Ready-made projects of students for grade 1. Summary of the meeting for parents of first-graders on the topic "project activities of a younger student." in its classical sense

Sections: General pedagogical technologies

Working as a primary school teacher, I was always worried about the low level of research skills and the lack of cognitive interest in children in finding answers to questions and problems that arise in the learning process. Having studied the literature on this issue, I came to the conclusion that the most interesting and productive way to stimulate and develop these skills is project activity.

Since I work in a gymnasium environment, but in general education classes, the project activity of my students helps to develop and realize their potential. The age of younger students is favorable in order to maximize their inclinations. I tried to create children's projects in the 4th grade of elementary school, the experience turned out to be very successful, and I continued to work with children already from the 2nd, 3rd grade.

My goal in this work with children was to develop the skill of finding information and developing parent-child relationships. Therefore, I purposefully developed these skills during school and extracurricular time. Because outside the lesson to maintain cognitive interest is much more important than a narrow focus. Although in the educational process, as in any other type of activity, you can always identify a problem or phenomenon that will interest the child, with skillful direction, creation of conditions, you can explore this problem and arrange children's work in a scientific project. The most important point for successful research is the creation by the teacher and parents of conditions in which each student can express himself, his aspirations, abilities, talents. Here, as they say, all means are good. I especially like the fact that parents of younger schoolchildren are involved in the creation of children's works, which is very valuable for the development of parent-child relationships. It is no secret that nowadays parents spend less and less time in the family, they often do not know how to communicate with their children. And the school, first of all, stands up for the development of the child as a person and for the successful work of the triad: teacher-student-parent. It is during the work with the project that feedback is successfully developed, the parent is involved in the life and problems of his child, together with him he learns to open new horizons. It's nice to see how parents, grandmothers and relatives come to support children at school scientific and practical conferences. Such an orientation will undoubtedly continue to contribute to the development and growth of the child as a person.

My most preferred methods of working with children when creating projects, such as: conversation (dialogue), observation, are implemented in the process of joint activities, when I help, direct, outline a work plan together with parents. Sometimes parents themselves can organize the work of children in stages, others need help. Modern information search conditions are multifaceted, starting with newspapers, magazines, and ending with Internet resources, which makes it possible to implement the most ambitious ideas and projects. Naturally, starting work with a child, it is necessary to take into account the individual, age and psychological characteristics of younger students. Student activities can be individual, pair or group. Work is performed within a certain (specified) period of time and is aimed at solving a specific problem. The work of students in this case is built according to the logic of conducting classical scientific research, using the methods and techniques of scientific research that are characteristic of the activities of scientists, but for an elementary school the project can be simplified. Depending on what kind of final product you are planning - to make an illustrated book, map, presentation, craft, publish a wall newspaper, compose a memo, make a cartoon, clear the area of ​​garbage, hold an exhibition, etc., and depends on the study itself. In a children's project, there must be a result, and in a research project

only experiment is important. The types of projects are also different: complex, intergroup, creative, individual, research.

When managing the project activities of schoolchildren, an additional difficulty for the teacher is that there is no identical recipe that allows you to immediately give an unambiguous solution to various problems. Consulting in the process of working on projects requires a wide erudition and high pedagogical skills from the teacher. There are no ready-made solutions. There is only the process of working on the project.

Many experts in this field (Sergeev I. S.) believe that the project is "five P":

Problem-Design (planning)-Search for information-Product-Presentation. The sixth "P" of the project is its Portfolio, i.e. a folder that contains all the working materials of the project, including drafts, daily plans and reports, etc.

An approximate plan for creating a children's project in stages:

1) Preparatory.

2) Approximate.

3) Organizational.

4) Productive.

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to choose a research topic, specify it. I always try to offer the student interesting topics, the most important thing here is to intrigue, interest the child, "infect" with ideas, draw bright prospects for his work in his mind. Approximate topics of school projects can relate to any areas of knowledge, they can be extensive, the main thing is to specify them. For example, the topic "Unclean power in fairy tales" is quite voluminous, but "Koschey the Immortal is the main representative of evil spirits" or "King of Monsters-Basilisk" are more specific. The narrower the topic, the more fruitful the work. Interesting topics of the projects: "Folk Tales", "My Favorite Toys", "Pets", "Magic Objects in Fairy Tales", "My Favorite National Game", etc.

