Double grief in the family of Zavorotnyuk and Chernyshev. Recent television work


Anastasia Yurievna Zavorotnyuk was born in Astrakhan in a creative family on April 3, 1971. The actress's mother, People's Artist of Russia Valentina Borisovna Zavorotnyuk, worked at the local Youth Theater, and her father, Yuri Andreevich Zavorotnyuk, worked as a television director.


Even as a child, Nastya decided for herself that she would connect her life with the theater. “I haven’t yet pronounced the word“ actress ”, but I really wanted to become one,” recalls Zavorotnyuk. Nastya spent all her childhood with her mother at work. She attended all the performances, knew all the roles by heart. Sometimes, a little girl even prompted an artist who had forgotten the words. From behind the scenes they immediately shouted: “This is a disaster! Take Zavorotnyuk out of the hall, take him out! However, the girl still went out into the hall to the stage. At the urgent input (an emergency replacement of one actor by another), Nastya was quite capable of disrupting the production.

In her free time from school, Nastya studied music and danced in the Lotos ensemble. Parents were not against their daughter's hobby, but did not support Nastya's dream to connect her life with the theater. However, the girl nursed her dream and every New Year made the same wish to "become an artist".

After school, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk faced a difficult choice of where to go. On the one hand, she dreamed of the theater, on the other, she knew well how difficult and ungrateful this specialty can be. In 1988, the girl entered the history department of the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute. However, a year later, the future celebrity realized that she was mastering a completely different profession. It was immediately decided to storm the theater universities in Moscow. Dad supported his daughter's decision, unlike her mother, whom Nastya told that she was leaving for archaeological excavations.


In Moscow, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk went to GITIS, but she was not accepted there, the emotional girl told her father that she would not go anywhere else. However, dad believed in his daughter, and as a result, Zavorotnyuk entered the Moscow Art Theater School for the course of Avant-garde Nikolaevich Leontiev. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk received her first film role in 1991, playing in the film Masha by Tamara Pavlyuchenko, based on the book Nabokov. Then there were the first roles on the stage. Two years later, in 1993, Nastya took the stage as the Broadway prostitute Lizka in the comedy Dashing Couple by Arkady Sirenko. Fans noted the game of the young actress in the play "Don Juan" by Alexander Marina.

In her fourth year, Anastasia was invited to the Snuffbox, where at that time Vladimir Mashkov staged Passion for Bumbarash. The actor then told Nastya: "You have 40 minutes to prove that you can do it." She succeeded. In 1993, Anastasia successfully graduated from the university and was accepted into the staff of the studio theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov, in which Zavorotnyuk served for 10 years. During this time, she played in almost 30 performances, and the role of Varya in the production of "Passion for Bumbarash" became her favorite. Her stage partner in this performance was Yevgeny Mironov.


Anastasia gained all-Russian popularity after she appeared on the screen as a beautiful nanny. According to the actress, she got into the series by accident - just lucky. During the tests, the girl, along with the children, was in Anapa on vacation. A call with an invitation interrupted the vacation, and Nastya urgently flew to Moscow. The casting has been going on for almost a year, during which time about 1.5 thousand people auditioned for the role of Vika in the TV series My Fair Nanny.

It is worth noting that in the series it was not difficult for Nastya to speak with an accent. The actress adopted it from her colleague in "Snuffbox", Olga Blok-Mirimskaya from Odessa. The series radically changed the life of Zavorotnyuk. She left Tabakov's theater-studio, began to wear bright things, although she used to prefer black. After the enchanting success of "The Beautiful Nanny", Nastya began to be invited as a host to various shows. In 2005, the actress hosted Good Songs in Kyiv. Then, in the Ukrainian capital, the girl hosted a culinary show based on the book by Daria Dontsova "The Lazy Cookbook". Later, a program appeared on the Kiev "Adult Radio" called "Baby Monitor".


