Do to improve memory and attention. Simple ways to improve memory. Video: how to improve memorization through meditation

Are you looking for an answer to the question of how you can improve your memory? The human mind is no doubt a wonderful tool, but memory is a skill that can only be developed with some practice and diligent patience.

Are you looking for an answer to the question of how you can improve your memory? The human mind is no doubt a wonderful tool, but memory is a skill that can only be developed with some practice and diligent patience.

Anyone who wants improve memory and it does not mean memory when we use Samsung mobile phones, for example, but that anyone can learn the skills and methods of solving a problem with minimal effort. Nobody really has a "bad" memory.

The problem is that people unconsciously develop bad memory habits from infancy. Due to bad habits, we remind people often encounter problems during exams, interviews and other circumstances that require effective memory.

Some people believe that they have a poor ability to remember facts, to have information. However, there are many ways to improve memory and methods that can be applied at any age to help improve memory. In fact, improving memory is simply a way of modulating habits in order to practice these skills.

Here are the basic principles to help you improve memory:


If you are looking to improve your memory, it is best to start by attending special online trainings. The sites are full of interactive audio and expert techniques that can help memory loss sufferers. The methods for improving memory are limitless, and it is very important to apply them effectively in life. Regardless of age, you can successfully improve your memory. Below are some ways to help improve your memory.

Proper nutrition and good sleep are very important

It is important to have a complete and balanced diet that is rich in minerals and vitamins. Some foods help in improving memory, such as grapes, apples, blueberries, onions, whole grain puffed rice, spinach, curry, orange juice, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, fish . A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been proven to improve brain function. After proper nutrition, adequate sleep is also extremely important. Both of these things help to optimize learning abilities and keep the body healthy. You will be able to direct your psychic energy to focus on things that are important to you. Gradually, this will increase your ability to retain more information.

Application of exercises

To work at a high level. Our brain needs adequate exercise. It is extremely important to keep the brain active and give it enough room to grow. You can involve yourself in solving crossword puzzles, sudoku or playing strategy games like chess or checkers.

Ways to improve memory

  • Don't be lazy. A lazy person, both in thoughts and in actions, does not have a good memory.
  • If you want to remember something, focus on the process of remembering. Listen, think, draw parallels with your own life or with knowledge already gained. The more your own thoughts and feelings get hooked on the information flow, the more likely you are to remember what is really important.
  • Try to remember yourself. If you forgot something: a number from the report, the meaning of a word, the name of the singer, the phone number of your parents - before you immediately go to the right folder, dictionary, Internet or phone book, try to remember what you forgot yourself for a few minutes.
  • Read good books, then write down a brief plot and the names of the characters. Review your notes from time to time and recall what you have read. This will help not only train your memory, but also be known among friends as an erudite personality: who else can easily remember the name of Don Quixote's horse or the sequence of chapters in A Hero of Our Time?
  • move more dance, play sports. Physical activity improves brain blood circulation, activates mental processes that provide perception, processing and reproduction of information.
  • Don't memorize. Remember - to memorize without understanding, without seeing the images before your eyes, without retelling the text in your own words, is unprofitable. Further RAM cramming will not work. In the same way, it is unprofitable to teach “for tomorrow” or “before the exam”, etc. If you put the arrow on “forever” when memorizing, you will win.
  • Apply associations. When remembering the name only that the person introduced to you, mentally associate him with your friend or famous person with the same name and be sure to add something from yourself: “Ksenia. Like Ksenia Sobchak, only a brunette, married and does not lead Dom-2. And the nose is similar. Believe me, this new friend Xenia will be remembered for a long time.
  • Repetition is the mother of learning. You better not say. Only it is better to repeat not five times in a row immediately after reading, but once within five days. And better at night.
  • Read relevant literature. A lot of practical and, most importantly, memorable tips on how to improve your memory can be gleaned from books: S. Peunov. “Notes for memory”; B. Sergeev. "Secrets of memory"; Günther Carsten, Martin Kunz. “Excellent memory is the way to success. How to remember names, facts, dates, phone numbers and addresses”; Gary Small. "Bible of Memory"; Daniel Lapp. “Incredible possibilities of your memory”; Igor Matyugin. How to memorize numbers. The great secret of Sherlock Holmes, or 18 effective ways to memorize numbers, etc.
  • Do not consider needlework an occupation for grandmothers or housewives. Weaving baubles, cross-stitching, stringing beads - all these actions activate the brain and memory.
  • Eat right. Fish, seafood, vegetable oil, cereals, vegetables improve the memorization process. Sometimes a piece of chocolate can spur a tired brain.
  • Learn the poems of your favorite poets. Memorizing one small poem every day (if it’s difficult, then a quatrain is enough) and arranging poetry evenings for friends or relatives at the end of the week, after a few months you will feel how your memory has noticeably improved.
  • Learn languages. Psychologists have proven that the study of foreign languages ​​is the best way to prevent senile insanity, and hence to improve memory.
  • Imagine. Professional memorizers of huge numbers are people with a developed imagination. They represent the number in the form of animals, plants and inanimate objects, for example, two is a swan, one is a pillar in the middle of the road, eight is a nesting doll, six is ​​a castle, etc. And when memorizing the phone, they compose entire stories. Try it yourself: phone 333-18-10: three swallows flew up to the pole and saw a matryoshka sitting on a nearby pole and chewing a bagel.
  • Memory is the ability of a person to accumulate, store and reproduce knowledge and skills. Many living beings have memory, it is most developed in humans. Its volume is directly related to the number of nerve cells that are involved in the process of storing information. If you notice that your ability to memorize has deteriorated, you will learn how to improve your memory below.

