Uninstalling Windows 10 language packs

This article shows the steps by which you can remove a language pack in Windows 10 using Windows PowerShell

The operating system is available in many languages, and you can install additional regional packs for each language. This feature allows you to use a specific (primary) language to display the system interface (names of applications, settings, notifications), while maintaining the ability to use keyboard input using an additional regional language (for example, Belarusian, Ukrainian) for applications and websites.

In some cases, if it is not possible to remove primary or additional (regional) language packs using standard methods, you can forcefully remove a specific language pack installed in Windows 10 using the Windows PowerShell console.

However, sometimes if you use multiple languages ​​and need to change the settings, you may find that the option to remove an additional package is not available. For example, this can happen when updating Windows 10.

If the option to remove a language pack in Windows 10 is grayed out in the Windows Settings app, then to remove it using Windows PowerShell, you need to follow the steps below.

as administrator, and then to display a list of languages ​​installed on your device, run the following command:

In the screenshot below, you can see that this device has several language packs installed.

Now, to remove a language pack that cannot be removed using standard tools, or simply remove an unnecessary language pack, run the following commands in turn:

$LangList = Get-WinUserLanguageList
$MarkedLang = $LangList | where LanguageTag -eq "LANGUAGETAG"
In this command, replace " LANGUAGETAG" to the abbreviated name of the language pack that needs to be deleted. In this example, the Ukrainian language will be deleted, this means that instead of "LANGUAGETAG" you need to enter "uk", as shown in the screenshot below.
Set-WinUserLanguageList $LangList -Force

After executing the commands, the language that you could not remove before will now disappear from the system, no reboot or logout is required.

The language will also be removed from the list of keyboard layouts.

If you are trying to remove the primary language, remember that you need to set the new language as the new default language.

This way you can remove any language pack installed on the system.

In Windows 10, on some client machines there is an extra keyboard layout, basically the English layout is duplicated by the American one, which are no different, but for example, if you switch the layout from English, you have to press the keys twice to switch to Russian, besides Punto Switcher also does not work correctly and cannot translate the layout correctly. In general, we have identified the problem, now we will solve it, I’ll say right away that I tried two solutions, the first is the simplest, through the settings, adding and then deleting layouts, but after a while the problem returned, and users of the company I provide services again complained about the presence of an extra layout , so we will use the second method of removing unnecessary layouts, by editing the registry.

This is what the extra layout looks like if you click on the language icon next to the clock in the tray

Removing unnecessary keyboard layout through the registry

To launch the Registry Editor, the easiest way is to write its name in the “Run” console, Windows 10 does not show it in the menu, it can be called with hot keys WIN+R

or click on the “search” icon next to start, and write “Run” in Russian

The Registry Editor will open, we need to follow this path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

and create a new “String parameter” by right-clicking on an empty space. I have already created it, and marked with the number “3” in the screenshot below.

With the value “1” like this in the screenshot

After that, click “Ok” and you can restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

As soon as the computer boots, you can check that there are no unnecessary language layouts

Now we don’t have any extra layouts on our computer, and switching languages ​​happens with one press of the keys to change layouts on Windows 10

Windows supports multiple languages. Now it even allows you to install multiple languages ​​on your PC. You can use it for display while others can use it for input. However, Windows 10 also supports the ability to quickly change languages, making it convenient to switch between them while typing. This sometimes becomes a problem for many. They can't remove language in Windows 10 1803 from the language bar. Let's look at a method that will help you get rid of unnecessary language packs in the system.

How to remove a language in Windows 10

In the Start menu search, type PowerShell right click on it in the search results and select " Run as administrator." Type or copy the following command into the PowerShell prompt and press Enter.


  • After entering this command, note the " LanguageTag", specified for the language you want to remove. You will need this in the next step. For example, I will remove the extra Belarusian language ( be).
  • Next, enter each command individually by pressing Enter. Replace in the team "be" to your language that you want to delete.

