The meaning of wax figures in divination. Interpretation of the meaning of figures when divining about the future on wax. The meaning of the figures of letters and numbers when divining on wax

Wax divination is one of the oldest Slavic traditions. Since ancient times, all unmarried girls have been looking forward to the beginning of Christmas time - holidays that began on Christmas (January 7) and ended with Epiphany (January 19). The most favorable day for looking into the future was considered the night before Christmas. According to folk legends, it was at this time that the line between our world and the other world was thinnest.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the choice of a place for divination on wax. At the time of our great-grandmothers, there was a belief that all evil spirits live in the bath, so it was she who was most often chosen for the ritual. It is also believed that spirits live in all sorts of transitions (door jambs, thresholds, corners, etc.). The strongest such magical transitions are the crossroads and midnight.

The meaning of divination on wax lies in the fact that you turn to the most powerful conductors of information - water and wax. This ritual turned into a whole esoteric science, which is called "keroscopy" - from the Greek "keros" ("wax"). Therefore, it is necessary to use natural beeswax, as well as purified water (previously it was melted snow, now distilled is suitable).

Do you want to know what fate has prepared for you? To do this, it is not necessary to have superhuman abilities - melted wax will tell you what to expect from the near future! And “reading” the signs of fate is very simple. You can learn this in just 5 minutes. The choice is yours: either waste them, or read our article and lift the veil of your own future.

How to guess on wax?

So, let's go directly to conducting fortune-telling on wax and its interpretation. For the ritual you will need:

  • bowl or saucepan filled with cold water
  • about 50 grams of beeswax
  • small bowl or bowl for melted bee products

Before starting fortune-telling, the wax should be melted. It is most convenient to do this in a water bath. This process will take from 20 to 60 minutes depending on the size of the piece. But prepare everything you need for the ritual in advance, because the melted wax quickly hardens.

In addition, think in advance about the question that you want to ask otherworldly forces. It can relate to the love sphere, material well-being, or any other topic. The main thing is to clearly formulate the question in your head.

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There are a few more rules that are important to follow when doing fortune telling:

  • There must be absolute silence in the room. It is best to guess all alone, but it is allowed to invite women with whom you are related by blood: mother, grandmother, sister, etc.
  • before the ritual, you need to wash, put on clean clothes and let your hair down.
  • fortune-telling is an appeal to otherworldly forces, so you need to get out of the protection of religion: for example, remove icons or remove a pectoral cross.
  • during the event, you can not cross your arms and legs - it is believed that because of this you can close yourself from information. For the same reason, you need to take off things that encircle you: belts, rings, bracelets and other possible ones.

If you have followed the above rules and prepared everything you need, it's time to find out your future.

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Place a bowl or pot of cold water in front of you. Take the bowl of melted wax in your right hand. Close your eyes, free your mind from extraneous worries and mentally ask a question of interest. Then tilt the bowl of wax and pour the contents into the water. The bee product will instantly harden, taking a peculiar shape. It is she who will be the long-awaited answer to your question.

Read about the interpretation of divination on wax in the next paragraph of the article.

You can buy wax directly from our apiary "Svіy honey":

The meaning of the figures

Each figure has its own meaning. We will give you examples of the most common "signs of fate" and their interpretation. If you don't find what you're looking for on our list, don't worry. Just connect the logic and you will understand what this or that form is talking about.

Interpretation of divination figures on wax:

  • angel - it's time to take the initiative and take life into your own hands. Perhaps it is already worth leaving the parental home or changing a job that has long been boring?
  • butterfly - always brings good news with it. Such a sign can mean for you a new relationship, an early marriage, the birth of a child, or climbing the career ladder - in any case, this will bring you happiness.
  • bow - you should pay attention to relationships with loved ones. Tie this bow tighter and it will become your salvation in difficult times.
  • pancake - promises to be careful in a love relationship. Take a closer look at your chosen one. Perhaps his intentions are not as serious as you think.
  • mushroom - life promises you good health and longevity.
  • guitar - attention, a real romantic adventure awaits you soon! So get ready in advance, you never know how the evening will end.
  • the dove is the messenger of peace. Perhaps soon you will settle a serious conflict or restore a long-standing relationship.
  • tree - soon you will need all your stamina and willpower. Difficulties loomed on the horizon - be prepared to meet them with dignity.
  • home - such a sign means strength in family relationships. Sometimes it also means the imminent acquisition of your own home.

