Mass ban for using cheats in World of Tanks. Why was I banned? How to find out how long you were banned in here

Most likely, you are already aware that after today (October 15), and most likely it will be on Monday, October 17 (since no one works on weekends), Wargaming is preparing a large-scale ban of accounts for using prohibited modifications. We found several different versions of what was happening: from World of Tanks warnings to permanent bans of absolutely all accounts using cheats. Let's figure it out together.

How many times have accounts been checked for prohibited mods:

So, news for Lately There have really been a lot of reports about banning World of Tanks accounts and it’s time to weed out some of the fakes that were invented by schoolchildren who came home from class.

A micro update came out a couple of days ago

"On October 11, one of the game's micro-updates added an informer to the client. In the wot_9.16.11312_9.16.11080_client.wgpkg file you can find the account.def file. It contains the following information:

Autobahn time. Warning level. Clan ID. Session tracking. Python logs.
So, if you used cheats after the 11th, then you will be banned. If not, delete them until the situation becomes clearer."

January fake.

Check for cheating when entering the game

“There is an insider from reliable sources that the system will work for about 5 days. The system is automatic, when entering the client it will check the player against a previously collected database of cheaters, which was leaked.
Today a patch was rolled out in connection with this, so if anyone is afraid for their account, don’t log into the game for N days (there is no exact information on when they will turn it off)"

most likely fake.

What do the developers say on this topic?

Comment by Foton64rus

Wait for the official announcement, soon, but for now, no comments, don’t stress yourself out.

Comment from the creator of one of the "cheat builds"

Over the last 3 micropatches, we have not found any files that would track players or look for anything autonomously on the WG side.

European WoT sources (German)

The first wave will not affect everyone; they will ban you for a period of time from 14 to 30 days, no more. Yes, this will be a “demonstration performance”. Approximate "circulation" 10-50 thousand.

First wave of bans November 29

On November 29, 2016, some players received a ban upon entering the game. Violation: use of cheats (prohibited mods). Duration 1 week.

What to do if you are banned? Nothing. All you can do is wait and not use such mods in the future.

Are more bans expected in WOT? Yes. The next event that the developers will check is “”. Read the whole truth in a special one.

Second wave of bans January 5, 2017

The developers continued the fight against cheaters in WOT. On January 5, 2017, unexpectedly for everyone, cheaters received bans.

How many were banned in the second wave in the RU region?

  • 1618 people was banned permanently (forever). These players have already received a warning and a 7-day ban. But this did not stop them and the cheats were reused. Accounts are lost;
  • Received a warning ban for 7 days 33,087 accounts.
What are the ban statistics in other regions?
  • NA (US) - 479 for 7 days and 19 permanent;
  • EU - 5300 for 7 days and 181 permanent;
  • ASIA - 207 for 7 days and 13 permanent.
What mods got you banned?
Most likely due to the assembly of mods.

Third wave of bans March 13, 2017

It has become known about a new, third wave of bans in World of Tanks. How many accounts were killed this time?
  • 17,988 player accounts received initial account blocking;
  • 5,742 accounts received permanent blocking for repeated violations.

Fourth wave of bans May 4, 2017

  • 18,871 player accounts received initial account blocking;
  • 5,453 accounts received permanent blocking for repeated violations;
  • 3 supertesters also received a ban.
Moderators urge you not to break the rules of the game.

Fifth wave of bans July 6, 2017

  • 8,757 players received a warning;
  • 3579 players are permanently banned.
Players who violated the rules were also punished.

Sixth wave of bans September 28, 2017

  • 13,124 players received their first and last warning;
  • 3,185 accounts were blocked indefinitely
WG promises to continue to monitor violators (this is not the last wave of bans).

Seventh wave of bans November 29, 2017

  • Warned: 13,391 accounts for using ZM (prohibited mods);
  • Forever: 2937 for repeat violation.

Eighth wave of bans February 28, 2018

Restrictions received 60 226 accounts for using prohibited programs and were permanently blocked 5 156 accounts for repeated violations.

Eleventh wave of bans February 6, 2019

- We checked ALL players who took part in “Soldiers of Fortune”, including those who were not included in the “Walk of Fame” (played less than 5 battles).

Based on the results of the inspection, sanctions were applied to 22,643 players(total players participated: 222,411 - WE note) who used prohibited modifications (ZM).
As a result, the tank was removed from the prize zone 4,563 accounts, and in general, the Walk of Fame moved to 19,776 positions.

Twelfth wave of bans February 20, 2019

2 weeks ago Wargaming banned only clan players, but today they ban others too. Everything is the same as always, a warning (blocking) for 7 days or a permanent ban.

