Non-existent animal interpretation online for children. Projective technique “Non-existent animal. Results of the analysis of the “Non-existent animal” test

    Instructions for the RNL test
    Imagine and draw a non-existent animal. This must be an animal that has never been seen before, neither in fairy tales, nor in films, nor in cartoons, nor in myths, anywhere, anywhere.

    Materials: A4 sheet, pencil

    After the drawing of the RNJ is ready, ask questions to the subject. Based on the answers, you will be able to understand the person more deeply:

    1. What will this animal be called? Come up with a non-existent name for it.
    2. Is it a boy or a girl? How old is he? Is this a child or an adult?
    3. Where does it live? With whom? Does he have a family?
    4. What does it eat? What is he drinking?
    5. How is his day going? What does it do?
    6. Does he have friends? Who? How are they friends? (what are they doing?)
    7. Does he have any enemies? Who? Why and how do they quarrel?
    8. How is life for him? Is it happy?
    9. Imagine that your non-existent animal met a good wizard. And the good wizard tells him: “I can fulfill 3 of your most cherished desires. What would it wish for?
    More information is given to us by the initial impression of the RNC drawing, the emotional impression. But sometimes, when we focus on details, we miss the main thing.

    What is the first thing we pay attention to before we begin to analyze individual parts of the body? We need to see the formal aspects of the drawing: “how” the drawing is drawn more than "what". “What” is a conscious attitude, but “how” is not always controlled. “How” is the size of the drawing, the graphic features of the lines, the rotation and the emotional perception of the drawing - 4 aspects that allow us to analyze the drawing.

    Picture size
    The size of the picture is more than 2/3 - large, less than 1/3 - small. Large drawing reflects impulsivity and poor emotional control, often characteristic of hypoemotional individuals. If at the same time careless drawing (incomplete parts, poor connection) then this repeats the disinhibition hypothesis. If the drawing is large but thorough (was not drawn carelessly or in a hurry), then this is a reflection of a loving attitude towards oneself, a sense of one’s own significance and the subjective value of one’s own “I” for oneself, and then this can correlate with demonstrativeness (or with paranoia, but then it must be rigid and heavy). Demonstrativeness always manifests itself in the desire for the beauty of the drawing.

    Small drawing may indicate good control, but then it should appear in a neat, small, compact pattern. If there is additional staining and shading , then we understand that there is anxiety here and then this is a manifestation of self-doubt and negative self-esteem, and we can accept this to a greater extent when it is in the upper, left corner.

    Rotation of the picture
    There are interesting combinations when the drawing is shifted in one direction, but turned in the opposite direction (it understands that it needs to move forward and sees the future, but it is difficult for it and it is afraid). There is a tendency to overspeculate, so if there is other supporting evidence, then this interpretation can be abandoned. And again, we don't interpret left-handers in this sense.

    Graphic aspect
    Character of drawing lines - the most important criterion by which we identify anxious people or a state of anxiety. Not one line, but consisting of many small, short dotted lines.

    Repeated tracing this is also anxiety - he is not sure whether he drew well and he is trying to correct it. Or is it an obsessive state when he cannot calm down and circles all the time.

    Weak pressure or cobwebby, barely visible line - either the person is very tired, asthenic, tired, and that’s one thing. Or it could be a manifestation of closedness - he wants his animal to be minimally visible. And this is also uncertainty in one’s own “I” and this is reflected in the weak line of the animal - he does not know exactly what he is like and blurs into the fog. That is, he may be sick, unsure of his own “I” and closed.

    Strong pressure - aggression and you need to check the bulges on that side.

    Again, it is important to keep in mind whether the person is an artist or not - if he has a full hand, then he will do unnecessary shading not because he is anxious, but because it is necessary.

    Circuit integrity - if the outline is very well outlined and emphasized, this means that the person is protecting his inner space. If gaps in the animal’s circuit exist, then it is assumed that in some aspects there is a merging, mixing of the external and internal, or a violation of boundaries - the person may be very dependent on environmental influences, or the person completely merges with society and does not feel his own “I”. There is some kind of “hairiness”, but we understand that there are no boundaries between the external and the internal. But there are breaks associated with haste and hypomania - a person is in a hurry.

    Emotion when seeing a drawing - an intuitive perception of the drawing and a feeling of its integrity and harmony are important. Vagueness, formlessness is also an aspect of the general impression and an argument in favor of incompleteness and unstructuredness, there is no “I”, a feeling of fuzziness and uncertainty.



    According to the description text, the animal must belong to approximately the same age group as the subject himself, have the same sex and reproduce sexually (examples of deviations: reproduction by division, budding and spores);

    Drawings of people or humanoid animals are unacceptable - this is a sign of pathology (example: a cat in a business suit and with a cigar - a real drawing of a patient with schizophrenia; also schizophrenics very often draw centaurs, goblins, gargoyles and other “fantasy" - all this can be considered as signs of a major pathology );

    There should be only one animal in the picture: the presence of several animals indicates a violation of the boundaries of the “I” and an unsatisfied need for symbiotic connections, close relationships and emotional attachment.

    Such a person is not able to perceive himself in isolation from some other living being. Another unfavorable scenario is the image of an animal with a baby (as an option - a marsupial such as a kangaroo): this is a sign of severe psychasthenia and severe anxiety at the level of psychopathy;

    The placement of sensory organs anywhere other than the head can be considered a deviation (example: ear on the knee). If the subject draws only the head of an animal and says “this is a portrait,” this is bad: there is a violation of the body diagram, trauma to the developmental area; The quality of the drawing should be similar to life; Normally, the animal should be a mammal (examples of deviations: birds, fish and other cockroaches); characters like Robot Cop and the Terminator, films about which several generations have grown up with. In this regard, it is advisable to interpret the presence of inanimate parts as a clear deviation only when your subject is over 30 years old;

    It is necessary to evaluate how banal/creative a drawing is: the fact is that banal drawings are uninformative and only speak about the banality of thinking and the inability to be creative. Examples of “banal” drawings: a horse with wings, a cat with hare ears, a dog with a fish head;

    The first impression of the drawing, the emotional reaction to the depicted animal, is very important. In general, all animals can be divided into threatening, endangered and neutral. For example:

    • if an animal made you laugh, then it’s time to remember Freud and his thesis that a sense of humor is one of the best defense mechanisms of the psyche;
    • if the drawing causes rejection and rejection, most likely its author has the traits of a paranoid personality;
    • if you want to protect and warm an animal, it seems unhappy and touchingly absurd - most likely, the author was a representative of one of the sensitive subtypes;
    • if the animal does not evoke any emotions, most often such a subject does not have a pronounced character.
    Pay attention to the pressure of the pencil: it can be strong, medium and weak. In extreme cases, there is squeezing of lines. The force of pressure is directly related to motor skills, through which the internal tension and frustration of the subject are transmitted to paper. Widely varying pressure may be a sign of an unstable psychopath. Too little pressure is a sign of asthenia, loss of strength, depression, and (often) depression.


    1. Age

    A. Classification into one of four ages: child, young, mature, old; To what extent does the subjective psychological age correspond to the real age of the subject, in which age period does he localize his “I”;

    B. Lifespan

    Diagnostic is the statement of longevity and especially eternal or almost eternal life, for example: “He has been living for a long time, he himself does not know when he was born and when he will die, it will probably not be very soon.” This may mean reducing anxiety through a symbolic escape from reality, placing oneself outside the laws of the material world. May be typical for schizoids.

