Screening for cervical cancer. How to recognize cervical cancer in time? Signs at an early stage

The very name of the disease terrifies a woman. This is understandable: cervical cancer is deadly and in the later stages there is practically no cure. But the disease can be overcome if it is detected on time and has not yet been launched. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that it does not manifest itself in any way at first. Although this is a rather controversial statement. After all, there are some distinct first signs that you just need to pay attention to. They will be discussed in the article.

What causes cervical cancer

The causative agent of the disease is most often the banal human papillomavirus, abbreviated as HPV. This is just one of those sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Not all infections cause cervical cancer. A similar danger is more often represented by HPV, a highly contagious virus. It also does not necessarily turn out in a similar deplorable way, the infection can disappear on its own or be cured. And it can cause abnormal cell growth. Which leads to cancer.

A special risk lies in the fact that the onset of the pathological process cannot be noticed, such as, for example, a tumor in the mammary gland. However, there are symptoms that should never be ignored. A woman must definitely go to a gynecologist and undergo a full examination if she finds at least one of the signs described below.

The appearance of unusual secretions

Ordinary light discharge is the norm for any adult woman. But if they become too profuse, watery, the color is dirty pink or greenish; if they appear during the intermenstrual period or due to heavy lifting, after sexual intercourse, etc., this may be a sign of a tumor.


Any neoplasms, internal or external, should alert and force an analysis for the presence of cancer cells. Warts are not as harmless as they might seem, they can signal the onset of a tumor process.

Bleeding and pain

Everything that is out of the ordinary should be alarming. The appearance of any bleeding - from the vagina, bladder or intestines - may indicate the risk of cervical cancer. The tumor begins to grow on the walls of the uterus, the tissue begins to dry out and even crack, which inevitably causes discomfort and pain, as well as spotting.


You continue to eat as usual, do not change your lifestyle and do not increase the amount of physical activity, but at the same time you began to get tired quickly, feel tachycardia for no apparent reason. These are all signs of anemia. Anemia is one of the early symptoms of cervical cancer. This can be caused by extraordinary bleeding with significant loss of blood, and the general state of weakness that occurs with oncological diseases.

Problems with urination

Difficulty urinating can occur because the growing cancer cells cause the uterus to enlarge and swell. It, in turn, puts pressure on the bladder and kidneys, which prevents the free passage of urine throughout the system. Often women notice that the bladder does not empty completely. This is an occasion to tune in and urgently be examined by a urologist and an oncologist.

Pain in the back or legs

In these cases, we look for the cause in the joints or spine. This is correct, but it would be nice to get tested for possible cervical cancer. A tumor of the uterus compresses the internal organs, compresses the blood vessels, and the blood cannot move freely through the vessels of the legs and small pelvis. The result is pain, swelling of the legs and ankles.

Dramatic weight loss

In most forms of cancer, there is a decrease in appetite and fast weight loss person. Swelling of the cervix, which occurs with oncology, compresses the internal organs. It is difficult for the patient to take food in normal volumes, his appetite disappears, respectively, his weight falls. By the way, a sharp weight loss is one of the signs that appear outwardly and even attract the attention of others. This should be a signal that you need to urgently undergo an examination and pass all the relevant tests.

Just don't panic

It is not necessary to think that all of the listed signs necessarily indicate the presence of a cancerous tumor. This is just a signal that it is time to undergo an examination and exclude the disease, and if it exists, start treatment in the early stages, when the cancer is still curable.

And yet, everyone should remember about the factors that provoke cancer. Specifically, cervical cancer. This:

  • Smoking, including passive smoking, when someone nearby smokes all the time.
  • Chaotic sex life.
  • Unprotected sex.
  • Weak immunity.

Sexually transmitted infections are the most likely and common cause diseases. This must be remembered, and special attention should be paid to the timely treatment of the human papillomavirus. As a preventive measure, a healthy woman should have tests and a Pap smear, or Pap smear, at least once a year. This is a simple, fast and painless way to detect the development of cervical cancer on the very early stage. When it comes to health, there should be no place for laziness and carelessness. Take care of yourself.

