotus flower. The petals on the chakras represent energy paths and channels through which energy enters the chakras, from where it enters the subtle bodies. The number of petals varies from four on the main chakra to almost a thousand on the crown chakra.

From the center of each chakra, a stem emanates, directed towards the spine and connecting to it. In this way, he connects the chakras to the most important energy channel - Sushumna, which rises along the spine to the head.

The chakras are in a state of constant rotation and vibration. It is their rotation, depending on the direction, that attracts and repels energy.

Chakras rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. Turning to the right has the meaning of yang, masculine. It represents willpower and activity, and its less positive meanings are aggressiveness and lust for power. Turning to the left has the meaning of yin, feminine, and symbolizes acceptance and submission, its less positive meaning is weakness.

It is important to recognize the directions of chakra movement under different types of influence on them.

Each chakra contains all color frequencies, but there is one dominant color frequency that affects it according to the main action and function of that chakra. The more balanced a person’s state is, the higher the level of his development and awareness, the stronger and brighter the color frequencies of the chakra. The size and vibration of a chakra determines the amount of energy they are able to absorb from various sources.

Chakras absorb energies that come to them from the universe, from nature, from celestial entities, from people and even from things. They absorb and transmit energy to and from various energy bodies, as well as from the universal life-giving force.

The two most important forms of energy enter the human system through the root and crown chakras. They are connected to each other through Sushumna, which is connected to the other chakras through their “stems”. Along the stems, it nourishes the chakras with vital energy. At the same time, Sushumna is a channel through which the Kundalini energy is stimulated.

When Kundalini is stimulated, its energy is converted into different frequencies for each of the chakras, according to their frequencies, roles and functions. Energy manifests through the lowest frequencies of the root chakra and through the highest frequencies of the seventh, crown chakra. The converted frequencies are transmitted to the subtle bodies and the physical body and are perceived by us as sensations, emotions and thoughts.

Each chakra is expressed in the physical body by one of the endocrine glands, which regulate physical and emotional processes in the body. Higher cosmic energy is directed through the chakras to the human physical body. This energy, also called life energy, is critical to our lives and physical, mental and spiritual health.

When a situation arises in which energy does not flow harmoniously through the chakras, or when one of the chakras is blocked or opened too wide, this leads to an imbalance that manifests itself in all areas of life, including the functioning of the corresponding endocrine glands and metabolic imbalance in the body. body.

All conscious bodies, as well as the material body and everything else that exists in the universe, have their own unique vibrational frequency. In an ideal case, all human conscious bodies are considered to be harmoniously connected with each other. If one of the conscious bodies is not connected to the other, it will prevent the exchange of information and energy. For example, when the mental and emotional bodies become separated, a person may become unable to express his thoughts and feelings. Like any other complex “device” that works on the principle of reception and transmission, a person also requires centers that receive, transmit and transform energy. Such centers are chakras.

In the physical body, the chakras function as "transmitters". They transmit currents from higher, purer energy, which influences the higher frequencies of energy bodies, to the physical body, while “converting” the high frequency into one that our physical body can use.

Just as the use of too high voltage in everyday life can cause a short circuit, the lack of conversion of high-frequency energy in a person can lead to a blockage.

The conscious body that houses the human soul constitutes our Divine essence, and it connects us to creation. From this body, energy passes into other conscious bodies, each of which has its own task and purpose. For this reason, each conscious body requires energy of a different quality and frequency. On each “surface” there are peculiar stations that convert energy for the next surface.

The entire universe is permeated with a huge primordial connecting force. This power is transferred to each object and being in accordance with its "capacity" and in accordance with the frequencies that suit them from a psychological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual point of view. When energy flows from this limitless force to bodies located in space, its strength and power are reduced more and more so that the bodies can absorb it (since they cannot withstand even a small fraction of the full original force).

The human body, as well as the universe, consists of different layers - spiritual, emotional, intellectual and, of course, material. The difference between the human body and the “body” of the cosmos lies so much in the length of their waves and frequencies. As a result, divine power is not only outside but also within us. Because people have the gift of imagination, they can attune and change accordingly on an intellectual, intuitive or emotional level to different energy bodies and different layers of awareness. All methods of expanding awareness, such as positive thinking, guided imagination, meditation and many others, contribute to this.

