Is there hell and heaven? Does hell exist


After the release of the best-selling book Life After Life in 1976, the world was in turmoil - something that had never been offered to readers. Despite the fact that books on such a sensitive topic have appeared on the shelves before, Raymond Moody is considered the first who decided to present the results of his research to the general public. Apparently at the same time, in 1976, the ban on such literature, which at one time had been secretly imposed, was secretly lifted, which led to the oblivion of many, many unique pieces of evidence.

“I looked back and saw that my body was lying without feeling or movement. Just as if someone had taken off his clothes and looked at them, so I looked at my body as if at clothes, and was very surprised at it.”

This is not from Moody's book. This is how in the 10th century Gregory, a student of Vasily the New, described the posthumous state, or rather, “the journey of the soul of Blessed Fedora through ordeals.”

As if from Moody’s book, the story of the poet Arseny Tarkovsky (father of the outstanding film director) was also taken. This happened in January 1944. After several repeated leg amputations, the poet died in a front-line hospital from gangrene. He lay in a small, cramped room with a very low ceiling. The dim light bulb that hung right above the bed did not have a switch, and had to be unscrewed by hand.

One day, while unscrewing a light bulb, Tarkovsky felt that his soul had slipped out of his body - unscrewed, like a light bulb from its socket. Stunned, he looked down and saw himself on the bed - motionless, as if sleeping soundly. As if spellbound, he looked at himself from the outside, when suddenly he wanted to see what was happening in the next room. He began to slowly “leak” through the wall, but suddenly he felt that just a little longer and he would never return to his body. This horrified him. He returned, hovered over the bed and with some unusual effort slid into the body, as if into an empty vessel.

Of course, such stories today will not surprise anyone. Although who will remain indifferent when reading, for example, the following lines:

“There is no other thing as beautiful as death. You just move from one state to another, like, say, from school to college.”

“Life is like a prison sentence. Death is like liberation, like leaving prison.”

In such examples, the main reason for the success of Moody's book is that it gives people hope.


However, the sweeping admiration for death alarmed, first of all, theologians. They drew attention to the fact that after reading such books, readers may get the impression that death is completely harmless, and people “out there” will experience entirely pleasant sensations - peace and joy. It turns out, theologians were perplexed, that both righteous and sinners all equally go straight to heaven. But the same cannot happen, the holy fathers worried.

And they turned out to be right: indeed, not everyone experienced joyful feelings during clinical death. According to Dr. Ring's careful research, only a relatively small percentage are given what Christians call the vision of the Light.

Dr. Rawlings, who has personally resuscitated many dying people, is not so categorical. According to his calculations, the number of people who see darkness or Light is approximately the same. In his book “Behind Death's Door,” he talks about a patient who, during cardiac arrest, ended up in... hell:

“During the process of revival, he came to his senses several times, but his heart stopped again. When he was in our world and gained the power of speech, he still saw hell, was in a panic and asked the doctors to continue reviving him. These procedures are painful, and usually patients, returning to earthly life, ask to stop them. Two days later, the patient had no memories of what happened. He forgot everything, he had never been to hell and never seen any hell.”

Charles Garfield, a leading researcher in the field of near-death experiences, agrees with Rawlings: “Not every person dies a pleasant and peaceful death. Among the patients I interviewed, almost as many experienced an unpleasant state (encounters with demon-like creatures) as experienced a pleasant one. Some of them experienced both states."

Along the way, it turned out that people sometimes consciously, and sometimes not, keep silent about their unpleasant posthumous visions. In addition, according to Rawlings, the most terrible visions are automatically erased from memory.

It should be especially noted that in this case science went hand in hand with religion. This once again confirms the truth of the saying: “Little knowledge leads away from God, but great knowledge leads to Him.”


Atheists still do not believe in life after death. Their main objection is that the brain does not die immediately - its reserves last for another 6-8 minutes. And with the fading consciousness, visions occur, which are the same for everyone, since the processes caused by oxygen starvation are also the same. Therefore, they say, everyone talks about the same thing: about floating under the ceiling, about the spectacle of their own bodies, about flying through a long tunnel, at the end of which a bright, kind light shines, about meetings with long-dead relatives and friends.

French psychologist Michel Lerier, author of the book “Eternity in a Past Life,” was not satisfied with this interpretation. Firstly, not everyone’s visions are the same - here atheists are disingenuous, to put it mildly. And secondly, knowing the methods of hypnosis, he decided to probe the brains of his patients. And here it became clear once again that people brought back to life do not remember everything that happened to them. Moreover, obeying the will of the hypnotist, their memory revealed amazing things: it turns out that before waking up in a hospital bed, the patients found themselves... in another era!

The amazed Lerier at first thought that he was receiving information about their previous lives (a phenomenon confirmed by science). But as information accumulated, he noticed a strange feature.

Let's say a robber and murderer, whom doctors saved from a heart attack so that justice could punish him as a edification to others, said under hypnosis that he had been a slave on the Roman galleys for many years: he talked about the terrible beatings of the overseers, the constant pangs of thirst and hunger. And a certain woman, who had never done a single bad thing in her life and always helped the poor, remembered herself in Ancient Egypt, where she had wealth, power and hundreds of servants who would fulfill any desire.

Similar adventures were “remembered” by 205 of the 208 patients examined: during clinical death, for some reason they all found themselves in ancient eras and lived another life there, each their own. The exception was three people who, also experiencing clinical death, remained in their time and led the same life.

Lerier made a conclusion worthy of biblical characters: whoever spent this life with dignity also led a worthy existence in past centuries, and whoever soiled himself with bad deeds received accordingly.

And another conclusion: if the matter was limited to oxygen starvation, then one could expect that hypnosis would cause the same pictures. As we see, this is not at all the case.

But have these people really visited past centuries? Apparently, hell and heaven are within ourselves. By assessing our real actions in advance, we subconsciously prepare for ourselves an “otherworldly destiny” and live it in the short minutes between life and death. However, Lerier is confident that hell and heaven actually exist - in past centuries. And the most mysterious physical substance - time - takes us there. Just in case, he advises you to behave like a human being in this life. To avoid it, so to speak.


A special issue is about suicide. There are no guarantees that books like Life After Life can provoke a voluntary departure to the “other” world. But, as research shows, such attempts do not lead to anything good.

The suicides brought back to life stated that after death they found themselves in some kind of dungeon and felt that they would remain in it for a long time. At the same time, they realized that they were being punished for violating the law, according to which every person must endure a certain share of sorrows on Earth.

