What is snow, how are snowflakes formed? Why does the snow creak underfoot. Why is snow white even though an individual snowflake is transparent? Why is snow white?

Shadrina Ekaterina

Aims and objectives of the project, information about the formation of snow and ice, experimental experiments.



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Research project on the topic: "Why is snow white." Completed by a student of the 3rd grade of the MOU "VSOSH": Shadrina Ekaterina Project manager teacher primary school MOU "VSOSH": Mironova Elena Vladimirovna

Fluffy white snow Whirls in the air And quietly falls to the ground, lies down. And in the morning the field turned white with snow, Like a veil All dressed him.

Formulation of the problem. Winter came. It became cold outside. One morning I woke up and looked out the window. I saw that everything around: the ground, the trees, the roofs of the houses, became white. It was the first snow. I thought: “Why is snow white?”

Purpose of the project: Study and conduct experiments to answer the question "Why is snow white?"

Project objectives: To study literature that talks about snow. Prove experimentally "Why is snow white?"

Object of study: snow. Hypothesis: Let's assume that the white color of the snow is due to the reflection of light. Research methods: 1. The study of literature on the topic. 2. Observation of the object of study. 3. Conducting experiments. 4. Analysis of the results and conclusions on the study.

Introduction Snow is frozen water. What color is ice? None. It passes the entire sunbeam through itself and remains colorless. Each snowflake individually would also freely pass a ray of the sun through itself and would also be colorless, like ice. But the snowflakes fall randomly on top of each other. All together they become opaque, do not let the rays through themselves, but on the contrary, reflect them into the eyes. That's why snow looks white.

Conclusion: each snowflake is a collection of small pieces of ice; snowflakes lie differently; snowflakes reflect light in different directions.

Experience number 1. I took transparent plastic bag. She cut it into small pieces. Each piece is a "snowflake".

I put all the pieces in a transparent glass. They positioned themselves differently.

Result: "snow" in a glass white color.

Experience number 2. She poured water into a glass and put it in freezer. The water turned into clear ice.

Mom broke the ice into small pieces. He became white.

Conclusion and Conclusion Conclusion Pieces of a plastic bag and pieces of ice are individually transparent. Light passes through them and is not reflected. When the pieces of the package and lie randomly (in different ways), they reflect light in different directions. Conclusion Snow is white because each snowflake reflects light in different directions. Scientific language - "light is scattered." This makes the snow white.

Sources of information Children's encyclopedia. "I know the world." - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, 2001.-557 p.: V. A. Markin. Photos from the home archive taken during the experiments - 2014 http://otvet.mail.ru/question/62950897 - a photograph depicting snowy trees. http://www. adobetutorialz. com / articles /2909/1/ We - wish - you - a - Merry - Christmas - illustration - template for presentation teacher of computer science Kurbanova Irina Borisovna, GOU secondary school No. 594, St. Petersburg, website: http://pedsovet.su/


MOU "Vyoskinskaya secondary school"

Research project on the topic:

Why is snow white?

Completed by a student

3rd grade


Shadrina Ekaterina.

Project Manager

primary school teacher


Mironova Elena Vladimirovna

year 2014

  • Formulation of the problem.
  • Objective of the project.
  • Project tasks.
  • Object of study.
  • Hypothesis.
  • Research methods.
  • Literature.

Formulation of the problem.

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.
And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.

Winter came. It became cold outside. One morning I woke up and
looked out the window. I saw that everything around: earth, trees, roofs of houses,
became white. It was the first snow.
I thought: “Why is snow white?”

Objective of the project:

Studying and conducting experiments to answer the question "Why is snow white?"

Project tasks:

  1. Study literature that talks about snow.
  2. Prove experimentally "Why is snow white?"

Object of study: snow.

Hypothesis: suppose that the white color of the snow is due to the reflection of light.

Research methods:
1. The study of literature on the topic.