Diagnosis of cervical cancer is an important step before starting treatment, because the earlier the pathology is detected, the greater the likelihood of a positive outcome from therapy. The accuracy of diagnostic procedures largely depends on the availability of the organ for examination. Regarding the cervix, it gives access to a comprehensive examination of it.

The last twenty years have radically changed the methods of detecting the disease. Previously, the development of cervical cancer was assessed based on the history of the disease and a clear, pronounced clinical picture. Unfortunately, such manifestations occur already at advanced advanced stages, so such a passive diagnosis is considered ineffective for further treatment.

Currently, the main task of diagnostic procedures is to identify the disease in women who do not yet have any specific symptoms and consider themselves to be absolutely healthy. In this case, it is possible to detect a tumor at the first and even zero stage, when pathological changes are at the cellular level and are not visible to the naked eye. For this, a number of modern diagnostic methods are used to identify the initial stages of the tumor process.

History of pathology

The diagnosis of cervical cancer is established after a whole range of procedures, both instrumental and laboratory. In addition to them, the doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease. If the patient applied at an early stage, the symptomatology, as a rule, is absent or exists, but characterizes another, precancerous disease.

Characteristic changes that may appear at an early stage are unusual leucorrhea, often milky or brownish in color, sometimes with an admixture of blood. Also an important symptom in the anamnesis is bleeding outside the menstrual cycle. In 73% of cases, abnormal bleeding is a sign of cancer. In the remaining 17% - it can be dysplasia, erosion and other pathologies of the female genital organs.

A routine examination by a gynecologist with the help of mirrors is considered uninformative, since it is possible to identify a seal or ulcer on the epithelium of the walls of the cervix only in a running process.

Colposcopy and its types

Colposcopy of cervical cancer is considered an affordable and informative diagnostic method. The study allows:

  • identify and separate the modified epithelium from the healthy one;
  • outline the exact location of the pathological focus;
  • distinguish a benign tumor from a malignant neoplasm;
  • allows you to take a targeted smear for cervical cancer and a biopsy to improve the accuracy of cytological and histological analysis.

Colposcopy can be of two types:

  • simple, no use medications, serves to diagnose an indicative character;
  • extended, it is characterized by the use of 2% Lugol's solution and 3% acetic acid. The advanced method allows you to get a clearer and more accurate picture.

An advanced procedure is chromocolposcopy. The method is characterized by the use of nuclear stains such as 0.1% hematoxylin or 1% goluidine blue. Cancer cells are distinguished by polyferative activity, as a result of which pathological tissues acquire a dark blue color.

Cytological examination

Cytological screening for cervical cancer is an important test at an early stage of the disease. The method allows to detect cancer cells at the very beginning of malignancy even before the onset of visual changes on the epithelium of the cervical walls.

Cytology of the cervix allows not only to determine the presence of a malignant process with an accuracy of 96%, but also to determine:

  • degree of differentiation;
  • histological form of the tumor;
  • stromal reaction.

Cytological examination is highly informative at preventive examinations and is able to detect not only the presence of oncology, but precancerous pathologies.

Histological and morphological examination

It is important in the accurate diagnosis and identification of the shape and composition of the tumor at different locations. A sample of pathological tissue can be taken in various ways, but the study is reduced to identifying the histological and morphological composition of the formation.

A histological analysis for cervical cancer is usually performed at the end after all the necessary procedures and is a clarifying examination.
It is important that it is carried out precisely, that is, exactly the pathological tissue is taken for analysis, because the result of the study depends on it.

tumor markers

A blood test for cervical cancer does not have a high information content at stages 3 and 4 of the disease. At an earlier stage, information content is reduced. In more than 90% of cases, squamous cell carcinoma is detected. For its diagnosis, it is used for cervical cancer - SCCA. This antigen is the most informative for assessing the effectiveness of treatment, prognosis and the possible occurrence of relapse.

The sensitivity of the SCCA tumor marker depends on the stage of the pathology:

  1. 1 - up to 47%;
  2. 2 - up to 67%;
  3. 3 - up to 83%;
  4. 4 - up to 84%.

With a recurrence of the pathology, the blood in cervical cancer with the SCCA tumor marker is positive in most cases up to 90% and is ahead of the appearance of symptoms in the progression of oncology.