One of Moody’s patients, who ended up in an intensive care bed as a result of a suicide attempt, said:

“When I was there, I felt that two things were completely forbidden for me: killing myself or killing another person. If I commit suicide, I will throw his gift in God's face. By killing someone, I will break God’s commandment.”

And here is the story of a certain Beverly, a 47-year-old woman.

As a child, she suffered a lot of grief from her parents, who constantly abused her. And one day a seven-year-old girl couldn’t stand it: she jumped out of the window. Clinical death occurred, and Beverly looked from somewhere above at the familiar children who surrounded her lifeless body. Suddenly a bright light shone, and an unknown voice said:

You made a mistake. Your life does not belong to you, and you must return.

But no one loves me and no one wants to take care of me.

After these words, Beverly saw snow and dry wood around her. There was a whiff of warmth from somewhere, the snow melted, and the dry branches of the tree were covered with leaves and ripe apples. She began to pick apples and eat them with pleasure. And then she realized that both in Nature and in the life of every person there are their own winter and summer, which form a single whole in the Creator’s plan. When Beverly came to life, she began to approach life in a new way. As an adult, she married a good man, gave birth to children and found earthly happiness.

But what happens to those who were not brought back to life? Documentary facts say that they do not linger in the “other” world - they are almost immediately returned to Earth, and they all start over. Sometimes suicides know that they will return. And even when this return happens!

Emilia Lorenz did not want to be a woman so much that she decided to commit suicide. But before drinking the poison, the nineteen-year-old Brazilian girl promised her relatives that she would return to Earth as a man. A little time passed, and her mother, Senora Lorenz, gave birth to a boy, who was named Paulo. When the boy learned to speak, he told his mother that he used to be... Emilia! He “remembered” such details from her life that the parents had no choice but to believe in the incredible: their daughter really returned to the family in the form of Paulo. Experts, having conducted a series of studies and tests, recorded more than a hundred coincidences in the boy’s stories with real facts from Emilia’s life.

Another example. Maria de Oliveiro committed suicide because of unhappy love - she specifically contracted tuberculosis. Before her death, she promised her friend Ida that she would be reborn as her daughter...

Soon Ida actually gave birth to a daughter. As soon as the girl learned to speak, she began to talk about events from Maria’s life, easily recognized former acquaintances, called them by name and remembered the places that she “used to visit” together. Psychologists have found that in 120 cases her memories surprisingly coincided with episodes from Maria’s life...

The books of Moody and his colleagues have become, perhaps, those great revelations that are given in times of spiritual crises, when people are so enslaved by everyday turmoil that they lose the ability to feel the original - invisible, but eternal. We must assume that the Higher Powers decided to provide us with yet another proof of the reality of the spiritual world, so that, having known ourselves, we would be able to understand our purpose in this life.

Four paths of karma Natalia Evgenievna Kovaleva

Does hell exist?

Does hell exist?

"I was in hell"

Heaven and hell. Two cardinal concepts of almost all religions of the world. How many people, brought up in a religious spirit, were frightened by the prospect of ending up in hell after death! This fear of unknown retribution was skillfully exploited by many crafty ministers of all churches and religions... But does it really exist, this retribution?..

In addition to religion, philosophy and literature, the problem of hell suddenly surfaced in thanatology, becoming part of the clinical experience of resuscitation. Everyone knows that people who experienced clinical death during their “disembodied” sensations experienced unearthly bliss and saw truly heavenly scenes. The impression of the unearthly beauty they saw was such that many of them did not want to return to earth, despite the efforts of resuscitators. But in addition to the “heavenly visions” experienced by the majority of people who have been in a comatose state, resuscitators also know cases of “hellish” impressions.

German actor Kurt Jurgens, who experienced clinical death during a complex operation, recalled his feelings: “I looked at the large glass dome of the operating room. He began to change. Suddenly turned into a burning red. I saw spinning and grimacing faces looking at me... I honestly tried to fight and protect myself... Then it began to seem that the glass dome had turned into a transparent vault, which began to slowly descend on me. A fiery rain broke out, but although the drops were huge, not a single one touched me. They fell around, and menacing tongues of flame rose from them. I could not be mistaken any longer and not see the terrible truth: without a doubt, the faces of the rulers of this fiery world were the faces of the damned. I was in despair, feeling incredibly lonely and abandoned. The horror I experienced was so great that I almost suffocated. Clearly, I was in absolute hell."

Another case of “hellish” visions occurred with a housewife from Rhode Island while she was still under anesthesia after gall bladder surgery. The doctor who treated her said that when the patient came to her senses after anesthesia, her first words were: “I thought I was dead, that I had gone to hell.” She repeated this several times with her eyes wide open in horror. After the doctor calmed her down, she told him about her time in hell - how the devil wanted to take her away. This woman's story was interspersed with a list of her sins and what people thought of her. Her fear intensified and the nurses could barely keep her in a lying position. She became almost insane, and the doctor called her mother to the hospital to try to calm her down. The patient believed that God was punishing her for her sins, especially since she had a long-standing feeling of guilt due to her extramarital affairs. An interesting fact is that if the majority of patients who “returned from the other world” experienced heavenly visions, then cases of “hellish” impressions are literally isolated. Doesn't this mean that it is easier to survive after clinical death for those who sinned little and therefore received “support from above” at a critical moment in their lives, while “candidates for hell” were deprived of this divine help?

Of course, “hellish visions” that appear before patients in an altered state of consciousness as a result of anesthesia do not at all mean that the people who experienced them will necessarily go to hell after their death. Each of us has committed one or another unseemly acts in life, but not all of them lead a person to the most terrible layers of the astral world, called hell in religions. It’s just that sometimes spontaneous and uncontrolled exits of a person’s subtle body into the astral plane can transfer his consciousness to the lower spheres of another plane. What are these spheres and where did the formidable and terrible world of retribution, called hell, appear in the other world, created by shining, luminous, subtle matter?