    Stress has been proven to affect our memory. During stress, there is a strong release of ACTH and cortisol, which blocks the consolidation of memories. Long-term disorders of the nervous system lead to the degradation of the hippocampal tissues, which directly affects the state of memory and the ability to use it. Therefore, one of the rules of good memory is less stress, more positive emotions.

    Physical activity helps improve memory. Regular physical activity increases the level of specific amino acids that are essential for normal mental activity and mood. If you perform physical exercises for 20 minutes, during this time the substances necessary to improve memory will be developed. Dancing classes, training in the gym, running - all these active activities have a positive effect on our memory.

    There are special methods that help and improve the state of the intellect.

    Exercise "Cellular Talking"

    This strange, at first glance, exercise works like this:

    • increases the speed of thinking;
    • shows how your memory can be strained.

    The task is as follows - you need to name all the objects that you see in the room in front of you. For example, a table, chair, monitor, flower, sofa, carpet. Items can be named with descriptive characteristics and without specifics. It is interesting to perform the exercise when there is an observer in the room. He will evaluate the speed of your work, after what time you will be "blown away". Over time, the pauses between words will increase, you will get confused in words and help yourself with gestures. This exercise is a great way to activate your brain activity.

    After regular performance of this exercise, neurons begin to work not at half strength, but at full strength. Such training for the brain will relieve absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, increase reaction in stressful situations.

    Exercise "House of memory"

    This method can be varied as you like. For example, try to name all the poets you know by their last names. If you named 15 authors, this is considered a good indicator. In addition to the names of writers, you can call a variety of surnames, concepts, names. For example, male or female names, plants, pieces of furniture.

    Exercise "Concentration on the task"

    An excellent method that will teach you to concentrate on the task at hand. All that is required of you is to pronounce the words in reverse.

    Beauty – Athosark

    Love - Wobul

    Family - Yames

    Bow - Cool

    Ox - Lov

    Leo - Vel

    Sok – Kos

    Then you can move on to longer words. This, at first glance, a primitive children's exercise perfectly trains. For example, you need to say the word admiral backwards. To do this, break the word into blocks - hell - world - al. Imagine the word in this form in your own imagination and hold it there. At this time, memory and attention are trained colossally. When you fix three syllables in front of your mind's eye, it will not be difficult to read them on the contrary - la - rome - yes.

    Exercise #4

    Some memory training methods are important to do with an assistant. Then the described exercise refers to such methods. Your assistant should place the picture of 9 animals on a piece of paper. They can be cut out of magazines or printed on a printer. It is important that the trainee of his memory sees these pictures for the first time. Therefore, someone else must prepare them.

    For 1 minute, you need to look at the picture and memorize the group of animals that are depicted in it. Then the picture is removed and your task is to write on the sheet of animals that you remember. Even better, if you write down exactly how each of the animals was located on the sheet.

