Know the composition of number 7. Formation of new knowledge

The better a child imagines the composition of a number in his head and the faster and more correctly he can decompose a number into 2 others, the easier it will be for him to solve any equations for addition and subtraction. Therefore, the topic is important and you need to work it out with the child with full responsibility, so that he does not bend his fingers, counting 6-3, but immediately says 3. First, introduce the child to the houses on the composition of the number, populated by numbers. You can download and print them on the Houses page “composition of numbers” >> Then the knowledge needs to be consolidated. And the best way to bring skills to automaticity is a mathematical simulator. The tasks in our simulator are varied. To prevent the child from getting tired, we offered on one sheet not only houses, but also examples of adding and subtracting by the composition of a number, finding an unknown addend, subtracted or reduced, and smart problems. Click on the pages you need and open them in full size, then you can save the picture to your computer and print it. When printing on A4 sheet, it is possible to cut one sheet into 2 and stretch the tasks over 2 days to reduce the burden on the child. After completing the task, the child or adult notes how he evaluates it: not very good - cloud, good - smiley, excellent - sunshine.

Download and print the simulator for the composition of numbers from 2 to 10

And now randomly. We also cut it into 2 parts and decide.

Math lesson script

Class: 1

Education system:School 2100

Teacher: Balakina O. Yu.

Lesson topic " Composition of the number 7."

Lesson type: A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce the composition of the number 7;

    consolidate knowledge of the composition of numbers 5, 6, 8;

    improve table addition skills.

Main stages of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

    Updating basic knowledge. Introduction to the topic.

    Formulation of the problem.

    Discovery of new things and recording of new knowledge.

    Primary consolidation.

6) Reflection on learning activities in the lesson.

UUD formed in the lesson:


draw up, understand and explain simple algorithms (action plan) when working with a specific task.


actively participate in the general didactic game “student – ​​students”, organized by the teacher;

participate in discussions working in pairs;

clearly formulate your difficulties that arose while completing the task;

clearly formulate answers to questions from other students and the teacher.


work in pairs, helping each other;

participate in the assessment and discussion of the result obtained when the couple worked together;

evaluate your contribution to the work of the couple.

Forms of educational cooperation used in the lesson: collaboration with the teacher and peers (work in pairs).

Assumed control: independent work with mutual checking.

Planned results:


Children will learn to represent the number 7 as a set of smaller numbers, and to consider cases of addition and subtraction related to the composition of a natural number.


Determine and express, under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of behavior common to all people in cooperation, in situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on simple rules of behavior common to all, make a choice, with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

Equipment used (including ICT equipment):

a picture of Snow White and the 7 dwarves, a demonstration number house for the number 7, individual number houses, task cards, math sets.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Teacher:- The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins!

Smile at each other and let’s conduct our lesson in such a joyful mood. Sit down please!

II. Updating basic knowledge. Introduction to the topic.

Guess the riddle:

How many colors are there in a rainbow,

Days of the week for whales

Snow White's dwarves

Twin brothers at the pawn

A note that even children know

And all the miracles in the world,

Deal with it all

Numbers will help us. . . ( Seven.)

Today in class we are talking about the number 7. ( The topic of the lesson appears on the board.) The heroes of the fairy tale that were mentioned in the riddle came to visit us. Who is this? (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.) (The teacher opens a picture of the characters.)

- We must help the dwarfs save Snow White. To do this you need to complete all their tasks. What do we need to deal with this? (Knowledge, work together, help each other.)

Task 1: “The number is lost”

(On the board there is a series of numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9.)

The first gnome invites us to find out which number is lost and find its place in the number series. (Number 7.)

Name the number preceding the number 7. (Number 6.) How to get the previous number? (Take 1 step back.) Say the next number of seven. (8) How to get the next number? (Take 1 step forward.)

Task 2.

The second gnome asks us to establish a pattern and determine which number should be inserted instead?. (The task opens on the board.)

? | 3 4 | ? 3 | ?

/ \ / \ / \

5 6 4

Well done guys, you did a good job.

III. Formulation of the problem.

(Notes open on the board.)