Inferno in the lower astral plane

The astral world, in general, is a world of light: it is created from luminous rarefied matter. But the lower layers of the astral plane are deprived of light, since their inhabitants - the souls of criminals, traitors and evil people - do not have light in their matter. The reader remembers the words from Agni Yoga that each person himself creates his own energy bodies: good, pure thoughts and actions attract light energies into the human aura, which make our subtle bodies clean and bright. And vice versa, thoughts of anger, greed, and envy create vortices of negative, prickly currents in space that fill our subtle bodies with heavy, low-vibration energy. After death, a person’s subtle-material complex occupies a place in the astral plane of the planet corresponding to its energy: the astral body, burdened with the negative karma of bad thoughts and actions, descends into the lower, twilight, heavy layers of the astral plane, and light, pure souls soar up into the higher layers or spheres , Subtle world. We have already said that each layer, or plane, of space has seven subplanes, the conditions of which differ from each other in the purity and spirituality of the energies that fill these layers. In the lower layers of energy it is more primitive, rougher, and in the higher layers it is purer and more sublime. Accordingly, the souls of spiritually undeveloped people live in the lower layers of the Subtle World. The higher spheres are accessible to souls who have developed spirituality and creative abilities that carry bright, high energies.

The higher worlds of the Cosmos – mental and Fiery – are filled with harmonious, high-vibration energies. In these worlds there are no imperfections at all, there are only various stages of even greater spiritual ascent. But this cannot be said about the astral world. The astral world is closest to the physical; it represents the most imperfect plane of the subtle world. And if the highest layers of the astral are similar to the higher worlds in their perfection, purity and spirituality, then the lower layers of the astral represent hell in the full sense of the word - the same hell that is spoken of in religious teachings.

Where did the layer called hell come from in the astral world? One should not think that hell was created by some natural forces, especially God, as revenge on humanity. Even the most dense and energetically lowest layers of the astral were not hellish in their original nature. These spheres were made this way by their inhabitants - the souls of people coming to another world after death on earth. It was the souls burdened with vices and their containers - the astral bodies of people - that poisoned the lower spheres of the astral plane with their negative energy, turning them into a veritable hell. After all, after their physical death, people bring all their spiritual qualities, including passions and vices, with them to the other world.

The “hellish” layers are considered lower not by their location in space, but by the quality of the energy that fills them. Existence in these layers is truly terrible, and, moreover, the energy of the lower astral is much heavier than the darkest, most damned places on earth. In earthly life, villains and sinners live in the midst of ordinary people, which inevitably “dilutes” the energetic impact of their auras. In the Subtle World, there is no such mixture - all its inhabitants live in strictly delimited layers of space. It is easy to imagine what kind of energy a layer of space filled with the souls of murderers, thieves, haters and other people burdened with karma has.

What prevents the prisoners of hell from breaking out of it into the higher and purer layers of the Subtle World? Still the same single law of the Cosmos: the law of energy correspondence. If the dark, saturated with negative energy subtle body of a murderer or an evil person wanted to voluntarily rise into the lighter layers of space, it would immediately be scorched by the pure energy of the higher spheres of space; filled with dense, low-vibration energies, the astral shells of the prisoners of hell cannot stand the touch of pure, luminous energies of the higher layers of the astral plane.

Witchcraft Karma

What vices and sins can lead a person’s soul to the dungeons of hell?

The lower astral is the natural habitat of a special kind of dark spirits that never incarnate on earth, as well as disembodied souls of black magicians and sorcerers of all stripes and types. The influence of black magic is such that the astral shells of sorcerers, “pumped up” with unnaturally charged energies, sometimes cannot be thrown off for entire millennia. Sorcerers and magicians for a significant period of time may lose the ability to transform on earth and exist only in the lower astral plane of the planet. There they continue to do their favorite thing, luring inexperienced inhabitants of the Earth into the network of black magic, who do not know about the insidiousness of darkness and turn to the other world in attempts to master the techniques of black magic. Lovers of spiritualism and contacts with “extraterrestrial civilizations”, and in reality, with the lower layers of the earth’s astral plane, often become victims of their activities. And woe to those who really begin to hear the calling voices of the Subtle World after such attempts! In the vast majority of cases, these voices are like mythical sirens, luring unwary travelers to disastrous places.

Followers of spiritual teachings (especially true Yoga) also use the subtle energies of the Cosmos, but in a completely different way. The basis of yoga is love for everything that exists, natural, open, pure. Such love itself attracts subtle energies from the Cosmos and uses them for the benefit of everything around us. Magic, instead of naturally attracting natural energies, pumps them up artificially, by force. By forcing some subtle energies and forces to serve their selfish, dark, harmful plans, black magicians disrupt the natural balance. Naturally, those subtle energies that they attract from space turn out to be of lower quality. Thus, magic multiplies spatial chaos, and sorcerers are enemies of the entire creative and bright natural environment of the Cosmos.

"Thou shalt not kill!"

In addition to magicians and sorcerers, a huge part of the prisoners of hell are murderers, traitors and everyone who, during their earthly life, was responsible for the death of people. After death, murderers will relive the nightmare of the crimes they committed again and again. Moreover, in the post-mortem state of consciousness, they may find themselves in the position of not only murderers, but also victims: in the subjective sensations that arise in their consciousness like painful hallucinations, they themselves will turn into those killed or tortured, experiencing all the suffering of their victims. As follower E.P. wrote. Blavatsky A. Besant in the book “Ancient Wisdom”, in these layers you can sometimes find the soul of a person, “tirelessly pursued by his victim, unable to get rid of it, despite all efforts to escape from the terrible persecution, with stubborn persistence reaching him everywhere. At the same time, the consciousness of the murdered person, unless he belonged to people of the lowest level of development, is in a state of unconsciousness, and it is precisely this unconsciousness that gives special horror to his purely mechanical following of the killer.” As for the so-called serial killers-maniacs or professional killers, the horror of their position in the other world defies any description. But their posthumous suffering still will not fully atone for their heavy karma: having incarnated on the physical plane, these people will one day take the place of their former victims, being killed or betrayed by others, similar to themselves, by villains.

The ethical law of the Cosmos, expressed in the formula: “Thou shalt not kill!” - comes into play not only when the life of an innocent person is taken from him, but also when the person himself takes his own life. As already mentioned, a person does not have the right to deprive himself of what is given to him by his own karma - life.