Instrumental techniques

In addition to the studies described, instrumental methods are prescribed. Cervical cancer on ultrasound is uninformative, especially in the early stages of the disease. Ultrasound can detect a malignant process only if there is invasion on the walls of the cervix and pronounced signs of a tumor.
More informative instrumental methods are CT and MRI, in particular, the latter method provides the most extensive information. A layer-by-layer section of the cervical tissue allows you to clearly examine the pathological tissue, clarify its size and the exact location.

New Developments in Cancer Diagnostics

Histochemical examination of the epithelium of the cervix allows you to identify the disease even at a precancerous moment. Such examination allows to reveal metabolic changes in tissues. Also, one of the innovative and promising methods is mitotic research. Mitosis is the main method of cell reproduction. Therefore, the technique allows you to determine changes at the gene, molecular level. Since with the development of oncology there is a sharp violation of the metabolism of nucleoproteins, which occurs long before the appearance of morphological signs of malignancy. Thus, the procedure should help detect atypical cell division even in a precancerous condition.


Modern diagnostic techniques make it possible to detect oncological lesions of the cervix at the earliest stages. The main task for all women is the systematic visits to the gynecologist and the passage of a cytological examination for prevention. If the cytological analysis aroused suspicion in the doctor, other more extensive studies will be prescribed. The described set of diagnostic procedures will allow you to identify the disease at the first or even zero stage and start emergency treatment. Women who discovered cancer in the first stage and followed all the doctor's recommendations for treating the disease overcame the disease in more than 90% of cases.


Cancer has been known for a long time, the history of its study has come a long way of development.

Thanks to the techniques, it became possible to cure cervical cancer, and diagnosis occupies an important place along the entire path of the patient from the first visit to the gynecologist to monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

In order for the therapy to be as successful as possible and bring a minimum of side effects, attention should be focused on the question of how to determine cervical cancer, since the patient's prognosis directly depends on the stage of the disease at which the neoplasm was detected.

Methods for diagnosing cervical cancer

Localization cancer refers to visual forms, because. the cervix can be examined using a speculum without other aids. This greatly expands the diagnostic possibilities and allows one to suspect malignancy during an on-duty gynecological examination before the onset of symptoms.

If a woman does not attend preventive examinations, then the reason for contacting a gynecologist may be symptoms:

  • contact bleeding (after intercourse, douching, using tampons);
  • bleeding from the vagina after heavy physical exertion, as well as between menstruation or after the onset of menopause;
  • foul-smelling discharge of various colors and textures, from milky to " meat slops» at advanced stages of the disease;
  • drawing pains of varying intensity in the lower abdomen.

Any of these signs usually appears at the stage when atypical cells have already penetrated beyond the basement membrane and infiltrated the organ.

On the gynecological chair, you can go through a significant part of the diagnosis, the list of mandatory items for such screening includes: examination, bimanual palpation of the uterus, PAP test, Chrobak and Schiller test (if necessary).

In the presence of a colposcope, colposcopy can be performed, which is highly informative for the diagnosis of tumor changes. A biopsy followed by a histological examination confirms or refutes the diagnosis, and pelvic ultrasound, CT, MRI and PET allow visualization of the affected organ and create a three-dimensional model of the neoplasm.

Important for surgery and radiation therapy. Tumor markers can be detected in the blood, which are used to monitor the condition of patients after treatment.

What can the doctor see during the examination?

Diagnostic search begins with examination of the cervix in the mirrors. Normally, the cervix is ​​covered with epithelium, has a smooth, shiny, light pink surface, and there are no pathological discharges from the cervical canal.

Violations of the structure of the mucosa can be represented by pseudo-erosions, erosions, leukoplakia and various dysplasias. All these changes are related to background or precancerous diseases and require timely treatment. Cervical carcinoma may appear as papillary growths, redness, ulceration, destruction, thickening, or patchy thickening of the mucosa.

A widespread tumor betrays itself on palpation, reducing the mobility of the uterus and cervix, due to the fact that the cancerous process can infiltrate the vaginal vaults, isthmus and body of the uterus, fiber.

After the doctor has suspected a poor-quality process, a Chrobak test can be performed, which involves light pressure on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe altered mucosa with a bellied probe. A positive sample is considered if the probe falls into the tissue. The disadvantage of such a study is trauma and the risk of infection of the formation, which is fraught with complications, therefore it is not always used, but only if necessary.

