Where to see pandas. Which zoos have pandas? Little legend about Big Panda

Experts believe that communication with animals has a beneficial effect on people's mental health. We've found five places to go to meet furry therapists. These specialists will require food and affection from you as payment.

Find yourself in the kingdom of rabbits

The island of Okunoshima in Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan is inhabited only by rabbits. Note that this island was classified for a long time, since during the Second World War a top-secret production of poisonous gases was located there. After the war, the laboratory was destroyed and the island was deserted. Now only the museum and the empty factory buildings remind of the past.

There are two versions of how the fluffies got to the island. Perhaps these are the descendants of experimental animals, or maybe the descendants of six rabbits that were left here in the 70s by schoolchildren who came on an excursion. Now their number reaches almost a thousand, because there are none on the island natural enemies. Moreover, local authorities carefully protect the highlight of the new tourist attraction - it is prohibited to come to the island with cats and dogs. What is welcome is food for animals. Rabbits will enjoy the treats with pleasure and will not hesitate to jump right onto your lap.

Listen to the synchronized purring

There are two more in Japan unusual islands- Aoshima and Tashiro. Here other fluffies rule the roost: cats. Their population is several times larger than that of humans. The islands turned into cats in about the same way. Cats were imported en masse to fight rats. On Tashiro, rodents destroyed silkworm caterpillars, and on Aoshima, they damaged fishermen's nets. However, the young population left the islands, leaving only pensioners and feral cats.

Note that cats saved the inhabitants of Tashiro Island from the last devastating earthquake in 2011. They, sensing trouble, raised such a howl that people took notice and evacuated to the top of the hill. Note that in Japan, cats are considered sacred, so on these islands you can find cat temples, as well as houses reminiscent of these animals. Bring along a couple of bags of food for the tabby and enjoy the synchronized purring!

Hug with a giant panda

This can be done at the research center for studying the breeding process of giant pandas in the Chengdu Nature Reserve in China. Here, on an area of ​​200 hectares, giant pandas, as well as their relatives, miniature but no less beautiful red pandas, live in an environment close to nature. Visitors can observe their lives while walking along paved trails.

There are also several restaurants and a pond with black swans. By the way, to see awake pandas, you need to come to their feeding at 8.30 - 9.00, because the rest of the time these cute creatures sleep. Please note that the service of photographing cuddles with pandas is not currently available in order to protect the animals from the outbreak of certain diseases. However, previously such a pleasure cost about 2,000 yuan, and tourists had to book the opportunity to communicate with pandas in advance. The entrance ticket costs 58 yuan.

Meet the lemurs

Since the cartoon “Madagascar” conquered the world, lemurs have firmly established themselves on the list of cute things to see. You can interact with these amazing animals with expressive eyes on their home island.

If the inhabitants of the wild are unlikely to allow you to touch them, then the animals living on the territory of the Vakona Forest Lodge are completely tame. Please note that the hotel is located in a picturesque location on the border of several natural parks. It is made in eco-style and consists of 28 bungalows; the restaurant offers a beautiful view of the lake.

Hold a koala

The koala rounds out our top five cutest animals. At the Chiang Mai Zoo in Thailand, for 1,000 baht you can hold these eternally sleepy creatures from Australia in your arms. By the way, to see tree bears awake, you need to come to the zoo from 8.00 to 9.00 and from 16.00 to 17.00, at which time the animals are fed. In addition to these wonderful creatures, the zoo is home to hippos, elephants, pandas and other animals. Entrance costs 150 baht.

Well, are you already impatient to go on a trip? Then quickly buy cheap air tickets on our website and get ready to meet the cutest creatures.

