How to shave a man's groin: ways to shave hair and useful tips. Is it necessary to shave the groin and armpits? Do men shave their intimate area

First of all, I would like to ask a question to men - do you like it when women have luxurious hair in their intimate area? Most likely 90% of the male half will answer in the negative. Women will also answer the same if they are asked a similar question, only related to men. The question of whether all men shave their groin or not is of equal concern to both men and women. But if among lovely ladies shaving the intimate area is the norm, then in men this topic causes an ambiguous reaction. And this topic is not customary to discuss in the men's team. Even those who shave their groin are silent about it.

Now, in contrast to the negative reactions about shaving the intimate area by men, let's give statistics. According to statistics, about 70% of men pay some attention to the removal of excess thickets near the penis, if they do not completely shave off, then at least they cut their groin.

What do you think women think about men who shave their groin? 91% of the fair half believe that a modern man is simply obliged to look after his garden. And only 9% gets tired of densely growing bushes.

Should men shave their groin? What are the benefits of an intimate haircut?

To shave or not to shave, that is the question. There is no urgent need to trim the intimate area. And for the most part it's a personal choice. Although there are a number of undoubted advantages of a shaved pubis over a densely overgrown one. The benefits include both aesthetic and hygienic factors.

Of course, at first a new look may be unusual for a man and seem strange to him, but over time this will pass when he feels a number of advantages. Your dignity will undoubtedly look much larger against the background of a smoothly shaved pubis, since on average thickets take an average of about 2-3 cm from the length of your phallus. It is not at all necessary to shave the bald pubis, you can simply shorten it and this will already give a certain plus in the visual perception of your penis. In turn, this will give you more self-confidence, since any man has at the genetic level that the sexual organ indirectly symbolizes male power.

Now let's move on to the positive aspects in terms of hygiene. There are many sebaceous glands in the groin area, no matter how cowardly you are, but drops of urine will remain, add to this the natural secretions that cannot be avoided. All these ingredients are deposited on the hair and under the influence of moisture and heat, the active development of bacteria begins, an integral part of the vital activity of which is an unpleasant odor. talking plain language your mudya starts to stink soon after washing.

What inconvenience can a shaved groin bring to a guy?

Even those guys who are opponents of a shaved penis have done it at least once. So if there are so many advantages to having a bald intimate area, why do they resist? The thing is that most likely after the first shave there will be some irritation in the form of a rash. The hair grows fast enough, and the bristles are prickly, which causes itching. These are the two main factors that make you refuse an intimate haircut.

In fact this moment not critical. The above-mentioned adverse reactions occur only at first. The skin is not used to it yet, and irritation will naturally occur even if you use gels for and after shaving. Hair will grow back quickly and stop pricking after a few days, and with each shave they will prick less and less. With each subsequent haircut, you will not experience inconvenience.

How to shave the groin for men?

Eat different ways implementation of the task, depending on the chosen one, it is necessary to choose a tool. You can either completely shave the groin or shorten the bushes a little. In the first case, we need a razor, and in the second, scissors will do.

First of all, let's talk about a haircut, since there is nothing complicated and this option doesn't take much time. All we have to do is pull back the tuft of hair and cut it accordingly.

If you decide to cut your hair at 0, then this can be done with a razor, hair clipper, and also use depilatory products. If we talk about the latter, then the choice is also wide. There are hair removal creams on the market that are applied to the skin and then, after a while, the hair is painlessly removed with a tissue or towel. Please note that they can cause irritation and are not recommended for frequent use, as an allergic reaction is possible. There are also other types of depilatory creams, the way they work is similar to depilatory strips. The mass is applied to the area of ​​​​skin covered with hair, after which it hardens and must be torn off.

We will consider in more detail the most common and one might say traditional way of shaving the inguinal region - using a machine.

So what do we need? Of course, a razor (preferably new), foam or gel for and after shaving. To make the process less time, shorten your hair with scissors. Then wash your cropped tops well, apply shaving gel and wait a few minutes for the hair to become softer. A man should be practical, so in order not to waste time waiting, brush your teeth or shave your face.


Blades that were used for shaving the groin must not be used on the face!

Now you can start shaving the intimate area. Shave in the direction of hair growth. In order not to cut yourself, stretch the skin, to do this, pull your household down. When there is a lot of hair, the process takes a long time. You will have to spend about an hour for the whole procedure. At first, the blades will have to be rinsed of hair after almost every movement.


In order not to clog the sink with hair, prepare a reservoir in which you will clean the hair from the razor.

