Interrupted sexual intercourse - consequences for the body of a man and a woman. Coitus interruptus: myths and reality of contraception PPA Reliability PPA statistics

Many wealthy couples use this method of contraception against unwanted pregnancy, PPA. What is PPA? PPA stands for Coitus Interruptus, the essence of which is to pull the penis out of the vagina just before the onset of orgasm. There are many myths and versions regarding interrupted intercourse: a risk both to health and to unplanned pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at each nuance and dot the I's.

Statistics. About 70% of married couples today use this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. In addition, this method is considered the most ancient. It was used even before its invention.

Efficiency of the PPA method

From a scientific point of view, the effectiveness of contraceptives is measured by the Pearl index.

Perl's essence: 1000 women of reproductive age are taken as a basis and it is calculated how many “tested” will become pregnant after a year of using one or another method of contraception.

The most common method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is a condom (barrier contraceptives). Taking into account all human factors (improper use/storage), the effectiveness is approximately 85%, ideally 98% (index 2-15)

The Pearl index when using the PPA method is 27 (73% effectiveness in healthy couples under 30 years of age). But the index is constantly changing and depends on individual factors:

- self-control

- health

- state of excitement

- hygiene

- menstrual cycle.

Important! General Pearl index by PPA method - 27

Guru PPA – 4 (experienced and confident practitioners of interrupted act get pregnant 4 out of 100 people).

When is the interrupted act method most ineffective?

Regardless of whether ejaculation occurred or not, the lubricant secreted by men contains a small dose of low-motile sperm. Vitality and mobility directly depend on the health and general condition of the body. In modern conditions, the average man's sperm are inactive, but, nevertheless, under certain conditions they are capable of conception. This case is already completely controlled by the woman, namely the period of her ovulation. On the day of ovulation or during the five days preceding the cycle, half-living sperm will be sufficient for fertilization.

During such periods, it is better to abstain from PPA and use barrier contraceptives - condoms. The menstruation calendar () will help you determine this, the most undesirable period.

In addition to the ovulation period, Efficiency is also influenced by masculine qualities:

  • Presence and quality of sperm in the urogenital canal
  • Too much excitement
  • Premature ejaculation

If The partners haven’t had sex for a long time, the man is too excited, it will be extremely difficult to control the sexual process, it will be quite difficult to get pleasure.

If and have sex without contraceptives, then only in a routine, established relationship, when a man can less control himself.

If a man suffers from premature ejaculation or has a highly sensitive glans penis, then PPA is highly not recommended in this case.

How to protect yourself as much as possible from pregnancy in PPA?

You should use this method if you are 100% confident in your partner and his purity.

  • You are a family and are not afraid of the sudden arrival of a child.
  • A girl must completely trust the guy psychologically and physically 100%. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get any real pleasure from sex.
  • Before sexual intercourse, a man needs to pee
  • Wash the penis with intimate soap before intercourse
  • The sexual position should be free for the man to calmly and timely remove the penis from the vagina (the “woman on top” position is not suitable for PPA)
  • A man must know his body, his sensations, must understand when there is no “way back” before the onset of orgasm.
  • A man should perform Kegel exercises (to prevent PPA and increase potency)

Advantages and disadvantages of interrupted sexual intercourse

Does not require the use of additional contraceptives

Maximum sensitivity and naturalness of sensations

Safe compared to other, more effective contraceptives

Can be used with other contraceptives to increase effectiveness

No problems conceiving

- risk of incorrect interruption

- with strong arousal, a man cannot enjoy the process and give pleasure to his partner

- possibility of transmission of sexual diseases

- not suitable for inexperienced men, teenagers, as well as those suffering from premature ejaculation and lack of self-control.

Health risk?

Doctors note the likelihood of harm to health using this method. And we are not talking about possible sexual transmission of diseases.

In men

During sexual intercourse, a man cannot relax, holds back, and delays the time of orgasm. This behavior negatively affects the circulatory system of the penis and the nervous system of the body as a whole.

- the capillaries of the circulatory system of the penis become thinner, and nodes form. The result is erectile dysfunction and potency.

— the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system increases.

- development of prostatitis.

Doctors unanimously do not recommend this method. But! We are talking about forcibly holding back an orgasm. If you have low sensitivity of the penis, are able to calmly have sex without any strain and without holding back an orgasm, and the time to reach your orgasm is longer than that of a woman, then sex with this method will not affect your health in any way.

Among women

Medicine also notes negative consequences in women with the nervous and genitourinary systems when using PPA.

The girl cannot completely relax, she constantly controls her sexual partner, which also affects the state of the nervous system. Moreover, the peak of arousal and orgasm in a woman occurs at the moment of male orgasm, ejaculation, and the pulsating head of the penis inside the vagina. If intimacy is interrupted, sexual contact for a girl will not be complete.

Due to the lack of a full orgasm, the blood in the pelvis stagnates, which leads to the development of frigidity.

5 myths about PPA

  1. Ppa doesn't work! – this method works and focuses entirely on the efficiency of the man. If sperm does not enter the vagina, then there is no premature pregnancy. In combination with the sympto-thermal method, the effectiveness of PPA is 0.3 Perls index.
  2. The method is safe because Before a man has an orgasm, there is no sperm in his penis. Single sperm are contained in a man’s lubricant; they can be in the urogenital canal since the last ejaculation.
  3. Other methods are better. You can argue for a long time, but it is free, does not harm the body, like contraceptives, and even more so spirals, rings, etc.
  4. Only irresponsible people use Coitus Interruptus. In fact, PPA was present in the life of almost every family person (up to 80%).
  5. 50% of men have problems with the prostate gland. Regardless of PPA, today, men are susceptible to diseases of the prostate gland and genitourinary system, including those under 30 years of age.

Of the many existing means of contraception, many couples practice this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy as interrupted sexual intercourse. This does not require any financial costs at all (unlike the use of condoms, suppositories, oral contraceptives, etc.) and eliminates the need to plan the process in advance. But how effective is this popular method, and in what cases does it work best? How does it affect the health of partners?

What is coitus interruptus as a method of contraception?

The use of the PPA method is based on the physiology of male orgasm. The result of sexual intercourse in a man is ejaculation (its natural purpose is procreation). Due to muscle contraction, seminal fluid is pushed out of the urethra. This is accompanied by the spread of pleasant impulses throughout the body.

To avoid sperm entering the woman’s body (and, accordingly, possible conception), the partner must have time to remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. He determines the proximity of ejaculation by the strength of muscle tremors. The right moment must be accurately calculated, which is not always easy to do, since reaction speed and experience are important here. Even a delay of one second can be decisive - and the sperm will go to their target.

Interrupted sexual intercourse requires a man to react quickly, because even a second delay can lead to unplanned conception

Advantages and disadvantages of PPA compared to other methods

Many couples find PPA a very attractive method of birth control. Indeed, it has certain advantages:

  1. Simplicity and accessibility. This method does not require any devices or preliminary manipulations. Therefore, intimacy can be spontaneous. In addition, no special knowledge is required (often people do not use more complex methods of contraception because they do not understand the principle of their action, for example, IUDs and hormonal drugs).
  2. Apparent health safety. PPA will not cause allergies (as sometimes condoms and vaginal pills do), or hormonal disorders (oral contraceptives).
  3. Natural sensations during intimacy. Many couples do not like to use condoms because they reduce penile sensitivity and arousal in the woman.
  4. Calm partner. If a woman has previously experienced an unplanned (for example, after using condoms) or ectopic pregnancy (using an IUD), then she often feels more confident when interrupting contact.
  5. No material costs. Many contraceptives are quite expensive, especially if the couple’s sex life is very intense. In addition, some people are embarrassed to buy condoms at a pharmacy or store.

The main advantage of PPA is its simplicity and accessibility; the method is suitable for spontaneous intimacy

Along with the advantages, the PPA method is also characterized by obvious disadvantages:

  1. The main disadvantage is unreliability. PPA maintains a very high chance of pregnancy.
  2. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases at all.
  3. Psychological problems in a couple. A man cannot fully relax during intimacy and experiences tension, since all responsibility is placed on him. The woman also begins to worry whether her partner will have time to remove the penis in time.
  4. Physiological problems in men who regularly practice PPA for a long time (prostate diseases and other pathologies).

PPA is an ineffective method of contraception, which quite often leads to unplanned pregnancy

In what cases can PPA be practiced?

It is still possible to practice sexual intercourse if you combine it with a calendar or cervical method of contraception. But this only applies to those couples where the woman has a stable menstrual cycle (her body works like a clock). The partner knows when she should ovulate (she additionally records it by changes in basal temperature, by the nature of vaginal discharge, or using special ovulation tests purchased at the pharmacy). During this time (plus a week before ovulation), you should use a more reliable method of protection (for example, a condom or local contraceptives).
PPA is best combined with other methods of contraception, for example, calendar (ovulation can be determined using tests)

If a woman’s cycle is irregular, then using a calendar to calculate dangerous and safe days is very difficult and unreliable.

It should be remembered that disruptions in the menstrual cycle can be caused by external factors: fatigue, climate change, infectious disease, stress at work, etc. In addition, in rare cases, a woman may ovulate again in one cycle (some time after the first ).

If the partners completely trust each other, do not have any sexually transmitted diseases and are at the same time ready for an unplanned pregnancy, then there is nothing wrong with the occasional use of the PPA method. But this method of contraception must be alternated with some other method in order to avoid its negative impact on the male sexual sphere and the psyche of both partners.

Personal hygiene can also play a role. If you plan to have repeated intimacy, then after the first contact the man needs to wash his penis (paying attention to the skin folds), and it is better to additionally visit the toilet so that the remaining sperm is removed along with the urine.

How likely is a girl to get pregnant with PPA?

According to scientists, PPA is an unreliable method of contraception (its effectiveness is no more than 70%). To more accurately determine the probability of conception when using the PPA method, you should refer to the Pearl index. It measures the number of unplanned pregnancies per 100 couples over a one-year period. Accordingly, the lower the number, the more reliable the method of contraception.

Raymond Pearl is a biologist from England. At the beginning of the 20th century, he conducted research and developed a table of the reliability of a variety of methods of contraception. Over time, it was periodically updated: indicators for new methods were added, data for existing ones were clarified.

Perle index for various contraceptive methods - table

As can be seen from the table, the reliability indicator of the PPA method ranges from 4–27 (for example, it will be much more difficult to get pregnant with a condom). This range is explained by the fact that not all couples have a correctly organized PPA.

The following factors increase the likelihood of pregnancy:

  1. It is difficult for a man, even an experienced one, to fully control the process of ejection of semen.
  2. At the very beginning of intimate contact, the partner secretes a special secretion (it is also called lubricant). It also contains sperm (albeit in small quantities).
  3. If interrupted sexual contact is practiced repeatedly (two or more times in a row), then its reliability decreases even more. After all, the urethra already contains seminal fluid in small quantities, and with repeated proximity it penetrates into the female vagina.
  4. The penis, after being removed from the vagina, is at a close distance from it, and the sperm ends up on the woman’s labia.
  5. PPA occurs during a dangerous period (relative to a woman’s ovulation).

In general, the likelihood of pregnancy with regular use of PPA is quite high.

Let's take a closer look at the most important points.

Even if a man has learned to control the process very well, conception can occur as a result of secretion (or lubricant) entering the female genital tract. This fluid is released at the very beginning of sexual intercourse; its composition resembles sperm (only there are much fewer sperm), but it has a different function - to ensure easy sliding of the penis inside the vagina. Despite the small number of sperm in the pre-seminal fluid, there are quite enough of them for pregnancy to occur sooner or later (provided that both partners are reproductively healthy).

Moreover, many doctors believe that if a couple constantly practices the PPA method for a year and does not become pregnant, this indicates problems in the reproductive system and possible infertility.

The likelihood of conception using the PPA method also depends on the day of the woman’s cycle. The most dangerous period is the day of ovulation itself, 24 hours before it and 48 hours after it. However, in some men, sperm are very active and viable, they can survive in the female genital tract for up to five days (and sometimes up to seven). Therefore, the entire week before ovulation can potentially be considered dangerous. Two days after this process, partners can relax: but provided that the woman’s cycle is always regular and ovulation is confirmed by tests, temperature measurements or the quality of cervical mucus. On “dangerous” days of the cycle, the probability of conception is highest, and you should not practice PAP during this period

As for the beginning of the cycle (on average, this is the first 10 days from the start of menstruation), this is a relatively safe period in terms of conception. However, all women's bodies are different. And ovulation does not always happen in the middle of the cycle. For example, for some, the first phase (before ovulation) can last 10 days (sometimes even less), and the second (corpus luteum phase) can last 16–18 days, and this is the norm. In this case, you can get pregnant with interrupted intercourse even during menstruation (and many couples mistakenly believe that this is impossible): sperm from the pre-seminal fluid will enter the vagina and by the time of ovulation they will reach the egg.

Harm of PPA: physiological and psychological aspects

Sexologists and psychologists believe that interrupting sexual intercourse is harmful to both physical and mental health:

  1. When a man stops the process of intimacy by force of will, he also slows down his own arousal. And this negatively affects the functioning of his nervous system - it wears out. Neuroses and dysfunctions of various organs and even body systems arise.
  2. As a result of regular PPA, the male genitourinary system is also seriously affected. Potency disorders, sexual dysfunction, uncontrolled ejaculation, and even infertility may occur. Due to sudden pressure, small vessels in the penis can burst, resulting in adhesions and knots, which inevitably affects the erection. These same trophic changes increase the risk of developing infections of the male genital area and prostate enlargement (which often leads to prostatitis).
  3. A sharp interruption of sexual intercourse often does not allow a partner to achieve a full orgasm (and a woman experiences extreme arousal precisely at the moment of ejaculation). And this, in turn, over time can provoke inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  4. Male sperm contains large quantities of prostaglandins. Once in the female body, they improve its reproductive function, the tone of the genital area, and prevent the development of cancer. Thus, PPA deprives the partner of these valuable substances. Studies show that women who practice interruption of intimacy with their partners are more likely to develop breast and cervical cancer. Deficiency of prostaglandins can provoke nervous breakdowns and inability to achieve orgasm.
  5. Since the method is popular among young sexual partners (at risk, first of all, are teenagers who have poor self-control and are completely unprepared for an unplanned pregnancy), it leads to an increase in the number of abortions and accompanying complications.

Photo gallery: the negative impact of PPA on the health of partners

Constant PPA negatively affects a man’s nervous system and leads to neuroses Regular PPA can cause pathologies of the male genital area, including prostate enlargement Interrupted sexual intercourse often prevents a woman from achieving orgasm, which can ultimately lead to pelvic inflammation

Not daring to use other methods of contraception for various reasons, many married couples use interrupted coitus. And at the same time we are confident in the 100% effectiveness of this method. And in vain.

Based on the results of studies, it has been established that the use of coitus interruptus can lead to pregnancy in 30-50 percent of cases. The percentage of unsuccessful contraception is very high, and, therefore, the risk of getting pregnant at the wrong time.

It all depends on the man

The very essence of this method of protection is that a man, noticing the beginning of an orgasm, leaves the woman’s vagina, and sperm does not enter him. By all logic, this should lead to reliable results. The sperm and egg are not accessible to each other. Actually this is not true.

First of all, think about where the sperm goes when the act is interrupted. If it hits a woman on the external genitalia, the chance of sperm getting into the vagina remains quite high.

The chance of pregnancy is especially high during repeated intercourse without a condom. Spermatozoa retain their vitality for quite a long time; they can remain in the canal of the penis and, during the next act, enter the vagina along with the released pre-lubricant.

In some men, sperm are extremely active and tenacious. In this case, no interruption will help completely eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. At the same time, sperm vitality cannot be determined “by eye” - neither age, nor lifestyle, nor sexual activity are associated with this indicator.

If, in addition, a woman’s menstrual cycle is unstable, then even a combination of interrupted intercourse with calendar calculations may be useless: the chance of pregnancy is very high.

Is this method so simple?

Many couples, without really thinking about whether it is possible to get pregnant with interrupted intercourse, prefer this method, which does not require any preparation, allows you to do without the use of an interfering condom, and is consciously controlled.

But at the same time they forget about its shortcomings:

  • instead of completely relaxing and calmly enjoying the pleasure, the man is forced to be focused so as not to miss this moment, and the woman is worried whether he will cope, so neither of them has time for pleasure;
  • a sharp change from arousal to inhibition leads to health problems, can cause early ejaculation, lead to sexual impotence and a number of psychological problems;
  • and most importantly, this method does not guarantee pregnancy protection, and the likelihood of failure is too high!

Therefore, try to use this method less often, or better yet, use more reliable means of contraception.

Today, coitus interruptus is considered a popular contraceptive method among many couples for its accessibility and convenience. Often, spouses who have lived together for a long time resort to this method of protection. They believe that they are reliably protected from unexpected pregnancy, but this is not the case in reality. Is it possible to get pregnant with interrupted intercourse or is the technique very effective in helping to avoid unplanned conception.

Support from your other half is very important.

What is the essence of coitus interruptus? PPA involves removing the penis from the female vagina before ejaculation. Most young couples use this method for reliable contraception to avoid getting pregnant. Research shows that about 30% of relationships where such protection is used lead to conception.

Gynecologists say that if spouses constantly use the method of interrupted intercourse to prevent conception, they should contact the appropriate specialists. When a couple manages to avoid getting pregnant for a long time after interrupted sexual intercourse, there are grounds to suspect that the partners have serious problems with reproductive functions or fertility. Excluding couples with reproductive disorders from the statistics, it turns out that half of the girls who practice PPA are at risk of becoming pregnant within the next year.

Interrupted PA as a contraceptive technique

Male orgasmic sensations are accompanied by ejaculation, which underlies the contraceptive effect of interrupted intimacy.

  • A few seconds before the onset of ejaculation, sperm, with strong muscular contraction of the tissues of the penis, enters the urethra.
  • The man experiences incredibly pleasant sensations inside the penis, gradually spreading throughout the body.
  • As the intensity of the thrusts increases, the moment of sperm release approaches; in order to maintain such a process under appropriate control, the man will need some experience.
  • If the partner hesitates, then there is a risk of not having time to remove the penis from the vagina, then the likelihood of pregnancy increases as much as possible.

Couples who practice this technique believe that the likelihood of getting pregnant during interrupted intercourse is zero. However, doctors warn that many girls become pregnant quite successfully with this method of contraception. Even before ejaculation, during sexual intercourse, a specific lubricating secretion is already released from the man’s penis, containing a certain number of sperm, a small number of them, but one “tadpole” is enough for fertilization. Therefore, interrupted sexual intercourse and pregnancy may well coexist.

Representatives of the stronger sex sometimes have naturally very tenacious and hypermotile sperm. With sexual intimacy with a similar partner, a woman has an increased chance of becoming pregnant if contact is interrupted. When considering such a technique, it is worth considering what kind of act the couple is planning. If intimacy has already occurred, then all subsequent ones, even with PPA, can lead to successful conception. It’s just that sperm will be present in the man’s urethra before ejaculation, which will enter the genital tract in the first minutes of intimacy.

Pregnancy with interruption of PA

You need to take care of contraception in advance

So, is it possible to get pregnant with interrupted intercourse? Experts warn that such a contraceptive method is by no means reliable, because three out of ten girls are able to conceive a child with such protection. With such statistics, we can say that against the background of interrupted sexual intercourse, the probability of becoming pregnant is quite high, which must be taken into account by girls who are trying to protect themselves in this way.

The male lubricant, which begins to be released during an erection, contains a certain amount of gametes that are quite capable of fertilizing an egg. And this method does not protect against possible sexually transmitted infections. Moreover, about 60% of cases of termination of pregnancy are carried out precisely against the background of such “protection”.

But there are gynecological specialists who stubbornly deny that the lubricating mucus released from the penis contains sperm, which pose a certain threat to the egg. Although they agree that a woman is quite capable of becoming pregnant after interrupted sexual intercourse, therefore this method cannot be considered a reliable contraceptive.

When can conception occur?

Experts have identified several special cases when conception with PPA is very possible.

  1. If a man lacks self-control. During sexual intimacy, the partner experiences incredibly pleasant sensations, which significantly complicate and dull the ability to self-govern. In this condition, men may miss the very moment when they need to remove the penis, as a result of which seminal material penetrates the partner’s genital tract. Even a drop of semen can lead to conception.
  2. Ovulatory phase. During this period, a woman’s fertility is at its highest, so even PPA cannot protect against conception. The chances of fertilization are maximum.
  3. Number of proximity. If a couple does not get by with just one sexual act, then the chances of detecting two lines on the test with each intimacy increase. Even if your partner has the habit of washing the penis with soap after each contact, it is impossible to guarantee the safety of intimacy only by interruption. It’s just that sperm may remain after previous sexual intercourse in the lumen of the urethra.

When taking into account the factors described above, it becomes clear what the probability of becoming pregnant with interrupted intercourse is.

When is the risk of conception highest?

Even if a girl takes any contraceptive medications, during the ovulation phase there is the highest risk of conception. If a couple practices abortion, then the risk becomes even higher, because the female reproductive cell is fully mature and absolutely ready for fertilization. The ovulatory phase lasts about 12-40 hours, after which the reproductive system begins to prepare for the next menstruation.

Nausea after conception is common

In the period after ovulation, the possibility of fertilization occurring is very low. There is also not a particularly high chance of getting pregnant if intercourse is interrupted immediately after menstruation, when the new egg is still developing and maturing. The week before the start of menstruation is considered the safest, when for successful contraception it will be enough just to interrupt PA. It follows that the highest risk of unplanned conception occurs during the ovulatory phase. But still, the interruption technique can help a couple in terms of protection if it is combined with other methods.

For example, the calendar method for calculating ovulation. Using this technique, a girl can calculate the most dangerous days for conception, on which it is better to use barrier methods of contraception. And the rest of the time, for protection, you can get by with PPA. But it is necessary to take into account that for maximum reliability of these methods, it is necessary that menstruation be regular and the cycle as stable as possible.

If the couple is not limited to just one intimacy, then before each subsequent contact the man is recommended to urinate in order to wash away the remaining seminal fluid from the urethra, and to wash the penis with soapy water. To be on the safe side, it is better for a woman to always have emergency contraception on hand. If the partner suddenly hesitated and did not have time to remove the penis in a timely manner, the sperm got into the vagina, then you need to immediately take the appropriate drug.