The indicative stage is the definition of the goals and objectives of the project, the choice of a subject or design object. The student must clearly understand what he is designing, for what and why he is doing it. For example, in the Basilisk King of Monsters project, the subject of the project is the Basilisk. This work has this purpose: to prove that the Basilisk is the most important among the monsters.

Project objectives:

Learn information about this Beast.

To reveal in him those characteristic features that make him great among all representatives of evil spirits.

The third stage is the most time-consuming, it involves the organization of work on the project, drawing up a work plan. At this stage, various design methods can be applied, which in turn form and develop search skills. These can be: independent reading, study of books, films on the topic, observation, interview, experiment, access to the global computer network Internet. While searching for information, the student needs to at least briefly study the history of the issue, different points of view on this phenomenon, as a result of which interesting facts are revealed. For example, in the project "Tuvan folk tales", having studied the history of the issue, my student then shared with me, and later with classmates, very rare facts, such as: Tuvan tales were a gift for little ones for the New Year, some storytellers knew up to 300 fairy tales and were welcome guests in every yurt, for the continuous narration of fairy tales on New Year's Eve, residents stocked up food and firewood in advance, etc.

All this causes additional interest and stimulates the younger student to further study the topic.

I especially remember the first project in my practice "King of monsters-Basilisk". The student who was involved in this project interested his classmates in an unknown monster from fairy tales so much that many children began to search for information, then shared their knowledge. The best result could not be expected!

The last stage is the design of the work, preparation for defense, questions. The student must clearly know how to go all the way from choosing a topic to the result of the project in order to successfully present his work.

For a better perception of the work, it is necessary to provide visual illustrations, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, layouts, computer presentations, etc.

Requirements for the design of children's projects can be found in the literature on this topic or on the website of the festival of pedagogical ideas.

The result of my work is that younger students develop the skill of searching for information: the ability to work with literature, the Internet, etc. Children learn to think broadly, act consistently, and achieve their goals. The student already more or less clearly represents the entire structure of the search, he is motivated to study new unknown topics and facts. An invaluable consequence of the development of such a skill is that the younger student enters a new stage of development and can successfully realize himself in his studies at the middle and senior levels. After all, the main thing is that the child develops the skills of independent work in the search and processing of information.

Information sources:

  1. Zemlyanskaya E.N. Educational projects of junior schoolchildren. // Primary school.-2005.-№9.
  2. Sergeev I.S. How to organize the project activities of students.-M., 2005.
  3. Ivanova N.V. Possibilities and specifics of the application of the project method in elementary school. // Primary school.-2004.-№2.

An example of a children's project, completed by a student of the 2nd grade of the gymnasium No. 5 of the city of Kyzyl-Ivanova Dasha.

Project "Barbie is the most popular doll for girls"

1. Introduction.

Nowadays, the most popular toy among young girls, like thousands of years ago, is a doll. In the modern world, the doll is no longer given the same role as before. Previously, the doll was inextricably linked with a person, it was a symbol of procreation, a talisman for a child.

At present, the doll is assigned an interesting role, in which the main place is occupied by the knowledge of the surrounding world. After all, playing with dolls, every girl dreams and realizes her future life in the game. Among my peers there are girls who are very fond of playing with dolls, and I am no exception. The subject of my project was one of the most beautiful dolls of our time - the Barbie doll.

Now there are many different types of dolls.

And the most common doll that all children know is the Barbie doll.

It seemed interesting to me to find, study the history of the emergence of Barbie and convey this information to others.


I believe that almost every girl has a Barbie, and it seems to me that this doll is the most popular.

2) The main part.

Nowadays, every girl knows who Barbie is. This is a favorite toy of girls - a graceful doll with a height of just under 30 cm, with long hair and a beautiful figure.

Barbie loves clothes and cars, always smiles and is happy with life. With it you can play family, home, work, sports - whatever you want. Barbie was born in 1959 in America. Her "parents" are spouses Ruth and Eliot Handler, founders of the Mattel toy company. Together with Japanese designers, they came up with the very Barbie that can be seen in all stores today. And her name, diminutive of Barbara, she received in honor of their own daughter.

