Weak sun in the natal chart. Sun in the natal chart (horoscope). Professions and occupation

29.04.2016 16:00

In continuation of the article about Individuality, let's try to figure out how to work out the Sun.

To get started, study the article Answer thoughtfully and seriously to the questions. They will help you understand how solar principles are revealed in you, how much you understand your Sun.

Working out or correcting the qualities of the Sun is a question about our vocation. This is a task related to the search for one's individual purpose. It has nothing to do with the profession if the Sun is not the significator of the respective houses in natal chart. You can do completely different things in the outer World, but follow the inner Path, your inner Sun. The unprocessed Sun manifests itself as the absence of one's opinion, one's position in life. This serious problem for so many modern people who borrow other people's beliefs and attitudes. And they live, relying on the authoritative opinion of respected people.

Another bright theme in the karmic potential of the Sun is the theme of selfishness and selfish love. The characteristic of the Sun is luminosity, the spread of creative energy outward. And the Light falls on everything equally, it is not selective. The sun doesn't care what happens to its rays, it just shines. If the Sun is weakened and disharmonious, a person unconsciously closes the source of his spiritual "I", fearing that his strength is not enough, his feelings will not be understood. It behaves not like a candle that illuminates everything around, but selectively, like a flashlight. There is a direct connection with a sense of self-confidence. A strong, well-designed Sun does not need an external source. Such people simply act as if they have the right to be themselves, even if the whole world is against them. This is a genuine opportunity to make decisions, and not live like a leaf in the wind.

Castaneda has an example of such a position in life, he calls it "the path with a heart." All roads in life end the same way. But one life choice, one path “makes the journey along it pleasant, as much as you go along it, you are one with it. The other way will make you curse your life. One path makes you strong, the other weakens you." The sun is associated with the heart, with the heart chakra, and improper use of solar energy leads to disorders in the work of this important muscle. The Sun is the central object of our Microcosmos, and its study is one of the main tasks. When we get to this level, there is real meaning and real purpose in life. We actually discover for ourselves what we have to do.

Harmonious Sun gives inner stability and spiritual independence, good vitality, inner dignity and independence, honesty, decency, powerful creative potential and various talents.

Disharmonious Sun gives a strong need to be special, that a person goes to the trouble of appearing special. This is vanity, a tendency to tinsel and pomp, to external effects, to self-affirmation at the expense of other people.

Where and how is the Sun felt in a person's life?

The solar influence is felt by a person when he says "I want" in the sense of "I intend to achieve"; however, the Sun concerns not only the nature of such initiatives of a person, but also the circumstances of his life under which they arise. The position of the Sun in the horoscope shows:

  • what external circumstances require the inclusion of his will;
  • what situations force him to show initiative and activity.

The principle of will (Sun) must be distinguished from the principle of action and manifestation of energy (Mars); in itself (solar) initiative may not be crowned with any external or internal actions; however, the Sun is primary: if a person lives, obeying someone else's will or initiative, he will not be able to realize his personality and fulfill his karmic program.

Study of the Sun - let to freedom

The development of the Sun is associated with an increase in the true freedom of will, which is illusory at the two lower levels of development of the solar principle, and at the third and fourth it gradually becomes the freedom of creative participation in the process of evolution of the Universe.

Levels of study of the Sun

Level one

At the first (lowest) level of working out the Sun, a person perceives himself as a whole, does not divide his life into separate actions. He does not distinguish between conscious solar impulses and unconscious lunar impulses. The two meanings of the word "want" and "intend" for him merge into one. At this level, a person is a puppet of karma and his own subconscious; his actions are not conscious, and the will is dictated by the egregor and the subconscious.

Level two

Here a person is already able to distinguish between his needs and intentions, and if he still does not single out exactly, then at least he accentuates his will and initiative in the general life stream. This allows him to meaningfully approach the problem of finding his place in the world and the correct behavior in life situations, because his will is now partially controlled by him, and he can (to some extent) consciously limit his needs if they conflict with his intentions ( balancing solar and lunar principles). However, even at this level, a person remains a puppet of karma, since egregor completely controls his will.

Level three

A person is aware of the higher and lower principles in himself, interpreting them either psychologically (that is, recognizing and feeling the presence of programs of the subconscious of various levels) or religiously (that is, feeling the opportunity to go along a more or less spiritual path, closer to God or further from Him ), and gets the opportunity (at least partially) to consciously choose the egregor he will serve. Now the will dictated to a person by an egregor does not pass by his attention: having caught the corresponding impulse, he says: " And this is what I do according to the direct command of God", - and usually very proud that he was honored with such an honor.

Level four

A person partially sees the karmic consequences of his acts of will and begins to understand the structure of karma, karmic programs and egregors associated with them, as well as in his own subconscious. Here, his will sharply increases and the requirements for the accuracy and subtlety of influencing the world increase. At some point, the nature of volitional acts changes qualitatively, which become more and more conscious acts (then the egregor receives the most accurate information and the possibility of the most subtle influence on the situation through a person).

Levels of human power over the world and oneself

The solar principle of will continues with the principle of power, which should be understood in two senses: external and internal, that is, power over the world and over oneself. The levels of a person's power over the world and over himself are interconnected and are largely determined by his level of vision, which, in turn, is closely related to the evolutionary level. There are four levels of power that a person consistently receives as he evolutionary development and which are directly related to his study of the Sun (see above).

First level

At the first level of development, a person is a slave to his desires. Here the level of power over oneself is negligible and there is no vision of the subconscious motivations of one's inner impulses and desires. Accordingly, such a person has very little power over the outside world, since he can neither think through nor implement a single serious decision, being unable to resist the chaos of his subconscious, which will surely at some point knock him off any chosen direction. movement. Such people do not take a serious part in karmic programs (because they are unreliable) or are completely controlled by egregor. At this level, the inner life is invisible to the person himself, and the external picture of the world is illusory.

Second level

At the second level of working out the Sun, a person receives little power over himself, at first, mainly by primitive suppression or displacement of some programs of the subconscious. Due to this, he has the opportunity to set himself life goals and carry out rather complex and time-consuming programs, in the course of which he has the opportunity to be creative, and at the end there is a feeling of increased power over the world. Often this also increases the position in the administrative (military, political) hierarchy. The characteristic feature of this stage of self-consciousness is:

  • separating the egoistic programs of the subconscious from the program to achieve a certain external goal, to which the entire will of a person is directed;
  • absolute and uncritical acceptance of this external purpose as part of a deep essence this person; he treats it as fate, an imperatively expressed fate.

In fact, this goal is set for a person by an egregor, but he retains a certain freedom of action (and creativity) on the path of life and leaves the fight against the lower programs of the subconscious to the person himself. At this level, there is still no power over the subtle world, except for a thin layer that directly relates to the main activity of a person. But there is a feeling of a karmic program as a sequence of rather long and difficult actions that must be completed in order to achieve something significant in the outside world. There is still no feeling of the law of karma as a universal connection of events and thoughts at this level, but some individual insights and reading information from subtle planes (spontaneous vague foresight of the future, etc.) are possible. At this level, a person can be entrusted with a separate karmic program (and given an area for its implementation), but the egregor does not ask his conscious consent to participate in it, instead implanting the corresponding goal into the depths of the subconscious.

