Karmic astrology. Indicators of marriage in the natal chart General indicators of marriage in the natal chart

Karmic aspects (blue)

Karmic aspects correspond to the beginning of Yin, as they show the karmic potential accumulated as a result of previous development; this potential streamlines our life or, in the extreme case, forms a closed system, then the task of incarnating a person will be to break this circle of predestination and move to another level of consciousness. If a person persists in his unwillingness to develop, this vicious circle will be repeated from incarnation to incarnation, becoming more and more tough and turning into fate, fate.

At a low level, karmic aspects appear as blinkers on the eyes; a person follows a program of submission to circumstances, he is like a cog in a mechanism, an irresponsible person, set up fatally. Events with him occur insoluble, fatal, putting a person in a hopeless situation.

The problem that the karmic aspect denotes can be solved by raising it to another level. To do this, it is necessary to realize the process of karmic predestination and, using past experience, follow the path of high evolutionary development. To do this, there are methods for orienting a person in the sphere of his evolutionary development, which allow you to transform the horoscope, change, transform, transform.

You can try to solve problems using the path of power, the path of black magic, while with the help of magical actions you can fit into the circle of predestination and remove the problem, divert the situation for a while, but the problem is not solved. On the contrary, the problem indicated by karmic aspects is growing even more and will still overtake a person (in this or the next life) with even greater force.

It is difficult for people with karmic aspects to run away from fate. If the fate factor in the horoscope is strong, a person has a minimum of free will, then he is faced with a tough choice: either he breaks himself, changes, or humbles himself and pays his debts. There is a way out of any fatal situation, it is necessary to understand why this situation is given to us, and, having understood, realizing it, we must change internally, then this situation will play out on a different level and will not be so tough.

Fatal situations can be favorable, but if we are not aware of them, then they both come and go fatally, without bringing evolutionary growth with them. Alexander II was supposed to die at the age of 48, but he took a different path and did not die. We must direct the struggle within ourselves. The karmic aspect says: "If you don't change now, you won't go any further."

By transforming our nature, we can transform events, then the karmic aspects of the forces that limit our free will will turn into the forces of higher protection. And from now on, a person will no longer stumble on these problems and will become the master of fate. For such a person, karmic aspects give an understanding of the mechanism of fate and the possibility of its correction.

Karmic aspects are the most powerful of all. Christianity is based on karmic numbers: 40, 100, 160 - freedom through limitation.

Four kinds of karmic (blue) aspects.

1. The most important is nonagon. It is formed when the angle between the planets is 40° (360: 9 = 40°). Orbis for luminaries ±3°, for planets ±2°. Nonagon is a clear, permanent aspect. Element of Fire. Nonagon manifests itself as a duty, requirement, order (internal and external), a person will live in accordance with the surrounding conventions, inside - a sense of responsibility.

In terms of strength, the nonagon is equal to the opposition and the trine.

In the worst case, nanogan gives constant debts, submission, dependence, hopelessness, inability to escape, tough demands, internal inhibition that does not allow a person to do something, although there is a possibility.

It is difficult to correct nonagon, as this is a permanent, stable aspect. Nonagon for a transformed person makes it possible to realize the fate and control the situation.

If there is an absolute dominance of karmic aspects in a person's cosmogram and the person does not change as they require, the circle of predestination becomes even more hopeless. But if a person takes the path of evolutionary development, there will always be a way out.

2. Centagon - 100 °. Explicit, discrete aspect. Orbis for luminaries ±2°, for planets ±1.5°. Air Element.

The sentagon acts suddenly and unpredictably (like a kite from the sky, like a sudden gust of wind) - this is how all discrete aspects act, therefore the sentagon is perceived stronger than nonagon, which acts constantly. In fact, nonagon is stronger, but since we are not ready to accept discrete aspects, they take us by surprise and therefore seem stronger.

In our life, the centagon is equal in strength to quadrature and sextile (sextile is sudden help, stabilization, quadrature is a sudden blow, disorientation).