American girls, seeing this doll at the New York sale, immediately wanted to have it at home. After all, she was, unlike other toys, immediately an adult. In the first year, 351,000 dolls were sold at three dollars apiece. Gradually, Barbie began to have a variety of outfits, furniture, a house, cars, roller skates, bicycles. In 1961, Barbie was no longer lonely - she had a friend Ken. Barbie became so popular that many famous women wanted to see themselves in the image of this doll. So copies of real people began to be produced. Popular singer Madonna, for example, ordered as many as five dolls that look like herself.

Outfits for Barbie today are sewn by the most famous fashion designers. For her, there are jewelry (including very expensive ones). Barbie has a luxurious house, a family with a small child, many cars and even a plane. She recently got a cell phone and a computer - after all, Barbie is a modern girl. For Americans, it has become a national symbol.

Eighteen times Barbie flew into space with American astronauts, and all flights were successful. Many girls dream of becoming like her - beautiful and happy.

In many countries (including Russia) competitions are held for the best dress for Barbie. The girls design and sew these dresses themselves, and the winners are given the opportunity to learn from famous fashion designers.

Every minute two Barbies are sold in the world.

Who today does not know Barbie, this graceful doll with a height of just under 30 cm, with long hair and a beautiful figure?

In our country, the first Barbies appeared in the 1980s and immediately became very popular.

Barbie is always sweet and cheerful. This helps her solve the problems of doll life.

3) Research objectives.

Experimentally, with the help of a questionnaire, prove that the most popular Barbie doll today.

With the help of questionnaires, you can also prove that almost every girl has a Barbie.

4) Research methodology.

To study the interest in modern dolls, together with my mother, we compiled a questionnaire for girls, which was conducted in grades 2-3. The survey involved 100 girls 9-10 years old. The questionnaire consisted of 6 questions about dolls.<Приложение 1>.The task was given 4-6 minutes. For each question, the number of identical answer options was counted and converted into a percentage.

We also asked the girls to draw their favorite dolls.

5) Analysis of the results of the survey.

On the first question about their love for dolls, 15 girls out of 100 (15%) do not like to play with dolls. The remaining 85 people (85%) answered positively. This means that for most modern girls, playing with dolls is their favorite pastime.

On the second question about the number of dolls, he showed the following results: only 2% (2 children) have no dolls at all, the remaining 63% (63 people) have up to 10 dolls, and 35% of girls have more than 10 dolls. This means that modern girls have a lot of toys.

The third question was about the presence of dolls. There were several possible answers. The majority of girls - 98% of girls indicated that they have Barbies, 20% have Baby Born, 45% of children have Bratz, only 10% of respondents have Russian dolls, 9% of children have other types of dolls. As a result, we can say that among other species, most girls have a Barbie doll.

In the 4th question about which doll you consider beautiful, Barbie was indicated by 50% (25 people), Winx-20%, Brats-15%, Baby Born-3%, others-12%. This suggests that currently half of everyone thinks Barbie is the best.

After studying the answers to question 5, we can say that girls have all household items, shoes, dresses, clothes, furniture, houses and even cars. They have a lot of these accessories - 79% (79 girls), only 20 children (20%) name only one item and 1 person does not have any name. This means that children are very fond of playing with dolls, since they have many interior items for dolls.

The sixth question assumed that the girls had puppet girlfriends, puppet families. A large percentage of girls - 87% noted the existence of girlfriends, children, families in Barbie dolls. Which once again confirms my hypothesis.

6) Conclusions. Conclusions.

Based on the data obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

My hypothesis was fully confirmed. A large number of girls, almost 90%, play with a Barbie doll. Barbie is the most popular doll of our time, girls have a lot of accessories for them.

The doll of today symbolizes a slender, successful, optimistic, fashionable young woman who has a house, a car, a family. Just the fact that Barbie turns 50 this year speaks volumes about her popularity. Recently, magazines, coloring books, craft books, computer games have appeared, the main character of which is Barbie.

Playing Barbie, each of us invents, "builds" our future life. The main feature of Barbie is already an adult young and beautiful woman. That's why many girls want to be like her.

Projects in the classroom and extracurricular activities in elementary school (Grade 1)


TMKOU "Ust-Portovskaya secondary boarding school"

Primary school teacher Komarova Olga Ivanovna.

Projects in elementary grades are hard! Children are too young to design. But still it is possible. We use elements of project activity. But for a baby - perhaps, because. it will be his project. The practice of conducting educational projects can be considered as a special area of ​​extracurricular or extracurricular activities, closely related to the main educational process and focused on the development of research, creative activity of children. This work can be both local and frontal, it can be carried out individually, with a large group of children.