Consciousness is a very powerful tool. It is not limited by the realm of materiality, distance or time and can move within our multidimensional being through different layers of awareness. These changes can happen frequently and quickly. For this reason, the energy centers of the body play a very important role. Each chakra acts as a "relay and transmission station" for a specific area of ​​frequency and awareness. When attention is concentrated on one of the chakras, a person, consciously or unconsciously, becomes connected mainly with the areas for which that particular chakra is responsible. This often helps us diagnose a problem or imbalance in one of the chakras, as a person may exhibit limited functioning in the area associated with it. He can talk about it endlessly, concentrate on it, show emotional and physical signs that will lead us to determine the lack of functioning of one of the chakras.

Focusing on the problem does not help solve it, quite the opposite. The more energy is invested in the thought and emotion associated with the problem itself, the more the problem grows, the more it gets worse. On the contrary, focusing on balancing the chakra itself will lead to the opposite - positive results: balancing the chakra and correcting the general imbalance (physical, emotional and spiritual) resulting from insufficient functioning of the chakra.

Through their spiritual abilities, the rishis (sages) of ancient India gained information about the human energy system. They recorded this information in the Vedas. In Indian, as in other ancient, enlightened cultures, chakras are assigned certain colors, elements, signs and properties.

The combination of these elements, for example: contemplating a certain shape of a certain color while reciting a mantra for a certain chakra generates a corresponding frequency that can connect to a certain element of the human body through a certain resonance.

For example, the element of earth is associated with the sex glands, with the first chakra, with the planet Mars, with the color red and ruby. This technique of combining elements leads to overall balancing and has a beneficial effect on a person.

This practice also works in reverse. When a person concentrates on some property, desire or hope, allows them to control his life and literally “lives” by them, a situation arises when he works, lives and communicates rather at the expense of the chakra, which is associated with the topic to which he attaches such importance meaning. This is a “chicken and egg” situation in which certain perceptions, thinking patterns and behaviors cause imbalance in the chakras. This imbalance, in turn, can aggravate the situation to the extreme. It is difficult to say whether an imbalance in a chakra causes an imbalance in behavior, thoughts and emotions or vice versa.

Let's look at a common example of such an imbalance. A person whose all interests are concentrated around increasing income and accumulating money, movable and immovable property, spends most of his life focusing on everyday and material problems, on physical things, without paying attention to intellectual, mental or spiritual development.

This person's awareness is largely concentrated on his first chakra, and most of his thoughts are related to survival, the desire to secure his income, and material problems. When a person's thoughts are primarily focused on a particular chakra and are not balanced by anything, this can be expressed in several ways. For example, excessive concentration on the first chakra can be a characteristic of a person who is subject to violent impulses, a desire for wealth or sexual pleasure - and at the same time this powerful energy can manifest itself in strong energies, in a powerful vitality, in enjoying life, in great cheerfulness. Thus, concentration on a specific chakra, which ultimately inevitably leads to imbalance, can be expressed in various forms, depending on the degree of development of the individual. The colors of the chakra, which are expressed in the aura, can change in exactly the same way. In the above example, the color of the first chakra can appear in various shades of red, from a dark, “dirty” red, which reflects a purely materialistic type of behavior or addiction to alcohol or drugs, to a clear, “clean” red, which may indicate a person’s sensitivity, his ability to get along with others, but also that his interests lie in the material sphere.

A similar situation can be repeated with other chakras, and it, of course, will be reflected in the colors of the entire aura. The more a person focuses on one aspect of life and awareness, such as creativity, materialism, mental development, spiritual development, and so on, the more it will manifest itself in the activity of the chakra responsible for that area. This also affects the state of the other chakras, since they are interconnected, as well as all areas of awareness and existence of the personality and its conscious bodies. When there is a strong frequency of a certain color in the aura - for example, yellow - this indicates that the person's consciousness is primarily focused on the solar plexus chakra. This may indicate stomach sensitivity. It may also indicate a much greater focus on third chakra activities—for example, a desire to be more free, independent, and uncommitted. Such aspirations, focusing on the activity of the third chakra, are reflected throughout the aura and turn yellow into the dominant color at that moment.