Over the years, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became the winner of the Golden Ostap awards - for Best Female Comedy Role, Glamour - Best TV Actress, Top X Sexy - Sexiest Actress, Cover of the Year - Opening of the year", "Golden Seven" - " Best Actress”, “Golden Seven” - “Domestic Sex Symbol Actress”, “FSB” - “Acting Work” and “Golden Seven” in the nomination “Best Actress”, in addition, in the piggy bank Zavorotnyuk has a figurine “TEFI” in the nomination “Best Performer female role in a TV movie/series.

In 2007, the actress was invited to the main role in Vadim Shmelev's film called "The Apocalypse Code". In the film with a budget of about 400 million rubles, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk made her debut as a feature film actress. The director was not at all embarrassed by the fact that many associate the actress with the "beautiful nanny". In 2007, the film by Alexei Zernov "Shakespeare never dreamed" was released. The musical comedy featured the same actors who were on film set series "My Fair Nanny" - Boris Smolkin, Olga Prokofieva and Sergei Zhigunov.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk hosted the Ice Age show for a long time, after which she became Dmitry Dibrov's co-host on the Marriage Games TV show, and Marat Basharov's co-host on the Ice and Fire TV show. Anastasia was repeatedly invited as a member of the jury of the television show "People's Star" on TRK Ukraine, the third season of the magic show "Surprise Me" on TV3, as well as the theater award "Golden Leaf". Participated in the first season of the "Two Stars" project in a pair with Mikhail Boyarsky, reached the final, took 2nd place. On September 30, 2012, Nastya on Channel One released a humorous talk show of the same name - Nastya, which was soon closed due to low ratings. Since February 15, 2013, Anastasia, together with Dmitry Nagiyev, has hosted the show "Two Stars".


The first husband of the actress was a German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf, who saw Nastya in the "Snuffbox" on a skit. The man fell in love at first sight, began to care for the actress, constantly repeating: "You are the queen." Already on the fourth day after they met, the German confessed his love to Nastya and began to persuade her to marry him. The actress succumbed to persuasion and left for her husband's homeland, but Nastya did not live long in Germany - she fled to Moscow.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk met her second husband quite by accident. On the eve of Christmas, Anastasia was looking for gifts for her family and friends. In order to do everything on time and not be late for the rehearsal, the girl caught the car. Behind the wheel was a handsome man named Dmitry, who agreed to take Nastya shopping all day. The man said that he has a wife and children, however, the actress herself was married at that time. As a thank you, Zavorotnyuk invited Dmitry and his wife to her performance. The man came alone. Showed up the next day.

“We got some kind of ridiculous courtship period - three days. And on the fourth day, Dima proposed. And everything became clear. At that time, we were both not free: he is married, I am married. It was necessary to break with everything abruptly, which we did. Dima has always been very determined. There was no wedding. Even the parents were not invited. Quietly celebrated together ... I think that our acquaintance was not accidental. Fate brought us together, ”says Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Dmitry Stryukov and Anastasia had a daughter in 1996, who was named Anna. The family moved to the USA, where they organized a business. At this time, Anastasia lives in two countries, coming to her homeland to play in the Tabakerka. In 2000, the couple had a second child in Los Angeles, but life in the United States was short-lived - three years later the family returned to Russia.

The series "Beautiful Nanny" brought not only fame, but also new romantic relationship. Zhigunov and Zavorotnyuk began an affair, which the whole country watched with interest.

For the sake of each other, the lovers left their families, but they were not together for long. In 2008, on the Dancing on Ice show, Anastasia met her third husband, 37-year-old figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev.


Despite the fact that passions after the release of the series "The Beautiful Nanny" have long subsided, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is not forgotten. She is still actively acting in films, hosts programs and takes part in television shows. In 2015, the film "Alien Sweetheart" was released with the participation of the actress, and fans could also see her in the show "Together with Dolphins".

Name: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk
Date of birth: April 3, 1971 (age 45)
Zodiac sign: Aries Place of birth: Astrakhan, USSR
Occupation: theater and film actress, TV presenter
Weight: 48 kg
Height: 164 cm

The sad news appeared on the unofficial website of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, so the media did not take this news seriously. However, the agent of the popular actress Marina Potapova confirmed it.