Sentagon gives sudden inhibition, hopelessness, tightness. Duty, order, system, restrictions suddenly arise before a person. At best, a person can suddenly understand the secret mechanism of fate. A sentagon can suddenly protect a person, giving him the opportunity to unconsciously control the situation.

With karmic aspects, there is a way out - sadhana, penance. A person needs to awaken consciousness, karmic aspects help us awaken our inner fire. Karmic aspects have many exits to the deepest levels of being; yoga can be used as one of the methods. A person can consciously awaken in himself a sense of true direction. Otherwise, the destiny of man is oppression, vegetation.

Any occult student has karmic aspects.

3. Binonagon - 80 °. Binonagon is a hidden, continuously operating aspect. Earth Element. Orbis for luminaries ±1.5°, for planets ±1°. Binonagon acts through the subconscious sphere, through the people who surround us, manifests itself on the periphery of consciousness and acts on our inner "I". In terms of strength, the binonagon is equal to the quinons and one and a half squares.

Binonagon gives a constant return, a hidden repetitive form that gives a person the opportunity to get out of the circle, that is, the binonagon gives the opportunity to repeat the karmic experience in order to better use it.

In the worst case, binonagon gives internal inhibition, secret control, guardianship, internal complexes, from which it is difficult to find a way out; a person feels the pressure of fate. In the character of man there is a secret inhibition; before the mysteries of fate, a person becomes passive.

All phenomenal aspects are evolutionary aspects. So, when moving to a new level of consciousness, karmic aspects turn into their opposite, free will appears, a person receives the right to free development. By performing certain actions, a person creates causes that first give rise to certain restrictions, and then a new vicious circle of fatality is formed so that a person moves to a new level.

4. Half-running - 20 °. Orbis for luminaries ±1°, for planets ±0.5°. Semi-gonadal is a hidden, discrete aspect. Element of Water.

Semi-gonna - the realization of the sacrament, unconscious control - all this happens impermanently, temporarily, through the fields of the environment, the general mood of other people. That is, a common energy field makes us more closed or vice versa, developing. Through the environment there is a reminder of the payment of debts, the environment forces one to engage in secret affairs, or through the environment there is ordering, organization. The semi-nonagon is perceived stronger than the binonagon, as it acts suddenly. How more people lives an inner life, the more Yin, hidden aspects act on him.

Human suffering is a consequence of mistakes made in previous lives. Each person is born already with a “karmic debt” (if this is not the first birth of the soul), but he is free to both pay off this debt and make new mistakes.

There is also the concept of "instant karma" (instant karma) - a quick and inevitable retribution for the evil done.

The doctrine of karma suggests that the soul experiences several incarnations (incarnations). The soul must know and fulfill the laws of karma, first of all, the law of paying off the karmic “debt”. The suffering of a person in this incarnation is only an inevitable consequence of the sins and mistakes committed in previous incarnations. A righteous life and helping others help to atone for the sins of the former life; new mistakes and sins aggravate karma. Find out your karma and choose the means to atone for karmic debt and helps karmic astrology.

The main factors determining the previous significant incarnation are: “Dragon's Tail”, XII house and retrograde planets. The more retrograde planets a person has, the more mistakes the soul made in the past incarnation, the more it will have to work to correct them in this one. The absence of retrograde planets speaks of a righteous life in a past incarnation. “Dragon's Head and VIII House” give an idea of ​​the future incarnation. For the same purpose, the “cusp of the II house”, taken as an ascendant, is also used, as discussed below.

If the Sun on the natal cosmogram moves from the Tail of the Dragon to the Head, the person will soon be able to overcome the load of the past life; the closer the Sun is to the Head in this case, the less the karmic past dominates the person.

If the moment of passage of the directional Sun through the Head fits into the term of life, the person will “turn back” to his former karma. If the natal Sun moves from the Head of the Dragon to the Tail, a person will not get rid of this burden in his whole life - but he will know it better, and this can help him live in such a way that his influence is minimal. Thus he can overcome karma.