To the question: Which cities in Russia have pandas (circus zoos or something similar...)??? given by the author Dmitry Kibisov the best answer is There are none! Sometimes they brought me to Moskovsky, but only on trips.
Because China prohibits the export of them forever, there is only the opportunity to literally “rent” them - for a lot of money, of course, a million dollars! + subject to adequate maintenance and for a strictly specified period of time (exactly 1 year).
Here, read about pandas when they were in Moscow:
The twentieth century
In 1957, the giant panda first settled in Russia, in a special house on the territory of the Moscow Zoo. It was a large male named Pin-Pin. And in the summer of 1959, we managed to purchase a second copy, according to the plan, in pair with Pin-Ping. His name was An-An, but, unfortunately, he also turned out to be a male. So two handsome little boys lived in Moscow. In 1961, an Austrian merchant took a large group of African animals to China and exchanged them for a young female giant panda named Chi-Chi. With this “zoological star,” as one of the prominent English zoologists called it, the owner of Chi-Chi arrived in England, where he sold it to the London Zoological Society for huge money. In 1966, the British proposed to the Moscow Zoo to combine the Moscow gentleman An-An with Chi-Chi. They agreed, and the overseas bride arrived from London to Moscow by special plane. It was housed in a transport “carriage” made of plexiglass, non-ferrous metals and plastic. This extraordinary guest was met by zoologists, employees of the capital's zoo, employees of the British Embassy and a great many correspondents. One of them said jokingly: “I often visit the capital’s international airport as part of my work, but I have never met a single prime minister like this.” And indeed, there was a lot of noise.
Chi-Chi lived at the Moscow Zoo for six months, but did not become friends with An-An and was sent back. In 1968, the experiment was repeated. This time An-An flew to visit Chi-Chi. He lived in London for six months and also to no avail. But, as you know, every cloud has a silver lining: both meetings, although they did not give the desired result, helped us better understand the peculiarities of the biology of giant pandas. For example, no one suspected that animals that are good-natured in appearance and completely gentle in character can, under certain circumstances, be very aggressive. Sometimes there were even brutal fights between our heroes. It was necessary to separate them using fire hoses, blank shots from hunting rifles, and also use special pikes and shields made of thick plywood. When attacking and defending, the animals showed great dexterity and techniques typical of predators: grabbing the enemy with their front paws, powerful blows to the enemy’s head with their paws, rapid ramming with their entire body weight, grabbing with their teeth, and so on.
Twenty first century
The visit of the bamboo bears to Russia took place as part of the Beijing Days in Moscow in the summer of 2001. Ben-Ben is a male, celebrated his fourth birthday in Moscow on July 24, Wen-Ven is a female, she is nine years old.
(it with)
But here are the links - where there are pandas in the world's zoos - see. na - in Berlin and Vienna there is, for example - this is one of those places that is closer. and here is the list:
1. Schönbrunn Zoo (German: Tiergarten Schönbrunn), Austria;
2. Research Center in Chengdu (The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (hereafter Chengdu Panda Base), China;
3. Atlanta Zoo (USA);
4. Panda breeding center in the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province, China (Wolong National Nature Reserve) - temporarily closed;
5. Adelaide Zoo, Australia (Adelaide Zoo);
6. Kobe Oji Zoo, China;
7. Madrid Zoo, Spain;
8. Edinburgh Zoo, UK (Scotland);
9. Chiang Mai Zoo, Thailand;
10. Bei Jing Zoo, China;
11. Memphis Zoo, USA;
12. Ocean Park, Hong Kong;
Higher intelligence
In China itself, of course, there are more opportunities to see them)

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In China, their images can be found everywhere. These include children's toys, souvenir magnets, stickers, and appliqués on clothes. It became one of the symbols of Chinese diplomacy in the 70s of the twentieth century, when there was a warming of relations between the PRC and the United States. The panda is an endangered species, wildlife, according to scientists, about 1500-1600 individuals have survived. That is why she appears on the WWF logo.

Giant pandas eat bamboo. To fully provide herself with the necessary substances, she must eat at least 30 kg of leaves per day! And here lies the main problem. On the one hand, giant pandas are under state protection, and the death penalty is provided for killing them. However, they are also considered one of the main culprits in the death of bamboo groves, and local residents often destroy these animals.

