Open lesson “Palm Sunday. Presentation "Palm Sunday" presentation for the lesson on orxe (class) on the topic Class hour Palm Sunday

extracurricular activity

on the topic: "Palm Sunday"

Cultivate reverence for God.

Consolidate the material covered.


    Icon of the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

    Willow bouquet in a vase.

    Cardboard blanks, cotton wool (lumps.

    Variations of handicrafts.

    Illustrations of events in the history of Orthodoxy.

Course progress.

I . Children stand up and ask for blessings: Lord, bless!

Teacher: Children, I will give you illustrations of the events that we learned about in class. Put them in front of you and listen to the riddles. Whoever has a picture reflecting this event, or what is said in the answer, he shows the picture and tells.

    The ship is rocking on the waves

In it all life is saved.

(the ark)

    As spread across the sky

As if from a fairy tale.

When I see her at noon

So I will remember the Lord's vow.

colorful arc

We are happy - (rainbow).

    So that the people of Israel

Did not disappear and went forward

Through this sultry desert

Led Israel ... (Moses).

    There were wise men and shepherds

behind a shining star.

And they saw: Oh, a miracle!

sleeping baby.

Who is this?

What kind of holiday? .. (Christmas).

    white dove above the head

This day ... (Baptism)

Day ... (Epiphany).

    At the altar and in the temple

Home and garden

Images in salaries

In front of them are candles and lamps

They are baptized before them

And they pay tribute.

What's this? (icons).

(children show the icon of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God).

    There is a candle on the mountain

Her prayer is hot


    There is a bridge for seven miles

At the end of the bridge is a golden milestone.

(post, Easter).

(seven miles - seven weeks, a golden mile - Easter for a whole week week.)

Well done! Let's take a break and play:

II . The game "The sea is worried."

To the words: “The sea worries once,

The sea is worried two,

The sea is rough three"

(children make a movement as if they are swimming.)

To the words: "Storms on the sea, rather swim to the island"

(they run to the island indicated by the teacher).

Mercy Island, Lazy Island, God-loving Island.

mercy island children's words:

Here we will help grandmothers,

Here we will help grandfathers,

We won't hurt the little ones

Calm the crying.

lazy island children's words:

We are not going to this island.

We will help mom

We will help dad

We will work

We don't want to be lazy.

Bogolyubiya Island children's words:

Let's live together on the island

Don't offend anyone

Respect all neighbors

Don't do evil to anyone

good work,

Pray to the Lord.

III . Sit down, calm down.

Guys! Easter is coming soon. There is very little left, and a week before Easter, on Sunday, the feast of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem is celebrated.

Listen to my story:

The Savior performed many miracles. What are these miracles? (healing the sick, the blind, turned water into wine)

And the last miracle is the resurrection of Lazarus. The news of this quickly spread. All people believed in Christ, they called him the Savior, the King. He is truly a Savior. He saves people from a sinful life with his life, his deeds, his good deeds, and even for human sins he will be crucified on the cross. But some people thought that he would save the evil king and become king himself. But everyone was glad when Jesus came to Jerusalem.

Jesus took a white donkey. Why did Jesus Christ ride not on a white horse like all victors, but on a white donkey? Horses were taken to war, and the donkey was a peaceful animal. By this Christ wanted to show that he came in peace, not to kill anyone, but to deliver people from sin, to save them.

Many people came out to meet Jesus: they cut branches from trees, spread them in front of the donkey, which carried the savior. People took off their clothes and also spread them on the road. And they all shouted joyfully: “Dangling in the highest!”

Look at this icon, which is called "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem." This icon will be placed in the temple for the feast, candles will be lit and decorated with flowers and willows.

And here in Russia this holiday is also called Palm Sunday. In Jerusalem, people greeted the Savior with palm branches in their hands, but in our country palm trees do not grow - only willows open their buds and the branches seem to be covered with fluffy balls. On this day, people with a bunch of willows and lighted candles in their hands stand in the temple. The priest sprinkles these branches with holy water and people take them home and put them in vases near the icons (showing a bouquet). These consecrated twigs were kept for a whole year, and when he consecrated new ones, these can be burned and the ashes must be buried only in the earth.

IV . On this day, people congratulate each other. Today we will also make greeting cards.

    I distribute blanks;

    pay attention to lumps (lambs) and attach;

    showing different examples.

