Civil war in person. Presentation on the topic "heroes of the civil war" A social revolution took place

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Stages of the Civil War

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    1. Period (October 1917 - April 1918) 2. Period (April 1918-November 1920) - the period of the main battles, front-line war Asia)

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    White movement

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    Slogans: "Let's die for the Motherland" "Fatherland or death" "Better death than the death of Russia" Composition: representatives of the officers of the Cossacks, the bourgeoisie, the nobility, officials, the intelligentsia, the prosperous peasantry Common goals: - the destruction of Bolshevism - the convening of the Constituent Assembly - the restoration of a powerful Russia Features: -lack of a single generally recognized leader -no unity in the future structure of the country -lack of a clear program of action -heterogeneity of views

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    Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich 1874 - 1920

    Admiral, hydrologist, oceanographer, member of the polar expedition of 1900-1902. Member of the Russo-Japanese and World War I. November 18, 1918, made a coup and established a military dictatorship, taking the title of "supreme ruler of the Russian state" and the title of supreme commander. Representatives of the White movement:

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    December 27, 1919 was taken under guard by the Czechoslovak troops, and then transferred to the Bolshevik Revkom. He was shot in 1920.

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    Denikin Anton Ivanovich1872 - 1947

    General - Lieutenant, participant of the 1st World War. In 1917 he commanded the Western and Southwestern fronts. Arrested for participation in the Kornilov rebellion. He fled to the Don, where he became one of the organizers of the Volunteer Army. Nickname - "Tsar Anton"

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    He led the campaign against Moscow in 1919. After the defeat in March 1920, he emigrated with the remnants of the army to the Crimea, where on April 4 he surrendered command to P. N. Wrangel and went with his family to Constantinople. During World War II, he refused to cooperate with Hitler's Germany. Wrote the book "Essays on Russian Troubles"

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    Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel1878 - 1928

    Lieutenant General ("Black Baron"), in August 1918 he entered the White Guard Volunteer Army, commanded the Caucasian Army. With the remnants of the White Guard army in the Crimea, he headed the "Government of the South of Russia"

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    Caricature "Wrangel is still alive" 1918 Caricature "Wrangel is coming" - 1918

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    After the defeat in the Crimea on November 14, 1920, he fled abroad with part of the army. In 1924 he created the Russian All-Military Union (ROVS). He died in Brussels in 1928.

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    Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich 1862 - 1933

    The general, in Estonia in July 1919, led the White Guard North-Western Army, advancing on Petrograd. He became a member of the “North-Western Government”. After the failure of the campaign against Petrograd (October - November 1919), he retreated to Estonia. In 1920 he emigrated to Great Britain. He died in Nice.

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    Kornilov Lavr Georgievich1870 - 1918

    The general, comes from a Cossack family, rebelled in August 1917, but failed and on September 2 was arrested by the Provisional Government. On November 19, he fled to Novocherkassk, where, together with M.V. Alekseev, he headed the White Guard Volunteer Army. Killed during the unsuccessful assault on Yekaterinodar.

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    Caricature of white generals: Denikin, Kolchak, Yudenich. 1918

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    Slogans: “Long live world revolution” “Death to world capital” “Peace to huts, war to palaces” “Socialist Fatherland in danger” Composition: proletariat, poor peasantry, soldiers, part of the intelligentsia and officers Goals: - world revolution - creation of a republic of councils and dictatorship proletariat Features: 1. A single leader - Lenin 2. The presence of a clearer program focused on the interests of Bolshevism 3. A more homogeneous composition

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    First marshals Soviet Union. Sitting (glory to the right): M.N. Tukhachevsky, K.E. Voroshilov, A.I. Egorov. Standing: S.M. Budyonny and V.K. Blucher. 1935

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    FRUNZE Mikhail Vasilyevich1885 - 1925

    Party pseudonym - Arseniy Trifonych. During the revolution of 1917, he arrived in Moscow with an armed detachment and took part in the battles. Conducted a number of successful operations against the White Guard troops of Admiral Kolchak. In 1920 he commanded the Turkestan Front.