3 + = 6 3 + = 7

4 + = 6 5 + = 7

5 + = 6 6 + = 7

And here is the task of the third gnome. What are these records called? (Equalities.) Compare the equalities on the left and on the right. How are they similar and how are they different?

Open your notebooks and write down the first column. What do you need to remember to fill in the missing numbers? (Composition of number 6.) Can we write down the second column? (No.) Why? (We don’t know the composition of the number 7.)

What task do we set in the lesson? (Find out the composition of the number 7.)


The fourth gnome invites us to do a warm-up.

Get ready to warm up!

Turn left, turn right.

Count the turns -

One, two, three - don't lag behind!

We begin to squat -

One two three four five.

The one who does exercises

Maybe we should do a squat dance.

Now let's raise our hands

And let's drop them with a jerk,

It's like we're jumping off a cliff

Summer sunny day.

And now walking in place -

Left-right, stop one-two!

We'll sit at our desks together

Let's get down to business again.

IV. Discovery of new things and recording of new knowledge.

1) Work in pairs with mathematical sets.

(Children sitting at the left desk place 7 yellow circles, and 7 red circles on the right. Children exchange circles, showing the different composition of the number 7, and fill out the number “houses” as they proceed. Then check each other.)

2) Comparison with the standard on the board.

(The teacher opens the filled number “house” of the number 7 on the board.)

Now check yourself, compare your numerical “houses” with mine. Raise your hands who did everything right. I'm happy for you. (The class recites the composition of the number 7 in unison.) Have we solved the problem that has arisen? Now can we insert numbers into the equations? (Yes.) We write down the second column of equalities in the notebook. (Students use their number houses to fill in the missing numbers.)


The fifth gnome invites us to rest again.

One two three four five -

Let's clap our hands so many times

How many light bulbs do we have?

We stamp our feet so many times,

How many windows do we have?

Let's sit together so many times

How many Christmas trees do we have?

Let's jump together so many times

How many stars do we have?

V. Primary consolidation.

1) - The sixth gnome gives you the task to open the textbook on page 77 and complete it in notebook No. 7. (The job is being checked.)

2) - The seventh gnome asks to complete task No. 8. (Performing mutual verification.)

VI. Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

Well done boys! We helped the dwarfs and saved Snow White.

What new did you learn in the lesson? What do you remember most? How do you feel when you finish the lesson?

On your tables there are drawings of gnomes. If you succeeded, get yourself a cheerful gnome. If there were difficulties, take a sad gnome.

Let's say thank you to each other. The lesson is over.

Target: Introduce children to the composition of the number 7 from two smaller ones.

Program content:

  • practice counting within 10, the ability to name the “neighbors” of named numbers, distinguish and name numbers in order;
  • fix the names of the days of the week;
  • introduce the number and number 7;
  • teach children to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers;
  • improve computing skills;
  • continue to form mental operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization; ability to work independently;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • cultivate curiosity, attention, and self-control skills.

Dictionary: activate quantitative and ordinal numbers, names of days of the week in speech.

Demo material: flower, typesetting canvas, set of numbers from 1 to 10, card with number 7, game “Living Week”, train with carriages, pictures of animals with examples, d/i “Number House”.

Handout: sets of cards with numbers and signs, geometric shapes for construction (7 squares and 1 circle for each).

Methodical techniques:

  • surprise moment
  • use of visual material
  • d\i “Find the number”
  • working with counting sticks
  • d\i "Live Week"
  • physical minute
  • d\i "Seated in carriages"
  • d\i "Number House"
  • productive activity.

GCD move

Organizing time

We were expecting guests today

And everyone was a little worried.

Now let's get down to business.

Mathematics awaits us

Let's start counting verbally.

Math warm-up:

Ordinal counting from 1 to 10;

Count down from 10 to 1;

Name the number following the number 4, 8;

Name the number that comes before the number 3, 7;

Name the number that is between the numbers 8 and 6, 4 and 2;

Name the neighbors of the numbers 5, 9.

Show the children a flower.

Educator: Guys, what do you think the name of this flower is?

Children: The flower is called a flower - seven-flowered.

Educator: Why was the magic flower called the seven-flowered flower?

Children: Because it has 7 petals and they are all different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Educator: That's right, this magical flower's petals are painted in seven colors. Guys, do you know where else this color combination can be found?