2. Observation of the object of study.

3. Conducting experiments.

4. Analysis of the results and conclusions on the study.


Snow is frozen water. What color is ice? None. It passes the entire sunbeam through itself and remains colorless. Each snowflake individually would also freely pass a ray of the sun through itself and would also be colorless, like ice. But the snowflakes fall randomly on top of each other. All together they become opaque, do not let the rays through themselves, but on the contrary, reflect them into the eyes. That's why snow looks white.

From my observations, studying the literature, I learned that any snowflake has the shape of a six-pointed star. Regardless of the shape of the snowflakes, they are all white. And the snow is white-white, and if the sun shines, it becomes dazzling white. Why? A snowflake consists of ice and air crystals, the light falling on the rays of a snowflake is reflected from them, scattered and perceived by us as white. And when a sunbeam hits the crystals, it reflects from it and blinds our eyes. I decided to conduct experiments to prove that snow is really white.

- each snowflake is a collection of small pieces of ice;
-snowflakes lie differently;
Snowflakes reflect light in different directions.

How I did my experiments

Experience number 1.

I took a transparent plastic bag. She cut it into small pieces. Each piece is a "snowflake".

I put all the pieces in a transparent glass. They positioned themselves differently. Result: "snow" in a white glass.

Experience number 2.

She poured water into a glass and put it in the freezer. The water turned into clear ice.

Mom broke the ice into small pieces. He became white.

Winter is not only a period of cooling, but also a time of heavy precipitation in the form of snow. White snowflakes falling from the sky form a plentiful snow cover on the ground. Everyone loves to observe this phenomenon, but not everyone asks the question: “why is snow white?”. And in order to answer it, let's first define; what snow is and how it forms before it hits the ground.

Snow formation begins when tiny water droplets in clouds combine with dust particles and freeze. The resulting ice crystals have a six-pointed shape, which is determined by the structure of the water molecule (the angle between the rays of the crystal is sixty degrees). Microscopic pieces of ice are attracted to each other and form the well-known snowflake. The size of each of them will depend on the air temperature: the warmer the weather, the larger the snow flakes will be (by the way, I would like to note that the largest snowflake was recorded in Montana, USA; it had a diameter of about 38 centimeters). Now we have learned some features of the formation of these white precipitation.

Now consider the question of the color of snow. Its whiteness is an indisputable fact. To explain this fact, let us turn to such an exact science as physics. From the section of optics it is known that a completely white body is a material in which the reflection coefficient of light rays is equal to one. Since snow has a white color, according to the previous statement, the object of study we are considering should reflect electromagnetic waves of light (it is interesting that light has both the properties of an electromagnetic wave and the properties of an elementary particle, called a “photon” in the twentieth century). But we found out that a single snowflake consists of many tiny ice crystals. Ice, in turn, is transparent, as it perfectly transmits light rays through itself. It turns out that the snowflake should also be transparent, but this is actually not the case. The explanation for this is the fact that a snowflake is a huge set of transparent ice crystals, which together give the ability to reflect light of various frequencies. It is reflected at the interfaces between the surfaces between ice and air crystals. Electromagnetic waves (light), reflected from a snowflake, causes a white light perception in our eyes. This is how the fact that the snow has a white color is explained.

As it turned out, it was not so difficult to explain the white color of snow, it was enough just to know some laws from physics and chemistry, which easily helped us understand the structure of a snowflake and the essence of light. Together, this gave us a clear idea of ​​the essence of the color range of snow.

I think everyone had such a case in life when, leaving a dimly lit room on the street, they had to squint, looking at the plentiful cover white snow. So, do not forget that it has the ability to reflect light and scatter it, thereby blinding us.

When a Russian person is asked to imagine winter, the first thing he sees in his imagination is snow, a snow-white cover that has enveloped everything around. We are so used to the color of snow that we don’t even think about why snow is white.

Why is snow white

All the colors we perceive are dependent on the rays of the sun. Black objects completely absorb sunlight, and therefore are perceived by us as black. And if the object completely reflects a ray of the sun, then the color will appear white to us.