  • hare - be careful, danger! Be careful in dealing with people. Your intuitive fears are not in vain.
  • star - your cherished dream will come true soon. So feel free to ask fate for whatever you want!
  • snake - You underestimate your enemies. They are much more dangerous than it seems at first glance.
  • the key is an approving sign of fate. Everything that you have in mind will definitely come true.
  • wheel - fortune is on your side, so feel free to take risks!
  • the ring is the most desired prediction for every girl, which means a quick marriage. Perhaps your young man is already considering how to propose to you.
  • ship - your life is about to change. What they will be - good or bad - only a fair wind will show.
  • crown - a prediction with two sides of the coin. On the one hand, soon you will be given power, which brings prosperity and luxury. On the other hand, you will be entrusted with a great responsibility associated with this power.
  • a cat is a sign of treachery, betrayal. On which side of the barricades you will find yourself is unknown.
  • the cross is a messenger with bad news. Someone from your environment will suffer a serious illness or even death.
  • circles (3 or more figures) - soon you will find an improvement in material well-being. Be alert to job offers or other signs of fate.
  • sheet - your well-being is the envy of someone from your inner circle. Be ready for anything, even the most insidious intrigues weaving against you.
  • baby - means the happy birth of something new: be it a child or a new project at work.
  • scissors - soon you will have to ruthlessly cut off the past. It may be hard, but necessary for a brighter future.
  • clouds - it's time to remember old unrealized dreams. Perhaps you dreamed about the glory of the singer since childhood? Or have you long wanted to quit your unloved job to become a writer? Right now!
  • fire - soon temperament and spontaneity will prevail over you. But remember, fire is not to be trifled with. It can either lead you to a new passionate relationship or ruin your whole life.

  • hourglass - it's time to show character and finally make an important decision that you have been putting off for a long time.
  • stripes - such a sign is a harbinger of a long journey. Perhaps soon you will have a long business trip, vacation or even moving.
  • a rose is a sign of love. Pure, sincere and mutual. If your heart is not yet filled with passionate feelings, then soon you should expect this.
  • hand - such a sign can promise different things, depending on its position. For example, an open palm means that you have real friends and you can rely on their support. A clenched fist indicates hostility and aggression towards you.
  • fish - she is silent, but listens. You should do the same. Talk less, listen more to the advice of wise people. They will guide you on the right path.
  • heart - of course, means love. But what? Clear contours of the figure are a good sign that your relationship will be happy. But the twisted form does not promise anything good - perhaps your heart is broken or you should beware of this.
  • arrow - is an unequivocal answer to your question. The tip turned up means a firm "yes". A lowered or angled arrowhead tells you no.
  • man - means exactly what it depicts. Soon a new person will knock on your life. Whom he will become for you - a friend, lover or teacher - time will tell.
  • egg - a new life cycle. It can mean anything: internal changes in you, the birth of a child, or a new step on the career ladder.

Optionally, the form that the wax will take will accurately display this or that figure. She can only resemble her. Here it is important to show imagination and the ability to "read between the lines."

Video "About divination on wax"


Wikipedia: Christmas divination, Wax

From time immemorial, girls and women have tried to "look" into the future, using simple and affordable household items for this. So, fortune-telling on wax and water was extremely popular in Rus', especially at Christmas and Christmas time - just the perfect time for magical rites. Today we will learn how to correctly guess on wax, as well as what attributes will be needed for the ritual. What do the wax figures that solidify on the surface of the water mean? We bring to your attention the most accurate interpretation of wax pictures - in our list you will find the most common options. Guided by our list, you can easily decipher the meaning of many figures, and you can slightly open the mysterious curtain of fate.

Fortune telling on wax and water - the correct interpretation of the figures, with a photo

Christmas divination on wax and water makes it easy to get the most accurate results, while the girl does not have to turn to a healer. The main thing is to stock up on a large candle of a certain color, depending on the nature of your divination. So, a red candle is best suited for love affairs, a gold candle will reveal the financial secrets of the future, and a green one will answer questions about health. In addition, we need a piece of real beeswax, as well as a vessel to melt it - a tablespoon or a coffee cezve. The fourth attribute of the magical rite is a white plate or bowl for obtaining a wax casting in the form of figures of various shapes. And, finally, the main component is water, without which fortune-telling on wax is simply impossible. Many "experienced" fortune tellers advise using baptismal water, but ordinary tap water is also suitable. The candle can be wax or paraffin - at will and possibilities. So, about a day before the start of the ritual, you need to clearly formulate the question that interests you and mentally scroll through it throughout the day.

