Evgeniy from the gum woman got married. Evgeny Borodenko biography. "Comedy Woman" star Evgeny Borodenko leaves TNT

- in the early 2000s, he performed as an artist for the Deja Vu team, which has been represented in Major League games since 2009. Today Evgeniy is firmly established in the capital of Russia, but this was not always the case; the road to the artistic Olympus turned out to be long.

Childhood and youth

The future dancer and showman Evgeny Borodenko was born on October 31, 1983 in the second largest city of Yakutia - Neryungri. There is little information about Evgeniy's family. It is only known that the parents’ professions are not related to television and show business.

Comedy Woman - "I'll Dream"

For several years now, the artist’s creative biography has been closely connected with the TNT channel. In 2012, Borodenko received an invitation from the creators of the popular entertainment project Comedy Woman on TNT. The artist came to audition for the TV show on the advice of his friend Nadezhda Angarskaya. The dancer received a positive response, and began appearing in humorous miniatures in episodes of the 3rd season.

He kept company with two other men, participants in the show - and. Borodenko mastered the stage role of a “handsome guy,” which turned out to be in demand at the women’s show. At first, Evgeniy had laconic roles, and besides, his dancing talent came in handy in staging choreographic numbers. Soon the artist’s repertoire was replenished with miniatures in which other participants also became his partners.

Personal life

The personal life of Evgeniy Borodenko came under close attention of the media after information about his affair with a famous participant in “Comedy Woman” was leaked to the press. For some time they talked about Evgeniy and Catherine as a couple. The girl did not confirm this, but willingly posted the photo with her colleague. Later, Katya admitted that Zhenya is her beloved friend and close person.

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Evgeny Borodenko and Ekaterina Varnava

In October 2015, scandalous information appeared in the Russian media that Evgeny Borodenko had legalized his relationship with a man. The wedding took place in Denmark. The photographs published in the media depict the process of Evgeniy’s marriage to a certain young man, which took place back in September. Some recognized him as a financier named Igor Ivlev. Previously, he tried to build a career as a fashion model.

Among the guests present at the ceremony, Evgeniy’s colleagues from Comedy Woman and Ekaterina Varnava were seen in the photo. The girls then refused to comment on the information.

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Evgeny Borodenko in a fur coat

Before this incident, Evgeniy had not advertised his gay orientation, so for many fans of the show this news came as a surprise. There were rumors that the TNT channel raised the question of Borodenko’s dismissal. And Evgeniy himself and his husband were packing their bags to leave for Kyiv or the USA at the first opportunity. But this information was not confirmed: the actor continued to collaborate with Comedy Woman. The channel's management refused to "remove" the unwanted guy from the air.

Successful showman, actor and dancer Evgeny Borodenko made his way to the heights of success from the distant Yakut town of Neryungri. It was there that he took his first steps in his musical career and learned the art of dance. But, as often happens with humorous figures, the formation of Evgeniy’s career took place on the stage of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

Evgeniy was born on the last day of October 1983. Little is known about his parents, since the man himself does not talk about this, and Yakutia is too far from the capital for the ubiquitous paparazzi to want to get closer to them. The only thing known for certain is that both mom and dad are far from the sphere of art.

From an early age, the future showman showed interest in music. His parents supported his endeavors in every possible way, so they sent the young man to a music school, where he began to learn the art of playing the piano and singing in the choir. Additionally, Evgeniy attended ballroom dancing and achieved some success in this area.

After studying in high school, the young man went to a higher educational institution in his hometown in Yakutia and successfully graduated with a degree in teaching. But Evgeniy was not going to stop there and, realizing that he would have more opportunities in the capital, decided to continue his education in Moscow. At the Institute of Culture and Art, he trained as a manager for cultural and social activities.

Here we should pause and dwell in more detail on what else Evgeniy did during his studies.

Career development

While receiving higher education in his hometown, Borodenko decided that he could try his hand at the university team Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. It must be said that this decision was the right one, because it was thanks to KVN that the young man learned to behave on stage and met such an outstanding girl as Nadezhda Angarskaya. She invited Evgeniy to play for the Deja Vu team, in which Borodenko became a laureate of the competition in Jurmala.

But this is where the ascent to the heights of KVN fame ends for Evgeniy and the “Chicago” period begins in his life.

The musical "Chicago"

While living in the capital, Evgeny quite by chance ended up at the casting of the musical “Chicago,” which American directors decided to stage in the Russian capital. Despite the spontaneous decision to participate in the selection, he successfully passed all the casting tests and ended up being part of the main cast of the production. Russian stars such as Anastasia Stotskaya and Larisa Dolina performed with him.