Some of the patients who went through a state of clinical death, describing their sensations in another “dimension,” mentioned that on the way to light spheres with unearthly colors and sounds, they “flew” through some dark, twilight layers of another world, in which they saw dejected, desperate people, looking for something and unable to find it, as if lost in another reality. At the same time, those being reanimated vaguely had the idea that in front of them were those who had taken their own lives on Earth—suicides. The reasons for the difficult state of consciousness of these people are already known to us. When a person takes his own life at his own request, and not due to karmic circumstances, the energies given to him in earthly life remain unexpired and unused. They, like a magnet, chain a person to the earth, not giving him the opportunity to rise to the higher, luminous spheres. A person turns out to be a prisoner of the circumstances that he created for himself. Therefore, Agni Yoga says that no matter how bad a person is on earth, it will be even worse for him if he takes his own life. Of course, if during life the suicide was a good person and broke down under the weight of unbearable circumstances, the Light Forces are actively trying to help him in his posthumous state. But no one can bypass the energetic effect of the law of karma; one can only alleviate it to one degree or another. The heavy karma of suicide is transferred to the next incarnation of a person. In his next life on Earth, the suicide will no longer have to die of his own free will. And at the same time he will be deprived of life during the happiest period of his existence, when he least wants to die. Will he have a chance to escape the consequences of the heavy karma of crime against his higher self? There is only one way to extinguish the karma of the past: to overtake it by accelerated spiritual self-improvement...

"World of Hungry Ghosts"

Not only terrible crimes against other people and suicide can lead to hell. Strange as it may seem, people can create hell for themselves with their immoderate “carnal” attachments and passions. All types of excess and moral laxity come at a cost to their bearers after the loss of the physical body. Excessive physical needs such as gluttony, addiction to alcohol, etc. are characteristic not so much even of the physical body as of the astral principle - the bearer of the emotional-sensual principle of a person. People who own their passions and control their needs do not experience any particular difficulties in the post-mortem state, quickly getting used to the new conditions of disembodied existence. But those who during their lives followed the lead of their astral plane, after death find themselves in painful circumstances: after all, their astral body remains the same, with the same habits and addictions.

There is a special place in the structure of the infernal layers, called in Tibetan religious sources the “world of hungry ghosts.” What drives people’s souls into these layers? There is only one circumstance: the impossibility of satisfying previous sensory needs in the posthumous state. After death, a person’s feelings and desires remain the same as before, but they no longer have a physical body - an instrument for satisfying these desires. People who are immoderate in their physical needs, accustomed to gluttony, sexual excesses, drunkenness, etc., suffer greatly due to the inability to experience the pleasant sensations that food or a portion of alcohol gave them. In “The Facets of Agni Yoga” it is said about the preservation of astral feelings and desires after the transition to another world: “Gluttony, lust, drunkenness, smoking and other purely bodily negative qualities of the spirit and lust associated with them cannot be satisfied after liberation from the body, but they can be taken with them to the Subtle World, if they are not eliminated on Earth. If on Earth desires burn a person, where there is an opportunity to temporarily satisfy them, then what can we say about the Supermundane, where their burning cannot be quenched even for a moment?

Experiencing a constant need for primitive, animal pleasures, disembodied slaves of their desires “get stuck” for a long time in the lower spheres of the astral plane, close to the Earth, since this gives them the opportunity to “pick up” energetic bursts of emotions experienced by the inhabitants of the earthly plane, whose level of development and, Accordingly, the needs are similar to the souls of these people. Moreover, the souls of drunkards, debauchees, and gluttons hover around entertainment establishments frequented by embodied lovers of booze and other similar pleasures. The emotions and feelings of vicious people living on the physical plane attract disembodied prisoners of their own passions, and they literally “stick” to their “friends in misfortune”, trying to merge with their consciousness and astral body in order to again experience the rough, animal sensations they love, inaccessible to them now due to the absence of a physical body.

Often spiritually undeveloped people who have committed suicide take the path of vampirism in the lower astral plane. Unrealized karmic energies inevitably attract them to the lower layers of the astral plane, and they cannot resist temptation and succumb to the coarse animal passions reigning in these layers.

The desire to satisfy lower needs in the Subtle World can cause further personality degradation. In search of any path to former pleasures, the soul can descend into lower and lower layers of the astral plane, which are, in the full sense of the word, garbage. The inability to fight one’s animal inclinations, the inability to replace them with something high, calling for spiritual progress, dooms the astral bodies to further degradation, the consequences of which, of course, affect the subsequent incarnation. Slaves of their passions can even physically lose their human appearance, approaching an animal state. Agni Yoga says: “Even among modern forms one can find beast-like people. Such horrors are usually attributed to fright or shock of the mother. But among many reasons, the main one is often overlooked. One can imagine that in the Subtle World some individuals are subject to fits of lust. At the same time, Agni becomes so depressed that animal principles take possession of the fallen. Of course, over time they can rise again, but the animal touch is so powerful that it can be transformed into an animal form during incarnation (...) It is very instructive how the lowering of Agni allows access to animal states.”

The bestial faces of some people are the result of close contact of their astral shells with those lower layers of the subtle world where animal elementals, that is, animal spirits, live. Attracted by its unlived passions into the world of animal forms consonant with them in energy, the human astral body receives, as it were, the energetic mark of an animal form, which is reflected in its structure and visible appearance. The visible appearance of the astral body is transferred to the physical body, and thus the latter receives a corresponding animal-like form.

Alcoholism, drug addiction and the astral plane

Special mention should be made of the post-mortem state of victims of alcoholism and drug addiction. Usually people who have given up the fight against their destructive habits count on one thing: sooner or later, death will put an end to everything, including the addictions that destroyed them. However, not all so simple. Death as the destruction of rational being does not exist, with the exception of quite rare cases of the death of the highest personal principle of a person - the soul. But even in this case, final non-existence does not occur instantly, and in the posthumous state a person will have to experience all those karmic consequences, the causes of which he himself laid down in his earthly existence.

The post-mortem condition of victims of alcoholism is very difficult. It is aggravated not only by the fact that in the Subtle World they are tormented by habitual urges to drink alcohol, which cannot be satisfied, but also by the fact that the alcohol they take throughout their lives causes spatial fire on their astral bodies in quantities that the victims of their addictions cannot process. can not.

The same thing, only to an even greater extent, applies to drug addiction.

Not many people know that alcohol and drugs attract and concentrate spatial fiery energies in the human body. The pleasant sensations experienced by drunkards and drug addicts are caused precisely by the partial separation of the astral plane from the physical body and the attraction of the fiery energy of space. But since such attraction of energies is not carried out naturally through spiritual development, but artificially, the results are destructive for both the physical and astral bodies, not to mention the spiritual level of a person. “Alcoholism and opium are ugly attempts to approach the Fiery World. If samadhi is a natural manifestation of the Higher Fire, then the flame of alcohol will be the destroyer of Fire.”