Third level

At the third level, a person begins to understand the nature of power; it begins to dawn on him that his entire psyche is interconnected: the lower programs are necessary for the normal functioning of the higher ones, and the realized higher goals and ideals are by no means such in fact, but are only intermediate stages in his life, and besides, they are not his personal property, but were generated with the participation of egregor and within the framework of the general evolutionary development program, as well as many more private karmic programs related to his environment. At this level, a person receives the first hint of realizing power and, to some extent, consciously forms his ideals and higher goals. At the same time, there comes a sense of connection between the inner and outer world and the keys to methods of influencing the outer world through inner work, which fundamentally changes the nature of human power over the world; knowledge of the magical power of thought is gradually formed.

Fourth level

At the fourth level of working out the Sun, a person gains access to the depths of the subconscious and begins to understand the intricacies of karmic programs operating around him. At this level, he already really sees the operation of the principle "knowledge is power", which allows him to make very big changes both in the external and in the subtle world with insignificant (energy) influences. In other words, a person receives conscious magical power over the world and can, on his own initiative, intervene in the karma of other people, groups, influence any egregors, change subtle structures, etc. True, the return blows of karma also hit him (in the case of careless influences) much more strongly.

Strong Sun in the horoscope

The sun governs Leo: that is, the will governs energy and is the source of strength. A strong Sun gives a person whose direct will is very difficult to resist, even if it is not supported by any additional circumstances. Leo also gives the Sun the quality of stability, stability in the presence of both external and internal interference.

The sun culminates in Aries: the development of the solar principle gives a person new energy opportunities, which, however, require reflection and development, that is, they need to be re-learned to manage, otherwise they quickly dry up. Managing powerful forces requires great attention, subtlety and flexibility.

The sun symbolizes the father, the paternal figure and the main, most imperative (leaving no choice), karmic programs that are coming to a person in this life. These programs will give him will, courage, stamina, but they also require the same, otherwise a person breaks down and burns out, that is, loses his independent existence, becoming someone's appendage or turning off from the life stream.

A person whose Sun is stronger than the rest of the planets is very authoritarian; already in childhood, he instinctively respected authorities, sought to imitate them, and, perhaps, studied the biographies of prominent people in order to achieve the same victories and heights. His ambition does not remain ineffectual, even if he does not achieve significant posts or results: in any case, he enjoys the respect of others for a certain inner strength, which may not be expressed explicitly, but is intuitively felt by everyone; one feels that if a person has not achieved much, it is only because the tasks set by him for himself turned out to be too difficult.

Since the Sun is a planet of external manifestation, therefore, the goals and objectives to which the will of the person of the Sun is directed are always of a concrete-practical nature, they are clearly visible.

The life of a person with a strong Sun can be painted by an egregore by the hour, and maybe by the minute. In any case, he constantly takes part in very tough karmic programs, over which he has no control over at a low and medium evolutionary level (he will say: circumstances are constantly stronger than me), but at a high evolutionary level he himself turns out to be quite tough. This is the usual position for the so-called the mighty of the world this: dictators, rulers, big bosses, in a word, community leaders with a tough egregor. At a low level, this may be a servant, sacredly observing the will of his master and commanding his dog; at a high level of evolutionary development, a solar person can be anyone: a psychologist, a writer, a preacher, a saint, but still he will broadcast the will of his egregor, and you can either accept it and follow him, or go in a completely different direction: the third not given here.

Weak Sun in the horoscope

The weak position of the Sun does not mean a low evolutionary level of man. A weak Sun means that a person is not supposed to participate in imperative karmic programs. However, at the same time, his level of study of the Sun can be arbitrarily high, and he can take part in arbitrarily responsible and intense programs, but his role will not be too important in them: the egregore does not follow him very closely. At a low evolutionary and energy level, this means not so much weak will as indifference to what is happening and internal irresponsibility. A person is not connected to any egregor. It is difficult for such a person to create a significant obstacle to the karmic programs going around him, and he almost never has the intention to do so; on the other hand, he lives in relative safety from the return blows of karma.

At a higher evolutionary level, a weak Sun means greater freedom of life and creativity and the absence of external incentives for their constructive use; here the tense aspects of other planets help to some extent, especially the dispositor of the Sun, indirectly activating the will. However, it should be understood that at a sufficiently high evolutionary level, a person no longer needs to be pushed towards spiritual development and cosmic cooperation.

Sun with harmonious aspects

A harmonious Sun means that a person is a favorite of his superiors, subordinates and egregors. For him, submission to authorities is natural (they always come across not too tough on his way) and rather gentle leadership of subordinates, while he is often lucky in life, and obviously wrong or risky ideas practically do not touch him. The Sun (along with Mars and Saturn) is a rather rigid planet, therefore the harmonious aspects of the Sun do not mean a threat to the passivity of a person: he will fulfill all his karmic duties, but he will not have the desire to turn inside out and do everything possible in unbearable conditions; he will calmly wait out the last ones, knowing that they are short-lived.

At a higher evolutionary level, the harmonious Sun gives great creative abilities, which are constantly realized throughout the entire life path of a person; this is a person capable of everything and able to join in everything that happens around him; however, not everything interests him. But in what interests him, he quickly understands, and in all his activities one senses a talent or even a divine presence; Another thing is that he will not do too much.

Sun with inharmonious aspects

The struck Sun means a high trust of fate in a person: he was included in both a strong and disharmonious karmic program and they really hope that he:

  • will not be offended by this;
  • will understand his karmic program;
  • fulfill its program, or at least make it more harmonious.

In practice, this means troubles, restrictions and deprivations, starting from early childhood, a bad relationship with a father or stepfather, or the absence of a father figure, which is hard to experience.

In such cases, there are two options for behavior:

  • hardening of life, accompanied by a narrowing of consciousness, an increase in egoism and a subsequent limitation of karmic responsibility;
  • a person tries to expand his consciousness and oppose the cruelty of fate with gentleness and kindness, to repay good for evil. This path often leads to self-actualization, a person finds his place in a rather difficult life and avoid bitterness.

At a higher evolutionary level, a person, comprehending his bitter experience, after a while begins to understand that fate requires something quite definite from him in every situation, which often does not coincide with what he wants, but not always directly. contradicts. Further, he understands that his first volitional impulse in any situation, as a rule, is false, but contains a rational grain that should be discovered, and it is this that leads to its harmonious resolution.

What needs to be learned by a person with an affected Sun?

A person with an affected Sun needs to learn not only to block his inappropriate and untimely initiative, but also to find a way to transform it into an acceptable and adequate one. To do this, it is necessary to take an impersonal position, that is, to objectively assess the situation and yourself in it, which is quite difficult, given the strong ambitious ambitions of the affected Sun.

In another version of the implementation of the program of the affected Sun, a person with sufficient energy enters the service of a hard egregore (this is called "selling his soul to the devil") and broadcasts a disharmonious program through himself, becoming a black teacher. Then he begins to be tormented by a thirst for power, hatred and a thirst for destruction, which he realizes through his students or subjects. This is a variant of a despot or dictator, endowed with certain power in the vicinity of his karmic program and almost completely deprived of free will - a puppet of his egregor.

The article used the materials of the authors:

K. Daragan

A. Underwater

How to increase your energy? Weak planets in the horoscope can be the cause of weak, low energy and be the cause of failures and problems in a person's life. In this case, you can strengthen your energy with the help of jewelry.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Sun

Signs of a weak Sun in the horoscope

Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem or self-respect are the main signs of a weak Sun in the horoscope. A person who is not able to appreciate himself, with an established negative image of the "I", is accordingly not able to achieve success and recognition.

He is weak-willed and timid, prone to fears and doubts. He lacks purpose and motivation and is emotionally and materially dependent on others.

He acquires a sense of his own individuality only with an eye on other people (most often relatives and friends), and it is difficult for him to work independently. The fate of the father of such a man was hardly easy.