Conscious bodies are connected to the aura, to the electromagnetic field through the chakras. According to the colors of a person's aura, it can be determined whether awareness is located primarily on the physical, mental, spiritual or intellectual layer and whether there is any imbalance between these areas and the activity of the chakras.

Petals and stems of chakras

The connecting energy thread of subtle energy matter passes through the crown chakra and penetrates the physical body. It runs in a straight line from the head to the perineal area (the point that is located between the genitals and the anus). Each chakra has "petals" and a "stem". The stems of the crown and root chakras open into the central energy network and form a single whole with it. The remaining chakras are located along this energy thread. They have petals that open into the front of the auric field and stems that radiate into the back of the auric field. Most of the stems remain closed, but the petals are movable and open and close like the petals of a flower. They move, open and close depending on the various life situations and feelings that we experience. When a chakra is mobile, it is healthy. This kind of mobility is not something that is taken for granted. There may be situations in which the mobility of the chakras is no longer optimal, the energies are not flowing properly, and as a result, that chakra in a given situation may become blocked.

Blocked chakras are not uncommon. These blockages can be caused by a variety of things—usually long-term processes. A serious injury or a collection of smaller injuries affecting a particular chakra can also cause loss of mobility and quickly lead to blockage. Gradual hardening of the chakra can also occur, in which the chakra becomes blocked, for example as a result of an attack. So, with the exception of severe injuries, the process of the chakra losing its ability to open and close depending on life situations is generally gradual and extended.

We can compare the work of a healthy chakra to the work of a valve. It closes and opens when needed. It does not open to allow unwanted energy or negative reactions to pass through, but filters it out. It can open up to meet the appropriate and correct energy. Therefore, not only the ability of the chakra to open is important, but also its ability to close when necessary.

These amazing abilities of the chakras, as mentioned above, can be impaired as a result of strong traumatic influences, but there are also additional factors that affect the chakras: regular use of drugs and medications, abuse of alcohol and tobacco, regular or long-term use of anesthesia. After local or general anesthesia, the chakras require immediate treatment and harmonization.

In such situations, the chakras may remain open - leaving the person extremely vulnerable and sensitive to external influences - or they may gradually harden and close, causing the person to lose certain abilities and sensations.

Such situations can be corrected with treatment and color therapy (to which the chakras respond well). However, the main impact on the chakras can be achieved through self-healing, which includes awareness, contemplation (especially colors and movements) and controlled breathing.

Do you want to live a vibrant life and realize all your dreams? To do this, it is necessary to increase energy. How to energize your chakras?

What are chakras?

Chakras¹ are human energy centers that are natural batteries and transformers. Entering the body, free cosmic energy is transformed through the chakras into mental energy suitable for human life. To fill with energy, you need to charge your chakras.

The more energy contained in the chakras, the more active they become, and the more active the chakras, the greater the potential capabilities manifest in them, which is undoubtedly important for personal self-development and spiritual growth.

There are many different techniques and methods to charge the chakras and become energized.

How to charge your chakras?

The first way to charge the Muladhara chakra:

All chakras are located on the inside of the spine. Relax your entire body and focus on Muladhara. Close your eyes. You can mentally pronounce the mantra “LAM” - this is the mantra of the Muladhara chakra.

1. Sit on the floor on your heels. Palms are on the hips.

2. Inhale, lean forward, bending your lower back. Exhale, lean back.

3. With each exhalation, pronounce the mantra “LAM”.

The exercise should be repeated several times. Pose - sitting, back straight, legs crossed, hands clasped together. If you are sitting on a chair, it should be hard.

After some time, you will feel a swelling in the tailbone area. Some may feel as if something is aching or twisting. This is also a feeling of chakra.

Soon you will see the color of the chakra. Sitting with your eyes closed, concentrating on the chakra, mentally saying “LAM”, you will suddenly see a spinning vortex of red color that rotates clockwise. Vision occurs on a subconscious² level.