Be extremely careful when it comes to shaving your penis, there are folds at the base and near the scrotum and you can cut yourself with an awkward movement. To shave a penis with minimal risk, you need to follow only 2 rules, one of which you are already familiar with - you need to stretch the skin. To do this, pull the penis in one direction or another. Now the second rule - when you shave at the base of the penis, you can’t put pressure on the razor. You need to conduct it lightly touching the skin, so the likelihood of a cut will be significantly reduced.

To make the picture completely complete, it would be necessary to pay attention to the testicles. You will not leave them as a white crow among the bald neighbors? For shaving the testicles, the second rule of shaving the penis applies.

So our fascinating article has come to an end, it's time to take stock of the above. When asked by women whether many men shave their penis, one can definitely say yes. And for guys who still doubt whether it is necessary to shave the groin of men, it's time to weigh the pros and cons and finally decide to at least try. But keep in mind that the first impression can be negative, therefore, in order to accurately determine this issue, you need to shave several times with an interval of a couple of months.

On the air, we will always be glad to see you - dear reader. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, including cutting your manhood!

With relief!

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How to shave a man's groin and whether it should be done is of interest not only to men themselves, but also to women. Many see this as an integral part of hygiene and believe that a clean-shaven male groin and eggs are aesthetically pleasing and hygienic.

Why does hair grow in the groin, and can it be shaved off?

The presence of dense vegetation in the inguinal region performs several functions:

  1. Protective- The male genitalia are the most vulnerable part of the body, and their hair protects them from hypothermia.
  2. Physical attraction between a man and a woman. In those areas of the skin where there is hair, the glands produce pheromones, due to which a man becomes physically attractive to women.

Whether or not to shave the male genitalia is a matter of individual preference. Despite the fact that many men find it superfluous, the elimination of inguinal hair has many advantages:

  1. Prevents heavy sweating in the summer, so the man will feel much lighter.
  2. The smell does not accumulate during the day, respectively, hygiene is maintained.
  3. Aesthetic moment - the hair will not peek out from under the swimming trunks on the beach or in the pool.
  4. Disease prevention. Shaving the hair in the intimate area helps maintain hygiene, which prevents the development of many diseases, including pubic lice.

Some men like to shave their groin, not only because this procedure has physical benefits. When the penis and testicles, previously hidden among the hair, are smooth, they are perceived visually larger and more massive, and this increases male self-esteem. Pubic hair is not only possible, but also necessary to shave, if the man's companion does not like the opposite.

Tools for shaving the intimate area for men

To properly and safely tidy up the intimate area, you will need the following tools:

  1. Razor. An electric shaver can only be used for depilation in the bikini area, its use on the balls and under the penis can lead to serious consequences. You can purchase an ordinary razor (single or reusable with replaceable cassettes). The main thing is that this device should be individual.
  2. Nail scissors. They will be needed if the manipulation is carried out for the first time or the hair has already grown enough since the last shave, and the machine simply will not take them. An advance haircut will facilitate further disposal of vegetation with a machine tool.
  3. Mirror. It will be needed in order to assess how smoothly the testicles and other hard-to-reach places are shaved.
  4. Shaving gel or foam. What to choose, the man decides for himself, based on his own preferences. Instead, you can use ordinary soap or shower gel.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure at home

A haircut

In order for the depilation procedure to be easier and the hair to be completely removed, they must first be cut. A haircut is done on dry skin in any place convenient for a man, preferably with nail scissors. If the hair is not cut in advance, it will clog the machine, the blades will quickly become dull and it will not work to completely remove the vegetation, making the skin smooth. It is not necessary to cut the hair at the root, their optimal length is up to 1 cm.

Skin preparation

The skin should be steamed. To achieve this goal, you can take a shower, a bath, or apply a compress from cotton pads or cloth soaked in warm water to the treated area. After that, apply a depilatory agent.

As for the possibility of using a face cream, this is possible only if the composition does not contain cooling components: menthol, eucalyptus. Those gels and creams that will give a pleasant cold on the skin of the face will provoke a strong burning sensation in the groin.

