Presentation "The Civil War in Spain" on history - project, report. People's Fronts. Spanish Civil War Presentation on the Spanish Civil War

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Revolution, Republic and Civil War in Spain The presentation was prepared by E. L. Valikov, a member of the IOC-AURORA. Based on the work of A. V. Shubin “The Great Spanish Revolution” In particular, the final article “The Finest Hour of Spain” The presentation was created solely “for the purpose education” (Postman Pechkin)

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The work of A. V. Shubin, a prominent domestic historian of anarchism, was published in 2011 by URSS. More details:

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Alexander Vladlenovich SHUBIN (from the URSS website) Doctor of Historical Sciences. Works at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences; one of the leading specialists in the history of socialist ideas, Soviet period And international relations 1930s Author of over 100 scientific works and 20 books, including: Socialism: The Golden Age of Theory; "The World on the Edge of the Abyss: From Global Depression to World War (1929--1941)"; "Anarchist social experiment: Ukraine and Spain (1917--1939)"; "The Great Depression and the Future of Russia".

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The state of Spanish society The conflict of the "two Spains": conservative-religious and secular-progressive The contradictions of the transition from agricultural society to industrial In the conditions of the "Great Depression" - the problems of choosing strategies for the transition to a welfare state As a result: the extreme ideological polarization of Spanish society, from fascism to anarchism Liberal-centrist forces found themselves in minimal support

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Feature - the rapid development of anarcho-syndicalism At the heart of the popularity of anarcho-syndicalism - the tradition of solidarity of the Spanish workers, low confidence in party institutions political life, because they really controlled their membership base not only in socio-economic, but also in political terms Trade unions limited the interference of parties in their activities

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The political forces were not monolithic The right CEDA wavered between fascism and conservatism, while fascism tried to unite the Italian experience, syndicalism and Spanish conservative traditions The liberals shifted either “to the right” towards the conservatives (radicals), then towards the social democracy PSOE was in a state of internal struggle between The left “caballerists” and the right “prietists” wings of the “Stalinist” KPI and OSKK were in conflict with the “Trotskyist” POUM, which was seeking an alliance with the trade unions The Republican camp was not monolithic

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Spain depended on world processes “Great Depression” The struggle between fascism and socialism The political struggle and repressions in the USSR The policy of the “Popular Fronts” The tactics of the Comintern The military and economic assistance of the USSR The “blockade” of the Axis powers The consolidation of the republican forces was ensured as a result of the moderation of the policy of the CPI and the tactics of the "Popular Front", as well as the support of the NF by the anarcho-syndicalist trade unions

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After the victory of the "People's Front" In Spain, a social revolution "from below" began to spontaneously develop, supported by the government Mass moods "twisted", radicalized by the ideological elite minority The situation was taken advantage of by pro-fascist conservative generals, who tried to take power into their own hands with the help of a coup ...

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The republic responded with a counterattack Trade unions and socialist parties were able to mobilize the population, distribute weapons, ensure the work of the rear. A new type of army began to form - the police. The practice of the first time of the war showed the success of the use of militia units and the self-management of trade unions in the rear. Later, the change in the policy of militia in the army and the socialization of industry to regularity and nationalization according to the Soviet model had a negative impact on the further course of the war in favor of the Francoists, tore away many workers from the republic, and enthusiasm decreased

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Terror Terror is an integral part of any Civil War. Spain is no exception. As statistics show, the terror of the Francoists was systematic (concentration camps, slavery, mass executions). The terror of the republican-anarchist forces was rather spontaneous. Not infrequently, no means of influence were used at all against the captured Francoists, which also negatively affected the republican rear. Political clashes within the republican camp often led to mutual terror, while the Francoists, united by a totalitarian monolithic militaristic ideology and strict military obedience, had no such problems ...

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Aid from the Axis helped the Francoists recover from the Republic's counterattack in the first months. However, it turned out that the militia, capable of defending, was not able to attack. The CNT's attempt to attack Zaragoza failed, the front stabilized. An important role was played by the syndicalist organization of the rear. Where it was not - the police could not organize sufficient resistance to the advancing fascists

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The internationalization of the conflict came as a surprise to the European players. Initially, everyone believed that one of the parties would win in the shortest possible time. However, incl. thanks to external intervention (“Axis” and the USSR) the Civil War dragged on “The Spanish question” became the main one in European politics in the flesh until Munich and the defeat of the Republic However, the fate of Spain was decided not only in European cabinets, but primarily in Spain itself, where the “Popular Front” they resisted to the last, not letting themselves be forgotten It is a mistake to believe that the Republic was doomed to failure from the very beginning, as many researchers now tend to believe. The sacrifices were not meaningless The help of the USSR and the International Brigades counterbalanced the fascist Axis intervention

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The war changed the balance of power in Europe The British conservative government was in a tense relationship with the Popular Front of France However, a similar government in France betrayed the Spanish Republic, fearing both fascism and the spread of socialist and anarchist ideas The war rallied Mussolini and Hitler, making them allies already before At the end of World War II, attempts to “surrender” Spain in order to return Italy to the “Entente” were unsuccessful for France and England. What the appeasement tactics led to is known to everyone ...

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"Non-interference policy" All major European powers signed a declaration of non-interference in Spanish affairs However, Germany and Italy did not stop their supplies of Franco to the USSR, which also signed the declaration, realizing its "formality", also did not stop supplies to the Republic For the USSR, Spain was the "second front" of the World war, was ideologically close, and was also a kind of military testing ground and a test for the tactics of the "People's Front", which flourished in the post-war years, Spain eventually diverted fascism from the borders of the USSR

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The start of the Civil War And the general arming of the workers Led to the beginning of a deepening of the social revolution Industrial collectivization (socialization, inoculation) of enterprises began a new economic model, which has become an alternative to both capitalism and state-planned regulation, characteristic of the USSR

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Democracy was understood by the anarchists Not as a “parliamentary” bourgeois democracy Relying on trade unions, anarcho-syndicalists and left-wing socialists took a practical step towards eliminating the alienation of the producer from the means of production The dictatorship of management was replaced by the power of the collective represented by its activists Slogans of the CNT-FAI and the left wing of the UGT- PSOE were perceived almost on a religious level Departure from slogans was perceived as counter-revolution Industrial democracy expanded as far as it was possible under the conditions of the Civil War

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The maximum effectiveness of the Republic's Home Front Economy was achieved precisely during the period when the left wing of the UGT-ISWP and the CNT-FAI were in power. The production of weapons during this period exceeded the pre-war level. However, this model did not suit the right wing of the PSOE and the KPI (+ SRPK)

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In 1937, the struggle for power escalated in Republican Spain. Negrin's victory led to the curtailment of industrial democracy, which led to the fall of economic indicators and, as a result, the military defeats of the CNT-FAI Republic were ousted from almost all authorities, the Soviet-style reforms began. The Great Terror in the USSR also had an impact: repressions began against anarchists and left-wing socialists, the search for witches the label of "Trotskyism" was hung, although the party was not part of the 4th International. By the end of the war, the POUM, which was persecuted for criticizing repressions in the USSR and Stalin's personality cult, was almost completely defeated. of Eastern Europe

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An.-sind. collectivization Unlike the USSR, it was not caused by pressure on the peasantry (although there were exceptions) On the contrary, the majority of the peasants supported collectivization and forced a minority of those who disagreed to it In rare cases, individual farmers remained The period of collectivization will be marked by spontaneous terror of the Spanish laborers against landowners-aristocrats, the church and the kulaks Collectivization made it possible to strengthen the rear of the Republic, the situation with foodstuffs improved significantly, and the area under crops expanded. Even the opponents of the a.-s. recognized the advantages of collectivization, which did not stop under the reign of Negrin Taxes, latifundism, parcel farming were liquidated, almost all church land in the territory controlled by the Republic underwent secularization

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From Sep. 1936 to May 1937 The government of F. Largo Caballero contributed to the revolutionary changes. From November 1936, the anarcho-syndicalists also entered the government of T.o. The "People's Front" was transformed into a broad anti-fascist coalition. Military construction was based on the combination of the militia principle (anarchists) and regular units (republicans) + commissars (from left parties and nationalist separatists)

