How to get chewing gum out of clothes. How to remove chewing gum from different surfaces? In the freezer


Today our baby screamed at night from 2 to 7.00. Moreover, practically without interruptions (although I fell asleep for 10 minutes a couple of times) and very strongly. I can’t say that we have strong problems with gaziki. Of course, sometimes we cry out 2 times today, more tomorrow, it happened day and night. But not so much and with big breaks. Indeed, a lot depends on the nutrition of the mother. Already checked. This time I obviously ate the wrong product and here is the result. All these three hours, my mother selflessly struggled with gaziki. If before it helped to carry a child upright, now wearing with a rocking motion did not work at all. Massage of the abdomen did not help us before, although I still massaged it for quite a long time, and pressed my legs to my stomach. The hair dryer helped for a while and then more in terms of distraction (after all, noise). A warm jet directed to the tummy in a scarf. By the way, a soft woolen scarf wrapped around the tummy warmed the little tummy 3 times and always helped us a lot in the fight against gaziki. Knowing that at night the baby will be tormented by gas, I always put on this scarf before going to bed. Sometimes we slept all night and morning with no problems at all. Still, when the peak of the cry passed, I put the baby to my chest and he gradually calmed down (they say it helps psychologically). Today, all these methods of relief have not brought. I went to take a warm bath. The sound of water calms the kids. But the warm water of the effect, at least, did not bring a timely effect. Then we walked, we can say we flew: the baby turned her tummy down, horizontally, I put one hand under my stomach, thereby creating pressure on him, and the second I held my son under my armpits. This position helped us for quite a long time. The last was the exit to the street, to the balcony. They did not stay there for long, as a cry could wake the whole house.

Then dad could not stand it and woke up. He took my son from me and put him on his chest. I must say that we often put the little one in this way and he quickly warms up, calms down and falls asleep. True, when there are no gaziks. And then my dad fell silent and fell asleep for about 12 minutes. I was even offended by Sasha for this. And dad said with a sensible look that mom needs to be calmer, otherwise the child reacts to the emotional state of the mother. Like gaziki, all garbage, I didn’t manage it. Here I was already offended by my dad. I can't say that I was particularly excited at 5:00. In short, I was sent to bed. Then the husband said that he had sat for another 2 hours and Sasha still shouted a couple of times.

Somewhere in the morning they brought my son to me for feeding and everyone fell asleep with relief.

The next day I drank only fennel tea and nothing else. Result: gaziki were, but much weaker and there were fewer of them. Then (the next day) I plan to eat only buckwheat porridge ...

The days went by and I gradually became an ace in the fight against jeeps. Now the child did not have time to scream: either he was rocked, then distracted, etc. All this was also done for dad, who needed to get enough sleep - he had to work in the morning. I also learned to treat the hours of night vigil differently: first of all, you need to make it clear to yourself that at night you won’t sleep for a certain number of hours, then you get up calmly, as if to work), and then it’s still communication with the child but on a different level. And in general, I think it's nice that you can help a person, especially such a loved one.

Colic and gaziki - this is undoubtedly difficult period both for the child and for the parents. But, it seems to me that this period can give you and your child a lot. You learn to understand the child, help him, support him, and he learns to trust you. Difficulties approach...

P.S. Severe colic (this is such colic for me when Sasha screamed) we had the second and third weeks. Then the jeeps torment us even now (we are 1 month and 10 days old), but the son no longer screams (it happens occasionally): he jerks his legs, puffs up, but is silent. It seems to me that our son just grew up, got stronger physically, and in the stomach, apparently, more enzymes began to be produced to process milk.

I must say that sticking to a diet is a very difficult task for me, so after a few days of abstinence, I ate almost everything. The exceptions were foods that in someone or at some time clearly contributed to the occurrence of colic or the deterioration of the quality of milk, and then, if eaten a little, they may not affect the occurrence of gas.

Most dairy products: milk, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, etc.

  • Chocolate
  • Kefir
  • Peas and other legumes
  • Apples, cucumbers
  • Kvass, beer and cooler drinks (alcohol)
  • Cabbage in any form (gas-forming, worsens the taste of milk);
  • Onions, garlic, seasonings (sharp for all kinds of dishes, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.)
  • Black bread (they say nothing else when crackers)
  • Marinades
  • Smoked meats
  • soda
  • All flour products, muffins, pastries, cakes, etc.