On the physical level, a person suffers from a lack of energy. He is pale and anemic, has cold hands and feet, poor digestion and poor appetite, weak or slow pulse, weak heart and poor circulation.

Edema, accumulation of fluids and mucus, general hypofunction of organs and nervous system. Possibly impaired vision. A person with a weakened Sun may have too brittle bones and susceptibility to arthritis. The body's resistance is low, especially this person is defenseless against cold and dampness.

Astrological indications of the weak Sun in the horoscope

The Sun weakens in its debilitating sign (in Libra), in the signs of hostile planets (especially Saturn), in troubled houses (especially in the eighth and twelfth), and also under the influence of malefic planets.

With ascending Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius, the Sun is a benefic planet. In these cases, provided that the Sun is not weakened, astrological healing means can enhance the positive solar qualities - leadership, independence, strength of the intellect and clairvoyance.

How to increase your energy? Sun Stones

The main gem of the Sun is the ruby. The weight of the stone must be at least two carats; it must be set in gold not lower than the 583rd test. It should be worn on the ring finger. right hand. The ruby ​​must be of high quality, transparent and free from defects.

As a substitute, you can use a high-quality dark red garnet (at least three carats; preferably five). You can wear a large garnet pendant or necklace around your neck.

How to increase your energy? The stone should be put on for the first time on Sunday, preferably at sunrise. It is best that at the same time the Sun be strong in transits. An astrologer can specifically choose a good time for this - muhurta.

Stones of the Sun are not recommended to be worn with fever, high temperature, inflammatory diseases, bleeding, ulcers, increased blood pressure and infectious diseases. Psychological contraindications: excessive ambition, the desire for power and domination over people, a strong ego, pride and vanity.

Stones of the Sun are contraindicated when the Sun is the ruler of an evil house (third, sixth or eleventh). Care must be taken when Mercury or Jupiter is combust or in opposition to the Sun.

It should not be forgotten that the Sun is a malefic planet that negatively affects the affairs of the house in which it is located.

Wearing a Sun stone can damage the affairs of the house in which the Sun is located in the natal chart, especially if this house is angular or trine; exceptions are the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses, in which the Sun manifests itself on the good side.

To strengthen the Sun, a person must develop independence and courage in himself, fight his fears. He must illuminate with bright light all the dark recesses of his consciousness. He must learn to appear in public without companions. He must learn to be alone.

He should take the initiative more often and take on the role of leader. You need to spend more time outdoors in the bright Sun and sunbathe daily (about twenty minutes). In the morning it is advisable to get up at sunrise.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Mercury

Signs of a weak Mercury in the horoscope

The main signs of Mercury's weakness are a lack of intelligence and communication skills, speech defects, poor memory and an inability to make calculations. Characterized by immaturity, childishness, recklessness, inability to self-control, bad habits and addictions.

The person may be slow, dull, distracted, or prone to irrational acts. Sluggish thinking or confusion in thoughts, inexpressive speech are also typical.

On the physical level, the signs of a weak Mercury are manifested through a weakened nervous system, neuralgia, trembling of the limbs, anxiety, insomnia, and rapid heartbeat.

Often this is accompanied by dry skin, itching, hypersensitivity, nervous indigestion, allergic manifestations. Perhaps - weak lungs and heart. As a rule, in childhood, such people often get sick.

Astrological indications of weak Mercury in the horoscope

Mercury is weakened by aspects from malefics (Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu), in the sign of its fall (Pisces), in the signs of planets hostile to it, as well as in problematic houses (sixth, eighth, twelfth). In addition, aspects from the Moon and conjunctions with the Moon can bring trouble to Mercury.

With ascending Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius, Mercury is a benefic planet. In these cases, with the help of astrological healing means, you can enhance the highest qualities of Mercury - insight, strength of mind and ability to communicate.

Gems of Mercury are relatively safe, harmonious and balanced. However, they have the same dual nature as Mercury, and therefore you should not wear them with the stones of the malefic planets - Saturn, Mars, and the Sun. Care must be taken to ensure that the Mercury stone does not perceive bad influences.

Before using such a stone, it is advisable to make sure that he has not experienced negative impacts in past. Very dangerous, therefore, ancient jewelry can turn out to be, especially if their previous owners were not very happy or the history of the stone is associated with some negative events.

Astrological contraindications: Mercury rules an evil house (sixth or eleventh, especially with Aries or Scorpio ascendant) or has an association with Saturn or Rahu.

How to increase your energy? Mercury stones

The main gemstone of Mercury is an emerald. It must weigh at least one and a half carats. It should be set in gold and worn on the middle or ring finger of the right or left hand, or on the little finger - the finger of Mercury.

Substitutes include peridot (a precious variety of olivine, the yellow-green peridot is commonly known as "chrysolite"), jadeite or jade, green zircon, or green tourmaline.

All these stones can also be worn in pendants or necklaces, which should be located at the level of the base of the neck. In rings, they must have a size of at least three carats, and in pendants - at least five.

The first time to put on a stone should be on Wednesday, with the growing moon. It is desirable that transiting Mercury be strong at this time - be in the sign of a friendly planet, in its own abode or in a sign of exaltation. An astrologer can choose a suitable muhurta for this.

How to increase your energy? Lifestyle

To strengthen Mercury, one should read and write more, study and reflect. Useful lessons in mathematics and philosophy. You can attend courses, seminars and lectures. You should expand your knowledge of the world as a whole and the possibilities of self-expression. You can start studying foreign language.

However, you should always leave time for peace of mind and calm contemplation of nature. The highest dignity of the intellect is the ability to know the inner world, and not the outer one.

How to increase your energy? It is necessary to abandon the notion of the reality of sensory sensations and turn to the search for the inner light of truth.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Jupiter

Signs of a weak Jupiter in the horoscope

The main symptoms of Jupiter's weakness are lack of joy and enthusiasm, weakness of will and unsteadiness of faith. A person feels squeezed and limited, life seems meaningless to him. Characterized by pessimism, depression, anxiety, melancholy, despondency and self-pity.

A person lacks compassion for others, friendliness and a sense of comradeship. Possible material and financial difficulties. The level of creative energy is low. Childlessness or grief associated with children is possible. A woman may experience suffering or hardship due to the fault of her husband.

On the physical level, the signs of Jupiter's weakness are a lack of vital energy, a weak immune system, a lack of adipose tissue or low body weight, problems with digestion of food, functional disorders of the liver and pancreas.

Often - chronic diseases and functional disorders of the nervous system, endocrine glands. A person rarely feels healthy, vigorous and full of energy.

(It should be noted that these signs are similar to the manifestation of an overly strong or afflicted Saturn, since in their normal state Saturn and Jupiter are opposite in action.

Astrological indications of weak Jupiter in the horoscope

Jupiter weakens in its fall sign (Capricorn), when aspected by malefics (Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars), as well as in troubled houses (sixth, eighth and twelfth).

With ascending Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces, Jupiter is a benefic planet. In these cases, with the help of astrological healing means, it is possible to strengthen the positive qualities of Jupiter (the ability to enjoy life, creativity and mental strength), even if a person already does not lack them.

Jupiter stones are the safest and most balanced of all gems because Jupiter is the best of the benefic planets. Almost the only contraindication is the dominance of Jupiter over malefic houses (as happens with the ascendant in Taurus or Libra).

How to increase your energy? Jupiter stones

Jupiter's main gemstone is yellow sapphire. It should be set in gold and worn on the index finger of the right hand. Its weight must be at least two carats.

An almost equivalent substitute is yellow topaz. Citrine has a weaker effect and should be worn in a large ring (about five carats), pendant or necklace. You can also use yellow zircon.