“Nothing represents such misfortune in the Subtle World as these unnatural attempts to evoke Fire without appropriate purification. One can imagine that a drunkard in the Subtle World not only suffers from the urge to drink alcohol, but he suffers even more from an unnaturally manifested Fire, which, instead of strengthening, devours tissues out of time,” says one of the books of Agni Yoga.

We will return to the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction from the point of view of the psychospiritual and energetic aspects of these phenomena.

Can a soul die?

The depths of the moral decline of some people, their inability and unwillingness to change anything in their posthumous existence inevitably raise the question of whether the human soul and, with it, the self-conscious principle of man can be destroyed. At first glance, this question would seem to contain a contradiction in itself. For most people, the very concept of soul is associated with the immortal principle of man. But in reality, it is not the soul that is immortal, but the spirit.

The soul, as we remember, is closely connected not only with the eternal, individual beginning of a person, but also with his personal, mortal nature. If, however, formed by four principles (physical, etheric, astral and mental) and possessing self-consciousness lower, personal beginning person chose the path of depravity and lack of spirituality - it may come into conflict with highest spiritual principle human being - Monad, or grain of spirit(represented by the combination of the sixth, Buddhi, and seventh, Atma, principles). This is what happens if the free will of a rational being chooses to wallow in the snares of evil.

The path of degradation cannot continue forever, from incarnation to incarnation. What happens to a person who has reached the extreme point of his moral decline? His spiritual principle - the Monad - finally leaves the personal principle, which has lost the ability to evolve. After death, the astral shell of such people “gets stuck” in the lower layers of the astral plane, consonant with their animal passions and inclinations. After some time, it completely disintegrates, and along with its disintegration, the last grains of personal consciousness, still glowing in the half-decomposed astral form devoid of spirit, are destroyed.

The astral body must sooner or later be discarded by all disembodied human souls during their transition from the astral world to the mental one. At the same time, throwing off the outdated astral shell, the spiritual principle of man is preserved and continues its rational existence both in other, higher planes of the subtle world, and on earth, in a new incarnation. However, if there is a separation of the spiritual principle from the lower principles of a person that form his personality, the situation is different. As we remember, the human being consists of two fundamentals: the immortal individuality - the Monad - and the mortal personality, represented by the four lower principles and their corresponding bodies. The uniqueness of human nature lies in the fact that he carries in his own being an element of the highest spiritual principle of the Cosmos - the Monad, superconscious and superpersonal. On the nature of the Monad E.P. Blavatsky wrote in The Secret Doctrine: “... it does not belong to this world... and can only be compared with the indestructible star of divine light and fire, cast down on our Earth as a saving board, for the personalities in which it resides(emphasis mine. – N.K.). It is these latter who must cling to it and thus, through participation or communion with its divine nature, achieve immortality.”

If a person’s personality has chosen the path of degradation and depravity, it will not be able to join its immortal spiritual principle due to the elementary discrepancy between the high-vibration nature of the Monad and the “personal complex” oversaturated with negative energy information. As a result, the physical death of a person in his last incarnation can become the death of his individuality in general. The Monad living in the depths of his subtle-material complex will disconnect from his personal consciousness and begin the path of its cosmic evolution anew, successively passing through new circles of incarnations in the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms of nature, before it accumulates a new individual consciousness and becomes the core of a new human soul. And the astral shell of its former vicious owner, abandoned by the monad, will soon decompose completely, thereby forever extinguishing the spark of his individual consciousness, not to mention the personal principle. This terrible phenomenon represents the complete and final destruction of the consciousness of a particular individual, a transition into non-existence, while the death of an ordinary person is only a transition of his consciousness to another plane of existence.

If the Monad of a vicious person leaves his astral shell, the latter can still lead a painful, semi-conscious existence in the lower layers of the astral for some time. Since the lower, mortal essence of man consists of various elements, such vicious souls, devoid of a spiritual principle and consisting of only lower elements, are called in esoteric doctrines elementaries. Elementaries are half-decomposed astral shells that exist solely through vampirism.

Sensual addictions of the lower plane and moral vices can drag a person’s soul into an abyss from which it will be impossible to get out. As they say in esoteric sources, the souls of people who suffered from severe forms of alcohol and drug addiction, after physical death, can lose their spiritual beginning and exist for some time in the lower astral plane as elementaries, and then be completely destroyed. The same can happen to people who are essentially unspiritual and who have indulged in debauchery during their earthly life. After their death, their astral shells become “incubi” and “succubi” (vampiric creatures of male and female nature).

The activity of elementaries may consist not only in vampirism and the ability to negatively influence living people, “inciting” them to various vices. Sometimes elementaries prefer to feed on the energy of low-spiritual people not through the astral plane, but directly, inhabiting their astral body for some time - until their destruction. Such phenomena are called possession.

Ethics of life

It is not only immoderate physical needs and desires that become the source of suffering for disembodied souls in the Subtle World. The lower layers of the astral plane become the lot of those who, during their earthly life, have poisoned their consciousness with negative feelings and thoughts: anger, hatred, envy. But any feeling and thought, as we already know, are energies of a certain quality, affecting primarily their source - the person emitting them. And therefore, people who are accustomed to living in anger and irritation, “in frayed nerves,” in constant dissatisfaction, anger, irritability, who do not consider it necessary to control and restrain their negative emotions - such people become real “generators” of negative energy during their lifetime. What happens to them after death? Naturally, they take all their “energy baggage” to another world. After crossing the line of earthly existence, the consciousness and astral body of each individual undergoes spatial purification. Negative karma burdening the astral body of the deceased must be cleansed and processed. And therefore, as soon as the astral body, deprived of a physical shell, passes into the Subtle World, spatial energies surround the subtle-material complex “polluted” with dark energy in order to cleanse it, thus preparing it for the next incarnation. If a person’s astral body is not heavily burdened with negative energy, then the cleansing process is painless and quick for him. But angry and irritable people, as well as everyone who has often experienced negative emotions and thoughts during their physical life, in the full sense of the word, burn in the spatial energies approaching them, like in hellish fire. The most difficult feeling, causing special suffering in the other world, is the feeling of anger and hatred. The fate of evil people is unenviable, to be sure. The transition to the subtle world for them will mean hellish torment in the full sense of the word, and this fire, on which their anger is destined to burn, was caused not by anyone, but by themselves.

It is no coincidence that the spiritual teachings of antiquity paid so much attention to the ethical standards of human behavior and thinking. The ethics of a person’s life position completely determines his subsequent existence in another phase of existence, his spiritual level and the circumstances of his future incarnation.