It is possible to assess the cellular composition without the help of a histologist using the Schiller test, in which the areas of the affected and adjacent epithelium of the cervix are covered with a layer of Lugol's solution. Areas of dysplasia are poorly stained, therefore they will be visible on a dark background in the form of light foci.

When a suspicious area of ​​tissue is found, a biopsy should be taken so that the histologists give a final conclusion about the nature of the disease. Sometimes, in the case of carcinoma in situ, cone resection (optimal material sampling) becomes at the same time a therapeutic procedure, completely curing the patient.

Laboratory diagnostics

Diagnosis of cervical cancer on the basis of only clinical and biochemical blood tests is impossible, however, with their help, one can suspect the presence of a pathological process in the body.

Chronic anemia without a change in the indicator will be present in case of contact bleeding, and the level of leukocytes and ESR will increase slightly, creatinine always decreases, which can attract attention and suggest a neoplasm.

Oncomarker SCC and its features

Specific is the oncomarker of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which is found in the blood of 85% of patients with cancer of this localization. Its increased concentration may indicate a predisposition to the tumor process in epithelial tissues (not only in the cervix). It is used to assess the effectiveness of treatment, for follow-up monitoring during remission, to diagnose a relapse, if this marker is regularly determined, it will be much earlier.

It makes some sense to examine women for the presence of HPV in the body - the human papillomavirus, its presence in the blood does not mean the presence of a malignant tumor, but only indicates a high risk of predisposition and the need for observation.

In parallel with the examination, a smear is taken from the cervical canal for cytological examination and the search for atypical cells. This analysis is called the PAP test or Papanicolaou test, it refers to laboratory methods.

Instrumental Research

Despite the fact that cervical cancer refers to visual localizations, with an internal gynecological examination, only the cervix and cervix can be examined, and carcinoma can develop in the thickness of the tissue and spread far beyond the organ. In order to visualize the whole process, the help of radiological methods is needed.

The simplest, cheapest and safest way to see the internal picture is ultrasound. With the help of an ultrasound machine, it is possible to distinguish the exact location and determine the invasion of the tumor into neighboring structures. The examination can be carried out with an external or vaginal sensor, a combination of these techniques will allow you to more accurately see the whole picture.

Magnetic resonance, computed tomography and positron emission tomography are studies that allow you to create a three-dimensional image internal organs person in great detail. All of them differ from each other in the way of obtaining a picture, however, they can be considered as interchangeable.

More often, preference is given to CT, as these devices are quite widespread and low cost compared to PET. With its help, you can study the nature of tumor growth, structure, determine the presence of necrosis and sources of blood supply to the neoplasm. The three-dimensional model allows the use of high-precision radiation methods of treatment for the treatment of the patient with minimal damage to surrounding tissues.

When cancer is detected at stages III and IV, the task arises to find all organs affected by metastases, radioscintigraphy helps in this. The essence of the method is the introduction of a radioactive isotope that accumulates in the affected tissues, after which, using a gamma camera, areas of increased radiation from various parts of the body are determined and the scale of the pathology is assessed.

After some time, the pharmaceutical product is completely eliminated from the body, leaving no negative effects behind. If cancer of the rectum or bladder is affected, cystoscopy and rectoscopy can be performed, which will also help determine the method of therapy and the likelihood of surgical intervention. Lymphography has the right to exist as a technique for visualizing the state of lymphatic networks and nodes, despite the fact that lymphography is outdated, has side effects and a list of contraindications, as a backup diagnostic method, it is periodically used.

The earlier a woman seeks help, the less she will have to undergo various studies, unpleasant procedures, and the higher the chances of recovery. Modern ways The treatment of cervical cancer in the early stages involves sparing therapy, the preservation of the genital organs and, in some cases, after the course of treatment, young women even retain their reproductive ability.

To date, the detection of this form of cancer in the early stages suggests recovery in 80-100% of cases. You should not avoid preventive examinations and hide symptoms from your doctor, as a delay of several weeks can cost your life.