The first impression of the person who made up the previous incarnation is given by the “XII house” natal horoscope. Simplifying, we can say that by shifting the grid of houses one house back and turning the XII house into the first (the first house becomes the second house, the second - the third, and so on), we get an approximate horoscope of the previous incarnation. In a similar way, that is, by shifting the cosmogram one more house back, you can try to look into the penultimate incarnation, etc.

Moving forward one house (the first house becomes the second, the second becomes the third, etc.) can give information about the future incarnation. However, it should be remembered that the cosmograms compiled in this way are approximate and cannot be directly interpreted.

The past life (XII house) always to a certain extent determines the first half of a person's present life, when it is still difficult for him to get rid of the habits and actions of the past. Only by the age of thirty, at the end of the first cycle of Saturn (29.5 years), the original personality, weighed down by the burden of past incarnations, disintegrates and a new, true personality of the present incarnation is born.

Of the general indicators, the sign of Scorpio, the planet Neptune and the decanades should also be mentioned. The "Sign of Scorpio" can serve as an indicator of the number of previous incarnations. Empty Scorpio speaks of a "young" soul. The more planets in Scorpio, the older the soul is considered, the more incarnations it had. However, the number of planets does not coincide with the number of incarnations, but only approximately estimates the “age” of the soul.

"Planet Neptune" can signify the last incarnation, falling into the XII house. Its location there says that the soul has completed the chain of reincarnations and will not be reborn on Earth after physical death. The proximity of Neptune to the XII house (its position in the VII-XI houses) also indicates that the chain of earthly incarnations is ending. Sun value only shows real life and is not noted in the cosmogram of the previous incarnation. The moon indicates the fate of a person in a past life; it is often mistaken for the Sun in the cosmogram of the previous incarnation. Of the rest, only retrograde planets are taken into account in the new cosmogram.

The karmic meaning of the planets

The planets located in the natal chart, both retrograde and direct, also have karmic significance.
Jupiter brings cosmic joy to the house in which he stands, and shows in which area a person can quickly eliminate his karma. He also points to “restoration of balance” - compensation for hardships in a past life or, conversely, payment for excesses made in a previous incarnation.
Saturn shows which duties were not fulfilled in a past life, indicates the most important element of karma, which must be corrected first. This is an ancient karma carried over from life to life.
Uranus with bad aspects or retrograde speaks of the mistakes of a past life - betrayal of friends, refusal to sacrifice oneself for the sake of higher ideals. Neptune, retrograde, strong, or with exact aspects (both bad and good) speaks of the “old age” of the soul: such a person saw the death of Atlantis. If there is no strong influence of Saturn in the horoscope, Neptune does not free from the previous karma, but continues its development in the same direction. Only in the last, XII house of the natal chart, he speaks of the completion of the chain of reincarnations.
Pluto in the natal cosmogram is the connection that connects one life to another. He shows a sign and a house where a person in this life fights alone. Similarly, its position in the cosmogram of the last incarnation in relation to the penultimate one can be interpreted, and so on.

Karmic connections with other people

Now we should mention the karmic connections of a person with other people - a partner, relatives, friends. It is generally believed that all planets, both retrograde and direct, coming after the Moon (i.e., whose longitude exceeds the longitude of the Moon by 0 - 180 degrees), denote persons who met in past lives. If, in addition, these planets have aspects with Pluto, these faces played an important role in a previous life. The most important of these faces may be Pluto itself, especially if it is retrograde and/or in the 4th or 8th house. Of great interest is the comparison of the cosmogram of a person with the cosmograms of his relatives: the coincidence of their Sun, Moon, ascendant and other important points with the indicated planets often indicates such a “karmic meeting”.

The planets are interpreted as follows: The Sun in conjunction with Mercury can mean a father who used to be a native or cousin, Mercury behind Mars (within 30 degrees) - a lover from a past life.
Uranus often means a reincarnated friend,
Jupiter - wife
Venus - beloved wife or mistress.