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    He carried out the Aktobe operation of 1919 to defeat the Whites on Southern Urals. In September 1920 he was appointed commander of the Southern Front and led the operation to defeat the troops of General Wrangel in Northern Tavria and the Crimea. He died tragically in 1925. He was buried in Red Square.

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    Tukhachevsky Mikhail Nikolaevich1893 - 1937

    Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935). He commanded the 5th Army of the Eastern Front in 1919, carried out a number of operations to liberate the Urals and Siberia from Kolchak's troops. In 1920 he commanded the troops of the Caucasian Front, after the defeat of Denikin's troops.

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    Participated in the liquidation of the Kronstadt rebellion of 1921. Since 1934 - a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner and an honorary golden weapon.

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    Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1956 and 1968), Hero of Socialist Labor (1960). Repeatedly arrested, served exile. Commander of the 14th Army and the Internal Ukrainian Front. Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich 1881 - 1969

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    For military merit in 1920 he was awarded an honorary revolutionary weapon. Participated in the liquidation of the Kronstadt rebellion. He was buried in Moscow on Red Square.

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    Nikolai Alexandrovich Shchors1895 - 1919

    He commanded the 1st Ukrainian division, which liberated Zhytomyr, Vinnitsa, Zhmerinka from the Petliurists. In 1919, he staunchly defended himself in the Sarny-Novograd region from the troops of Poland and the Petliurists, but was forced to retreat to the East. Being in the advanced chains of the Bogunsky regiment, Shchors was killed.

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    Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935). From 1919 he commanded the troops of the Southern Front against Denikin. Alexander Ilyich Egorov 1883 - 1939 Egorov and Stalin - 1917

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    In 1920 - the Southwestern Front. He was awarded 2 Orders of the Red Banner and an honorary revolutionary weapon.

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    Budyonny, Frunze, Voroshilov on the Southern Front - 1920

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    Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935), three times Hero of the Soviet Union. Created a cavalry corps, which defeated the whites in the Voronezh-Kastornensky operation of 1919. Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich 1883 - 1973

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    He was awarded 7 orders of Lenin, 6 orders of the Red Banner, revolutionary firearms with the Order of the Red Banner on it and an honorary weapon - a sword with the image of the State Emblem of the USSR

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    Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev 1887 - 1919 Hero of the Civil War, was awarded 3 St. George Crosses for courage. In 1918 he formed a Red Guard detachment. September 1918 head of the 2nd Nikolaev division. From Apr. 1919 commanded the 25th Infantry Division, which liberated Uralsk.

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    On the night of September 5, 1919, the Whites suddenly attacked the headquarters of the 25th division in Lbischensk. Chapaev and his associates courageously fought against the superior forces of the enemy. Having shot all the cartridges, the wounded Chapaev tried to swim across the river. Ural, but was hit by a bullet and died. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

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    Vasily Konstantinovich Blucher1890 - 1938

    Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935), originally from peasants, participant in World War I. Participated in battles against Kolchak's troops until his defeat.

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    Biography Vasily Chapaev was born on January 28, 1887 in the village of Budaika, Cheboksary district, Kazan province, into a Russian peasant family. Vasily was the sixth child in the family of Ivan Stepanovich Chapaev (1854-1921). Some time later, in search of a better life, the Chapaev family moved to the village of Balakovo, Nikolaevsky district, Samara province. Ivan Stepanovich assigned his son to the local parochial school, whose patron was his prosperous cousin. There were already priests in the Chapaev family, and the parents wanted Vasily to become a clergyman, but life decreed otherwise.