Children: There are also 7 colors in the rainbow.

Educator: Our balloons on the wall remind us of the colors of the rainbow. Guys, who can tell me a poem that helps me remember the name and location of the colors in the rainbow?

Children:“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.”

Educator: Let's repeat it and remember it.

Educator: The petals of our seven-flowered flower are not simple, but magical. Each petal has a task written on it that needs to be completed. So, let's pick the first petal.

Exercise 1

Educator: Read a series of numbers . Is everything okay here? (Children read).

Children: The number 7 is missing.

Educator: Between what numbers does the number 7 stand? (Put number 7). Your correct answer helped put the number back in place.

Educator: Look what the number 7 looks like. What does the number 7 look like? (Children's answers).

Number 7, number 7

The number is quite easy.

I'll bring the scythe

And I’ll draw that braid.

Educator: Let's lay it out from the counting sticks.

Task 2

Educator: In what fairy tales and proverbs does the number 7 appear?

Children: Fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”. Proverbs: “Seven do not wait for one,” “Measure seven times, cut once,” “Seven diseases cure onions.”

Task 3

Educator: Guess the riddle:

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.

(Days of the week)

Educator: How many days are there in a week? What is the first day? What are the days off? What day is today? What day was yesterday? What will it be like tomorrow? Let's play the game "Live Week". You and I know that each day of the week corresponds to a certain number. I show you a card with figures, and you tell me what day of the week it is and why.

Task 4

I want to become an athlete
I'm jumping rope
I'll go to the bike.
And I’ll go faster than anyone else.
I'll bend, bend, bend,
I'll reach the floor
I can easily touch the floor -
I straighten myself carefully.
I will raise my hands up.
I don’t understand where the sky is!
I'll close my eyes and hands
I'll play with the clouds.
I'll sit down, back straight.
Let my mother praise me!
After all, exercise every day.
I'm not at all lazy to do it.

Hands to the sides, in a fist,
Unclench it to the side.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! (knock fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle (“draw” a circle with your hands).

Task 5

Educator: Help the animals find the carriage number. To find out, we need to solve examples. Who will travel in the first carriage? In the second? In third? Which carriage will the fox travel in? Bunny? Name in order who is traveling in which carriage?

Task 6

Educator: Guys, we need to fill all the floors in the house with possible options for the composition of the number. Listen to the problem.

I found it in a squirrel's hollow

6 small hazelnuts.

Yes, there is still 1 lying

Carefully covered with moss.

What a squirrel! Here's the hostess!

Count all the nuts!

Educator: How many nuts does a squirrel have?

Children: Total 7 (6 and 1 more).


Five tits sat on a branch,

Two jackdaws flew towards them.

Count quickly, kids.

How many birds are sitting on the branch?

Children: Total 7 (5 tits and 2 jackdaws). Children fill the house.


Group of little ducklings

They want to swim and dive.

The four sailed away

Three dived deep.

Children: Total 7 (4 swam and 3 dived). Children fill the house.

Educator: Well done, the whole house is filled! Let's repeat the composition of the number 7.

7 is 6 and 1; 5 and 2; 4 and 3.

Task 7

Educator: And on our seven-flowered flower there remained the last petal with the task. You and I need to make our own magic flower. Look at what geometric shapes are on your table? (squares and circle) Count how many squares there are? (7) How many circles? (1). To make the petals, we need to fold the square diagonally, what shape did you get? (triangle). We fold the corners to the fold line and get a petal. How many petals should you get? (7). Why do you think we need a circle? (make the middle of the flower). Children complete the task.

Educator: Well done, what beautiful seven-flowered flowers you have created, you can make a wish and it will definitely come true.

Summing up.

Educator: Did you like the tasks of the flower-seven-flower? Well done, you coped with everything.

  • Let's remember all the colors of the petals in order that were on the seven-flowered flower.
  • Who remembers the magic phrase about the colors of the rainbow?
  • Which task did you like the most?
  • What was difficult?
  • What was the main number today?



Summary of an integrated lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and design on the topic:

"Composition of the number 7"

Target: Introduce children to the composition of the number 7 from two smaller ones.