For fortune-telling on wax, it is best to choose a moonlit night, and carry out the ceremony alone or in the company of a person you trust. How to guess the future with wax? We wait for the sunset and light a candle - if the fire burns evenly and easily, the predictions will definitely please you. To begin with, a piece of wax needs to be warmed in your hands and rolled into a small ball. Then we place the heated warm wax ball in a vessel for melting and heat it with a lit candle - all this time we think about the question, the answer to which you would like to receive from fate. When the wax melts, pour it into a plate of water and wait until it hardens - now you can carefully remove the resulting figure and proceed with the interpretation. It is important to remember that the meaning of the figure can be interpreted in different ways, depending on which side to look at the wax picture. We tried to compile a list of interpretations of the most common symbols (with a photo), the form of which can be taken by molten wax in the process of divination.

  • A mouse - a figurine of this small animal, obtained from wax, is considered an unpleasant sign. So, fate predicts a fortuneteller of losses of a material nature, which will arise due to his promiscuity in business acquaintances. If during divination a wax figure resembling a bat appeared on the water, expect greetings from an old friend or admirer.
  • Snake - in addition to strength and wisdom, the figure can mean the deceit of enemies and enemies, threatening your relationship with your loved one.
  • Hamster - the appearance of this symbol from wax warns that, thanks to his forethought and thriftiness, the fortuneteller will be able to adequately survive possible difficult times.
  • Dolphin is an extremely positive sign, predicting the successful resolution of all problems and overcoming obstacles.
  • Ring - to recognize a wedding ring in a wax figurine promises pleasant changes on the love front. This may be a marriage proposal from a regular admirer or a new promising acquaintance.
  • Bear - this symbol portends the appearance in life of a strong and powerful patron or caring friend. For a young girl, the appearance of a wax bear is considered a favorable sign - fate will give a new acquaintance with a man-future husband.
  • Scorpio - a wax casting in the form of such a poisonous insect means a warning that restraint should be exercised in relationships. If you have a desire to throw out the accumulated negativity against a certain person, the scorpion figurine, when divining on wax, warns you against such a rash step. Otherwise, such intemperance will entail regret and repentance.
  • Turtle - fate tells you that at the moment you need to be calm and careful, avoid unnecessary haste and strong emotions. Go about your daily activities or just take a break from the hustle and bustle, indulging in rest - it’s even useful to be a little lazy.

The most accurate fortune-telling on wax for the future - the meaning of figures and symbols

To conduct the most accurate divination on wax, it is important to choose the right time to get the most accurate results. So, in Rus', they traditionally guessed at Christmas and Christmas time - it was believed that all predictions would come true throughout the year. If you want to know your future next year, when fortune-telling, melted wax should be poured into water in a circle of a container, and not at one point. As a result, a wax chain of several figures appears - we decipher their meaning sequentially, getting a complete picture of events in the coming year. In order for the wax casting to be as accurate and clear as possible, a small mirror should be placed on the bottom of the plate. When pouring water, we direct the stream directly at the mirror - in this case, the information will be concentrated in one place, which will significantly increase the efficiency of divination. When the wax hardens, we begin to interpret the symbolic figures, many of which you will find in the list below.

List of values ​​\u200b\u200bof figures and symbols - for correct divination on wax:

  • Heart - if the wax has frozen in the form of this symbol, great mutual love will "come down" into your life. A wax heart with clear contours indicates that new feelings will bring happiness and joy. But the presence of veins, cracks, as well as an uneven shape portend trouble - perhaps the fortuneteller will be disappointed in the relationship.
  • Lips - this symbol means that your chosen one is extremely sensual and passionate nature. Of course, all his passionate feelings are directed at you.
  • A woman - the fair sex to see such a wax figure promises possible quarrels, scandals and a showdown. For a man, this sign is interpreted as a harbinger of bad intentions on the part of business partners or a loved one.
  • Man - prophesies for the future the need to make an important decision, defend his position or help (protect) another person. For example, you have to pass a regular exam or a driver's license, a speech with a lawyer in court.
  • Bird - a figure on wax predicts imminent news. So, a flying bird promises good news and good luck, as well as the implementation of important work projects and the approval of others.
  • Dog - the appearance of a four-legged friend of a person during divination from wax is considered a good sign, symbolizing the support of a loved one. A dog as a symbol means that the fortuneteller values ​​the bonds of friendship and is ready to help people himself.
  • Swan - a sign predicts a happy family life, loyalty and reliability of a partner. If a girl is guessing for love and the wax has taken the form of a swan, then this means a reliable and calm chosen one. The swan couple frozen in wax symbolizes the long union of two loving hearts.