At the end of the work, children read poems about willow:

    1. Spring has not yet sewn

Forests, meadows shirts,

Only the willow dissolved

Curly lambs.

    1. Willow branches give us

We carry them to God's temple.

And to the sound of a bell

We put branches at the icons.

The lesson is over.

Glory to you, Lord!

Teacher primary school: Kireeva Tamara Fedorovna.


    "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture for children preschool age". Moscow, 2002.

    Orthodox holidays for children. Moscow, 2001.

    "Our riddles" Moscow, 2001.

    "Gift for the holiday" Potapovskaya O.M. Moscow, 2002.

Synopsis of entertainment with children senior group(theme "Palm Sunday!")
Abstract author: Rogacheva Zinaida Mikhailovna. Musical director MBOU "Olinskaya secondary school", St. Forest, Astrakhan region, Limansky district.
Direction of activity: Musical and folklore.
Educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Music".
Purpose: To expand knowledge about folklore, about folk traditions, to teach the expressive performance of folk songs, calls, games. Create a joyful, festive mood for children.
In the hall, in the foreground, the scenery of the hut is a stove, a table, a bench.
Grandma and grandpa are in the hut. To the music of "Oh, you canopy, my canopy," children enter the hall.
Children: Good morning, grandmother,
good morning grandpa,

Allow me to go to the top

Go to the upper room, and sit on a bench.

Grandmother: Come in, dear children, sit down. make yourself more comfortable. Look what I have beautiful bouquet(shows a willow) tell me what tree these branches are from?

Children answer: Willow!

Grandmother: Well done, you know, this tree is called Willow!

Guys, there is such a holiday “Palm Sunday”, they celebrated it a week before “Easter”. According to the Bible, when entering the city of Jerusalem, the people greeted Jesus Christ with palm branches.

Children: We don't have palm trees.

Grandmother: In Rus', the willow took the place of the palm branch, as it was considered a symbol of vitality. And so it turns out the palm tree and the willow are one and the same.

There are no green palms in Russia,

Only birches and maples,

Yes fluff over the water

Willow branch young,

Willow branches give us -

Let's take them to God's Temple,

And to the sound of a bell

We will put them at the icons.

Willow is health, strength, beauty, whom Verba touches on a holiday, he will be healthy and strong.

Grandfather: On Palm Sunday, people brought twigs to the temple (church), stood a service, prayed, as if charging them with good power, then they came home and whipped each other, saying: Willow, Willow, Willow whip

Willow, Willow, beat to tears.

To white buns

To red testicles.

I don't hit - Verba hits!

Willow whip-beats to tears.

In the old days, on Palm Sunday, people held fairs with games, mummers.

Grandfather from the stove: And you take some noise,

Games, different fairy tales start.

Appear to the music fairy-tale heroes, a dramatization of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane."

Grandfather: Palm Sunday is coming soon, and the sun is not hot, but the sun is fixable, let's call ....

Sunshine, sunshine

Get out on the track

Sunshine, sunshine

Play a little....

Children sing the song "Sun", the Sun appears

I am the spring sun

Came with herbs, with birds,

With fun fun

The game is held: "Burn, sun, brighter"

Children become around the sun in a round dance, come closer to the Sun, narrowing the circle, bow and say:

Children. Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And winter is warmer, and spring is nicer. (retreat back)

Burn, burn, clear, so that it does not go out.

Look at the sky, the birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

Ding dong, ding dong

Run away quickly!

The leader shouts "I'm burning!", The children scatter to the chairs, The sun is catching up with the children.

Grandmother: The guys played, but now let's listen to a fairy tale, let's see.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Cockerel-golden comb".

Sunny: Guys, let's play one more game "Gate"

Round dance game "Gate"

Sounds Russian. nar. music.

Everyone joins hands. The sun is leading. It leads the children in a circle of eight. When the music stops, Sunshine points to the couple it stopped in front of. The couple join hands and form a "collar". The sun leads all the children into these gates and again leads the children around the hall. The music stops again, the next pair is formed and stands behind the first pair. The game continues until all the children are in pairs - the gate.

Grandmother: Well, guys, frolic, played, it's time to relax, sit down on the benches, I'll treat you to tea. It used to be that on Palm Sunday, grandmothers baked bread, not all bread, put willow buds, treated their guests. True, they called them differently, some “lambs” and some “bread”. And today I baked such “lambs” for you. Help yourself to health and gain strength. Whoever gets a “lamb” with a kidney will be happy all year

  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"

  • The presentation tells about the Orthodox holiday Palm Sunday, which precedes Happy Easter. This day has many interesting traditions, its own customs, signs, which it will be interesting for schoolchildren to learn about at a classroom hour or a OPK lesson. You can download the manual from the link for free and for music or art lessons. There is no abstract in the archive.

    From the development slides, schoolchildren will learn the history of Palm Sunday. This date is celebrated on the day when, a week before Easter, the Lord entered Jerusalem. When he entered the city, people joyfully greeted him. They expressed their joy with cheers. In the hands of each were palm branches, with which the people greeted their hero. We do not grow a palm tree, so on this day everyone gathers in church and consecrates willow branches, which usually bloom for this holiday. So he got his name - Palm Sunday.

    A presentation on the theme "Palm Sunday" was made for kindergarten children or students elementary school. At this class hour or lesson (lesson), schoolchildren will be able to get acquainted with the history of the holiday, learn more about its traditions. You can download the development made by the teacher on 17 slides for free.

    Many children are familiar with the holiday when everyone goes to the temple to bless willow branches. But do the pupils of the preschool educational institution know the history of this unusual tradition? Most likely, not all, so this work will help to correct the situation. Let every preschooler learn about how once in Jerusalem on this day they met Jesus Christ, who entered the city.

    The presentation will acquaint schoolchildren with the history of Palm Sunday and help them decide what kind of postcard they can give to their relatives on this holiday, since part of the work on the topic “Drawing a Willow” is devoted to the description of this particular process.

    Willow is one of the symbols of the coming spring. These are her gentle silver seals blooming on modest trees. Nature is changing in an instant. This tree has long been noticed for its unusual meeting of spring and was awarded special respect. It is the willow twigs that are consecrated in the church on the day of the holiday. Invite schoolchildren in grades 1-4 to draw a postcard in an art or technology lesson, the main place on which these holiday branches will take. The work shows a phased image of the composition.

    The presentation tells about the great feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which is better known to the people, and to our children, as Palm Sunday. You can download this wonderful electronic work for class hours in primary and high school, for ORKSE lessons in grade 4 or for classes with children in Sunday school.

    Completed manual on 12 slides. The story of the festive day begins with a description of the events of Lazarus Saturday, when the resurrection of St. Lazarus took place. After this event, the people began to treat Jesus even more favorably and believe him, and the Pharisees planned to kill him. After that, Jesus went with his disciples to Jerusalem, where he was greeted as a great teacher, waving palm branches. In our country, this tradition of meeting the holiday is replaced by blossoming willow branches, which is why the day of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem is called Palm Sunday.

    To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in:

    Slides captions:

    Palm Sunday Willow whip, beat to tears. There is a red egg nearby. Russian sentence.

    In Rus', as the snow melts, and in nature - silence. The first willow comes to life, artless and tender. Before Easter, on Sunday, they go to church with a willow, After the blessing of water, they carry it to sprinkle. And with a hymn of praise, with a shrine in their hands, they pray for blessings with repentance in their hearts.

    On the last Sunday before Easter, according to Orthodox calendar The Lord entered Jerusalem. In Rus', this holiday is called Palm Sunday.

    According to the Bible, ON THIS day Jesus rode a young donkey - a symbol of meekness and peacefulness - solemnly entered the gates of Jerusalem. The assembled people hailed him as the Messiah. They waved palm branches, spread their clothes before Him and sang. Giotto. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Russian icon.

    VG Schwartz "Procession on a donkey of Alexei Mikhailovich" 1865. In Rus', on the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the so-called "procession on a donkey" took place. After the festive service, a special procession took place from Red Square to the Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, depicting the very event of the celebrated holiday. The patriarch followed in it, sitting astride a horse (dressed up as a donkey), which was led by the bridle by the king walking on foot. In 1697 the rite was abolished.

    All-night vigils are held in churches on this day: parishioners pray, as if meeting the Lord, holding willow branches, flowers and burning candles in their hands.

    At the end of the service, the willow is sanctified with holy water. It is believed that willow has great healing power and helps to get rid of all the bad things that have accumulated in the house during the year. It is customary to keep consecrated willows in the house all year next to the icons.

    Willow whip, Bay to tears. I don't hit, Verba hits. Be healthy Like willow. The most important custom of this holiday is whipping their children with willow by the eldest of the family with certain words: This was done so that the children were healthy and obedient. Willowlash, beat to tears. There is a red egg nearby. Russian sentence.


    "Our army is dear."

    Prepared and hosted:

    Kharlashkina T.S.,

    primary school teacher

    MOU Gulikskaya secondary school.

    February 18, 2011

    Leading . Today is not just a February day, today is a special day. We have gathered to congratulate our boys, dads, grandfathers on the Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

    February 23… The holiday is over 90 years old. For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and kindness.

    To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, on February 23, 1918, a decree was issued on the celebration of the Red Army Day, later it was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

    It has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day for several years now. For a long time in Russia, the military profession has been one of the most respected and honorable. Serve the Fatherland it is to protect the peaceful life of our people, it is to preserve the honor and dignity of our Motherland.

    The word "army" comes from the Latin word "armo""arm". But the army is not only strong in weapons, it is strong in the stamina and courage of its soldiers. Soviet army in 1945 she defeated Hitler's troops and liberated Europe from the fascist invaders.

    And in peacetime, our army guards tens of thousands of kilometers of land, air and water borders of Russia. And always guided by the best military traditions of our ancestors.

    The glorious victories of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky inspire the deeds of today's soldiers, teach them love for the Motherland. In the wonderful film "Officers" one of the main characters says: "There is such a profession Protect the homeland!

    And this day has always been a holiday for men. And today we glorify the defenders of the Fatherland.

    Defender of the Fatherland Day gives a reason to congratulate all living soldiers and honor the memory of the heroes of past battles. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a national holiday. At home, at work, at school - everywhere on this day congratulations are addressed to everyone who once served or is serving now or will serve the cause of defending the Fatherland. They sound to us too.

    Katya Necessary .In the wind our flag flutters


    The wind also understands:

    Today is not an easy day.

    Too bad the wind can't

    Congratulations to convey

    Katya Tsivileva .To everyone who, not sparing life,

    Protects Mother Russia:

    Young and veterans

    In the sky, in the field, on the water,

    Officers and soldiers

    Those that are already in the army.

    People say that the earth can feed us with its fruits and give us water to drink from its sources, but it cannot protect itself and people. To protect the land that feeds and waters you, to protect the people living on this land, has always been the duty of a man.

    A our boys are future defenders.

    As future soldiers and officers, from childhood they must cultivate such qualities as the ability to be friends, keep their word, be brave, courageous, noble and kind.

    Yes, our boys are like that. They are simply wonderful.

    Katya N. How many songs about the army are composed,
    How many songs about the fleet are composed!
    We are supposed to remember them on a holiday,
    Yes, and we also do not mind singing them!

    The song number 1742 "Smuglyanka" sounds.

    Katya C. Glorious history comes alive
    Everything that has been seen and passed ...
    The song teaches us the most important thing:
    Infinitely love your Motherland!

    Alena S.

    The youths of Russia swear

    They take an oath before the banner.

    Young people do not yet know

    That they won't all come home.

    There are less and less gray-haired mothers and fathers.

    They all go to another world...

    and the son remains in granite,

    Stay forever young!

    Leading . years have passed. Heavy fighting ensued. But so that those cruel battles never repeat on earth, the Motherland calls under its banners of young defenders, those who will be able to adequately continue the work of their grandfathers and fathers.

    Katya N. For two years an overcoat,

    Uniform for two years

    For two years of father

    Replaced commander.

    But away from family

    Far from loved ones

    You are now in sight

    At the native land.

    Katya C. Once the people trusted

    Keep your peace

    Can't be proud

    You have such a fate.

    They say it's hard

    They say it's far...

    Well, what and to whom

    Is it easy to get?

    Children's stories are heard about their fathers, brothers who served or are serving.

    Alena S.

    February, February, winter and sun!

    And the first birds called!

    Today I looked out the window:

    He froze, pressed his face against the glass.

    Leading . And so our meeting came to an end. To be a defender of the Fatherland means to be brave, strong, dexterous and honest. And I would like to once again wish them to prepare themselves for military service. Go in for sports, develop courage, resilience, of course, study well. As A. Suvorov said, "It's hard to learn, easy to fight." And our girls will give you small memorable gifts. Happy holiday!