Naturally, there are pandas. And here are some photos of these cute animals. You just need to keep in mind that there are usually a lot of people around them, everyone is trying to take pictures of them. However, pandas are accustomed to the attention of people and willingly pose for them. The pandas of the Beijing Zoo are the favorites of residents and guests of the Chinese capital!

PS. The quality of the photos is unimportant, because... The pandas were a bit far away and we had to use digital zoom in addition to optical zoom.

© Maria Anashina, website

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If someone asks me: “What is the cutest animal you have ever seen?”, then without any pause I will answer: “Pandas!” And try to disagree with me))) Yes, I won’t argue that there are many unusual and funny animals in the world, for example Proboskisa monkeys, which I visited in Bako Nature Reserve on the island of Borneo. But you must admit, basically everyone is touched by baby animals, and when the little animal grows up, it becomes not so funny anymore. This does not happen in the case of pandas. This black and white bear attracts attention until old age and makes people cross seas and oceans in the hope of seeing it. On my big Asian trip, I went to the north of Thailand - to Chiang Mai. To see a panda. And there were three of them at once!

Meet the boy Chuang-Chuang, the girl Ling Hui and their cub Lin Ping, who was born at the Chiang Mai Zoo.

Information sign near the cage with a boy panda.
Info-plate near the cage with a panda girl.
This cutie was born at the zoo in Chiang Mai.

In their natural environment, pandas live only in China and their main habitat is Szechuan Province. Pandas are vegetarians and eat bamboo. As the Chinese expanded their agricultural lands, they cut down bamboo thickets, thereby reducing the diet of these bears. When they realized it, it was already too late, the population had seriously declined and now there are about one and a half thousand individuals all over the world.

The baby panda has already grown into a big cutie.

Where can you see a panda?

All pandas belong to China and if you see a panda in a zoo, know that they live there under a lease agreement and when they have offspring, they automatically also belong to China. But in order to see pandas, you don’t have to fly to the Middle Kingdom.

There are a couple of dozen zoos and natural national parks in the world where pandas live. Unfortunately, China, as a monopolist, charges considerable rent and not all zoos can afford to rent and maintain them. But still, 35 individuals live in different parts of the planet and you can see them if you wish.

Where can you see a panda?

The closest place to Russia where you can see a panda is the zoo, which is located in one of the parks in Vienna - Schönnbrunn, in Austria. Nearby is the Berlin Zoo, and a little further, where you can also get with only a Schengen visa, the Madrid Zoo. But if you find yourself in Thailand, then the most convenient thing for you is to take the next train to Chiang Mai. See a panda, and at the same time visit Tiger Kingdom .

Panda in the zoo.

Baby Lin Ping lives separately from her parents in a large spacious enclosure. She has a lot of toys, but it seemed to me that she was very lonely. She wandered back and forth around the cage, occasionally banging her paws on the floor, and was clearly overexcited. Evening was coming, I arrived at the Chiang Mai Zoo almost before closing. And pandas, as you know, are nocturnal animals, so it’s quite possible she just woke up and was doing exercises :)

Cage for a baby panda at the Chiang Mai Zoo.

Visitors can stand and watch the panda from above through the glass.

A cozy, spacious enclosure still cannot be compared with bamboo thickets in nature. But the baby will never know about them.

The baby's parents live in other enclosures and are separated from visitors not by thick glass stained by children's hands, but by a moat.

The panda is one of the most unusual animals in the world.
You can see the panda at the zoo in Chiang Mai.

There’s a lot of space, but of course it’s not enough, and walking around it is like running along a bike path—it’s the same landscape outside the window.

And this is mother panda, funny and cute Lin Hui. She makes faces at visitors and is a little calmer than her lover.

Giant pandas at the Chiang Mai Zoo.

A panda crawls along the branches of trees, chews bamboo while sitting in a chair, plays with a ball and sighs languidly in front of the fence behind which her lover sits.

Panda in love.
Love knows no boundaries, but can be divided by a simple fence.

There are many other interesting animals at the Chiang Mai Zoo, but I will talk about this separately.