Try to remember the color and shape of the vortex. Pure, even color, absence of deformations and inclusions indicates that the Muladhara chakra is in normal condition.

A dirty color, a distorted shape, or the presence of inclusions indicate that the chakra is clogged, that the lower energy layer leaves much to be desired.

You can develop the chakra in the manner described above by pronouncing the mantra “LAM”.

Second way:

Mentally you need to enter the chakra and exhale energy there. Inhale through the nose, exhale into the chakra.

Third way:

You need to sit down, as stated above. Imagine a small ping pong ball on the tip of your nose and mentally make it rotate counterclockwise. Breathe with your stomach, as you inhale, mentally pronounce the syllable “SO”, and as you exhale, “HAM.”

After some time, you will feel a swelling in the tailbone area. The color of the chakra will not be visible, it must be called with a mantra.

First waycharging Svadhisthana chakra:

Hold your ankles with your hands and take a deep breath.

3. Lean forward with your chest out.

3. Exhale, simultaneously arching your back and moving your pelvis forward, resting on your sit bones.

Repeat the exercise several times, reciting the mantra if desired. Mentally descending from top to bottom, enter the spine at the level of the pubis. The mantra is “YOU.” An orange vortex will appear.

Second way:

As in the case of Muladhara, you need to mentally enter the chakra and exhale the energy.

Third way:

Imagine a small orange ping-pong ball on the tip of your nose and spin it counterclockwise. Fullness, heaviness or other sensations will appear in the lower abdomen, at the level of the pubis, and on the sides of the abdomen.

You can do the following experiment: pose as in the first case, eyes closed. Mentally say “Jehovah” or “Yahweh” - Svadhisthana will respond. It is better to do experiments when the chakras are already a little developed.

Fourth way:

1. Lie on the floor and prop yourself up on your elbows.

2. Raise your feet to a height of 30 cm from the floor. Spread your legs and inhale.

3. Exhaling, cross your legs at knee level: your legs should be straight.

Repeat the exercise several times, then raise your legs even higher, and again repeat the same exercise several times. You need to do the exercise until your legs are at a height of 70 cm from the floor. Then gradually lower your legs, performing the same movements. Rest and repeat the exercise several more times.

How to charge the Manipura chakra?

1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.

2. Grab the front of your shoulders with your fingers and the back with your thumbs.

3. Inhale and turn your body to the left; exhaling, turn to the right. Breathe deeply and slowly.

The back must be straight. Repeat the exercise several times in both directions. Rest for one minute and repeat the exercise on your knees.

How to charge the Anahata chakra?

1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Place your straight fingers on the heart area, spreading your elbows wide to the sides.

2. Move your elbows like a saw.

3. Pull your arms to your chest. Breathing should be slow and deep.

Repeat the exercise while sitting on your heels. This increases your energy level.

How to charge Vishuddha chakra?

1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Hold your knees firmly with your hands, keeping your elbows straight.

2. Start to gradually bend the spine in the thoracic region.

3. When moving forward, inhale, when moving backward, exhale. Repeat several times and rest.

4. Now bend your back, simultaneously raising your shoulders as you inhale and lowering them as you exhale. Repeat several times.

5. Inhale and stand still with your shoulders raised. Relax and repeat this exercise while sitting on your heels.

How to charge the Ajna chakra?

1. Sit on the floor, cross-legged, and wrap your fingers around your throat.

2. Inhale, hold your breath, tense your stomach and sphincter, trying to squeeze the energy upward, like toothpaste from a tube.

3. Release the energy through the crown, raising your arms above your head, interlocking your fingers. Repeat the exercise.

Repeat it again while sitting on your heels.

First charging methodSahasrara chakra:

1. Sit on the floor, cross your legs and raise your outstretched arms above your head.

2. Interlace all fingers except the index fingers, which should be raised up.

3. Inhale, drawing in the navel and pronouncing the syllable “SAT”.

4. Exhale, saying “NAM” and relaxing the navel. Breathe this way at a fast pace for several minutes.

5. Then inhale and squeeze the energy from the base of the spine to the top of the head, first tensing the sphincter muscles and then the abdominal muscles.