What do the figures mean when divining on frozen wax - the correct interpretation of the signs

Fortune telling on wax from a candle is considered one of the most popular methods to find out your future. Thanks to water as a powerful information and energy accumulator, you can get the most accurate predictions. Before a magical ritual, you need to properly prepare, then the result will be as truthful as possible. So, guessing is best on wax candles or stock up on a separate piece of wax. In addition, the ceremony must be performed at midnight, all alone - only a domestic cat can be left in the "helpers". According to the rules, a fortuneteller is not allowed to have a belt, bracelets, rings, hair ties, and a pectoral cross. So, what do the figures mean when divining on wax? The correct interpretation of the signs is crucial, so when deciphering the symbols, it is important to focus and discard bad thoughts. We have tried to collect interpretations of the most common picture signs, which are often obtained from hardened wax. The figures obtained as a result of fortune-telling are not allowed to be thrown away - “positive” symbols are stored as a talisman, and “negative” ones must be buried in the ground.

  • Angel - the appearance of this wax figure is considered a happy omen. The fortuneteller expects positive changes in life, as well as the help of higher powers in solving an important task. For a girl, a wax angel means pure and sincere love.
  • Coral - indicates a serene future and a calm life.
  • Boot - a sign portends a quick trip or a long and difficult trip. The wax symbol in the form of a boot or other footwear has the same meaning.
  • Pig - a wax casting in the shape of a pig is considered a good sign, as fate prophesies that you will achieve impressive heights in life and positive changes. Do not succumb to star disease, otherwise there is a risk of losing the favor of higher powers.
  • The fetus of a child is a sign that portends any novelty in life. It can be a new thought or action that will become a catalyst for future changes. Listen to your intuition - it is possible that now you do not even know what exactly awaits you in the future.
  • Fish - when you see such a figure on wax, be prepared for good news related to water. It is likely that an interesting acquaintance with a foreigner lies ahead. The appearance of a fish also portends a meeting with a mysterious, wise and laconic mentor.
  • Worms - if the wax has taken the form of a worm, then fate warns the fortuneteller about possible problems in relationships with others.
  • Droplets - a sign symbolizes financial injections in the form of a repaid debt or other unexpected income. The amount depends on the size of the wax drop - the larger the figure, the more significant will be the "gift" of fate.

The meaning of pictures when divining on wax - the most accurate interpretation of symbols, photo

Figurines made of solidified wax must be carefully removed from the water, especially if the castings are thin and fragile. When starting to interpret the pictures, it is important to tune in correctly - to concentrate and discard unnecessary thoughts. Otherwise, the predictions are unlikely to be deciphered, and fortune-telling will lose its objectivity. How to prepare for the interpretation of symbols? The finished figure needs to be twisted in different directions, carefully examining each one - you may need a mirror. In addition, you can conditionally divide the wax casting into several parts, each of which will tell about the future at a certain time. So, according to the upper part of the figure, you can determine the near future, the right side will tell about upcoming events over the next three years. The shape and picture of the lower part will indicate the events of the present time. And according to the central section of the wax casting, one can judge what is in the soul of the fortuneteller, about his hidden desires and motives. Here is the most accurate interpretation of wax symbols and figures (with photo) - turn on the fantasy and proceed to the mystery of divination!

  • Straight line - the appearance of this symbol indicates that you will soon have to take on a new project.
  • Circle - fate indicates your excessive obsession with a particular issue or problem. Alternatively, wax solidification in the form of a circle can be interpreted as stability in business. If the wax figure resembles an oval, then the fortuneteller can easily realize his desires and dreams.
  • Points - is considered a monetary sign, predicting the receipt of material profit.
  • Spiral - symbolizes the realization of an old dream or the achievement of any goals that were previously considered unattainable.
  • Numbers and letters - the meaning and interpretation of these characters depends on the question asked. For example, this may be the first letter of the name of a loved one or the date that fate reveals to you during fortune-telling.
  • Number 8 - Providence gives a sign of the cyclical nature of positive and negative events in your life, since the "eight" is considered a symbol of infinity.
  • Number 9 - if the wax from the candle froze in the form of a "nine", then this figure has already taken place in your life. Perhaps this is the date of your wedding, the birth of a child, or the conclusion of an important contract - it is likely that new important events will occur in the future related to this figure.

So, fortune-telling on wax and water allows you to find out the future by correctly interpreting the figures and symbols received. What do wax pictures mean in divination? On our pages you will find a list of signs with photos and their most accurate interpretation - good luck to you and may fate please you with happy forecasts and predictions!

Girls have been practicing since ancient times. And there is nothing unusual in this, because you rarely meet a person who would not want to lift the veil of the secrets of the future. However, why, among the many ancient Slavic fortune-telling methods, is fortune-telling on wax and water chosen? The thing is that this practice is considered the most reliable. This is due to the fact that the human subconscious independently determines the fate of the fortuneteller in the wax patterns that formed on the water. And water, by virtue of its energy abilities, only helps in this. Wax is also an energy-information material capable of giving certain information.