Meet Giant pandas in nature is almost impossible; they live only in some high mountainous regions of China. But thanks to the fact that China rents out its bamboo bears, you can see them in zoos in other countries.

We have compiled our own ranking of pandas living in various zoos around the world.

1. The oldest panda. Germany, Berlin, Zoologischer Garten
In natural conditions, pandas live for about 20 years, and the Berlin Bao Bao is already almost 34! He can confidently be called a European, because he has been in Berlin since 1980. Now pandas cannot travel abroad for permanent residence; zoos rent them from China for 10 years and pay $1 million per year for a pair of bears.
Flight Moscow-Berlin from 7,210 RUB (direct flights).

2. The newest pandas in Europe. France, Saint Aignan , ZooParc de Beauval
Yuan Tzu (Fat Man) and Huan Huan (Cheerful Man) flew to France in January of this year on a special Panda Express flight. Boeing 777F, decorated with a giant portrait of a panda, was greeted by officials and hundreds of journalists. During the 11-hour flight, the pandas not only chewed a bunch of bamboo and 50 kg of fruit, but also began to learn French J
Flight Moscow-Paris from 10,450 RUB

3. The wealthiest pandas. USA, Washington, National Zoological Park
Businessman David Rubenstein donated $4.5 million to a program that would help pandas have offspring. Pandas are known to be reluctant to breed in captivity. Even “bear pornography”, which is shown to animals to restore interest in sex, does not help. Maybe a tidy sum would be more effective?
Flight Moscow-Washington 24,920 RUB

4. The most numerous pandas. Austria Vienna Tiergarten Sch ö nbrunn . USA, Atlanta, Zoo Atlanta .
Despite the “difficulties of reproduction,” some couples even in captivity manage to give birth to 2-3 cubs. Parents with many children live in zoos in Atlanta and Vienna. By the way, panda cubs are born tiny and helpless. The weight of a newborn is only 100-150 grams, while an adult bear weighs more than 100 kg. Well, can you imagine that this pink, bald, blind animal is a panda cub?
Flight Moscow-Vienna from 7,750 RUB

5. The most mischievous pandas. Spain Madrid, Zoo Aquarium de Madrid .
Twin pandas Po and De De were also born in captivity. Now they are almost 2 years old. Together, the cubs are not at all bored: they run, frolic, and fight. In general, very active and positive kids!
Flight Moscow-Madrid from 10,500 RUB

6. Pandas with the longest queue. Japan Tokyo, Ueno Zoo
Pandas Ri-Ri and Shin-Shin moved to Tokyo last year. Before their first show, a queue of three thousand people lined up at the zoo! Pandas are so popular that the number of visitors in 2011 exceeded 4 million.
Flight Moscow-Tokyo from 22,830 RUB

7. The most media pandas. UK, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Zoo
Edinburgh Zoo's pandas are also basking in the glory. Their acclimatization in the UK was followed by so many media outlets that the female Sweetie (Tian-Tyan) was included in the list of the most talked about women of 2011 according to the channelBBC. In Scotland, a special tartan color (checkered pattern on fabric) was created in honor of pandas, and a line of dairy products was launched.
Flight Moscow-Edinburgh from 7,050 RUB

8. The most affectionate panda. Thailand , Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Z oo
The other day she turned 3 years old. As you know, all bear cubs born abroad belong to China and, upon reaching 3 years of age, must be resettled in their historical homeland. But little Lin Ping fell in love with almost the entire Thai population, so her departure was delayed for another year.
Flight Moscow-Bangkok from 18,050 RUB

9. The most voracious pandas. China, Chengdu , Panda Research and Breeding Center ( China Conservation & Research Center for the Giant Panda)
All pandas are very lazy and at the same time very gluttonous. An adult panda can chew bamboo 14 hours a day. There have been cases when a panda ate 40 kg of young bamboo shoots in one sitting! However, Chinese scientists recently discovered that bamboo does not contain enough nutrients and decided to diversify the pandas’ diet with flatbreads made from wholemeal flour. The flatbreads went with a bang!J