Armament instant 31. “Encyclopedia of world weapons. Long road to heaven


Mig-31 – This high-speed high-altitude fighter-interceptor. It's intended not for close, maneuverable combat. It's intended only for destroying speedy targets flying at altitudes from 25 meters to 37 kilometers. Physical ceiling Mig-31 equals 37,650 meters. Swift height speeds fighter planes slowed down after it has been reached triple the speed of sound. The fact is that further increase fighter speed would lead to significant increasing complexity and cost designs. Therefore, in further work we decided to focus on something else, improve on-board equipment and weapons. This is what served the beginning of history interceptor fighter Mig-31.


During times cold war Very challenging task for Soviet air defense was protection of the northern and Far Eastern borders of the country. There it is forbidden was deploy enough radar stations and airfields. In such conditions an interceptor was needed with a large range. Existing interceptor at that time Mig-25 didn't have sufficient radius actions. The situation was aggravated and the fact that tactics have also changed actions of attack aircraft that began to try to overcome the air defense system at ultra-low altitudes flight. In addition to everything, at this time, there appeared cruise missiles, who were flying at ultra-low altitudes with relief bending areas and had relatively small sizes.

MiG-31 interceptor fighter

Principles creating an interceptor Mig-31 were further logical continuation of development an existing fighter-interceptor Mig-25. The first and main difference of these machines is that Mig-25 was an interceptor "one to one" that is one aircraft intended to destroy one target at the same time. Mig-31 became capable of destroying several goals at the same time.

Judging based on operating experience different Soviet fighters existing at that time, we lacked altitude, range, speed flight at ultra-low altitudes, radars sufficient power, missiles with long range flight.

I also needed a plane capable of withstanding even large groups of targets in interaction with other planes. Control this the group should have be carried out by using special data transmission equipment.

Mig-31 over the taiga

Development Mig-31 started in 1968. This first Soviet fighter on which they installed double-circuit turbojet engines . They are more economical on demon afterburner and also have smaller sizes. Greater efficiency engines allowed increase fuel supply by plane. Engine has the designation D-30F-6. Total thrust of two engines on afterburner mode 31 t/sec. Wing has a developed mechanization - slats and flaps. This increases lift at low speeds flight. Time patrolling Mig-31 without refueling 3.5 hours. This at two times more than Mig-25.

Speed ​​and altitude flight Mig-25 And Mig-31 differ not much. The main thing is them difference V weapons And electronic filling. Mig-25 single seat plane, and Mig-31 double. On Mig-31 in the front the first one sits in the cabin pilot, A in the back sitting in the cabin navigator-operator. Accordingly, combat The efficiency of the Mig-31 is an order of magnitude higher. At necessity navigator-operator Maybe take control by plane to myself. Installed in the navigator-operator's cabin large round screen by display radio electronic information about tactical situation around the plane. Responsibilities crew distributed So . Commander ship pilots machine, performs rocket launches, shooting from a cannon and accepts final decisions according to the situation. Navigator lays route, if necessary changes it and executes preparation for air battle.

Mig-31 phased array radar

Mig-31 weapons control system got the name "Barrier." Its basis radar station with a phased antenna array. On Mig-25 the radar station was with mechanical rotation of the locator, and on Mig-31 space scans electron beam radar station and he does it instantly. Moreover Phased beam radar antenna array gives coordinates several at once goals. On Mig-25 The radar gave coordinates only one goal and on Mig-31 ten at once. Moreover the computer determines the most dangerous of them. Range detection up to 400 kilometers. "Barrier" provides full complex military operations. He detects, accompanies, issues a decision to seize goals.

Pilot job comes down to doing necessary maneuver right, left, up, down, align the crosshairs with the target mark and press button .

Mig-31 – This first interceptor fighter capable of destroying several goals AT THE SAME TIME, including cruise missiles, flying at ultra-low altitude - up to 25 meters. He makes a start FOUR missiles FOUR different goals in one attack approximately within 10 seconds. Interceptor can work without funds ground guidance on target.