    Right Brain Training

    To develop the right hemisphere of the brain, it is necessary to do different actions with the left hand. After all, the right hemisphere is responsible for the work of the left hand. If there is no time for training, you can train yourself to do the simplest household chores with your left hand. For example, washing dishes, cleaning the tub and sink. You can also install the computer mouse under the left hand.

    Invisible workout in everyday life

    1. Every day you can read new informative information for yourself. It is also helpful to read good books. After reading them, write down the names of the characters, fix the plot briefly. Periodically, you need to view these records and restore what you read in memory. This will help not only develop memory, but also earn a reputation among friends as an erudite personality. There is a lot of literature that describes ways to improve memory performance. It is also useful to study if you are serious about working with your mental faculties;
    2. laziness is an enemy not only for memory, but also for a person as a whole. Therefore, you need to get rid of it, otherwise you will not have a good memory;
    3. after watching the movie and the transmission in your head, scroll through their content from beginning to end;
    4. try to keep in mind a list of products and things that you plan to buy;
    5. in the process, think about what you are doing at the moment. Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts;
    6. try to remember people's names. This will not only develop your memory, but also allow you to look like a well-mannered person. If you have been introduced to a person, try to associate him with someone you know or with a public figure. This will make it easier to imprint the name in memory;
    7. try to remember phone numbers. At least the ones you use the most;
    8. at the end of the day, replay in your head all the events that happened to you today. It helps not only to develop memory. Such an analysis shows whether the working day was built correctly or whether it is useful to change something in its structure;
    9. you can remember the birthdays of acquaintances and friends, the schedule for days and weeks;
    10. conduct speeches without the use of a cheat sheet;
    11. different types of needlework are excellent methods to get the brain to work actively, which means to improve your ability to memorize;
    12. The brain is affected by nutrition, so it also needs to be paid attention. Foods that are good for memory - fish and other seafood, nuts, some vegetable oils, cereals;
    13. aromatherapy is known for its stimulating properties. Some oils can improve brain function and memory. These include rosemary, lemon, mint.

    Now you know how to improve memory at home using affordable, easy ways.

    Article author: Lapinskaya Lyudmila

    Memory is the ability to store in consciousness, accumulate and reproduce information. Effective mental activity is impossible without a developed memory. Therefore, you need to use different methods to improve memory in order to stimulate brain activity.

    To improve memory and attention, you can do exercises on your own, for this you need to master techniques for improving memory.

    Sometimes people worry that mental abilities deteriorate with age. We hasten to please you, there are a huge number of ways to improve memory and brain function, quickly develop your mindfulness even after 40 or 50 years.

    The methods that you can do at home are very simple. Exercise regularly so that mindfulness and mental activity quickly increase to the desired level. How to improve memory at home:

    • Choose 8 cards from the deck so that all suits are among them. Arrange the cards in front of you in 4 rows of 2 cards each. Look at them for a minute, then turn them upside down. Remember where what suit lay. Make it harder over time. Choose 10, 14, 18 cards, remember not only the suits, but also the name of the cards.
    • Our life is impossible without a calculator that does not develop mental activity. Every day, calculate in your mind simple children's examples (114 + 334, 236 + 342, etc.). You can add multiplication, division and subtraction.
    • Take the photo you see for the first time. Carefully examine it for a minute, then remove and remember the details of the photo. It's good if you can remember the small details.
    • Write down 10 numbers in random order. Look at the number row, close it with your hand and reproduce in your mind the order of the numbers. Increase them over time.
    • Solve crosswords, puzzles, logic tasks, read books. These methods, at first glance, do not contribute to the development of memory, but you will be surprised how quickly your mental activity is activated.

    Improving memory is not difficult, but you need to practice regularly.

    How to improve memory and attention without spending a lot of time on different techniques? Follow these simple guidelines:

    • Do not abuse alcohol, because it kills the brain cells that are responsible for mental processes.
    • You need to quit smoking. Tobacco negatively affects the nervous system, inhibiting memory processes.
    • Take a vitamin complex. The food that most people use is rarely complete. The brain will work efficiently if it receives the right nutrients.
    • Don't memorize everything. Focus on the things that are really worth remembering.
    • Sleep 8 hours a day.
    • Don't neglect sports. During physical activity, blood rushes to the brain, activating mental processes.
    • Learn a foreign language to keep your mind sharp.
    • Chocolate in the morning energizes the brain for the whole day.

    Other less common methods are also suitable for improving memory and brain function.