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    In the autumn of 1908, Vasily was drafted into the army and sent to Kyiv. But already in the spring of next year, for unknown reasons, Chapaev was dismissed from the army to the reserve and transferred to the guards of the militia of the first category. According to the official version, due to illness. The version about his political unreliability, because of which he was transferred to the warriors, is not confirmed by anything. Before the World War, he did not serve in the regular army. He worked as a carpenter. From 1912 to 1914, Chapaev and his family lived in the city of Melekess (now Dimitrovgrad Ulyanovsk region) on Chuvashskaya street. Here his son Arkady was born. With the outbreak of war, September 20, 1914, Chapaev was called to military service and sent to the 159th reserve infantry regiment in the city of Atkarsk. Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev died on September 5, 1919 as a result of a deep raid by the Cossack detachment of Colonel N. N. Borodin, which culminated in an unexpected attack on the well-guarded and located in the deep rear of the city of Lbishensk, where the headquarters of the 25th division was located [

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    The role of Chapaev in the history of the Civil War Some authors express the opinion that the role of Chapaev in the history of the Civil War is very small, and it would not be worth mentioning him among other famous figures of that time, such as N. A. Shchors, S. G. Lazo, G I. Kotovsky, if not for the myth created from him. According to other sources, the 25th division played a big role in the zone of the South-Eastern Red Front in taking such provincial centers in the defense of Admiral Kolchak's troops as Samara, Ufa, Uralsk, Orenburg, Aktyubinsk. In the future, after the death of Chapaev, the operation of the 25th rifle division were carried out under the command of I. S. Kutyakov in the Soviet-Polish war.

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    Memory The Chapaevka River and the city of Chapaevsk in the Samara Region were named in his honor. In 1974, the Chapaev Museum was opened in Cheboksary near the place of his birth. In the city of Pugachev, Saratov Region, there is a house-museum where Vasily Ivanovich lived and worked in 1919. In this city, the Chapaevskaya 25th Rifle Division was formed. In the village of Krasny Yar, Ufimsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, there is a house-museum named after the 25th rifle division in the building that housed the division headquarters and a field hospital during the liberation of Ufa. There is a museum of V. I. Chapaev located in the village of Lbischenskaya (now the village of Chapaev, West Kazakhstan region) at the site of the last battle of the commander, has existed since the 1920s. It is located in the house where the headquarters of the 25th Infantry Division was located. There is a house-museum of V. I. Chapaev located in the city of Uralsk (West Kazakhstan region) There is also a house-museum of V. I. Chapaev in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region (Directorate address: 413865, Saratov region, Balakovo, st. Chapaeva, 110). Founded in 1948 as a branch of the Pugachev memorial house-museum of V. I. Chapaev. In 1986 it became a branch of the Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore. The initiators of the creation of the museum in the parental home of the Chapaevs were the Chapaevs and the red partisans of the city of Balakovo and the region. Since it is this city that is the second homeland of the commander of the Red Army V. I. Chapaev, famous during the Civil War. It was in Sirotskaya Sloboda (the former outskirts of Balakovo), where the house-museum of V.I. Chapaev is now located, that his children’s and youth the development of his personality. This memorial museum shows the peaceful period of the life of the famous commander. In St. Petersburg, at school No. 146 of the Kalininsky district, the museum named after V.I. Chapaev was created by teachers and students in the 1970s. The tour guides were groups of students. Meetings were held with veterans of the legendary 25th division. Performances were held, the actors of which were also students of the school. In honor of Vasily Ivanovich, a river cruise double-deck motor ship of project 305 was named. Large anti-submarine ship (BPK) of project 1134A of the Kronstadt type

    CIVIL WAR IN RUSSIA “O field, field, who strewn you with dead bones?” (A.S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

    Objectives: To generalize and systematize knowledge about the civil war in Russia. Develop the ability to express their point of view, draw conclusions based on the analysis of the document. Education of tolerance, tolerance, readiness for compromise.

    Synthesis Plan: What were the causes of the Civil War? What social forces participated in the civil war? Personalities. Red and white terror. The reasons for the victory of the Reds and the reasons for the defeat of the Whites?

    Introductory control What definition of civil war does the author of the textbook give us? How is it different from other wars?

    1. What causes brought her to life? Choose the statements you agree with. Justify your answer. Civil War- this is a fight between the new and the old, obsolete; The civil war is a product of anger and irritation accumulated in society for centuries; The civil war was caused by foreign imperialists; The civil war could have been avoided if not for the policy of the Bolsheviks in 1917 - early 1918; The civil war is a natural continuation of the revolution; The civil war is the just revenge of the people on the exploiters; The civil war is a tragic mistake born of mutual misunderstanding; The civil war was unleashed by the overthrown classes - the landowners and the bourgeoisie, who sought to regain power and property.