Installed on the machine noise-resistant coded data transmission system. This allows several airplanes exchange information about the air situation between themselves And transmit her to the ground.

Group from FOUR cars Mig-31 capable of controlling airspace 1200 kilometers wide. Mig-31 can be used as command post For management other types of aircraft, for example Su-30.

Also Mig-31 equipped with device thermal detection with range work 50 kilometers.

Mig-31 high-speed high-altitude interceptor

First copy airplane Mig-31 was built in the summer of 1975. Test pilot Alexander Fedotov for the first time lifted the car into the sky September 16, 1975. The car was entered service in May 1981. His massive recruitment began in the first half of the 80s years 20th centuries . By the end of 80 years, the planes were scattered over more than 20 airfields throughout the entire territory of the USSR.

Some specifications airplane Mig-31. Dimensions aircraft: Length 22.7 meters, Height 6.15 meters, Wing span 13.46 meters. Maximum takeoff weight 46,200 kilograms. Maximum speed flight on the ceiling 3,800 km/h. Working height flight about 30,000 meters. Range flight about 4 000 kilometers.

Mig-31, at his weight more than 40 tons, classified as airship. The plane has arrived to replace several other interceptors, but significantly superior their on combat characteristics. The crews had to get used to long flights. Flights could take place over Arctic Ocean, and this gave additional psychological load.

Mig-31 on the ground

Mig-31 armed four rockets long-range "R-33". They are suspended under the fuselage. Rocket "R-33" has flight range 120 km. She is capable of striking expressways targets at heights from 25 meters to 35 kilometers. Under the wing suspended from pylons four rockets neighbor battle "R-60" or two rockets average range "R-40". Also Mig-31 armed six-barreled gun "GSh-6-23. Caliber 23 mm, ammunition 260 shells. She is situated in the fairing behind the right landing gear.

Foreign intelligence naturally showed genuine interest to this plane. Before for a certain time it was quite possible effectively hide the Mig-31 from prying eyes and not to reveal there is no information about him. But V 1985 year in Moscow was detained by authorities KGB some Adolf Tolkachev – employee of one of defense enterprises. It turned out that he was transmitting information to the West about the armament of the Mig-29 and Mig-31. This served an extra push for further improvement these planes.


New modification Mig-31 received improved radar And modified rockets "R-33". Updated version got the name Mig-31B. The device was also installed refueling in the air. This increased the radius aircraft actions. It was especially important in the northern latitudes

Thirtieth July 1987 of the year for the first time in the world on fighter-interceptor MiG-31 the flight was made through North Pole. The car was in the air 7 hours. In-flight refueling on this flight was carried out twice.

By the beginning of the 90s years was released about 500 interceptors Mig-31 of various modifications.

Getting ready to launch to serial production the following modification – Mig-31M. He had a new one electronic filling, were introduced design changes to improve flight performance characteristics, new ones were installed - more economical engines with higher thrust, increased quantity fuel. On modification Mig-31M sighting system was installed "Barrier M." He could accompany simultaneously already 24 goals and destroy 6 of them SIMULTANEOUSLY. Quantity distant rockets, under the fuselage increased from four to six. Detection range and range destruction goals significantly increased.

But in the 90s years ago happened collapse of the country and modification "M" didn't go all the way even tests. Technical backlog embedded in Mig-31M, was used during modernization already existing airplanes. They are of course did not work out with the characteristics of the Mig-31M, but definite change for the better side happened.

First modernized vehicles arrived at military units in 2008. They are designated Mig-31BM. This modification received multifunction displays in the cabin, the car was equipped satellite navigation, quantity suspension points under the wing increased from two to four. According to some combat missions Mig-31BM became almost four times more efficient. Lanterns cabins rise and fall by using compressed nitrogen. Increased mass the machine required making the main landing gear not one, but two wheels. This allows use Mig-31BM from ice airfields.

For today day Mig-31 is the most powerful interception complex in Russia. It will be used for a long time yet.