    Fairy tales to improve intelligence, memory and attention

    It is not only adults over 40 who need to develop memory. Children's mental activity sometimes does not function as it should, then other methods are used, designed for preschoolers and primary school children up to 10 years old. The human mind is designed in an amazing way. Psychologist Ruchel Blavo has developed techniques and compiled a 2-week course that helps to quickly develop memory.

    It is noteworthy that the book is a collection of fairy tales, so it is interesting for children to study. Reviews of the book exceeded even the wildest expectations, so fairy tales are used by almost all parents who are seriously involved in teaching a child.

    Music to improve memory and attention

    Surely you are interested in how music helps to develop memory and attention. Remember how TV programs broadcast programs about the beneficial effects of classical music on the human intellect? Scientists have proven that the classics affect the right hemisphere of the human brain, improving concentration. Therefore, classical music should be listened to while driving a car, before an exam, as melodic works help to speed up learning.

    You can improve memory and concentration by listening to the music of composers:

    • Tchaikovsky;
    • Mozart;
    • Debussy;
    • Mendelssohn.

    Recent studies by scientists have shown that human psychology perceives pop music as a stimulant for active memorization. Before the exam, the student is recommended to listen to popular songs of famous performers in order to set the right hemisphere of the brain to work.

    Pop music also reveals a person's creative abilities and sets them up for the successful study of foreign languages.

    Listening to classical music before an exam or interview improves concentration and reduces emotionality. This is a useful property for a person who is very worried and cannot cope with excitement.

    How to improve memory and attention with video

    The psychology of people sometimes does not perceive the information that a person hears or reads. However, visual memory is usually more developed than other species. On the network you can find videos that are aimed at developing the human brain. Among them you will find:

    • Video showing how to quickly improve your concentration.
    • Videos explaining how the brain works.
    • Educational videos with methods for developing mental abilities.

    To find a video that contains only useful information and proven tips, read the reviews of Internet users. Usually they can be guided in many matters, since they describe the real benefits of the method.

    Prayer for mental development

    Prayer for the development of memory is usually used by people after 60 years. This generation believes in magic and everything connected with it. There are videos on the network that talk about conspiracies and methods that involve reading a prayer.

    Say prayers with your soul, believe in them, and do not repeat memorized words. Some prayers are read at night, some before meals, there are prayers that are said in front of a candle.

    Why is it necessary to believe in the effectiveness of the method? Human psychology is designed in such a way that the subconscious mind directs the work of the brain to those things in which we believe. If you are sure that prayer will help, psychology will do amazing things with you, and the subconscious mind will direct you to develop abilities.

    Improving Mental Performance with Hypnosis

    The development of memory through hypnosis is considered the safest method of improving brain activity, especially after 50 years, because the human psychology does not suffer during the intervention of a hypnotist. The patient disconnects from the outside world and focuses on one aspect that the psychologist inspired in him.

    Under hypnosis, a person remembers so much information that he does not even dream of being conscious. The method is good because it provides a quick and long-term result.

    Remember that under hypnosis, psychology is subject to forced intervention, so the method is used as a last resort. It is used for memory loss or a tendency to lose it. To understand how hypnosis works, watch videos of psychologists conducting a session. There are many such videos on the Internet, pay attention to the reviews of people so as not to run into a staged video.

    Improving memory after 50 years

    After 50 years, methods and exercises are ineffective, because the brain does not perceive them due to age. To activate its work, it is recommended to do the following things:

    • Doing physical exercise.
    • Do not abuse alcohol.
    • Saturate the body with vitamins.
    • Do not allow idle memory. To do this, constantly load it with mental activity.
    • Avoid stressful situations.
    • Learn poetry.

    The psychology of people after 50 years is easily tuned to effective memorization. The main thing is the desire of the person. If you set a goal, it does not matter how old you are. You will get results.

    If you have questions or doubts, please refer to the Internet. You will find books, lessons, videos, mental enhancement exercises and learn a lot of new information.

    In this article, we will discuss 15 memory boosters available at home. These tools in everyday life can be very useful for our cognitive functions and can prevent the decline in the ability of the brain.

    Memory is a cognitive ability that allows us to store new information in our mind, remembering everything when needed. However, throughout our lives we may see this ability decline, making it harder for us to remember things each time. There are many factors that can be involved in memory impairment, like psychological disorders, temporary, stressful situations or trauma. But the main factor that predicts memory decline is age.