    2. Habitat

    1. Mountains (hard to reach), desert, forest (dense, impassable), cave, hole, dungeon. Desire for privacy or feeling of loneliness; sometimes a feeling of threat, a need to hide.
    2. Water element. The desire to return to the primordial broth, to the mother’s womb, to the primitive habitat, where all the substances necessary for life are dissolved and in a ready state;
    3. Another planet, another dimension. The desire to escape from real life, a feeling of dissatisfaction with life and the desire to completely change it;
    4. Air, sky. Isolation from reality, daydreaming, impracticality;
    5. Living in several environments at once. Anxiety, a compensatory attribution to an animal of super-adaptability, i.e., the ability to function in any conditions.
    6. Presence or absence of a home (whether the subject independently indicates this symptomatically)
    • Absence of home - a feeling of restlessness, a feeling of insecurity;
    • The presence of a home is the importance of this construct for the subject, the significance of the concept of home, hearth, one’s own territory, where it is safe, cozy, etc.
    • City house (apartment) - identification with an animal, getting closer to yourself, to your world.
    ​3. Nutrition
    • Carnivorous - pronounced aggressiveness;
    • Vegetarian - denial of aggression, emphasized peacefulness;
    • Feeds on air, energy, light, thoughts - schizoid, detached from reality, emphasizing immateriality, spirituality;
    • Feeds on nutrients dissolved in the environment - withdrawal from active, productive activity, fatigue, asthenia, depressive tendencies);
    4. Communication
    A. Solitary or in a pack

    B. There are many or few representatives of a given species. If little, or even at all
    One such feeling is loneliness, incomprehensibility, and difference from others.;

    C. Relations with relatives:

    • positive attitude, desire to help;
    • negative attitude, feeling of irritation;
    • competitive motives, competition;
    • independence, individualism, desire to isolate oneself;
    • Is there any joint activity (hunting, games, just communication, raising offspring, protecting the territory)
    • is there a need for protection from stronger people;
    • Are relationships with parents noted (in what way)
    5. Enemies
    • denial of the existence of enemies (emphasized peacefulness, denial of aggression, repression of anxiety);
    • feels like an object of potential aggression:
    • passive defense - hiding, camouflaging, running away, etc.
    • active defense - defensive-aggressive, i.e. protects the territory, attacks if the border is violated;
    • open aggression - the first to attack everyone;
    6. Pastime

    What type of activity is spent most of the time (preferred lifestyle).

    1. Job; the animal takes an active life position, is realized in productive activities (either “goes to work” - direct identification, or is engaged in vital activities (obtaining food, protecting the house) - practicality, realism, desire for self-realization, activity
    2. Satisfaction of physiological functions (“eats, sleeps, gets sick, is lazy”) - regression, withdrawal from vigorous activity, avoidance of social activity, possibly depressive tendencies, “withdrawal into illness.”
    3. Communication with others like you, active recreation, travel, games - extroversion, immaturity, infantilism;
    4. Lack of external activity, contemplation, reflection, aesthetic orientation - avoidance of active activity - is typical for anxious and schizoid individuals;
    5. Raising offspring - the significance of this topic
    6. Reproduction
    A. Sexual reproduction
    1. Either a special emphasis is placed on the sensual side of communication between the sexes, mating games, etc., or feelings for the opposite sex are revealed (love, fidelity, care, need for protection); In both cases, the importance of the sexual or love spheres of life is likely, there may be actual unresolved problems in these areas, some fixation on them, but not repression.
    2. Sexual reproduction is mentioned, but in passing, there is no special emphasis on sexual themes; - it is likely that the sexual topic is simply insignificant;
    3. The emphasis is on reproductive functions; sometimes contact with the opposite sex comes down to only this function and raising offspring; - either avoidance of sexual topics due to problems in this area, or the special significance of the topic of reproduction - the desire to have children.
    B. Alternative methods of reproduction to sexual reproduction are proposed: self-reproduction (budding, cloning, self-fertilization, etc.); the participation of the opposite sex is excluded, or rather its very existence is denied; - obvious problems in the intimate sphere;

    C. Fantastic methods of reproduction: spontaneous generation, emergence from solar energy, from thoughts, emotions; in general, denial of the very possibility of reproduction, assertion of the uniqueness and irreproducibility of a given animal; - in addition to avoiding the painful topic of sexual relations, this may mean emphasizing one’s own originality, uniqueness, and immunity from the laws of the material world.


    Eyes, mouth, head, neck - in the eyes it is very important to pay attention to the presence or absence of pupils; in the mouth it is important to look at whether there are pupils or not. Eyes - a person looks, observes information and feedback he does not want to express. And the mouth, in addition to nutrition, is a means of self-expression. The absence of pupils is a bad indicator, a negative attitude towards the testing itself, a person does not want to look at the world and at us. A feeling of soullessness, deadness, as if he had no soul or personality. There is an interpretation that this is deep schizoidism and self-alienation, lack of contact with oneself; for others, strong repression - when most of the content is inaccessible to oneself. And an easier interpretation is non-contact and a negative attitude towards the outside world, he doesn’t want us to look into his eyes and he doesn’t want to look either (and then empty pupils or dark glasses or crossed out).

    • In profile, drawings indicate a withdrawal from open communication, whereas when an animal is on us, there is contact.
    • The primary impression of the drawing, the emotional impression, gives us more information. But sometimes, when we focus on details, we miss the main thing.
    • Different legs are a sign of schizoidity
    • A hump is either a deformity or a complex or a burden that a person carries (the burden of the past, the heaviness in the soul)
    What is the first thing we pay attention to before we begin to analyze individual parts of the body? We need to see the formal aspects of the drawing: the “how” of the drawing is more than the “what.” “What” is a conscious attitude, but “how” is not always controlled. “How” is the size of the drawing, the graphic features of the lines, the rotation and the emotional perception of the drawing - 4 aspects that allow us to analyze the drawing.

    Emotion when seeing a drawing - what is important is the intuitive perception of the drawing and the feeling of its integrity and harmony. Vagueness, formlessness is also an aspect of the general impression and an argument in favor of incompleteness and unstructuredness, there is no “I”, a feeling of fuzziness and uncertainty.

    Eyes, mouth, head, neck

    In the eyes, it is very important to pay attention to the presence or absence of pupils; in the mouth, it is important to look at whether there are pupils or not. Eyes - a person looks, observes information and he does not want to express feedback.

    The mouth, in addition to nutrition, is a means of self-expression. The absence of pupils is a bad indicator, a negative attitude towards the testing itself, a person does not want to look at the world and at us. A feeling of soullessness, deadness, as if he had no soul or personality. There is an interpretation that this is deep schizoidism and self-alienation, lack of contact with oneself; for others, strong repression - when most of the content is inaccessible to oneself. And an easier interpretation is non-contact and a negative attitude towards the outside world, he doesn’t want us to look into his eyes and he doesn’t want to look either (and then empty pupils or dark glasses or crossed out).