- the only fighter in the history of the Soviet and Russian Air Forces, officially called an “airship”. In the entire history of aviation, one of the most advanced interceptors is this aircraft, capable of combat operations at high speeds and, for the first time in world practice, equipped with a phased array radar.

History of creation

In the 70s of the last century, there were many aircraft called interceptors, but none of them, even the newest one, had the ability to intercept high-speed targets at low altitude. Then they were just beginning to develop projects and, but before 1985 they could not go into operation. A new interceptor was urgently needed.

Back in the 80s, the Mikoyan Design Bureau began research into a program to create a new aircraft that could detect targets at altitudes from 100 m to 30 km. A type of heavy loitering two-seat interceptor was developed, completely autonomous from ground command posts.

General designer V.A. became the project manager in 1972. Belyakov, the vehicle received the designation E-155MP at the OKB. The new MiG received two-circuit powerful engines D-30F, new weapons, Radar with a phased array and a modern sighting and navigation system.

The first flight on the prototype E-155MP in the fall of 1975 on September 16 was performed by the chief pilot of the Mikoyan Design Bureau A.V. Fedotov. The following year, after the May holidays, the second prototype was tested in the air. Then the state flight test program began, which continued until 1980. Already in 1981, the vehicle that received the designation entered air defense combat units.

Description of design

The traditional aerodynamic design includes a high trapezoidal wing and a tail consisting of two fins and a rotary stabilizer. All airframe parts are made of titanium and aluminum alloys, which significantly reduces the weight of the structure.

A three-spar wing with bulges at the points where it interfaces with the fuselage increases the aerodynamic characteristics of flight at high angles of attack; this is also facilitated by the high mechanization of the wing.

The design of the landing gear is made in an original way; in the two-wheeled main support bogie, the front wheel is shifted to the inner side, and the rear wheel, on the contrary, is shifted to the outer side, which increases the aircraft’s maneuverability on unpaved and ice runways.

The front stand with two wheels retracts back.

The air intakes are the same as those, located on the sides, rectangular in cross-section, adjustable. Seven fuel tanks are located in the fuselage, four in the wings and two in the fin. The total fuel supply is 17,330 kg; it is possible to attach two additional tanks with a total capacity of 5 thousand liters.

In the cockpits of the aircraft, located in tandem, there is a pilot and a navigator-operator in the back. The navigator has the main part of the instruments for working with the airborne radar. In early aircraft, the navigator-operator had one large round and two rectangular CRT indicators.

After modernization, both cabins are equipped with color LCD displays. The navigator-operator's cabin is equipped with a telescopic retractable handle and engine control levers. The white stripe on the instrument board serves the commander to quickly restore spatial orientation during instrument flight.

For the first time in the world, a radar with a phased array antenna was installed. The SBI-16 Zaslon station provides tracking of 10 targets and the ability to simultaneously capture four of them. Targets are detected at a distance of up to 300 km and, using data transmission equipment, information can be transmitted to other aircraft or a ground control point.

The thermal direction finder, coupled with the radar, made it possible to secretly probe the airspace in search of targets unnoticed by enemy radar stations.

Technical and flight data of the MiG-31M

  • The length of the aircraft at the tip of the PVD is 22.68 m
  • Height to the upper tip of the keels – 6.15 m
  • Wingspan – 13.46 m
  • Powerplant – 2 X TRDDF D-30F
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio – 2 X 34170 kN
  • Unfueled aircraft weight – 21825 kg
  • Maximum take-off weight with two PTBs – 52 t
  • Fuel capacity in internal tanks – 16350 kg
  • Maximum speed at altitude – M=2.3
  • Maximum speed at an altitude of 17.5 km – 3 thousand km/h
  • Cruising speed – M=0.85
  • Highest ground speed – 1500 km/h
  • Dynamic ceiling – 20600 m
  • Combat radius – 720 km
  • Ferry range – 3300 km
  • Crew – 2 people
  • Armament: long-range missiles R-33, medium-range missiles R-40T and short-range missiles R-60, Р-60М, Р-73.