Hello friends. Windows is designed in such a way that not all languages ​​can be removed from it. You can translate the system interface into another language as much as you like, change location information as much as you like, but the current language of the system and the one that was listed in its distribution or that was specified during installation in multilingual assemblies cannot be removed in a usable way using the usual system settings. And after updating Windows 10 to the April 2018 Update, another problem was added - regional language packs in the form of system languages, but with keyboard layouts of other languages. How to remove an unnecessary language from Windows 10 that cannot be removed using the usual system tools?

1. Alternative tool to remove languages ​​in Windows 10

After the implementation of the April 2018 Update, language settings disappeared from the Dozens control panel. Now the Settings application is the only place where it is possible to work with usability language settings. We already talked about this a little earlier, in an article about. If an unnecessary language is not removed due to problems in the operation of the Settings application or due to some system errors, you can resort to the alternative that still remains in the system - the standard lpksetup utility. We launch it using the “Run” command.

Select “Remove interface languages”.

Check the box next to which one needs to be deleted. Click “Next”.

And we try to remove the unnecessary language. But, friends, this is just an alternative to the functionality for managing language packs in the Settings application. This method does not solve the issue of removing the regional language packs mentioned above. The lpksetup utility simply will not see such packages as separate system languages. You will have to deal with them using other methods.

2. Regional language packs in Windows 10

In the Windows 10 environment, updated to the April 2018 Update, in addition to the main Russian-language package, there may be additional packages with the Russian language for other countries - Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. Such packages provide Russian as the system language, and Russian as the layout – symbols of the selected country. Those. the system interface (names of applications, settings, notifications) is displayed in Russian, and keyboard input is carried out in Ukrainian, Moldavian, Belarusian, etc. Such regional packs with our participation are added in the same way as regular language packs.

But in some cases they may appear in the system themselves. Regional packages are essentially the same as adding layouts from other countries. It’s just that this analogue turns out to be somewhat problematic. Firstly, looking at the language bar in the system tray, you will not understand which input method is currently active - Russian or another country. Both are displayed as “RUS”. Secondly, once we install a Russian-language package for another country, we will no longer be able to get rid of it. Let's open the language settings of Windows 10.

The deletion function is not available for the Russian-language package of another country.

Regional Russian is firmly glued to the system and is not removed even when the system language is translated into English or any other language. Since Russian is the language of the Windows distribution. The situation is similar with other languages: English, Spanish, Arabic and other common languages ​​exist not only in the form of a main language pack, but also in the form of additional regional packs for countries where these languages ​​are spoken.

There are two ways to get rid of regional language packs:

The first is that an unnecessary language can be removed from the input methods by editing the registry so that it does not hang around in vain when switching layouts;

Second, an unnecessary language can be completely removed from the system using PowerShell.

3. How to remove non-removable language from input methods using the registry

If we remove the regional language from the input methods, it will not disappear from the Settings app, but it will not appear in the language bar in the system tray. Well, and, accordingly, it will not interfere with switching languages ​​and layouts while typing. This is done using the Windows registry.

Having opened the registry editor, first of all we export its state. Exporting the registry can be useful if you suddenly need to get everything back.

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload

In our case, the “Preload” folder has three items:

Parameter 1 with the value 00000419 is the basic Russian input method;

Parameter 2 with value 00000409 is the English input method;

Parameter 3 with the value 00002000 is the method for entering Ukrainian, that same regional language that cannot be deleted.

We actually need to remove the last parameter.

If more languages ​​and layouts are installed in the system, in order not to make a mistake, you can either remove them for a while or find help on the Internet based on their meaning. But even if we make a mistake, we remember to export the registry state. We just import the REG file and do everything all over again.

After the completed operation, re-login to the system. Input methods should no longer contain unnecessary language, which we removed using the registry. By the way, we will no longer be able to install it from the Microsoft Store.

4. How to remove a non-deletable language using PowerShell

To completely remove a non-deletable language, run PowerShell as an administrator. First we need to display a list of languages ​​installed on the system. Enter the command:
