Minimum ppm. Alcohol consumption limits. How to find your measure. What is ppm

Every year the penalties for this traffic violation are becoming more stringent. Everyone recognizes the social danger of such a violation, but not everyone agrees when deciding what dose of alcohol in the blood or exhaled air must be established for a driver to be found guilty of drinking alcohol while driving. And this is a very serious issue for all road users and especially for drivers. In addition to the fine and deprivation of rights mentioned above, for drinking alcohol while driving, you can receive an administrative arrest or be prosecuted. Read more about this.

There are countries that allow moderate drinking while driving.

Acceptable standards

Russian legislation (Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offences, note) prohibits the driver from using any substances that lead to intoxication. These include alcohol, drugs, psychotropic and toxicological substances. Responsibility for violating the requirements of this article, as well as Article 12.27 Part 3, regarding the ban on taking intoxicants after an accident, occurs only when the fact of the presence of ethyl alcohol vapor in the driver’s exhaled air is established. The presence of psychotropic or narcotic substances in the driver’s body is determined by the results of a blood and urine test.

Alcoholic drinks that will give 0.3 ppm after a certain time

The units used to measure intoxication are “milligrams per liter” (mg/l) and “ppm” (‰). The law sets the permissible alcohol content while driving at 0.16 mg/liter in exhaled air or 0.35 ppm in the blood.

It is important to understand:

  1. During a medical examination, blood can be taken from a vein for analysis and then the alcohol content will be indicated in ppm.
  2. The examination is carried out with a breathalyzer. Alcohol vapor is found in exhaled breath and will be measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L).
  3. In the medical examination report, which is drawn up when a driver is intoxicated, the alcohol concentration is always indicated in mg/l, and not in ppm. These are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences.

The difference between measurements in ppm and milligrams per liter

Promille - this word means the thousandth part of some value, i.e. one tenth of a percent, represented by the symbol "‰". This unit of measurement is used to indicate the number of thousandths of any physical quantity. To understand the difference between “‰” and “mg/l”, you should understand the following points:

  1. mg/l is a unit of measurement for the concentration of alcohol in the air;
  2. ppm is a unit of measurement of the specific alcohol content in the blood.

It has been established that there is a strictly proportional relationship between the number of alcohol molecules contained in a unit volume of lung air and its content in the patient’s blood.
Thus, ppm and mg/l are units of measurement of different physical parameters, but they are related. Medical research showed that a person whose blood contains 1 ppm of alcohol exhales air with an alcohol concentration of 0.45 mg/l. Therefore, ppm is related to mg/l in a constant ratio of 1:0.45. Therefore, 1 ppm = 0.45 mg/l.

The legal breath alcohol content of 0.16 mg/l corresponds to the blood alcohol limit of 0.35 ppm.

There are devices whose readings can be taken both in milligrams/liter and in ppm. However, in any case, when drawing up a medical examination report, the device readings should be indicated in mg/l, as determined by the requirement of Article 12.8 of the Administrative Code, which may require recalculations in some cases.

The question arises, where did this figure come from - 0.16 mg/l or 0.3 ppm?

This value is defined in the law as the total measurement error obtained when using the measuring instruments available in operation. That is, the permissible limit of 0.16 mg/l should be understood not as an indicator of intoxication, but as an inaccuracy in the device readings. Thus, if the device shows 0.16 mg/l or more, then it is considered that the driver has been drinking alcohol. This means the permissible level of alcohol for a driver is 0.16 mg/l or 0.35 ppm; if more, this is already alcohol intoxication.

The law does not indicate that the readings of the device must be confirmed by other signs of intoxication, such as an unsteady gait, lack of coordination, etc. Consequently, performance using special devices that produce the measurement result on a paper medium does not require clinical confirmation of the results by conducting an additional examination in order to identify other indirect signs of intoxication and recording its results in the corresponding act of execution of this procedure.

The requirements of the law imply complete sobriety of the driver without discounts on various low-alcohol tonic drinks in the form of “energy drinks” or beer, which are allowed in a number of foreign countries. The threshold in the form of a permitted alcohol limit of 0.16 mg/liter was made in order to eliminate problems with errors in device readings, as well as with the existing natural dose of ethanol in the blood of a certain category of people.