Initially, the GSh-23-6 cannon was installed, but then it was abandoned. The modernized MiGs could carry adjustable KAB-500 and KAB-1500 aerial bombs

Modernization and resumption of production of the MiG-31

Now Mig-31 It rises into the air only when it is being prepared for combat duty or when it has already taken over. According to experts, this aviation complex has no equal in the world in terms of speed, altitude, and rate of climb in the range of combat use for which it is intended.

Opinion on the restoration of production and modernization Mig-31 was expressed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and it was supported by deputies of the relevant committee in the State Duma, representatives of the military-industrial complex and the Ministry of Defense. It was decided that production would begin at the Nizhny Novgorod Aviation Enterprise, and modernization would also continue there.

Modern warfare and combat conditions require the interceptor to ensure that its units and components, units with new airborne radars, weapons and cabin equipment meet all the requirements of modern interception for the protection and security of Russian military facilities. No one, not even the Americans, has an interceptor capable of reflecting missile attacks.

MiG-31 crashes

Due to the severe deterioration of the aircraft fleet, flight accidents occur constantly, but in fairness it should be noted that thanks to the high training of the flight crew, the death of pilots in most cases can be prevented. Here are just some of the accidents and disasters from 1995 to 2015.


On May 31, near the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, during the climb after takeoff, the power plant located on the right caught fire. The crew tried to localize the fire, but at that time the left engine caught fire, the pilots had to immediately eject. Both crew members were not injured.


On January 15, an airplane was recorded falling from a high altitude of 12-13 km. The car fell near the village of Kuloy, Arkhangelsk region, and exploded when it hit the ground. The crew died.

On September 27, a fire started on the right power unit on a plane taking off from the Khotilovo airfield in the Tver Region. All attempts by the crew to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful. On command from the ground, the pilots ejected, having previously directed the burning car into a deserted area.

year 2000

On April 5 at night, returning to the Kotlas airfield in the Arkhangelsk region, the main landing gear broke during landing and the plane was abruptly thrown off the runway. One crew member died from his injuries.


In the Karaganda region, the Kazakh armed forces, while performing a landing approach, did not reach the runway 7 km, collided with the ground and collapsed. Both pilots were killed. As it turned out later, the cause was a failure of flight and navigation instruments.


In April, while performing training flights from the Kansk airfield in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the canopy was torn off from the cockpit. This happened at an altitude of 12 km and an outside air temperature of 56 degrees at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. The pilots managed to slow down, quickly lose altitude and land at their airfield. Both pilots were presented with government awards.


On January 18, the crew taking off from the Bolshoye Savino airfield (Perm) had to make an emergency landing due to the failure of oxygen equipment. Competent actions of the pilots and the flight control team helped prevent a flight accident and land at the departure airfield.


On October 30, while performing scheduled flights from one airfield in Kamchatka, the aircraft mark disappeared from the radar screens. The fate of the plane and crew is still unknown.

Video MiG-31: takeoff, landing

The newest best military aircraft of the Russian Air Force and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as a combat weapon capable of ensuring “superiority in the air” was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a special combat aircraft superior to all others in speed, maneuverability, altitude and the use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, Nieuport II Webe biplanes arrived at the front. This was the first aircraft built in France that was intended for air combat.

The most modern domestic military aircraft in Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiysky, S. Utochkin. The first domestic cars of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau began to appear. In 1913, the Russian Knight heavy aircraft made its first flight. But one cannot help but recall the first creator of the aircraft in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

Soviet military aircraft of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War sought to hit enemy troops, their communications and other targets in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bomber aircraft capable of carrying a large bomb load over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions to bomb enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding of the fact that their implementation must be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to resolve the issue of specialization of bomber aircraft, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, latest models of military aircraft in Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter aircraft, so the first step in this direction was an attempt to arm existing aircraft with small offensive weapons. Mobile machine gun mounts, which began to be equipped with aircraft, required excessive efforts from pilots, since controlling the machine in maneuverable combat and simultaneously firing from unstable weapons reduced the effectiveness of shooting. The use of a two-seater aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members served as a gunner, also created certain problems, because the increase in weight and drag of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

What types of planes are there? In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new, more powerful engines, structural materials, and electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds have become the main flight modes of fighter aircraft. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the takeoff and landing characteristics and maneuverability of the aircraft sharply deteriorated. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a level that it became possible to begin creating aircraft with variable sweep wings.