    Name of RNZh

    • Meaningless sound is a schizoid symptom;
    • A name with a diminutive suffix (hare) is infantilism;
    • Repeated syllables (yum-yum...) - infantilism;
    • The claim to erudition is demonstrative;
    • Rational name - rationalization as a method of protection;
    • An artificial method of analysis is the presence of identification;
    • Try to find a similar word that sounds similar;
    • The presence of negative identification - the number of negative adjectives in the conversation (it turned out to be kind of crooked,... Not that...) a lot, as he looks - an anxious type;
    Animal head
    In symbolic form, it is responsible for intelligence, erudition and cognitive functions. Normally, there should be one head: a multi-headed animal is a sign of splitting and the presence of multidirectional tendencies in the life of the subject, which is fraught with neuroses. Often such a drawing speaks of schizophrenia - the word “schizophrenia” itself (Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a deterioration in the perception of surrounding reality and significant social dysfunction; this is absolutely the same as schizophrenia.) literally translated means “splitting”;

    RNJ torso
    It is a container of desires and drives;

    • a large body in combination with a small head is a sign of the predominance of desires over reason;
    • the complete absence of a body (a cephalopod) is a sign of infantility and special trauma in the sphere of desires and drives, as well as obvious sexual dissatisfaction.
    • Cephalopods are often drawn by schizoids and hysterical women, but if the creations of the former in most cases do not evoke affection, then hysteroids can draw a very cute fur “bun” with a bow - this is how they show their demonstrativeness;
    • shading/spots/patterns on the body – undifferentiated apprehension: a person is constantly “on edge” and monitors signs of an external threat, ready to respond with increased anxiety to any external stimulation;
    • camouflage “so that the enemies don’t eat it” is a sign of anxiety;
    • decorative elements without functionality – demonstrativeness;
    • A thick belly with a navel - in women, it directly indicates an inferiority complex regarding one’s own weight (even if your subject weighs 40 kg - in this case, one can additionally talk about a distortion of the body diagram);
    • A body of an indeterminate shape (for example, the body of a snake) indicates a poorly differentiated and cognitively simple personality;
    • The limbs (especially the lower ones) are responsible for 3 functions at once:
      • support;
      • movement as development in the broadest sense;
      • the nature of the attachment of the legs to the torso is responsible for controlling reasoning and conclusions (the ideal option is for the legs to directly “flow” from the torso; and a clear gap between the torso and legs is a bad scenario)
      • the absence of upper limbs or arms tucked behind the back indicate a feeling of helplessness (and this is not necessarily true);
      • wings can have different functions (depending on how they are positioned):
        • the drawing looks at you “full face”, and the wings are spread out from behind - this indicates a tendency to crowd out others and take up a lot of living space;
        • massive wings directed sideways or upward are a sign of good imagination and creative activity;
        • folded wings are an analogue of hands down: a person has creative abilities, but he does not use them;
        • disproportionate wings (for example, a hippopotamus with the wings of a moth) are a sign that a person unreasonably attaches increased importance to his own creativity.
      • hands with drawn fingers - if the author is a man, then this sign can be directly interpreted as the presence of developed manual abilities. This does not apply to female subjects;
    • eyes
      • with the drawing of the iris they are responsible for fears (this is a fairly common option, because in general everyone has fears);
      • empty eyes without pupils or pinpoint pupils are often drawn by schizoid subjects. This is a sign of emotional dryness and coldness;
      • eyelashes emphasize a person’s belonging to their own gender and are responsible for the interest in admiration of one’s own appearance from others;
    • nose a phallic shape or trunk can be directly interpreted as a sign of sexual preoccupation;
    • mouth may have different meanings:
      • a slightly open form with teeth is a sign of verbal aggression: such a person is most likely to snap, be rude and be sarcastic;
      • a slightly open blackened mouth indicates the ease of formation of fears and phobias of various kinds (typical of anxious neurotics);
      • a closed mouth is an indicator of reluctance to give out information about oneself;
      • a smiling mouth can indicate a good current emotional state of a person (provided that it is a smile and not a forced grimace or grin);
    • lips– as a rule, they talk about sensuality and sexuality;
    • mustache/beard: these are secondary male sexual characteristics, therefore, their presence in a female drawing should alert the diagnostician. If a man draws a mustache, this is an emphasis on his gender, a demonstration of pronounced masculinity;
    • ears are responsible for interest in information about themselves:
      • an open ear is a sign of strong interest in such information;
      • a half-closed ear like a spaniel or a hare - a person is ready to hear only what he wants to hear;
      • lack of ears = lack of interest in third-party assessments.
    • Protruding elements on the head (crown, hairstyle, horns) should be interpreted based on the assigned functionality - you need to ask the subject why the animal needs this or that part. If there is no obvious functionality, then you need to look at the appearance of the elements:
      • peaked and jagged shapes are a sign of aggression;
      • clearly decorative elements (for example, bangs) - demonstration of belonging to one’s own gender and general demonstrativeness;
      • headdress – possible fear of going crazy (a fairly typical phobia among representatives of the anxious type);
    • horns, hooves, armor, bristles, needles, sting, claws- signs of aggression. They can be divided into 2 categories
      • upward - this is a sign of aggression against superiors (parents, bosses, state);
      • directed downward - speak of fear of ridicule or condemnation;
    • neck does not have a pronounced semantic function, but in general it is generally accepted to consider it as an element connecting the head (mind) with the body (drives). Here are also possible options:
      • the absence of a neck indicates that the person does not feel that there is a problem of mind control over attraction (even if there is one);
      • long neck - problems with mind control over impulses (especially if a tie, a noose is tied around the neck, or some kind of shading is simply applied). This can be either overcontrol or lack of control;
    HATCHING: The dirtiest, “blackest” and shaded areas symbolically reflect the particular tension that exists in a given area. Very often, the lower abdomen and genital area are shaded: for women, this can mean gynecological problems (including infertility) or pregnancy, and for men, fear of impotence or even cancer (prostate cancer);

    DRAFTED FEMALE BREASTS WITH NIPPLES is an extremely rare element in the drawings, which can have very different symbolic meanings (from the banal emphasizing one’s gender to the experience of undergoing surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor). The diagnostician must be extremely careful and correct when interpreting such elements;

    The TAIL is an interesting detail that has many interpretation options:

    • the tail is directed upward from the right: a person approves of his own actions;
    • the tail is directed downwards from the right: the person does NOT approve of his own actions;
    • the tail is directed upward from the left: a person approves of his own thoughts and feelings;
    • the tail is directed downwards from the left: a person does NOT approve of his own thoughts and feelings - this is a very bad sign, indicating self-sacrifice and dislike for oneself, a tendency to devalue one’s own feelings;
    • the tail is located horizontally on the right: a person has stable, adequate self-esteem. The same is true if we have a “bunny tail”;
    • a curled or “pig” tail – unstable self-esteem and particular trauma in this particular area. The direction of the tail is important here. For subjects who drew a similar tail on their animals, it makes sense to look at the results on the first four scales in the Self-Attitude Study Methodology (MIS), which assess a person’s self-esteem;
    • peacock tail behind the figure: boasting and demonstrativeness, inflated level of aspirations and inflated self-esteem;
    • fish or forked tail - unstable self-esteem;
    DRAWINGS OF MALE GENITAL ORGANS – as a rule, this is a so-called “schizophrenic joke”: schizophrenics very often draw a penis with eyes in an attempt to shock the public in the person of an unsuspecting psychodiagnostician;

    FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS – if this element appears in drawings authored by men, we can safely speak of gross pathology;

    WOOL – known among diagnosticians as the “texture of sexuality”;

    TASKS - emphasize the special significance of the part of the body to which they are attached. They are often painted on the ears (a la lynx option) and on the tails. If a tassel is attached to an upturned tail, then we can talk about the importance of stable self-esteem (provided that it is a tassel, and not a Triceratops mace - if a mace with spines is drawn, then there is an aggressive defense of one’s own self-esteem);

    A LARGE NUMBER OF NON-FUNCTIONAL / LOW-FUNCTIONAL PARTS is a sign of a jam. The shading can indicate the same thing. Subjects with artistic or architectural education sometimes begin to get carried away with details - this is a possible manifestation of being stuck as one of the traits of a paranoid psychotype;