The measurement accuracy limits of instruments used to determine the concentration of alcohol in the air are established by Rosstandart based on research conducted various types breathalyzers approved for practical use. Moreover, the limits are defined with some margin. The measurement accuracy declared by the manufacturers of measuring instruments ranges from 0.03-0.04 mg/l for most devices.

The remaining margin of permissible error values ​​is calculated for the influence of unfavorable climatic and other conditions during the measurement process, for example temperature and air humidity. It also levels out measurement results relative to instrument types. Whatever type of device is used for medical examination, the lower threshold is the same for all – 0.16 mg/l.

How much do you need to drink to have 0.3 ppm in your blood?

The maximum concentration of alcohol in the body is reached 0.5-2 hours after drinking. When drinking a shot of vodka, a person consumes 40 grams of alcohol, which will be absorbed into the blood in the form of 0.5-0.6‰. Alcohol oxidation in the body occurs at a rate of 7-10 g/hour. This corresponds to a decrease in its content by 0.1-0.16‰. This means that in order for the alcohol consumed to “dissipate” from the body to the permissible limit, at least 4-5 hours must pass after consumption.

Comparison table of permissible 0.3 ppm

Reading time: 6 minutes

It is well known that a drunk driver is deprived of his license, and drunk driving can cause many misfortunes and even deaths. The permissible alcohol limit in ppm while driving is mainly of interest only to those who like to drive drunk. But even a conscientious driver can encounter problems, of course, for reasons unrelated to drinking.

Permille - what is it

As is known, most terms in international systems measurements, chemistry and forensic medicine has Latin roots. Permille is translated from Latin as one thousandth, or one tenth of a percent. The unit of measurement is designated ‰ and is used to determine the number of thousandths of something in the overall whole.

In other words, it's about concentration.

In our case, the level of alcohol in the driver’s blood, urine or exhalation is measured.

What determines the alcohol content in the blood and exhalation?

By by and large, the amount of alcohol in the blood and exhaled air is determined by the volume and strength of the drink, the quality of the snack, the time of the last intake and the individual characteristics of the body. First of all, metabolism and the speed of reactions, that is, metabolism. It depends on your physical condition, age and gender.

Alcohol that enters the stomach and intestines is not absorbed into the blood equally quickly in everyone and is excreted differently. Some of the alcohol does not enter the blood: with an empty stomach - approximately 10%, with a full stomach - 30%. On average, 100 g of vodka is digested in one hour, champagne and beer come out faster. It takes 10 hours to eliminate 1.5 ppm of alcohol from the blood. A citizen with a concentration of 3 ppm in the blood will sober up no earlier than after 20 hours.

The liver is responsible for metabolism, thanks to which ethanol is oxidized to acetaldehyde, and then to acetic acid. A healthy organ is capable of processing up to 10 grams of pure alcohol per hour. The blood washes the lungs, into which alcohol also enters. That is why we feel the unpleasant smell of alcohol, and then fumes (traces of processing) from the drinker. The worst thing is that alcohol enters the brain, where its concentration can be 75% higher than in the blood.

Difference and relationship between ppm in blood and alcohol concentration in exhalation

It is more convenient to calculate the permitted alcohol content in exhaled air in milligrams per liter, which is given by a breathalyzer. This is explained by the fact that the main purpose of using this device is to determine not the degree, but the fact of intoxication.

For more accurate assessment a blood test is used. It is with such a study that we are talking about ppm, which really allows us to estimate how much alcohol is contained in the body. It is clear that it is difficult to use blood volume for calculations, so the mass of a person is taken as the reference point. Invented by the Swedish chemist Widmark almost 100 years ago, the formula takes into account the mass of ethanol drunk in grams, body weight in kilograms and a distribution coefficient that is different for men (0.7) and women (0.6). New calculation standards have not been proposed since then, and scientists have calculated the approximate ratio between milligram/liter and ppm to be 0.45. In other words, 1 ‰ is equal to 0.45 mg/l.

Permille while driving: what are the consequences?

So, the higher the concentration of alcohol in the blood, the stronger its effect on the driver.

Alcohol intoxication affects psychological, physiological and behavioral functions - reactions, the ability to think and make adequate decisions.