For Russian combat aircraft, in order to further increase the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, it was necessary to increase their power supply, increase the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also improve the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. To significantly increase thrust, and therefore flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. Improving the aerodynamic shapes of aircraft consisted of using wings and tail surfaces with large sweep angles (in the transition to thin delta wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

Main characteristics

    Crew, people 2

Weight, kg:

    normal takeoff 41000

    maximum takeoff (with two PTBs) 45900

    empty plane 22680

    fuel in internal tanks 15500

    maximum combat load 3000

Maximum flight speed, km/h:

    near the ground 1500

    at an altitude of 3000 (M=2.83)

    Flight range (without refueling), km 3000

Interception line, km:

    afterburner 720 (M=2.35)

    afterburner with PTB 1400

    Combat radius at altitude, km 1200

    Practical ceiling, m 20600

    Maximum flight duration, h 3.5

Length, m:

    takeoff run 1200

    mileage 800

    Maximum operational overload, units. 5

    Based (airfield class) II

Aircraft dimensions, m:

    length 22.69

    height 6.15

    wingspan 13.46

    Wing area, m 61.6

The MiG-31 is a further modernization of the MiG-25 interceptor fighter. Designed for use in the air defense system, it is capable of performing long-term patrols and combating all classes of aerodynamic targets, including small cruise missiles, helicopters and high-altitude supersonic aircraft at any time of the day, in any weather and with intensive electronic warfare.

The aircraft is a two-seater, designed according to a normal aerodynamic configuration with a trapezoidal high-mounted wing, an all-moving stabilizer and a two-tail tail. The airframe of the aircraft is made of 50% stainless steel, 150% titanium, 33% aluminum alloys and 1% other structural materials. Serial production began in 1979 at the aircraft plant in Gorky.

The main differences between the MiG-31 and the MiG-25P interceptor aircraft are associated with changes in the wing design, an increase in the capacity of the fuel system and the use of large external fuel tanks.

The aircraft is equipped with R-33 long-range air-to-air guided missiles, which are placed under the fuselage on semi-recessed tandem suspensions.

The power plant of the MiG-31 fighter includes two D-30F6 bypass turbojet engines with an afterburner thrust of 15,500 kgf.

The internal fuel supply with a total mass of 16,350 kg is located in seven fuselage, four wing and two keel tanks. It is possible to attach two 2500 hp tanks to the underwing units.

The crew consists of two people - a pilot and a navigator-operator. They are placed in a two-seat cabin in a tandem configuration on K-36DM ejection seats.

The basis of the aircraft's avionics is the Zaslon (RP-31) weapon control system. It ensures the use of air-to-air missiles with radar and thermal homing heads, as well as small arms and cannon weapons. The Zaslon SUV consists of an on-board radar with a phased array antenna BRLS-8B, a heat direction finder 8TK, a sighting and flight indicator PPI-70V and a state identification interrogator.

The BRLS-8B has a detection range of bomber-type air targets of 180,200 km. The horizontal viewing sector is 140°, vertical - from + 70° to - 60°. The station allows you to detect targets both in the upper hemisphere and against the background of the earth's surface, simultaneously track up to ten targets and point missiles at four of them.

The 8TK thermal direction finder is interfaced with an on-board radar and is designed for passive surveillance of the airspace, as well as providing target designation to missiles with an infrared seeker. The direction finder detects bomber-type targets at a range of 50 km.