    Thank you all, goodbye!


    presenter; Drops drip loudly

    By our window

    The birds sang merrily

    Spring has come to us now.

    Spring has come and brought the very first and good holiday "March 8" - the holiday of mothers. Since 1913, this day has been celebrated in our country. (see insert)

    Mother! What a kind and sweet word! Mom will be sorry, mom will take a nap, mom will help Mom is always in joy and in grief with her children. A mother will never leave her children in trouble. Care, maternal love should always be appreciated. Mom should always be helped at home, pity and protect her health, respect her work.

    Glory to women's work.

    Children all want to congratulate

    Mom, grandmother, sister!

    (Children tell poems)

    1 . Mom, very, very

    I love you!

    So love that at night

    I don't sleep in the dark.

    2 . I peer into the darkness

    I hurry the dawn

    I love you all the time

    Mommy love!

    3 . Here the dawn shines

    It's already dawn.

    Nobody in the world

    There is no better mom!

    Eighth of March, Mother's Day,

    Knock Knock! - knocking on our doors

    He only comes to that house

    Where they help mom.

    We will sweep the floor for mom,

    We'll set the table ourselves.

    We'll cook dinner for her

    We will sing with her, we will dance,

    We paint her portrait

    We will draw as a gift.

    They are unrecognizable! Wow! -

    Then mom will tell people.

    And we always, and we always,

    We will always be like this!

    Poem. E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence."

    Chastushki performed by girls of the 2nd grade.

    Our dear mothers!

    We will always love you.

    We will give you ditties,

    And to ditties - topotushki.

    Mom in the morning our Mila

    Gave 2 candies

    I barely had time to give

    And then she ate them herself.

    Mom asked Luda

    Wash dirty dishes...

    For some reason, Luda became

    Just as dirty as dishes.

    Daughter asked mom

    Take home a puppy

    Feed 2 days

    And I forgot about the puppy.

    I will help my mother

    Our Seryozha says.

    But how do you wash dishes?

    His stomach hurts.

    We finish singing ditties

    And we give this advice:

    Help more moms

    They will live 100 years!

    Boys of the 2nd grade congratulate the girls with verses:

    We sit in class

    And look at the girls

    And beautiful and smart -

    It's better not to find it.

    Lucky you girls

    You are already happy

    Because we are with you

    Most beautiful!

    There is a magazine on the table

    Well, there are fives in it,

    Because in our class

    Smart girls!

    Presenter: guys 2nd grade performed homework: wrote small essays about mothers, illustrated them with photographs of mothers. Let's listen...

    (Read out and put on the board.)

    In honor of such a fun holiday - games and contests.

    1. "Gallant gentleman" -

    One boy comes out, moves towards the girl he likes, at each step he compliments her as much as possible.

    2. "What am I?" competition for girls. 2 girls, looking in the mirror, praise themselves in turn (beautiful, smart, handsome, neat, cheerful, nimble, athletic, kind, smart, affectionate, happy.)

    3. "Ball game" - we stand in a circle, pass the ball, we stop by the clap - whoever has the ball in his hands - he sings, dances, recites a poem, makes a riddle ...

    4. "Flies, a ball flies through the sky."

    Words: flies, a ball flies through the sky,

    The balloon flies across the sky.

    But we know, up to the sky a ball

    It won't fly at all.

    (Imitation: ball - circle with hands,

    It flies - we wave our hands,

    Across the sky, thumbs up

    We are a finger on ourselves

    We know - put your hand on your head and smooth it.)

    Leading: Let's show how much we love our mother. The game "Sun" - children come up one at a time and attach a ray to the middle of the sun on the board.

    Let's think about what we will give moms:

    Game "Gift for Mom"

    What will we give our mother? Guess with us. Give me urgent advice on what item she needs. A useful thing when - loudly shout the word "Yes!". If the subject does not suit mommy, we say “No!”.

    Police pistol...

    And the candy box...

    New frying pan...

    Leather body armor…

    Well, shaving foam...

    10 packs of cigarettes...

    "Pedigree" and "Kitiket" ...

    The Good Food book...

    And hello from daddy...

    Eau de Toilette

    ticket to the theater for the ballet ...

    A set of threads for sewing…

    Wildflowers bouquet…

    Bass guitar and clarinet...

    Apples kg 2…

    New stool in the kitchen...

    Leading; your gifts - give surprises to mothers.