“Unfortunately, the news is different, and today we have them very sad and difficult. A great grief happened in Anastasia’s family, and as it happens, it came more than once. On October 1, Yuri Andreevich Zavorotnyuk, Anastasia’s father, passed away - Andrey Petrovich Chernyshev, father of Peter It is very difficult to find the right words, so let our most sincere condolences, empathy and mental support turn into that invisible force that will help the family to endure this loss at least a little. Blessed memory to the departed. Endurance and strength of spirit to their relatives and relatives," Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes official representative Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Earlier in her interviews, the star of the series "My Fair Nanny" noted more than once that she had a special spiritual connection with her father. It was to him that the future celebrity first told about her desire to become a popular actress. And Yuri Andreevich supported and was proud of his beloved daughter in everything. By profession, he was a director, for a long time he worked on the TVC channel. “I always do everything by looking back and thinking: “What will dad say?”– admitted in an interview Zavorotnyuk.

By the way, grief also happened recently in the family of singer Stas Piekh. His close relative died. The artist spoke about this in his account: “Today, October 6, the terrible news came that my closest relative, the person who saved me more than once and gave me hope, the grandmother of my godson, the main healer, the doctor and my earthly angel- keeper. May God give us the strength to endure this loss. Rest in peace, Dina Ilyinichna. Our Love for you and Gratitude are forever with you," Stas Piekha wrote a touching text. He further explained that he was talking about professor, doctor of medical sciences Dina Yaremenko. "This woman saved hundreds, thousands of lives! May her memory live forever!" - wrote Piekha.

FULL NAME: Zavorotnyuk Anastasia Yurievna

DATE OF BIRTH: 04/03/1971 (Aries)



HAIR COLOR: brunet


FAMILY: Parents: Yuri Andreevich Zavorotnyuk, Valentina Borisovna Zavorotnyuk. Spouse: Peter Chernyshev

HEIGHT: 164 cm

OCCUPATION: theater and film actress, TV presenter


Russian film and theater actress, TV presenter.

Regarding the personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, there have always been many scandals and discussions. The fact is that the actress was married 2 times, and for two years she met with a partner in the TV series "My Fair Nanny" Sergei Zhigunov. All three men, like the actress herself, already had a family at the time of the beginning of their relationship. From her second marriage, Anastasia has two children - daughter Anna (21 years old) and son Michael (17 years old). After a two-year relationship with Zhigunov, in 2008 the beautiful nanny meets her third husband, figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. Tandem figure Russian film and theater actress, TV presenter.
Even as a child, little Nastya was predicted to become an actress, because she was born in the family of a People's Artist of Russia and a member of the Television Academy. The girl spent almost all her time studying music and dancing - she performed in the Lotos ensemble, and also graduated from a music school with success. Anastasia graduated from high school in 1988, and thoughts about a career as an actress never left her head. However, she decided to enter the Moscow Art Theater School after studying for a year in Astrakhan at a faculty of history alien to her.
Already in 1991, Zavorotnyuk was able to fulfill her childhood dream and act in films. The debut was a role in the film "Mashenka" (based on the book by Nabokov).
Two years later, Anastasia becomes an actress of the studio theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. In 10 years of work in the theater, the actress took part in more than 20 performances, and the most beloved is the role of Varya from the play "Passion for Bumbarash".
But playing in the theater did not bring Anastasia the fame that the actress now has. Today she is familiar to everyone as the main nanny of the country with a bizarre Ukrainian dialect.
Zavorotnyuk got the main role in the series by a happy coincidence and starred in it for several years, working with famous movie stars, pop stars, such as Lyubov Poleshchuk, Sergey Belogolovtsev, Tatyana Lazareva, Tatyana Dogileva and others.
In addition to acting, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has been a TV presenter since 2005 (“Good After her debut on TV, offers from various channels rained down on Anastasia, and she becomes the almost permanent host of all programs about figure skating with celebrities: “Dancing with the Stars”, “Dancing on Ice ”, “Ice and Fire”, “Ice Age”, together with Marat Basharov (2008) and Irina Slutskaya (2010). Then co-host with Dmitry Dibrov in the program “Marriage Games”, and then hosts the parody program “Two Stars” with Dmitry Nagiyev.
In addition, in her treasury of achievements there are a huge number of various awards in the nominations “Best Actress”, “Discovery of the Year”, “Best Actress” of the TEFI figurine, she was repeatedly recognized as one of the sexiest actresses
Regarding the personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, there have always been many scandals and discussions. The fact is that the actress was married 2 times, and for two years she met with a partner in the TV series "My Fair Nanny" Sergei Zhigunov. All three men, like the actress herself, already had a family at the time of the beginning of their relationship. From her second marriage, Anastasia has two children - daughter Anna (21 years old) and son Michael (17 years old). After a two-year relationship with Zhigunov, in 2008 the beautiful nanny meets her third husband, figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. The tandem of the skater and actress turned out to be very successful, as evidenced by their romantic relationship, which continues to this day.
she and the actress turned out to be very successful, as evidenced by their romantic relationship, which continues to this day.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - theater and film actress. Russian TV viewers post-Soviet space know her as the sparkling and sharp-tongued Vika from the popular comedy series "". But Nastya also starred in full-length films.