“Chicago” became a real school for Evgeniy, where he could hone his acting and dancing skills. And his outstanding external data helped him win the favor of the audience. As a result, Evgeniy was noticed by the creators of Comedy Woman and invited to participate in the show.

Comedy Woman

When a charming man appeared on the stage of a popular show, his name began to appear frequently in the pages of the tabloid press. Eugene was credited with many affairs with different women, including Ekaterina Varnava- sex symbol of gum. But both the showman and the girl herself denied such a connection, although Evgeniy Borodenko’s Instagram was sometimes updated with very ambiguous photos with Ekaterina.

Evgeniy on the Comedy Woman stage enjoyed success with numerous fans, especially in those moments when he appeared in various miniatures without a shirt, demonstrating excellent physical shape. The press could only guess which beauty would win the heart of this handsome man.

Personal life

During his student years, participating in KVN and the musical “Chicago,” Evgeniy was not seen in a relationship with any particular girl, although sometimes he was noticed with different young ladies. Perhaps this is why photographs with Ekaterina Varnava gave rise to corresponding rumors. But as it turned out later, with the showman’s personal life everything turned out to be much more complicated.

In 2015, Evgeny Borodenko... in a way, got married. At the same time, he chose a certain Igor as his life partner. According to unverified information, the press learned that Igor is involved in banking activities. Unfortunately, there is no more detailed information about the artist’s partner.

Evgeniy Borodenko’s wedding took place in a Danish city where such marriages are allowed. Colleagues from Comedy Woman Ekaterina Varnava and Natalya Yeprikyan were spotted at the wedding ceremony. However, all the artists refused to comment on the event and disclose any details of the ceremony.

For a long time there were rumors that Yevgeny Borodenko’s scandalous marriage in Europe would put an end to his career as an artist in less tolerant Russia. However, over time, these rumors were not confirmed. Today, the successful showman continues his performances on the stage of the popular show Comedy Woman and, it should be noted that the interest of fans in him has not diminished. But the man, as before, reliably hides the details of his personal life, not appearing in public with his partner, and not posting any photos together, except for wedding ones.

After it became known that TNT star Evgeny Borodenko registered a same-sex marriage with Igor Ivlev in Denmark, the artist was criticized at home. Evgeniy’s husband Igor Ivlev was even forced to leave for Kyiv for a while. The guys and their loved ones are shocked.

Evgeniy Borodenko

There are rumors that the management of the TNT channel insists on the departure of Evgeniy Borodenko from the Comedy Woman show due to the great noise that began on the Internet and in the media. Evgeniy Borodenko received a flurry of negative comments on his Instagram and VKontakte page. The actor is forced to constantly clean up comments and delete posts.

Thousands of viewers made negative comments on the Internet on the TNT channel, on the show, and especially on Ekaterina Varnava, which forced her to start a new PR campaign to marry her new boyfriend. Hundreds of gays, who were happy about this event, congratulate the newlyweds with might and main, which further adds fuel to the fire. The bullying has reached unimaginable proportions. Even representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and State Duma deputies became excited.

One of the capital's human rights organizations is preparing documents for Yevgeny Borodenko and Igor Ivlev to obtain asylum in the United States. This is stated in an anonymous letter sent to URA.Ru. A scan of the document is attached to the letter. Evgeniy himself has so far taken a wait-and-see attitude and is not commenting on anything.

Let us recall that 33-year-old dancer, participant in the Comedy Woman show, close friend of Ekaterina Varnava, Evgeny Borodenko married his lover named Igor. The gay wedding took place on September 24 this year in Copenhagen, Denmark. Evgeny Borodenko, who was credited with an affair with his colleague Ekaterina Varnava, married a man. Among the invited guests were show participants Ekaterina Varnava (allegedly a former “lover”) and Natalya Yeprikyan (stage name “Natalya Andreevna”). In total, 20-25 guests were present at the event. The ceremony took place at the City Hall on Town Hall Square, followed by a photo shoot, a banquet and a disco.

Homosexual marriages have been legal in Denmark since 2012, but such unions do not have legal force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Igor Ivlev, a native of Omsk, is not a banker, as previously reported, he only received a financial education. Currently, Igor Ivlev is undergoing an internship at the Moscow branch of the Ukrainian company Interkassa, which is engaged in Internet projects. By the way, the newlyweds have a lot in common with Kiev. They own an apartment in the very center of Kyiv and spend a lot of time there. Evgeniy Borodenko often posts photos from the newlyweds’ apartment on his Instagram.