For the first time, the stone should be put on on Thursday, preferably on the growing Moon and when the transit Jupiter is in its own abode, exaltation or in the sign of a friendly planet. It is best if Jupiter is in conjunction with the Moon or in an angular house from it. One can also choose an auspicious muhurta.


How to increase your energy? To strengthen the energy of Jupiter, it is necessary to cultivate optimism in yourself and cultivate faith, perform rituals and do good deeds. A person should become more friendly, sociable and contact, but at the same time not compromise his highest principles.

He must act in alliance with the forces of good. Any action that is done for the benefit of other people or taken to raise the level of consciousness around the world is useful here.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Moon

Signs of a weak moon in the horoscope

The main symptoms of a weak Moon are emotional instability, lack of ground underfoot, anxiety, fear of close relationships, lack of friendliness and poverty of emotions. The person constantly feels dissatisfied. He can hardly endure the stress and tension associated with communication.

Tendency to despondency, depression, pessimism, as well as to neuroses and mental disorders. Confusion, gloom or anxiety reign in thoughts. The mother of such a person was hardly happy in life.

The physical signs of a weak Moon are anemia, lack of fluid in the tissues (tendency to dehydration), low body weight, dry skin, constipation, weak lungs and weak kidneys. It is difficult for a person to endure dry and hot weather.

Astrological indications of a weak moon in a horoscope

The Moon weakens in the sign of the fall of Scorpio, in the signs of hostile planets, with aspects from malefic planets, as well as in problematic houses (sixth, eighth, twelfth). The aspects of Rahu and Saturn are most difficult to bear, especially if they are not softened by the aspect of Jupiter or the position of Jupiter in the angular house from the Moon.

The Moon becomes especially weak near the Sun and when burned (new moon). In addition, the Moon weakens when she is alone, that is, when no beneficent planet is near her and does not aspect her.

With an ascendant in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, the Moon is a benefic planet. In these cases, with the help of astrological healing tools, you can enhance its positive qualities - the strength of emotions, friendliness and love.

But, since the Moon is the "second Ascendant", it, like the ruler of the ascendant, can be strengthened in many other cases.

How to increase your energy? moon stones

The main gemstone of the Moon is natural sea pearls. The pearl must be at least two carats. It should be set in silver or white gold and worn on the ring finger.

Cultured pearls or moonstones can be used as substitutes, but they must either be larger - three to five carats - or used in large pendants and necklaces.

The first time to put on a stone should be on Monday with the growing moon. The transiting Moon should at this moment be in Taurus, Cancer, Pisces or in one of the signs of friendly planets.

It should not be in conjunction with malefics or strongly aspected by any malefic planet. With the help of an astrologer, you can choose a favorable muhurta for this, paying attention first of all to the fact that the Moon is in a favorable nakshatra (Rohini, Pushya, Punarvasu, Chitra, Hasta or Shravana).

Psychological contraindications: increased emotionality, sentimentality, greed or affection, as well as too active involvement in family or social affairs.

Astrological contraindications: The Moon is the ruler of the third, sixth or eighth house. In these cases, even full moon can cause trouble.

How to increase your energy? Lifestyle

Lunar energy is enhanced in an atmosphere of faith, devotion and loving care. It is desirable that a person finds maternal care and support in the circle of family and friends. One should also take care of other people and help them by rendering selfless services. How to increase your energy? You need to communicate with people and open your heart to the needs of others.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Mars

Signs of weak Mars in the horoscope

The main symptoms of a weak Mars are a lack of energy and motivation, an inability to work consistently and hard. It is difficult for a person to defend his position and defend his rights. He is fearful and tends to obey someone else's will.

He does not know how to adequately express his anger or displeasure and is not able to recognize that he is being manipulated. He is overly passive and controllable. He can easily become a victim of abuse and physical abuse.

On the physical level, signs of a weak Mars are a weak immune system, poor appetite and digestion problems, low body weight, weakness of the muscles, liver and small intestine. A tendency to bleeding or injury is characteristic, wounds and ulcers heal slowly, anemia is not excluded.

A man may suffer from a lack of sexual energy or positive stimuli in life. A woman can suffer from a weak-willed spouse or partner in a love relationship.

Astrological indications of weak Mars in the horoscope

Mars is weakened in a debilitating sign (Cancer), when aspected by malefic planets (Saturn and Rahu), when burned, and also in troubled houses (especially in the eighth and twelfth).

With ascending Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces, Mars is a beneficent planet. In these cases, provided that it is not weakened, with the help of astrological healing means, it is possible to strengthen the positive qualities associated with it - energy, insight, etc.

Jewels of Mars should not be worn in case of fever, high temperature, inflammatory diseases, bleeding, ulcers and excessive sexual desire.

Psychological contraindications: excessively self-willed or impulsive character, as well as aggressiveness, anger and militancy.

Astrological contraindications: Mars rules a malefic house (especially with Gemini or Virgo rising) or is in conjunction with a benefic planet (Moon, Mercury or Venus), thereby suppressing its energy.

Gems of Mars should be avoided if in the natal chart Mars is in the seventh house or has a strong position in one of the angular or trine houses. Usually Mars negatively affects the affairs of the house in which it is located; the exception is the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses.

How to increase your energy? Stones of Mars

The main gem of Mars is red coral. It must be at least three carats. It should be set in white gold or silver and worn on the index or ring finger of the right hand. Since red coral is a fairly affordable and inexpensive stone, there is likely to be little need for substitutes.

However, if desired, you can use carnelian instead (best in the form of a large pendant). Pink coral has a balancing rather than strengthening effect on the Martian energy.

The first time you put on a stone should be on Tuesday. It is desirable that at the same time transiting Mars be in the sign of its abode or exaltation. Signs of planets friendly to him, especially Jupiter, will also do. But it is best to choose a favorable muhurta with the help of an astrologer.

How to increase your energy? Lifestyle

In order to strengthen the Martian energy, a person should try to become more assertive, bold, active, expressive and energetic. It is also desirable to show more physical activity and strengthen the body.

How to increase your energy? Discipline is needed on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual. However, this discipline should not be rigid, but reasonable and flexible.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Saturn

Signs of a weak Saturn in the horoscope

The main symptoms of Saturn's weakness are restlessness, nervous trembling, inability to cope with stress, insomnia, and generally lack of ground under one's feet. Such a person easily sees a threat to himself in other people and in a wide variety of situations.

He is not practical enough, his perception of reality is distorted. He may be in trouble from the authorities or official institutions; it is difficult for him to earn money.

He is not consistent enough in actions, does not have endurance and is unable to courageously cope with difficulties. He easily gives up and retreats. His urges are quickly fading away, he is unable to fulfill long-term plans.

On the physical level, the signs of Saturn's weakness are weak or abnormal bone development, weak nerves, and a general lack of vitality that threatens early death.

Characterized by constipation, accumulation of toxins in the body; purulent processes and necrosis of body tissues are possible. Such a person recovers slowly, and his resistance to infection is low. In especially severe cases, diseases such as epilepsy, paralysis or cancer are possible.

Astrological indications of weak Saturn in the horoscope

Saturn is weakened in its fall (Aries), in hostile planetary signs, when aspected by malefics (Sun, Mars, Rahu or Ketu), and in troubled houses (eighth and twelfth).

With ascending Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is a favorable planet (especially with ascending Taurus or Libra). In these cases, the gems of Saturn stimulate him best qualities- objectivity, impartiality, independence and authority.