The "Section" series has its own standalone story and focuses on crime investigations, during which operatives can deviate from the rules, sacrificing the rule of law for the sake of efficiency. Nevertheless, there is also a cross-cutting plot - the case of a cunning maniac who hunts prostitutes at night.

In 2015, Zavorotnyuk played a major role in the 4-episode melodrama Alien Darling. The actress appeared on television in the image of Natalya Kapustina, who works as a cook at the school where her son studies. When a woman is fired for stealing that Natalia didn't commit, her only way to make a living is to rent a room in her own apartment.

In February 2016, the crime series “Provocateur” was released on television about a freelance officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs responsible for combating corruption. Main character, whose role he played, is deeply conspiratorial and works only when there are no other ways to bring criminals to clean water and to judge those who cannot be dealt with by official judicial structures. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk also played a major role in the series and appeared in the image of Kira, the boss of the "provoker".

main role Marina's masseuses in the seaside sanatorium, the actress received in the 4-episode melodrama Love and the Sea. Marina has an exemplary family: husband Alexei has not cheated on his wife for 20 years, the couple raised their daughter together and built a house. But family happiness is in jeopardy when a visitor to the sanatorium Lisa, who has never been refused by men in her life, decides to take Alexei away from the family at all costs.

Personal life

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk considers the birth of her daughter Anna and son Michael to be the main achievement in her personal life. The father of the children is businessman Dmitry Stryukov, whom she divorced in 2006 after 10 years of marriage. During this period, Zavorotnyuk lived for some time in two countries: in Russia she was engaged in acting, and in the USA - in real estate.

Since 2006, Nastya has been dating a colleague in the series, an employer and husband of the heroine Vika. At that time, Sergei made a difficult decision to leave the family for Anastasia, but the relationship lasted 2 years, after which the couple broke up. Zhigunov returned to his wife.

In September 2008, it became known about the wedding of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and. Previously, the eminent skater and actress denied a love affair and intentions to legitimize the relationship. The celebration was celebrated in the circle of close people, without pathos and loud people.

In the summer of 2017, rumors appeared in the press that Anastasia was expecting her third child. The actress posted a photo on her own page in " Instagram”, and in this frame, the fans saw that the artist’s stomach does not look the same as before. They began to congratulate Zavorotnyuk on the addition to the family, but neither Anastasia nor her husband commented on this assumption.

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Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev

The journalists contacted the director of the artist Marina, who denied rumors about the pregnancy of the movie star. The press wrote off the provocative post for an unsuccessful angle. The actress does not complain about excessive thinness (Anastasia's height is 165 cm, and her weight is 50 kg), so the wrong light and loose clothing could create a deceptive effect.