Program content:

  • practice counting within 10, the ability to name the “neighbors” of named numbers, distinguish and name numbers in order;
  • fix the names of the days of the week;
  • introduce the number and number 7;
  • teach children to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers;
  • improve computing skills;
  • continue to form mental operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization; ability to work independently;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • cultivate curiosity, attention, and self-control skills.

Dictionary: activate quantitative and ordinal numbers, names of days of the week in speech.

Demo material: flower, typesetting canvas, set of numbers from 1 to 10, card with number 7, game “Living Week”, train with carriages, pictures of animals with examples, d/i “Number House”.

Handout:sets of cards with numbers and signs, geometric shapes for construction (7 squares and 1 circle for each).

Methodical techniques:

  • surprise moment
  • use of visual material
  • d\i “Find the number”
  • working with counting sticks
  • d\i "Live Week"
  • physical minute
  • d\i "Seated in carriages"
  • d\i "Number House"
  • productive activity.

GCD move

Children enter the group and greet the guests. They sit down at the tables.

Organizing time

We were expecting guests today

And everyone was a little worried.

Are we good at

Now let's get down to business.

Mathematics awaits us

Let's start counting verbally.

Math warm-up:

Ordinal counting from 1 to 10;

Count down from 10 to 1;

Name the number following the number 4, 8;

Name the number that comes before the number 3, 7;

Name the number that is between the numbers 8 and 6, 4 and 2;

Name the neighbors of the numbers 5, 9.

Show the children a flower.

Educator: Guys, what do you think the name of this flower is?

Children: The flower is called a flower - seven-flowered.

Educator : Why was the magic flower called the seven-flowered flower?

Children: Because it has 7 petals and they are all different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Educator: That's right, this magical flower's petals are painted in seven colors. Guys, do you know where else this color combination can be found?

Children: There are also 7 colors in the rainbow.

Educator: Our balloons on the wall remind us of the colors of the rainbow. Guys, who can tell me a poem that helps me remember the name and location of the colors in the rainbow?

Children: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.”

Educator: Let's repeat it and remember it.

Educator: The petals of our seven-flowered flower are not simple, but magical. Each petal has a task written on it that needs to be completed. So, let's pick the first petal.

The teacher plucks the petals one by one and reads the assignments.

Exercise 1

On the board there is a typesetting cloth and a number line without the number 7.

Educator: Read a series of numbers. Is everything okay here?(Children read).

Children: The number 7 is missing.

Educator: Between what numbers does the number 7 stand?(Put number 7).Your correct answer helped put the number back in place.

Educator: Look what the number 7 looks like.(Hang up a card with the number 7).What does the number 7 look like? (Children's answers).

Number 7, number 7

The number is quite easy.

I'll bring the scythe

And I’ll draw that braid.

Educator: Let's lay it out from the counting sticks.(Working with counting sticks).

Task 2

Educator: In what fairy tales and proverbs does the number 7 appear?

Children: Fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”. Proverbs: “Seven do not wait for one,” “Measure seven times, cut once,” “Seven diseases cure onions.”

Task 3

Educator: Guess the riddle:

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.

(Days of the week)

Educator: How many days are there in a week? What is the first day? What are the days off? What day is today? What day was yesterday? What will it be like tomorrow? Let's play the game "Live Week". You and I know that each day of the week corresponds to a certain number. I show you a card with figures, and you tell me what day of the week it is and why.

Task 4


I want to become an athlete
I'm jumping rope
I'll go to the bike.
And I’ll go faster than anyone else.
I'll bend, bend, bend,
I'll reach the floor
I can easily touch the floor -
I straighten myself carefully.
I will raise my hands up.
I don’t understand where the sky is!
I'll close my eyes and hands
I'll play with the clouds.
I'll sit down, back straight.
Let my mother praise me!
After all, exercise every day.
I'm not at all lazy to do it.

Hands to the sides, in a fist,
Unclench it to the side.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!(knock fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle
(“draw” a circle with your hands).

Task 5

Educator: Help the animals find the carriage number. To find out, we need to solve examples. Who will travel in the first carriage? In the second? In third? Which carriage will the fox travel in? Bunny? Name in order who is traveling in which carriage?

Task 6

Educator: Guys, we need to fill all the floors in the house with possible options for the composition of the number. Listen to the problem.

