Private Institution Educational Organization of Higher Education "Medical Institute "Reaviz" Private Institution Educational Organization of Higher Education "Medical Institute "Reaviz" Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Reaviz

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Latest reviews Reaviz

blue-eyed Nosy 01:04 08/01/2018

The Moscow branch is just a terrible place, the old building is on the outskirts, the new one is in the middle of nowhere in the industrial zone. There is no hostel and never was, no matter what enthusiastically wrote here. The quality of teaching is beyond criticism. And what to expect from them, if the institute in Moscow was opened by a Samara surgeon-businessman, who at one time ruined Vice-Miss Russia Ekaterina Sumina in his clinic in Samara, and now he has attached his relatives and acquaintances from Samara, who are frankly unsuitable and not from .. .

Anonymous review 13:52 06/29/2018

I am in my third year of Reaviz, a student. I passed the entrance exams in 2016, I will say this, not simple, but solvable. The hostel was not provided, because it has been under repair for a couple of years, but I rented an apartment nearby so that I can easily get there. The prices for apartments in the district are reasonable, next to the university there is a Yakitoriya restaurant where students can have a good lunch with coupons, as well as the Owl canteen and coffee house in the Reaviz building itself.

The teachers are the same as in the state. universities and if the student x...

general information

Private institution of an educational organization higher education Medical University "Reaviz"


No. 01381 is valid Indefinitely from 04/13/2015


No data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Reaviz

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 6 7 6
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education60.02 60.06 59.73 61.24 62.46
Average USE score credited to the budget66.74 64.60 70.97 73.30 74.4
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis54.84 58.23 57.01 59.32 58.97
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department52.53 40.17 42.33 46.95 47.33
Number of students2546 3195 3455 2890 2563
full-time department1859 2182 564 410 344
Part-time department687 1013 1741 1475 1297
Extramural0 0 1150 1005 922
All data

Medical University "REAVIZ" ("Rehabilitation, Physician and Health") - organized in 1993 on the initiative of the Samara State Medical University, prominent medical scientists of the Samara region - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A. F. Krasnov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Twice Laureate of the Prize of the Government of Russia G.P. Kotelnikov and Professor I.P. Balmasova. REAVIZ is one of the first non-state medical universities in our country that has a license to conduct educational activities and state accreditation which allows to issue state diplomas and certificates on a contractual basis.

During its development, the university has come a long, largely innovative path. Main distinctive features institute are: the development of correspondence forms of education and the adaptation of curricula and programs to the level of educational preparation and individual requests of certain categories of students. These ideas have been developed in the form individual training. Students undergoing such training do not study in fixed student groups. They work according to an individual curriculum, during the passage of individual disciplines they are combined into "floating" groups of changing composition, consisting of 2 - 3 people. This form of education is also used for postgraduate training in the "Master classes" of surgeons, obstetricians-gynecologists, immunologists and other highly qualified specialists.

Another feature concerns the development of social rehabilitation programs for various categories of the population and public organizations.

The Institute today is a modern multi-level system of continuous training of civilian specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical and humanitarian education from general educational institutions to postgraduate studies. Currently, REAVIZ Medical University is a genuine complex of higher medical education, providing students with the widest opportunities for quality training. Our university is a tradition multiplied by search, innovation, and initiative.

The structure of the university includes 5 faculties and 14 departments. Today the university has a high public and international recognition.

The main mission of the REAVIZ Medical University is to improve people's health through teaching students and doctors the latest achievements in medical science and practice. The leading tasks on this path are: logistics educational process, innovative educational technologies, development scientific research, search effective forms joint work with practical healthcare, maximum use of the institute's potential to improve the main indicators of the health of the region's population.

Preserving and developing the best historical traditions of the system Russian education, the university staff is working - from 162 teachers working in 14 departments, more than 72% of them are doctors and candidates of science. To ensure a high level of training of graduates, faculties and departments spend a huge methodical work: publish monographs, teaching aids, develop educational and methodological complexes, methodological developments for lectures and practical exercises. The Medical University, together with the Ministry and practical health authorities of the Samara region, successfully participates in the implementation of the main national Russian projects dedicated to improving the quality of health and education of the Russian population.

Russia is one of the most accessible and popular destinations in the world for the education of international medical students from Europe, Asia and Africa. In response to the demand in the global educational market for medical education, most medical universities have introduced unified medical education programs (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, etc.).

REAVIZ Medical University was among the first to adapt its curricula to the requirements of international medical education. It trains specialists not only in all major medical areas, but also in postgraduate and special education programs. Its graduates are already working all over the world.