    Happy spring holiday!

    With the first flowers in this bright hour

    Congratulations now!


    Material for the interregional scientific and practical conference"Federal State educational standard Primary General Education: Results of the Pilot Introduction and Prospects for Implementation in the Amur Region”.

    Prepared and performed by:

    Kharlashkina Taisiya Stepanovna,

    primary school teacher, educational psychologist

    MOU Gulikskaya secondary school Zeya district.


    The specifics of adaptation support

    students of the 1st grade of a rural school:

    on the materials of the work of the MOU Gulikskaya secondary school.

    The period of entering school is not only a great joy for children, but also a huge load, because a first-grader is mastering a completely new world for himself. Successes, the emotional state of the child, his further attitude to school will largely depend on how effectively the adaptation process goes. With successful adaptation, study is perceived as an exciting process of learning, interesting communication with peers and teachers.

    Enrollment of children in school is an important stage of growing up, the desire for which, as Sh.A. Amonashvili, is inherent in the child along with the desire for movement and knowledge. ADAPTATION PERIOD is the process of psychological adaptation, the child's getting used to newhim the conditions of educational activity, which, unlike the game he is accustomed to, is purposeful, productive, mandatory, arbitrary.

    In psychology, there are many classifications, degrees of adaptation. Here is one of them:full adaptation- the degree of adaptation, when the child does not experience difficulties when entering a new activity for him;partial maladjustment- unsuitability for the subject side of educational activity, where one of the reasons may be insufficient intellectual and psychomotor development of the child, lack of help and attention from parents and teachers; maladaptation - the inability of the child to accept the pace school life, school turns into a joyless duty for the child.

    At the beginning of work on the psychological and pedagogical support of first-graders, it was known that not all first-graders attended kindergarten, which also affected the adaptation period, which lasted from 2-3 weeks to six months. The beginning of schooling is one of the most difficult and crucial moments in the life of children, both in socio-psychological and physiological terms. Violation of the adaptation process affects the formation of the student as a subject of educational activity in general. The problem faced by many educational institutions of our country: the problem of continuity between preschool and primary education. Not attending kindergarten can lead to the fact that the child will be somewhat divorced from the requirements and rules of school life that he must fulfill as a student. Although the motivational component of the child may be good.

    For the purpose of successful adaptation of students, work is carried out in the following areas: advisory, educational, correctional and developmental.

    School maladaptation of a child is a multifactorial phenomenon. The lag in learning is due to factors such as teaching methods, the personality of the teacher, help to the child from the parents, the atmosphere in the school and classroom, the place of the child in relationships with children and teachers, the personality of the child himself.
    Program of psychological and pedagogical support

    socio-psychological adaptation of first-graders

    in MOU Gulikskaya secondary school

    for the 2010-2011 academic year.

    This program is designed to implement psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at facilitating entry into the rhythm and content of school life for first graders.

    The program includes activities in 3 main areas:

    1. Cooperation of the school with the preschool educational institution in the framework of ensuring the continuity of "kindergarten-school"

    2. Work with "home" children, i.e. children who do not attend kindergarten.

    3. Work with children to prevent maladaptive behavior.

    Target - creating conditions for successful development educational programs and the formation of a positive self-concept of the individual, which involves the disclosure of creative potential, the formation and development of cognitive needs, social responsibility, and the development of the individuality of each student.

    The goal is achieved through a consistent solution tasks :

    1. Create a system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the school within the framework of the problem of continuity "kindergarten - school", which includes the holding of joint psychological and pedagogical events;

    2. Create a system of psychological and pedagogical support for the socio-psychological adaptation of first-graders through the active interaction of preschool teachers, elementary school teachers.

    3. To identify the features of the psychological and pedagogical status of each child in order to timely prevent and effectively solve problems that arise in the mental state, communication, development and learning.

    4. Organize regular group and individual consultations of parents on issues of pedagogy and psychology of child development;

    5. Design and implement individual programs psychological and pedagogical development and correction of individual students who need individual assistance from specialists.

    6. To carry out psychological and pedagogical monitoring of the dynamics of socio-psychological adaptation and development of students (in group and individual form)

    I quarter.

    1. Examination of medical documents, drawing up a certificate on the state of health of children.
    2. Questionnaire analysis.
    3. Organization of classes under the adaptation support program (from the 2nd week of September).
    4. Preliminary summarizing the course of adaptation at the end of the quarter Questioning of parents "Does your child feel good at school?"
    5. Parent meeting based on the results of the survey

    II quarter.