Planets that are in conjunction with the Tail or Head of the Dragon, as well as falling into the midpoints of other planets, always have karmic significance.

Tail of the Dragon in signs

Ketu in Aries.:
depending on the house and aspects - he was a commander, chieftain, leader of a detachment, gang. He had developed energy, initiative, physical strength. He was distinguished by extreme individualism.

Ketu in Taurus: He had everything - power, wealth, a family that suffered from his gluttony. He devoted his energies to the accumulation of material wealth - or, perhaps, turned his activity into an end in itself, ceasing to notice the environment, forgetting about the spiritual world. All his life he was afraid to lose even a small particle of the accumulated.

“Ketu in Gemini”: He scattered, sprayed, promised his hand and heart to several at once, and when the decisive moment came, he retreated. He understood people well, but did not think about the soul. Only at the end of his life he thought and realized what he really needed.

“Ketu in Cancer”.: In the past and, possibly, in other previous incarnations, he remained a child for a long time, hiding behind the backs of his parents, in general the elders, refusing to fight obstacles on his own. The man hid behind his wife's skirt, and the woman loved to spend money and allowed herself to be pampered.

“Ketu in Leo”.: In a past life, he communicated only with noble people, was strong-willed and powerful, used people as pawns. He was surrounded by sycophants and beggars. He patronized the arts, without understanding them himself.

“Ketu in Virgo”.: In the former life - a brilliant performer, eternal substitute, subordinate. He loved order in everything, but he himself did not know how and was afraid to take the initiative. He was faithful to the letter rather than the spirit of the assignments he carried out.

“Ketu in Libra”.: In a past life, he pleased others, wanted to please them, avoiding making independent decisions. However, he was an artistic, subtle personality, vulnerable and emotional.

“Ketu in Scorpio”: Distinguished by dishonor and unscrupulousness in money matters, probably engaged in usury. Perhaps there were other abuses, sexual perversions, magic, witchcraft.

“Ketu in Sagittarius”.: Led the wild life of a Viking, a Bedouin. The problem of choice never arose before him: he acted only in the way that seemed right to him. Rumors of his death have always turned out to be fiction.

“Ketu in Capricorn.”: This person has an ancient soul. In the last incarnation, he was a noble nobleman, a ruler accustomed to command, without delving too deeply, however, into the needs of his subjects.

"Ketu in Aquarius": Didn't like people, avoided them, tried not to get attached to anyone - and didn't let anyone get attached to him. He despised conventions, rarely helped people.

“Ketu in Pisces”.: In the past incarnation - religious activities, sympathy for the suffering, persecution, suffering. Perhaps - the position of an outcast in the family. He was in prison or was in the hospital for a long time. He had occult abilities, could heal the sick. He dreamed of an ideal world, but doubted the possibility of achieving it and often despaired.

Ketu in houses

"Ketu in the 1st house".: Extreme individualism. Soldier, partisan. He despised effeminacy. Refused marriage, family. In this life, he will have friends and partners from the past life, he needs to wean himself from the Spartan lifestyle, get used to modern comfort.

“Ketu in the II house.”: Jealousy, envy, greed. In the past incarnation - money-grubbing, hoarding. In this life, he needs to learn to be generous and magnanimous.

“Ketu in the III house”.: In the past incarnation - an eternal student, a critic, a brave man, but sometimes cunning to dishonesty. In this life, he needs to get rid of the “guru” complex and reproach, and not ridicule or discourage others in their endeavors.

“Ketu in the 4th house.”: In a former life, he despised the hands that fed him. Now he himself must bend his back to feed the children (or elderly parents), not counting on their gratitude.

“Ketu in the 5th house”.: In the past - a prince, a king, prone to narcissism and using people as things. Now he needs to learn to love disinterestedly, without demanding rewards and praise.