And further:

  • Potatoes (may lead to constipation)
  • Oranges (strong allergens), although lemons and greps can be eaten (truth is told, they can thin the stool)
  • Greens should not be eaten in the first week
  • Meat is better boiled, and it is best not to eat it
  • Try not to get carried away with nuts

In general, try to eat as much as possible without mixing incompatible foods.

Tip: Try drinking fennel tea instead of the usual one, drink a course of bifidum.

See for yourself, if everything is good with what you eat, then perhaps the child will be fine.

And they also say that what you ate the child will receive in milk in the first two to three hours. And you will see the result of this in one or two days. The more milk the child has eaten, the stronger the gaziki (lack of enzymes for milk processing) will be.

Briefly about what has ever helped anyone to deal with gaziki:

  • Mom's food restrictions
  • Tummy massage
  • Carrying a baby around the apartment (sickness, “dancing”, “flying”, down the tummy, etc.)
  • water, herbs
  • Medications prescribed by a doctor
  • Warm bath, heating pad, woolen scarf
  • dynamic gymnastics
  • Diving
  • Travel by car
  • Cold air (when it's cold, take a walk with a child)
  • Noises (hairdryer, vacuum cleaner)
  • Swing
  • vent tube

Mother of Light

Gas in the intestines is a natural phenomenon in the body healthy person. Most of them are formed during the digestion of food (chemical reaction) and its splitting into enzymes. The remaining components - swallowed oxygen during eating or drinking, diffusion or exchange of gases - from the blood into the lumen of the small intestine, oxygen enters, which is necessary for the vital activity of beneficial intestinal microflora, and carbon dioxide enters the blood from the lumen, which is excreted by the lungs.

In the digestive system, gases improve intestinal motility and “help” digest food. Their number depends on health, lifestyle, consumed products. During healthy digestion, a moderate amount of gas is formed and is not felt at all by a person.

All violations of the gastrointestinal tract lead to excessive gas formation and are called flatulence (bloating). According to doctors, this is not an independent disease, but a sign of an underlying pathology. Despite the discomfort that he delivers, an adult person tolerates it easily. The same cannot be said for children and babies.

Flatulence in children is a common pathology and how younger child the more often it happens. Moreover, for each age it has its own characteristics and causes.

According to statistics, every fourth baby suffers from flatulence at the age of 1.5 weeks to 3-7 months.

It is this period of time that is necessary for the immature intestines of the baby to be completely populated with the necessary microflora. Only when he is 1 year old, in most cases, the painful symptoms recede.


Weak intestinal walls and low activity of the newborn (permanent lying position) lead to stagnation of food. Under the action of fermentation bacteria, many gases are formed in the form of mucous foam. They stretch the walls of the intestines and cause acute pain.

This is one of the factors of gas stagnation, but there are other causes of flatulence in children:

  1. Swallowing air in the process of "greedy" sucking milk is one of the most common causes that arise due to violation of the rules of feeding.
  2. The use by a nursing mother of foods that cause fermentation (cabbage, radish, fruits, vegetables, legumes, sweets, fatty foods).
  3. Non-compliance with the regimen and overheating (dehydration) of the child.
  4. Lack of an enzyme in the intestinal microflora - lactase (read about the causes of its deficiency and treatment), which decomposes milk sugar (lactose).
  5. The mixture is not suitable for a child who is bottle-fed. Recommended for digestive disorders.
  6. An allergic reaction to cow's milk protein is often found in children under one year old, in almost 6%.
  7. Intestinal infection.
  8. Dyspepsia or inflammation of the intestines.

Advice. So that the air that was swallowed during meals does not enter the intestines of the newborn, immediately after feeding it must be held with the head up - “column”. In this position, he will burp all the gases in the stomach.


An attack of bloating in infants begins immediately after feeding and can last up to four hours. Often this happens in the afternoon, often at night and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • restlessness, continuous crying for no apparent reason;
  • refusal of food;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • the baby presses his knees to his tummy;
  • tummy tense, almost hard to the touch;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • constipation;
  • greenish frothy stools;
  • gases rarely escape.

It should be noted that almost all "premature" children have increased gas formation in the intestines due to an underdeveloped digestive tract system.

How to help?

Below we consider simple, but at the same time effective methods fight against flatulence.