Each project must have its ownrequirements, structure and topics.

The requirements are the simplest, and the main thing in them is “come from the child” - an old, but sometimes forgotten rule. All topics proposed as “project” topics should be within the reach of the child’s understanding. The smaller the child, the easier the project. Young children are only able to complete very simple projects and calculate their work for a day or a few hours. Hence the conclusion: projects in elementary school should be simple, simple. The student must clearly represent not only the problem, but the way to solve it.

The pedagogical value of a student project is determined by:

    the student or the team sees the result of their activities;

    content in the project of new problems;

    development of skills in the student when working on this project;

    child's interest in work;

There are three things that must be present:

Project selection;

Project planning;

Criticism of the project;

Research for the baby is, first of all, observation of life.

Projects can be of very different directions: observation, excursion. The purpose of these projects is to find an answer to one question. The search offers only an analysis of one phenomenon under study (one simple action). When starting to design with younger students, it should be noted that most kids do not yet have permanent hobbies. Their interests are situational. Therefore, if the topic is chosen, then it is necessary to proceed immediately, because. interest may fade. Wasting time can lead to a loss of motivation to work, an unsuccessful result, an unfinished project, and an aversion to participating in any projects in the future. This implies one condition for the organization of project activities - the maximum possible didactic, informational and material support for project activities right at school.

Examples of children's projects in elementary grades.

Creative project "My family".

Project goals:

    understand the role of the family in human life.

    study the history of his family, the occupation of his members, their hobbies and relationships.

    understand your role in this family.

    choose photographs that reflect the pedigree and important moments in the life of the family.

The project is built on topics that are emotionally close to every child. Here communication with other family members is carried out, where the baby learns to ask questions, gains experience in interviewing and selecting material in the form of family photographs. The project can be varied. It can be presented in the form of an album or in electronic form, but it must be accompanied by a commentary from the child.

Project result - this is the child's understanding of his role in the family and the role of the family in human life. A photo album and a story about your family becomes a practical embodiment.

Project "Daily Schedule"

Project goals:

    analyze your day, distribute all important obligatory tasks by time, find a balance of time between work and rest;

    present the daily routine in the form of creatively designed independent work with illustrations on paper.

Children show creativity in the design of the schedule. These can be your own drawings, applications, photographs, illustrations from children's magazines, hour by hour illustrating activity during the day. You can supplement it with various short rhymes of the appropriate nature.

The result of the project: the child's understanding of the importance of the correct organization of the daily routine; is being put into practice.

Project "The World of Medicinal Plants".

Project goals:

    learn to independently find the necessary information about medicinal plants and systematize it.

    to acquaint with the world of medicinal plants of the native land.

    compose a reference book of medicinal plants of the region.

The result of the project is the ability to collect medicinal plants, find the necessary information in reference books, books, encyclopedias.

The practical result is a reference book of medicinal plants.

By an educational creative project, we mean the development and production of a product from an idea to its implementation.

Purpose of projects - the formation of UUD (universal educational activities), embodied in the final product - the product. They contribute to the implementation of all the functions of the lesson:

    Didactic, aimed at deepening the process of forming a system of political, general labor and special knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Developing - the development of fine motor skills and creativity, mental processes (perception, attention, thinking, memory, imagination, speech).

    Cognitive - expanding horizons, cognitive interests, the formation of a worldview.

    Educational - the formation of positive moral and volitional qualities of the individual.

Projects in elementary school are planned taking into account the specifics of younger children. IN1st grade I divided the projects into subjects. Basically, these are the lessons of the subject "Technology". In the classroom, project activities contribute to technological education, the formation of a technological culture of students, their preparation for real life conditions, the rational and creative use of natural and human resources.

List of design work in 1st grade.

Be able to collect information: drawings, photographs of flower beds, flower beds.

Observe, analyze, establish rules for the alternation of shape, size, color in patterns and ornaments.

Learn to make your own pattern for flower beds.


Russian language

Tongue Twisters.

Create your own object together with peers. Participate in the presentation of your projects.

Compilation of the collection "Funny tongue twisters"


Literary reading

We are compiling a collection of riddles.

Learn to find words in riddles to compare objects.

Write riddles based on clues.

Collection of riddles in drawings.



Autumn gifts.