    To date, there is some agreement that brain function declines with age, cognition and memory decline. For this reason, very often over the years we feel how our memory deteriorates. Memory is part of our brain, and like any area of ​​the body, we need to take care of it to mitigate aging and wear and tear.

    Folk remedies to improve memory

    Sage tea

    Sage is a plant rich in essential oils and tannins and is often used to treat colds, flu or sore throats.

    In fact, for many years this plant has been used for medicinal purposes, as it has numerous properties that are very beneficial for the human body. Sage is a stimulant for the digestive system, has disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Also, it acts on the fats of the nervous system, preventing their oxidation. This fact makes protection and prevention of memory failures. Sage has been shown to increase levels of acetylcholine, which plays a key role in memory development.

    Thus, taking a sage infusion is a good option to protect all areas of the brain and prevent memory failures.

    Ginkgo biloba

    Ginkgo Biloba is another plant with great therapeutic effects that we can currently find. Used in abundance to treat circulatory problems, vascular insufficiency, and to improve memory and concentration capabilities. Various studies have confirmed the effectiveness of this plant in protecting and improving memory and cognitive function.

    First, the results of 52 young people were compared, of which half (26) consumed a single dose of 120 mg of ginkgo biloba prior to conducting cognitive testing, and the other half (26) did not consume anything.

    Subsequently, another study was conducted with 40 subjects, of which half (20) received 120 mg of ginkgo biloba per day for 6 weeks, and the other half (20) did not consume a single dose of this plant.

    The conclusion that came from these studies is that ginkgo biloba improved test scores on concentration and memory.

    Subsequently, additional studies were carried out with similar results, which led the World Health Organization (WHO) to mention in a report that the medicinal use of this plant is also useful for the treatment of cerebral vascular insufficiency.


    Chocolate lowers blood pressure, improves blood flow to the liver, or protects the surface of the skin. In addition, there has recently been a growing interest in the effects of chocolate on memory.

    In a study that analyzed 37 patients aged 50 to 69 years, a prophylactic course of high doses of flavonoles (cocoa molecules) showed how this substance increases brain activity in the hippocampus.

    The hippocampus is an area of ​​the brain that is considered the epicenter of memory. Most memories are stored in this area of ​​the brain and this structure needs to work well to make room for learning.

    Thus, eating chocolate and other foods high in cocoa as usual can be a good choice to improve our memory.


    Plums are low energy fruits that have a wide variety of vitamins. Vitamin C, B6 and E are the best known in this food.

    Various beneficial effects of this fruit have been described, among which we find the improvement of memory. Plums are very useful to control blood sugar levels, protect the heart, improve and stimulate the process of digestion and improve memory.

    As far as memory capabilities are concerned, their effects have been described due to the power that the properties of this food have, neutralizing free radicals that negatively affect cognitive functions.

    Green tea

    Green tea is one of the teas that includes more substances and properties in its preparation. It is a powerful antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic substance, stimulates the immune system, and can prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

    With regard to cognitive functions, it is claimed that this substance can improve memory and concentration. According to a study conducted at Chongqing University in China, green tea can be very beneficial for memory and spatial arrangement.

    The test subjects were rodents, not humans, however, given the results we got, we speculate that green tea can enhance a person's memory.


    Broccoli can be a food that contributes to the maintenance and development of memory capabilities.

    Has a high level of phosphorus that you can increase the storage capacity. In addition, it contains vitamins A, C and E, amino acids, zinc, potassium, has high anti-cancer properties and antioxidants.


    Flaxseed is a food very rich in omega-3 acids, so it may be useful for enhancing cognitive abilities.

    Numerous benefits of this plant have been described as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer, or involved in muscle regeneration.

    You can use the oil or take the seeds with water.

    Ginseng root

    Ginseng is a highly stimulating herb that allows you to increase blood circulation and therefore increase your performance.

    This fact indicates that ginseng root is a substance that increases mental functions and memory.

    However, it should be kept in mind that doses too high for this substance can be detrimental to health and should therefore be used with caution.


    Bacopa is a plant that is actively used in medicine because of the properties that it represents.

    Extracts of this plant have been shown to enhance the ability of memory and learning, and their possible role as a preventative factor for Alzheimer's disease.