    1. Accounting for attendance at classes and the dynamics of children's behavior.
    2. Individual psychological work with first-graders who have signs of difficulty in adaptation (at the request of teachers and parents).
    3. Consultations in the mode of dynamic observation.
    4. Preliminary summarizing the course of adaptation at the end of the semester.
    5. Individual consultations of a psychologist on the course of adaptation at the request of teachers and parents.

    III quarter.

    1. Analysis of the results of the course of adaptation.
    2. Accounting for the attendance of classes and the dynamics of children.
    3. Individual psychological work with first-graders who have signs of difficulty in adaptation (at the request of teachers and parents.
    4. Dynamic surveillance in different types activities.
    5. Consultations in the mode of dynamic observation.
    6. Parent meeting "Adaptation to school - joys and difficulties."

    (Poll: "Has your child adapted to school?")

    1. Consultations on the course of adaptation in severe form, recommendations for mandatory consultations of a pediatric neurologist

    IV quarter.

    1. Analysis of the results of development dynamics.
    2. diagnostic protocols.
    3. Making submissions to the PMPK.
    4. Diagnostics: determination of the level of actual development in students with a severe form of adaptation and unable to cope with the curriculum for submission to the PMPK.
    5. Preparing a submission to the PMPK.
    6. Consultations on the results of diagnostics and preparation of parents for the examination of the child for PMPK.

    The subprogram of psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation of first-graders to the school "School is my home"

    The beginning of school life is a serious test for most children coming to the first grade, associated with a drastic change in the whole way of life. They must get used to the team, to new requirements, to everyday duties.

    The beginning of schooling coincides with the intensive mental development. Formation in progress cognitive activity, develop different kinds memory, verbal-logical thinking. High emotionality contributes to the predominance of involuntary reactions. But students can already consciously control their behavior, obey the necessary requirements - arbitrariness develops. Support for motivation comes through the development of curiosity. Underdevelopment fine motor skills hands does not allow some children to successfully master the basics of beautiful writing. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the development of small muscles in different activities. At primary school age, children are actively forming an internal plan of action, the ability to reflect begins to develop.

    As a rule, children strive to become schoolchildren: they go to school with great interest and readiness to complete educational tasks. But for many of them, the school requirements are too difficult and the routine is too strict. For these children, the transition to school can be traumatic.

    The main goal of the program is to help children adapt to school, which includes, in particular, the development of children's self-regulation, the prevention and reduction of anxiety, as well as assistance to the teacher in creating conditions conducive to the intensive development of cognitive abilities and communication skills of first graders.

    The adaptation of the child to school will be the more successful, the more actively his family will be involved in the education. Thus, the specificity of the adaptation period in a rural school lies in the fact that the family and the school are inseparable. The environment in which the child grows up and from where he comes to school is the micro-society where his further growing up takes place. He does not leave the familiar environment, but gradually expands its boundaries.

    Lesson 1 : "Magic Door" .

    TRIZ modification - we create a magical world with our own hands, one for all.

    Lesson 2: Ethological walk through the school

    The purpose of the lesson is to introduce the spatial and object structure of the school

    We draw what is more memorable (liked)

    Lesson 3 "Dream Planet"

    Purpose of the lesson: development joint activities, imagination, creativity, modeling and drawing skills (fine motor skills)

    TRIZ modification "Dream Planet"

    Lesson 4 : "The road that leads..."

    The purpose of the lesson: the development of joint activities, imagination, creativity, modeling and drawing skills (fine motor skills)

    Lesson 5 : "ABC of mood"

    The purpose of the lesson: the development of communication skills and arbitrariness


    Guess the mood of the drawn character.

    Picture the mood.

    Attention Exercises: Repeat after me.

    Lesson 6 "Meet Aliens".

    The purpose of the lesson: Development of communication skills

    Say hello to an alien.


    Guess the mood: ABC of mood.

    We draw an alien.

    Class 7 "Underwater kingdom".

    The purpose of the lesson: comprehensive - the development of communication skills, attention, arbitrariness, imagination and fine motor skills

    Pirate Encryption.

    Corrective test (we are looking for sea pearls at the bottom).

    Translators and coloring pages.

    Game: "The sea is raging - time."