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This combination made it possible not only to avoid defeat in Malaga and defend Madrid, but also to defeat the Italian fascist expeditionary force near Guadalajara. The Negrin-Prieto government throughout the entire period of its power tried to fight the police, however, the Stalinists failed to completely eliminate the anarchist formations. to a drop in enthusiasm, an increase in caste and lack of control of officers. As a result, the Republic began to suffer defeat after defeat. The struggle for power in 1937 disrupted the preparations for the offensive in Estremadura. What led to a long protracted positional war, which was in the hands of the Nazis, whose supplies from the "Axis" increased

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Conflict of 1937 The communists from the KPI and the SRPK, led by the Comintern and the policy of "moderation" within the framework of the "Popular Front" Still were against the anarcho-syndicalist revolution and its transformations, believed that socialism should be built according to the Soviet model Liberals and right-wing socialists supported communists, because they were afraid of stopping supplies from the USSR, and also believed that the communists would be able to drag France and the bourgeois democracies into the Great War, or at least be able to achieve some kind of support. The Great Terror also left its mark: all the “poumists” were declared “Trotskyists”, which were subject to physical destruction or arrest The POUM worked closely with the anarcho-syndicalists, relations in the camp of the broad anti-fascist coalition heated up. The communists gradually became the "party of order", the Thermidor of the revolution. The caballeurists were inclined to believe that after the Civil Revolution and the victory of the syndicalist revolution, a new, democratic socialist society would be formed, based on trade unions.

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On May 3, 1937, the PSUC and the Catalan nationalists provoked a conflict with the CNT-FAI, seizing telephones and announcing the suppression of the "Anarcho-Trotskyist rebellion" in Barcelona. Despite the ceasefire agreement, the "caballerists" began to be subjected to terror and repression. in power, there was a chance to investigate the events of Telephonika, which would have exposed the KPI, SRPK and nationalists as rebels and provocateurs. It was necessary to overthrow Caballero as soon as possible, who did not agree with the national communist interpretations of the “Trotskyist plot.” USSR, which shocked the Spanish masses of workers, discredited the main ally of the Republic

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The main task of the Communists and right-wing socialists was to demand the transfer of power and labor departments into the hands of the KPI and the right-wing PSOE Of course, the KPI and its allies did not plan the “May events” in advance, on the contrary, they were confused and at first lost in the struggle for public opinion Republicans At this point, Prieto, Negrin and President Azaña supported the change of government A period of gradual statization of republican life began

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Caballero exits Largo Caballero had 2 exits: 1) He remains formally at the head of the government, the “Queen of England”, while communists and right-wing socialists occupy key posts 2) Conduct an investigation and discredit communists, national separatists and right-wing socialists as “ rebels in the rear”, to call on the masses to support around them and not to submit to Azanya in his desire to form a new government (i.e. violate the Constitution), create a new government in history of anarchists, trade unions and democratic socialists

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Republic at a crossroads The choice was obvious: either a new alternative to the Soviet, fascist and liberal capitalist models Or Spain fits into one of the above types There was a chance - a new society based on industrial democracy, deepening the revolution and bringing the war to a victorious end However, this chance was missed ...

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The fall of Caballero Largo Caballero chose the third path - he simply left, remaining the leader of the weakening left wing of the socialists (PSOE) Reasons for the defeat: 1) Caballero, being a socialist, did not fully share the aspirations of the syndicalist revolution 2) Caballero realized that in case of his victory, there will be repressions against communists and republicans (which he did not imagine as a democrat and ally of libertarians) 3) Caballero, as a democrat, could not compromise the principles of violating the Constitution 4) Both bourgeois democracies and, possibly, the Stalinist USSR would turn away from Spain "Spanish Lenin "did not have the decisiveness of the real Ilyich. On May 17, 1937, President Asanya entrusted the formation of the government to the right-wing socialist Negrin Until 1938, the Soviet aid counterbalanced the help of the Axis countries. The International Brigades partly counterbalanced the Italian fascist expeditionaries. From the end of 1937, Soviet aid began to decline, which was caused by the emergence of new political and military theaters: China and Czechoslovakia. The Spanish problem faded into the background Containment of Japan at the Soviet borders became an important factor in reducing aid From May 1937 until the end of the war, Spain was led by the Negrin government. in its Soviet understanding, the Negrin government carried out the decollectivization of industry, but at the same time - its nationalization. The regime of 1937 was the first experience in construction " People's Democracy» "ND" is a pro-Soviet regime that combines a liberal-democratic facade of institutions with an authoritarian-statist content Depending on foreign policy factors, the nature of the facade and core may change