A little about the methodology

Divination with water and wax, in essence, is an interpretation of many techniques of casting on water. Previously, it was believed that water never lies, and if you pour wax, tin or another rapidly cooling substance into it, it will instantly provide the fortuneteller with information about his future fate. Today fortune-telling on wax from a candle is a little forgotten. It was supplanted by other, simpler techniques, such as mirrors, wedding rings, and so on. However, knowledgeable people argue that, despite the effectiveness of other practices, divination with water and wax remains the most reliable. But only if they are performed correctly and know the meaning of wax pictures. Fortune telling on wax from a candle is recommended for Christmas or Epiphany. They say that it is on these days that water has the greatest energy. Previously, girls chose certain places for such a pastime, which enhanced the effect of fortune-telling. Most often, a barn, a bathhouse, a canopy, an attic, or a long time ago were used for this. It was also necessary to remove the pectoral cross.

In order for the result to be true, you need to most accurately follow all the rules of divination with water and wax. First of all, this applies to candles. You should not purchase them at a regular hardware store. It is most likely that they sell candles made from paraffin, and only a natural product has a special effect. Therefore, it is better to purchase wax in beekeeping stores. By the way, you can use it because they are also made of wax. The wick inserted into them is carefully removed, and the candle itself is rolled into a ball. It is very important to try not to break the candle. This is due to the fact that a vertically standing object is considered a symbol of the orientation of the desire of a fortuneteller to God. If the candle breaks, then this connection collapses, which means that the interpretation of divination on wax will be incorrect.

In addition, when classic pouring wax is used, it should be in one place. If the picture is blurry, then this means that the desire is formulated inaccurately. With all seriousness, one should also take the choice of water, since it is she who is the transmitter of information. You should not take settled water, because it has absorbed a lot of unnecessary information. Tap water is also not suitable, since this liquid has no energy, it is "dead". It is advisable to use water sacred for Baptism. If there is none, you can draw water from a spring, freeze it and use it only for divination.

In order for the technique to show a more accurate result, it is recommended to put a small mirror on the bottom of a vessel with water and pour wax directly above it. Thanks to the mirror, information will be concentrated in one place and the picture will be clearer. Among other things, it should be remembered that, before starting the interpretation, he must completely abstract from what is happening around him and concentrate as much as possible on the question that occupies him. Otherwise, the answer may be vague, ambiguous.

Classic divination with wax on the water

This technique does not require special preparations, a minimum set is sufficient:

  • iron container with molten wax;
  • cold water;
  • flat saucer;
  • candle;
  • matches.

So, in a saucer pour water, put a mirror. A candle is lit and placed to the left of oneself (from the side of the heart). Having formulated the question, they begin to pour wax into the center of the mirror. The resulting figures will be the answer. After completing the divination on wax, the symbols are taken out of the water and turned over. Information should be viewed from the side that was facing the bottom of the saucer. To do this, the figurine is brought to any vertical surface and the shadow that it casts determines its own future.

candle signs

If you are going to guess, you should pay attention to how the candle burns. Suppose, if it quickly ignited and burns evenly, it means that higher powers agree to help and allow you to slightly open the veil of the future. If she begins to sparkle or hiss, it means that the fortuneteller will soon find out important news. A slowly lit and poorly burning candle is a messenger of bad news. If the candle cannot be lit, then fortune-telling should be stopped immediately. The color of the candle also matters. For example, if they are guessing at a betrothed, it is better to take a red candle when they want to know about health - green. Well, if fortune-telling concerns money, then it is advisable to light a gilded candle.

Divination interpretation

In order to correctly interpret the information received, one should observe the wax from the very beginning: how it pours, what shapes are obtained at the first stage and how they flow into the final result. It is very important to notice exactly which pictures replace each other, as this will give a more detailed answer to the question. The result can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the circumstances, the mood of the fortuneteller and the significance of the question. Some characters have a common meaning and are always interpreted the same way. However, most wax paintings should be considered on a case-by-case basis. This is especially important if the divination was attended by people of different ages or social status.

If a fish falls

So, we begin to interpret fortune-telling on wax. Fish is a good value. It indicates that the fortuneteller will very soon have to hear good news related to water. This figure also means that a laconic wise mentor will appear in your life very soon or has recently appeared. It is very important to listen to his advice.

Fortune telling on wax: heart

Oddly enough, but even a wax heart speaks of love. This sign warns that in the near future the fortuneteller's thoughts will be occupied only with love, everything else will fade into the background. Most likely, the chosen one will reciprocate. The shape of the wax heart is also of great importance. Suppose, if the heart is pronounced and has clear boundaries, then the fortuneteller need not worry - love is mutual and will end in marriage. Worse, if the heart is poured indistinctly, has streaks or spreads a little - this is a sign of unhappy love. Such relationships bring only pain and disappointment.