Shaving technique

This is the most responsible and lengthy stage, especially if the hair is removed for the first time. Some men prefer to depilate the groin with a machine under the shower, others lying on the bed or sitting on the toilet. It all depends on the personal preferences of the man, but the posture should be comfortable and the environment safe. Algorithm for shaving the intimate area for men:

  1. First, shave the hair above the penis. Move the machine only in the direction of hair growth. Otherwise, the hairs may grow in, and the likelihood of irritation will increase. You can not put pressure on the machine, otherwise you can cut yourself.
  2. Then shave off the side of the hair. Each time, moving to a new zone, the skin needs to be strongly stretched: this way the result will be the best, and the risk of cutting yourself is minimal.
  3. After the sides, it's time to shave off the hair between the penis and scrotum. The skin in this place is extremely delicate and thin, so any careless movement will lead to a cut that will heal for a long time and painfully. To remove the hair from this place, the penis must be lifted and held by hand.
  4. To remove the hair under the scrotum, you need to pick up the eggs and lift them, it is better to watch the machine in the mirror.
  5. If you need to shave the scrotum, you can first run ice over it. In this case, the skin will gather, its area will immediately decrease, and the epidermis itself will become stiffer from contact with cold, so it will be much easier to shave off the hairs from the scrotum.

After each movement, the machine must be washed in water. It is best to rinse it in boiling water to kill bacteria. In addition, when the blades are hot, it will help to further steam the skin to make epilation easier.


After completing the procedure, you need to take a shower to wash off the remnants of hair that can cause itching and irritation. After bathing, it is impossible to intensively wipe the genitals with a towel, because this is harmful to the skin and can cause irritation.

With careful movements, you need to get the skin wet, then apply the aftershave cream on it, but do not rub it in, but wait until it is absorbed by itself. Only after that put on underwear, preferably from natural material. If it was not possible to avoid cuts, they must be treated with antiseptic agents.

Side effects and how to deal with them

Groin depilation is an easy and painless procedure that gives a good result. However, the possibility of some complications cannot be ruled out. side effects with which you can and should fight:

  1. A day later, small pimples may appear on the skin. This is one of the signs of irritation. To eliminate these effects, it is recommended to apply a soothing drug to the skin, such as Panthenol, or use recipes traditional medicine: wipe the groin with aloe juice or a decoction of chamomile, calendula.
  2. If the skin itches after shaving, special creams and decoctions with a calming effect will also help. But this phenomenon is typical for those cases when the groin was shaved entirely for the first time, so it’s worth waiting a bit. After the second and subsequent depilation procedures, itching will cease to bother.
  3. Sudden and unreasonable erection. This is due to the fact that the skin, previously protected by hair, rubs against clothes. In this situation, 1-2 days after the procedure, until the epidermis gets used to the new state, it is worth giving preference to loose-fitting trousers.

Irritation, redness, the development of inflammatory processes and the appearance of unpleasant pimples are side effects after epilation, which can be avoided if the following rules and recommendations are followed:

  1. The groin must be shaved after preliminary steaming and only on wet skin.
  2. If hair regrowth is accompanied by severe itching, applying a cream that contains cortisone will help.
  3. Within 1-3 days you can not visit saunas and baths, public pools to minimize the risk of infection.
  4. It is forbidden to apply scrubs to the skin so as not to provoke even more irritation of the dermis, an already injured razor.
  5. Within 1-2 days, it is worth abandoning physical exertion, sports training, during which the groin area will sweat, which will cause redness and irritation.

In order for the procedure to pass without irritation, at least for a day it is worth refraining from intimacy.

Despite the fact that shaving is one of the most preferred methods, it has some contraindications, in the presence of which the use of this method can provoke complications:

  1. The presence of inflammation, irritation and damage on the intended area of ​​depilation. When performing a procedure with such skin problems, there is a high probability that an infection will get into the wounds.
  2. Diseases of the blood, which are characterized by its slow clotting and a tendency to bleed. It is strictly forbidden to remove hair with a machine in the presence of a pathology such as hemophilia. With problems with blood clotting, even a small bleeding will be difficult to stop.

Open wounds create favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. If after shaving there is inflammation on the skin that does not go away for a long time, this is a sign of an infection, so you should consult a doctor.

IN Lately more and more representatives of the stronger sex pay special attention to their appearance. And if a few years ago it was an exclusively female prerogative, today men also remove excess hairs from the skin. One of the most pressing questions is how to shave a man's groin, and whether it is worth it at all. Women's opinions on this matter are very different, however, as well as men's. Some young ladies believe that the absence of hair in the genital area deprives men of attractiveness and masculinity. Other women, on the contrary, assure that a shaved groin is a sign of grooming.

Whether it is worth shaving the groin, each man must decide for himself, based on his own preferences and comfort.

But if a man has never eliminated hairs before, it’s still worth a shave at least once. This will help to evaluate all the advantages of the presence and absence of vegetation and make the best decision.