Flight and navigation equipment includes the automatic control system SAU-155MP and the KN-25 navigation complex with two inertial navigation systems with a digital computer "Maneuver", a short-range radio navigation system "Radikal-NP", a radio engineering long-range navigation system "Kvitok-2". Radio navigation equipment ensures that a fighter-interceptor is brought to a given area with an accuracy of 0.13 - 4 km almost anywhere on the globe.

The MiG-31 performs combat missions in cooperation with a ground-based automated digital control system operating in remote guidance, semi-autonomous (coordinate support) modes, alone, and also as part of a group of four aircraft with automatic intra-group information exchange. The digital noise-resistant communication system ensures the automatic exchange of tactical information in a group of four interceptors, separated from each other at a distance of up to 200 km, and the targeting of a group of fighters with less powerful avionics (MiG-29, Su-27). In this case, the MiG-31 aircraft serves as a guidance point.

A group of four MiG-31s ​​is capable of controlling airspace with a front length of 800 - 900 km. Target distribution, as well as the assignment of targets for attack, is carried out by the group leader according to the information displayed on the tactical situation indicator, with subsequent automatic transmission on board the slave interceptors.

MiG-31 aircraft can also form a battle formation for all-round visibility of the airspace (as on an AWACS aircraft).


The MiG-31's armament includes:
- four long-range air-to-air missiles R-33 (launch range in the forward hemisphere up to 120 km, combat altitude from 0.05 to 28 km);
- two medium-range air-to-air missiles R-40T with a thermal seeker (launch range in the front hemisphere 50 km, combat altitude from 0.05 to 30 km);
- built-in six-barreled gun GSh-6-23 with a rate of fire of 6000 rounds/min. and 260 rounds of ammunition (under the fuselage).
Instead of the R-40T missile launcher, it is possible to install four short-range R-60M missiles (launch range 0.2 - 8 km, combat altitude 0.03 - 20 km).
The MiG-31 interceptor fighter was developed in 1975 and has been in service with the Air Force since 1981.
In terms of tasks performed, equipment composition, flight performance and combat characteristics, the MiG-31 is significantly superior to existing domestic and foreign interception systems.
Upgraded versions of the MiG-31 aircraft are the MiG-31B (MiG-31BS), MiG-31M fighter-interceptors, the MiG-31FE multirole front-line fighter, and the MiG-31BM. They are equipped with improved radars, on-board equipment, weapons and control systems, which made it possible to expand the combat and technical capabilities of the aircraft, as well as the range of tasks they solve.

Interceptor fighter MiG-31B (MiG-31BS)

A modernized version of the MiG-31 aircraft. Its main differences from the production car:
- use of the improved Zaslon-A weapons control system;
- installation of an in-flight refueling system;
- introduction of new modes of information transmission;
- modernization of the navigation computer, which ensured the introduction of long-range radio navigation and space navigation systems into the interceptor’s on-board equipment, which dramatically increased the reliability of aircraft navigation at high latitudes.

Deep modernization of the MiG-31 aircraft. Main differences from the base machine:
- a more advanced modification of the Zaslon-M radar has been installed with a significantly greater target detection range and an increased number of detected and tracked targets;
- the possibility of using six new missiles with an even greater launch range and medium-range missiles of the RVV-AE type as additional weapons has been provided;
- a satellite navigation system was introduced;

Modernized D-30F-6M engines were installed;
- the interior of the navigator-operator's cabin has been changed;
- the fuel supply in the internal tanks has been increased, an in-flight refueling system has been installed;
- personal protection and electronic countermeasures equipment is combined into an on-board defense complex, and the possibility of using active jamming stations is provided.

Multirole front-line fighter MiG-31FE

Project for the next modification of the MiG-31 aircraft.

The MiG-31FE has had its weapons system modified and new on-board equipment installed.

