Text document on windows 10. How to create a new Microsoft Word document. Video. How to create a new Microsoft Word document in Windows

There are a lot of different files in different formats on the computer. We often use some files from these formats, while working with others very rarely or never at all. But there are those in the computer that you just need to know and be able to use. And one of them is doc files. These are a variety of documents, with the work on which all users who decide to master the computer begin their work. Of course, if you use your computer only for playing games and communicating on the Internet, then you can safely do without Word. But in this case, you can hardly be called a confident user. After all, a confident user is one who knows how to perform basic operations on a computer (create a folder, copy, delete) and work with popular programs, including Word and Excel. In this review, I will just tell you how to use the free WindowsWord program to view and edit Doc files.

We open the program. We need to open a new text document. To do this, click on the file, as shown in the picture.

then click the open button as shown below

We get such a normal file as a result

Saving a file is also very easy. You need to press the button with a floppy disk and the file will be saved

Now let's look at the document search function. Indeed, if the document is more than a dozen pages, a search is often required. To do this, on the top toolbar we find the edit tab and search in it, as shown in the figure or simply by pressing Ctrl + F

it and you can enter the search words.

But let's not forget that we are editing the text. Therefore, it is very important for us to work with the font. The Windows Word program has a special Font window that can be opened by clicking on the button in the Font toolbar at the top. It's easy to change the font, font size, writing style (bold, semi-bold, italic, strikethrough), as well as the font color and background color of the font. This is what the window looks like

Now let's look at working with tables. Here everything is very simple to create a table, click on the table tab, create a table as shown below

In the window that opens, select the number of rows and columns, as well as the scale of the table

If you click on the table field with the right mouse button, in the menu that opens, you can choose: cut, copy, paste, change the font, paragraph, list, you can add a line above or below, and add a column to the left or right, split a cell and view the properties of the entire tables

You can also easily change the document size from A4 to A5, A6, or even set your own page size. The size button is at the bottom of the toolbar

This concludes my review of the main features of the new free WindowsWord editor. As a result, I can say that it is very simple to use it, it is easier than Microsoft Office in my opinion. And for beginners it is more suitable, because. there is not a huge number of buttons in which it is so easy for a beginner to get confused. Great for general editing. Main advantages: ease of use and free of charge this text editor.

More recently, a new program has been released that performs all the functions of an office, but does not require additional activation and is quite easy to use in practice. We will talk about the basics of working with it below.

First steps

So, you have installed the program, its step-by-step installation is described in the previous article. What's next? Double click on the desktop icon that looks like this

The program window opens before us. It is rather unremarkable, does not differ from those that you may have seen before, but its interface is convenient and everything you need and frequently used is located in front of your eyes, which helps you easily navigate.

Above us is a toolbar, just below a white field, which is an analogue of a blank sheet of paper and on which you actually need to type and edit text, and on the left you can view the number of pages and their thumbnail image.


This is what the toolbar looks like in its entirety:

As you can see, its topmost part has the following tabs:

When you click on any of them, a context menu pops up, consisting of various tools that help when working with text. So you can click each tab to visually familiarize yourself with the interface.

Below are the icons of the most commonly used functions that are used in working with text documents. They are organically sorted into sections, which makes it easy to navigate even for an inexperienced user.

We will not list them all, since there are quite a lot of them, but we will deal with the main tasks.


The first thing to keep in mind when working with documents is saving, without this function all your work will be done in vain. It looks like this on the toolbar. And then choose a place to save the document according to the standard procedure.


After a more detailed acquaintance with all the functions, the toolbar (or quick access bar) can be customized based on the frequency of use of the necessary functions that are always at hand. This will organize your work and make it even more efficient.

Document editing

The program has all the standard editing functions:

Many more useful things can be found in the WindowsWord program, but its main feature is the ease of use and understandability of the interface. Inspiration to you!

The Windows word editor has a set of all the necessary functions for creating / editing text.

For quick editing of a document, it is useful to use the quick access bar at the top right of the screen. All important actions: New, Open, Save, Print, Paste, Undo/Redo, Bullets, Numbering, Indents, editing text in a document, and styles fonts, style options and scaling are always at hand.

To create a new document, you need to click the "Create" button in the upper right corner on the quick access toolbar, or perform the action: "File" -> "Create". To edit an already existing document, you must click on the "Open" button, or the action "File -> "Open", and then select the desired file and confirm your choice.