    ANIMAL OF THE “PULL-PUSH” TYPE (for example, a catdog) - indicates the presence of two differently directed tendencies in a person. You need to look at the size of each of the heads - they will indicate the strength of a particular tendency, as well as the expression on the faces of these heads. In general, such an animal demonstrates the presence of a state of deep neurosis - this is at a minimum;

The “Nonexistent Animal” drawing test is a popular technique that allows you to better understand a person’s personal characteristics and identify hidden emotions. Can be used with children from six years old. This technique works well with teenagers and adults. The technique is quite simple to implement, but is highly effective.
Test requirements
For this diagnostic technique you will need an A4 sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. It is better to avoid using markers and pens, because... in this case, it will be difficult to assess the degree of pressure when drawing lines. It is not recommended to test a person without first obtaining their consent. Coercion in this case is unacceptable.
During the projective technique “Non-existent animal”, a person is given the task of drawing a creature that has no analogues in living nature. The image should not be schematic. High detail of the picture contributes to a more effective interpretation. After the drawing is ready, the author must give a name to the drawn creature.
Before starting the interpretation, a person is asked a series of clarifying questions. Their goal is to clarify points that are not obvious. For example, find out what the creature eats? What do the details of the drawing mean (dots on the body, spikes, etc.)? How does the animal spend its time? What does he like and dislike? This information will provide important clarifications necessary for further analysis.
Interpretation of the “Non-existent animal” test
What does the name say? Typically, it is analyzed based on the following criteria:
scientific or pseudoscientific name of an animal - a demonstration by a person of his intellectual potential (rational type of thinking);
a name with repeated syllables – immaturity in development (creative thinking);
a name that is not logically connected with an animal - superficiality, a frivolous attitude towards reality (abstract thinking).
Location of the drawing. Normally, the animal is located in the middle of the sheet. The upward shift of the picture indicates a person’s high self-esteem and desire for recognition. The location at the bottom reflects indecision, depression, anxiety. A shift to the left is a focus on the past, an unwillingness to make efforts to achieve results. The drawing on the right side of the sheet is an active life position, a look into the future.

Features of the image.

Weak pressure on the pencil indicates passivity, sometimes a depressive state, while too much pressure indicates internal tension and impulsiveness. Dashed lines indicate anxiety as a personality trait of the subject. And multiple lines are an alarm at the time of examination. Sketch lines speak of the desire to control your anxiety, to control yourself. Missing lines that do not hit the desired point indicate impulsiveness, possibly organic brain damage.

The size of the picture can also tell you a lot. An animal that is too large can be a sign of anxiety or stress, while an animal that is too small can indicate depression or low self-esteem.
Head. The position of the animal’s head can be interpreted in a similar way: raised up, lowered down, turned left/right. An enlarged head speaks of an appreciation of one’s own and those around him’s erudition. The absence of a head indicates that a person is impulsive. In some cases, about mental illness. Several heads - conflicting desires, internal conflict.
Ears. When analyzing a non-existent animal, the nature of the ears (carefulness of drawing, size, etc.) allows us to judge how interested the person is in the information.

Eyes that are too large, empty, or with a crossed out iris indicate fear. Eyes with drawn eyelashes are depicted by people with a demonstrative demeanor, for whom the opinions of others are very important.

A slightly open mouth in combination with the tongue speaks of high speech activity, in combination with well-drawn lips - of a person’s sensuality. A mouth with teeth and fangs is a sign of verbal aggression, in some cases defensive. An open blackened mouth is a sign of ease of fear and anxiety.

Feathers are drawn by people who tend to embellish everything, horns - people prone to aggression or protection, a mane or a similar hairstyle - sensual natures who want to emphasize their gender, scales and shell - people in need of protection, wounds, scars - people in a neurotic state, built-in mechanical parts - people with communication problems, wings - romantics, dreamers,

Legs. A strong supporting part is self-confidence, rationality, firmness in decision making. The thin legs of an animal indicate the opposite personality traits: possible uncertainty, inconsistency, predominance of creativity.

Body. Consisting of many components and elements indicates the powerful energy of the individual, and a small number of components indicates energy savings and asthenia. The image of a circular figure is typical for closed, withdrawn people. A large number of sharp corners indicates aggressiveness.

Tail. A raised tail demonstrates a positive attitude towards one’s thoughts and actions, while a lowered tail does the opposite. A thick, carefully drawn tail speaks of the importance of the sexual sphere for a person; a decorative tail with many details speaks of the demonstrative nature of the individual.

The subject of the drawing is an important component that needs to be paid attention to. As part of the test, all depicted creatures can be divided into three groups:
vulnerable ¬ animals that are most often threatened in nature (birds, insects, small rodents and others);
threatening animals - images with emphasized aggressiveness. In nature, these are usually predators;
neutral ones are pets, representatives of the aquatic world, etc.
By drawing a creature belonging to one of the presented groups, a person associates his personal “I” with the attributes of this animal.

The technique was proposed by M. Z. Dzukarevich. By nature "Non-existent animal" test is classified as projective. For statistical testing or standardization, the result of the analysis can be presented in descriptive forms. The composition of this test is indicative; as a single research method, it is usually not used and requires combination with other methods as a battery research tool.

From the available literature it is clear that the examination procedure is not standardized (sheets of drawing paper of different sizes are used, in some cases the drawing is done with colored pencils, in others - in one color, etc.). There is no generally accepted system for assessing drawings.

Instructions:“Invent and draw a non-existent animal and call it a non-existent name.”


The position of the drawing on the sheet. Normally, the pattern is located along the midline of a vertically placed sheet. It is best to take a white or slightly creamy, non-glossy sheet of paper. Use a medium soft pencil; You cannot draw with a pen or felt-tip pen.

Position the design closer to the top edge of the sheet(the closer, the more pronounced) is interpreted as high self-esteem, dissatisfaction with one’s position in society, lack of recognition from others, as a claim for advancement and recognition, a tendency towards self-affirmation.

Position of the picture at the bottom- the opposite tendency: self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, indecisiveness, disinterest in one’s position in society, in recognition, lack of tendency to self-affirmation.

Central part of the figure(head or part replacing it). The head is turned to the right - a stable tendency towards activity, efficiency: almost everything that is thought out, planned is carried out or, at least, begins to be carried out (if not even completed.) The subject is actively moving towards the implementation of his tendencies.

Head turned to the left- a tendency to reflect, to think. This is not a man of action: only a small part of his plans are realized or at least begins to be realized. Often there is also fear of active action and indecision. (Option: lack of tendency to action or fear of activity - should be decided additionally).

Full face position, i.e. the head is directed at the person drawing (at himself), is interpreted as egocentrism.

There are details on the head corresponding to the sense organs - ears, mouth, eyes. The meaning of the detail “ears” is direct interest in information, the importance of the opinions of others about oneself. Additionally, using other indicators and their combination, it is determined whether the subject is doing anything to win a positive assessment or is only producing appropriate emotional reactions to the assessments of others (joy, pride, resentment, grief), without changing his behavior. A slightly open mouth in combination with the tongue in the absence of drawing the lips is interpreted as greater speech activity (talkativeness), in combination with the drawing of the lips - as sensuality; sometimes both together. An open mouth without drawing the tongue and lips, especially a drawn one, is interpreted as the ease of apprehension and fear, mistrust. A mouth with teeth - verbal aggression, in most cases - defensive (snarls, bullies, is rude in response to addressing him with a negative quality, condemnation, censure ). Children and adolescents are characterized by a pattern of a drawn, rounded mouth (fearfulness, anxiety).