I found it in a squirrel's hollow

6 small hazelnuts.

Yes, there is still 1 lying

Carefully covered with moss.

What a squirrel! Here's the hostess!

Count all the nuts!

Educator: How many nuts does a squirrel have?

Children: Total 7 (6 and 1 more).The child goes to the easel andfills the house. Children work with cards at tables.


Five tits sat on a branch,

Two jackdaws flew towards them.

Count quickly, kids.

How many birds are sitting on the branch?

Children: Total 7 (5 tits and 2 jackdaws).Children fill the house.


Group of little ducklings

They want to swim and dive.

The four sailed away

Three dived deep.

How many ducklings are there in the pond?

Children : Total 7 (4 swam and 3 dived).Children fill the house.

Educator: Well done, the whole house is filled! Let's repeat the composition of the number 7.

7 is 6 and 1; 5 and 2; 4 and 3.

Task 7

Educator: And on our seven-flowered flower there remained the last petal with the task. You and I need to make our own magic flower. Look at what geometric shapes are on your table? (squares and circle) Count how many squares there are? (7) How many circles? (1). To make the petals, we need to fold the square diagonally, what shape did you get? (triangle). We fold the corners to the fold line and get a petal. How many petals should you get? (7). Why do you think we need a circle? (make the middle of the flower).Children complete the task.

Educator: Well done, what beautiful seven-flowered flowers you have created, you can make a wish and it will definitely come true.

Summing up.

Educator: Did you like the tasks of the flower-seven-flower? Well done, you coped with everything.

  • Let's remember all the colors of the petals in order that were on the seven-flowered flower.
  • Who remembers the magic phrase about the colors of the rainbow?
  • Which task did you like the most?
  • What was difficult?
  • What was the main number today?

Summarize the children's answers. Distribute chips.

The leading activity in preschool age is play. That is why all training should take place in a playful way.

The composition of numbers begins to be taught in the preparatory group for school. The material for a preschooler is difficult, but game techniques will help you successfully cope with the task.

Examples of games and tasks. (All games are given to study the composition of the number 5)

1. Game with colored circles.

To play, you need to prepare double-sided colored circles. One side is red, the other is blue (for example)

How many circles are there in total?

You flip one circle, blue side up.

How many circles are there?

You find out that the quantity has not changed, but the number 5 was made up in a different way by 1 + 4.

Carry out similar work until all the red circles are upside down.

2. Solving “fun” problems.

This is what tasks are called - questions in poetic form. Before starting the game, you need to prepare the same circles that we used in the first task and make a selection of problems.

For example:

Two red cats were sitting on the porch (the child puts 2 red circles aside)
Three black cats were looking out the window. (3 blue circles)
Well, who is ready to answer,
How many cats are there in total?

The child counts the circles and says the answer. If you manage to create pictures that you can use to check the solution to the problem again, you will get an additional opportunity to consolidate the composition of the number.

3. Game "Who lives in the house?"

The child must enter a number that complements the number in the first column to 5.

4. Game "Guess - ka"

You have a box of cubes. Together with your child, count the number of cubes (In this case, there are 5), then cover the box with a napkin and remove a certain number of cubes from the box.

I took out 1(2, 3, 4) cube. How many cubes are left in the box? How did you guess?
- There are 4(3, 2, 1) cubes left. 5 is 1 +4.

5. Game "Shop"

You can sell whatever is convenient for you - books, cups, spoons, pencils... The only condition is that the price of the product is the same (in our case, 5 rubles) and corresponds to the number being studied. The child needs to be given a set of numbers so that he can add 2 numbers to get the desired one. If you give him “real” children's rubles, the game will become more attractive.