To what extent depends on many factors, but in practice it is customary to take into account the degree of intoxication. It is precisely determined by the number per mille:

  • up to 0.3 – no influence of alcohol;
  • 0.3 – 0.5 – insignificant;
  • 0.5 – 1.5 – slight intoxication;
  • 1.5 – 2.5 – average;
  • 2.5 – 3.0 – strong;
  • 3.0 – 5.0 – severe poisoning;
  • over 5.0 is a lethal dose.
  • A mild degree is characterized by euphoria, liberation and a desire to communicate. A person in this state thinks quickly, but inconsistently, his speech becomes louder than usual, and his movements become impetuous and sweeping. The face and hands turn red. Drivers tend to speed, lose caution, and overestimate their capabilities. But it is precisely this condition that is associated with the permitted minimum dose of alcohol.

    With an average degree, facial expressions suffer from a lack of expressiveness, and speech loses its articulation and sounds even louder. The ability to critically assess what is happening around is lost, movements slow down and become uncertain, and the gait becomes unsteady. The road situation is assessed incorrectly, vision and hearing are dulled, and the reaction to correcting mistakes is insufficient.

    With severe intoxication, all symptoms and reactions simply intensify. But there is probably no point in talking about a severe degree, since it can generally lead to coma or death. In this condition, even the next day, it is unlikely that anyone will want to drive a car, so as not to cause trouble.

    Permissible alcohol levels in ppm

    Let's figure out what amount of ppm is allowed when driving a car. Everyone has heard that there is no more zero ppm, but the state cannot allow chaos on the roads. Conscience, and in some cases fear of fines and deprivation of rights, force drivers to scrupulously assess their condition before the trip.

    There are acceptable standards for alcohol content - the alcohol concentration in exhaled air should not exceed 0.16 mg/l (Article 12.8 of the Administrative Code).

    It is equally important to know how much alcohol in the blood is permissible for drivers. The characteristic bad breath after a holiday the day before will stop most of us, but there are always exceptions to every rule. When a traffic police officer stops a driver with a smell while driving, he will do everything to prevent the offender from driving again and will definitely undergo a medical examination. Then the would-be driver will certainly be deprived of his right to drive a vehicle. He can refuse a medical examination, although the law still allows 0.35 ppm of alcohol in the blood.

    Tables with ppm

    As we have already said, the degree of intoxication, and therefore the number of ppm, depends on the gender of the driver, the amount and strength of alcohol consumed. Approximate data on the time it takes for alcohol to be removed from the blood are shown in the table below.

    You can estimate how many ppm the examination can show in each case, taking into account the mass, using this table:

    You can understand what state the driver is in using the following:

    In fact, calculating the permitted ppm for driving yourself is a thankless task. If you have a breathalyzer at home, you can immediately determine your condition using the table below.

    Of course, you can use the calculation formula mentioned above.

    Calculation example

    So, suppose the driver, a man weighing 80 kg, consumed 200 grams of vodka with a strength of 40 degrees. How much ppm will he receive and when can he drive? The problem can be solved simply. To do this you need:

  1. Calculate the amount of pure ethanol in grams: 200 x 0.4 (40 degrees or percent alcohol) x 0.8 (density of alcohol) = 64. To make the result more accurate, subtract 10-30% of the alcohol that is not absorbed from the resulting mass. You can use some ethanol calculator, they are available on the Internet. The result is 58 g of pure ethanol.
  2. Divide the resulting value by the product of body weight in kilograms by a factor of 0.7 (for women - 0.6). The result is 1.03 ppm.

The maximum permissible value has been significantly exceeded. If you look at the table above, it is easy to understand that you can go no earlier than 9 hours later.

What foods may contain alcohol?

Unfortunately, in Russia sometimes even abstainers can become “victims of a breathalyzer.” In addition to the error, this device is not able to distinguish between ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages and in completely harmless products. The test can show a positive result after consuming:

  • without alcoholic drinks;
  • kvass;
  • curdled milk, kefir and yoghurt;
  • chocolates;
  • natural juices, fruits;
  • black bread with sausage.

Anything that contains fermentation products or causes this process is “dangerous”.

Keep in mind that a simple mouth freshener may contain alcohol.

What medications should you not take before driving?