“Ketu in the 6th house”.: In a past life, he worked for others, with great difficulty making at least some kind of wealth, and died from overwork. The love of work distinguishes its present incarnation; he lacks only initiative and independence. More self-confidence!

“Ketu in the 7th house.”: In a past life, he was a performer, a servant, was passive and dependent on others. Now he will have to develop his own judgment about everything and learn to act at his own peril and risk.

“Ketu in the VIII house”.: In a past life, no one really knew him, even his relatives. He led a secret life full of secrets. Perhaps there were crimes, dark deeds, witchcraft. In this life, you need to discard evil memories, devote your soul to the creation of joy and goodness.

“Ketu in the IX house”.: In a past life he was an educated person, a scientist; the desire for knowledge is manifested in the present life. He needs a good, spacious room and the opportunity to freely share his knowledge.

“Ketu in the X house”.: During past lives, he reached great heights (head of the clan, state); in this one you need to “get off them without breaking your neck.” Previously, he sacrificed personal happiness in favor of state affairs, but now he should do the opposite.

“Ketu in the XI house”.: In a former life - a dreamer, dreamer, reformer. Now it is better for him to criticize the environment less and do more himself, striving to leave more behind on Earth.

“Ketu in the XII house.”: Past lives were full of torment and suffering. Now the person can rest and relax. There is no need to communicate these feelings and memories to others - others simply will not believe. It is better to help them in some way than by useless warnings.

Karmic meanings of included signs

"Aries-Libra": In a past life - a fanatic, a person convinced of the justice of his cause and capable of executing a dissident.

“Taurus-Scorpio”: In past lives, he used money, religion to his advantage and got bogged down in it.

“Gemini-Sagittarius”: In a past life, a person did not want to learn and share his knowledge with others.

“Cancer-Capricorn”: Was a child abandoned by parents, or lost a child (children) under tragic circumstances.

"Leo-Aquarius": He did not know how to establish himself in life, to keep children and friends. In the new incarnation, the situation repeats itself.

“Virgo-Pisces”: In a past life he was a healer, a monk, he served people; he had to suffer a lot

Many religions and spiritual traditions say that a person comes into this world with certain tasks. Far from always, this is a great mission to save humanity, much more often it is to develop certain qualities in oneself, gain specific experience or realize the inherent talents.

To do this, over and over again, we can find ourselves in similar situations, meet a specific type of people on our way, or constantly return to the same emotional states.

Help to understand the lessons of life and go through them with maximum benefit for yourself and the world can karmic astrology.

By by and large, Natal chart already is a reflection of accumulated karma person, because it reflects what a person came into this life with. The karmic astrologer interprets it based on the paradigm that the soul accumulates experience in previous incarnations. Innate Abilities And harmonious aspects- already successfully passed the lessons of past lives. Conflict interactions of planets- something to work on in this life.

In addition, in karmic astrology, special attention is paid to the so-called fictitious points of the horoscope: Lilith and Selena (Black and White Moons), North (Rising) and South (Setting) nodes. Also taken into account minor aspects between planets in the natal chart bearing names karmicallyx and creativex aspectov.

Lilith and Selena in the horoscope

The position of these fictitious points of the lunar orbit shows the fears, illusions and temptations of a person, as well as strength, calmness and protection.

Position of Lilith in a certain zodiac sign and house indicates lessons not learned and in which area of ​​life they will be felt most acutely by a person (relationships with a spouse or children, work, creativity, prosperity, travel). Working through these lessons gives tremendous creativity and going beyond the previous limitations.

Selena also called a personal guardian angel. This is the sum of past good deeds, protection and innate talents. They also need to be used for their intended purpose, as indicated by the position of the White Moon in the horoscope.

North and South Nodes

From the point of view of astronomy, these nodes are the points of intersection of the solar and lunar orbits. In the esoteric interpretation, these are connections between past and future incarnations that determine the tasks for the current life and the achievements of previous incarnations.