As practice shows, more than 25% of the stronger sex, who have always been opponents of depilation, having tried to shave, then stop at this option.

You can also consult with your beloved woman about this issue. Some young ladies urge their partners to take up the razor, as the hairs can cause discomfort during intimacy.

When Shaving Is Necessary

In some cases, shaving the groin in men is a mandatory procedure. Most often, the need to eliminate hair is faced by people involved in professional sports and the stronger sex, whose activities are related to the demonstration of the body. Most often, depilation is carried out:

  • athletes. Professional swimmers very often resort to hair removal in the intimate area and other parts of the body. In the course of numerous studies and experiments, it has been proven that the presence of vegetation on the body can negatively affect the speed of the athlete, since the hairs prevent slipping;
  • bodybuilders. The question of whether it is necessary to shave the groin is not worth it in this case, since depilation is a prerequisite for the performance;
  • strippers. People in this profession should also have a smooth body.

Depilation of the intimate area in men is a mandatory step before some types of surgical intervention. Doctors are always required to get rid of the hair if an appendectomy is performed.


Before proceeding to action, you need to figure out how to shave your groin correctly. The final effect of the procedure depends on the preparatory stage, the choice of means and the observance of the algorithm of actions. In addition, strict adherence to all recommendations will help prevent and prolong the smoothness of the skin for a maximum period.


To shave properly and not cause complications, the first thing you need to stock up on everything you need. A lot of men make a common mistake - they refuse to use special shaving gels and foams, which causes irritation.

Some razor manufacturers claim that their products are so sharp and of high quality that shaving can be done without the use of additional products. Don't take this word for it, because no gel strip will provide the necessary glide.

As for the usual soap foam, it will only partially soften the skin, but will not be able to replace the special shaving foam.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to take a hot shower, this will help open the pores and make the hairs more supple. Next, a small amount of shaving gel is applied to the epidermis, and the agent is left to act for several minutes.

After that, the machine is rinsed in hot water and processing begins. You need to drive the razor in the direction of hair growth, while stretching the skin a little. For men, such treatment should be carried out with extreme caution, and strong pressure should not be allowed, as this can lead to injury to the epidermis.

Reference! After using soap, many members of the stronger sex have irritation on their skin that persists for several days.

How to get a haircut

Some representatives of the stronger sex do not dare to eliminate all the hairs in the intimate area, and prefer to do an intimate haircut. You can do it at home, for this it is absolutely not necessary to visit a specialist. First of all, a man needs to decide on a drawing and think about how it is more convenient to do it: by hand or using a stencil. Also, before creating a hairstyle, you need to stock up on everything you need. This will require scissors, trimmer, razor, antiseptic and shaving foam.

Beginners are advised to use a stencil, as such a device will simplify the work as much as possible. The stencil must be attached to the pubis and circle the drawing with a special cosmetic pencil. Further, the vegetation outside the drawing is removed. This can be done either with a razor or with a razor. After the bulk of the hair has been removed, the edges of the pattern are aligned with a trimmer with a narrow nozzle. When the work is completed, the skin is treated with an antiseptic.

No trimmer - what to do

How to shave a man's groin and make an original intimate haircut if there is no trimmer at hand? In this case, ordinary nail scissors will help. With the help of scissors, you can also achieve a good result, the main thing is that they are sharp. The only disadvantage of this tool is that the processing will take longer.

The best razors

To achieve the desired result and prevent the occurrence of complications, the procedure must be carried out with a high-quality razor.

The following machines have the greatest number of positive reviews:

  1. Bic Flex & Easy. Despite the excellent quality, the machine has a more than affordable price.
  2. Gillette Fusion ProGlide. This machine is the most popular. Most men prefer it to him.
  3. Schick Hydro 5 Power Select. This razor will give you the perfect shave.

Important! It is not worth using a disposable machine to remove vegetation in the groin. Such razors are not sharp enough, which can lead to skin injury.

Where special care is required

Should a man shave his groin, everyone decides for himself. But if a guy decides to depilate, it should be carried out with extreme caution, paying increased attention to such areas:

  • the lower part of the pubis. You need to process this area with smooth movements, from the bottom up;
  • scrotum. The skin in this area is the most delicate, you need to shave it in very small portions.

Since the epidermis in the intimate area is characterized by increased sensitivity and susceptibility, in any case, hairs should be removed with the utmost care. After the depilation is completed, it is recommended to treat the skin with a soothing lotion; no additional products are required.