Igor Ivlev

Previously, Igor Ivlev tried himself as a fashion model. His photographs can be found on some gay sites. However, his career as a fashion model did not work out. Igor Ivlev is also well known in the capital’s gay scene. After information about the wedding that took place recently spread in the media, friends and acquaintances of the guys began discussions on social media. networks, remembering previous romantic acquaintances with them.

There are a lot of rumors around the show “Comedy Woman”. Speculation and talk, surprisingly, affect men the most - and this is not without reason. You can always find crowds of fans around men, but their true personal life often remains behind the scenes. Men do not talk about their chosen ones, as a result of which society forms a completely justified opinion for modern times about the homosexuality of the actors of “Comedy Woman”. Indeed, none of the men were seen in an affair with the actresses of the show “Comedy Woman”, but office romances in such a team should happen often. The only short-lived union that could be noticed was the relationship between Ekaterina Varnava and Dmitry Khrustalev. Well, he doesn't fall under the radar of suspicion, but what about the others? Next, we will consider the biographies of the male cast of the famous show on TNT.

Acting actors

Men are seen much more often in recent shows - apparently humor is impossible without them (in any case, it’s more interesting to watch such miniatures). Male actors, like female ones, are constantly changing, so the cast today has changed significantly, but some remain unchanged.

Alexander Vladimirovich Gudkov – “Gudok”

Among the most famous actors of the presented show is Alexander Gudkov with the appropriate nickname “Gudok”. He has been participating in the show since the first episode, which has won the love and admiration of not only the audience, but also his teammates. His role as a shocking, extraordinary macho in no way corresponds to the seriousness in life. Alexander Gudkov became popular thanks to his participation in KVN in the team “Fedor Dvinyatin”. Immediately after several enchanting and very funny performances, he was invited to participate in projects on Channel One.

Showman Alexander Gudkov fit so organically into the female cast of the women's show that until recently he was its only participant, with the exception of the host Dmitry Khrustalev. The show took into account two different temperaments and types, so Gudok began to imitate an artist with the “attitudes” of a homosexual, while Dmitry was constantly in search of his beloved and unsuccessfully tried to win the heart of Catherine Barnabas (well, maybe not only the heart).
Alexander Gudkov is not only a participant in the Comedy Woman show, but also a screenwriter. The actor came up with most of the scenes with his own participation, although he also manages to write interesting scenes, adapting to the exclusively female temperament and atmosphere. At 34 years old, Alexander Gudkov, or simply “Gudok,” devoted himself entirely to working on television and radio. But according to the man himself, he wants to meet his beloved, with whom he wants to launch a project, talking about the lives of animals. Gudok wants children, family and homemade borscht at the family table. Despite the huge number of very attractive women around him, Gudok was never able to find a life partner for himself. In his opinion, you need to fall in love once and for all, and this has not happened to him yet.

Oleg Evgenievich Vereshchagin – Beaver

If previously little-known actors came to the show, today the list has been supplemented by those actors whose names and surnames are already familiar to television viewers. This is what happened to Marina Fedunkiv. Today, Oleg Vereshchagin, a former resident of the Comedy Club, who performed in a duet with Le Havre or Gavriil Gordeev, has become firmly entrenched in the show. He joined the Comedy Woman show only in 2013, although at first he was invited as a guest. Noticing his temperament and charisma, the producers and screenwriters proposed a permanent transition. Any man likes to work with women, and it was on this show that Oleg Vereshchagin found his place.

Oleg Vereshchagin began his career by participating in the KVN teams “Parma” and “Friends”. Immediately after KVN, the actor began to actively participate in the creation of the Comedy men's club on TNT. But here his role did not seem so significant - gradually his participation in the scenes switched to a “one-role actor” - Oleg began to play only the club security guard. He did it masterfully, but this is not enough for an actor - they need ups and downs. As a result, Oleg began to actively take part in the scenes of the women's show, which he, the producers and the audience liked.

At 34 years old, Oleg often plays a Russian man “in sweatpants” - his life experience always shows on stage. Indeed, Oleg is a happy family man and father. The actor has been married to his wife Alexandra for more than 10 years; their daughter Polina is growing up. This family happiness fills the actor so much that he agrees to family miniatures more and more often.