6. Hold your breath.

7. Then slowly, maintaining muscle tension, exhale. Relax and unwind.

If you do not like the mantra "SAT NAM", then use the mantra as you wish. Repeat the exercise while sitting on your heels. Rest. Repeat the exercise without saying the mantra. Instead, breathe vigorously through your nose.

Second way:

1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.

2. Raise your arms to a 60-degree angle, straightening your wrists and elbows. Palms face up.

3. Vigorously, snoring, breathe through your nose for one minute.

4. While inhaling, hold your breath, quickly draw in and relax your stomach 16 times.

5. Exhale and relax. Repeat the exercise 2 or 3 times.

High energy is a person’s vitality, an indicator of well-being, good health, readiness to overcome obstacles and go towards the intended goal. By increasing your energy, you increase your personal potential. The best way to increase your energy is to charge your chakras. Practice and see how your life changes.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psychoenergetic center in the subtle body of a person, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (vital energy) flows, as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

² Subconscious is an outdated term used to designate mental processes that occur without their reflection in consciousness and in addition to conscious control (

Chakra energy


A person has seven energy centers (chakras). Each center is a prana condenser (of which the most powerful energy condenser is Manipurachakra). In each chakra, in addition to accumulation, prana is also transformed into its specific type, which differs from each other in wavelength. The frequency of vibration in the chakras increases from the lower chakra (Mulad-harachakra) to the upper chakra (Sahasrarachakra), which is also expressed in the colors of the chakras (from red to purple). The first five types of energy, corresponding to the first five chakras, many years ago were designated conventionally by the names of the elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether.
The energy corresponding to the lower chakra (and the element of earth) is the coarsest (with the longest wavelength). The color of this energy (and the color of the chakra) is red. Using this energy, a person performs rough physical work, monotonous, monotonous, and does not require brain work. IN Svadhisthanachakra energy with a shorter ,about full, than in Muladhara chakra. Svadhishthanachakra- sexual energy, the color of energy is orange. IN Manipurachakra the type of energy necessary to control the involuntary functions of the body is produced. The color of energy is yellow. Anahatachakra- creative energy on which people of art work: musicians, artists, writers. The frequency of this energy (and accordingly the vibration frequency of the chakra) is at the lower limit of the frequencies of the invisible plane of existence, the so-called astral plane. The color of energy is green. If the three lower chakras work in the material plane (at the level of the physical and etheric bodies), then the upper chakras starting from Vishud-khachakras they work in the immaterial plane (at the level of the astral body and the corresponding energy field). Anahatachakra(heart chakra) - the center of connection between two planes. And this is reflected in the position of the chakra: in the main energy flow moving along the path in the form of a figure eight, the chakra is located at the intersection of streams, on the border of two halves of the figure eight, one of which is in the material, and the other in the astral plane. Powered by energy Anahatachakras, a person, as it were, draws ideas and images from the flow of information in the astral plane and brings them down to the material (physical) world. (Inspiration, during which the artist ceases to notice the physical world around him, is the cognition of information in the astral plane. Any talented work of art differs from the work of a craftsman in that it is created in the presence of inspiration.) It should be noted that the astral plane is a fourth-dimensional space. Living in three-dimensional space, a person perceives volumes or shapes, he has a present and a future, he can predict events (if he does not know what awaits him, a stressful situation arises). Four-dimensional space can be represented as a fixed point where time and space merge, in it you can see both the shape of an object and what is inside this object, that is, the unity of form and content occurs (in humans, the point of the fourth dimension, according to yogis , is located in the Sahasrarachakra; upon reaching Kunda-lini-Shakti From this chakra, a person enters the state of Samadhi and, having learned the essence of things, acquires unlimited knowledge). Energy corresponding Vishudhachakra, creates sensually colored images. When communicating, people release energy clots from their biofield in the form of certain images, colored with love, fear, goodwill, and envy (such images begin to live independently of people; each image has a certain lifespan, after which it disintegrates). The color of energy is blue. Energy Ajnachakras are the energy of images without sensual coloring. Architects and sculptors can work on this energy. Color energy-blue. The energy of the Sahasrarachakra is white. This is the energy of abstract thinking of the highest level (in which forms disappear, only content remains). Philosophers can work on this energy.