Position north node sets development vector for this life indicating the direction of individual evolution of personality. Moving in this direction, a person needs to form new qualities in himself, master unusual strategies of action, which is often difficult, uncomfortable and even causes fear. south node- these are past developments, the qualities to which he points are already formed, and their manifestation is easy for a person. This is a kind of comfort zone in which everything is familiar and familiar, but, in fact, there is no development. If there are problems in the area of ​​life indicated by the South Node, they are almost impossible to solve with the help of familiar tools. On the contrary, when moving towards the tasks of the North Node (goals of life), the problems of the South often resolve themselves.

Karmic and creative aspects in the natal chart

In addition to the fictitious points of the horoscope, the so-called minor aspects. Not all astrologers take them into account, because these aspects are manifested not directly, but indirectly - through the team, the environment, the forces of nature and natural disasters. These aspects are more difficult to track and often difficult to interpret.

To karmic aspects include aspects with angular distances between planets 40°, 100°, 80° and 20°(Nonagon, Centagon, Binonagon, Polunonagon). Their action is manifested in the emergence of forced external restrictions, the need to "pay debts" and service in the broadest sense.

Towards creative aspects relate: Quintile, Decile, Biquintile, Tridecile(72°, 36°, 144°, 108° respectively). These aspects indicate innate Creative skills and the ability to solve karmic problems in an unconventional way.

Natal chart, interpreted by an experienced astrologer, can become a guide for personal growth and the fullest development of potential given from birth. It is not fatal and unchanging, on the contrary, changes are constantly taking place. In the astrological sense, it is influenced by transitive, progressive and directional aspects. And in everyday life - our conscious decisions and actions.

The Pars of Fortune (Wheel, Point of Happiness) in astrology represents success and the absence of problems. It symbolizes the nature of wealth and human values. And also, the greatest reward that the owner of a horoscope can receive. In which field of the natal chart is the Wheel of Fortune, there the owner of the horoscope will feel the fullness of life.

A distinctive feature of this fictitious point is its manifestation in the second half of life.Like Jupiter, the Pars of Fortune promises abundance and joy. It pushes a person towards the environment that is best suited for him, and helps to figure out where to succeed.

The Pars of Fortune also shows the most powerful need of a person: what he needs most and where he will find the greatest joy. This point helps to look beyond the mind, reveals goals and helps to define ideals. It expresses the very essence of the Soul.

The point of Happiness manifests itself differently in the hemispheres of the natal chart. If it is below the horizon, the satisfaction is giving. Only by sharing with others does a person achieve satisfaction. If the Pars of Fortune is in the upper part, the owner of the horoscope will receive benefits from other people. A person deserves such a gift of fate thanks to the merits of the past incarnation. And the one who gives more now will receive blessings in the next life.

Pars of Fortune in houses

1 house. Joy brings independence and personal responsibility. Calls for help weaken the patronage of Fortune. Life's blessings come through one's own efforts and external attractiveness. Relationships with others are recommended to be built on intimacy, and harm brings inflated conceit, selfishness and a pronounced individuality.

2 house. This position gives great chances for material wealth. It will be possible to achieve it by understanding your own ideals. If a person lives by dishonest labor, speculation and fraud, luck will turn away from him. Financial prosperity comes thanks to business qualities, ingenuity and calculations. At the same time, the receipt of an inheritance and the conclusion of a profitable marriage are not excluded.

is in exile. But it cannot be said that this is a weak position of the planet. In this water sign, she gives all the best and fully makes you feel the depth of feelings. Holders of this position choose a partner who is able to hook them. They like a little mysterious, passionate and outwardly conspicuous people.

Often feelings go beyond self-control. It can be difficult to contain emotions, which, in the end, lead to a loss of self-control.Experiences and jealousy from scratch are exhausting not only emotionally, but also physically.This is more about the affected planet. In harmonious aspects, it is easier for Venus to restrain feelings and not go to extremes.