  • Lay on belly

To alleviate the suffering of the child, you must first lay him on his tummy - he moves his arms and legs, doing a massage to himself.

  • Apply a warm diaper

A proven method is a warm diaper, warmed by an iron and applied to the tummy. Don't forget to put the diaper on your cheek first to determine the comfortable temperature!

  • Get a massage

Many mothers successfully use clockwise massage. It is necessary to “warm up” the baby massage oil between the palms and, carefully, starting from the navel, move to the edges of the tummy in a circular motion.

  • Exercise "bicycle"

One of the most effective ways- the image of a bicycle and pressing the legs to the tummy.

  • Gas tube

If none of the methods helps, a gas outlet tube is inserted into the anus.

  • Correcting nutrition

When flatulence in a month-old baby is due to malnutrition, then nursing mothers should reconsider their diet and exclude gas-producing foods.

  • More walking and moving

It is necessary to walk with the child every day, immediately the next day after discharge (and not a week, a month, or “how the umbilical cord heals”). Very useful and physical education on the fitball.

Advice. Pharmacies sell a variety of medicines and medicinal herbs from the formation of gases, but in no case buy them on your own and do not consult a pharmacist. Only a doctor should diagnose and treat symptoms! Moreover, flatulence can be a symptom of the disease, which is a threat to life.

Flatulence in children 2-5 years old

In children who are already 2 years old, the cycle of formation of intestinal functions and filling it with beneficial microflora ends. At this age, flatulence occurs much less frequently than in newborns. But as a result of the fact that the diet of a child of 2 years is already completely changing, it is often possible to observe painful symptoms in him.

In children 2-3 years old, the causes of increased gas formation are the same:

  • the use of sweets, buns, white bread, grapes, berries;
  • vegetable products containing starch and coarse fibers (fruits, herbs, cereals, vegetables, legumes);
  • an inactive lifestyle, which is rarely typical for a child at 3 years old;
  • too much weight;
  • (violation of microflora);
  • congenital lack of enzymes necessary for digestive function.

At 4 years old, the baby already walks in kindergarten, and signs of flatulence may appear from the first days of the visit. Due to changes in diet, the intestines go through a period of adaptation. This can bring moral suffering. After all, gases can escape involuntarily in public place with friends.

In children 4-5 years old, bloating occurs for the following reasons:

  • the use of sweets in large quantities;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • chewing gum;
  • (passive lifestyle);
  • obesity.

Advice. Parents be careful! A pronounced flatulence in a child is manifested in such serious dyspeptic diseases as: inflammation of the pancreas, stagnation in the intestines, helminthic invasion, mucous colitis. In these cases, only the doctor establishes the causes, and treatment is prescribed immediately.

Flatulence in children 6-10 years old

In children 6 years old, the main causes of bloating have the same signs as in preschoolers:

  • swallowing air;
  • violation of microflora;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • constipation (including).

Especially great importance for a 7 year old child psychological factor. It is during this period that the children's age crisis falls. Children at this moment are especially susceptible to neuroses that affect the functioning of the digestive tract.

Bloating is a common symptom in school students as well. In children of 8 years old, as well as in schoolchildren of 10 years old, the following signs of flatulence are observed:

  • binge eating;
  • use harmful products(chips, cereal);
  • consumption of carbonated drinks;
  • unbalanced nutrition (it is at this age that children begin to “choose” food);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • violation of peristalsis;
  • excessive use of drugs;
  • neuroses;
  • intestinal infections.

Diagnosis and assistance

Children older than two years old can already describe to their parents what is bothering them. You should know that for any, they point to the area, the navel, because they still do not know how to determine the localization of pain. The main symptom is continuous crying, acute, tense abdomen, belching, weakness, nausea. Sometimes the pain is given to the legs of the child.

Treatment of flatulence in children will be effective if you observe after which products bloating occurs. And to help their child, parents must change his diet. A diet for flatulence is prescribed by a doctor. Dishes should be boiled or steamed. Eat food at a moderate temperature - not too hot, not too cold. Drink plenty of non-carbonated water and herbal teas.

Gastroenterologists recommend eating 5-7 times a day, but little by little, chewing food well. Nutritionists recommend chewing food 30 times before swallowing it. Thus, it enters the stomach a quarter of the processed, which is of great help to the digestive tract.