This exercise increases the body’s bioenergy several times, and, as many years of research experience shows, the body’s internal reserves are activated and its self-healing occurs at the cellular level.

The exercise is performed standing in the priest's pose or sitting in the coachman's pose (see picture).
As you inhale: mentally imagine that billions of particles of cosmic energy - the energy of vigor, life, health and longevity - arrive at your fingertips, opening bioenergetic gateways (biologically active points) on them. At the same time, you feel a slight tingling sensation, a weak current, creeping goosebumps, etc.
As you exhale: send energy inward, filling your hands.
As you inhale: send even more energy to your fingertips.
As you exhale: send energy inward, filling your arms to the elbows.
As you inhale: again send energy to the gateways at your fingertips.
As you exhale: the energy goes inward, filling the palms, arms to the elbows, to the shoulders.
As you inhale: take even more energy and send it to your fingertips.
As you exhale: the energy goes inward, passes through the arms, filling the shoulders and neck.
As you inhale: take even more energy and send it to the open gateways.
As you exhale: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck and face from top to bottom. At the same time, perform self-hypnosis according to the formula: “The face is smoothed, rejuvenated and begins to glow with a pleasant matte light.”
On inhalation: an even stronger flow of energy flows to the fingertips.
As you exhale: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck, through the face, filling the Ajna chakra (from the base of the cone to the top), filling the frontal lobes.
As you inhale: a powerful flow of energy flows to your fingertips.
As you exhale: energy passes through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, (Ajna chakra, Sahasrara chakra) filling the back of the head (the hollow - the memory center). At the same time, perform self-hypnosis using the formula: “My memory is strong, capacious, I remember everything I need, and I can remember everything without difficulty.”

On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face fills the brain (two upper chakras) and descends down the spinal cord to the tailbone, touching the tops of the cones of all chakras (Ajna, Vishuddhi, Anahata, central, Manipura, Svadhisthana, Muladhara) , strengthening them.
On inhalation: again a powerful flow of energy flows to the fingertips.
On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital region, neck enters the base of the cone of the Vishuddhi chakra and descends down the bases of all chakras, simultaneously filling all internal and genital organs, toning the functioning of organs and chakras.
On inhalation: an even more powerful flow of energy flows to the fingertips.
As you exhale: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, back of the head, through the bases of the chakra cones, all internal and genital organs fills the legs to the feet with a soft wave.

And finally, having collected energy as you inhale, send it as you exhale throughout the entire circuit, filling the soles of your feet (they contain biologically active points corresponding to various internal organs).

After the exercise, bring your hands together for 5-6 seconds.


This exercise is especially useful for those who practice bioenergy treatment, massage, acupuncture, as well as people with a weak nervous system who are susceptible to stress. As a rule, during stress, energy is released from the body, resulting in an imbalance in energy balance. In people who know how to accumulate energy, during a stressful situation, energy is replenished from the energy accumulator and the balance is not disturbed (Fig.).

The exercise is performed standing in the priest's pose or sitting in the coachman's pose, facing north with eyes closed. The exercise is performed on the count of seven.
As you inhale: send a powerful stream of energy to your fingertips.
As you exhale: counting “one, two, three,” send energy through your hands to the base of the Manipura chakra cone (lower abdomen), screwing it counterclockwise to the top of the cone (fifth lumbar vertebra).
On inhalation: even more energy flows to the fingertips.
As you exhale: this is already a count of four, send energy to the base of the Manipura chakra cone and lower it down, passing the center of the base of the cone Svadhisthana chakras and then send it to the base of the Muladhara chakra cone, twisting counterclockwise to the top of the cone (at the tailbone).
As you inhale: gather a flow of energy and send it to your fingertips.
As you exhale: count “five” - send energy to the Manipura chakra, through the Svadhisthana, Muladhara chakras (according to the previous scheme) and lift it up the spine to the top of the Anahata chakra cone. Twist it clockwise towards the center of the base of the cone.
As you inhale: again take the energy and send it to your fingertips.
On exhalation: count “six” - send energy to the Manipura chakra, lower it down through the Svadhisthana and Muladhara chakras, then follow the pattern to the Anahata chakra and lift it up the spine through the tops of the cones of the Vishuddha, Ajna chakras to the Sahasrara chakra. At this moment, in people who have mastered this exercise well, a thin crescent of energy appears on the right side at a short distance from the head at approximately an angle of 45°.
As you inhale: take the flow of energy and send it to your fingertips.
As you exhale: count “seven” - the energy, having passed through the entire circuit, descends through the bases of the cones of all chakras again to the base of the cone of the Maiipura chakra - the accumulator of internal and external psi energy.