Medicines can also play a cruel joke. Most common headache, cold, or allergy remedies may cause drowsiness, dizziness, or weakness. You should always read about side effects in the annotation. Even some drops for the nose or eyes lead to decreased attention and concentration. What about drug-containing drugs? During the examination they will definitely be identified, after which it will be difficult to prove that it is just a medicine.

When can you drive a car after drinking alcohol?

Actually, we have already told you how to calculate how long it will take to drive a car after drinking alcohol. In any case, this is only possible after disappearance external signs– odor, redness of the skin, tremor. If you have an appetite, your blood pressure and pulse have returned to normal, your hands are not shaking, you can go.

You should not drive the car the day after a big holiday.

Alcohol testing by an inspector

Suppose you were stopped by a traffic police officer, introduced himself and correctly asked to “blow” into the phone. This means that he has good reason to suspect you of drinking alcohol. Of course, you have the right to refuse, but if you agree, the procedure and procedure must comply with each point of the approved regulations put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 664 of 08.23.17.

Reports on the violation, removal from driving the vehicle and referral for a medical examination must be drawn up. Today, the law does not require drivers to take an alcohol test right on the road, but the traffic police officer must explain what grounds he has for checking.

Punishment for drunk driving

Today, the Code of Administrative Offenses determines huge fines and long terms of deprivation of rights for driving a vehicle or transferring control to a person while intoxicated. Federal Law No. 528-ФЗ dated December 31, 2014 increased the responsibility of drivers. Sometimes the case can end in prison.


Much has already been said on this topic. Let's note the main thing:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to drive after drinking alcohol.
  2. Each organism has its own characteristics, and it is difficult to take into account the norm, much less calculate the time when the hangover will finally pass.
  3. You can calculate ppm yourself or using special calculators.
  4. Some foods and medications need to be taken with caution.

Permissible alcohol limit while driving. Why exactly 0.16 ppm? Just about the complex: video

The problem of alcohol abuse is acute in modern society, especially among drivers. According to statistics from the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia, in the period from January to September 2018, more than 12 thousand accidents were recorded with drivers whose alcohol content in their exhaled air exceeded the prescribed limit.

The permissible level of alcohol in exhaled air is 0.16 mg/l. If the indicators exceed the established alcohol level, the traffic police inspector has the right to make an arrest. The penalties are quite strict even for the first offense, so you should not drink alcohol before driving.

Breathalyzer test, acceptable ppm values

The concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air is determined by a traffic police inspector on site using a breathalyzer.

If a traffic police inspector doubts the driver’s sobriety and asks him to undergo a test with a device, the latter should not argue and be rude. In order to correctly pass the test, the driver needs to take a deep breath, after which he exhales the air into the device tube.

The amount of alcohol in the air exhaled by a person is calculated in mg/l. The permissible level of alcohol in exhalation is 0.16 milligrams per 1 liter of air, which is equal to 0.352 g/l of alcohol in the blood. These indicators are called ppm because Latin name"pro mille", which can be translated as one thousandth.

However, in Russia it is more common to take readings in mg/l and g/l, and the term ppm is popular among people.

Factors influencing breathalyzer performance

When alcohol enters a motorist’s body, it is carried by the blood throughout the body. From the blood, alcohol enters the lungs, so it is possible to determine the alcohol content in the blood when exhaled.

The following factors have a significant impact on blood alcohol levels:

  1. The strength of the drink and its dose;
  2. Gender and weight of a person;
  3. Body condition and genetic data;
  4. Consuming snacks with alcohol;
  5. Driver health and well-being indicators.

There are documented cases where a person’s health condition affected the breathalyzer reading and 0.2 ppm turned into values ​​exceeding the legal blood alcohol limit.

In addition, it is important for the driver to know that before testing with a breathalyzer, you have the right to make sure that the device meets the necessary requirements and is working correctly.

The performance of the measuring device is affected by:

  • Temperature and atmospheric pressure indicators;
  • Air condition (gas contamination, humidity, etc.);
  • Condition of the device (cleanliness of the nozzles and tube of the breathalyzer);
  • Compliance by the traffic police inspector with the rules for testing for alcohol.

If an authorized official has doubts about the performance of the device, the driver may be detained and sent to medical institution for a blood test. If the driver refuses such an offer, he will automatically be found guilty of “driving while intoxicated,” according to Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia.