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Having missed the chance to win, the Republic had only one chance to survive: to hold out until the outbreak of the Second World War However, it is not known whether Hitler would have started world war, having the Spanish conflict in the rear, the liberal President Azaña and the government of the right-wing socialist Negrin increasingly came to the conclusion of imminent defeat, while the anarchists and communists, involved in the global confrontation with fascism, decided for themselves to fight to the end (evacuation or death) As a result, the rebellion of Casado received wide political support and provoked the final collapse of the Republic Franco after the end of the war Not happy with the slowness of his allies (Franco was aware of Hitler's tactics to prolong the conflict), Spain never entered the Axis and did not join the military operations in the Mediterranean in 40-43. Francoist Spain finally took a position of neutrality, which ultimately saved it from the Allied military intervention after the defeat of Germany and Italy. At the same time, it was in Spain that the first attempt was made to repulse fascism

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"Presentation for the lesson "Civil War in Spain""

Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

Task for the lesson

Francisco Franco

Pablo Picasso. Guernica

Don Paco

Caudillo - leader

From 1939 to 1975, the Franco regime was established in Spain.

Spain 1931

Government poster of the Republicans - "Glorious date April 14" (the day of the proclamation of the Spanish Republic in 1931 )

One of the reforms of the Republicans, the separation of church and state.

Monasteries set on fire.

Spanish phalanx

Nazi Party of Spain

Motto Great, united, free.

Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera

The symbol of the party is the yoke and arrows.

1939 Establishment of Franco's dictatorship

introduced the Nazi motto "one leader, one state, one people" and "Roman salute" - tossing forward and up right hand with an open hand.

scary numbers

  • 500,000 people died on both sides of the war

10% off total number soldier.

  • nationalists executed 75,000 civilians and prisoners

Republicans, 55,000.

  • In addition, about 10,000 Spaniards found their end during the bombardments.
  • famine killed 25,000 people.
  • In total, 3.3% of the Spanish population died during the war, 7.5% were physically injured.
  • There is also evidence that after the war, on the personal orders of Franco, 100,000 of his former opponents went to another world, and another 35,000 died in concentration camps.

Why did the Falangists win the civil war?

What are the similarities and differences between Italian fascism and German Nazism compared to the Franco regime?

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Presentation on the topic: Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

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The work of A. V. Shubin, a prominent domestic historian of anarchism, was published in 2011 by URSS. The work of A. V. Shubin, a prominent domestic historian of anarchism, was published in 2011 by URSS. More details:

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Alexander Vladlenovich SHUBIN (from the URSS website) Alexander Vladlenovich SHUBIN (from the URSS website) Doctor of Historical Sciences. Works at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences; one of the leading specialists in the history of socialist ideas, the Soviet period and international relations in the 1930s. Author of more than 100 scientific papers and 20 books, including: "Socialism: the "golden age" of theory"; "The World on the Edge of the Abyss: From Global Depression to World War (1929--1941)"; "Anarchist social experiment: Ukraine and Spain (1917--1939)"; "The Great Depression and the Future of Russia".

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The conflict of the "two Spains": conservative-religious and secular-progressive The conflict of the "two Spains": conservative-religious and secular-progressive extreme ideological polarization of Spanish society, from fascism to anarchism Liberal-centrist forces found themselves in minimal support

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The popularity of anarcho-syndicalism is based on the tradition of solidarity of Spanish workers, low trust in party institutions The popularity of anarcho-syndicalism is based on the tradition of solidarity of Spanish workers, low trust in party institutions in political life, because they really controlled their membership base not only in socio-economic, but also in political terms Trade unions limited the interference of parties in their activities

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The right SEDA vacillated between fascism and conservatism, while fascism tried to combine Italian experience, syndicalism and Spanish conservative traditions The right SEDA vacillated between fascism and conservatism, fascism tried to combine Italian experience, syndicalism and Spanish conservative traditions ), then towards social democracy, the PSOE was in a state of internal struggle between the left "caballerists" and the right "prietists" wings.