    Diet Control

    The importance of diet for memory stems from the research that has been done on the underlying disorders of this type of function. In particular with regard to Alzheimer's disease, it has been found that in countries where daily calorie intake is low, such as China, the impact is much less of such disorders. These data indicate that very high caloric intake may be a risk factor for such diseases, and thus impair memory.

    On the other hand, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins (vitamin E and C) have also been shown to have a high neoprotective role in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

    Thus, in order to protect and preserve memory, it is important to eat balanced diets that do not provide excess calories and include fiber and essential vitamins.

    It should be kept in mind that the brain is a part of the body that takes care of different parts of the body. It is necessary to carry out a balanced diet in order to care for and protect the structures of the brain.

    Intellectual Development

    Other factors that have been associated with memory loss and the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases are insufficient learning and intellectual activity.

    Although anyone can develop memory problems, regardless of intellectual activity, people with a higher level of education have a lower prevalence of this problem.

    Thus, to lead a certain style of life in which various mental processes take place is very important and constitutes one of the main means for memory.

    Train your memory

    In view of what was said in the previous paragraph, training memory in a special way turns out to be very useful. The brain works like any other muscle in our body, so if it is maintained in good shape, then its destruction can be left in oblivion.

    Thus, memory exercises should not only be for children or Alzheimer's, we should all do and benefit from their effects.

    Today, there are a huge number of games and applications over the Internet that can be useful for our memory.

    Physical activity

    Many people think that physical activity only serves to improve the condition of various parts of the body. However, this is not the case, because it has been proven, for example, that exercise also has numerous benefits for brain structures. Exercise has many great benefits for the brain, and has been shown to have positive effects on memory.

    Make time for rest

    To prevent cognitive impairment, it is important to lead a calm and psychologically healthy lifestyle. Anxiety, stress or depression are psychological factors that can greatly affect memory.

    Doing calming or relaxing exercises, practicing relaxation techniques or meditation are good ways to combat memory impairment.

    drink more water

    The brain is 80% made of water, therefore it sensitively reacts to its lack by weakening the ability to remember, worsening attention. It is necessary to eliminate dehydration, as memory improves. Every day you need to drink up to 8 glasses of pure water. Water improves memory, attention, increases the ability to concentrate, perceive new information, gives strength. To improve memory, you should stop drinking coffee, tea, soda - any drinks containing caffeine. Caffeine inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase, which is necessary for the development of the ability to remember, concentration. In addition, shock doses of caffeine dehydrate the body.

    * Promotion for Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region

    A man without memories is a man without a past. No wonder one of the most powerful moves in the creation of television series is the scene with amnesia - memories play a huge role for us, and memory problems can seriously affect the quality of life. The forgotten name of the pills, and as a result, the wrong treatment, the driver who forgot to conduct a vehicle inspection - it is better not to reach such a state, but once and for all solve the problem for yourself how to improve memory.

    We monitor nutrition

    People believe that only age and lack of exercise lead to the fact that they have a bad memory. What if, they say, we are all not getting younger?
    Nutrition plays a huge role in improving memory and increasing attention.

    A varied table with a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish rich in fatty acids, cereals, with the addition of vegetable oils, nuts and seeds to the diet not only helps to normalize weight, but also solves the problem of how to improve memory and attention.

    Excessive consumption of animal fats, heavy sauces, fast food, sweets and baked goods at the same time is one of the causes of memory problems.

    Three important words with "S"

    Memory problems haunt those who devote little time to sleep, work around the clock, not allowing themselves to tear themselves away from the computer screen. After the decrease in the overall quality of life, the next problem gradually comes - the inability to remember important information, and now a person begins to suffer from forgetfulness not only at home, but also at work.

    The reasons lie in the so-called triad C - sleep, sports, stress.
    Lack of activity or extreme irregularity in sports leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to internal organs, including the brain. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, all this affects the nervous system, and as a result, memory problems begin.

    Another important point to consider when trying to solve the "how to improve memory" problem is to analyze whether you are getting enough sleep. It is chronic lack of sleep that leads to an involuntary decrease in the ability to concentrate. And you need to sleep in comfort, at home, and not in fits and starts in transport.

    The third point is the minimization of stress factors. Improving our memory directly depends on the mental state. Irritation, fatigue, insomnia do not at all contribute to an increase in attentiveness, while an active sleepy person will solve most of the problems thanks to his calm state.