Venus in Scorpio gives rise to jealousy, dependence and dominance. A person wants to control the life of a loved one. He limits his contacts, tries to influence the choice and desires of his partner. He does not tolerate when they argue with him and sees this as dislike for himself.

In a relationship, they put sex and trust first. Not wanting intimacy means a lack of love. If a loved one hides something from such a person, it seems to him that he has fallen in love with another. Suspicions destroy relationships if the partner is not ready for the heat of passions and disagreements are an unbearable burden for him.

Venus is a planet that is directly related to money. She is the ruler of Taurus, who rules in the second house (own material resources). Scorpio is a sign of other people's money. If the planet is not affected, its owner can count on good prosperity or a comfortable life. If there are negative degrees, it can lead to bankruptcy or periodic financial problems.

Venus in Scorpio in the female horoscope

Throughout her life, the feelings of such a woman do not allow her to relax. She needs to feel desired and attractive, and she wants to be aware of all the affairs of her lover or husband. In a calm relationship, she will be bored, and a woman can always create a situation in which she will be convinced of her love for herself. If this does not happen, she will torture herself and her partner. As a result, such interactions will lead to a protracted and painful parting.

In astrology, the seventh house, the planet Venus, as the natural ruler of Libra, and the Moon are responsible for marriage. The latter, manifesting itself in marital relations, affects the livability, comfort in partnership and family life. If planets are in the seventh house, for a strong relationship, they should not have negative aspects. And if Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune are in it, they reduce the chances of a happy marriage.

Harmonious Moon and Venus indicate a person's desire to create a family. In marriage, he shows the qualities of a good family man: caring, economic and loving. Such people adapt well, tend to compromise, romantic and constant in their feelings.

A strong, harmonious ruler of the seventh house says that the owner will definitely enter into a marriage that will be successful and strong. And the more harmonious aspects in the horoscope between the Moon, Venus and the ruler of the seventh house, the better family life will develop.

Formulas indicate happiness in marriage:

  • 4 - 7 (marriage for the sake of creating a family);
  • 5 - 7 (marriage for love).

A stable, long-term relationship is indicated by fixed signs on the cusp of the seventh house. Mutables speak of impermanence and changeability. Cardinal - forced to be offended by a partner, without delving into the problems of conflicts, contribute to a sharp break in relations.

Unpleasant moments of marriage can brighten up Jupiter. If this planet participates in the synastry, then the couple will be happy. Even with negative aspects:Jupiter / Sun, Jupiter / Moon, Jupiter / Venus, spouses will not feel miserable.

Without the participation of Saturn in the synastry, there will be no long-term relationship. Aspects from this planet strengthen the bond, teach responsibility for each other. But only if the degrees between the planets are positive. The connection holds together, but adds conflict if it is Mars, or coolness - Venus, the Moon.

The Moon is very comfortable in water signs. Here she shows best qualities and gives its owner subtle intuition, sensuality and rich inner world. But in the sign of Scorpio, the Moon is in the fall, and it can be difficult for her to find harmony and not succumb to gloomy thoughts. Its owner is prone to strong feelings, doubts and increased anxiety.

Moon in Scorpio endows the owner of the horoscope with touchiness, increased emotionality and vulnerability. Lunar Scorpio is greatly tormented by feelings such as jealousy, envy and anger. He is aggressive, irritable, quick-tempered and vengeful. This attitude is influenced by the planet Mars, which, along with Pluto, is the ruler of the sign of Scorpio. The sensitive Moon under the pressure of Mars becomes explosive and irritable. Pluto makes her mysterious, mystical and powerful.

A calm state is not for the lunar Scorpio. He is able to unconsciously create stressful situations for himself and others in order to overcome them himself. If there are no difficulties, passions and problems in life, this is not life. But in order to shake things up, he does not need to start a scandal. Lunar Scorpio knows how to eloquently be silent, distributing negativity to others. After the release of energy, there is a short respite, and then, emotions accumulate again on the rise.