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Everyone has heard about Hell and Heaven at least once... at least in childhood. And I all know what it is - two “compartments” of the afterlife. Paradise - with beautiful gardens and angels playing golden harps, sitting on clouds - for the righteous. Hell - with boiling tar and horned devils, frying people who get there in frying pans - is for sinners. Everything is so simple and clear. Some people also like to quote F. Voltaire’s well-known saying that the climate is better in Paradise, but the society in Hell is more interesting (of course, it’s not easy to imagine a person who would like the company of Hitler and Chikatilo - but in the end, everyone has different tastes).

And now - attention: this idea of Paradise And Ade exists exclusively among atheists! It is based on medieval “pictures”, and when looking at them, one must remember that they never claimed to be “photorealistic”. Even in “socialist realism” the cow in the painting “symbolizes the successes of Soviet animal husbandry” - medieval art was symbolic to the extreme, never reflecting reality (even earthly) literally. Even Dante (who, as we know, was not only the “first poet”, but also the “last poet of the Middle Ages”), with his extremely naturalistic depiction of the torments of hell, did not think that beyond the boundaries of earthly Existence there was a Stygian swamp or rivers of boiling blood, a stinking swamp, where the angry are immersed, even there continuing to show aggression, or the hot blood burning the murderers - this is a symbol, an allegorical image of the state of mind of these people.

And in this, the “divine Florentine” (as his contemporaries called him) is absolutely right: both Heaven and Hell are a state of the soul... which?

Yes, the kind in which a person was during life - and in which death found him. The question is how it will exist in this form without a material body.

Just imagine: a drunkard died, for whom a bottle replaced everything - family, friends, and there’s no need to even talk about God - the whole meaning of life is to get drunk, he no longer knows any other joys... but in an incorporeal form of existence you can’t get drunk - a person is unable to satisfy his only need! Hell? Without a doubt! Or - the dictator died, there is no longer a country that he could dispose of at will, there are no “boot-licking” confidants who can be sent to prison at any time if you are tired of it... Or - a libertine who spent his whole life “making love” as a sport - and there you can’t “make love”, there you can only be in love- and this is something he doesn’t know how to do... The examples can be continued ad infinitum - but the essence is the same: having become accustomed to sin, to an “animal” existence, after death a person will suffer from the inability to satisfy his habits. If the “habit” was love and desire for God, then now, when all the barriers have fallen, when he finds himself in the very crucible of Divine Love, with the Creator, to whom he has strived all his life, he will be happy.

And what will happen to someone who has avoided God all his life, preferred not to think about Him, or even actively denied His existence? Will he not be burned by such boundless Love, which he is not ready to meet? A person who avoided God during life continues to do so after death - and although it is quite difficult to avoid the Omnipresent God, the state of God-forsakenness still exists - this is Hell...

What does it all look like? We don’t know... for the simple reason that no one returned from there (people who survived clinical death do not count: medicine cannot revive the truly dead, these people still had a living nervous system - so no one can say that the department soul and body took place). There were, however, a few who were resurrected by the Savior - but for some reason they preferred not to talk about it (or maybe no one listened to them). So it’s hardly worth saying that Hell and Heaven are invented by man - usually everyone knows everything about what is invented...

But even those who doubt the existence of Hell and Heaven are often concerned with the question of how to avoid the first and get to the second (in any case, many ask the question: can an atheist get to Heaven). Yes, it’s very simple: you need to live in earthly life as in Paradise! Imagine Paradise - a state of universal perfect happiness... is it possible to imagine that someone there would insult someone, hit someone, deceive someone, so that someone would be left alone there - abandoned by everyone and needed by no one, etc. and so on.? Certainly, on the ground It’s not easy to live like this - living by the “hellish standard” is much easier... so don’t say that the “cruel” God “tortures” people in Hell: We choose Hell ourselves!


Both believers and atheists are constantly waiting for clear evidence that will confirm or refute existence of God.

Below is a list of theories and studies carried out by scientists from various fields who have worked to prove the existence of God, Heaven and Hell.

Do they provide real facts or are they still conjecturing many things? You decide!

1. The scientist who “dug” the road to hell in Siberia and recorded the cries of damned souls (1989)

What actually happened:

The Soviet Union drilled a deep hole in the ground - the Kola Superdeep Well (12,262 meters). The well is located on the Kola Peninsula. After its completion, quite interesting geological anomalies were discovered, but as it turned out, there was nothing unusual, much less supernatural, about them.

What the legend says:

According to legend, in 1989, a group of Russian scientists working under the direction of Dr. Azakov was drilling a hole almost 15 kilometers deep in an unnamed location in Siberia when they came across a bottomless cavity.

Intrigued by the unexpected find, they lowered a heat-resistant microphone into the hole along with other sensory equipment. According to experts, they were able to record and then hear the anguished screams of desperate people.

The second surprise was the incredibly high temperature they discovered in the center of the Earth (more than 1000 degrees Celsius). As a result, they came to the conclusion that they had opened the road to hell.

The story was soon picked up by numerous American and European media outlets, and audio files of the alleged sufferers filled the entire Internet. Immediately, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TNB) began discussing the audio track on all of their gospel channels, saying it was definitive evidence that hell exists.

Norwegian teacher Age Rendalen heard the TNB story during a visit to the United States. Feeling a terrible disgust for mass gullibility, he decided to “thicken the colors” of the fairy tale told by the channels.

Rendalen wrote online that he initially did not believe in this tale, but upon returning to Norway, he supposedly read the "factual" report on the story. According to Rendalen, not only were the voices of the damned souls clearly audible on the recording, but also the ghosts of bats were flying out of the hole, leaving an indelible mark on the Russian sky.

To perpetuate his fiction, Rendalen deliberately mistranslated a regular Norwegian article about a local structure and provided it, as well as TNB's English "translation".

Rendalen included in the article his real data, phone number and address, and also left the contact information of one pastor he knew who agreed play along him in case someone wants to check and call to ask about everything personally.

Unfortunately, TNB published the story without contact information for Rendalen and the California pastor, and the story itself was made up " Welcome to hell and hoax" began to be played on radio, television and published in all newspapers.

In fact, the reality is that Soviet scientists essentially drilled a hole, almost 15 km deep, in the ultra-deep Kola well, located not in Siberia, but on the Kola Peninsula, which borders Norway and Finland.