When can you drive?

In order to pass a test for alcohol content in exhaled air and not exceed the ppm dose allowed by the traffic police, the driver must understand how much he can drink and after what time he can get behind the wheel.

The permissible dose of 0.16 mg/l is limited to 0.4 liters of beer for a healthy man weighing 75 kg.

This dose of alcohol content in exhaled air is allowed due to the way the body absorbs certain products:

  1. Nonalcoholic beer;
  2. Kvass;
  3. Baking with yeast dough;
  4. Fermented milk products;
  5. Juices;
  6. Ripe bananas;
  7. Chocolate products.

This list was compiled due to the fact that when these products are consumed, a certain amount of ethanol is released in the body, which was shown when tested with a breathalyzer.

People who drink have been fined for drunk driving. medicinal tinctures and drugs.

But there are situations when we drink alcohol one way or another, so it is important to know when you can get behind the wheel so as not to be fined.

On average, a person weighing 80 kg should remember the basic numbers:

  • 0.5 liters of beer, depending on the strength, will be processed by the body within 2-3 hours;
  • 0.2 liters of wine will take more than 2 hours to evaporate;
  • For lovers of alcohol from 40-45 degrees, it is important to understand that 100 gr. will weather for up to 4 hours. When using 300 gr. Vodka cannot be driven behind the wheel for 11 hours, and a bottle of such alcohol will be detected by a breathalyzer for 17 hours.

In order to know for sure the rate at which alcohol is processed in your body, it is better to use a ppm calculator.

If you are stopped, behave calmly and do not try to prevent the traffic police inspector from carrying out the necessary procedures, otherwise you may be sent to a medical center for a blood draw. Before the trip, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better not to drink alcohol or alcohol-containing medications.

Penalties for drunk driving

A drunk driver who gets behind the wheel is at great risk; in 2018, the following penalties are provided for such an offense:

  1. The first registered fact of driving while intoxicated entails deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years and a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles;
  2. A driver caught a second time will be fined up to 50 thousand and deprived of his license for up to 3 years;
  3. If the violator already has a fine for a similar offense, the traffic police inspector can place the motorist under arrest for up to 15 days.

And despite fairly strict penalties, many continue to drink and drive, which leads to numerous accidents and casualties. Perhaps similar situations arise due to inept control of one’s own desires, when 300 gr. beer turns into 500 gr. whiskey.

A 16% reduction in the number of accidents with drunk drivers is a good indicator, but the figure of 12.7 thousand such accidents over a period of 10 months is still too high. Of these, more than 3 thousand were fatal accidents. Perhaps the State Duma will pay attention to such indicators and significantly increase the punishment for drunk driving.

To drink or not to drink and drive is a question that always sounds relevant. How it is allowed, how many ppm are allowed according to the norms of the new law in 2020 - is described in the article.

In Latin, permille literally means “per thousand.” This is one thousandth or one tenth of a percent.

This unit is designated “‰” and serves, among other things, to determine the amount of alcohol contained in:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • vapors exhaled by humans.

The ratio between milligrams per liter and ppm is 0.45.

1 ‰ = 0.45 mg/l.

How to measure it

There are two common methods:

  1. When is the presence of alcohol detected? air mass exhaled by a person into a special tube.
  2. When the blood alcohol level is detected. A driver suspected of drinking alcohol is sent to a medical facility, where blood is drawn from a vein.

In both cases, breathalyzers are used with a small error of 0.05 ‰.

New legislative norms are drawn up taking into account the permissible error that may arise:

  • when taking alcohol-containing products;
  • due to the presence of endogenous alcohol in the body.

On a note! Endogenous alcohol is the presence of ethanol (monohydric alcohol) inside a person. Fermentation constantly occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of microbes, sugar breaks down, resulting in the formation of alcohol. It is absorbed by the mucous membrane and enters the liver with the blood. The alcohol concentration is quite high. It is 0.04-0.15 ml per 100 ml. This is mainly due to dairy products and bacterial fermentation products.

The 2nd method provides the greatest objectivity. It is he who is the source of information entered into the protocol, which subsequently serves as an evidence base.