Comprehension of the stages of project activities, working out methods of working with the application.

Creating an application.



Wild animals.

Mastering the technique of creating a product using the collage technique.

Product "Collage"



Decorate the classroom for the New Year.

Development of project activities in a group.

Decoration on the window in the form of a Christmas tree and snowflakes (colored paper)



My friend.

Mastering the technique of creating a product in plasticine.

Creation of different products based on the same technology, independent work planning.



River fleet.

Mastering the technique of creating a product using the origami technique.

Product "Paper boat", "Raft"


Extracurricular activities "Why"

Journey through fairy land.

Illustrating and staging a fairy tale of your choice.

Showing a fairy tale by roles, creating an album "My favorite fairy tale".


Extracurricular activities

"Land of Etiquette"

Learn to value your own and others time.

Learn to create your own presentations.

Creation of an individual presentation "My daily routine"


Project activity is the basis that can implement a humanistic approach to learning in order to educate a creative person.

    Group project "Wild Animals" in the form of a collage.

    Individual project "Patters".

3.Individual project "Gifts of Autumn".

4.Individual project "My daily routine".

5.Individual project "My friend".

6. Group project "Decorate the class for the New Year."

7. Group project "Compiling a collection of riddles."

8. Individual project "Lunokhod".


The project can be carried out individually or by a couple or a group of students. To create it, a certain time is allotted, during which it is necessary to solve a specific problem that goes beyond the scope of the academic discipline. The result of search activities and analysis of the data obtained can be a wall newspaper, cartoon, exhibition, illustrated, locality, and so on.

Preparatory stage

First, choose a research topic and specify it. It is important to choose those topics that intrigue and arouse involuntary interest in the student. The narrower the research topic, the better. So, the topic "Folk Art" will be too extensive - the student will not be able to grasp the immensity even with the help of his parents. Let it be a more specific topic, for example, "Folk crafts in Arkhangelsk."

indicative stage

Determine the goals and objectives of the study. The student must clearly know what he is designing and why. In the same topic "Folk crafts in Arkhangelsk" the goal could be: to show that at present the craft is not forgotten. Accordingly, the research objectives will be:
- study information about folk crafts in Arkhangelsk;
- to identify the characteristic features of the Arkhangelsk crafts.

Organizational stage

Registration of work

This is a productive phase. The student, together with his comrades and with the help of his parents, completes the work, prepares for the defense and for possible questions. The design should be as clear as possible - with illustrations, presentations, and so on. Of course, parental help is important, but the student must do all the work himself in order to successfully present his project.


It is impossible to suspend this activity, because it only pleases everyone. The way out was to organize a number of "Projects". If you are currently in school, most likely you will be interested in projects “for schoolchildren”. In this section, you can learn about distance learning, festivals and competitions where you can show your talent and discover new abilities.

Helpful advice

Educational and research projects as a means of developing schoolchildren's noospheric thinking. Experience in organizing research activities of students in the city of Arzamas. Firstly, schoolchildren are introduced to the world of science, acquire research skills; secondly, they have the opportunity to publish the most interesting of the works in scientific collections and periodicals; thirdly, there is an opportunity to present their work for participation in city and international conferences and seminars; fourth...


  • projects for schoolchildren

A properly designed plan that reflects all aspects of your business idea allows a potential investor to adequately perceive and evaluate your project. There are standard plan layout structures that you can use as a template for properly formatting your own project plan.

You will need

  • Project Expert program


In order for the idea to work, it is necessary to properly draw up a plan of action. To date, there are no strict formalization of plans. The structure of the plan depends on the specifics of the industry in which the project is supposed to be developed.
The universal structure according to which the plan can be drawn up consists of the following elements:

Company characteristics.
This section contains the main legal and financial data of the firm or company.

Product feature.
If you intend to organize a business for the release of any product, after describing the company, you must describe the future product, as well as the technology for its manufacture.

Financial plan.
In this section of the plan, enter a description of the required investment in the project. Separately, it is worth indicating the income and expenditure parts of the project, as well as all necessary tax payments.

Risks. ,
Methodically describe the possible risks that may arise during the development of the project. Having described possible problems, try to disclose as much as possible all possible methods for solving and eliminating emerging risks.

Economic and social consequences.
In this section, describe the impact of the future project on the social sphere (for example, the creation of new jobs), as well as on the economy.