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The “Great Depression” The “Great Depression” The struggle between fascism and socialism The political struggle and repressions in the USSR The policy of the “Popular Fronts” The tactics of the Comintern The military and economic assistance to the USSR The “blockade” of the Axis powers The consolidation of the republican forces was ensured as a result of the moderate policy of the CPI and tactics of the "Popular Front", as well as support for the NF by the anarcho-syndicalist trade unions

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In Spain, a social revolution "from below", supported by the government, began to develop spontaneously In Spain, a social revolution "from below", supported by the government, began to develop spontaneously Mass moods "twisted", radicalized by the ideological elite forces in a situation of social crisis were in the minority Pro-fascist conservative generals took advantage of the situation, who tried to take power into their own hands with the help of a coup ...

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Trade unions and socialist parties were able to mobilize the population, distribute weapons, ensure the work of the rear. Trade unions and socialist parties were able to mobilize the population, distribute weapons, and ensure the work of the rear. A new type of militia army began to form. The practice of the first time of the war showed the success of the use of militia units and the self-management of trade unions in the rear. Later, the change in the policy of militia in the army and the socialization of industry to regularity and nationalization according to the Soviet model had a negative impact on the further course of the war in favor of the Francoists, tore away many workers from the republic, and enthusiasm decreased

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Terror is an integral part of any Civil War. Spain is no exception. Terror is an integral part of any Civil War. Spain is no exception. As statistics show, the terror of the Francoists was systematic (concentration camps, slavery, mass executions). The terror of the republican-anarchist forces was rather spontaneous. Not infrequently, no means of influence were used at all against the captured Francoists, which also negatively affected the republican rear. Political clashes within the republican camp often led to mutual terror, while the Francoists, united by a totalitarian monolithic militaristic ideology and strict military obedience, had no such problems ...

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Helped the Francoists to recover from the republic's counterattack in the first months. Helped the Francoists to recover from the republic's counterattack in the first months. However, it turned out that the militia, capable of defending, was not able to attack. The CNT's attempt to attack Zaragoza failed, the front stabilized. An important role was played by the syndicalist organization of the rear. Where it was not - the police could not organize sufficient resistance to the advancing fascists

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It came as a surprise to European players It came as a surprise to European players Initially, everyone believed that one of the parties would win in the shortest possible time. However, incl. thanks to external intervention (“Axis” and the USSR) the Civil War dragged on “The Spanish question” became the main one in European politics in the flesh until Munich and the defeat of the Republic However, the fate of Spain was decided not only in European cabinets, but primarily in Spain itself, where the “Popular Front” they resisted to the last, not letting themselves be forgotten It is a mistake to believe that the Republic was doomed to failure from the very beginning, as many researchers now tend to believe. The sacrifices were not meaningless The help of the USSR and the International Brigades counterbalanced the fascist Axis intervention

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The Conservative government of Great Britain was in tension with the Popular Front of France The Conservative government of Great Britain was in tension with the Popular Front of France However, a similar government in France betrayed the Spanish Republic, fearing both fascism and the spread of socialist and anarchist ideas The war rallied Mussolini and Hitler, making them allies already before the end of World War II. Attempts to "surrender" Spain in order to return Italy to the "Entente" were unsuccessful for France and England. What the appeasement tactics led to is known to everyone ...