Such an aircraft is capable of using most of the air-to-surface guided missiles in service in the Russian Air Force. The main means of destroying ground-based radars can be Kh-31P and Kh-25MP missiles, and anti-ship missiles with an active radar homing head for surface sea targets. Tactical air-to-surface guided weapons will include two Kh-59M missiles or three X-59 missiles with a television-command guidance system or three lighter Kh-29L (T) missiles. Instead of guided missiles, adjustable aerial bombs can be suspended on the aircraft: three KAB-1500L (Kr) or eight KAB-500L (KAB-500Kr). The laser-television equipment of the air-to-surface weapon control system will be placed in a suspended container. The maximum combat load weight should be 9000 kg (six FAB-1500 bombs).

To engage air targets, the MiG-31FE has long-range missiles, RVV-AE medium-range missiles and R-73 close-range missiles. In the mixed weapon version, the MiG-31FE is equipped with weapons of both types (for example, four Kh-31 and four RVV-AE), with air-to-surface weapons located under the fuselage and air-to-air weapons under the wing. In terms of layout, design and power plant, the MiG-31FE is practically no different from the serial MiG-31 interceptor. At the request of the customer, Western-made weapons and equipment can be installed and integrated with Russian systems on the aircraft.

The MiG-31BM multirole fighter is an aircraft with expanded combat capabilities to engage air targets and a significantly increased strike potential. A prototype of this machine was built in 1998 and was demonstrated during the display of the MFI multirole fighter on January 12, 1999. It is proposed to re-equip the serial MiG-31B and MiG-31BS combat aircraft based on the MiG-31BM model.

Currently, the MiG-31 is the most popular type of interceptor fighter in the Russian Air Force. In total, more than 400 MiG-31 and MiG-31B aircraft were produced.

The MiG-31BM is currently one of the most versatile fighter-interceptors in the world. In international codification it was named Foxhound, which means “fox hound”. It is safe to say that the MiG-31 is the best in all respects. It is designed to detect and destroy the enemy at extreme altitudes under any conditions.

History of appearance

The MiG-31BM project received approval only in the early 1970s. Before this, for several years the best military engineers of the Soviet Union were engaged in the creation of the MiG-31 strike fighter under the leadership of K. Vasilchenko. Since 1975, the project has been headed by K. Vasilchenko. On his shoulders lay not only the development of the concept of a supersonic aircraft, but also its testing.

Initially, the MiG-31BM interceptor fighter could hit targets during daylight hours. Gradually, navigation equipment was improved. In the spring of 1976, it was decided to introduce new electronic tracking tools into the aircraft's software. Thanks to this, the combat capabilities of the fighter have expanded. So, there was a radar with a phased antenna on board.

The plane was built according to the “tandem” design, that is, the crew had to accommodate only two people. The pilot was assigned the functions of piloting, and the navigator was responsible for processing operational data. The first successful tests of the aircraft took place at the end of 1978, and a year and a half later, by decree of the USSR government, the project was completed.

Characteristic differences of the series

The MiG-31BM has a number of important distinctive features from the original MiG-31. First of all, this concerns the on-board radar complex. Thanks to this equipment, the crew is able to detect up to 24 targets in a matter of seconds. In addition, a third of them can be attacked at once. The Mig-31BM also has technical characteristics related to the anti-radar protection system. It includes such missile launchers as Kh-25MPU, Kh-29T, Kh-31P and others. In addition, the distinctive features of the series can include an upgraded laser guidance system.

For the comfort of the crew, a special cabin layout was developed. Now the pilot has the opportunity to receive data in a timely manner. Previously, the commander could not know what his navigator was doing. To monitor the situation, the cockpit is equipped with a 10-inch diagonal multifunction indicator. The navigator, in turn, was able to display radar information on the screen.

Fighter design

The 31BM airframe model was developed on the basis of the MiG-25. During the design, special attention was paid to the body, which can withstand 25% more lifting load than previous versions. The shell is made of 50% steel, 33% high-strength aluminum alloy and 13% titanium. The rocket launcher is half fixed in the body. The MiG-31BM aircraft has engine technical characteristics similar to the prototypes from the Tu-134. We are talking about which was developed back in 1979. These are powerful modular engines with a nozzle and an afterburner. When launching a fighter, the “fire track” method is used. Vibration combustion is automatically eliminated by a combined collector. The engines themselves are made of titanium, iron and nickel.