From ancient Sanskrit "chakra" translated as "wheel". Seven main chakras are responsible for our lives. They are located along the spinal column. Each of the chakras has its own functions. Some are responsible for physical health. Others are for mental development. Still others - for the person’s state of mind.

All seven chakras are located in. From the center of each chakra comes a kind of stem that connects it to the spine. Thanks to this, the chakras gain access to Sushumna. This is the most important energy channel running along the entire spine. It goes from below to the human head and is a connecting link between the energies of the Cosmos and the Earth.

Chakras and calm- these are two different things. You will never see chakra frozen in place. Like our organs, the chakra “lives” its own life. It constantly rotates and vibrates. This helps her attract universal energy and transmit it through channels into the human body.

Each chakra rotates either to the right or to the left. Turning to the right gives yang masculine energy. This is willpower, focus on action, sometimes aggression and thirst for power. Turning to the left, accordingly, attracts feminine energy. It endows a person with such traits as humility, acceptance of decisions by fate, and weakness in the face of external circumstances.

Some people endowed with supernatural powers are able to recognize the rotations of the chakras. They know how to influence the chakras to change their trajectory. In principle, you can learn this if you really want to.

All chakras are responsible for accepting energy. It comes from everywhere: from the Universe, the surrounding nature, nearby people and even objects. Next, the energy is transmitted through channels to the subtle energy bodies, and then disperses throughout the body.

The manifestation of energy occurs through the root chakra, which operates at the weakest frequencies, as well as through the crown chakra. It is considered the most developed and has the highest frequencies. The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot perceive frequencies directly. Therefore, they are transformed into sensations, thoughts, emotions, and only then are transmitted to both the physical body and subtle bodies.

Responsible for the processes occurring in our body endocrine system. That is why each chakra is inextricably linked with one of the endocrine glands. Thanks to this, a kind of channel is formed through which universal energy flows from the chakras to the physical body. Esotericists call it the energy of life. It received this name for a reason. After all, it is universal energy that helps a person live and develop both physically and mentally.

Sometimes situations arise in our lives in which one or another chakra malfunctions. This can happen both when the chakra is blocked and when it opens extremely strongly. In the first case, the incoming energy becomes insufficient; in the second, on the contrary, the body is oversaturated with it. This leads to disruption of the endocrine glands. And this, in turn, can result in both metabolic failure and very serious diseases.

For the physical body, chakras act as transformers. They receive current coming from higher energy (remember that we are talking about very high frequencies that our body is not capable of perceiving), convert it to a low frequency, and then transmit it to the physical body.

Through chakras a person receives vital energy

Our Universe is an endless source of strength and energy. Every living creature (including humans) draws energy from this source in accordance with its capabilities. Portions of incoming energy depend on the frequencies at which subtle bodies operate. So, one person (more spiritually and mentally developed) can take more energy, another - less. Chakras play a huge role in the functioning of this system. The fact is that the human body cannot withstand the pressure of the original universal energy. If even a drop of it got into our body, all systems would fail. Chakras prevent the force of the Universe from destroying the body. They process incoming energy, lowering and converting its high frequency. Thus, weaker energy reaches the flesh - one that the physical body can absorb without harm to itself.