What is snow, exactly? This is frozen water, hexagonal pieces of ice. Water and ice are colorless. Why is snow white then? The ice remains colorless, as it passes the entire sunbeam through itself. And each snowflake would pass all the light through itself and would also have no color. But snowflakes usually fall on top of each other in erratic motion. And already together they become opaque, but white.

To understand why snow is white, why it reflects the rays of the sun, we need to look at the composition of snow. Snow is formed from snowflakes, and snowflakes are formed from a huge number of crystals. These crystals are not smooth, but with edges. This is the answer to our question why snow is white. It is from the edges that sunlight is reflected.

The water in the atmosphere is steam, it freezes and transparent crystals form. From the movement of air, the crystals move freely up and down. In this chaotic movement, the crystals are connected to each other. And when at last too many crystals gather together, then they begin to fall to the ground already in the form of snowflakes familiar to us.

It turns out that the color of snow is white, because the light of the sun that it reflects is also white. Think if a ray of the sun turned green or yellow, then the color of the snow would be the same. Surely, many have noticed that during sunrise or sunset, it seems to us that the rays of the sun become pinkish, so the snow at this moment seems pink to us.

Is there a different color of snow

Who can give an affirmative answer to this absurd question?! Don't dismiss this idea right away. In fact, it also happened that colored snow fell. For example, once Charles Darwin described one such case. It happened during one of his expeditions. Looking at the hooves of the mules, C. Darwin saw that they were covered with red spots. It happened when the mules walked through the fallen snow. It turned out that the red snow was formed from the presence of red pollen in the air at the time when the snow began to fall.

Our Ksyusha became a little bitch. And mom and dad became walking mini-encyclopedias. Therefore, we decided to help parents of the same why children create a new section “” and publish answers to the most common children's questions in it. We will try to adapt all the answers as much as possible for preschool children, so that it is easier for parents to explain the complex laws of nature to them.

It's winter now and that's why, of course, questions about why are in the TOP of why girls :) That's why we publish our answers to the snowiest questions.

What is snow?

Snowflakes are formed in the same way as raindrops: water evaporates from the seas and oceans and rises to the sky, where it cools down and collects into droplets. When it is very cold, water droplets freeze into ice crystals. They fall to the ground in the form of snow. The melted snow evaporates or flows into streams, from where it begins its journey to heaven again.

Why is snow white?

If snowflakes and droplets are of the same nature, then why are droplets transparent and snowflakes white? The fact is that each individual snowflake is transparent in itself, but together they fall to the ground in a chaotic manner and form a loose mass. Snowflakes lie to each other at different angles. Sunlight is reflected first in one snowflake, then in another, and so on, until it is directed back. It turns out that the snow completely reflects the sunlight, and since the rays of the sun are white, the snow is also white. If the rays of our Sun were yellow and red, then the snow would also be yellow or red. At sunset or sunrise, when we see the pink rays of the sun, the snow also turns pink.

Why do snow and ice melt from salt?

Snow and ice are water that freezes (becomes solid) at 0 degrees Celsius. If you add salt to water, you get a saline solution that freezes at temperatures below 0. If you sprinkle salt on ice or snow, we will make them melt, since salt dissolves in water and lowers its freezing point.

First, the ice around the salt crystal will melt, and then the melting process will spread further from this point.

Which snow melts faster?

Dirty snow melts faster because:

  1. There are also salts in the mud, which speed up the process of snow melting.
  2. The mud is usually dark, which means that it absorbs the sun's rays and as a result heats up quickly, warming the snow with it.

Can you eat snow?

Snow tends to collect dust on itself. In addition to the usual natural dirt and bacteria, urban dust contains a lot of heavy metals and other toxic substances that are very dangerous to humans. By eating snow, a person absorbs all these toxic substances and exposes his life to the danger of poisoning.

High in the mountains, pure snow falls without dangerous impurities, but such water is also not good for the body, since it lacks the most important salts that are usually found in drinking water. There is only one conclusion: eating snow is not only unhealthy, but also dangerous to health.