What is the norm

According to Art. 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, before driving a vehicle, during driving and after an accident, you must not take substances that contribute to intoxication.

In this case, administrative liability threatens a person with a concentration of ethyl alcohol per 1 liter of exhaled gases that exceeds the permissible error. Its value is expressed as 0.16 mg, which is 0.356 ‰. For comparison, in 2013 it was 0.01 mg.

Let’s not lie, but situations sometimes develop unpredictably, and yesterday’s advocate of sobriety while driving can violate his principles and get behind the wheel after taking a “hot drink.” This is associated with a high risk of becoming a participant, or even the culprit, of a traffic accident. However, many people consciously accept this risk when getting behind the wheel after drinking a glass of beer, wine or an alcoholic cocktail.

How and in what way is blood alcohol measured?

If we are talking about driving a vehicle while intoxicated, then the term “ ppm».

This word is closely related to the degree of alcoholic intoxication, since it is in ppm that the concentration of alcohol is measured, or rather, it is determined by the ratio of the volume of alcohol to the volume of blood.

Literally translated from Latin, per mille is one thousandth of the volume of something or a tenth of 1%. But, as mentioned above, when they hear the term “ppm”, the vast majority of people know that we are talking about drunk driving or a medical examination for blood alcohol content. Experts also interpret this term as equivalent to the volume of pure alcohol in the blood: 1 ppm = 1 ml of pure alcohol in the blood.

What is the blood alcohol limit in Ukraine? 2020 ?

In Ukraine, the maximum permissible level for drivers behind the wheel is 0.2 ppm. This norm is enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 1452/735 dated November 9, 2015 “On approval of the Instructions on identifying signs of alcohol, drug or other intoxication in vehicle drivers.”

The said Instructions prescribe the procedure for examining the driver when determining the degree of intoxication. Clear signs that warrant an inspection are:

  • The driver smells of alcohol
  • The driver has poor coordination
  • Incoherent speech
  • There is obvious tremor of the fingers
  • Sudden change in complexion
  • Inappropriate behavior

The degree of alcohol intoxication of a driver is determined by a traffic police officer using special measuring instruments, which are also called breathalyzers.

The blood alcohol level of 0.2 ppm in Ukraine is considered background and does not entail any sanctions. However, this negligible limit can be exceeded even without drinking alcohol.

For example, there are cases when an indicator of 0.2 ppm or higher was noted in:

  • People suffering from diabetes;
  • For certain stomach disorders;
  • For diseases of caries;
  • For gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea;
  • When using certain medications.

In practice, there have been cases where the permissible level of alcohol in the blood was exceeded after drinking kvass and even kefir. This should be kept in mind by those who are confident in their impunity, balancing on the fragile border that lies at around 0.2 ppm. It is prudent to completely abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages if you have to drive a car, even if it is a short trip, and you only drink a glass of dry wine.

Important! An examination of the driver's condition for possible intoxication is carried out by police officers using certified technical means (breathalyzer) in the presence of two independent witnesses.

How long does alcohol leave the blood?

In practice, many experts are trying to find the most accurate algorithm that can be included in the formulation: “How much and what can you drink in order not to break the law and avoid punishment?” An exact answer has not yet been found, because the concentration of alcohol in the blood depends on a person’s body weight, age, metabolic level and other specific factors.

For example, if an average man weighing 70-75 kg drinks a 500 ml bottle of vodka, he will have 2.5 ppm of alcohol in his blood. This may qualify as severe alcohol intoxication.

A blood alcohol level of 5 ppm is considered life-threatening and can be fatal. 5 ppm = 2 bottles of vodka with a volume of 0.5 each.

Let's try to understand how long alcohol remains in a driver's blood.

The time of alcohol in the blood, the period and method of its withdrawal, as well as its concentration in the blood, depend on a combination of factors. The main ones:

  1. Person's weight;
  2. Age;
  3. Health status;
  4. Metabolic level;
  5. Amount of food eaten before drinking alcohol;
  6. Amount of food eaten after drinking alcohol;
  7. Qualitative indicators of products consumed as snacks.

For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table, which shows the average data obtained experimentally. When using the results presented in the table, do not forget that it is important to take into account the weight and gender of the person.