Like the Universe, a person consists of several layers. The first layer is material. This is our flesh. Next come and layers. Each of them operates at a specific frequency and wave. By the way, if you practice, you can easily change them. If you can do this, you will be able to change your thoughts, control your feelings and emotions, and connect to the Divine. All this is truly possible thanks to a person’s imagination. How to achieve effective work with your subtle bodies? There are many ways. First of all, awareness of yourself in this world will help you. No less effective is expanding consciousness and working with the subconscious. Finally, positive thinking and guided imagination play a significant role in changing your life. By using these methods, you can get rid of negative thoughts, clear your karma and connect to Divine powers.

Human consciousness- this is one of the most powerful tools. He is not limited by the material world, distance, or time. Consciousness knows how to move through all subtle bodies, changing them. Almost such changes occur every minute and every second. The work of consciousness is inextricably linked with energy centers - chakras. If a person concentrates his attention on one of them, his consciousness (whether he wants it or not) begins to work with those organs and areas that are subordinate to the chosen chakra. Working out the chakra helps restore broken energy connections. By concentrating on one chakra or another, you can cure diseased organs and improve your emotional state. How to determine which chakra you need to work with? Very simple. As a rule, a person himself feels on a subconscious level what is wrong in his body. Analyze what problems you think about most often, what you voice, what you focus on. These are precisely the sore spots in your body. Now all that remains is to find out which chakra is responsible for the areas that concern you and start working with it.

By the way, don’t think that by focusing on the problem and thinking about it around the clock, you will solve it. Most likely the situation will be the opposite. Putting more and more energy into thoughts and emotions related to problems will only make them worse. A different approach is needed here - concentration on the chakra. For example, you have problems on the personal front. This means that you need to work with the chakra that is responsible for love. Meditate, balance the chakra, correct it. After some time, the imbalance caused by the malfunction of the chakra will level out. And you will notice how the problems that concern you go away.

Each chakra is unique - it has its own color, sound and element

If we turn to Indian culture, we learn something more interesting about the chakras. It turns out that each energy center has a specific color and sign. Chakras belong to the elements. Each of them has certain properties.

For example, the element of earth is responsible for the functioning of the gonads. It is associated with the first chakra, which is influenced by the planet Mars and is colored red. Ruby also has a beneficial effect on it. If the first chakra is destabilized, it can be balanced by knowing everything described above. For example, buy something red for your apartment, buy jewelry with a ruby, walk barefoot on the ground in the summer.

Surely you remember that chakras are not static. They move, rotate and vibrate. But this is how healthy chakras behave. What about the sick? Their mobility weakens. This causes the flow of energy passing through the chakra to be significantly reduced. If measures are not taken in time, the chakra may become completely blocked.

By the way, blocked chakras are not that rare. Problems with energy exchange can arise for a variety of reasons. For example, a person has suffered a serious injury (or several minor injuries). They affected the field of activity of one of the seven chakras. This led to a decrease in her mobility and blockage. Also, a blockage can appear after a targeted energetic attack on the chakra.

The functioning of a healthy chakra is similar to the functioning of a valve. When energy comes in, it opens, letting in a portion of force (exactly as much as the body needs), and then closes. If negative or unwanted energy approaches the chakra, it filters it. The sick chakra begins to malfunction. It stops closing itself off to bad energy, letting it into the body. Or, conversely, it closes so tightly that no energy (even that which will benefit a person) can leak through it.

In order for everything chakras worked properly, you need to exclude from your life those factors that can lead to their violation. First of all, these are physical injuries. Also, the use of alcohol and drugs, taking medications, smoking, and anesthesia have a negative impact on the functioning of the chakras. If you have undergone surgery (under local or general anesthesia), you can be sure that one (or perhaps several) of your chakras is already impaired. In this case, treatment of energy centers and their gradual harmonization are required.

In the postoperative period, the chakras affected by anesthesia, as a rule, remain open. As a result, a person becomes vulnerable to external factors. The chakras freely allow negative energy into the body, which destroys the subtle bodies. And it also happens that they, on the contrary, harden and close, blocking a person’s opportunity to experience certain sensations and develop any abilities.