Varentsova Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 16 "Compensatory kindergarten" in Kingisepp
Locality: Kingisepp city, Leningrad region
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Composition of numbers 7 and 8
Publication date: 10.06.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 16 “Kindergarten of compensatory type” in Kingisepp
Lesson notes

according to FEMP in the preparatory school group

Topic: “Number 8. Number 8 “Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Prepared and conducted:


1 qualification category

Varentsova Natalya Vyacheslavovna

G. Kingisepp

Program content. Tasks:
1. Strengthen ideas about the composition of the number 7, counting skills within 7 2. Continue to form temporary ideas (days of the week) 3. Introduce the formation and composition of the number 8 and the number 8; 4. Strengthen the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number; 5. Orientation on a sheet of paper
1. Develop logical thinking 2. Give ideas about true and false judgments
1. Develop the ability to focus on the task at hand. 2. Cultivate the ability to work in a team, perseverance, the ability to understand and independently carry out the teacher’s tasks 3. Cultivate kind, respectful people Attitude towards others, work independently with handouts.
Priority educational area: “Cognition”
Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”, “Music”, “Work” Types of activities: cognitive, motor, gaming, communicative, labor. Objectives of integrated educational areas Communication  to develop children's free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking  to activate children's vocabulary. Socialization  to cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance, and self-esteem skills in children. Physical Culture
 continue to develop children’s motor activity during a dynamic pause Music  consolidate children’s ability to hear and move to music of various dynamics. Labor Clean the workplace, keep it in order Methodological techniques. 1. artistic word; 2. questions for children, answers; guessing riddles; 3. independent work on cards; 4. individual and choral responses; 5. ball games, counting out loud; 6. working with benefits 7. surprise moment; 8. encouragement and praise of children. Preliminary work: Learning to count to 10 and back, familiarization with geometric shapes, familiarization with didactic games, making manuals, cards, handouts.
Material for GCD
: magnetic board, cards with numbers “7”, “8”; number series with numbers from 1 to 10; pictures of transport (cars, helicopters, planes, ships, tram, bicycle, bus), pictures of objects, what the number 8 looks like (pear, matryoshka, tumbler), house “Composition of the number 8”, cards with squares for the house, squares red color 10 x 10 cm in the amount of 7 pieces, blue squares 1 piece, simple pencils according to the number of children, sheets of paper with the number 8 (in dots) for children to work independently, plates for handouts according to the number of children, ball, magnets for fastening manuals, glue, brush, chocolates according to the number of children, emoticons according to the number of children, music from the cartoon “The Little Engine from Romashkovo”, music for physical education.
Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.
– Hello guys, my name is Natalya Vyacheslavovna, I invite you to come to the carpet.
- Guys, guests came to our lesson today to see what you have learned and how much you know. Say hello to your guests.
IN. -
Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other. Children and their teacher stand in a circle.
- In a wide circle, I see, all my friends have stood up. We will now go to the right, And now we will go to the left, We will gather in the center of the circle, And we will all return to our place. Let's smile, wink, and let's start the lesson. Children do the exercises in accordance with the text. 1 time
- You will all listen carefully, answer questions with complete answers, do not shout, do not interrupt your comrades, listen to the teacher.
(2 minutes)

. - (invitation to the country of mathematics).
- Guys, what can you travel on?
- By bus, plane, boat, train, bicycle.
- You and I are going on our journey by train. To do this we must buy tickets.
1. Game exercise with the ball “Train Ticket”
To get on the train you need to know how to count forward and backward to 10. You count by passing the ball to each other. V. - you are great, you counted well and we can all take our seats on the train. The music “Locomotive from Romashkovo” sounds, the children go to their places at the table. So as not to get bored on the way, we will play with you (we raise our hand when answering)
2. Game task “Number Neighbors”

I name the number, and you name its neighbors. Name the neighbors of number 2; neighbors of number 4; neighbors of number 5; neighbors of number 6
. Guys, do you know in which fairy tales the number “7” appears?
1. In which fairy tale were there seven kids? 2. Which flower fulfilled all the wishes of the girl Zhenya? 3. What is the name of the fairy tale where there were gnomes and one girl? 4.What is the name of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin where there were seven heroes? Children's answers: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Flower of Seven Flowers”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”
- How many days are there in a week? What is the seventh day of the week?
- Number 7, denoted by the number “7”
V. - Well done!
Now we have reached the first stop.
(4 min)

