Church of the Dormition Veshnyaki schedule of services. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in Veshnyakov. Seizure of church valuables, closing of the church

One of the oldest Moscow churches dedicated to the Mother of God is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in Veshnyaki. Veshnyakovo is a place known since the 16th century, these places are associated with the name of the famous Russian statesman - Fyodor Ivanovich Sheremetyev, who in 1644 founded the Assumption Church here.

Temple of the Dormition Holy Mother of God in Veshnyaki, Moscow

Construction history

The Mother of God has always been especially revered in both Orthodox Christianity and Catholic. For a woman, she is the first intercessor, for a mother - an assistant. To her, the Blessed Virgin, prayers are offered by those who desperately need help and peace of mind. Probably for this reason there are so many churches in Russia dedicated to the Mother of God.

It is known that Fyodor Ivanovich Sheremetyev, being of a high position in the government, made a vow in the middle of the 17th century, according to which the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built. With the start of construction, Sheremetyev refused the honorary position and soon took the tonsure and a new name - Theodosius.

From that time until the end of his days, his main task was to take care of the temple. By the beginning of 1734, the construction of the temple was completed, and for a long time the temple did not need restoration.

However, in Soviet period, like most churches, the temple was plundered by the Bolsheviks. And, despite the fact that in the temple before last day services were conducted, in 1940, on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the church building, by decision of the authorities, was transferred to workshops and military depots. Only 2 years after the victory of our troops in the war, in 1947, services resumed in the Assumption Church.

Moreover, thanks to the local residents in the difficult years for the church, the main relics of the cathedral were also saved - 3 ancient icons.

Current state

The building of the temple, founded in the 17th century, has survived to this day, however, it is constantly in need of repair and reconstruction. So, at the beginning of the 2000s, the restoration of the temple began, during this period the foundation was strengthened, the roof was covered with copper and all the temple painting was restored. New bells were made.

The interior of the lower church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Most recently, in 2014, a setting of pearls and precious stones was made for the icon of the Mother of God.


Over the 300-year history, the temple has been restored several times both inside and outside. During such works, as many as 9 layers of different colors of paint were found under the top layer of paint on the outer walls, which gives grounds for the assumption that at different times the church was painted both in emerald, burgundy and many other colors.

The grandeur of the Assumption Cathedral is emphasized by its architectural features - it is built in two aisles, and the third tier is crowned with a bell tower.

The interior of the cathedral is represented by frescoes painted in the 19th century.

Parish activities

Currently, services are being held in the temple, and much attention is paid to social activities. Ministers and volunteers from the parishioners of the temple are working on the rehabilitation of people addicted to alcohol and drugs, helping them, through faith in the Lord, come to a clean, addiction-free life.

The church also has a Sunday school for children and a youth club.


Among the revered shrines in the temple, the icon-painting image of the Savior Not Made by Hands is known, the parishioners of the temple leave most candles at this icon. It is believed that this image, after prayer, heals from serious ailments.

Among other revered icons of the Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin, one can name:

  • the icon "Assurance of Thomas";
  • Tikhvin image Mother of God;
  • icon "Recovery of the dead";
  • Iberian icon of the Mother of God;
  • icon "carrying the cross".

Divine service in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Veshnyaki

Patronal feasts

In addition to the main daily services, additional services are held in the Assumption Cathedral on the days of patronal feasts:

  • August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Resurrection of Christ (Easter);
  • August 2 - the day of veneration of the prophet Elijah;
  • May 22 and December 19 - veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • January 25 - the day of veneration of St. Tatiana - the patroness of students.
On a note! It is believed that on the days listed, prayers to the saints are stronger and more miraculous.

How to get there

The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin is located in Moscow, on Yunosti Street, 17. You can get to it both by metro and by bus.

Having traveled to the Novogireevo metro station, you can walk to the temple in just 10-20 minutes, but you can take the 21 bus to the Petrovsky Market - Novogireevo Platform stop.

divine services

Divine services are held daily in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in Veshnyaki. IN weekdays morning liturgy begins at 8.00, on weekends and church holidays - at 7.00 and 10.00. Evening worship on weekdays and weekends begins at 17.00.

Also during the service, one of the sacraments of the church takes place - confession.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vishnyaki

In the Eastern District of Moscow, next to Ryazansky Prospekt, there is an ancient tent church that miraculously survived.

The name of this area - Veshnyaki - comes from a proper name. Veshnyak means "born in the spring." Initially, grand ducal beekeepers lived here, who prepared princely hunting. Later, people left these places, they became depopulated and turned into a wasteland. In 1577, the boyar Ivan Sheremetev bought the land for himself. He attached it to his estate "Kuskovo". The village of Veshnyakovo was built here, there was no church in it.

History of appearance

The church in Veshnyakovo was built by the boyar Fyodor Ivanovich Sheremetev in 1646 with the blessing of Patriarch Joseph. The church was built immediately of stone and was called the Temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In its four-hundred-year history, it closed only once.