The consequences of shaving

Even if the algorithm of actions is observed, the possibility of complications cannot be ruled out. Irritation and redness may occur due to the use of unsuitable products that cause allergies. In addition, itching in the bikini area often appears if, after depilation, a person wears tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics. Most often, representatives of the stronger sex are faced with such side effects:

  • be sure to use a special gel or shaving foam;
  • it is necessary to study the direction of hair growth and shave the hairs only according to their growth;
  • before shaving, the skin needs to be steamed out, so the hairs will become softer and supple;
  • the machine can only be carried out on stretched skin, otherwise there is an increased likelihood of cuts;
  • during depilation, it is forbidden to put pressure on the razor.

These simple tips will help you avoid complications during and after the procedure.


To shave or not to a man in the inguinal region, everyone must decide for himself. But even if a man does not want to follow modern standards, it is still worth experimenting at least once.

In contact with

The question of whether to shave the hair in the groin, each man decides for himself. Studies conducted on this topic suggest that the conclusion differs solely on the basis of the mentality of upbringing and the conditions of modern life.

East says no

Russia is partly an eastern country; millions of Muslims have been living in it since ancient times. Europe has also become home to many Arab families. Islamic life has its own strict rules, including those relating to intimate hygiene. This discipline is called fiqh and it says that a Muslim should not get rid of hair in the genital area. This applies to women first and foremost. Therefore, a person who has a traditional oriental upbringing is unlikely to address this issue at all. Shaving the intimate area according to Muslim rules is simply prohibited.

Europe thinks it will be better

The Western European cultural tradition is more mobile and the issue of shaving the intimate area for men is one of the hot topics on many Internet forums. A US study commissioned by the editors of a major men's magazine last year found that about half of American women surveyed preferred to have no or no hair in their partner's groin. The shaved genitals of a man are associated in women with the intelligence, high culture and sexual fantasy of this individual. In addition, the editors of the American men's magazine concluded that the absence of hair in the bikini area among the stronger sex is a very winning moment. Shaved male genitals seem larger than they are, look aesthetically pleasing and make a proper, very effective impression on women.

Doctors say yes

Hairline in intimate place men and women acts as a sexual identifier. The human genital organs, just like any animal, emit a huge amount of pheromones. Thanks to the hair in the groin, they can spread over a long distance and attract members of the opposite sex. This mechanism is laid down for all living beings specifically for procreation. However, a person, after all, is not an animal, and in choosing a sexual partner, he is usually not guided by instincts. Scientists from the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Germany, based on biological tests, concluded that the shaved genitals of men and women are less susceptible to infections. To carry out hair removal in this area for people of any gender is solely for reasons of elementary hygiene. The longer the hair in the groin, the more moisture accumulates there. An ideal zone for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria is formed. They not only provoke a specific smell, but also undermine the immune system. A person who cares about his health and leads a proper lifestyle must definitely shave off the hair in his genital area.

Experts believe that not completely

In Moscow, there are many beauty salons in which masters provide services for male depilation of intimate areas. One of the experts in this field advises his clients never to shave off all the vegetation. Male pubic hair is coarser and usually frizzy. After complete removal, they quickly reappear, cause itching and often "grow" into the skin, and this is already very bad. Further shaving will cause unpleasant pain. A professional master suggests cutting pubic hair very shortly, but not to the very skin, but to about 2 mm. Thus, they will not be able to curl and grow in, but at the same time, the entire intimate area as a whole will look aesthetically pleasing and, when processed, will bring only positive emotions to a person.

Heart Poop Yay Haha

Intimate hygiene in men consists not only in the constant washing of the penis and scrotum. In fact, men's genitals should be smooth, without hairline. So women can now breathe a sigh of relief, because not only they will have to undergo a depilation procedure with a razor, but also their faithful ones. By the way, many men, having shaved their scrotum, are surprised at the size of their “dignity”, which becomes visually larger. Before proceeding with the procedure for shaving the groin, it is necessary to understand that the skin in the intimate area is quite delicate, and on the testicles it is also wrinkled. Therefore, our master class - "how to shave the groin area" is useful to any mature man, adding bonuses to him in the eyes of intimate girlfriends.

Do I need to shave my groin hair?

Of course, no one can force you. But, firstly, it will give aesthetic satisfaction. Secondly, it will get rid of the smell and sweating in the hot season. Thirdly, you can connect your sexual partner to the process, and at the end have a great time. Getting rid of hair on the genitals, out of habit, may seem difficult. It is necessary to do without cuts, which will cause pain in the future, and can also provoke inflammation. You will have to prepare several tools, and not just a razor.