What mods are considered prohibited?

There is always a list of prohibited mods on the forum.

Let us remind you that we recently published a story about someone who used banned mods for 8 months in a row and is not worried that he will be banned.

Belarusian development team from Wargaming For a long time and persistently she proved that there are no and cannot be cheats in their game - there are only bots. In this case, a reasonable question arises - what are the mass bans for then?


Cheating(from English to cheat- cheat, cheat, cheat) - the use of specially created or modified programs or equipment in online games to gain an undeniable advantage over other players.

And so, the story is in the spirit of the best spy action films. For a better understanding, it is better to start by listing what is on this moment known:

  • there is such a creator of prohibited mods (cheats) as uragan1987;
  • not so long ago, he created an excellent modpack, which had a paid version (it cost 300 rubles), which, in addition to other prohibited mods, contained a unique cheat;
  • this mod showed all opponents in real time, even those that were not lit;
  • the other day, many users of the build received a permanent ban, which is surprising, because Wargaming’s fight against cheats was only a myth until recently;
  • In the end, users agreed on two options - either Wargaming, after the micropatch on the 25th, was able to track the users of the modpack itself, or uragan1987 received enough money from potatoes and leaked all the users of his build to the developers.

Let's find out!

The new cheat is probably familiar to players who follow the news (they wrote about it). In short, in popular fashions a function for tracking the position of allied tanks is built in. This information is transmitted to the modmaker’s servers and if there is such a player on the opposite team, then you will see where all the enemy equipment is located. The coolest cheat that completely breaks the balance, just imagine!

It looks like this

As you can see, absolutely all tanks of the enemy team are shown on the minimap.

Some time after using the modpack, mass bans began from the developers. In the modpack support thread, swearing begins and uragan1987 writes the following response (click on the picture, a window with the full version will open)

Wargaming acted with unusual grace - the IP address in the modpack files was simply replaced and all the data was not merged to the modmaker’s servers, but was sent directly to the developers!

But this is only one way of development of events; some users suggest that uragan1987 received a sufficient amount of money and drained all the buyers of his assembly. This, of course, is a blow to the reputation, but this option should not be discounted.

By the way, it turned out that other creators of cheats for popular games are also involved in calculating the location of the enemy team. I am publishing screenshots of a mod that is under development, which shows the position of the equipment regardless of the light. But so far it is not freely available.

It happens that an account is blocked for some reason... Let's look at these points and the possibilities of unblocking an account.

  • The first and most common type of ban is blocking the in-game chat, this means that you insulted your allies in battle or used obscene language. The scale and terms of punishment here are progressive, depending on the frequency of getting into a given ban, and VG uses an in-game complaint system for the ban, created for the convenience of players. And yes, the developers know whether you expressed yourself in battle or not, because... I have personal experience with this issue, where I was provided with screenshots from battles almost a month ago. The more often you use foul language in battle, the longer you will sit in the “bath”.
  • The second and no less common type of blocking is teamkill (teamdamage) - fire at allies in battle. When shooting at allies, you are awarded penalty points when they gain a certain number - the player’s account first acquires a blue nickname color, and then is blocked (right in battle), in total you can “impunity” inflict damage on an ally 2 times, but remember, if you set an ally on fire, every HP taken from him will be protected to you as damage that you personally inflicted (even if you didn’t want it). 1 time - ban for an hour, after which the period increases exponentially, 3 hours, a day, a week, a month, and finally a permanent block. If you “suddenly” become light blue in battle, then you need to be extremely careful, because any ramming of an allied tank by you will lead to account blocking, and you will also be blocked for flooding an ally if you were the last one to contact his hull. The exception is art - in this type of ban they gave a big discount (3 destroyed allies - and you are in the ban). Removing the blue color of your nickname, you can shoot and destroy enemy tanks, just leave the game, and rest for a week - it won’t do anything, you need to “wash away” the sin in battle, only after a certain amount of damage to the enemy, your nickname will return white.
  • ban for unsportsmanlike behavior in battle, propping and pushing an ally, is punished in the same way as for teamkill
  • a ban for bot breeding may exist, but this is not certain, because it is not known for certain whether VG is fighting this type of violation, but periodically reports on the work done)))
  • and the most terrible and categorical type of blocking is a ban for using Prohibited Modifications (ZP - they are also CHEATS)!!! (prohibited in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries). The first time you receive a warning with a suggestion in the form of blocking your account for 7 days, if you continue to use the ZP, you will be permanently banned. without the possibility of recovery. The list of ZP - cheats is here, unfortunately, wargaming has removed its own topics from the official forum, so the link is only to a third-party resource. And yes, the fight against cheaters is underway, I know personal experience, because in 2016 I used a script - automatic fire extinguishing, and even got a 7-day ban for it, so think about it, is it worth risking your account?
  • and lastly, if you think that you have been unfairly banned, the only place where you have the opportunity to appeal the punishment and remove the block from your account is the User Support Center (USC), on the website they are located in the upper left corner Support.