You can save a document by clicking on the floppy disk icon on the quick access toolbar, or by clicking "File" -> "Save". To save a document in different formats, you need to go: "File" -\u003e "Save As ..." and select the desired format.

You can print the entire document, or a specific page by clicking the "Print" button in the form of a printer icon on the panel, or through "File" -> "Print ...". You will be prompted to select a printer, print range, and number of copies.

If you need to find a specific word or sentence in the text, you can use the "Find ..." button on the quick access toolbar, or go to: "Edit" - Find ".

Setting the page settings, margins, headers and footers and paper settings can be found by performing the action: "File" -\u003e "Page Setup", and set the desired value in the window that appears. Then confirm with "Ok".

Often, when editing, there is a need to undo or redo an action. For such a case, the "Cancel" and "Redo" buttons are provided on the panel and in the "Edit" tab.

Changing the font style, style, size, color and background of the text is possible in the "Font" and "Format" tabs. For quick change, columns of styles and text sizes are provided on the quick access toolbar.

Working with paragraphs, you can edit the text along the edges, width, center, distribute along the length, if you use the "Paragraph" tab

If you need to create a bulleted / numbered list, you can use the "Paragraph"-> "List" tab.

The "Insert" tab will allow you to insert into the document: a file, a picture, horizontal lines, a hyperlink, a page number, a text field, the number of pages and various types of footnotes.

When working with tables, you must use the "Table" tab, or the table icon on the panel for quick placement with the selected number of cells. Even after placing the table, you can add columns and rows to it from any side, as well as delete, merge and split cells. To do this, select the table and right-click, and in the window that appears, select the desired action.

When working with a large amount of text, you can use the "Thumbnails" on the left side of the screen to quickly navigate through the pages. The red frame highlights the current page and its number.

How to use the Windows Word editor

Text editor WindowsWord is an indispensable program in the office and at home. It is easy to use and performs a complete set of necessary functions for creating and editing text files.

The main window of the program consists of several parts:

    Control panel at the top of the window

    Navigation bar on the left,

    The text field itself is in the form of a white sheet,

    At the bottom is a panel with document statistics and a choice of display scale.

Main screen

File menu

At the top of the control panel are drop-down menus with a variety of functions.


After starting the program, you will see an empty sheet that you can edit - this is a new document. To create another new document, in the "File" menu, click on the "New" item - a new empty file will open.

To open an existing document, select the first item "Open" in the "File" menu, after which a dialog box will open prompting you to go to a specific directory (folder) and select the desired document. In addition, you can select the type of documents that will be displayed in the same window: doc, docx, rtf, etc.

Open file

After editing the document, save it using the "Save As" item in the "File" menu or press the key combination Ctrl + s. In the window that appears, select a folder, a name for the file, and its format.

Save as

Page settings

If you need to create your file on a sheet other than A4 by default, go to the File menu, the Page Setup item. There you can change the size, orientation, margins and headers and footers of the sheet.


The "Print" item in the "File" menu provides the ability to print the finished document by selecting the printer, the desired pages of the document (print range) and the number of copies.

The next drop-down menu of the program is "Edit". Items in this menu are provided with icons to help you understand the menu functions.

The first part contains "Undo" and "Redo" - that is, each of your actions in the current document can be canceled or, if it is still necessary, returned as it was. It is convenient to use the hot keys Ctrl + z and Ctrl + y for this, respectively.

The second part contains the "Cut", "Copy", "Paste" functions - these are actions with text and images that are performed on selected elements. This helps to work not only with text and images of one document, but also copy, cut and paste from another file or browser

Edit menu


You can find and replace a phrase or word in the text using the corresponding item in the Edit menu.


Menu Format

Background (window)


Line numbers

Adding elements is carried out through the "Insert" menu. You can add a picture through the Picture dialog box.

Insert menu



Symbols of mathematical formulas and other symbols that are not on the keyboard, add using the "Symbols" item.

You can add a table and change its parameters through the "Table" menu, where all the necessary functions are present

Table menu

Insert table

Service menu

In the drop-down menu "Service" there are only two items "Spell check" and "Settings".


The item "Spell Check" helps to avoid spelling, punctuation and other errors in the text of the document, simply pointing to them or suggesting correction options.


Set up the program, change the design, choose the language and nuances of spelling will help the "Settings" item. For example, by selecting "Appearance - Skins", the user can choose the theme of the program itself to his taste. The default is Windows.