It is advisable to stock up on shaving products, but it should be without menthol, which dulls sensitivity, and also be completely hypoallergenic (the zone is already very sensitive).

  • Since the male genital organ is external, you should not use a depilatory cream that was quietly borrowed from a friend.
  1. First, it will take a long time to explain;
  2. Second, a catastrophic allergic reaction may occur;
  3. Thirdly, it is impossible for such a cream to get on the head, and if the procedure is done for the first time, some clumsiness cannot be avoided. Why do you need extra burns and trips to the urologist.
  • It is advisable to choose the most comfortable position of the body while shaving. There are several win-win options discovered by the pioneers of this "execution":
  1. Lying in bed (if it is possible to change bed linen immediately);
  2. Sitting on a bidet or toilet (several acrobatic sketches will have to be learned in advance);
  3. Sitting in the bathroom, with pleasant hot water ( a good option to inspect the "accident scene" and to rinse the razor during the process);
  4. Standing in the shower (the method is branded by old-timers as the most uncomfortable and traumatic).

Shave properly groin it is possible in an hour, so try not to disturb anyone during the procedure, or that comprehensive assistance be provided.

How to shave your groin

Let's move on to step by step instructions to minimize injury and cut wounds. What to do first?

  • For the first time, with a large length of inguinal hair, you should first shorten their length with a trimmer or hair clipper. You can cut your hair if the nozzle for the machine is from 0 to 1. Do not use an electric razor at the preparatory stage - it can cut the skin, and this is an unpleasant pain syndrome for the next three to four days;
  • After the long hair is removed, you can proceed to the main operation.
  • Apply an antibacterial clear cream to prevent infection;
  • Check that the machine is new and preferably with three blades. This will help you get through it faster.
  • Do not press on the razor, and shave the hair only with light strokes. Remember that a groin cut will take longer to heal and regenerate than a cheek cut;
  • Be sure to stretch the skin locally, otherwise the wrinkling of this zone will play a cruel joke;
  • It is necessary to shave against hair growth, so the surface will turn out smoother;
  • We advise you not to touch the penis itself, in order to avoid the painful effect and the possibility of being maimed;
  • Start moving in the area above the member, pushing it down with your hand. The blade moves from the base of the penis up to the navel;
  • Then it is worth pushing the penis to each side, and, holding it, shave the places on the side (that is, the scrotum on the left and right sides);
  • Next, shave the hairs from the penis down, running over the scrotum with the utmost care, all the while pulling on the skin;
  • Rinse your razor after every stroke.

How to shave hair on balls

Every time you need to shave your eggs, you need to understand that hygiene is right and aesthetically pleasing. Because I can't think of any more reasons to shave. Women fall into two categories:

  • The first crave "justice" in all areas, therefore they want a man to feel all the delights of shaving in his own skin;
  • The second argue that after a couple of days, when a man’s hair begins to grow, the sensations are not very pleasant. Therefore, they agree to the usual intimate haircut with a trimmer, which men really like. After all, then nothing pricks during the week.

The testicles are a very sensitive organ. Therefore, if the razor is blunt (for example, it has already been shaved), then irritation cannot be avoided, and this is already a separate block of information, which will be discussed.

The consequences of shaving in the groin area

If, after the shaving procedure, the genital organ remained intact, this does not mean that the difficulties have been overcome. There are a few more consequences that are safe, but can cause irritation even in the harsh winners of gray everyday life.

  1. Firstly, on the second day, acne may appear in the inguinal shaved area. This is a belated effect of irritating the skin through the blade. What can be done about this? If acne has gone, then it will not be superfluous:
  • Attach a cut lengthwise leaf of aloe. The pulp will reduce itching and relieve inflammation;
  • Attach a towel moistened with a decoction of chamomile (this method is for aesthetes, or for those who are helped to cope with irritation by a “fighting” girlfriend);
  • You can smear pimples with iodine or peroxide. All manipulations must be accurate and accurate, do not harm your skin even more.

  1. Secondly, when you have shaved the entire area completely, then on the second day you will feel that it itches, and this effect will last either until the next procedure, or until the hair grows back in its original form;
  2. Thirdly, the sexual organ can come into an excited state more often (out of habit and constant friction on underwear). You need to be prepared, or at least wear loose trousers.

A man's groin may not be shaved, but it is better to be the best in everything, including the rules and methods of personal intimate hygiene. The difference will be felt not only by you, but also by your partners, but are you ready to sacrifice an hour of time in two days - you will have to answer for yourself.