The stones will work well even if Saturn is strong in the natal chart. However, they should be used with caution and balanced with stones of planets friendly to Saturn (Venus or Mercury).

Gems of Saturn always require great care as Saturn is main pest. Even if all factors are favorable, it is best to give the Saturnian stone a "test run" and see how it affects your life.

Psychological contraindications: selfishness, inertia, possessive instincts, coldness, prudence, as well as pride and a tendency to manipulate people.

Astrological contraindications: Saturn rules troubled houses (as in ascending Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces) or is associated with beneficent planets (Moon, Venus, Jupiter or Mercury), connecting with them or forming a strong aspect to them.

Saturn negatively affects the affairs of beneficent (trigonal and angular) houses, therefore, if he is in such a house, his stones should be worn with caution.

How to increase your energy? Stones of Saturn

Saturn's main gemstone is the blue Sapphire. It must weigh at least two carats. It should be set in gold and worn on the middle finger.

Substitutes - lapis lazuli, malachite or amethyst - should be larger (from three to five carats). You can wear them in a ring, and in a pendant, and in a necklace.

The first time you put on a stone should be on Saturday. In this case, transit Saturn should be located favorably, (an aspect from Jupiter is desirable). Along with the Saturn stone, it is usually recommended to wear an additional gemstone associated with a planet friendly to Saturn (Venus, Jupiter or Mercury).

How to increase your energy? Lifestyle

With a weak Saturn, it is necessary to develop peace of mind, impartiality, composure and self-control. One should adhere to a strict routine in life and follow any authority or tradition.

How to increase your energy? It is advisable to avoid strong emotional outbursts, stressful and tense situations. You need to spend more time in nature and in solitude. It will be useful to slow down the pace of life, calm down and relax.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Venus

Signs of weak Venus in the horoscope

The main symptoms of weakness of Venus are the lack of beauty, charm and grace, as well as taste and refinement. Such a person may be rude, aggressive, impolite or vulgar. There may be problems in a romantic life, a lack of love and tender feelings. A woman may lack femininity or happiness in her personal life.

A man either has difficulties in relations with women, or for some reason his wife suffers. People with weak Venus find it difficult to express their feelings.

On the physical level, signs of Venus weakness are impaired kidney and genital function, infertility or impotence. These people have weak bones. There may be a breakdown or weakness of the immune system, a tendency to bleed.

Astrological indications of weak Venus in the horoscope

Venus weakens in its fall sign (Virgo), in the signs of planets hostile to it, with aspects from malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) and in troubled houses (sixth and eighth).

With Taurus ascendant, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and especially Capricorn and Aquarius, Venus is a benefic planet. In these cases, with the help of astrological healing tools, you can enhance the highest qualities of Venus - love and devotion, the ability to enjoy life and creative forces.

Venus is a benefic planet, and therefore its stones are relatively safe. However, in a person trapped in the lower Venusian energies, they can increase sexuality, ego strength, attachment to material things and sensual pleasures.

Therefore, one should strive for the highest manifestations of Venus - for the energies of higher love, meekness and humility. Those who have an increased sexual desire or a strong need for comfort and luxury should not wear Venus stones.

Astrological contraindications: Venus - the ruler of malefic houses (as in the ascendant Sagittarius or Pisces) or too sensual Venus (Venus in fixed signs; in the fifth, seventh or twelfth house, and, moreover, with an aspect from Mars).

Stones of Venus

The main gem of Venus is a diamond. It must be at least one carat in size. It should be set in gold or white gold and worn on the middle or little fingers.

Substitutes can be white sapphire, clear zircon (at least three carats) or quartz crystal. The latter is best used in a pendant (at least five carats, and ten is best) or in a necklace.

The first time you put on a stone should be on Friday. It is desirable that the transiting Venus at the same time be in exaltation, in its own abode or in the sign of a friendly planet (Mercury or Saturn) and not too close to the Sun.


How to increase your energy? To strengthen the energy of Venus, it is necessary to cultivate refinement and sensitivity, as well as sensitivity and the ability to love. It is necessary to develop creative and artistic abilities and strive for more accurate and vivid self-expression.

It is useful to surround yourself with beautiful things and light, pleasant colors. A woman should develop purely feminine qualities in herself. A man should pay more attention to women who play an important role in his life - a spouse, a muse on an intellectual plane or a Goddess whom he worships.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Rahu (North Node)

Signs of a weak or afflicted Rahu in the horoscope

The weakness of Rahu is indicated by increased sensitivity and excitability, fears and anxieties. Hallucinations, drug addiction, despondency and gloom, strange, bizarre fantasies are possible. A person may not understand who he is, and easily succumb to any influences and suggestions, preferring the most awkward and unrealistic among them.

Such people are usually unpopular, they have few friends, it is difficult for them to fit into modern world. They exhaust their strength and nerves in the pursuit of unhealthy pleasures and waste their lives in useless pursuits.

Physical indicators - weakness of the immune system, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, nervousness, trembling of the limbs, insomnia, pallor and indigestion on a nervous basis.

Communication with the physical body is weakened, loss of control over body functions is possible. This can lead to various nervous and mental illnesses.

Astrological indicators of weak Rahu in the horoscope

Rahu is weakened in troubled houses (especially in the eighth) and under the influence of malefic aspects (Saturn, Mars and the Sun). In order for Rahu to be considered truly weak, the planet that rules it must also be weak (be in a fall, be burned or weakly aspected).

If Rahu is in a strong house (for example, in the tenth), and its dispositor is a strong and auspicious planet, then with the help of precious stones Rahu can enhance its positive qualities, such as the ability to have a beneficial effect on society.

Rahu stones

The main gemstone of Rahu is hessonite (a kind of grossular garnet, the Indian name is gomedha). There are two main varieties of hessonite, one is light brown in color and the other is golden. Other golden or light brown grossulars can be used as substitutes. The stone must be at least three carats in weight.

It should be set in gold or silver and worn on the middle finger of the right or left hand. Darker red or opaque garnets should not be used, as they increase the negative energy ("overshadowing" ability) of Rahu.

For the first time, a stone should be put on on Saturday or on the day of the planet, under the control of which Rahu is in the natal chart. It is desirable that the transiting Rahu be in a favorable sign or in a sign favorable for the planet that rules it. You can also choose a suitable muhurta.

Rahu gemstones are relatively safe (other than being too dark). In our materialistic age, Rahu is very strong, and light, bright stones help to highlight its action. But if Rahu is in a trigonal house or affects the favorable planets of the natal chart, it is better not to wear his stones.


How to increase your energy? If Rahu is weak, too strong impressions, media and influences should be avoided. modern technology, drugs and sexual excesses. You should also talk less and not give free rein to fantasies.

With a weak Rahu, everything artificial is dangerous - from surrogate food from snack bars to synthetic materials in the environment. It is necessary to strive for peace, peace and quiet, as well as for the perception of Jupiterian influences - love, faith and compassion.

It is necessary to provide ourselves with a supportive and nourishing environment that will strengthen our physical strength and protect us from negative influences on the psyche.

Weak planet in the horoscope: Ketu (South Node)

Signs of a weak or afflicted Ketu in the horoscope

Typical signs of a weak Ketu are undeveloped intuition, lack of insight, inability to clearly discern the truth and illegibility, self-doubt, self-doubt and inability to concentrate, clouded or distorted perception of reality, short-sightedness.

Self-destructive tendencies are possible. There is a danger of violence or serious bodily injury. The weakness of Ketu appears here in the same way as the weakness of Mars, but with a touch of collective influences: a person can be injured in a war or suffer during riots.