Particular importance is attached to the eyes. This is a symbol of the inherent human experience of fear: it is emphasized by the sharp drawing of the iris. Pay attention to the presence or absence of eyelashes. Eyelashes - hysterical and demonstrative behavior; for men: feminine character traits with the drawing of the pupil and iris rarely coincide. Eyelashes are also an interest in admiring others for external beauty and manner of dressing, giving this great importance.

Increased(in accordance with the figure as a whole) head size indicates that the subject values ​​the rational principle (possibly erudition) in himself and those around him.

There are also additional details located on the head, for example, horns - protection, aggression. Determine by combination with other signs - claws, bristles, needles - the nature of this aggression: spontaneous or defensive-reactive. Feathers are a tendency towards self-decoration and self-justification, towards demonstrativeness. Mane, fur, a semblance of hairstyle - sensuality, emphasizing one's gender and sometimes orientation towards one's sexual role.

Load-bearing, supporting part of the figure(legs, paws, sometimes a pedestal). The solidity of this part is considered in relation to the size of the entire figure and shape:

a) thoroughness, thoughtfulness, rationality of decision-making, paths to conclusions, formation of judgments, reliance on essential provisions and significant information;

b) superficiality of judgments, frivolity in conclusions and unfoundedness of judgments, sometimes impulsive decision-making (especially in the absence or almost absence of legs).

Pay attention to the nature of the connection between the legs and the body: connection accurately, carefully or carelessly, weakly connected or not connected at all - this is the nature of control over one’s reasoning, conclusions, decisions. The uniformity and one-directionality of the shape of the legs, paws, and any elements of the supporting part - conformity of judgments and attitudes in decision making, their standardness, banality. The diversity in the form and position of these details is the originality of attitudes and judgments, independence and non-banality; sometimes even creativity (corresponding to the unusual form) or dissent (closer to pathology).

Parts that rise above the level of the figure. Can be functional or decorative: wings, extra legs, tentacles, shell parts, feathers, bows like curls; flower-functional details - the energy of covering different areas of human activity, self-confidence, “self-propagation” with indelicate and indiscriminate oppression of others, or curiosity, the desire to participate in as many affairs of others as possible, winning one’s place in the sun, passion for one’s activities, courage enterprises (according to the meaning of the symbol detail - wings or tentacles, etc.). Decorating details - demonstrativeness, a tendency to attract the attention of others, mannerisms (for example, a horse or its non-existent likeness in a plume of peacock feathers).

Tails. They express their attitude to their own actions, decisions, conclusions, to their verbal products - judging by whether these tails are turned to the right (on the sheet) or to the left. Turned to the right - attitude towards your actions and behavior. To the left - attitude towards your thoughts, decisions; to missed opportunities, one’s own indecision. The positive or negative coloring of this attitude is expressed by the direction of the tails upward (confident, positive, cheerful) or the falling movement downward (dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt of one’s own rightness, regret about what has been done, said, remorse, etc.). Pay attention to tails consisting of several, sometimes repeating links, to especially fluffy tails, especially long and sometimes branched.

Contours of the figure. They are analyzed by the presence or absence of protrusions (such as shields, shells, needles), drawing and darkening of the contour line. This is protection from others, aggressive - if it is done in sharp corners; with fear and anxiety - if there is a darkening, “smudging” of the contour line; with fear, suspicion - if shields, “barriers” are placed, the line is doubled. The direction of such protection is according to the spatial location: the upper contour of the figure is against superiors, against persons who have the opportunity to impose a ban, restriction, or exercise coercion, that is, against elders, parents, teachers, bosses, managers; lower contour - protection against ridicule, non-recognition, lack of authority among lower subordinates, juniors, fear of condemnation; lateral contours - undifferentiated caution and readiness for self-defense of any order and in different situations; the same thing - elements of “protection” located not along the contour, but inside the contour, on the animal’s body itself. On the right - more in the process of activity (real), on the left - more defense of one’s opinions, beliefs, tastes.

Total energy. The number of depicted details is assessed - is it just the necessary amount to give an idea of ​​an imaginary non-existent animal (body, head, limbs or body, tail, wings, etc.): with a filled outline, without shading and additional lines and parts, simply primitive outline - or there is a generous depiction of not only the necessary, but also additional details that complicate the design. Accordingly, the more components and elements (in addition to the most necessary), the higher the energy. In the opposite case - saving energy, asthenicity of the body, chronic somatic disease (the same is confirmed by the nature of the line - a weak cobweb-like line that “carries” a pencil along the paper without pressing it). The opposite nature of the lines - a line with pressure - is not polar: it is not energy, but anxiety. You should pay attention to sharply pressed lines, visible even on the back of the sheet (convulsive, high tone of the muscles of the drawing hand) - sharp anxiety. Pay attention also to what detail, what symbol is made in this way (i.e. what the alarm is attached to).

Assessing the nature of the line(duplication of lines, negligence, sloppy connections, “islands” of overlapping lines, blackening of parts of the drawing, “smudging”, deviation from the vertical axis, stereotypical lines, etc.). The assessment is carried out in the same way as when analyzing a pictogram. The same - fragmentation of lines and shapes, incompleteness, raggedness of the drawing.

Thematically, animals are divided into threatened, threatening, neutral(like a lion, hippopotamus, wolf or bird, snail, ant, or squirrel, dog, cat). This is an attitude towards one’s own person and one’s “I”, an idea of ​​one’s position in the world, as if identifying oneself by significance (with a hare, a bug, an elephant, a dog, etc.). In this case, the animal being drawn is a representative of the person drawing.

Likening the animal being drawn to a person, starting with placing the animal in a position of upright walking on two paws, instead of four or more, and ending with dressing the animal in human clothing (pants, skirts, bows, belts, dress), including putting the muzzle on the face, legs and paws on the hands , - indicates infantility, emotional immaturity, according to the degree of severity of the “humanization” of the animal. The mechanism is similar (and parallel) to the allegorical meaning of animals and their characters in fairy tales, parables, etc.

Degree of aggressiveness expressed by the number, location and nature of the angles in the drawing, regardless of their connection with one or another detail of the image. Particularly significant in this regard are direct symbols of aggression - claws, teeth, beaks. You should also pay attention to the emphasis on sexual characteristics - the udder, nipples, breasts with a humanoid figure, etc. This is an attitude towards gender, even to the point of fixation on the problem of sex.

Circle figure(especially if not filled with anything) we symbolize expresses a tendency towards secrecy, isolation, closedness of one’s inner world, reluctance to give information about oneself to others, and finally, reluctance to be tested. Such figures usually provide very limited data for analysis.

Pay attention to cases“mounting” mechanical parts into the body of an animal - placing the animal on a pedestal, tractor or tank tracks, tripod; attaching a propeller or propeller to the head; mounting an electric lamp into the eye, and into the body and limbs - handles, keys and antennas. This is observed more often in patients with schizophrenia and deep schizoids.

Creative possibilities are usually expressed by the number of elements combined in a figure: banality, lack of creativity take the form of a “ready-made” existing animal (people, horses, dogs, pigs, fish), to which only a “ready-made” existing part is attached so that the drawn animal becomes non-existent - a cat with wings, a fish with feathers, a dog with flippers, etc. Originality is expressed in the form of constructing a figure from elements, and not from whole blanks.