After saving all the changes, there are three ways to close the program:

    Selecting "Exit" from the "File" menu

    By clicking on the cross icon in the upper right corner of the window,

    Using the key combination Alt + F4.


To see the entire document or zoom in on a fragment of it, use the right side of the bottom panel of the reactor window. To change the document display scale, move the slider or click on "+" or "-".

Windows Word is a new user-friendly text file editor available for free download. The program is suitable for creating and editing files with text information, reading books and the like. The editor looks like this:

After launching the application, you can start creating a new document, and then use the save function. It is extremely simple and similar to the same function in any other Windows applications: File -> Save, or File -> Save As ...

Or you can open an existing file in order to familiarize yourself with its contents and / or edit the information contained in it. This is also done in the standard way: File -> Open -> Name of the searched file.

Like any solid editor, Windows Word, among other things, has the function of quickly searching for words or text fragments in an open file. In order to call the search window, you can press the key combination Ctrl + F, or the button with the image of binoculars. In the window that opens, you must enter the word or phrase that you want to find in the text. You can also select search functions: consider or ignore case, search only for matches of the whole word, search below or above the current cursor position. After that, you need to click on the "Find Next" button, and the matches in the text will be highlighted in blue.

Editing text information in Windows Word follows the same rules as working with texts in any other editor. In addition to direct text editing, with this editor you can add hyperlinks, pictures, tables to the file. This can be done both through the "Insert" and "Table" menus, and using the corresponding buttons on the panel. Using the sequence of actions Insert -> Symbol, you can insert symbols of the Greek alphabet, mathematical formulas, and many others into your document.

Of course, Windows Word also provides a large number of options for changing the style of text. You can choose the font, text and background colors, make the font bold, italic, underlined or strikethrough, subscripted or superscripted. All this can be done both through the "Font" menu ("Style", "Size", "Text Color", "Text Background Color"), and using the corresponding buttons.

The Windows Word editor also has a convenient menu item "Paragraph", with which you can format the text: select the distribution of lines to the left, right, width or center. Also, through this menu item, you can add numbering, bullets, change indents and intervals. The same can be done using the buttons on the panel, as well as by dragging the corresponding sliders on the main working field.

A document opened in Windows Word can also be sent for printing. This can be done either through the menu File –> Print, or using the button with the image of the printer. It is also possible to preview an open document before printing to get a better idea of ​​how it will look on paper.

Probably everyone knows that Microsoft launched the Office service online, if not, then office online these are web applications - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and novelty Sway. To work with the package, you do not need to install, just select any application and use it completely free. Is it really convenient?

The software package for editing documents "Office Online" allows you not only to view, but also create, edit previously created documents, and most importantly, you do not need to purchase an expensive license for MS Office products.

In this guide, we will not only look at how to use MS Office online, but also try to integrate MS Office online into Windows 10 as much as possible, after which we will be able to create new Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Sway documents and edit them almost like with a desktop program Microsoft Office, only free.

Note: The instruction is written for Windows 10, which uses a microsoft account to log in.

First of all, let's solve the issue of launching / creating MS Office documents directly from the desktop. To do this, we need to create shortcuts for the programs of the office suite, after which we can pin them to the taskbar or the Start menu.

We create shortcuts for Word, Excel, PowerPoint web applications.

Creating shortcuts for the online MS Office package is easy.

  1. On an empty spot on the desktop, right-click, in the context menu that opens, select "Create" → "Shortcut".

  1. In the line, copy and paste or type the link below, according to the required application from the MS Office package, click the button "Further", in the example we create a shortcut for the Word text editor .

  1. In the next window, enter the desired name for the shortcut.

  • word: https://office.live.com/start/Word.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs=RU
  • Excel: https://office.live.com/start/Excel.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs=RU
  • PowerPoint: https://office.live.com/start/PowerPoint.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs=RU
  • onenote: https://www.onenote.com/notebooks?ui=en-RU&rs=RU&auth=1
  • Sway: https://sway.com/my

Repeat this operation for the applications you need.

Set up OneDrive cloud storage.

With File Explorer, you can create any folder in OneDrive to store your documents. In the example, we will use the Windows 10 folder - "Documentation".

In order for a new MS Office document to be saved to the Documents folder or to be able to edit previously created documents from the folder, we need to configure OneDrive.

Let's open the OneDrive settings, we are interested in the "Autosave" tab.

  1. Right-click the OneDrive icon on the taskbar and select from the menu that appears "Options".

  1. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Autosave".