Evgeniy Borodenko

Evgeny Borodenko joins the list of male actors of the Comedy Woman show. His roles in the show are minor; he practices more as a choreography teacher or dancer, which is fully consistent with his profession. Despite his rare appearance on stage, there is much more interest around his person. And the whole point is about gayness - not even that, the whole point is about his marriage to a man!

Yes, Evgeny Borodenko was a seducer of women on stage, but as it turned out, they did not interest him. Through his professional interests, he became friends with Ekaterina Varnava - the couple perfectly performs any steps of any dance, because both are engaged in choreography. Rumors even began to appear around this union that the actors had not only a professional interest in each other - the media had long ago married them. But like a bolt from the blue, the news appeared that Evgeniy had married a man!

The wedding ceremony took place on September 24, 2015 in Denmark, where marriages among homosexuals have been officially permitted since 2012. Only 25 guests were invited to the wedding, among whom was Ekaterina Varnava - she sincerely rejoiced at her friend’s happiness. By the way, banker Igor from Russia became Evgeniy’s chosen one.

A huge scandal erupted around this type of marriage. Crowds of fans who so wanted to win over Eugene were indignant - a small part supported the actor in his choice. After all, every person deserves happiness and love, and if happiness for him is marriage to a man, then so be it. Evgeniy himself was amazed by the revelation - he sincerely believed that his unconventional orientation and marriage to a man would remain a secret in his homeland. It was not for nothing that the man went to Denmark for the wedding, which he wanted to show his serious intentions to his chosen one, but did not expect a scandal in Russia. The participant in the show does not answer questions from journalists, and Ekaterina Varnava does not give any comments on this matter. Well, may the newlyweds shown in the photo below be happy!

Former members

Since there are not many male participants in the Comedy Woman show, it won’t take long to list the former residents. Former but still famous include Dmitry Khrustalev and Sergei Talyzin.

Dmitry Yurievich Khrustalev

Dmitry Khrustalev, a former host of the Comedy Woman show and a participant in miniatures, became famous for his artistry and humor while participating in the KVN team “St. Petersburg Team,” where he was captain. Over the next 4 years, Dmitry did not participate in comedy shows; he was never noticed on television. But already in 2007, Dmitry appeared in a new image in the Comedy Club show in a duet with Viktor Vasiliev.

Their duet existed on the show for several years, but in 2008 Khrustalev accepted an invitation to the Comedy Woman show as a host. At first, his role was not great - he introduced the participants and joked nicely with them. But as soon as the show began to use games of miniatures and numerous scenes, it was impossible to imagine most of them without the wonderful Dmitry. His repertoire includes the roles of unlucky seducers and insecure henpecked husbands, which, combined with a powerful wife in the form of Ekaterina Skulkina, looked not ridiculous, but vital!

Since 2013, Dmitry Khrustalev has stopped hosting the Comedy Woman show due to his move to Channel One in the Evening Urgant show. Among other things, he was noticed as a jury on the show “Dance” on Channel One, where he became famous as a great comedian. Today Dmitry Khrustalev is an indispensable presenter with humorous inclinations. He is invited to corporate events and offered work in projects of the central channels of Russia.

Dmitry’s personal life also attracts the interests of curious viewers. So, almost everyone knows about the office romance with Ekaterina Varnava. But few people know that at that time Dmitry was legally married to Victoria Dyachuk. The couple had been married since 2001, although Dmitry rarely appeared in public with his wife - Victoria herself is a non-public person, so she was bored at social parties. When, in 2011, Khrustalev increasingly began to appear in public arm in arm with Varnava, journalists and the public began to whisper: “Khrustalev abandoned his wife.” But according to Victoria herself, the marriage with Dmitry had already outlived its usefulness even before Catherine appeared in their union, therefore, as soon as it became known about her husband’s new hobby, the girl herself decided to file for divorce. Their separation was calm and without scandals - the former spouses still communicate and are interested in each other’s successes. The romance between Ekaterina Varnava and Dmitry Khrustalev lasted only a little more than a year.

Sergey Talyzin – Silent Administrator Seryozha

Sergei Talyzin is the sex symbol of the show, who has won the hearts of the entire female half of fans. Young girls and adult women began to simply desire a young man in every sense. Still would! A stately and pumped up figure combined with silence and complete obedience - this is the dream of all women! This is the kind of man who is a priority - as long as he brings money into the house.