The name can express rational combination of semantic parts (flying hare, “hipper cat”, “fly-catcher”, etc.). Another option is word formation with a book-scientific, sometimes Latin suffix or ending (“ratoletius”, etc.). The first is rationality, a specific attitude in orientation and adaptation; the second is demonstrativeness, aimed mainly at demonstrating one’s own intelligence, erudition, and knowledge. There are names that are superficial and sound, without any comprehension (“lyalie”, “lioshana”, “grateker”, etc.), signifying a frivolous attitude towards others, the inability to take into account a danger signal, the presence of affective criteria at the basis of thinking, the preponderance of aesthetic elements in judgments over rational ones. Ironic and humorous names are also observed (“rhinochurka”, “bubbleland”, etc.) - with a correspondingly ironic and condescending attitude towards others. Infantile names usually have repeating elements (“tru-tru”, “lyu-lyu”, “cous-cous”, etc.). The tendency to fantasize (usually of a defensive nature) is usually expressed by elongated names (“aberosinotykliron”, “gulobarnikletamieshiniya”, etc.).

The satisfactory convergent validity of the method was shown by establishing a connection between the results obtained with its help and the data of other personal methods based on the examination of patients in a psychiatric clinic and persons undergoing professional selection for the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P.V. Yan-shin, 1988, 1990). Validity has also been confirmed in differentiating patients with neuroses from healthy ones (T. I. Krasko, 1995). Test "Non-existent animal"- one of the most popular drawing techniques and is widely used by psychologists when examining children and adults, sick and healthy, most often as an orienting technique, that is, one whose data allows us to put forward some hypotheses about personality characteristics.

Literature: Practical psychology. Projective techniques. / V. B. Shapar, O. V. Shapar. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006. - 480 p. (Psychological Faculty).

Among the many psychological methods for studying personality, the projective technique “Non-existent animal” occupies a special place. This is explained by the fact that its interpretation provides extensive information about the individual while spending a minimum amount of time on the task. The test is not only simple, but also very interesting, accessible to both adults and children.

By Arne Olav

The test was created by Russian psychologist M. Z. Dukarevich, based on the characteristics of psychomotor connection. When a person draws, a sheet of paper at this time is a special model of space in which, with the help of movements of the dominant (for most people, the right) hand, the attitude towards this space is fixed, following the words of I.M. Sechenov that any thought ends in movement.

The main goal of the technique is a general study of the personality, on the basis of which the psychologist puts forward a hypothesis about some of its characteristics, in no case making unambiguous conclusions about the person without a comprehensive diagnosis.

The “Non-existent animal” test begins with a simple instruction: “Take a piece of paper, a simple pencil and draw a non-existent animal, one that actually does not exist and has never been on the planet. Call him by a name that doesn’t exist.”

There is no time limit for completing the drawing. Sometimes people refuse to take the test, explaining their refusal by their inability to draw. In this case, it is important to explain that the psychologist does not evaluate artistic abilities, that the test has a deeper psychological meaning than just the ability to draw beautifully.

The “Nonexistent Animal” technique is easy to implement, because drawing an unusual non-existent animal is not only simple, but also exciting. But its interpretation requires deep knowledge of human psychology. If you want to get a high-quality, reliable result after completing the test, use the basic rules for its interpretation:

The location of the drawing on the paper.

Normally, the pattern is located in the middle part of the sheet, which is in a vertical position. If the drawing is located at the top of the sheet, this indicates high self-esteem and dissatisfaction with one's role in society, where a person feels a lack of recognition. The lower the drawing is located on the paper, the lower it is. Such a person is unsure of himself, he does not care about recognition of his social status.

The main part of the drawing.

  • The head looks to the right - an active and decisive person, he brings things to an end, and implements his plans.
  • The head looks to the left - a person is prone to introspection and reflection. He thinks more than he does; instead of concrete actions, he prefers deep thoughts about them.
  • The head “looks” forward, at the person drawing - evidence of egocentrism. If there are sensory organs on the head - eyes, ears, mouth, then this indicates the importance of information and dependence on other people's opinions.
  • An open mouth and tongue, but no lips, can mean high verbal activity, and even talkativeness. The presence of lips indicates sensuality. An open mouth without lips or tongue indicates a tendency to anxiety and fear, and mistrust. In children and adolescents, you can see a round, crossed out mouth, which indicates fear and anxiety.
  • The presence of teeth indicates verbal aggression, which is used as a defense in the form of a rude response to reproach or condemnation.
  • Eyes play an important role. They are a symbol of fear if a person clearly draws the iris. The presence of eyelashes indicates a demonstrative personality, a desire to attract other people's attention with one's beauty and manners, and in men it is an indicator of feminine character traits.
  • You should pay attention to the size of the head: if it is drawn disproportionately to the body, then the person values ​​​​intelligence and rationality.
  • Horns, claws, and needles on the skin of an animal indicate aggression, defensive or spontaneous. Feathers on an animal's body are an indicator of demonstrativeness and narcissism. Wool or mane speaks of sexuality and the desire to emphasize one's gender.

Bottom of the picture.

  • The animal's legs (paws) are assessed by size relative to the animal's body. If the legs are large and large, then this indicates rationality, deliberation in action, the formation of plans and clear structures before committing an action. Small short legs indicate impulsiveness and frivolity in decision making. These qualities can be especially emphasized if the legs are completely absent in the picture.
  • It is worth paying attention to the nature of the connection between the legs and the body. If the connection is unclear and insufficient, then the person himself is rather careless, inattentive, and does not have enough control over his judgments.
  • The direction of the legs in one direction and their uniformity indicate conformity, stereotyping and banality of judgments. The diversity of form suggests the opposite: a person is inclined to originality and originality.

Additional details of the drawing.

These are wings, feathers, bows, more legs or paws, curls, flowers and various other decorating details. All these features speak of self-confidence, a high level of energy that a person knows how to distribute into different areas of activity. Sometimes this results in oppression of other people, focusing only on one's own personality. This could be a person who is passionate about his profession, striving for self-realization.

The presence of a tail indicates an attitude towards one’s own decisions and actions, towards the products of one’s activities. The tail pointing to the right is an attitude towards actions and behavior. The tail pointing to the left is related to thoughts and possibilities. The direction of the tail up or down indicates the person’s perception of this relationship: up – positive, down – negative.

Outline of the drawing.

By Arne Olav

The presence of shells, protrusions, darkening, and drawing clear lines is analyzed. These details indicate a desire to protect yourself from other people. If there are sharp angles, this is an aggressive defense; if there are dark spots, there is anxiety and fear; if the line is double, there is suspicion and a feeling of danger.

Type of animal.

Animals can be roughly divided into:

  • threatening,
  • threatened
  • and neutral (respectively, similar to a lion, hare or dog).

The choice of the type of animal speaks about the attitude towards one’s own personality, towards one’s “I”. A person chooses the type of animal with which he identifies. If the animal is “humanized”, in clothes, with two legs, upright, with arms instead of paws, then this speaks of the immaturity and immaturity of the author’s emotional sphere.

Title of the drawing.

There are six main types of names for a non-existent animal:

  • connecting semantic parts (“cat laugh”, “hare zher”) - speak of rationality and adaptation;
  • close to scientific (“Tridericus”, “Glinolius”) - they say demonstrative;
  • superficial and thoughtless (“lalasa”, “mrama”) - about frivolity and carelessness;
  • humorous (“bubble”, “churunda”) - about a condescending attitude towards others;
  • simple (“la-la”, “sim-sim”) - about infantility;
  • elongated (“pratomina-carosa”) - about a tendency to fantasize.