Below is a list of "permitted" foods so that adults know how to feed a child with flatulence:

  • dairy products;
  • low-fat cheeses;
  • cereals (not dairy);
  • meat of poultry, rabbit;
  • lean fish;
  • beets;
  • pumpkin;
  • omelets.

To cure flatulence in a child, it is necessary to remove products that promote gas formation from the menu. You can’t feel sorry for him and “at least once” allow him to eat a candy or an apple. This can only aggravate the disease.

He should lead a natural, mobile lifestyle, walk daily, play active games with friends or parents. A favorable psychological environment at home, in kindergarten or school is very important.

Bloating and gas congestion in a newborn is a familiar picture to almost every parent. Young children often have increased gas formation. What are the causes of such accumulations and how to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

Flatulence: find and eliminate the cause

The symptomatology is quite recognizable: a baby that has just eaten and is happy for no reason, for no reason at all, becomes restless, cries inconsolably, bringing its legs to its tummy, becomes red from pushing and straining. And of course, because the accumulated gases do not allow food to be digested normally. And the consistency in the form of foamy bubbles mixed with mucus presses on the walls of the weak intestine.

Gases in a newborn are the fate of almost every one-month-old child, pursuing him on the heels of up to 3-4 months of life. Conventionally, the origin of flatulence can be divided into two groups: when air enters the gastrointestinal tract from the outside, and when gas formation products are formed directly in the intestine under the influence of fermentation processes.

If we understand the nature of the occurrence of gas in a newborn, then we can help him as effectively as possible.

Gaziki, caught from outside

Swallowed air, bypassing the stomach, quickly enters the intestines. This often happens when there is no proper grip on the chest. A young mother who has no experience in breastfeeding should not be ashamed to ask a nurse for help while still in the hospital in order to learn how to properly attach her baby to her breast. The nipple should be completely enclosed by the lips, along with the halo.

Proper attachment is one of key factors in solving problems with gas formation

During meals, there should not be any extraneous sounds, such as smacking. The problem can also arise with bottle feeding. Then it is recommended to purchase a special bottle with an anti-colic valve that traps air.

Physiological dysbacteriosis

When a baby is born, many functions are put into operation in a testing mode, including right job intestines. It is actively populated with beneficial bacteria, as a result of which gases are formed in the newborn. Or the malnutrition of a nursing mother affects gas formation. You should know and strictly limit the products that cause flatulence, or temporarily abandon them:

  • legumes;
  • fresh cabbage white-headed;
  • flour products;
  • carbonated drinks.

Excessive consumption of sugar is not desirable.

Prevention of gas formation

There are several simple tricks to help reduce gas formation in newborns:

  • before feeding, lay the baby on the tummy;
  • after feeding, take the baby in your arms and wear it in a column until the excess air leaves;
  • lightly stroke the baby's tummy in a clockwise direction; do gymnastics, bringing the legs to the body and returning them to their original position (of course, not after eating).

Enough effective remedy

If there was a seizure

If, nevertheless, gaziki in newborns made themselves felt, you need to help the baby release them. This is done as follows:

  1. Massage. Light circular movements help not only as a preventive measure, but also during an attack. Massage improves intestinal motility, and gasses move in and out more easily. But if such manipulations do not bring calm to a newborn, and he gets even more in pain, then the method is not yours. Do not forcefully massage.
  2. Warm. From ancient times, our grandmothers knew that if a child suffers from colic, you need to attach a warm heating pad or an ironed warm diaper to the tummy. Even mother's hands, which give warmth, can relieve pain and speed up the passage of gases to the exit.
  3. Dill based products. The active ingredients of dill or fennel relax spasms of smooth muscles and improve the digestive process. Prominent representatives of such products are dill water and plantex - a granular powder with fennel extracts.
  4. Gas tube. It can help to effectively release gases, and it is very cheap. The child is laid on the side, legs tucked up to the tummy. A diaper is preliminarily laid out, since babies in newborns can come out accompanied by bowel movements. The tip of the tube is lubricated with baby cream and inserted into the anus. But the method has a big minus: it is effective only when gases accumulate at the base of the anus. If they are far in the intestines, there will be no effect.
  5. Simethicone-based preparations. Gas treatment often involves taking simethicone-based medications. This is an inert substance, the task of which is only to collect gas bubbles on itself and remove them, therefore its use is considered safe for infants. The remedy is allowed from 2 weeks after birth. The drug is produced in the form of a suspension under different names: espumizan, bobotik, infacol, etc.
  6. Enema. In extreme cases, you can use an enema, provided that along with gas, the child suffers from constipation. But often such procedures cannot be done, since beneficial bacteria are washed out of the intestines, and addiction is possible.