Cervical cancer (CC) is a common malignant neoplasm of the female reproductive system. This pathology accounts for 6% of all malignant diseases in women and ranks 3rd after breast carcinoma and colorectal cancer, and mortality from this type of oncological process ranks 4th among malignant tumors in women.

Cervical cancer (CC) - what are the features and causes of the development of the disease?

Causes of cervical carcinoma:

It is established that the leading role is played by external factors. There are no convincing data confirming that CC is a hereditary pathology, but this reason is not excluded.

The risk of developing cervical cancer exists in all women, and factors that are associated with the development of carcinoma play a special role, namely:

early sexual life

  • gestation and first birth up to 16 years;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • abortions;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • smoking;
  • infections (human papillomavirus, chlamydial infection, etc.);
  • suppression of the immune system;
  • elderly age;
  • the use of oral contraceptives;
  • influence of radiation and chemical carcinogens.

Symptoms and signs of cervical cancer:

The stage of initial development of carcinoma, as a rule, proceeds without any special manifestations, there are discharges mixed with blood, especially after sexual intercourse. With a significant local-regional spread of the tumor, women complain of pain in the lower abdomen, impaired urination, and difficulty in defecation.

In the later stages, discharge from the genital tract is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, complaints of lumbar pain and pain in the legs, weight loss, and blood in the urine are noted.

In advanced cases, recto- and vesico-vaginal fistulas are formed (pathological channels connecting the cavities to each other), altered lymph nodes can be palpated.

It should be remembered that at the stage of its initial development, a growing tumor may not be clinically manifested, but the pathological process is easily detected during gynecological examinations.

Cervical cancer: diagnosis.

It is quite possible to suspect the development of vaginal carcinoma and cervical cancer, so it is very important for every woman to seek preventive examinations at least once every six months.

In the early stages, carcinoma looks like small ulcers on the vaginal mucosa, later it turns out to be dense, bumpy formations with infiltration into the surrounding tissues, which are in the form of knots or bleeding ulcers with a hard bottom.

What methods are used to diagnose cervical cancer?

For diagnosis, doctors use:

Gynecological examination (using gynecological mirrors);

Colposcopy - instrumental examination using a colposcope;

A smear for oncocytological examination;

Apply a biopsy (taking particles of the affected tissue for further examination under a microscope);

To exclude metastasis, apply:

Sonography of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (scanning the structure of organs using ultrasound);

Computed tomography (layer-by-layer scanning of internal organs using computer-controlled x-rays);

Sigmoidoscopy (examination of the mucous surface of the rectum and sigmoid colon using an optical device);

Magnetic resonance imaging (study of the structure of organs and tissues in a magnetic field);

Cystoscopy (examination of the inner surface of the bladder using an optical device);

Urography (X-ray or radioisotope examination of the kidneys, ureters and bladder using a contrast agent).

What types of cervical cancer are there?

70-80% of patients are diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, 10-20% with adenocarcinoma, and 10% with poorly differentiated cancer.

What forms of cervical cancer are there?

According to the type of growth they share:

Exophytic cervical cancer - carcinoma grows into the lumen of the vaginal canal.

Endophytic form of cervical cancer - carcinoma grows in tissue, growing into the cervix and cervical canal.

Ulcerative type - an ulcer is formed with jagged edges and bottom.

How is cervical cancer classified (cervical cancer: classification)?

Classifications have been developed that allow:

Determine the clinical stage of the disease - the so-called FIGO classification;

The prevalence of the tumor process is a classification in accordance with the TNM system, where T is a tumor of a primary nature, N is regional metastases in the lymph nodes, M is metastases that are significantly removed from the primary tumor.

Cervical cancer: stages (according to the FIGO system):

Cervical cancer stage 1 (I) - carcinoma of the cervix, not extending beyond the uterus (spread to the body of the uterus may not be taken into account).

Cervical cancer stage 2 (II) - carcinoma of the cervix, germinating outside the uterus, but without moving to the tissues of the pelvic region or the vaginal lower third.

Cervical cancer stage 3 (ІІІ) - the tumor grows in the tissue of the woman's pelvis and / or goes to the underlying third of the vagina, and / or causes hydronephrosis (expansion of the renal pelvis and calyces), or causes the formation of a non-functioning kidney.