Such a design of the plan will fully reveal to the future investor all the positive aspects of the development of your proposed business idea. Adhering to the general structure, draw up a plan based on the specific features of the project. At the same time, both the number of sections of the plan and their subject matter may change.

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A project plan drawn up by a consulting company is usually more adequately perceived by potential investors

Helpful advice

A ready-made template for drawing up a plan can be taken from textbooks of economic universities.


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Everyone has ideas that they want to implement - whether it's landscaping a yard, a business, or something else. To implement the desired, it is necessary to formalize the idea into a project.

You will need

  • Paper and pen, or computer


Clearly formulate your idea: what will it be, what shape, colors and more. For example, in the case of landscaping, how many and what kind of trees, flowers, where exactly to plant, how to water, and more. Now describe this in textual and numerical form, draw a diagram of future plantings, draw up a watering schedule, and the like.

Determine the resources you will need. It is believed that there are three main resources: money, time and people. So it is necessary to formalize your idea into these indicators, after which the resource needs of the project will become clear. In the case of landscaping - how much money to buy seeds and seedlings, how much time for planting and by whom it will be carried out, as well as who and under what conditions will support plantings.

Divide the resources in stages - because in this example, you will first need money to buy materials, then people to plant and then maintain plantings. Put the resulting data in a table, in the first column indicate the name of the resource, in the second its numerical indicator and in the third the date of delivery / receipt. Thus, we got a schedule for obtaining resources.

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Now more and more people are starting their own business. This may be the opening of a network of vegetable stalls, a small toy department in a shopping and entertainment complex, or, for example, a sewing workshop. But before you start implementing your project, you need to take into account some of the nuances.


First of all, decide on the direction of work. You need to understand which type is worth making. Of course, over time, production will expand, but you need to start with one thing. You need to study the sales market, the ratio of demand, to find out which is the most popular. In the case of a sewing workshop, sewing will be a win-win option.

Next, decide whether it will be a sewing workshop or whether it will be hired seamstresses who work from home. You can provide homeworkers with sewing machines and other necessary equipment and provide them with work by coming for ready-made ones. However, it is likely that these machines will also be used for tailoring "left" work. It would be better to open a sewing workshop, although this is associated with the emergence of new cost items.

If your choice is your own workshop, then find a spacious room, divide it into zones: a sewing workshop, a cutting room, a warehouse. You will also need utility rooms and a fashion designer's office (in the future). Take care of equipping the workshop with equipment. In this case, these are sewing machines. It is recommended to start with 8-10 pieces. You will also need overlockers, specialized presses, cutting knives. You will also need an installation for wet and heat treatment of products. You will buy the rest as production expands.

Choose interesting models, watch the latest fashion shows, look for new items on the Internet. It is important to be different from other companies, to regularly release new original versions of products. And in order for your ideas to remain within the walls of the shop, it will be useful to establish control over the negotiations. After all, even a single word, said out of place, can “release” the entire future collection to competitors.

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Helpful advice

You should understand that in this case the business is seasonal. Therefore, it is possible that in the so-called off-season, you will have to look for alternative options to keep your business afloat.

The design of the project should be done based on its subject and the place where you will present it. If you are defending a project at a scientific conference, speaking on the podium, then the design of the project should have an official tone that matches the format of the event. In the case when you present your project in a more informal setting, such as, for example, on the subject of "Cultural Studies" or "World Art Culture", where photographic material, drawings are welcome, then here you can dream up with the design.


Consider the design features when you speak at a serious event, such as, for example, or a scientific debate. Events of this format are usually accompanied by video materials to further argue the point of view of the speaker and his innovative project. Make it in the form of a small movie plot, which will be accompanied by your "off-screen" voice. For example, after studying in detail some topic and outlining its concept with in, take a video camera and take a walk down the street, conducting a survey among local residents. Their answers will just sound on the defense of your project. Also listen to more news and analytical programs. This information will be useful to you when you need to prove your arguments by legislative provisions or federal laws.

The classic project does not require any special design difficulties. The main thing is to comply with the requirements for the design of the title page of the project. Write in capital letters the name of your educational institution, then in the middle of an A4 sheet write the topic of the project and below, on the left side, your surname, initials. At the very end of the sheet in the middle, you can indicate the year.