Here it is necessary in paragraph "Documentation" select from dropdown list One Drive, making changes, press the button "OK".

If everything is done correctly, then in the OneDrive folder you will see that the Documents folder has appeared.

Let's test how we managed to integrate Microsoft Office online into Windows 10.

Creation and editing of documents.

Let's create a new document in MS Office online from the desktop.

  1. To do this, run any of the previously created Word, Excel, PowerPoint shortcuts. On first launch, you will be prompted to sign in with a Microsoft account, if you are already using an account to sign in, you won't need to enter a password.

  1. In the window that opens, click " New document" or you can choose one of the available templates, everything can start printing, agree quickly and conveniently.

The document is saved automatically. You don't have to worry that the typed text in Word or the Excel spreadsheet will not be saved.

  1. After you have made changes to the created document, close the window and in Windows Explorer navigate to the folder " One Drive" → « Documentation".

In the folder you will find the document you created, it is stored not only in the cloud but also on your computer, that is, you will have access to the created file even without the Internet.

Note: you must understand - if you delete a file on your computer, it will be deleted in the cloud and vice versa.

How to open or edit previously saved documents in MS Office online.

You can transfer your old documents created in any version of MS Office to this folder and easily open and edit them.

To open a previously created document, open File Explorer, navigate to the " OneDrive" → "Documents", right-click on the desired document and select from the context menu "View online".

After opening the document, you can make edits (See screen shot of Word Online as an example).

That's all, now you can create and edit your documents, and most importantly, you do not need to purchase an expensive license for MS Office products.

Hope the information is helpful. What do you think about Microsoft Office online, share in the comments below.

Here I will explain, to begin with, what exactly I want to say. There are text editors for simple documents like . txt, which store a small amount of information and there is nothing but Notepad ++ or AkelPad, I can’t even advise.

But also, there are documents that have huge volumes, reaching up to several hundred pages, in one document and such files, as a rule, have a format. docx.

I must say right away that this format was introduced by Microsoft, and in fact, imposed by the main program in the world of office applications, this is Microsoft Office. Of course, few people will argue with the fact that this product is the leader in its segment. And in vain! In fact, Microsoft Office is a good advertising campaign plus, the very first product of its kind on the market.

Who does not know, this package provides full support for all office applications, from simple typing, creating tables and graphs, to presentations and databases. That is, in fact, it has everything that may be required in various offices, workplaces. In addition, they have developed a special program and not even one designed for various kinds of users, one of such programs is a student program, the essence of which is that if you are a student of one of the universities that are registered with Microsoft and have a special status , then you are provided with the use, absolutely free, of the Office application.

Why, in fact, do people use mostly only this product? One of the reasons for such a “monopoly” is that Office appeared earlier than others, respectively, in almost all organizations, it is installed, and for example, you made a presentation in some other program and decided at your work to demonstrate it, already on Office, then it may either not open at all, or it may open with the absence of any objects, that is, not correctly. The Office package is impressive, but trust me, there are separate third-party applications that work much better than those included in it. Here again, the quality that is inherent in many people works - to have everything at once, and not separately and more effectively.

Microsoft Word - text editor;

Microsoft Excel - work with tables, graphs;

Microsoft PowerPoint - development and viewing of presentations;

Microsoft Outlook - includes: calendar, notes, task scheduler, email client, address book;

Microsoft Access is an application for creating and managing databases;

Microsoft InfoPath - data collection and management application;

Microsoft Lync - designed to organize comprehensive communication between people;

Microsoft Publisher - an application for preparing publications;

Microsoft Visio - an application for working with business diagrams and technical diagrams - allows you to convert concepts and ordinary business data into diagrams;

Microsoft Project - project management;

Microsoft Query - viewing and selecting information from databases;

Microsoft OneNote - an application for taking notes and managing them;

Microsoft Groove is a collaboration application;

Microsoft SharePoint Designer - a tool for building applications on the Microsoft SharePoint platform and adapting SharePoint sites;

Microsoft Picture Manager - Working with pictures;

Microsoft Document Image Writer - virtual printer;

Microsoft Diagnostics - Diagnosis and repair of damaged Microsoft Office applications.

Of course, the standard package does not include all these programs, but you can easily purchase them. The package of office applications has a rather impressive price and not a small volume. Among other things, the latest versions load the system quite heavily and work more slowly than their earlier versions. The main advantage, compared to other office applications, without a doubt, is the functionality, in fact, because of which the Windows system slows down. For example, in no text editor, there is such a high-quality spelling and punctuation check as in Microsoft Word. In my opinion, a significant disadvantage is that this package is supported only by Windows, while direct competitors support both Linux and MAC.