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All the major European powers signed a declaration of non-interference in Spanish affairs All the major European powers signed a declaration of non-interference in Spanish affairs However, Germany and Italy did not stop their supplies of Franco to the USSR, which also signed the declaration, realizing its "formality", also did not stop deliveries to the Republic For the USSR Spain was the "second front" of the World War, was ideologically close, and was also a kind of military testing ground and a test for the "People's Front" tactics, which flourished in the post-war years. Spain eventually diverted fascism from the borders of the USSR

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And the general arming of the workers And the general arming of the workers Led to the beginning of the deepening of the social revolution Industrial collectivization (socialization, inoculation) of enterprises began a new economic model was being implemented, which became an alternative to both capitalism and state-planned regulation characteristic of the USSR

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Not as a "parliamentary" bourgeois democracy Not as a "parliamentary" bourgeois democracy Relying on trade unions, anarcho-syndicalists and left socialists took a practical step towards eliminating the alienation of the producer from the means of production The dictatorship of management was replaced by the power of the collective represented by its activists left-wing UGT-PSOE were perceived almost on a religious level Departure from slogans was perceived as a counter-revolution Industrial democracy expanded as much as possible under the conditions of the Civil War

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The economy of the home front of the Republic was achieved precisely during the period when the left wing of the UGT-PSOE and the CNT-FAI were in power confirmed by economic data and military successes 1936 - May 1937. The production of weapons during this period exceeded the pre-war level. However, this model did not suit the right wing of the PSOE and the KPI (+ SRPK)

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The struggle for power intensified in Republican Spain The struggle for power intensified in Republican Spain The Great Terror in the USSR also had an impact: repressions began against anarchists and left socialists, the search for witches The main competitor of the KPI, the POUM, was labeled “Trotskyism”, although the party was not part of the 4th International. By the end of the war, the POUM, which was persecuted for criticizing repressions in the USSR and Stalin's personality cult, was almost completely defeated.

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Unlike the USSR, it was not caused by pressure on the peasantry (although there were exceptions) Unlike the USSR, it was not caused by pressure on the peasantry (although there were exceptions) On the contrary, the majority of peasants supported collectivization and forced a minority of those who disagreed to it In rare cases, individual farmers The period of collectivization will be marked by spontaneous terror of the Spanish laborers against the aristocratic landowners, the church and the kulaks. recognized the advantages of collectivization, which did not stop under the reign of Negrin Taxes, latifundism, parcel farming were liquidated, almost all church land in the territory controlled by the Republic underwent secularization

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The government of F. Largo Caballero promoted revolutionary transformations The "People's Front" was transformed into a broad anti-fascist coalition. Military construction was based on the combination of the militia principle (anarchists) and regular units (republicans) + commissars (from left parties and nationalist separatists)

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It allowed not only to avoid defeat in Malaga and defend Madrid, but also to defeat the Italian fascist expeditionary force under Guadalajara tried to fight the police, however, the Stalinists failed to completely eliminate the anarchist formations. The struggle for power in 1937 disrupted the preparations for the offensive in Estremadura. What led to a long protracted positional war, which was in the hands of the Nazis, whose supplies from the "Axis" increased

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Communists from the CPI and SRPK, led by the Comintern and the policy of "moderation" within the framework of the "Popular Front" Communists from the CPI and SRPK, led by the Comintern and the policy of "moderation" within the framework of the "Popular Front" Still were against the anarcho-syndicalist revolution and its transformations, believed that socialism should be built according to the Soviet model. Liberals and right-wing socialists supported the communists, because. they were afraid of stopping supplies from the USSR, and also believed that the communists would be able to drag France and the bourgeois democracies into the Great War, or at least be able to achieve some kind of support. The Great Terror also left its mark: all the “poumists” were declared “Trotskyists”, which were subject to physical destruction or arrest The POUM worked closely with the anarcho-syndicalists, relations in the camp of the broad anti-fascist coalition heated up. The communists gradually became the "party of order", the Thermidor of the revolution. The caballeurists were inclined to believe that after the Civil Revolution and the victory of the syndicalist revolution, a new, democratic socialist society would be formed, based on trade unions.