For example, after 3 hours, drinking 100 grams of vodka will not be considered a violation of the rules, since the breathalyzer will not be able to detect alcohol vapors.

The data presented in the table are average indicators, however, the information contained in it can help in solving the question “How much alcohol comes out of the blood.”

It should be understood that a medical examination, including a laboratory test for alcohol, can give an accurate result about the blood alcohol content.

Blood alcohol tables, or How long does it take for a particular drink to be eliminated?

Our article would not be useful enough if it did not contain information about how much alcohol is contained in a particular drink. The table below shows the time indicators for men and women during which alcohol remains in the blood.

In the following two tables you can see the readings of a breathalyzer, which will show how many ppm of alcohol is in the blood, depending on the amount drunk, as well as the gender and weight of the driver:

One dose in this case corresponds to the following servings of different drinks:

  • 50g of any 40-proof drink - vodka, cognac or whiskey
  • 100g 20 degree port
  • 150g 12-degree dry wine
  • 1 bottle (0.5l) 4% beer
  • half a can (0.25 l) of 9-degree tonic.

In this case, the amount of ppm will be maximum a few minutes after drinking alcohol, since the vapor contained in the oral cavity will have the highest concentration. Half an hour after consumption, this figure will decrease significantly.

For example, after drinking 0.25 liters of beer (a conventional half bottle of light beer), the “output” breathalyzer will show 0.16 ppm.

Therefore, a 0.5 liter bottle of beer will increase the alcohol concentration to 0.3 ppm. Of course, dark varieties will be stronger and, given the same volume as light varieties, will result in a higher alcohol content. You should also take into account the characteristics of different manufacturers and brands within each variety.

Drinking a conventional bottle of wine with a volume of 0.7 liters and a drink strength of 12% will lead to a result of 0.7 ppm.

After drinking 100 grams of vodka, the blood alcohol level will be 0.55 ppm. Once again, it is worth emphasizing the conditionality of these data, since the results of 0.7 ppm were experimentally recorded after drinking 200 grams of vodka.

Blood alcohol calculator

To help with calculating your blood alcohol level, some specialized resources offer their users an online alcohol calculator service. This simple service was created by analogy with the algorithm that was described in the section “How long does alcohol stay in the blood” (see above).

However, the creators of such online calculators use a more accurate calculation method called the Widmark formula. The formula, compiled by a Swedish chemist, contains data on the amount of alcohol consumed, a person’s body weight, and a distribution coefficient of 0.6 for women and 0.7 for men.

To use the online service and calculate your blood alcohol level, you need to enter data about your weight in kilograms, the amount of alcohol you drank, and the type of alcoholic drink (if several types of alcohol were consumed, then you need to indicate the corresponding value for each). Then put a mark on the degree of fullness of the stomach while drinking alcohol and the result will be obtained in a second.

Degrees of intoxication and number of ppm

  • Light degree - with a result of 0.5-1.5 ppm;
  • Average – 1.5-2.5 ppm;
  • Strong degree - 2.5-3 ppm;
  • Severe alcohol poisoning with threat fatal outcome– 3-5 ppm.

How can you speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body?

To ensure that a breathalyzer test does not show any signs of intoxication, you should take some steps to speed up the elimination of alcohol from your body.
Most effective way is medicinal deintoxication using a complex of drugs.

If alcohol intoxication is mild to moderate, you should:

  1. Stop further drinking of alcohol;
  2. Drink plenty of water (still water);
  3. Sweet and strong tea or coffee;
  4. If necessary, gastric lavage should be performed;
  5. Moderate physical activity will help speed up your metabolism;
  6. A contrast shower also helps improve sweating and eliminate toxins;
  7. Ammonia diluted in a glass of water can sober a person (10 ml per half glass of water).

Alcohol intake should be strictly dosed, especially for those who plan to drive a vehicle in the coming hours. For those who have already gotten behind the wheel, drinking alcohol should become a strict taboo, which cannot be violated under any circumstances. It is better to save yourself and other road users from the possible disastrous consequences that can result from distracted attention, decreased motor skills and impaired reaction speed after drinking alcohol.

Even if the dose of alcohol taken does not exceed the notorious 0.2 ppm, the driver’s coordination, spatial orientation, attentiveness and ability to instantly react to external circumstances on the road are impaired.