But in life, Sergei Talyzin is far from silent - he is a MEPhI student, a hockey team player, a successful model and simply a lover of travel. Since the ladies are concerned about his personal life, it should be said that Sergei has a girlfriend, as evidenced by Instagram. She is slim, smart and beautiful, so Sergei cannot be called a ladies' man.

However, Sergei maintains the brand that was created around him on television - he also does not communicate with journalists, so little is known about his successes, biography and personal life. Maybe this is for the best, because every celebrity must have their own secret, and since a person is under the close attention of fans and journalists, their secret is their life in general. All that remains for Sergei is to wish him good luck in further conquering new heights.

The participants of the Comedy Woman show, both men and women, are mysterious and seductive. Gudok, Khrustalev or Talyzin - different images, different figures, different temperaments - but each is not deprived of the attention of fans. Everyone wants to get not only an autograph, but also themselves. Women are not averse to gaining favor; each of them is sure that she is the actor’s other half. Here all that remains is to wish the male actors good luck in acting, because winning the trust and desire of fans of a female show is, oh, what a difficult task.

Natalya Rudova posted a photo on Instagram with Zhenya Sinyakov, who is a resident of the Comedy Club. Some fans began to attribute to the actress an affair with the comedian, but Rudova stated that they had friendly relations.

Very little is known about Natalia’s personal life. Rudova does not talk about personal relationships and not many people know how a girl imagines her ideal chosen one. It seems like Natalya is more focused on her career and travelling.

Almost nothing is known about who Zhenya Sinyakov is, except that he is a resident of the Comedy Club and was born on July 25.

Who is Natalya Rudova, biography

Actress Natalya Rudova was born on July 2, 1983 in Uzbekistan. Her parents were completely uncreative people. Mom worked as a design engineer, and Natalya's father was a businessman. Rudova spent her childhood in the small seaside town of Aktau in Kazakhstan.

Childhood actress

As a child, Rudova often indulged in fantasies and daydreams and tried herself in creativity. She took part in children's theater productions, drew a lot, danced, and even did good cross-stitching. Natalya grew up as an active child, prone to fantasizing, and was constantly in dreams.

The active girl could rarely be found sitting calmly in one place. She selflessly rushed along the street and climbed trees with the boys. Of course, there were some injuries. One day, the girl received a serious concussion.

At school, Natalya loved literature, music and foreign languages ​​more than physics and mathematics.

Then she, her mother and sister moved to Ivanovo. The girl continued to have a warm relationship with her dad and was worried about the fact that they rarely saw each other.

In Ivanovo, Natalya began attending a theater studio. And this greatly influenced her future fate. Previously, the girl dreamed of becoming a teacher, merchandiser or salesman. And then suddenly I decided that I wanted to become an actress.

Personal life

She has always been hardworking and ambitious. While other actresses are starting families in 2017, posting photos in the company of their husband and children, Natalya Rudova decided to relegate her personal life to the background.

Of course, the beautiful actress does not remain without the attention of the opposite sex. There are many rumors in the press about her many love affairs. For example, she was credited with a romantic relationship with Dmitry Koldun.

The beautiful girl was offered marriage more than once, but she refused. Rudova made a statement many times in an interview - she does not want a serious relationship yet and does not dream of becoming a wife. She likes to have fun with friends on dance floors, rather than spend evenings at home.

The girl does not publicly talk about her relationship seriously. Perhaps the actress will soon meet her man, who will become Natalya Rudova’s husband, and she will have children. And in her personal life, the actress will be very happy.

35-year-old Natalya Rudova is relaxing with the 19-year-old son of a billionaire

Recently, the artist was spotted on vacation with the son of billionaire Sergei Sarkisov. This is not the first time that the young heir to the head of the RESO-Garantiya company has been photographed together with star beauties. Not so long ago, for example, the dark-haired womanizer was in a relationship with the daughter of oligarch Igor Kudryashkin, singer Nastya Kudri.

The influential father of a 19-year-old student has been ranked first in the Forbes ranking for more than eight years, and his fortune totals more than one billion dollars. Sarkisov Jr. takes full advantage of all the benefits that his father, the “black prince,” as he calls himself, can give him, studies at MGIMO, travels around Moscow in a sky-blue Bentley, and spends the winter holidays in Courchevel with friends.

The young man has repeatedly admitted that a serious relationship is not suitable for him - for the next ten years she plans to engage exclusively in business. For the last two years, Sergei has worked in his father’s company, moving from an ordinary sales manager to the manager of his own projects.

By the way, it remains a mystery whether the father will be pleased with the big difference in the age of his son and his possible passion.