Fedor Ivanovich himself, a commander, a statesman under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, soon took the monastic vows of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery with the name Theodosius and in 1650 peacefully reposed in the Lord.

Sheremetev's heirs invariably took care of the splendor and decoration of the church. It was rebuilt several times, the color of the building changed many times. It was originally burgundy, then emerald, yellow and white today. The last major renovation was carried out in late XIX century under the rector Archpriest Konstantin Zverev, who served in this place for many years. Here he met Tsar Alexander III with his heir, the future Tsar-Martyr Nicholas I. I. .

The walls of the sanctuary have seen many kings. Sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich, Empress Catherine II have been here. The last of the reigning house who visited the temple in Veshnyaki were Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and his wife, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

Hieromartyrs Sergei Tsvetkov, John Yanushev, John Plekhanov, the former cook of His Holiness Tikhon, served here.

On September 13, 1940, by decision of the executive committee of the Moscow Regional Council, the temple was closed and was not used in any way before the war. With the approach of the Germans to Moscow, workshops for the repair of tank engines, then a military warehouse, a canteen were located here.

It is known that during the war, when the church was closed and the iconostasis was dismantled, the local residents of the nearby villages of Vykhino and Vyazovka took what they could carry away - the most revered icons. They kept them at home until the moment when the temple was returned to believers.

Despite the efforts of parishioners to save as many relics as possible, many icons of the ancient church had to be stored in the bell tower, where they died from temperature and humidity changes.

Veshnyakovskaya Church was returned to believers in 1947, and on January 25, on the day of memory of the martyr Tatiana, the first liturgy was served here.

Relics and architecture

Today it is a magnificent building. A central quadrangle is built on the vaulted basement. There are two aisles and a three-tiered bell tower topped with a spire.

After the war, a team of artists led by Korin worked on the restoration of icons. The images are painted in the Old Russian style, with partial gilding.

To the left and right of the royal doors are the icons of the famous royal painter Tikhon Filatiev. This is the famous "Savior Almighty" and the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir.

The frescoes of the upper temple were painted in the 19th century and have survived to this day.

In the lower Assumption Church there is a famous image Holy Savior. Near this icon, the most candles are always burning. There is evidence of miraculous healing after praying before this face.

The most revered icons of the church:

  • Thomas' assurance;
  • Tikhvin Mother of God;
  • Recovery of the Dead;
  • Carrying the Cross.

The central altar is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one of the largest church holidays in Rus'. In the lower temple there is an ark with particles of the relics of the holy saints of God.

To the right of the temple icon of the Assumption of the Mother of God is the image of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, whose life path is connected with this place. The icon itself depicts the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, and next to it are the same holy martyrs who once served here and now have the grace to pray for people before the Throne of God.

Work of the Temple in Veshnyaki

The schedule of services that are held in this church on weekdays:

  • 8-00 - liturgy;
  • 16-00 - prayer service, reading of the akathist;
  • 18-00 - evening service.

On Sundays, the liturgy is held at 7-00 and 11-00, at 16-00 - a prayer service to the image of the Virgin Mary.

Worship services are held daily.

The church has a Sunday school for adults and children, which is open on Saturdays from 14-00.

In 2011, the construction of the Church of the Presentation of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Church began. This is a typical concrete church. Construction is still going on and will be completed soon. The Temple of the Presentation in Veshnyaki is being built at the request of believers, since the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God was overflowing with worshipers. Since Christmas 2015, regular services have been held in the Vvedensky Church, the parish community is engaged in active youth, social, cultural and educational ministry.

The church is located in Moscow, on Yunosti Street, 17. You can get to it from the Ryazansky Prospekt metro station, along the 4th Veshnyakovsky passage, or take buses 208 or 133.

Thrones and aisles
upper temple
1. Central altar. The Holy See was consecrated in honor of the feast of the Renewal (Consecration) of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem - the Word Resurrection.
2. Right aisle. The Holy See was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
3. Left aisle. The Holy See is consecrated in honor of the Prophet of God Elijah
4. Central altar. The portable Holy See was consecrated in honor of St. Apostle James of Zevedeev, brother of St. Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian.

lower temple
5. Central altar. The main Holy See was consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
6. Central altar. The portable Holy See was consecrated in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana.
7. Left aisle in the left side gallery. The Holy See is consecrated in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh

The Assumption Church is located on the territory of the ancient Veshnyakovo estate, first mentioned in the annals of the 16th century. Like neighboring Kuskovo, Veshnyakovo is associated with the Sheremetev family. The church was built by Fyodor Ivanovich Sheremetev in 1644-1646 according to a vow. During these years, F.I. Sheremetev occupied one of the key positions in Russian government. In 1646 he retired, and in 1649 he accepted the monastic rank in the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery and was named Theodosius in tonsure.