There may be a feeling of tightness and lack of freedom. A person can join the struggle for some obviously losing cause or for outdated values.

At the physical level, digestive and circulatory disorders, ulcers, anemia and chronic bleeding are characteristic. Muscular or nervous disorders are possible, as well as intractable or mysterious diseases (multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.), as with weak Rahu.

Astrological indications of weak Ketu in the horoscope

Ketu weakens in problem houses (especially in the eighth), with aspects from malefics (Saturn or Mars), and also if the dispositor planet of Ketu turned out to be weak.

In cases where Ketu is strong (that is, it is influenced by a beneficent planet in its own abode or in exaltation, or located in the twelfth house and has no aspects from pests), Ketu gems stimulate its highest qualities - the ability to assimilate knowledge, to spiritual insight and concentration.

Ketu stones

Ketu's gemstone is the cat's eye (a type of chrysoberyl). It must be at least two carats in size. It is desirable to send it to gold. It should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand. All varieties of cat's eye can be used.

The first time to put on a stone should be on Saturday or on the day of the planet-dispositor Ketu in the natal chart. Transiting Ketu must be in a favorable sign for itself or in a sign favorable for the planet that controls it. You can also choose a suitable muhurta.

Ketu stones should not be worn by people suffering from bleeding, infectious diseases ulcers, fevers, or eye pain ( elevated level pittas).

Astrological contraindications: Ketu in conjunction with a benefic planet (unless it is in its own abode or exaltation sign.

In addition, Ketu stones should not be worn if its ruling planet also rules an evil house (sixth or eleventh). Ketu stones should be handled with care. It is generally recommended to use them as an astrological healing agent less often than the stones of any other planet.


A person with weak Ketu must learn to trust his thoughts and feelings. In this he can be helped by spiritual and occult research, as well as targeted research in any field, developing control over intuition and insight.

How to increase your energy? Astrology is often beneficial. However, it is best to follow some traditional teaching or act under the guidance of a mentor.

At the very least, you need to make your life more disciplined, develop your willpower and determination along with the freedom of spirit and the ability to sympathize with people.

The sun is an indicator of the soul in the horoscope, the highest male nature, royalty, power, prosperity and ambition. It is the Sun that endows a person with the best masculine qualities, such as nobility, responsibility, honesty, determination, leadership, fortitude, courage and self-confidence. How the energy of the Sun affects a person depending on its location in the natal chart, as well as how to improve this influence, we look further in this article.

strong sun

The place of exaltation, that is, the maximum power of the Sun in Jyotish Vedic astrology, is the Martian sign Aries, and the Sun is also strong in its own sign, Leo. Since the Sun is the king among the planets, it endows man with royal qualities and the same fate. A person with a strong Sun in the horoscope is endowed with extraordinary fortitude, determination, leadership talents and vitality. "Sunny" people are always full of enthusiasm, optimism and energy, they seem to shine for others, inspiring them to exploits, but sometimes they can show a fair amount of pride and rigidity. Most often, such people occupy leadership positions and they a good relationship with authority figures.

Beneficent Sun

The Sun is benefic when it rules good houses and is in conjunction with benefic planets. In this case, it will give a person all its positive qualities, for example, such as nobility, responsibility, honesty and leadership qualities without their negative component (which is very rare these days). If the Sun is beneficent, but weak, it gives its owner modesty, receptivity and the desire for goodness. Such people usually strive for service and self-sacrifice, but they lack self-confidence and they easily fall under the influence of others.

Weak Sun

The place where the Sun falls is the Venusian sign Libra, it also does not feel well in the houses of enemies (Venus and Saturn). People with a weak Sun usually lack confidence and courage, and due to their innate melancholy and passivity, they are not inclined to leadership roles. If the Sun is very weak, it can make a person overly dependent on others, irresponsible and stupid, and also forms the psychology of a slave.

Struck Sun

The Sun is said to be afflicted if it governs bad houses, stands in them, or is associated with malefics. If it is also strong, then it endows its owner with its negative qualities. For example, such as arrogance, pride, egocentrism, despotism, greed, excessive ambition, craving for power, willingness to go over corpses for their own interests, as well as some negative Martian qualities. For example, such as aggressiveness, irascibility, the desire to solve everything by force, etc.

If an afflicted or weak Sun in the horoscope affects health, it can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, eyes, teeth, bones, headaches, neuralgia, high blood pressure, baldness, epilepsy and lack of vitality. And also such a Sun can give its owner any diseases that are accompanied by high temperature and inflammatory processes.

propitiation of the sun

1. Qualities that strengthen and harmonize the Sun:

· Responsibility.

· Honesty.

· Nobility.

· Leadership qualities, caring for others.

· Work in joy and for the benefit of others, the fulfillment of duty.

· Cheerfulness and optimism.

· Respect for the father and men in general.

· For men - the development of masculine qualities, for women - the ability to respect male energy in the outside world and in oneself.

2. Actions that strengthen the Sun, will be especially effective if done on Sundays, since on this day the energy of the Sun is especially strong. So:

· Visiting the temple.

Give gold to father.

· Wish everyone happiness.

· Smile.

Wake up early (before sunrise).

Surya Namaskar in the morning.

Sleep with your head to the East.

Reading Ramayana.

3. Clothing that enhances the Sun:

Rough and thick.

· Colours: deep red, copper red and raspberry, as well as all the brightest shades of warm tones.

4. Food that enhances the Sun:

· Rare and expensive products.

· The fruits of large and strong trees.

· Oranges, almonds, pine nuts.

· Spices and herbs: chamomile, lavender, rosemary, saffron, pepper, nutmeg, cardamom and ajwan.

· All kinds of cereals.

5. Sun Day: Sunday is an ideal time for spiritual practices, making plans for the future and communicating with authority figures. This day is not favorable for marriage, conception of children and business.

6. Mantras of the Sun:

· Aum Hrim Hrim Suryaya Namaha!

Om Gravi Suryaya Namaha!

Om Ramaya Namaha!

7. Sun Stones usually red and "fiery":


· Pomegranate.

Sun Stone.

· Red zircon.

· Red tourmaline.

· Copper and gold.

A Vedic astrologer will help you understand this topic more deeply and thoroughly. Happiness to you and good relations with the Sun!

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A short list of "good" and "evil" planets in the angular houses of the horoscope: 1, 4, 7, 10 - an analogue of cardinal signs. These houses are called corner houses, they have highest value. The planets in them and their rulers have the greatest power.

"Evil" and damaged planets in these houses worsen the indicators of the natal chart and the local chart as a whole, since:

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  • is our personality;
  • – our relatives and relationships with them;
  • - the house of marriage and partnership, in which there are a marriage partner, allies and opponents.
  • - our social realization in society.
These four houses are the main ones in a person's life, making up the "framework" of his destiny.

"Good" planets in the 1st House

Sun - Gives satisfaction with oneself, one's own inner world, desire and ability to be yourself! A person gains maximum strength, and he has a feeling of knowing his path. He is always right and sure of himself. If the Sun is weak in the horoscope, then this gives a lack of confidence, but this is not timidity. A person makes decisions with difficulty, because he does not know his desires!

Venus - Gives a small seal of happiness. It is the source of inner harmony and Have a good mood. A person becomes a universal favorite, possessing such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, creative mind. Knows how to cause the location of others, without making artificial efforts. People are charged with fun and kindness from him.

Jupiter - Gives generosity, optimism, cheerfulness, love of life, a great seal of happiness! However, this does not mean that these people cannot have illnesses, losses, like everyone else. But they always find a way out of trouble, and, thanks to this, they are cheerful and open to the world.