Radar characteristics

The MiG-31BM is a new generation multirole fighter. Its main advantage over the enemy is its universal radar, which includes two modernized systems.

The first was called “Barrier”. It was put into service back in 1981. The system is capable of detecting a ground target with an error probability of 0.5% at a distance of up to 200 km. The visibility range in the air is 35 km. “Barrier” makes it possible to simultaneously attack 8 channels. The fighter is capable of hitting targets in a “dead loop” mode.

An additional Zaslon-M radar entered service in 2008. It makes it possible to detect flying targets up to 320 km and engage targets up to 290 km. At the moment, no fighter in the world has such characteristics. In addition, the Zaslon-M has a built-in 8TP heat direction finder, capable of identifying living targets up to 56 km even in difficult climatic conditions.

The package also includes a digital noise protection system from the MiG-31.

Description: performance characteristics

The length of the fighter version 31BM is 21.6 m with a wingspan of 13.5 m. The mass of the supersonic vehicle is 21.8 tons. The maximum weight when fully loaded is up to 47 tons. The total volume of the tanks is 17 thousand liters of fuel.

The total thrust of the engines in afterburner is 31,000 kgf. At the same time, the maximum threshold for operational overload is 5G. It is not for nothing that the MiG-31BM is considered the most “hardy” fighter in the world.

The technical characteristics of the on-board equipment allow the supersonic interceptor to reach the speed barrier of 3000 km/h. In this case, cruising acceleration is 2500 km/h. Without refueling, the fighter is capable of flying over a distance of up to 3,000 km. The height ceiling is 20.5 km. The average flight duration without refueling is 3.3 hours.

Weapon characteristics

The MiG-31BM is equipped with a 23-mm multi-shell cannon of the GSh-6-23M series, as well as R-33, R-40T, R-60 and R-60M guided missiles. It is worth noting the rate of fire of the GSh-6-23M installation. It is up to 10,000 rounds per minute.

The missile systems are located on 6 suspensions. Plus additional two points for PTB. The suspensions are fixed evenly on the body and wings. include 4 long- and medium-range missiles each. The modernized models have the R-77 missile launcher system with 4 projectiles.

The fighter's armament allows the crew to hit targets with high precision both on the ground and in the air. Bombing is carried out using laser navigation. The maximum mass of the total combat load is 9 tons.

Popular modifications

Since the implementation of the MiG-31 project, a huge number of different variations of the aircraft have appeared. The most popular of them was the MiG-31BM. This multifunctional supersonic interceptor is capable of not only attacking targets at long ranges, but also carrying out reconnaissance thanks to the integrated new generation radar. A simplified version of the version is the MiG-31B.

Models letters “D” and “I” are designed for launching small satellites. MiG-31LL is an aerial laboratory. The 31M fighter has enhanced armament and is often used as a bomber. Models "FE" and "E" are export options.

Fighter Application

The MiG-31 generation aircraft were designed to replace the outdated versions of the Tu-128 and Su-15. In the fall of 1984, the fighters arrived at the USSR Air Force on Sakhalin Island. Ten years later, Russia had about three hundred interceptors on its balance sheet. It was these winged vehicles that controlled the air during the second Chechen war.

In 2014, the government of the country decided to modernize all MiG-31s ​​in service. It is expected that in 5-6 years all obsolete models of the series will be upgraded to the MiG-31BM.

Today fighters are used in reconnaissance.

Basing and export

The technical characteristics of the MiG-31BM aircraft are literally amazing. That is why these fighters are so in demand in other countries. However, most of the devices are located in the Russian Air Force.

Currently, the 31BM model is based at 6 military airfields. Most of them are located in Yelizovo - about 30 units. Next come the bases Khotilovo (24 units) and Central Angular (14 units).

The leading country in the content of export MiG-31s ​​is Kazakhstan. At the Karaganda airfield, the 610th base has 33 fighters.