So, we learned what causes gas in babies, and also what to do to remove these painful manifestations. And remember: gaziki, like intestinal colic, will definitely pass in a few months.

Prevention and "treatment" of increased gas formation in infants can be carried out in three ways: drug therapy, changing the principles of infant care and reviewing the diet of a nursing mother. They can be used in combination. You can choose what helps the baby the most. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that not a single method works. Then it is worth choosing the tactics of waiting: after all, gaziki and colic are age-related phenomena.

Colic vs Gasic: What's the Difference?

Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of infants include colic, bloating, and spasms. Increased gas formation in the intestines is called flatulence. In newborns, it is associated with the anatomical features of the digestive organs, their physiological immaturity, unformed metabolism, insufficient production and activity of enzymes, intestinal dysbiosis, immaturity nervous system. As a rule, by 3 months, babies stop bothering gassies. However, one must somehow survive this period of anxiety and discomfort. How to help a newborn with gases?

Colic is a sharp spasmodic pain. Gaziki - bloating in a baby. Of course, these phenomena are interconnected. Flatulence provokes tension in the walls of the intestine, which leads to pain. If increased gas formation is eliminated in time, then an acute attack of colic can be avoided or at least reduced.

breastfeeding mom diet

Products that cause gas formation in infants must be excluded from the diet from the first days of breastfeeding. These include:

  • gas-producing vegetables and fruits (onions, garlic, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, radishes, legumes, melons, raisins, grapes, pears, apples);
  • carbonated drinks (this includes carbonated water);
  • whole cow's milk (at the same time, fermented milk products are not excluded from the diet);
  • nuts (especially peanuts);
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • black bread;
  • muffin;
  • sweets with refined carbohydrates (sugar provokes strong fermentation in the intestines).

It is necessary to introduce new foods into the diet gradually, without mixing them. You can keep a diary of a nursing mother. This will help monitor the reactions of the baby after feeding. You should also take into account the individual characteristics of the child's body. On different products children may react in different ways.

What else can affect the formation of gases

Excessive gas formation and intestinal colic can provoke, at first glance, a number of minor factors. Mistakes can be in care, feeding, psychological mood of parents and relatives.

  • Improper attachment to the breast. The baby should tightly grip the nipple and most of the areola. If this does not happen, when sucking, the baby swallows a lot of air.
  • Large volume of milk or formula. If the baby sucks quickly, this can also lead to the accumulation of gases in the intestines. It is also important not to overfeed the baby. A large amount of food requires more enzymes, and there are still few of them in the baby's body.
  • Bottle and nipple inappropriate shape. Choose the correct angle of the bottle when formula-feeding so that air does not get into the nipple. Anti-colic bottles with special valves, as well as nipples, have proven themselves well correct form imitating female breasts.
  • Overheating and wrong mode of life. The child may scream because he is hot, uncomfortable, thirsty. It is also important to create the most favorable conditions for the baby: temperature regime, fresh, wet air in the room, walking, water procedures, air baths. The accumulation of gases can be triggered by the lack of mobility of the crumbs: it is necessary to spread it on the stomach, wear it in different positions.

It is impossible not to mention another important factor - my mother's mood and the general psychological atmosphere in the family. The newborn sensitively reacts to the slightest changes in the mental state of the mother. Her anxiety, panic, fears are transmitted to him. Therefore, it is so important for a woman not to forget about herself and her personal needs, to remember other social statuses, except for the status of a mother.

Universal ways, time-tested

Gaziki in newborns accumulate in the intestines immediately after feeding or even during meals. Bloating, increased gas formation lead to stretching of the intestinal walls, which provokes pain. How can you help a child?

Any bouts of piercing crying of a newborn should alert parents. They may indicate acute pain, the causes of which can only be diagnosed by a doctor. But if the baby is healthy, he does not have a temperature, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, problems with appetite, weight gain, and crying occurs suddenly, at a certain time and passes quickly, most likely these are the symptoms of intestinal colic. The best healer in this situation is time.