Good planets in the IV House

Sun - Gives happy family life+ good indications of a marriage partner who gives stability and happiness!

Venus - A comfortable home, a sense of goodness from the world and a pleasant home life. The means may be modest, but the presence of happiness and love is present.

Jupiter - Gives a very deep happy family life in combination good conditions life, respect and prosperity.

Good planets in the 7th house

Sun - One of the indications for a happy marriage (applies only to one's own family, and not to the parents of the spouses).

Venus - Gives good relationships in the family, a happy love marriage, good relationships with people.

Jupiter - Gives a happy marriage to a person of good origin, gifted with talent, perhaps marriage to an athlete or an outstanding and famous person!

Good planets in the X House

Sun - Gives a sunny, conscious, brilliant career, awareness of social realization, the pinnacle of being.

Venus - Helps people of art and a successful career in this field. A person finds himself in a good office, where it is warm and cozy, just like at home.

Jupiter - Luck in a career, in social activities, in the field of politics. Always good job and career development opportunities.

"Evil" planets in angular houses bring an unhappy sense of self.

Nothing happens on the event plane, but internally a person has enmity towards environment. Mars and Saturn in angular houses gives a tendency to surgery or a tendency to injury.


It takes a lot of energy, slowly and confidently creates a complex of indecision and inhibition in actions. It turns out some flaws in the character, chronic unhappy situations in certain areas of life.

Saturn in I - traumas, diseases of the brain, in the I and IV houses - melancholy, despondency, depression, bad inclinations, alcohol, drugs. The need for wine creates an illusion of happiness, as a person does not feel happiness due to a lack of vitality.

Saturn in IV and VII - unhappiness in marriage, problems with the mother, marriage partner is poor, sick, cannot support a family, unsuccessful marriage, hard calculation in partnerships. Flaws in the partner in health, behavior. Serious restrictions and problems with the spouse. A serious tendency towards late marriage or celibacy.

Saturn in X - a contradiction in priorities, a high career, that is, an uphill, but an inevitable steep descent, a collapse in life (with severe defeats, in a weak sign), a problem with work and career advancement. It's always a deterrent. It is also a sign of royalty (often tyrannical), but the end of such a career is always the same - an inevitable fall (only a matter of time).


Gives destructive energy. The afflicted Mars brings insane aggression into a person's life, recklessness in actions, sows enmity and hatred, imposes subordination on himself.

Mars in I - accident victim - injury, misfortune, bad accidents.

Mars in IV is a victim of violence, danger.

Mars in IV and VII - conflict with a spouse, destructive relationships with the outside world. Danger from other people.

Mars in X - conflict, danger to life.

If Mars and Saturn are not damaged by conflicting planets, are in favorable signs (exaltation, government, reception, or in their own house) and have many positive aspects from good planets, then the above is greatly smoothed out and makes it possible to benefit from various life situations, but it is impossible to expect happiness and be 100% insured with this position of the planets. Over the years, immunity is developed, for a person the formula of unhappiness becomes a natural factor.

Change an unfavorable fate Possible!

The formulas of Happiness and Misfortune were still described in treatises of ancient times by Hermes Thrice the Greatest. Thanks to the rector of the academy Shestopalov S.V., his statistical research"Formula of Happiness" and "Formula of Misfortune" have confirmed themselves as really active energy channels capable of endowing a person with creation and happiness or an unhappy formula, destroying, influencing certain energy spheres of the horoscope. In practice, these key formulas have become the most important indicator of fate assessment, which was immediately included in the concept of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy in the category of the initial assessment of the entire horoscope.

How does it work in a horoscope?

The Happiness Formula works positively in the horoscope when one, two or three good planets - Jupiter, the Sun, and Venus - are in the angular spheres of the horoscope. They can be in one house all at once or one by one in different corner Houses. Good planets in corner houses have a beneficial effect on a person’s energy and his psychophysical state, bring good luck in life circumstances.

What are you asking?

Everything depends on the House of finding the planet, which makes a person satisfied with life, no matter what happens in it, he perceives everything with optimism. Also, if the planets are strong and harmoniously aspected, this will be well reflected from outer space on an individual. When moving to a new place of residence, the "Formula of Happiness" turns on in the horoscope immediately and begins to nourish the individual with positive energy.

The rule says: exclude the influence of Mars and Saturn, which make up the "Formula of Unhappiness" in the corner houses (they should not be present there, and interfere with their destructive energy). They make a person eternally dissatisfied with something (although there is everything, and there should be no reasons for discontent), give a tendency to depression and self-destruction. A person is deprived of power.

An exception can be made if the formula of happiness is strong in the horoscope, there are no dangers and formulas of diseases (do not poison happiness) and if one of the planets - Mars or Saturn (malicious) are harmoniously aspected and are in an exalted position. It is also necessary that in the forecasts slow planets create a harmonious aspect for many years to come. Then such a combination can be allowed, since many people simply do not want to leave and change something in their favorable fate. The Sun, Jupiter, Venus will bring good luck and happiness in those areas of life where they are located. If all three planets are in angular houses, they bring the triple formula of happiness.

If a person was born with unfavorable indicators of the entire horoscope (-70% to + 30%) and in forecasts for many years he does not have favorable events, it is better for this person to move to another city. Also, if a person was born with the Unhappiness Formula and there is no support for the Happiness Formula, it is advisable to move to a happier place where at least the unfavorable factors of the "Unhappiness Formula" will go away. When moving to another city, if the planets Sun, Jupiter or Venus take an angular position, a person will become the owner of happy changes in life, which will certainly smooth out the unfavorable factors of fate.

A person can be born with the Formula of Happiness, but due to forced circumstances, move and acquire the "Formula of Misfortune". In this case, it is also desirable to leave this place of residence, because it will not bring success and prosperity. Only by returning to the city of birth or moving to a new place of residence, one can regain the beneficial potential of the horoscope. If a person lives with the "Formula of Happiness" and the "Formula of Misfortune," then this means that in some way a person is constantly lucky, happy circumstances come, they help him, but periodically fortune also changes him when the Formula of Misfortune is turned on. Much depends on forecasts for the coming years, only then it is possible to realistically assess the future of a person, his capabilities and prospects.

Do you know the feeling of a lack of energy: as if there is no strength for anything and every day the activity fades away? Most likely, this is the most common ailment today - the blues, bordering on depression. There are many different workouts designed to help you move and cheer up.

But such activities give only a temporary effect, and soon you will return to your previous way of life, apathy and laziness. Most people live this way, wasting their years pointlessly, losing and missing their opportunities, only dreaming of a better life. And it never occurs to anyone to look at the position of the Sun in the natal chart.

The sun as a source of personal energy and light

In astrology, the problem of energy is associated with the daylight - . In astrology, it is responsible for your "I" and for your place in this life, it gives an answer to the questions: who are you, why did you come, what can give you energy. The sun shows the light within you - the core of your personality.

The position of the Sun in the sign and house in your natal chart will indicate what will inspire you. It ignites your individuality, reveals those features that no other person on earth has.

Harmonious Sun

Signs of a harmonious Sun:

  1. Self-confidence, great willpower. You are able to overcome even serious obstacles.
  2. You can turn any circumstances in your favor and benefit from them.
  3. You are filled with vital energy and literally sparkle.
  4. You are ready to create something new, you can be successful in completely different areas of activity: in the implementation of work projects or in family affairs.

Why is it extremely importantwork out ? For most people, it sleeps, is in the mode of passive activity. Perhaps this is the result of the influence of the Soviet era, because it is associated with a personality that was actively suppressed in that period.