What does tree mean

This fragment shows that the fortuneteller is a purposeful person who has enough internal resources to achieve the task. He will successfully solve all his problems on his own.

If a flower falls

If fortune-telling on wax showed a flower, then in the near future one should expect changes for the better. The fortuneteller will be successful in both financial and love affairs. And it doesn’t matter what kind of flower turned out during casting. Any of them shows the openness of the fortuneteller's soul. If a bouquet of flowers appeared, it means that you have many friends who are sincerely glad to meet you. Unmarried girls most often get a rose. In this situation, the picture speaks of nascent love. You should not push away this feeling, because it is really sincere.

What does the figure of an elephant mean

If an elephant is formed after casting, one can only rejoice. This figure has several meanings, but all are positive. First of all, this symbol indicates that the fortuneteller is a strong-willed person who has a huge supply of vital energy. Things are going well for him, life is completely successful. However, he should pay a little more attention to others, otherwise luck will leave him. This sign also indicates that the fortuneteller has good patrons who are always ready to help and shift some of the problems onto their shoulders. In some cases, a wax elephant indicates a fortuneteller's good physical shape.

If a dog appeared

This is a very good sign. This casting means that next to the fortuneteller there is a real friend who will come to the rescue in any difficult situation. Also, this fragment can characterize the fortuneteller himself, that it is he who is a devoted friend, highly appreciating the existing relationship. Sometimes a wax dog is a kind of clue that you can solve any problem with friends.

What does snake mean

This symbol can be interpreted in different ways, depending on life circumstances. Sometimes a snake is a sign of wisdom and strength, and in some cases a warning of danger. On the one hand, the snake indicates the fortuneteller's ability to find a way out of any trouble. On the other hand, it warns of the appearance in the life of a fortuneteller of treacherous people who will bring misfortune. Perhaps already at the moment you have problems caused by the insidious people around you.

What does the figure of the embryo say

Most often, such fortune-telling can be interpreted as the birth of something new. Perhaps the fortuneteller has conceived some business and wants to complete it as soon as possible. Also, the embryo may indicate pregnancy, that is, the birth of a new life.

If a squirrel falls out

In nature, this is a very thrifty animal. In this regard, such a picture speaks of the fortuneteller's love for everything material. It may also indicate that you are ready for any life difficulties.

abstract pictures

Any letters, numbers or symbols usually indicate important dates or certain names. Such an interpretation can do a good job when it comes to the name of the betrothed.

The line means the beginning of a business. If it is straight, then everything will end well, if it is zigzag, problems will be observed.

If the wax does not spread and the figure in the water resembles a dot, then in the future the fortuneteller expects material well-being, unexpected wealth.

Probably everyone has heard about the ability to predict the future by wax melted in water. This way to lift the veil of secrecy over one's fate was well known even in the territory of Rus'. Many years have passed since then, but fortune-tellers still successfully use the meaning of figures when divining on wax to find out what awaits a person. Let's get acquainted with the most common symbols that can form from a melted candle on the surface of the water surface. But first, let's remember the rules for fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on wax: rules for conducting

Fortune telling on wax and water is quite simple. However, in ancient times, it was considered unsafe for novice witches to conduct it, since the interaction of two warring elements - fire and water, could lead to unpredictable consequences. Today, predicting the future from melted wax can be easily done at home. To do this, you will need a wax candle (namely, wax, not paraffin!) And a bowl or glass of water.

For divination, it is necessary to light a candle and hold it over a container of water until the melted wax flows into the water. When the candle burns out completely, you need to wait for the final solidification of the wax mass, and then consider the resulting figure in order to interpret its meaning. That's the whole secret of divination on wax and water. Everything is very simple, isn't it?

How to read the values ​​of the figures correctly?

The question of what fortune-telling on wax means in a particular case must be considered individually. First, you can rely on existing archetypes. This is done very simply. We look at the figure and select associations. For example, what do you associate a bouquet of flowers with? With a gift, a holiday, a love date? We can say that a bouquet of flowers in fortune-telling on wax will inform you that a gift, a romantic meeting or some kind of celebration awaits you. It all depends on how you personally perceive this symbol.

And what words can be associated with such an animal as a dog? Loyalty, devotion, true friendship? A fox can mean deceit and cunning that you will have to face, a bear - strength, reliability, endurance, a bee - diligence, a gate - the beginning of something new, etc. The most important thing with this method is to connect your intuition, how this is done when working with tarot cards.