First aid drugs: 4 types of drugs

The pharmaceutical industry offers many options and analogues medicines different spectrum of action for gaziki and colic in infants.

  1. Probiotics. A newborn often has various dysbiotic disorders - a qualitative and quantitative lack of beneficial bacteria of the intestinal flora. To normalize it, the doctor may prescribe probiotics - a group of lactic acid bacteria. It is not recommended to use these drugs on your own, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. Only after the results of stool analysis can we talk about identifying the cause of dysbiosis and the need for probiotic therapy.
  2. Enzymes. These drugs will help replenish those active substances that are lacking in the process of digestion. Most often, newborns have problems digesting the carbohydrate of breast milk - lactose. With lactase deficiency (it can be congenital and transient, that is, temporary), an enzyme called lactase is prescribed. The danger of using enzymes can only be in their frequent and regular intake. The pancreas of the baby must “learn” to independently produce the necessary active substances.
  3. Antispasmodic and carminative preparations. The main active ingredient is simethicone. It consists of a polymer of dimethylsiloxane and silicon dioxide. Despite such a frightening name, simethicone is not dangerous, is not absorbed in the intestines, and is not addictive, so it is prescribed from the first days of life. Simethicone leads to the rupture of gas bubbles in the intestines, as well as their excretion. It relieves pain well and quickly if its cause is flatulence. If the cause is weak peristalsis due to the immaturity of the central nervous system, then the doctor may prescribe prokinetics - drugs that stimulate intestinal motility.
  4. Phytopreparations. They include herbs: fennel, chamomile, dill seeds, anise, coriander, cumin and others. Dosage form - granules, oils, drops. You can make your own infusions and decoctions of dry herbs. In this case, it is necessary to observe the conditions of brewing and the exact dosage. Herbal drugs stimulate the digestive tract, promote the production of enzymes, relieve spasms, and improve intestinal motility. Plant materials are safe for newborns, decoctions can be used for a long time for prevention purposes. The only contraindication may be individual hypersensitivity to the components.

Medical treatment can be called conditional. Infantile, or still infantile colic is not treated. At acute attacks pain, you can use a number of drugs that will reduce pain, eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines.

Mechanical ambulance

In acute attacks, you can use mechanical means of helping the baby - or a gas tube.

How to give an enema

  1. Buy the smallest enema with a soft tip at the pharmacy. Up to 1 month, it is recommended to use an enema with a volume of 30 ml, from 1 to 3 months - 40 ml.
  2. Boil the enema. Enough 15-20 minutes.
  3. Use boiled water room temperature. The water should not be cold, because this will lead to spasms of the intestines. It also should not be too warm, this will provoke the rapid absorption of toxins accumulated in the intestines.
  4. Squeeze the air out of the enema. Fill it with pre-prepared and cooled water.
  5. Smear the tip of the enema with vaseline oil.
  6. Lay the child on his back or left side. In this case, you need to press his legs to his stomach in order to maximize access to the anus and lubricate it with vaseline oil.
  7. Spread the buttocks and slowly inject the contents of the enema. The tip can be inserted to a depth of 2–3 cm.
  8. Keep your buttocks tight. This must be done within 5 minutes so that the liquid does not spill out.
  9. Wait for the stool to appear. It is necessary to prepare a place in advance, cover it with a diaper, so as not to lift or disturb the baby during defecation.

What is important to know? When setting an enema, the baby should be calm, in a relaxed state. The procedure should be carried out with spastic constipation, which is accompanied by pain and bloating. Frequent use of an enema can lead to inhibition of the natural reflex to defecate.

How to put a gas tube in a newborn

What is important to know? After setting the gas outlet tube, make sure that it helps - this is immediately noticeable by the behavior of the baby. It makes no sense to put it if the child continues to scream and behave restlessly. You can not abuse this method, because it can lead to inhibition of the natural gas reflex, injure the delicate mucous membrane of the rectum.

What to do with gas in an infant? If the symptoms are severe, the baby screams, kicks his legs, you can use medications. Carminative and antispasmodic drugs will quickly relieve pain. If the symptoms are mild, the child has mild discomfort, you can use more "soft", preventive methods - massage, gymnastics, laying on the tummy, mother's diet, proper feeding, herbal decoctions.