Actually, the name speaks for itself - it is a free office suite and a direct competitor to Microsoft Office. It includes: text and spreadsheet editors, a presentation tool, an application that works with databases, a graphics editor and a formula editor.

In terms of its functionality, it is only slightly inferior to Microsoft Office, but it works several times faster. Among other things, it is used in all schools for teaching children computer science.

There is an analogue, which at the same time is the same OpenOffice, as it was created by some people, and at another - a separate product. But if you install it, you will not notice much difference, even in the menu items. The composition is the same.

These packages are fully compatible with the formats supported by Microsoft Office so that users can seamlessly switch from one program to another.

All applications, be it Microsoft Office or Open Office, do not differ much from each other in their appearance, that is, if it is a spreadsheet editor, then there are always cells there, if it is a text editor, then here is a sheet of paper on which you print etc..

A significant advantage of the Open and Libre packages is that they take up several times less space, unlike Microsoft Office (200–300 MB versus 1 GB).

Sometimes users notice that the "New -> Text Document" item disappears from the context menu that appears when you right-click on an empty spot on the desktop or inside an open folder. This causes difficulties if you often use Windows notepad or other text editor to write notes, articles, and other useful things.

The reason for the disappearance of the item for creating a text document is usually associated with the installation and removal of any programs, most often text editors. When deleted, they drag along the registry, in which the attributes for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ ... were registered.

This problem is easily solved by entering the necessary parameters in the registry. To do this, download the recovery_point_text.rar file at the end of the article, unzip it, inside you will find the recovery_point_text.reg file. When you click on it, your operating system will ask something like: "Do you want to make changes to the registry?" Feel free to agree and the problem will be solved. You may have to restart your computer. This trick has been tested and works on all Windows, including Windows 10.

During this operation, the computer will warn about possible incorrect operation of the components - do not pay attention, in this file there are only commands related to the correct operation of the notepad (text editor).

By the way, it never hurts to back up your computer's registry. Before doing this, clean it and do the following:

Restoring the Windows context menu item "Create Text Document"

- Find the search string:
For Windows 7.8 - right-click START menu - "FIND" item;
For Windows 10, the same actions, if not displayed in the tray;
- In the search bar, write regedit and press Enter;
- Press the first item of the top menu "File";
- Click "Export";
- In the window that appears, at the very bottom in the "Export range" field, select (by default) "Entire registry";

- Specify the location of the downloaded file (click on it) and click "Save".
When downloading a file, do not forget where it is saved on your computer.

An easy way to open the registry:
- keyboard shortcut Windows+R
- in the window that opens, enter regedit
- press ENTER to agree with the entry into the registry.

At any time, the registry can be restored by following the same steps, but only using "Import" in the "File" menu. When importing a file, specify its storage location.

Download the file for recovery in the context menu of the item "Create -> Text Document": (downloads: 2162)

After downloading the file, you can do everything easier:
- unpack it;
- run it and agree with all the actions in the drop-down windows.

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There is in the arsenal of pre-installed software that is included with Windows 7, the very first tool for working with texts - the well-known Notepad. It would seem that now it is no longer relevant: the same OpenOffice or MS Word have much more functionality. But, Notepad is still in demand due to some of its features: firstly, it is very lightweight (it starts instantly, works quickly and smoothly), and secondly, it does not save formatting, which is very useful if you need to save text in uniform style.
Creating a txt document (it is in this format that Notepad saves files) is very simple.

You will need:

We open

The program itself is located at the following address: C: WINDOWSsystem32otepad.

But every time to do the same considerable way - you will agree, it is inconvenient. It will be more practical to open Notepad by calling the Start menu, the Programs section, in the Standard column we will see the cherished shortcut.


Working with this text editor is extremely simple. The interface itself has not changed since the days of Windows 98, and has a workspace, as well as several sections with a drop-down menu at the top.

How to create a txt document

After you've finished working in the editor, you'll probably need to save the text.

To do this, you can use the key combination Ctrl + S or select "Save As ..." from the context menu "File".
Select the desired location, specify the file name and click "Save".

If in the course of work you need to change the encoding, then you can do this by calling the save file menu (Ctrl + S).

Instead of the * sign, specify the file name, and at the bottom of the drop-down menu, select the required encoding, click "Save".