After completion of the well, some interesting geological anomalies were discovered, but they did not indicate any supernatural encounters. The temperature at depth reached 180 degrees Celsius, so further drilling was stopped due to high cost of the procedure.

As it later turned out, the recording used, supposedly the voices of tortured souls, was just a remix of part of the soundtrack to the 1972 film "Baron's Blood" with added effects.

The best part is that today you can buy a copy of The Sounds of Hell for $12.99.

Does God exist?

2) Neurologist who claimed that Heaven exists after spending a week in a coma (2008)

In 2008, Eben Alexander III suffered a very serious, week-long coma caused by meningitis infection. Brain scans showed that the entire cortex, which surrounds the brain in the area responsible for consciousness, thinking, memory and understanding, was not functioning.

Doctors gave him very little chance and told his family that even if Eben survived, he would likely remain brain damaged for the rest of his life. Despite all the difficulties endured, Eben woke up exactly a week later.

While in a deep coma, the brain was so severely damaged that only its most primitive areas worked. After waking up, the man claimed that he experienced something extraordinary: he traveled to heaven.

In his autobiographical book, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, he talks about how left his body and suffered clinical death.

Alexander claims that after death, an entire eternity of perfect splendor awaits us, complete with angels, clouds, and deceased relatives.

By July 3, 2013, the book had been on the New York Times bestseller list for 35 weeks.

In a wide-ranging investigation into the history of neurologist Alexander, based on his medical background, Esquire magazine reported in its August 2013 issue that before the book's publication, the neurologist was suspended from medical practice due to negligence, as well as due to his participation in at least two procedures to cover up medical errors.

The magazine's specialists also talked about what they found discrepancies in the book of Alexander. Among the inconsistencies, in particular, what stands out is that Alexander writes that he “fell into a coma as a result of a severe form of bacterial meningitis, while brain activity was suspended.”

At the same time, the doctor who observed him during the coma states that the coma was medically induced, and the patient was partially conscious, but was accompanied by hallucinations.

Alexander's book and the advertising campaign in support of it were criticized by scientists, including neuroscientist Sam Harris, who called Alexander's work "disturbingly unscientific" and stressed that the evidence presented by the author is not only insufficient, it also suggests that the author knows little about how the brain works.

In November 2012, Alexander responded to critics by releasing a second article in which he recounted the words of the doctors who performed all the brain tests on him. “Nothing was done that would impair any of the functions, including vision, hearing, emotions, memory, language or logic.”

Truth or lie? Everyone decides for themselves.

Evidence for the Existence of God

3) Chemistry student who demonstrated that heaven and hell exist

According to urban legend, the following story began with a response that was received from a University of Washington chemistry student.

And here is the question itself: Is hell an ectothermic place (that is, it gives off heat) or an endothermic place (that is, it absorbs heat)?

Most students answered the question using Boyle's law (a gas cools when it expands and heats up when it contracts).

However, one of the students approached the answer like this:

First, we must understand How much does the mass of Hell change over time?. That is, we must have an idea of ​​​​at what speed souls move to Hell and at what speed they leave it.

I think it's quite reasonable to assume that if the soul has already fallen into Hell, then it is unlikely to leave it. As for exactly how many souls go to Hell, it is worth looking at the various religions that exist in the world today.

Most of them claim that if you do not profess this particular religion, then you will undoubtedly go to Hell. Since there are so many religions today, we can confidently say that all souls go to Hell.

Considering the birth and death rates throughout the world, it can be assumed that the number of souls in Hell is growing exponentially(that is, the value increases in direct proportion to the value of the value itself).

Now we are looking at the rate of change in the volume of Hell, because Boyle's law states that in order to maintain the same temperature and pressure in Hell, the volume must expand in direct proportion to the addition of souls. In this case, two scenarios are possible.

1. If Hell expands more slowly than the number of souls living there grows, then the temperature and pressure there will increase disproportionately, so the day will come when Hell will “fall apart.”

2. If Hell increases in size at a rate greater than the volume of incoming souls, then the temperature and pressure will drop and Hell will freeze over.

So where is the truth?

If we take into account the postulate that I heard from my colleague Teresa in my first year ("Hell will freeze over if I sleep with you") and also take into account that I spent last night with her, then of the points I proposed, the second is true.

So I'm sure that hell has already frozen over.

The consequence of this theory is the fact that since Hell has already frozen over, it means that no more souls go there, and, therefore, only Heaven remains, which proves the existence of a divine being. This explains why Teresa screamed for a long time last night: " Oh my God!"

For obvious reasons, the student received the highest grade.

4) Professor of Medicine Who Claimed to Find a Sculpture of God (1725)

In 1725, Professor Adam Beringer, dean of the faculty of medicine at the University of Würzburg, found many carved in limestone figurines of lizards, frogs, spiders, birds with the faces of fish, the sun and stars.

Some of them were signed, for example, the Hebrew name of God in Latin, Arabic and Hebrew. These figures carved in stone, in his opinion, were created by God himself when he experimented with types of life, planning the universe.

Behringer also, along with his main explanation, suggested several possible other interpretations, among which was the version about the imprints of dead animals (fossils). However, most of them, according to the professor, were " capricious thoughts of God."

He also considered the version that these drawings belonged to prehistoric pagans, but it would be more correct to exclude this option, because the pagans did not know the name of God.

In fact he became a victim of deception, committed by his fellow ex-Jesuits Ignatz Roderick, professor of geography and mathematics, and Johann Georg von Eckhart, privy councilor and librarian.

Having got to the bottom of the truth, Beringer sued the deceivers, then a scandal followed, after which all three have lost their authority.

Some of the fossil animals discovered by Behringer then are kept today in the Oxford University Museum.

5) Pascal's Wager: Does God exist or not? You must decide (17th century)

Pascal's Wager is a dogma in apologetic philosophy that was developed by the 17th century French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1622).

Dogma states that Throughout our lives, humanity has debated the existence of God.

If God exists, then given the infinite gain or loss associated with believing in God or not believing in God, a reasonable person should live as if God exists, seek him, and believe.

If God does not actually exist, then such a person will only have a finite loss (of some pleasure, luxury, etc.).

The following logic is used in philosophy:

1. God either exists or He does not;

2. In the game we all play, it will always come up heads or tails;

3. For obvious reasons, you are unable to prove any of the above statements;

4. You must choose something for yourself (this is not optional);

5. Let's weigh all the benefits and losses if we assume that there is a God. Let's evaluate these two choices. If you win, you get everything, if you lose, you lose nothing.