PPA can also act as some kind of safety net for a woman who has recently given birth. Although there is a myth that pregnancy is impossible when breastfeeding, in practice everything is completely different. There are many families in which the children are the same age, that is, the woman managed to get pregnant while breastfeeding a 2-3 month old baby. Yes, in the first postpartum weeks, a woman’s hormonal background has not yet formed, and therefore fertilization is impossible. But after a couple of months the cycle returns to normal, and then conception becomes quite real.

Is interrupted sex harmful to health?

If couples practice interruption of intimacy as contraception, then it would be useful to become familiar with the side reactions of such protection.

  • From a physiological point of view, PPA is not able to fully satisfy male sexual needs. The reason for this is the fact that such intimacy cannot be a source of full sexual pleasure and psychological release.
  • Another disadvantage of such contraception is that interrupting intimacy is in no way capable of protecting partners from sexually transmitted infectious pathologies that are transmitted during PA.
  • Interruption of intimacy is incredibly harmful to a woman psychologically. For example, her partner categorically does not want to have offspring, but also does not accept other methods of contraception. As a result, a woman may have a very strong psychological fear of unwanted conception. As a result of such fear, it may happen that the partner loses the ability to be sexually aroused and loses sexual desire for a man.
  • The method of interrupting intimacy is also dangerous because it leads to myomatous formations in the uterine body, which today are detected in 20-45-year-old patients more often than other ailments. If a woman does not have time to get proper pleasure due to the interruption of intimacy at the most crucial moment, then she becomes overly nervous and constantly irritated. Against this background, pathologies of a psychosomatic nature are formed, which include uterine fibroids.
  • PPA is not particularly useful for the psychological component of the man himself. If the partner reaches maximum pleasure precisely at the moment of the man’s impending orgasmic sensations, then interrupting intimacy will simply negate all the pleasure. Instead of stimulating a woman's orgasm, the man will be maximally focused on the timely withdrawal of his penis before ejaculation.

If this method of contraception does not work and conception occurs, then women very often shift the responsibility for an unplanned pregnancy to their partner. It is very difficult for patients to make a choice regarding termination of pregnancy, so difficult that after an abortion, couples often separate forever.

Advantages and disadvantages of PPA contraception

A magical moment - kissing your child

The method of preventing unwanted conception by interrupting sexual contact has not only negative, but also positive aspects. Firstly, this method is quite accessible to any couple, and it is especially irreplaceable if unexpected and unplanned intimacy occurs. Secondly, PPA is a completely free means of contraception. Sometimes this factor is decisive for partners, especially during teenage sexual life.

Thirdly, interrupting intimacy is generally safe for health, while taking hormonal contraception, for example, causes many adverse reactions such as excess weight, etc. Moreover, with this method of protection, sensitivity does not decrease, as when using condoms. Sometimes PPA is an additional contraceptive method. If the patient is prone to ectopic pregnancy while wearing an IUD, then interrupting intimacy before ejaculation will help avoid the onset of ectopic pregnancy. And these are all the advantages.

As for the disadvantages, the biggest of them is the fairly high probability of conception with this method of contraception, which is about 30%. If another intimacy is planned, then the partner must take a shower and urinate in order to remove sperm remaining from the penis and urethra from the previous intimacy.

The interruption method is incredibly harmful to the male half. According to statistics, about 50% of patients under 35 years of age who suffer from prostatic pathologies have used protection for quite a long time by interrupting sexual contact. In addition, if a couple uses intimacy interruption for a long time, but then breaks up, they often have sexual problems in other relationships. It can be difficult for men to relax and reach orgasm without removing their penis, and a woman may even lose the ability to have an orgasm.

Although interrupted intimacy does not have a high enough percentage of effectiveness, it cannot be said that such a method of protection is completely ineffective. It is quite difficult for men to control themselves in moments of sexual pleasure; even sex gurus can sometimes have misfires. Therefore, experts recommend having safety measures like emergency contraceptive pills on hand in such cases.

It was said above that if sexual partners are protected by abortion for a long time and pregnancy does not occur, then most likely the spouses have certain fertility disorders. This cannot be said to be an indisputable fact. Sometimes spouses are so psychologically confident in the reliability and safety of interrupting PA, then this psychological program becomes a real subconscious attitude. Moreover, even when spouses decide to have offspring, conception does not occur, although examinations show that both partners are relatively healthy.

If partners decide to use interrupted sexual intercourse for contraception, then care must be taken to ensure the man’s sobriety. It’s just that under the influence of alcohol, a man can easily lose control and miss the right moment to remove his penis.

The contraceptive method of interrupted sexual intercourse is considered a working method of protection, because it works effectively in 70% of cases. The main thing is to take into account the features of such contraception practices, then your sex life will remain bright and rich, and unexpected surprises like an unplanned pregnancy will be avoided.