    Red Whites Boldly we will go into battle For the power of the Soviets And as one we will die In the struggle for it. Boldly we will go into battle For Holy Rus' And as one we will shed young Blood. SONGS: POSTERS: ORDERS:

    2. Which of the listed social forces supported the whites, reds, greens? senior officers; Cossacks; middle officers; liberal intelligentsia; low-skilled workers; the poorest peasantry; middle peasantry; soldiers; prosperous peasantry.


    Portrait No. 1 The son of an officer (a former serf, recruited, who rose to the rank military rank and retired with the rank of major), he graduated from the Kiev infantry cadet school; submitting a report on his transfer to the Far East during the Russo-Japanese War, in the documents to the question: “Do you know the Japanese language?”, He wrote: “I don’t know, but I will fight no worse than those who know.” His request was fulfilled; his name is inextricably linked with the history of the White movement. One of the creators of the Volunteer Army, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the South of Russia during the famous campaign against Moscow; ardent opponent of the Soviet regime. He remained a Russian patriot, and during the Second World War he appealed to Russian emigrants not to support Nazi Germany.

    Anton Ivanovich Denikin

    Portrait No. 2 In 1894 he graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps as a second student and was awarded a prize for academic success; volunteered for Russo-Japanese War. Admired by his courage, the Japanese left him a nominal weapon; polar explorer, personally acquainted with Admiral Makarov, Norwegian Nansen. For the processing of materials and participation in the polar expedition, Baron E. V. Toll was awarded the Big Konstantinovskaya Gold Medal; the world's best mining expert, the world's youngest fleet commander, threw his signature weapon overboard with the words: "the sea gave, let the sea take it"; considered the creation of a united anti-Bolshevik front in the East of Russia as his main task; it was about him that they sang a song: “French shoulder strap, English uniform, Japanese tobacco, Omsk ruler ...”

    Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak

    Portrait No. 3 Even during his lifetime, the most incredible rumors circulated about him. As if, when they baptized him, the priest's robe caught fire, which anticipated the child's fate as a robber; at the age of 16, he became a member of an anarchist group, participated in “expropriations”, for which he was sentenced to 20 years in hard labor, replaced due to the minority of the defendant, by imprisonment in Butyrka; elected chairman of the local council. On September 25, 1917, he signs a decree on the nationalization of all land in the county and its division among the peasants, which is a month ahead of Lenin; his army numbered up to 50 thousand fighters. In December 1918, she captured the largest city in the south, Yekaterinoslav, and from that moment on, the name of the “father” gained all-Russian fame; for victories over Denikin's troops he was awarded the highest award - the Order of the Red Banner; Denikin promised half a million rubles for his head; on his tombstone there is an inscription: “Soviet Communard ...” (As he asked).

    Makhno Nestor Ivanovich Makhno

    Portrait No. 4 Frunze and Kuibyshev doted on him, but Trotsky saw a bandit in him and visited him only under the protection of a personal escort and the cover of the guns of an armored train; cavalier of three, but according to the sources of the Institute military history, four St. George's crosses and the St. George medal; a native of the Chuvash hinterland, Mordvin, favored horses, but as a commander of a group of troops and a division chief, he preferred the hardy Ford-T, which could squeeze up to 50 km per hour; he equipped the troops entrusted to him with the best weapons: combat airplanes with well-trained red military aircraft, motorcycle communications, telegraph, telephone, up to chemical weapons; On November 6, 1932, a monument to the legendary hero of the Civil War was unveiled in Samara, and in 1933 the famous film masterpiece of the Vasiliev brothers was filmed.

    Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev

    Portrait No. 5 He famously served from a soldier to a sergeant-major in the tsarist army and was awarded the St. George Cross four times for genuine exploits; in 1917 he, who is about to be promoted to officer, resolutely chooses the revolution, and in it the Bolsheviks; in June 1919, the 1st cavalry corps is formed, the command of which he takes; in November 1919, the corps was reorganized into the 1st Cavalry Army, of which he was the permanent leader; his marshalship, predicted by Lenin, was realized only in 1935. Two years earlier, the same prophecy was recorded in the commander's home album by the writer V. Kataev.

    Mikhail Ivanovich Budyonny

    Portrait No. 6 After graduating from a real school, he left for Nikolaev to continue his education. Here he becomes a member of the "South Russian Workers' Union", and in 1889 he ends up in prison; he learns about the February events of 1917 in the USA and immediately decides to go home. A month later, Lenina arrives in Petrograd; in the October days of 1917, he actually headed the Military Revolutionary Committee, which gave some scientists reason to believe that he timed the armed uprising to coincide with his birthday - November 7; from March 1918 - People's Commissar for Military Affairs, from September 1918 - Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic; indomitable energy, a brilliant manner of speaking, along with authoritarianism, arrogance, turned him from one of the "architects of the revolution" into a "demon of the revolution"; in the fight against Stalin (after the death of Lenin) he was defeated and was expelled from the USSR.

    Trotsky Lev Davydovich

    Portrait No. 7 A descendant of an ancient family of Danes who ended up in Russian service in the 18th century, whose grandmother was the granddaughter of A.P. Hannibal and second cousin of A. Pushkin; unlike his younger brother Nikolai, who chose the service of art as his destiny, he chose “serving the motherland” as his destiny; in July 1919, during Denikin's offensive against Moscow, his Caucasian army moved on the right flank; April 4, 1920 A.I. Denikin, in his words, "morally broken", gives him command of the armed forces of the South of Russia; the “black baron”, “dictator of Crimea” lost his last battle at Perekop, after which the remnants of the Russian army were evacuated from the peninsula; Until his death in 1928 in Belgium, he remained an implacable enemy of Soviet power.

    Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich

    Portrait No. 8 The son of a Trans-Baikal Cossack; the grandmother of the future ataman descended from Genghisids, the grandfather was a wealthy cattle breeder; studied the spoken Mongolian language, was interested in history, political economy, philosophy, enthusiastically studied the Buddhist doctrine; after graduating from the Orenburg Cossack School, p. The first Nerchinsk regiment under the command of Baron Wrangel participates in the world war. For 3 years he received 14 combat awards; Kerensky attracted him to the formation of the Volunteer Army. The number of the Special Manchurian Detachment (OMO) did not exceed 5 thousand people; in 1921, after the defeat of his troops on Far East The Red Army became one of the leaders of the white emigrants in Manchuria; in 1945 he was captured by Chekists in Harbin, and a year later he was executed by hanging in Moscow.

    Semyonov Grigory Mikhailovich

    Portrait No. 9 Even during his lifetime, there were legends about him. In 1918, the White Guard newspapers claimed that the partisan detachments on the Volga front were commanded by a German general, for whose head a bonus of 20 thousand rubles was appointed; the son of a peasant from the Yaroslavl province. His youth was spent at the factory, where he became close to the Bolsheviks; during the First World War he received two St. George's crosses, the St. George medal, was promoted to non-commissioned officer; for the withdrawal of units of the South Ural Army from the encirclement and an unprecedented 1500 km raid for 40 days in the rear of the Whites, he was the first to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner; ended the civil war in the Far East, where for 6 days in 40-degree frost, his division stormed the Volochaevka station and won; awarded five orders of the Red Banner; in 1935 he was among the first to be awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

    Blucher Vasily Konstantinovich

    Problem task: How to evaluate the civil war: As a heroic page of history or a tragic page of history?

    Documenting the Horrors of the Civil War

    The results of the civil war Who were the Reds? Note the definition you have chosen: heroes, defenders of the underprivileged; people honest, but ignorant; patriots who dreamed of a better future for the people; avengers of the old society, fanatics who punished both the right and the guilty; a brutal crowd that sowed violence and injustice. Who were the whites? reactionaries and criminals; ideological supporters of the old system, the monarchy; people forced to defend their world, loved ones, themselves; patriots defending national dignity, honor, traditions; people who are sincerely wrong.