The use of the “Nonexistent Animal” test is mainly designed to study psychomotor connections and mental state - mainly identifying hidden ones - in children from five to six years old and adults.

Unlike most other drawing tests, this one is one of the most informative drawing techniques and can be widely used for psychological examination.

On a note:

There are modifications of the test that are additional to the “Nonexistent Animal” test and are used to clarify the emotional state of the person drawing. These are tests such as “Angry Animal”, “Happy Animal” and “Unhappy Animal”.

The “Angry Animal” test allows you to identify hidden aggressive and depressive states; “Happy Animal” will tell about the values ​​and aspirations of the subject; “Unhappy animal” shows the degree of resistance to stress of various kinds.


To complete the test you will need a sheet of paper, a pencil, and an eraser. Ask the test taker to draw an animal that has never existed in nature. When the drawing is ready, ask the following questions: where does this animal live, what does it eat, what does it like most, what is it most afraid of?

Interpretation of the “Non-existent animal” test

Test indicators
(indicators of psychomotor tone)

Pencil pressure

Weak pressure – asthenia; passivity; sometimes a depressive state.
Strong pressure – emotional tension; rigidity; impulsiveness.
Extra-strong pressure (pencil tears paper) – conflict; hyperactivity; sometimes aggressiveness, acute agitation.

Features of lines
Dashed lines – anxiety as a personality trait.
Multiple lines – anxiety as a state at the time of examination; stressful state; sometimes impulsive.
Sketch lines - the desire to control your anxiety, to control yourself.
Missing lines that do not hit the right point - impulsiveness; organic brain damage.
Lines that are not completed are asthenia, sometimes impulsivity.
Distortion of the shape of lines – organic brain damage; impulsiveness; sometimes mental illness.

Size of the picture and its location

Increased size – anxiety, stress.
Reduced size – depression, low self-esteem.
The drawing is shifted upward or located in the upper half of the sheet, but not in the corner - sometimes inflated self-esteem; desire for high achievements.
The picture is shifted downwards - sometimes reduced self-esteem.
The pattern is shifted to the side - sometimes organic brain damage.
The drawing goes beyond the edge of the sheet - impulsiveness; acute anxiety.
The picture is placed in the corner - depression.

Animal type

Based on the typology of images of non-existent animals, we can note the most common of them.

1. The subject depicts a real-life animal and calls it by a real name, and the description of its lifestyle corresponds to reality. For example, a cat is drawn and the cat’s lifestyle is described. Such an image may be considered the norm for a five- to six-year-old child, but for teenagers and adults it may indicate a low level of imagination.

2. An extinct animal that once existed is drawn, for example a dinosaur, mammoth, etc.

3. Draw an image of an animal that exists in culture, but does not exist in nature, for example, a dragon, mermaid, etc. Drawings depicting extinct animals, as well as drawings depicting existing ones in culture, are the norm for children 8–9 years old. For adults, such a drawing of an animal indicates his low general cultural level and poverty of imagination.

4. A drawing of a non-existent animal is usually constructed from parts of different real animals: the body of a crocodile, the limbs of a monkey, the head of a hare, etc. Such an animal may have, for example, the name Krokozai. Such an image of an animal is more typical of rationalists rather than creative people.

5. Sometimes the image of animals has a humanoid appearance. This indicates a strong need for communication, which is usually characteristic of teenagers - 13-17 years old.

6.The animal depicted consists of various mechanical parts. Such an animal is usually depicted by people with unconventional thinking and approach to life.

7. An intricate, complex and original image of an animal, the image of which has not a composite, but an integral structure, with a difficult or unidentifiable resemblance to any really existing (existing) animal, is characteristic of a person with a well-developed, rich creative imagination.

Components of an animal

No eyes – asthenia.
The eyes are empty, without pupils and irises - asthenia, fears.
Eyes with a blackened iris - fears.
Eyes with eyelashes - a demonstrative manner of behavior, the importance of one’s opinion about oneself.
Eyes with drawn blood vessels – hypochondria, a neurotic state.
The shape of the eyes is distorted - a neurotic condition.

Big ears – interest in information, in some cases suspicion, anxiety.
Lack of ears - isolation, reluctance to come into contact with others, to hear other people's opinions.

The mouth is slightly open in combination with the tongue: without drawing the lips - greater speech activity, with drawing the lips - sensuality.
The mouth is open and blackened - ease of apprehension and fear, in some cases mistrust, anxiety.
Mouth with teeth or fangs - verbal aggression, in some cases defensive.

An enlarged head is an assessment of one’s own and those around him’s erudition.
The head is absent - impulsiveness, in some cases mental illness.
Two or more heads - conflicting desires, internal conflict.
The shape of the head is distorted - organic brain damage, in some cases mental illness.

Additional details on the head
Feathers are a tendency towards embellishment and self-justification.
Horns – protection, aggression.
A mane, a similarity to a hairstyle, is sensuality, in some cases emphasizing one’s gender.

Many components and elements are powerful energy.
A small number of components and elements – energy saving, asthenia.
A figure consisting of sharp angles is aggressive. A circular figure means secrecy, isolation, closeness of one’s inner world.

Additional details and parts of the figure
Scales, shell - the need for protection.
Thorns, needles – defensive aggression.
A body covered with thick hair represents the significance of the sexual sphere.
The pattern on the skin is demonstrative.
Wounds, scars are a neurotic condition.
Built-in mechanical parts – introversion, difficulties in communication.
Cutting, piercing or chopping weapons – aggressiveness.
Wings – romanticism, daydreaming, a tendency to compensatory fantasy.
Internal organs, blood vessels - hypochondria, neurotic condition, in some cases mental illness.
Genital organs, female breasts, udders - the high significance of the sexual sphere.

The tail turned to the right is an attitude towards one’s actions and behavior.
The tail turned to the left is an attitude towards your thoughts and decisions.
A tail raised up is a positive, confident coloration of this relationship.
A tail hanging down is a negative connotation of relationships.
The tail is thick - the significance of the sexual sphere.
The tail is thick and covered with hair - a very high significance of the sexual sphere.
A beautiful tail, for example, a peacock, is demonstrative.

The absence of legs, their insufficient number - passivity or ineptitude in social relationships.
Excessive number of legs – the need for support.
Thick, large legs - a feeling of insufficient skill in social relationships, the need for support.

The nature of the connection of the legs with the figure (body)
Drawn carefully - the ability to control your reasoning, conclusions, decisions.
Carelessly drawn, weak or no connection of the legs with the figure – lack of control.

Description of lifestyle

Corresponds to the picture - logical thinking is developed.

Does not correspond to the picture - in some cases, a violation of logical thinking.
With idealization and embellishment - a tendency to compensatory fantasy.

Animal's place of life

Abroad, islands, subtropics (Bali, Cyprus) – demonstrativeness.
Isolated (space, another planet, cave, well, forest, etc.) – a feeling of loneliness.
A difficult to reach place (impenetrable forest, dense thicket of trees, etc.) – the need for protection, in some cases, fear of aggression.
Emotionally unpleasant (swamp, mud, mud, etc.) is a neurotic state.


Does not feed on anything or feeds on air, news, energy - introversion.
Eating everything - impulsiveness.
Eats inedible things (nails, sticks, stones, etc.) – communication disorders.
Eating emotionally unpleasant food (mucus, dust, cockroaches, etc.) is a neurotic state.
Feeds on the blood and organs of living beings (stomach, brain, etc.) – neurotic aggression.
Feeds on people – negativism, aggressiveness.