Disharmonious Sun

Signs of a weak Sun:

  1. Uncertainty in one's abilities, fear of expressing one's desires.
  2. You are inert, following the crowd, waiting for someone else to do everything for you.
  3. You do not use your own resources and energy, you feel empty.
  4. The constant desire for comfort puts pressure on you and does not allow you to act: it is easier for you to sit at home in poverty than to start doing something and change your life.
  5. With a weak Sun, you do not see the meaning of life: everything seems to be turned off for you, the world seems gray and faded.

Sun in houses

The sun in your house will show how you can “light it up”, work out which area of ​​activity is suitable for a person. It is responsible for pride, for dignity, therefore the house in which the Sun is located is literally the house of human dignity and pride.

Sun in 1st house

Classically, this position gives very strong people, quite confident, with a leadership character. The main area for you in this position is yourself.

Below are the main qualities to work on:

  • Leadership, the ability to ignite others, bearing full responsibility for all processes.
  • Never and nowhere do not depend on situations, but, on the contrary, strive to manage them.
  • You must be confident and not shy about showing healthy selfishness.

As far as you show these qualities, you will have so much energy and so clearly you will understand the meaning of life.

Having worked the Sun , you can become the undisputed leader in all your endeavors.

Sun in 2nd house

Being in the II house - the house of materiality, it literally calls to unite the spiritual and the material and not to deny everything earthly. The pride in this position is your money and resources. On a psychological level, this position is responsible for what your self-esteem will be.

Signs of a disharmonious Sun:

  • Burning resources and finances, especially if you are trying to avoid the topic of money or trying to separate the spiritual from the material.
  • You underestimate yourself or, on the contrary, exaggerate your merits, estimate the cost of your services unreasonably high.

To work out the sun, I recommend:

  • Take a sober look at yourself and your capabilities.
  • Take care of your self-esteem, learn to value yourself, your resources and work, but do it objectively.

Sun in 3rd house

Classically, this situation provides a lot of information that needs to be collected and synthesized in order to create something qualitatively new. The situation is considered difficult because it requires special ingenuity.

To "turn on" it in this house, you need to:

  • Start actively to get acquainted, communicate with new people.
  • Act as the initiator of meetings rather than waiting for attention from others.

These simple actions will “light up” the Sun and give you a new outlook on life.

Sun in 4th house

The IV house of astrology is inextricably linked with the archetype of the father. The main theme for you in this position is the theme of family, home, comfort and real estate in general.

Unworked Sun gives:

  • Emptiness and unfulfilled ambitions.
  • Reclusion. You sit within four walls and think that you are talented, you deserve more, and therefore you do not need to do anything.

For study of the Sun I advice:

  • Build a house, start a family.
  • If you are a man, then you should be the head of the house. It is important for you to prove yourself as a father and head of the family.
  • For a woman - to equip a house, create a home and family comfort.

Sun in 5th house

The 5th house of astrology is associated with creativity, the creation of something new, some kind of creativity.

Here are the signs of a disharmonious Sun in this house:

  • You tend to vegetate and procrastinate.
  • You are in limbo: because of laziness, in fact, you will not be able to either have a normal rest or work effectively.

Create and invent - this will help to work out your Sun and find yourself.

For study of the Sunyou need to show your creative nature, create something: it can be a book, a picture or a sculpture - any area of ​​\u200b\u200bcreativity that is close to you.

Sun in 6th house

This is not an easy position, since the house is associated with submission, and in order to open your Sun, you need someone to dominate you. This could be a boss, teacher, or partner.

  • You can be struck by the so-called solar diseases: heart attack, stroke, heart disease.
  • Almost all cases turn into failures and turn into a problem.

For study of the Sun I recommend:

  • To have someone move you, instruct, lead. On your own you will not have enough motivation, you need some kind of push from the outside.
  • Reveal your "I" through employment, as it will be very difficult for you to create a business or manage your own projects on your own.

Sun in 7th house

Symbolically, the Sun in the 7th house is in the place of its fall. In this position of the planet, you are subject to the influence of other people, it is very difficult for you to express yourself, outsiders have a strong influence on you, whether you like it or not.

For study of the Sun I advice:

  • Think of your "I" as the center of the universe, around which the whole world revolves: in this case, the Sun in the 7th house can give the aspect of popularity.
  • In any relationship, be it business, partnership or marriage, you need to be the initiator: this applies to both men and women.

Sun in 8th house

A rather difficult situation, because the VIII house is associated with the theme of risks, dangers and extreme sports. It is simply impossible to reveal oneself in a simple, calm life.

Here are the signs of a harmonious Sun:

  • You are able to open up in extreme situations, you feel great when you are in danger.
  • You can turn any crisis, including the economic one, in your favor.

For processing you need:

  • Crises and dangerous situations where you can show all your strengths.
  • As much risk as possible, such as extreme sports or gambling.

By awakening your Sun, you will neutralize the negative energy of the house in the form of unforeseen situations, which will be replaced by the true revelation of your personality.

Sun in ninth house

Classically considered a good position: it is in the house of its joy.

A disharmonious Sun can give a naive attitude to life, too high expectations from it and a superficial worldview.

Elaborated Sunmakes you a great teacher and mentor, helps you constantly develop your thinking.

  • Pay as much attention as possible to personal development, receive new information and transfer your knowledge through teaching.
  • Travel more to explore other cultures and traditions: this will inspire you.

Sun in X house

Strong position: The Sun is a person, the X house is a career and power. With proper study, these aspects can make you a very bright, charismatic leader who knows exactly what he wants and in what direction to go.

The disharmonious Sun gives an abuse of its capabilities and an incorrect assessment of its capabilities and resources.

Work out the Sunpossible under the following conditions:

  • With the sole management of your project, where you will fully dominate.
  • You should only do what you like, earning status and money.

Sun in 11th house

The 11th house in astrology is the house of friends and like-minded people. The sun is in symbolic exile, there may be problems with friends.

With a disharmonious Sun, you put the interests of friends above your own, so you may suffer from the fact that others take advantage of your kindness.

A well-developed luminary gives the ability to ideologically inspire teams and lead the crowd.

  • Through friendship, in which the interests of everyone are respected.
  • through organizing activities. You need to literally gather people around you using your charisma and energy.

Sun in twelfth house

It is considered a difficult position, since the XII house is the house of blocks and secrets, it is associated with the theme of everything implicit and closed. Symbolically, in this position, the personality is closed, the Sun is not manifested.

Below I will list the signs of a disharmonic Sun:

  • It is difficult for you to realize yourself in society, you cannot understand what you want, but at the same time you vaguely feel your needs.
  • Doubts torment you and in dreams or intuitively you feel that you know what you need, but do not trust your inner voice.

Solitude will allow you to listen to yourself and get unlimited access to secret knowledge.

  • Listen to yourself, eliminating the information noise.
  • To understand what exactly you want, and your personality will be revealed precisely in solitude, solitude.
  • You need to stay away from crowds of people.
  • Do not let extra people into your life, who, with their well-meaning advice, can impose something of their own on you, unnecessary and unsuitable for you.

The Sun is being processedthrough creativity, Junginian analysis or the technique of active imagination, when you begin to draw invaluable experience and knowledge from the collective unconscious.

“Turning on” your Sun: the first step in working out your natal chart

The sun is the life force, the main spark of man, giving the power to live, endowing life with meaning. It must be “turned on”, because if it is not worked out, literally the entire horoscope will be de-energized and will function at low speeds.

It is always necessary to start working on your natal chart from the Sun. And if you want to light the luminary in your chart to the fullest, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!