. - The first stop is Garage station. Guess the riddles and find out what cars live in the garage. The teacher asks riddles, the children guess them. Pictures of the guessed vehicles are displayed on the board at the same time. Riddles: 1. A house is driving along the road, there are bright windows all around, it wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline. (bus) 2. The big dragonfly buzzes - I invite you to fly! The seats are soft for you And the pilots are top class (helicopter) 3. The iron bird circles in the sky, At the pilot’s signal it lands on the ground. (Airplane) 4. I twist two pedals, I fly into the distance on wheels. What kind of transport is it, give me the answer. My fast (bicycle) 5. A steam locomotive without wheels - What a miracle steam locomotive! Has he gone crazy? - He went straight across the sea! (steamboat) 6.Drinks gasoline like milk, can run far. Carries goods and people, You are familiar with her, of course! (car) 7.Lengthened carriage! Judge for yourself: The rails are in the air, and he holds them with his “mustaches.” (trolleybus)

- How can you call these cars (transport) in one word? How many cars are there in total? (7) The teacher counts and removes. Next station

Here we are. What an interesting task they have prepared for us
Q. - what do you see on the board? Guys, there are red and blue planes on the board in front of you. How many planes are there in total? (7) Q. How many red planes are there? (6) how many blue ones? (1) How did we get the number 7? to 6 +1=7 And now we will play the game “Day-Night” V. - Look carefully at the planes on them and remember. The children close their eyes, night has fallen. The teacher changes the blue plane to a red one. The day has come, we open our eyes, “What has changed?” D. - Blue was changed to red. How many blue planes are there? (7) Night, close our eyes. The teacher adds one red plane. Day, what has changed? We added another red plane. How much is it in total? Let's do the math. (8) How did we get the number 8? We are at 7 +1=8
- The number eight is indicated by this number. (The number 8 is displayed on the board) The number 8 is so delicious, it comes from two bagels.
. – What number lives to the right of the number 8? (7). To the left of the number 8? (9) Is there an eighth day of the week? (no, after 7, again the first day of the week) What is the name of the holiday whose name contains the number 8? (March 8)
- Let's take a close look at the number. What does it look like (children's answers) pictures (tumbler, matryoshka, pear) Children draw the number 8 in the air like a fox with its nose, hand in the air, then on a sheet of paper by dots (work with a notebook) Physical education minute.
-Are you probably tired? Well, then everyone stood up together. They stomped their feet, patted their hands, reached for their toes,
They turned to the right, to the left. Quietly everyone sat down. We close our eyes tightly, count until 8, open them, blink and continue to work. Composition of number 8
"House" on a board with circles.
Q. - What is the number of this house? (8) How to divide the number 8 into 2 smaller numbers? How many circles do you need to add to make the number 8? The teacher shows a house with numbers and discusses the options with the children: 6 and 2; 5 and 3; 4 and 4; 3 and 5; 2 and 6; 1 and 7;7 and 1;
: the teacher says it can be composed in different ways and lists all the options according to tables 1 and 7; 2 and 6; 3 and 5; 4 and 4; 5 and 3; 6 and 2; 7 and 1; how many options we have for the composition of the number 8 V. - Well done! We did well. Let's move on (music) While we're driving to the next station, let's play a game
Didactic game: “It happens - it doesn’t happen”
1. Is there a circle with three corners? (no, a triangle has three corners) 2. Do a squirrel and a baby squirrel have 4 tails? (no, 2 tails 1 +1 = 2) 3. Does the car have paws? (no, the car has wheels) 4. Is there a round square? And why? (No. A square has four corners) 5. Do foxes and baby foxes have only 4 ears? (Yes. A fox has 2 ears + a fox cub has 2 = 4) V. - Well done!
We arrived at the station – “White Sheet”.
Guys, now we will revive our sheet. Imagine that at the top of the piece of paper we have the sky, and at the bottom of the piece of paper there will be a roadway, and in the middle there will be a sea. Listen carefully to the task: Place the blue plane in the upper right corner. Place the red plane in the upper left corner. Place the blue car in the lower right corner. Place the red car in the lower left corner. V. - Congratulations! You did a good job and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten (music)

- Today we made a fascinating journey through the land of “Knowledge”. Did you enjoy the trip? What did you like? What was interesting? What number and figure did you meet? You guys are great, I really enjoyed working with you. I want to give you stickers - emoticons - as a souvenir of our lesson, which you can stick on your notebooks. The teacher praises the children. The children say goodbye to the guests.