Develop a unified project style and composition. For example, decorate each sheet of the project with a frame, choose a non-standard font if the theme of the project is devoted to art, for example. Each new section of the project can be accompanied by a picture that reflects its essence. Do not forget to correctly sign diagrams, tables, figures, follow the numbering of images, starting from the first sheet.

On the last page of your project, write a list of additional materials that you referred to in the process of writing the work. Know that the more sources, the more objective and interesting your project will be for the audience.

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This volume usually does not exceed 20 pages, and annexes to it (illustrative material) - 10. Text documents are submitted only in printed form with the default Microsoft Word settings (except where otherwise specified).

Check out the sources and literature on . Make a preliminary project plan. Coordinate it with the teacher who supervises this. After that, draw up the final version of the plan, which, which is not excluded, may change somewhat in the course of work.

In the introduction, justify the relevance of the chosen topic, define the goals and objectives of the project, formulate the object and subject of your work. Pay special attention to the applied value of the project, but not to the detriment of its theoretical significance. In the introduction, you can also give a brief description of the sources used or devote a separate small chapter to this at the beginning of the main part of the project description.

The project activity of children in grade 1 should be organized by selecting material that is understandable and accessible, introducing students to the world of knowledge. It should be aimed at the formation of a visual-figurative representation of the world around and influence the formation of the individual. So, there is a development of reflection, an internal plan of action, arbitrariness, communication skills, generalized ways of mastering educational material.

First-graders acquire elementary knowledge by performing various tasks and exercises in joint activities with the teacher.

Project activities can be carried out in the lessons of all disciplines. Here are some examples of topics.

Mathematics."Number 1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0) in verse", "Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings", "Illustrations of numbers". Such projects contribute to a better memorization of numbers and numbers of the first ten. As a result of such projects, baby books, collections are created, which contain poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about the numbers of the first ten and drawings of numbers. "The multiplication table in verses" forms various memorization techniques, simplifying their process. The project "Shape, Size, Color of Objects" helps children to better understand spatial relationships, develops ideas about geometric shapes.

Reading. The projects "My ABC", "Live ABC", "Farewell to the ABC", "My Letters" are designed to acquaint children with the letters and sounds of the alphabet. Any information within the framework of the subject can be studied and presented in them - writing, stories, poems, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters. The projects “Together we make a book”, “Literary magazine”, “Books that we read” - increase the exacting taste and reading literacy of students, help to better master their native language, and contribute to general cultural development. The goal of the project "Vitamin Kaleidoscope" is the development of cognitive and creative abilities of students, which occurs in the process of developing a fortified alphabet.

Russian language. The projects "Alphabet", "Names in the alphabet", "Alphabet in verse", "Cheerful alphabet" - consolidate knowledge of the letters of the Russian alphabet, promote awareness of the need for the order of letters in the alphabet, develop interest in learning the Russian language, literature and develop the creative abilities of first graders. Projects "Capital Letter", "Sweet Literacy", "Vocabulary Words" - improve students' literacy, teach correct spelling.

The world. The projects "Historical places of my city", "My small Motherland" help to get to know the history and features of the area where the children live. "My Pet", "The Mysterious World of Animals" - contribute to the study of the animal world, bring up love for our smaller brothers. The project "ABC of Flowers", "Our Trees", "Tasty ABC" introduces a variety of domestic, field and garden plants.

English language. The English Alphabet project can be long-term. So, for example, in the lesson, the guys get acquainted with some letter, and at home they draw up one of the pages of the alphabet. Acquaintance with the alphabet takes place on the basis of a fairy tale, where there is a story about each letter and its house. Therefore, for each letter, they draw a house. On the roof they write the letter itself, large and small, on the door - a transcription.

Some projects may cover several disciplines at once. So, for example, the topic “My family” is studied in several subjects at once. It helps to understand the importance of the family and its role in it. To do this, you can use various techniques: compiling a family tree or family tree, giving examples of stories from the life of ancestors, interviewing relatives, selecting photographs, creating drawings.

As a result of project activities, children learn to perform several diverse tasks at once in a limited time, become more confident in their abilities, develop their creative abilities and become more active in their studies.

A school project is one way to ensure student development. These activities are required for students. Often, high school students pass exams in exactly what allows them to better assess their knowledge and ability to absorb information.

Why are these assignments needed?