Cervical cancer stage 4 (IV) - the tumor grows into the mucous membrane of the bladder, rectum and / or grows beyond the pelvis.

Is it possible to cure cervical cancer (CC) and which treatment method is more effective to choose?

The choice of treatment method and its tactics is determined in individually. It takes into account the general condition of the woman, the type, type and stage of development of the neoplasm. The age of the patient is not so important. Cervical cancer is treated by:


chemotherapeutic and their combinations.

Volume surgical operation is determined by localization, the degree of invasion of the malignant tumor into the surrounding tissues and the stage of the process.

Radiotherapy (radiation therapy) including remote, intracavitary or interstitial irradiation, the program of which is determined individually.

Used in chemotherapy medications, which are able to stop the division of tumor cells, destroy or stop their growth.

Chemotherapy is often used as neoadjuvant (before surgery and radiation therapy). This contributes to a better delivery of drugs through the blood stream to the tumor, which also makes it possible to reduce the size of the neoplasm in order to increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment.

How long do people live with cervical cancer (CC)?

Cervical cancer, survival prognosis.

The duration and quality of life of patients directly depends on the stage of the tumor process at which the pathology was detected. The five-year survival rate for women, subject to timely and adequate treatment, is respectively:

Stage I - about 90%

II stage - approximately 73-76%

Stage III - approximately 46-51%

IV stage - about 25%

What cervical cancer prevention should every woman use?

The best and most effective method prevention of carcinoma is to reduce the impact on the body of factors that contribute to its development.

To prevent the development of cancer, every healthy woman must be examined by a gynecologist once every 6 months and at least once every 2 years, and preferably more often, do a smear for a cytological examination.

The main thing to remember is that cervical carcinoma can be detected in the initial stages! Therefore, do not delay! Early diagnosis of a neoplasm is a prerequisite for a successful radical cure.

Answers to common questions:

What is cervical cancer recurrence?

Cancer recurrence is the appearance of a tumor process after treatment. Carcinoma can occur where it was or in other areas where the cancer cells have spread. The reappearance of a malignant neoplasm is an indication for surgical treatment of carcinoma.

In half of the patients, reoperation is successful.

Radiation or chemotherapy drugs are used as a treatment that only improves the patient's well-being, but does not lead to the disappearance of the tumor. Unfortunately, malignant tumors are characterized by the appearance of metastases throughout the body. The best way to prevent recurrence is to diagnose the tumor as soon as possible and prevent it from forming secondary lesions.

Cancer of the cervix during pregnancy, is it possible?

In women who bear a fetus, carcinoma is diagnosed quite rarely, but it happens. If cervical cancer of pregnant women is detected in the primary stages, pregnancy can be safely brought to natural delivery. Then it is recommended to perform surgery a few weeks after birth.

If during gestation a carcinoma was diagnosed at stage II and above, then the treatment strategy is selected on an individual basis, since the tumor progresses, thereby threatening the patient's life. Treatment begins immediately after the diagnosis is made, as there is a threat to the woman's life.

Is cervical cancer visible on examination?

Carcinoma can be suspected when examined for the purpose of prevention during a scheduled visit to the gynecologist. The final diagnosis of carcinoma is made by a pathologist.

Quite often, one has to deal with situations when a patient has a high oncogenic risk human papillomavirus (HPV) and it is immediately reported that there is a risk of developing cervical cancer.

Quite aggressive treatment is often prescribed, a biopsy is performed, and in general it is not clearly explained what is really happening and what is the further prognosis. The main thing is that the doctor does not follow a clear algorithm that has existed in the world for quite a long time.

So, if you have a high oncogenic risk human papillomavirus (HPV) detected by PCR, do not panic. There is nothing serious in this finding, it is just an excuse to undergo an appropriate examination.