Historically, Pascal's Wager was groundbreaking because it outlined new areas of study in probability theory, marking the first formal use of decision theory, as well as the emergence of expected topics in future philosophy such as existentialism, pragmatism, and voluntarism.

6) Euler's formula to explain the existence of God (18th century)

Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783) was one of the first Swiss mathematicians and physicists to make important discoveries in areas such as infinitesimal calculus and graph theory.

Euler also created much of modern mathematical terminology and notation in calculus, such as the concept of a mathematical function. He is known for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics and astronomy. He lived most of his life in St. Petersburg and Berlin.

Much of what is known about Euler's religious beliefs can be inferred from his letters to a German princess, as well as from his early works, which show that he was a devout Christian who believed that the Bible was written under divine inspiration.

Moreover, he argued for the divine inspiration of Scripture.

There is a famous legend inspired by Euler's arguments. The French philosopher Denis Diderot, at the invitation of Catherine the Great, paid a visit to Russia. However, the empress was extremely alarmed that the arguments of the atheist philosopher could affect her closest subjects.

So, Euler was asked to confront a clever Frenchman. Diderot was informed that the mathematician had developed a formula proving the existence of God, and he agreed to study its proof.

When the time came for Euler to talk about his formula, he said: " Sir, (a+b) to the nth power divided by n = x, therefore God exists. Now you!"

Diderot, for whom, as history claims, mathematics was akin to Chinese literacy, was left dumbfounded and immediately left the meeting place. Being in an extremely embarrassed position, he asked the empress let him leave the country, to which the latter kindly agreed.

Euler was depicted on the sixth series of Swiss 10-franc banknotes, as well as on numerous Swiss, German and Russian postage stamps. An asteroid that fell to Earth in 2002 was also named after him.

In his honor, the Lutheran Church even created a holiday, which is celebrated on May 24. He was a very devout Christian who believed in the inerrancy of the Bible, wrote apologetics, and actively opposed the prominent atheists of his time.

7) Mathematician who developed the God Theorem (1931)

Kurt Friedrich Gödel was an Austrian and later American logician, mathematician and philosopher. It is believed that he, along with Aristotle and Frege, was one of the most powerful logicians in the history of mankind.

This man made a huge contribution to the formation of scientific and philosophical thinking in the 20th century. Gödel published his two incompleteness theorems in 1931, when he was 25 years old and had just received his doctorate from the University of Vienna.

The first theorem states that any self-consistent system force is sufficient to describe the arithmetic of natural numbers (for example, arithmetic Peano), however, there are true propositions about natural numbers that cannot be proven using axioms.

To prove this theorem, Gödel developed a technique known today as Gödel numbering, which encodes formal expressions as natural numbers.

He also showed that neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis can be falsified by the accepted axioms of set theory by relying on the axioms being consistent. Previous results allowed mathematicians to talk about the axiom of choice in their proofs.

He also made important contributions to proof theory by clarifying the connection between classical, intuitionistic and modal logic.

When Gödel died in 1978, he left behind an interesting theory based on the principles of modal logic (a type of formal logic that, in a narrow sense, involves the use of the words "necessarily" and "possibly").

The theorem itself states that God, or the supreme being, is that greater than which it is impossible to understand anything. That is, if a person has proven and understood that God exists, he can do anything.

God exists in understanding. If God exists in understanding, we can imagine that He exists in reality. Therefore, God must exist.

Heaven, earth, hell

8) A scientist who says there is no conflict between science and religion (2007)

During an interview with CNN in April 2007, Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, reaffirmed the information that embedded DNA evidence proves the existence of God.

According to the researcher, he gathered a consortium of scientists to read 3100000000 letters of the human genome. As a believer, Dr. Collins sees the DNA information in the molecules of all living things as a divine language, and the elegance and complexity of this language is a reflection of God's plan.

However, he did not always hold this opinion. When Collins was a graduate student in physical chemistry in 1970, his atheistic thinking found no reason to postulate the existence of any truths that deviated from the laws of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

He then entered medical school and came face to face with the problem of life and death among his patients. One of the patients asked him: " What do you believe, doctor?" From then on, he began searching for answers.

Dr. Collins admitted that the science he loved so much was powerless to answer questions such as: “What is the meaning of life?”, “Why am I here?”, “Why does mathematics work this way and not otherwise?”, “If the Universe had a beginning, then who created it?”, “Why are the physical constants in the Universe so subtle are determined to allow the possibility of the emergence of complex forms of life?”, “Why do people have a sense of morality?”, “What happens to us after death?”.

The question of religious aspects and the existence of God, soul, Heaven and Hell has been haunting not only ordinary people, but also great scientists, philosophers and researchers for many centuries. In recent decades, many researchers, after various experiments and research, have come to the conclusion that the human soul definitely exists. American scientists even managed to weigh it.

Materialist philosophers and representatives of various religious movements have been arguing about the existence of God for centuries. The proof that God exists was provided by the Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel. He expressed his belief in mathematical equations, which decades later were tested by computer analysis and confirmed their accuracy.

Does Hell and Heaven exist?

The answer to this question, apparently, must be sought based on a question of faith or certain beliefs. Many people who have experienced clinical death or spent a long time in a coma, returning to life, tell amazing things.

One example is the writer Olga Voskresenskaya, who subsequently wrote the book “My Posthumous Adventures.” The author spent several months in a coma, having come to her senses and recovered after long-term treatment, she described in amazing and minute detail what Hell, where she had to visit, looked like.

Heaven and Hell exist, however, if in the description of Paradise most of the statements of the Christian scriptures are very similar to what Voznesenskaya and many others saw who visited beyond death. But as for Hell, it appears somewhat differently - yes, there is cruelty, fear and oppression, but above all, the meaninglessness of actions and existence itself, deception and covering up dirt and ugliness.

One of the most exciting aspects of Voznesenskaya’s book is the description of the ordeals of the soul, and this leads to serious reflection on the quality of those actions that we consciously or unconsciously commit during our lives. Ordeal is a test of the soul for all seven deadly sins, which the soul goes through before getting to the High Court.

In his book Life After Life, author Raymond Moody provided years of research and revelations from people who returned from death's embrace. The book, in fact, represents the analyzed and collected data of dozens of people who experienced clinical death. The existence of God, Heaven and Hell is very logically illustrated by the stories of these people.

And even though skeptics claim that Heaven and Hell do not exist, but, oddly enough, there is much less evidence in their favor.