Coitus interruptus is a method of contraception that many couples use. First of all, it is popular because it is accessible and free. Most often, the method is used by couples whose relationships have been tested by time. PPA is considered by many to be a safe and effective method of contraception, but it increases the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy.

The main disadvantages of interrupted sexual intercourse are the high likelihood of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Probability of conception with PPA

Many beginners are interested in what is the likelihood of pregnancy with PPA. Reviews say that it is equal to 25% out of a hundred. The problem is especially pressing for young men who are just learning to control their ejaculation.

For a long time, there was an opinion that the likelihood of pregnancy with PPA is due to the fact that pre-ejaculate contains active sperm, which are released along with lubricant in a man at the time of arousal. But this myth is dispelled, since the lubricant contains a tiny amount of sperm that are not capable of fertilizing a woman.

However, the probability of conception with PPA is 1:25, and here is what it is associated with:

  1. Not every man is able to control his own ejaculation on the eve of the approaching orgasm. that the body gives signals and the muscles of the penis contract, not everyone is able to feel this.
  2. After each sexual intercourse, sperm remains in the urethral canal. If several visits are planned, then the man needs to thoroughly clean the urethra. Sperm remain active for up to seven days, and after the first sexual intercourse, active “tadpoles” will be present in the partner’s lubricant.
  3. Sperm remaining on the partner's genitals also carries the risk of unwanted pregnancy, so it is necessary to take a shower before each subsequent sexual intercourse.
  4. Not all women know the exact timing of their ovulation; they often change. Having hoped that sexual intercourse occurred on a safe day, after a few weeks you can see two stripes on the test.

What is the reason for the popularity of PPA

The high probability of conception when using PPA often does not bother couples in love until the first delay. Many people continue to have sex, counting on luck. There are several reasons why couples do not consider other methods of contraception:

  • Coitus interruptus is a free method of contraception. Not everyone has affordable funds for condoms, IUDs, or hormonal pills.
  • Physiological characteristics of the body. Many women experience undesirable physiological reactions to different types of contraception. For example, latex allergy, intrauterine device rejection, side effects from oral contraceptives.
  • Ignorance about the dangers of PPA and the risk of pregnancy. In our country, sex education is not very developed and many young couples are simply not aware of the consequences of such protection.
  • Many people prefer PPA because of the intense sensations that cannot be experienced while wearing a condom.
  • Many young couples, out of embarrassment and shame, do not buy contraceptives, preferring PAPs. According to reviews, the likelihood of pregnancy remains.

How safe is it to interrupt sexual intercourse?

Erectile dysfunction and prostatitis are the complications that are associated with the use of PPA. Reviews from men on this matter vary; some actually notice a deterioration in their health in the sexual sphere, while others experience psycho-emotional stress due to the inability to completely relax.

Reasons why dangerous complications develop due to PPA:

  1. Decreased contraction of the groin muscles in men. In this case, the sperm thickens, blood circulation is disrupted, and stagnation appears. Because of this, men develop chronic prostatitis and weakened erectile function.
  2. Damage to the nervous system in a man. Develops with constant use of PPA. Reviews from doctors say that a man’s inability to relax during sexual intercourse leads to impaired ejaculation due to constant tension at a crucial moment.

Main misconceptions about PAP

There are two opinions regarding PAP. If a couple has been protected using PPA for a long time, but there has been no pregnancy, then most likely one of the partners has impaired reproductive function. The second opinion is based on a psychological belief: if a couple has programmed themselves to have safe sex using PPA, then no incidents will happen.

In the scientific community, both opinions are more likely to be considered misconceptions than truth. If the psychological approach did not misfire in the form of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, then PPA would become the most convenient method of contraception.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each method of contraception has pros and cons, including PPA. Reviews on the Internet are divided into sharply negative and positive.

  • Absolutely free and accessible contraception. This is used by young couples and students.
  • Intense sensations and orgasms.
  • No time is wasted putting on a condom, during which a certain spark during sexual intercourse is lost.
  • Some women do not accept the use of oral contraceptives due to the high chances of gaining weight or disrupting hormonal levels in the body.
  • PPA does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, which are very common in the modern world.
  • Interrupted intercourse does not guarantee protection against pregnancy.
  • Men who practice PPA are more likely to have diseases of the prostate and genitourinary system.

Doctors' opinions

When asked whether it is possible to get pregnant with PPA, the doctors’ reviews are unequivocal. They do not consider it a method of contraception and have a negative attitude towards PPA for several reasons: a high probability of becoming pregnant and the possibility of contracting an STD. All experts especially note the fact that after several sexual intercourses, the likelihood of pregnancy increases due to the presence of sperm in the urethra.