Are there identical snowflakes in the world?

More than a hundred years ago, when the first cameras first appeared, one man, nicknamed “Snezhika”, decided to photograph snowflakes under a microscope. He took 5,000 shots, but not a single pattern of snowflakes was repeated. Many years have passed, and scientists are still arguing: are there identical snowflakes. They even created 2 twin snowflakes in their lab, but that still didn't end their argument. Starting another study, scientists came to the conclusion that snowflakes can differ not only in the external pattern, but also in the internal structure. This means that even if the snowflakes are the same externally, then most likely their internal structure is still different.

About why snow is white, and not black, blue, red or some other, each of us thought at least once in our lives. Most often, the question “why is snow white” is asked by children to parents, but not even all adults know the answer to this question.

To understand why snow is of this particular color, you first need to define the concept of color in general. What is color in terms of physics?

We are surrounded by electromagnetic radiation, which is also called electromagnetic waves.. These waves are everywhere, but most of these waves are invisible to the human eye.

The visible part of electromagnetic radiation is perceived as color. From the point of view of science, any color is a wave of electromagnetic radiation that is perceived by human vision and converted into a color sensation.

The primary source of electromagnetic radiation for us is the Sun. The sun's rays, that is, waves, contain the entire spectrum of visible radiation, that is all the main seven colors- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

Merging, the colors of the visible spectrum form white.

Some items completely absorb light waves - we see them black, other items let the sun's rays through, that is, they are transparent. It is glass, water or ice.

Have you ever read fairy tales about living and dead water? Then you will be interested to know what it really is with their help and much, much more!

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Most of the objects in our world absorb some of the rays, and reflect some. For example, you can take an ordinary leaf from a green tree.

What leaf green tells us that from the visible spectrum of solar radiation it reflects rays of green light, and all the rest absorbs.

An orange orange absorbs all rays except orange, a red poppy absorbs everything except red, and so on.

The following can be said about snow - it reflects all the rays of the visible spectrum, so we see it as white, that is, as the light from the Sun is for us.

Why is snow white and not transparent? ^

And some more science. Someone will ask why the snow is still white and not transparent. Snow is essentially water, only in a different state of aggregation.

Water is a liquid, ice is solid, snow is a loose substance consisting of individual ice crystals. Water and ice are transparent.

But in fairness it should be noted that in nature there are no absolutely transparent bodies, as there are no absolutely black and absolutely white bodies. Even glass is not completely transparent.

Be that as it may, water or ice has a more or less smooth surface, which affects the passage of sunlight through them.

Passing through the thick smooth ice, the rays are not absorbed and practically not refracted, most of them are transmitted, and a smaller part is reflected from the surface.

Snow is very different in its properties from ice, it is loose and not smooth at all.

To study the properties of snow in more detail, it is enough to consider a snowflake. Each snowflake is unique and has its own pattern.

But what all snowflakes have in common is that they are not smooth, but consist of many faces, that is, the smallest surfaces located at an angle to each other.

The mass of snow consists of many such snowflakes that are attached to each other. Falling on a snowy surface, sunlight is repeatedly refracted and reflected from the edges of snowflakes.

After all, most of the visible solar radiation is reflected off the snow. Moreover, as already mentioned, the rays of the entire visible spectrum are reflected, so we see the snow as white.

Snow can be compared to crushed glass or diamonds. If we imagine a huge scattering of diamonds, then it will also seem to us white, sparkling.

Perhaps everyone noticed that in the bright sunlight in winter, the surface of the snow sparkles and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Now, it's the incident sunlight that refracts and breaks up into separate spectral colors. Therefore, we see multi-colored sparks on white snow.

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What is the dew point, how important it is and how it can be calculated, read, keep the comfort in your home!

When the snow melts, a special type of water is formed - melted water. How you can get it at home, how healthy it is and how it is used, read here:
, it is very interesting!