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PSUC and Catalan nationalists provoked a conflict with the CNT-FAI by seizing telephony and announcing the suppression of the "Anarcho-Trotskyist rebellion" in Barcelona Despite the ceasefire agreement, the “caballerists” began to be subjected to terror and repressions. But while Largo Caballero was in power, there was a chance for an investigation of the events at Telefonika, which would expose the CPI, the SRPK and nationalists as rebels and provocateurs. It was necessary to overthrow Caballero as soon as possible , who did not agree with the national communist interpretations of the "Trotskyist conspiracy" The press of the CNT and POUM widely covered the events of the growing terror in the USSR, which shocked the Spanish masses of working people, discredited the main ally of the Republic

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Communists and right-wing socialists demanded the transfer of law enforcement and labor departments to the CPI and right PSOE Communists and right-wing socialists demanded the transfer of law enforcement and labor departments to the CPI and right PSOE Of course, the KPI and its allies did not plan the "May events" in advance, on the contrary, they were confused and at first lost in the struggle for public opinion of the Republicans. At this moment, Prieto, Negrin and President Azaña supported the change of government. A period of gradual etatization of republican life began by the forces of communists, right-wing socialists and national separatists

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Largo Caballero had 2 exits: Largo Caballero had 2 exits: 1) He remains formally at the head of the government, the “Queen of England”, while key posts are occupied by communists and right-wing socialists 2) Conduct an investigation and discredit the communists, national separatists and right-wing socialists as "rebels in the rear", to call on the masses to support around them and not to submit to Azanya in his desire to form a new government (i.e. violate the Constitution), create a new government in history of anarchists, trade unions and democratic socialists

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Largo Caballero chose the third path - he simply left, remaining the leader of the weakening left wing of the socialists (PSOE) Largo Caballero chose the third path - he simply left, remaining the leader of the weakening left wing of the socialists (PSOE) end shared the aspirations of the syndicalist revolution 2) Caballero realized that if he won, repression against the communists and republicans would be necessary (which he did not imagine as a democrat and ally of the libertarians) 3) Caballero, as a democrat, could not compromise the principles of violating the Constitution 4) From Spain would have been turned away by both the bourgeois democracies and, perhaps, the Stalinist USSR “Spanish Lenin” did not have the decisiveness of a real Ilyich On May 17, 1937, President Azaña entrusted the formation of a government to the right-wing socialist Negrin

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Soviet aid balanced the aid of the Axis countries Mathematical aid of the USSR balanced the aid of the Axis countries The International Brigades partly balanced the Italian fascist expeditionaries From the end of 1937, Soviet aid began to decline, which was caused by the emergence of new political and military theaters: China and Czechoslovakia The Spanish problem faded into the background The containment of Japan at the Soviet borders was an important factor in reducing aid

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In the spring and summer of 1937 - on the side of the Republic. Franco has to fight on 2 fronts In the spring and summer of 1937 - on the side of the Republic. Franco has to fight on 2 fronts However, the height of inter-party struggle in the Republic handed over the initiative to the Nazis The Republic was losing precious time At the same time, the experience of new battles showed that the army became less combat-ready due to repressions In July-December 1937, the chance to win was completely lost …

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And until the end of the war, Spain was led by the government of Negrin And until the end of the war, Spain was led by the government of Negrin In its Soviet understanding, the Negrin government carried out the decollectivization of industry, but at the same time - its nationalization. The regime of 1937 was the first experience in the construction of "People's Democracy" "ND" - a pro-Soviet regime that combines the liberal-democratic facade of institutions with authoritarian-statist content Depending on foreign policy factors, it may change the nature of the façade and core

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The Republic had only one chance to survive: to hold out until the outbreak of World War II The Republic had only one chance to survive: to hold out until the outbreak of World War II However, it is not known whether Hitler would have started the World War with the Spanish conflict in the rear Liberal President Azaña and a right-wing socialist government Negrin increasingly came to the conclusion of imminent defeat, while the anarchists and communists, involved in the global confrontation with fascism, decided for themselves to fight to the end (evacuation or death). As a result, the Casado rebellion received widespread political support and provoked the final collapse of the Republic

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Dissatisfied with the slowness of their allies (Franco was aware of Hitler's tactics to prolong the conflict) Dissatisfied with the slowness of his allies (Franco was aware of Hitler's tactics of prolonging the conflict) Spain never entered the Axis and did not join the military operations in the Mediterranean 40 - 43 years. Francoist Spain finally took a position of neutrality, which ultimately saved it from the Allied military intervention after the defeat of Germany and Italy. At the same time, it was in Spain that the first attempt was made to repulse fascism

slide number 35

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