The second way to decipher fortune-telling on wax is to use the already existing classical interpretations. Why did they become classic? Probably because for many people the predictions came out in a similar way. I must say that very often the first and second methods overlap. But sometimes it is different. For example, some people associate a snake with wisdom, and someone believes that its appearance indicates the presence of envious people who "spit poison." Therefore, to begin with, even before fortune-telling, decide which technique suits you personally. Either you interpret the figures the way the majority does, or you don't use any hints and force your own intuition to work.

The meanings of the most common figures in divination on wax

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the meanings of the figures in divination on wax and water. Naturally, in the table we include only those symbols that occur most often. If some non-standard figure appeared in your case, think about what it is associated with for you personally and derive your own interpretation.

Figure Interpretation
Heart Great love, romance, imminent marriage
Bird Receiving information, important news (usually positive)
Tree We interpret according to the position of the branches. If the branches tend upward - fortunately, joy, longevity. If omitted - to dangerous offers, risky actions, illness
Flower or bouquet of flowers Flowers in fortune-telling on wax mean harmony, growth in popularity, the appearance of fans, gifts, an imminent holiday
Elephant Fortitude, perseverance, goal achievement, help from loved ones
Cat Betrayal by those you trust, a black streak in life
Fish Pregnancy, good news, new job, getting money, romance
Means of transportation (car, bus, train, plane, ship, etc.) Trips, travel, change of scenery, new experiences, work related to business trips
Stork Positive changes in the house, the appearance of a child, the implementation of plans
Squirrel It is necessary to think over your actions in advance, stock up, take care of your future
Angel Patronage of the Higher Forces, spiritual development, change of views, life position
Musical instruments (guitar, balalaika, drum, etc.) Creative work, career growth. Hobby that becomes work, meeting with a person from the world of art
Snail You need to become more active, change something in your life
Turtle Trust fate, do not resist what is happening
Chicken Calm, measured life, stable life
Hare Fear of upcoming events in your personal life or at work
Embryo (embryo) The meaning of the Embryo figure in divination on wax is a new stage in life. If the figure is clear - it will be successful, if it is vague - you need to act carefully
Head You have reached the pinnacle of your development. Now a new world will open before you, full of joy, curiosity, pleasant surprise. Pay attention to people who are nearby, study them.
Numbers Remember the number you see - it will bring you good luck in the near future
The Dragon Turn your plans into reality - everything will definitely work out. If the dragon has two or three heads, use the help of one or two close people
Swan Spiritual purity, chastity, wisdom, nobility, perfection
Ring To marriage or the conclusion of a profitable contract
Horse You have to work hard to achieve what you want.
Scorpion Fight with yourself, revenge, enmity, betrayal, danger of being trapped
Child New joy, positive impulse, curiosity, learning new things
Rooster Family harmony, well-being, good news
Hourglass Do not waste time, it works against you, act!
Spider Skill, dexterity, ability to convince others
Sun A positive outlook on the world, holidays in hot countries. Creativity, the ability to captivate other people
a lion The meaning of the Leo figure when divining on wax is a high position, a strong place, an inner core and the ability to control the situation
Bee or swarm of bees A lot of work, chores, worries
Clouds Dreaminess, contemplation. Need to follow the voice of intuition
Fruit Wealth, improvement of financial situation
Scissors A new goal, the need to rely on one's own strength. You can't make mistakes - the price will be too high
Bridge A dead end, you need to look for compromises, change the situation, look for partners who will help solve problems
Ladder Career advancement
Insect (fly, mosquito, beetle, etc.) Depressed state, fears, complexes
Playing card A difficult situation with a loved one, a relationship that brings more pain than joy
Cup To the appearance in the life of a new person, a meeting with whom will be fateful
Fox Beware of cunning, deceit
Snake The meaning of the Snake in divination on wax can be different. In one case, it is wisdom, healing, useful advice. In the other, the appearance of envious people who strive to "bite"
Wolf To a meeting with a strong and courageous partner in love or work
Hat News that makes you worry, or spending time with intelligent people
Book Learning, gaining new knowledge, solving mysteries (if the book is open)
Wheel Active advancement in all areas of life
Mask To be successful, you need to believe in yourself and show your talents.
Envelope News, turn for the better, news from old acquaintances
Monster Any monster as a symbol when divining on wax symbolizes internal fears, complexes and problems that come out
Scales Stability, balance, financial security of the family, problem solving. If the bowls are not balanced, the problems will drag on for a long time.
Wineglass More radical life changes, new perspectives, impressions, suggestions
Broom, broom You need to put things in order in your own life - only you can handle it
Cross Death of a loved one or relative in the coming year

Fortune telling on wax and water cannot be called too detailed, but it will help you at least slightly open the veil of secrecy over the near future. It is best to spend it on Christmas time or other holidays. It is believed that in this case the prediction will be more accurate.