Activities, games

Breaks something (fence, trees, etc.) – aggressiveness, negativism, in some cases mental illness.
Likes to sleep a lot - asthenic state, accumulated fatigue.
Plays, walks, has fun - a projection of his desires.
Busy looking for food - a feeling of difficulties in life.
Doesn't like to sit idle - impulsiveness.
Walking upside down is a symbol of breaking the established order, going beyond ordinary standards, or the desire to do so.

Some features of the description

Mention of reproduction - the significance of the sexual sphere; about asexual forms of reproduction (budding, etc.) – tension in the sexual sphere.
An indication of the absence of friends is a feeling of loneliness; on the contrary, the message of having many friends is a high value of communication.
Mention of enemies - fear of aggression; about protection from any enemies or an emphasis on their absence - fear of aggression, in some cases a wary attitude towards others.
The message about the provision of food is a feeling of domestic distress, in some cases the importance of material values.

Analysis of drawings for the “Non-existent animal” test

From the drawings of a non-existent animal, both children and adults can often judge their hidden problem, which is most often kept silent or not suspected when seeking advice on a completely different issue.

Tatyana, 35 years old

Tatyana is a pretty, charming, slender woman. He takes great care of himself, dresses fashionably, does business, and often goes on business trips to Moscow, Rostov and other cities; spends his holidays abroad. She comes for consultations mainly on business issues, but the main problem for her is the lack of love for her husband, with whom she has lived for more than 16 years. He dreams of breaking out of the vicious circle, but it doesn’t work out. This is clearly visible in Tatyana’s drawing (Fig. 3).

She named her animal the European Glamorous Wingcat. The animal vaguely resembles the author of the drawing and reflects her main problem – sexual. An excessively fluffy, thick and raised tail, as well as a chest densely covered with hair, speak, or rather, “scream” about the importance of the sexual sphere in a woman’s life and at the same time indicate trouble in this area. A completely blackened iris of the eye is an indicator of internal fear - a woman is afraid to imagine how her life could turn out without her husband, and is generally afraid of changes in life. Wingcat's wings are nothing more than Tatyana's protective fantasy: her escape from personal problems into the created fantasy world.

Rice. 3. European glamorous Wingcat

This is how Tatyana describes the lifestyle of her non-existent animal:

The European glamorous Wingcat lives in Europe, in extremely glamorous places - Paris, Milan, Nice, but individual individuals are found in Krasnodar, Moscow, Rostov. Prefers an idle and cheerful lifestyle. By nature he is sociable, cheerful, friendly, but is difficult to tame and is very independent. It reproduces rarely; it selects a pair meticulously, carefully and leisurely. He eats sweets and news, loves travel and new experiences.

This kind of fantasy desire - to escape to “glamorous” lands and find freedom, eating “sweets and news”, also shows Tatyana’s inner need to escape from reality.

Vadim, 50 years old

Fig.4. Amikrabos Vadim has been living with his wife for more than 25 years, but family life has not worked out, and now he increasingly has a desire to change it by starting to live independently, separately. However, circumstances do not yet allow this to be done. Vadim is a soft person by nature and therefore has a particularly difficult time withstanding his wife’s aggressive behavior. Has great energy potential.

The animal was drawn by Vadim based on the original model (Fig. 4). It is generally devoid of organs that provide support - ears, mouth - and has a completely closed figure, which indicates introversion and difficulties in communication. Vadim named his animal Amikrabos, providing it with many legs for movement and covering it with scales; all this is an indicator that Vadim has a great need for support, protection, and is afraid of aggression. In addition, partially blackened scales indicate the author’s low resistance to stress.

Vadim's drawing is accompanied by the following story:

The animal is warm-blooded. Mixed habitat: water and land. Lives in the tropics and subtropics. It feeds on plants and reproduces by division. The method of movement is impulse, energetic.

The indication that the animal is warm-blooded speaks of Vadim’s desire to have warmth, family, and thereby be like others. “The method of movement is impulsive, energetic” - evidence of the difficulties in Vadim’s life, which he hides so carefully and to overcome (or resist) which he has to spend a lot of energy.

Irina, 54 years old

A short woman with a friendly and sweet smile on her face. Has two higher educations; I received the second, medical, only a year ago. Now she doesn’t know why she needs it and doesn’t understand why she studied for so many years. At the same time, she is firmly convinced that her destiny lies in “eternal learning.” Her life consists of a series of fateful actions and plans with the help of which she wants to escape from reality. In my opinion, this is a kind of program for saving your own soul, just the case when we say: “Help yourself.”

The fact is that, having lived with her husband for 27 years, Irina unexpectedly learned about the existence of his second family: while married to her, her husband simultaneously lived with a young woman and his children. Nevertheless, Irina was able to forgive him and continue to live with him. It was her choice; why such a situation took place is another matter. Let's try to figure it out from the picture (Fig. 5).

If you look at this non-existent animal, it seems to be quite cute in appearance, if not for the distorted shape of the head and “hook hands”, similar to bird legs.

Irina named her non-existent animal Mihotron. In my opinion, the name resembles some kind of mechanism, and the drawing of the animal itself is an unusual mechanical bear. Most likely, Irina’s life reminds her of a life of inertia, similar to some kind of mechanism, far from the world of feelings and love. Limbs directed towards the body indicate introversion, claws indicate aggression, and an open mouth without teeth or tongue indicates the ease of fears and fears arising in her life. The irises of the eyes, partially blackened, only confirm the presence of fear in the author of the drawing.

This is what Irina says about her Mihotron:

The animal lives in the forest, reproduces by budding [very strange for an animal, isn’t it?]. He loves acorn porridge, which the gnome cooks for him. Afraid of sudden noises. Loves to play hide and seek.
Fig.5. Mihotron

The story only confirms Irina’s inner fear and anxiety about the future, indicates some nervousness and withdrawal from reality, but, nevertheless, reveals to us the woman’s very real desires. For example, the expectation of care and attention. Her animal “loves the acorn porridge that the gnome cooks for him.” The fact that Mihotron is afraid of sharp noises indicates Irina’s fatigue and possible nervous exhaustion. According to Irina herself, she is tired of everything. But the fact that her Mihotron loves to play hide and seek means, oddly enough, another game of Irina with fate: now she is drawing up documents for America for permanent residence there.

Dasha, 13 years old

The girl looks calm, shy and quiet.

The drawing (Fig. 6) is located at the bottom of the sheet, which indicates the girl’s low self-esteem and her experiences. Multiple lines indicate anxiety in a seemingly calm teenager. Three eyes are heavily blackened - an indicator of fear sitting deep in the soul. The many legs, which are the supporting part of the animal, and the nature of their connection with the figure show that the girl is able to control her reasoning and actions.

Dasha describes the lifestyle of this animal as follows:

Three Eyes lives in South Africa. It usually feeds on fish, but when hungry, it can eat anything. He is very afraid of his rivals - sharks and whales. He loves to swim on the bottom and hates sitting idle.

He has no friends because he is too kind (others don't like it).

Fig.6. Three Eyes

Dasha's story clearly shows a depressive mood (“He has no friends because he is too kind”), fear (“He is very afraid of his rivals”) and a strong need for emotional warmth (“Three-Eyes lives in South Africa”). In addition, one can assume an unfavorable environment (“He likes to swim on the bottom”). A child’s story about an animal almost always reflects what actually happens to him in life and, knowing how important communication with peers is for a teenager, one can now imagine how difficult life is for Dasha. The girl's drawing and story showed that she needed psychological help.