Medical education in Russia has been attracting international students for the past 100 years. During the monarchy, Russian doctors were trained for the health needs of Germany, France, Poland, Finland, Sweden and other countries. During the communist regime, foreign students studied in Russia thanks to Russian quotas that were allocated to selected students. Applicants from friendly and developing countries were selected for training. A medical education received in Russia has always been considered prestigious for a physician. Russian doctors Pirogov, Pavlov, Botkin, Sechenov are the pride of the world medical science. Russian medicine was the mother of many medical schools in some countries of Europe, Asia and Africa.

Today, foreign students study medicine in Russian, finance their own education and thus invest in themselves and their future profession. English, German and French are studied in depth and introduced into the curricula of university programs.

Most medical universities and institutes offer paid admission, which is carried out after passing test assignments. They do not always take into account the merit of foreign students so that they can enter the university without any trouble.

REAVIZ Medical University carefully studies the documents of candidates for students and always takes into account the diligence of a foreign student and his knowledge when entering a university. Program entrance examinations adapted for foreign citizens and they necessarily take into account his academic performance and success in passing subjects in the country where he studied before entering Russia.

If you do not yet know enough Russian to start studying or feel the need to improve it, then the REAVIZ Medical University has found an opportunity to organize Russian language training for you without coming to Russia for this. It is held at the Representation of the Medical University REAVIZ in Burgas (Bulgaria) and is carried out by certified and accredited teachers, native speakers of the Russian language, philologists, including professors, associate professors, doctors of science. You can save a significant amount of money without visiting Russia by quickly and efficiently taking a language course outside of Russia. After a successful assessment of knowledge, the student is issued a qualification certificate and a certificate that allows him to start studying at MU REAVIZ.

REAVIZ Medical University has 4 large branches and trains students at its clinical and educational bases located in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and Saratov. Currently, about 7,500 students and doctors are studying at MU REAVIZ. Russian tuition fees for a foreign student at the REAVIZ Medical University are significantly lower compared to other universities and countries of the EU and EIC, CIS, EurAsEC. At the same time, the State, European and world standards of medical education are fully implemented. This is what the Russians do medical schools attractive to foreign students.

REAVIZ Medical University implements its curricula and plans in strict accordance with the state educational standard RF and all approved European and world standards. MU REAVIZ is an accredited university that has all the necessary licenses for medical educational activities. Theoretical, clinical and practical training are at a very good level and are constantly growing, as students are taught forms of an individual approach and personal control over the educational level they receive. Therefore, MU REAVIZ is very competitive among many Russian and international medical universities.

Russian medical universities have been and remain one of the leading institutions in scientific medical research. Books and textbooks published in Russian medical universities have been translated into dozens of languages. The ratings of Russian universities have received worldwide recognition, and are included in the TOP ratings of UNESCO and WHO organizations.




When the Medical University was founded, several words were chosen for its name, which best reflected the goals, mission and tasks of the future university. From these words, an abbreviation was obtained, which gave the name to our Medical University"REAVIZ".

REAVIZ - in Russian, this is an abbreviation (a set of abbreviations) from the letters of Russian words: REA - Rehabilitation-recovery, IN - Doctor - "doctor" in Old Church Slavonic, Z - Health .

"REAVIZ" - in Latin, this is an abbreviation of the words:RE- rehabilitation, A- Arzt-from him. - doctor-doctor, VI- from lat. Vita - life, Z- Ziel - from him. Goal, Task, Object (rehabilitation - doctor - goal - life)

MOTTO MU REAVIZ: "Allowed to see, allowed to know!"

MOTTO MU REAVIZ: Viderelicet ,Scire licet


MU REAVIZ is the only accredited Non-State Medical educational institution Higher school in RUSSIA

MU REAVIZ - has training programs and a license for educational activities in all major medical specialties.

MU REAVIZ - accredited by the Russian State Agency, has European accreditation

MU REAVIZ has 4 branches in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Saratov) and a representative office in Bulgaria

MU REAVIZ - teaches more than 7500 students and doctors

MU REAVIZ - trains students in medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy, social medicine and individual programs specializations in all medical fields

MU REAVIZ - issues diplomas and documents on medical education to its graduates, which are recognized in the EU, Asia and Africa

MU Reaviz - publishes 2 scientific journals: "Morphological statements" and "Bulletin of the medical institute" Reaviz ".

Diploma and education documents MU REAVIZ - protected from forgery and falsification