The temple stood on a high basement, surrounded on three sides by a gallery, originally open. Instead of a dome, the building of the temple ended with a tent. A few years after the completion of the main construction, it was decided to attach symmetrical aisles to the temple, also crowned with tents. In 1655, Patriarch Nikon, who was approached for a building permit, noted in the charter of the church that "... the heads on those aisles were round, not pointed." At the end of the 17th century, a bell tower was added to the temple, in 1734 it was built on and crowned with a spire.

During the more than 300-year history of the Assumption Church, it has been restored several times inside and out. Among the colors in which the temple was painted, there are burgundy, red, emerald, dark and light yellow. The Assumption Church is surrounded by an old parish cemetery, where residents of nearby villages are buried - Kuskovo, Veshnyakovo, Vykhino, Vyazovka, as well as those who settled here later, when in connection with the construction of the Ryazan direction in 1880 railway the village is gradually turning into a large suburban village of Veshnyaki.

On May 22, 1922, the Bolsheviks took many church values, including precious bowls, vessels, tabernacle, altar crosses and the Gospel. Assumption Church was closed on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, in 1940. During the war years, a military warehouse and repair shops were equipped in the temple building. On January 25, 1947, divine services were resumed in the temple. Despite all the difficulties, it was possible to save some of the church values, including ancient icons. Some of the icons suffered greatly from dampness and temperature fluctuations, as they had previously been stored in the bell tower. After the reconstruction, the cold upper temple becomes warm, winter. In 1951, a bowl with a spire was installed on the renovated bell tower.

Every Orthodox has his own special place where he feels good and where he can come and pray in silence. Ask God for help. Forgive enemies and enemies. And touch some kind of "holiness". A place after visiting which it becomes easier for you to experience some life problems. It becomes easier on the soul. Personally for me such a place in Moscow is the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Veshnyaki.

It is in this temple that I go to pray, despite the fact that I have long since moved from Ryazansky Prospekt. I hope you enjoy the photo walk around the temple and its surroundings. I have been waiting almost two years for permission to take a photo in it ...

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Veshnyaki - photo

There are persistent rumors that this temple was any for the famous actor and sportsman Turchinsky...

Near the temple there is a church shop where you can order the necessary services. And buy icons.

Near the temple there are necessary extensions

The Assumption Church is surrounded by an old parish cemetery, where residents of nearby villages - Kuskovo, Veshnyakovo, Vykhino, Vyazovka, as well as those who settled here later, are buried, when, in connection with the construction of the Ryazan railway line in 1880, the village gradually turns into a large suburban village Veshnyaki

Pretty interesting cross.

At the entrance to the territory of the temple, all the upcoming services are described in detail

The Assumption Church is located on the territory of the ancient Veshnyakovo estate, first mentioned in the annals of the 16th century. Like neighboring Kuskovo, Veshnyakovo is associated with the Sheremetev family.

The Assumption Church was built by Fyodor Ivanovich Sheremetev in 1644-1646 according to a vow. During these years, F.I. Sheremetev occupied one of the key positions in the Russian government. In 1646 he retired, and in 1649 he accepted the monastic rank in the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery and was named Theodosius in tonsure.

Above the temple entrance...

It’s a bit dark inside the temple - but this is what makes it possible to feel the special atmosphere of this place.

In this temple, almost all the candles (as you noticed) are placed in the sand.

Previously, the Temple stood on a high basement, surrounded on three sides by a gallery, originally open. Instead of a dome, the building of the temple ended with a tent. A few years after the completion of the main construction, it was decided to attach symmetrical aisles to the temple, also crowned with tents. In 1655, Patriarch Nikon, who was approached for a building permit, noted in the charter of the church that "... the heads on those aisles were round, not pointed." Patriarch Nikon was an opponent of tent churches and ordered to build new churches "with one, three, five chapters, and tent churches should not be built at all." At the end of the 17th century, a bell tower was added to the temple, in 1734 it was built on and crowned with a spire.

During the more than 300-year history of the Assumption Church, it has been restored several times inside and out. On one of the plots outer wall during the last restoration, nine layers of ocher and three layers of oil were found. Among the colors in which the temple was painted, there are burgundy, red, emerald, dark and light yellow.

On May 22, 1922, the Bolsheviks removed many church valuables from the church, including precious bowls, vessels, a tabernacle, altar crosses and the Gospel. Assumption Church was closed on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, in 1940.

During the war years, a military warehouse and repair shops were equipped in the temple building. On January 25, 1947, divine services were resumed in the temple. Despite all the difficulties, it was possible to save some of the church values, including ancient icons.

Some of the icons suffered greatly from dampness and temperature fluctuations, as they had previously been stored in the bell tower. After the reconstruction, the cold upper temple becomes warm, winter. In 1951, a bowl with a spire was installed on the renovated bell tower.

A special place to pray for the dead.

May God give us strength to overcome this path...

I hope you liked the material - and you will find the strength to go on a day off to the church closest to you (if you are Orthodox) and pray for peace, family and your loved ones!
Happy weekend friends!

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