Don't break the rules of the game!!!

The World of Tanks is filled with many different players, both polite and respectable, and those who are aggressive towards other players and brazenly violate the rules of the user agreement. The second type of people often ends up on the list of banned players in World of Tanks, or more simply put, banned.

There are plenty of reasons to get banned and there is no need to be wary of them. You can’t get banned by accident; to do this you need to deliberately break the rules. Complaints from other players greatly help speed up the road to the blacklist. In this case, each complaint will be verified, but on a first-come, first-served basis.

The more complaints there are against one player, the greater the chance that he will take his place on the banned list.

The most popular reason for people going to the bathhouse is offensive behavior

Normal players will not tolerate rudeness, swearing and dismorality in their direction. Insults in text chat are simply screenshotted and attached to a letter of complaint, which is sent to technical support and they decide whether to ban the player or not. With each complaint, the chance of being blacklisted increases.

The second most popular reason is the use of cheats

Players who are too lazy to master combat techniques simply download prohibited programs, which, roughly speaking, play for them, showing good results at the end of the battle.

Complaints are also often sent to technical support about such players, and the client himself has some protection from such programs, but any protection can be bypassed and the attentiveness of the players can be considered an additional wall of defense. This also includes programs for hacking silver, gold and experience. Their client is tracking much more actively, because mountains of gold and silver that appeared out of nowhere look more than suspicious.

Simply put, you can’t sell, buy, donate, give away, let them play for a while, use the services of more skilled players to increase account statistics, and many, many other things you can do with your account that can cause your account to be blocked, but all these actions are listed in the user agreement.

Players who are on the list of banned players in World of Tanks can be seen on the forum, in the “Crime and Punishment” topic. The topic is updated every month, if a player's name appears in the list several times, then he was banned for several reasons or several times.

In World of Tanks, the creators took care of fair play and created a system for reporting player violations. During a battle, a player can report another person if he breaks the rules, insults players or uses prohibited programs. If you are nervous about communication in such a dynamic game as WoT, then you can play calmer ones.

How the system works

To prevent people from abusing notifications, the developers have made restrictions: maximum - no more than 5 complaints per day. If a player uses this system, he is automatically awarded a "helper rating". The rating increases when a player complains about an offender for valid reasons. And, accordingly, it decreases if the complaints are unreliable. Such “helpers” with a negative rating can themselves get banned. The number of complaints increases and decreases depending on the rating. Highly rated assistants receive a number of privileges.

Banning a player in World of Tanks voice chat

The player can also use the blocking of a player who uses voice communication unnecessarily: “spams”, shouts or insults other people. To ban such a “violator”, open the command window, find the nickname of this player and right-click on it. In the context menu, select “disable voice messages.” That's it, now the voice of the intruder will not be heard by you.

The violation notification system is available both in the Hangar and directly during the battle. The system works in such a way that you can choose a ready-made complaint option. In a duel, this interface can be called up by holding down the Ctrl key (the button is the default, in the game options you can set a different key) and calling the menu on the user icon. The player cannot enter his comments.

Players are given seven complaint options:

  1. Damage to allied players. Deliberately shooting at own players. Random shots are not taken into account by the system.
  2. Insults and incitement of ethnic hatred. Bypassing censorship, insults and threats.
  3. Spam (messages that do not carry any semantic meaning). The player repeats the same phrase in the chat, which has no meaning, meaningless messages, advertising.
  4. Revealing the positions of allied players. Deliberate trolling and description of positions of allied players.
  5. Inaction, bot breeding. Withdrawal from the game long time, use of prohibited programs (a bot is a code that itself controls the tank).
  6. Pushing an ally out. Pushing players out of cover, throwing them into cliffs, etc.
  7. Unsportsmanlike behavior of allies or opponents. A series of actions that interfere with the normal process of combat.

Petitions in World of Tanks

There are also petitions in the game that are sent personally to the World of Tanks administration. In them, the player can report a major violation. In addition to messages, you can attach a screenshot or video to the petition, which will show the violation or the use of third-party software. This method is the most effective. And if the administration discovers violations in such videos or screenshots, it immediately bans the player.