    Who do you think won the civil war? Mark the arguments that you consider correct: the Reds won in the civil war, because. Soviet authority, the dictatorship of the proletariat, has been preserved and even strengthened; whites won in the civil war, because. the authorities made concessions (economic and political) to the overthrown exploiting classes; in the civil war, the greens won, because. after the war, the Soviet government was forced, under the influence of their demands, to switch from surplus appropriation to tax in kind.

    All lie side by side Do not open the boundary Look: soldier: where is yours? Where is the stranger? Was white - became red Blood stained Red was - became white Death won.

    Remember! Remember! Do not forget! Kirnosov Denis Pavlovich 1974-1995 Purey Andrey Andreevich 1980-1999 Tsaplin Dmitry Vyacheslavovich 1976-1996

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    Having suppressed the resistance of forces loyal to the Provisional Government in Petrograd and Moscow, the Bolsheviks were able to quickly establish dominance in the main industrial cities of Russia. The power of the Bolsheviks was established for a long time on the ground, conquering more and more cities and villages throughout the country.

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    The events that took place in October 1917 shook the whole country. Some people took the side of the new government, others wanted to preserve the old order. Many could not understand what was happening in Russia.

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    Civil War. Soon a bloody civil war began in the country. It is called civil because it took place between citizens of one country. Supporters of the Bolsheviks were called Reds, and their opponents were called Whites. Both Reds and Whites believed that they were fighting for a just cause. The war was fought brutally on both sides. Red. The White Guards.

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    Civil War. Civil war in Russia and (1917-1923) - armed struggle between various groups in the territory of the former Russian Empire, which was based on deep economic, political, national contradictions, which became its causes.

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    Causes of the Civil War. After Russia's withdrawal from World War I, German and Austro-Hungarian troops in February 1918 occupied part of the Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, and southern Russia, which led to the conclusion of the Brest Peace in March 1918. In March 1918 Anglo-French-American troops landed in Murmansk; in April - Japanese troops in Vladivostok; in May, the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps began. All this created serious problems for the new government.

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    The Soviet government began to create the Red Army and switched to the policy of "war communism".

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    In the second half of 1918, the Red Army won its first victories on the Eastern Front, liberated the territories of the Volga region and part of the Urals.

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    Mammoths. However, the policy of "war communism", as well as "decossackization", aimed actually at the destruction of the Cossacks, caused peasant and Cossack uprisings and made it possible to form numerous armies and launch a broad offensive against the Soviet Republic. Don Cossack.

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    In the territories occupied by the White Guards and the interventionists, the partisan movement was expanding. In March - May, the Red Army successfully repulsed the offensive of the White Guard forces from the east (Admiral A.V. Kolchak), the south (General A.I. Denikin), and the west (General N.N. Yudenich). In the autumn of 1919 Yudenich's army was finally defeated near Petrograd.

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    After the end of the Soviet-Polish war, the Red Army delivered a series of blows to the troops of General P.N. Wrangel and drove them out of the Crimea. In 1921-22, anti-Bolshevik uprisings were suppressed in Kronstadt, in the Tambov region, in a number of regions of Ukraine, and the remaining centers of interventionists and White Guards in Central Asia and the Far East were eliminated. Wrangell.

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    The civil war brought great disasters. From hunger, disease, terror and in battles (according to various sources) from 8 to 13 million people died, including approx. 1 million soldiers of the Red Army. Up to 2 million people emigrated by the end of the Civil War.

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    Heroes of the Civil War. Since January 1919, V. I. Chapaev was the brigade commander of the Special Brigade, which fought against Kolchak's army. Under the leadership of Chapaev, this division occupied Ufa, and then Uralsk. Chapaev died on September 5, 1919 during an unexpected attack by the Cossacks on the well-guarded and located in the rear of the city of Lbischensk (now the village of Chapaev). The circumstances of the commander's death are not entirely clear. According to eyewitnesses, the wounded Chapaev drowned while trying to swim across the Ural River.