Interesting topics for projects are the opportunity for a student to develop his abilities, to believe in himself as a student. After all, often children choose for themselves such topics for research work that captivate them. Thus, in the design process, the independence of the student increases, he forms a strong motivation for further education. He also learns to properly conduct a discussion, to argue his point of view. Work on the project allows the student to combine classroom and extracurricular activities.

Topics for Middle and Junior School

Interesting topics for projects are a guarantee that the work will be exciting for the student. If the project is research, it must include elements of scientific work - a hypothesis, its verification, laboratory research, analysis of the results obtained. For example, the topic chosen was about growing beans at home. The student can prepare in advance - read the necessary material on natural history; conduct an experiment - germinate beans; take photos of the plant at each stage. The following interesting topics for the project are suitable for students in middle and lower grades:

  • Cars of the past and modern.
  • About how dinosaurs lived. Estimated options for their death.
  • My favourite dog.
  • Professions that every student dreams of.
  • Color in human life.
  • Cartoons and their role in the life of kids.
  • Aquarium and its amazing inhabitants.
  • How to grow a crystal yourself?
  • Features of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Sports in my family.
  • Ancient fun in Rus'.
  • Man's exploration of outer space.
  • History of music and musical instruments.
  • Robots of the future.
  • Features of the life of bees.
  • The most beautiful legends about flowers.
  • The history of money - from antiquity to the present.
  • Tea and coffee. History, legends, traditions.
  • Growing beans at home.

Topics that will arouse interest among the school audience

There are many areas that could be of interest. It could be gadgets, various products, questions of love and friendship. The following interesting topics for the project will not leave the school audience indifferent:

  • Emoticons in messages. History, features of use.
  • The brightest and most unusual advertising.
  • What do young people think about family life?
  • Is Barbie the standard for female attractiveness?
  • The problem of cleanliness in public places.
  • Why do I need to turn off my phone during a flight?
  • Anglicisms in modern speech.
  • Horoscopes and astrology - truth or myth?
  • How to achieve prosperity?
  • What does a person need to achieve emotional balance?
  • The principle of operation of the microwave.
  • How to develop logical thinking?
  • Is chewing gum good?
  • Lies: causes and consequences. Why do people lie to each other?
  • How to become a photographer?
  • How 3D cinema glasses work.
  • Does the pace of the speaker's speech affect the perception of the report by the audience?
  • Crib - helper or enemy?
  • Why is everyone learning English?
  • Do our little brothers understand speech?
  • Tea traditions of China.
  • What is a person: good or evil? Examples from history and life.
  • Stress and disease - is there a connection? What are psychosomatic illnesses?
  • How to forgive a person? Does it need to be done?
  • "Leopold's cats" in modern society.

Topical topics for the preparation of projects on Russian literature

One of the most interesting jobs for many students will be a literary project. Its problems should be selected in accordance with the knowledge and level of training of the student. The topic of a literature project can be a biography of a poet or writer, or the features of his work. Such work will help to learn a lot of interesting things about the author, whose works the student liked. The project can be dedicated to the features of a literary hero or a whole work. In the process of work, the student will be able to refresh information about his favorite work in his memory, once again plunge into his events.

The following literature project topics are approximate. The student can always choose the question that causes him the greatest interest.

  • Features of I. Bunin's creativity.
  • The role of the appearance of the hero in his characterization (on the example of several
  • Features of a romantic hero (on the example of several works).
  • The theme of love in the lyrics of Akhmatova.
  • Nature in the work of V. A. Zhukovsky.
  • History in Pushkin's works.
  • The problem of the motherland in the work of Yesenin.

Labor projects

Also, a task on technology will be a great scope for creative work. The project topics discussed below are for girls:

  • How to arrange a kitchen-dining room.
  • Dishes of Russian cuisine.
  • Indoor plants and interior design.
  • DIY accessories.
  • Decor and table setting.

But what projects can the boys prepare:

  • Production of wall shelves for CDs or books.
  • How to make a cutting board for vegetables.
  • Models of planes, ships, cars.
  • Bench making.
  • How to make a folding table for a balcony.

Scientific design

Often, students need to find suitable topics for research projects. The scope of options is wide, because how many scientific branches, so many different areas of research. From the following topics, perhaps the student will be able to choose something for himself:

  • Earth's atmosphere: composition, structure, movement of air masses.
  • Newton's laws and their application.
  • Aggregate states of matter.
  • Physical properties of carbon.