    Lesson 8: "Animals"

    The purpose of the lesson: the development of speech thinking


    We draw with two hands.

    Find everything green, round, wooden.

    Physical education "Bunny".

    "Say one word."

    "Who will name more."

    Lesson 9 : "Edible - inedible"

    The purpose of the lesson: the development of arbitrariness and speech thinking

    "Guess what it is?"


    Ball game "Edible - inedible".

    Crossword "At the samovar".


    Lesson 10 "Map"

    The purpose of the lesson: the development of spatial thinking

    At the entrance to the hall where the holiday will take place, students in Russian folk costumes Ivan and Marya, with willows in their hands, meet the guests. They congratulate everyone on the holiday and cheerfully, not painfully, whip the guests with branches on their legs, arms, backs, saying:

    Marya: The willow is red, beat to tears, be healthy!

    Ivan: We beat to be healthy!

    Marya.; Be healthy like water, and grow like a willow.

    Everyone enters the room and takes their seats.

    Ivan: The sixth week of Lent is palm. Willow is the messenger of spring. She is the first to bloom with delicate fluffy lumps. Obeys the call of heat and sun.

    Marya: people say; “Without willow - not spring”, “I saw fluff on the willow - and spring under the hearth.”

    Ivan: In the old days, willow branches were consecrated in the temple, they were brought home and on Palm Sunday they hit all household members with them. Now this custom has begun to revive. It is believed that the life force of the first flowering plant is transmitted in this way.

    Marya: In the cities, they used to organize a palm bazaar. It was the last Sunday before Easter. So we invite you to take part in fun, games, contests.

    Ivan: The reward will be the tokens that you collect, and then you can exchange them for holiday prizes with Mary and me.

    Marya: The playgrounds will be open for 40 minutes.


    Competition for the most original, fantastic drawing.

    2. Burime.

    Rhyme poetry competition.

    Oaks - willows

    Spring is red

    Dots - kidneys

    Fasting - willow whip

    Country - spring

    With me in spring

    Buds - twigs

    Snowball is fluff.

    3.Running with a pouch.

    A bag of sawdust or sand is placed on the head, and a race is run. The bag cannot be supported by hands.

    4. Signs.

    If palm week is windy, with matinees, then spring will be good.

    Frost on the willow is useful: if it does not exist, then frosts will come later and damage the crops and crops.

    Cold willow - for harvest.

    The willow has fluffed up, winter does not go to the peasant yard.

    Willow and winter can not cope.

    The willow is red - it beats in vain.

    5. Quiz

    On what day (on what saint's day) did the peasants drive out cattle with willow branches? (St. George's Day, April 23, spring spring Yuri.) They drove cattle with sacred willows into the field: they made religious processions around the fields; sprinkled holy water on cattle.

    What Russian hero-hero stood up to defend the Russian land? (Ilya Muromets).

    What was the name of the fluffy willow buds? (Sheep, lambs, chickens).

    From what cereals were pancakes baked in Rus' on Palm Sunday? (From buckwheat).

    From what diseases will willow buds help if you chew them? (From toothache, fever).

    Why willow branches are kept all year round? Where are they placed? (Fortunately, they are kept by the images).

    6.. Riddles.

    White sheep run around the candle. (Verba).

    Stretched bridge

    For seven miles

    And at the end of the bridge

    Golden Mile. (Lent and Easter.)

    Enough for the whole world

    And crawls through all the cracks. (Sun.)

    One pours, the other drinks, the third grows. (Rain, earth, plant).

    Mother in the spring in a colored dress,

    Mother-winter in a shroud alone. (Earth).

    The pot is smart, seven holes in it. (Head).

    7. Dancing.

    Who has a narrow soul,

    Everyone who loves Russian dance,

    Leave without further ado

    There will be a dance competition.

    After 40 minutes, everyone gathers at Ivan and Marya, exchange tokens for prizes.

    Ivan: God bless you.

    Mary: God bless you

    A star from your doorstep

    On all the winding roads.

    Ivan: From all misfortunes and anxieties

    To save and save

    Ivan, Marya together (together)

    God bless you!

    And God bless you!

    Literature : "Palm Sunday". According to the old Russian custom.

    "People's Menologion": Sayings, signs.

    "All sorts of things:" A collection of necessary knowledge for everything


    Russian people, their customs, legends, superstitions.