Wax divination or wax casting is a classic divination method known from ancient times. The method does not require special training and is available to everyone. For its execution, you will need a wax candle, matches, a steel tablespoon, a bowl or a wide container with cold water. We rub the bottom of the candle on a grater into a spoon, melt it to a liquid state on the fire of a lit wick and pour it sharply into water. We consider the resulting wax frozen in water and look for the meaning of the figures in the interpreter.


  1. An angel is a harbinger of good news.
  2. Stork - happiness in family relationships, many children. For creative people, a stork in wax is inspiration, the appearance of masterpieces.
  3. Arch - a change in some of the areas of life.
  4. The car - new opportunities, a new lover.
  5. Shark. “The enemy is preparing to annoy you,” warns fortune telling.
  6. Butterfly - happy and successful changes in life.
  7. Drum - wait for positive news.
  8. Banana - intrigues from colleagues or betrayal of a loved one. A bunch of bananas - problems and unexpected difficulties.
  9. A letter is good news, fuzzy letters are bad news. “Letters with dots - for money,” fortune-telling on wax promises.
  10. Boomerang - everything that you have done will return.
  11. Bow - you have to make peace with whom you quarreled. You may need his help.
  12. Bottle - observe moderation in all matters.
  13. Fan - the interpretation of such figures says that the field for flirting and coquetry is ready.
  14. Rope - difficulties in life, knotted rope - health problems, the meaning of a rope with loops - money problems.
  15. Libra - strive for balance, no need to be nervous.
  16. Scales with a sword, cast in wax, mean problems with the law.
  17. Fork - the presence of these figures means a traitor in a close environment.
  18. Grapes - your talent will bring profit.
  19. Balloon - its meaning is "temporary problems."
  20. Question - you have many doubts.
  21. Paddle. “You are on the right track, do not turn aside,” advises fortune telling.
  22. Dove - harmony in relationships.
  23. Pear - a new novel.
  24. Lips - passion, but not love.
  25. The door is a change in life stages.
  26. Home is happiness and peace in the home.
  27. An acorn in wax means a successful idea.
  28. The star is the fulfillment of desires.
  29. Castle - a new relationship will soon begin.
  30. A bunny is one of the figures denoting cowardice in front of someone or something.
  31. The snake warns of danger.
  32. Square - life stability.
  33. Dagger - betrayal of a friend.
  34. The key is to expect change.
  35. The ring - its interpretation - a celebration, perhaps a wedding.
  36. The ship is a journey.
  37. Crown - achievement of one's own goal, personal success.
  38. A cat is a deception of a close friend.
  39. The cross is the loss of a loved one.
  40. Ladder. “Life will change for the better,” fortune-telling promises.
  41. A face with a smile is happiness.
  42. The meaning of a sad face is a danger threatening from the enemy.
  43. Faces - a fun holiday is coming.
  44. Medusa - you are burdened by the secrets that you keep.
  45. Mask. “You are not confident in yourself, but this is unjustified,” says fortune-telling on wax.
  46. Handcuffs - problems with the law or dependence on something.
  47. Scissors - misunderstanding in a relationship.
  48. Points - a situation or a person will open up to you from a new perspective.
  49. Cloud - interpretation promises problems.
  50. Spider - wait for profit.
  51. Hourglass - finish important things without putting them off until later.
  52. Pyramid - fortune-telling says that some secret is bothering you.
  53. A gun in wax - a quarrel, danger.
  54. Horseshoe - happiness.
  55. Ghost - a meeting with the past, the search for old friends.
  56. The bird is one of the figures denoting positive news.
  57. The fetus in the womb is an early pregnancy or the beginning of a new important project.
  58. An airplane is a journey to distant countries.
  59. Heart - serious relationship, love.
  60. The sickle of the moon - fortune-telling warns of the beginning of a new period in life.
  61. The dog is your devoted friend.
  62. Spiral - beware of scammers.
  63. Arrow - a message with unpleasant sad news.
  64. Chair - career growth, promotion at work.
  65. Drying, bagel, caught in fortune-telling on wax, this is a waste of time for an unworthy person.
  66. Ax - quarrels, problems and misunderstandings with relatives and others.
  67. Shamrock - a great success in life.
  68. Snail - weigh the pros and cons before making an important decision.
  69. Ear - listen to your loved ones, they will not advise bad.
  70. Egg - pregnancy; another meaning is a successful start of new business.
  71. An apple is a forbidden fruit, a temptation.
  72. Anchor in wax - interference that blocks forward movement.

The best time for divination on wax are Christmas time (the days from Christmas to Epiphany) and the night of Ivan Kupala. If there is a change of stages in life, then you can also tell fortunes, but without abusing this way to find out the future.