Flatulence in newborns manifests itself in the first weeks of their life, sometimes lasts up to 4-5 months and can be associated with a wide variety of reasons. At the same time, the baby behaves restlessly, sleeps badly, often wakes up and cries, pulls his knees to his stomach and strains a lot, trying to expel excess air from the intestines.

Causes of gas formation in babies

Why do newborns get colic?

  • incorrect breast capture during feeding (with mother's milk, the child swallows air);
  • violation of the intestinal microflora in infants (reception of antibacterial drugs by the mother);
  • malnutrition of a mother who is breastfeeding a child.

flatulence symptoms

How to determine that a child has an increased accumulation of gases and air in the intestines?

  1. The baby is nervous and behaves restlessly for no apparent reason (there is no temperature, he just ate, the diaper is clean).
  2. The child presses her knees to her stomach, cries and cannot calm down.
  3. He cries and cries in the evening and at night, although he ate and slept well during the day and in the morning.
  4. Loudly emits gases with an unpleasant odor, after which it calms down for a while.
  5. The child turned pale.
  6. The baby begins to worry and cry 5 to 10 minutes after eating.
  7. Constipation or loose greenish stools.

Mom's diet after childbirth

A woman who is breastfeeding a child in the first month after his birth is allowed to eat the following foods:

  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, barley porridge, barley;
  • any (except legumes) vegetables that have undergone heat treatment;
  • boiled, stewed, baked low-fat meat;
  • soups on vegetable broths;
  • fermented milk products of medium fat content (kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, cheeses, yogurts);
  • compotes from fruits and dried fruits;
  • boiled and baked potatoes;
  • baked apples, bananas, pears;
  • white bread (preferably stale).

After the child is 1 - 1.5 months old, it is allowed to gradually add the following foods to the diet:

  • oatmeal in milk, millet porridge;
  • boiled chicken and quail eggs;
  • boiled or stewed chicken breast(add carefully, like eggs);
  • boiled fish, steam fish (low-fat varieties, white river fish is better).

As soon as the baby is 3 months old, the mother is allowed to eat any food, adding it to her menu little by little and watching the reaction of the child.

Foods that cause gas in the baby

If a child has flatulence, it is necessary to review the menu of his mother. A direct relationship between the composition of breast milk and a woman's nutrition has been scientifically proven. If the mother eats foods that cause her strong gas formation, the child will also suffer from pain in the tummy. So, for the period breastfeeding(at least for the first 3 months, after which forbidden food can be introduced in small doses), a woman is forbidden to eat a number of foods:

  • Whole milk can cause lactose allergy. Dairy products there is, of course, possible and necessary, it is better to exclude milk completely.
  • Rye (black) bread can be replaced with whole grain diet bread - they contain the same amount of vitamins and minerals, and fiber, causing gas, far less.
  • Legumes (corn, peas, beans, chickpeas) are a source of vegetable protein. However, at the time of lactation, it is necessary to abandon them. Peas and corn can be replaced with soy cheese.
  • Fresh, pickled and canned vegetables and fruits. Such products are allowed to boil and bake. The lack of vitamins is replenished with the help of vitamin complexes.
  • White cabbage.
  • Yeast dough can cause severe flatulence in a baby, so you should not get carried away with pies during breastfeeding.
  • Mushrooms are a source of protein, but they are very difficult for the body to digest and, with a high degree of probability, can cause flatulence in both mother and child. It is not recommended to eat them until the end of lactation.

How to alleviate the child's condition with flatulence?

In addition to excluding harmful and prohibited foods from the diet, the baby can be helped by the following methods:

  • Massage the child's stomach in a clockwise direction with gentle circular motions. Mom's nails should be cut short, the skin can be moistened with a special baby massage oil.
  • It is correct to apply the baby to the breast during feeding (the areola should be almost completely captured by the baby, the nipple looks up).
  • Immediately after eating, the child must be held in an upright position - this will facilitate the exit from the stomach of gases swallowed with milk.
  • With especially severe colic, applying a warm heating pad or a diaper warmed by an iron to the tummy of a crying baby will be effective.
  • Every day for 3 - 5 minutes it is necessary to lay the baby on the stomach. At the same time, you need to watch the child: he can bury his nose in the bed and suffocate!
  • If attacks of flatulence visit the child too often, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician who will select the appropriate drug to alleviate the condition (Espumizan, Bobotic).