What is the likelihood of pregnancy with PPA? Doctors' opinions and reviews claim that 5-6 days before ovulation, the probability increases several times compared to other days of the cycle. On normal days, 20 out of 100 couples find out about their future child within 10-12 months of using coitus interruptus.

As for men's health, it does not suffer with PPA. All opinions about impotence and circulatory disorders circulate among ordinary people, and doctors explain male dysfunction differently. Including the return of sperm into the bladder is explained by serious pathologies of the bladder sphincter, congenital or acquired.

Impact on the female body

Often women associate pain in the lower abdomen after sex with the use of interrupted coitus, but this is not true. PPA does not harm the female body. Pain can occur due to inflammatory processes in the pelvis, damage to the mucous membranes of the external and internal genital organs, cervical erosion, adhesions, psychological stress during sexual intercourse, and dry mucous membranes.

As you can see, many reasons can cause pain of varying intensity during sexual intercourse, and interrupted sexual intercourse is not one of them. The only thing that can cause discomfort in a woman is the rapid and intense friction of her partner before orgasm, which is necessary for its onset.

There is also a version that pain with PPA occurs due to psychological tension and during coitus, the vaginal walls tense and relax during orgasm; if a woman does not have time to receive pleasure, then the muscle spasm remains and causes pain.

Often women who do not otherwise protect themselves have chronic fears about unwanted pregnancy and all other consequences. This does not allow you to completely relax and disrupts the mood of both women and men.

Coitus interruptus technique

This section will be especially useful for teenagers and people using PPA for the first time. There are several preparatory steps that will help avoid unwanted pregnancy with PPA.

At the very beginning of sexual life, you should not use interrupted coitus, since the process of ejaculation is sometimes beyond control. In order to learn how to stop ejaculation, you need training and the ability to listen to your body.

Ejaculation during the first experiments can occur instantly upon entering the vagina. You can learn to identify and contain the approach of ejaculation, but the process itself cannot be stopped. It takes time to understand where the line is between pre-cum and ejaculation.

How to interrupt sexual intercourse in time

It is important for a man to understand his own body, which necessarily sends signals before ejaculation. Conventionally, the moment before orgasm is called the “peak of sensations,” and for everyone it can be accompanied by different feelings: fullness in the lower back, a feeling of a rolling pleasant wave, intense warmth in the perineum.

Hygiene during PPA

Hygiene before and after sex is important, especially with PPA. Reviews from women on forums only confirm this. Since sperm can get anywhere, even into the vagina. To avoid this, women and men need to thoroughly wash and rinse all areas that come into contact with sperm. Hygiene concerns not only the body, but also bed linen if sperm gets on it. It needs to be removed and washed well.

Opinions and reviews

Network users are divided into two camps: some are very happy with this method of contraception, others consider it extremely dangerous and pointless. Those who are happy with PPA have tested this method over time. The main thing in this case, as many women say, is maintaining control by the man and avoiding misfires. Women are also reminded of the importance of calculating the days of ovulation that are most favorable for conception.

Also, many are plagued by questions about PPA during ovulation. Reviews about this are most reliable on medical forums, where they write that the probability of pregnancy on dangerous days is 6 cases out of 10.

What to do if there is a misfire during PPA

You can often come across topics on the Internet where a girl became pregnant with PPA, and reviews advise taking emergency measures. The latter include taking hormonal pills with large doses of hormones, which completely prevent the likelihood of pregnancy.

Emergency hormonal drugs include "Postinor", "Escapelle" and others. They cannot be used just like that, because it is a strong blow to the female body.

PPA and other methods of contraception

Girls online share their ways of combining other methods of contraception with PPA. Reviews say that on dangerous days, ladies whose partners use interrupted intercourse play it safe with condoms or spermicidal agents, such as suppositories, gels, and lubricants.

You should definitely not use PPA on the day of ovulation. Reviews from such girls usually end with the phrase that this time it “didn’t work out” and now the couple is expecting a child. Also, you should not use the method the first time you have sex with an unfamiliar partner, since the absence of a condom is fraught with the appearance of sexually transmitted diseases.


Despite the abundance of contraceptive methods in the modern world (coils, condoms, pills, subcutaneous hormone injections, tubal ligation), PPA remains one of the most popular and accessible. This is due to the fact that the method does not require financial costs.

But nevertheless, PPA should not be used when having sex for the first time, during sexual intercourse with strangers, and during the period of ovulation. The method has many disadvantages, mainly associated with a high risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

If a couple decides to protect themselves in this way, then it is worth combining it with the use of other contraceptives on dangerous days. In cases where one of the partners does not achieve orgasm when using PPA, it is worth paying attention to other methods of protection against pregnancy.