  • The fact that you have HPV of a high oncogenic risk does not mean that you will definitely develop cervical cancer - there is a chance, but it is very small and if you visit the gynecologist regularly, the disease can be detected at the earliest (precancerous) stages and completely cured.
  • The human papillomavirus enters the cells of the cervix and can long time cause no change to them. This virus can be suppressed by the immune system, and is subsequently not detected during the analysis. Most often this happens by the age of 30-35. The presence of the virus in the body after this age makes it necessary to be more careful in assessing the conditions of the cervix.
  • Of great importance is the amount of virus in the body. Conventional Analysis PCR method indicates only the presence of human papillomavirus in the body, but does not reflect its amount. There is a special analysis that can detect the amount of HPV virus.
  • There is not one in the world effective drug for the treatment of human papillomavirus, as well as immunomodulators and other drugs are not used. The human papillomavirus cannot be cured. The immune system can suppress its replication, but no drugs (no matter how it is claimed by the manufacturers) can help the immune system suppress this virus. All treatment regimens prescribed in our country, including (allokin-alpha, polyoxidonium, panavir, cycloferon, isoprenosine, etc.) have no proven effectiveness. There are no analogues of these drugs in the world.

What to do?

  • Once a year, it is mandatory to undergo an examination by a gynecologist with a mandatory examination of the cervix.
  • A simple examination of the cervix is ​​not enough - it is imperative to do tests, that is, answer two questions - do you have a human papillomavirus and are there changes in the cells of the cervix that could potentially lead to the development of cervical cancer.

Most often, clinics take a regular cytological smear and a PCR smear to determine the virus (that is, an analysis that simply answers the question of whether this virus exists or not).

These assays have several significant drawbacks that may affect their accuracy.

Disadvantages of conventional cytology and PCR smear:

  • A smear from the cervix is ​​taken with a flat brush and the material is “smeared” on the glass -
    • the doctor may not pick up cells from the entire surface of the cervix;
    • when applied to glass, a smear is obtained with an unevenly applied material (somewhere thicker, somewhere smeared), which does not allow a cytologist to fully examine it and evaluate all the cells obtained;
    • the glass with the smear applied can become “clogged”, which also affects the availability of evaluation of the obtained cells.
  • As a result, a PCR smear will show whether there is a human papillomavirus or not - that's all. That is, it cannot be used to judge the amount of this virus, and this matters.

Modern possibilities for assessing the condition of the cervix

Liquid Cytology

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the material is taken from the cervix using a special brush, which, due to its design, allows you to capture cells from the entire surface and cervical canal.

Next, the brush is immersed in a special container with a solution. This container is sent to the laboratory. All cells from this brush end up in a solution that is loaded into the apparatus. The material is processed in it, and after the cells are applied in a thin and uniform layer on the glass, which, after staining, is evaluated by a cytologist.

This approach allows us to consider all the cells obtained during the sampling of the material and fully evaluate them. This significantly increases the likelihood of accurate diagnosis of the state of cervical cells and not to miss their malignant transformation.

This method has two more important advantages:

  • Recall that the cells after sampling are in a special solution, where they can be stored for up to six months. Using this solution, you can also analyze for the presence of human papillomavirus by a quantitative method (Digene-test) - that is, to identify not only the presence of this virus, but also to find out its amount, and this is important when interpreting the results of cytological analysis and affects further tactics.
  • From the resulting solution with cells, one more important analysis can be done - the determination of a specific P16ink4a protein. The determination of this protein makes it possible to clarify the situation when detecting altered cells of the cervix. The detection of this protein indicates that the cell has serious damage, and there is a high probability of its malignant transformation. The absence of this protein indicates that the defect in the cells is not dangerous and the probability of malignant transformation is minimal.

Thus, three analyzes can be made from one material sampling and for this it is not necessary to come to the clinic several times and make an additional sampling. That is, if an analysis is taken from you only for liquid cytology and “bad” cells are detected, additional studies (determination of the amount of human papillomavirus and analysis for a specific protein) can be performed from the material already received, simply by additionally ordering these tests in the laboratory.

This triple test allows you to analyze the cells of the cervix with the highest possible accuracy at the moment and decide what to do next.

Such a test should be carried out not only for women who have already had changes in the cervix or who have been diagnosed with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus. This test should be performed prophylactically once a year, in which case you can be sure that you do not miss possible changes in the cervix.

In our clinic, such an analysis of cervical cells will be performed.


  • Liquid cytology - 2500 rubles
  • Digene-test (quantitative determination of HPV) - 2500 rubles
  • Analysis for the presence of P16ink4a protein - 2000 rubles