    Concentration of attention

    Sometimes the problem of our memory is related to the inability to maintain attention, and to solve it, it is enough to increase the ability to concentrate.

    To improve memory and attention, the following methods are used:

    1. When reading newspapers or magazines, use a pen or marker to highlight letters that are united by a common feature, for example, doubled, standing side by side in a word, or the same, but located at a distance from each other;
    2. When you're in a car as a passenger, challenge yourself to notice cars passing by that have something in common: only blue foreign cars, only those with a 6 in their license plates, or only those driven by women.

    These exercises will not necessarily solve memory problems, since you will not be tasked with remembering the signs found, but you will get rid of the absent-mindedness that attention deficit is often associated with.

    Turning into an ambidexter

    How to improve memory and attention for a person who gets enough sleep, goes in for sports and does not get nervous in vain, but still regularly forgets something? Perhaps the whole point is the predominant influence of one of the hemispheres of the brain.

    Ambidextrous- a person who owns the same right and left hand, able to write, draw, hold instruments and much more with them.

    ambidexterity it can be congenital, when the right and left hemispheres of the brain are initially equally developed in a person, and acquired.
    To improve memory, a method of periodically changing the working hand is used. This allows you to “turn on” the less used and, therefore, less developed hemisphere of the brain, stimulate its work, which ultimately contributes to a significant improvement in memory.

    Methods to simplify memorization

    "I'm good at remembering faces, but I keep forgetting names!" - sometimes people complain.
    The problem of memory for certain categories of information is very common. For some, visual memory works better, for others - auditory, for some, remembering a phone number is not an easy task.

    • Visual: in order not to forget the name or title, associate these words with some visual images, for example, imagine the Flower Corner company as a soft kitchen corner on which there are vases of flowers.
    • Laying out in places: when going shopping, mentally figure out exactly where you will put each item (a loaf of bread in your right pocket, lemons in your breast pocket, chocolate under your hat). Absurdity will only help to remember the shopping list.
    • Breakdown by associations: remembering digital values, break them into convenient pieces, each associated with a number that cannot be forgotten, for example, code 335311 - 33 (Christ's age), 53 (last digits of mom's date of birth), 11 (drumsticks).

    Learning foreign languages

    Scientists through a series of experiments have proven that learning foreign languages ​​improves memory, because we have to constantly keep in mind a lot of new information, rules, memorize exceptions and use the brain's capabilities to the maximum.

    Speaking in another language, we do not even notice how much work is going on in our head at this time: we remember the word in our native language, then we look for an analogue in a foreign language, and when we hear the answer, we are forced to perform the reverse procedure.

    For linguists, memory problems are not problems at all, they are forced to do it all the time, for everyone else, even learning the basics of the language at home will stimulate memory.

    Additional "anchors"

    The Indians of North America used this method to remember important events: as soon as something happened that they wanted to imprint forever in their memory, they took out and uncorked one of the bags with the aromatic mixture. And from that moment on, every time they inhaled this smell, they recalled the event in detail.

    How to improve memory if we do not carry such bags with us? Establish an associative connection using other senses: touch, taste, sight. Touch the fabric to remember how it feels under your hands, and this will help you remember the color; put a lemon caramel in your mouth after meeting a person, and you will remember his name, again feeling this taste on your tongue.

    • Repetition is the best exercise
    1. Reread the text a second time immediately after the first reading;
    2. Do it again in half an hour;
    3. The next reading must be repeated after 8 hours;
    4. In a day, read the material again.

    It is advisable to repeat such exercises for long-term memory improvement after two weeks, and the last time after two months.

    • The brain remembers what it works on

    How to improve memory quickly and without a long investment of time? Perhaps it does not need to be improved, the problem may lie in the habit of mindlessly memorizing information instead of understanding it.

    The human brain is arranged in such a way that it is difficult for it to solidify a word order that is meaningless from its point of view without understanding what exactly is behind these words. In the case when we understand what the text is about, we just need to understand the essence of the issue, and the rest will pop up in our heads on their own.

    The habit of first understanding and then remembering gives excellent chances for a significant improvement in memory, increasing attention.

    • speaking out loud

    As a good exercise to improve memory, you can use the method of speaking the material you read aloud. This allows you to use not only visual, but also auditory memory, which increases the chances of memorization and generally improves memory.

    How to quickly improve memory if simple pronunciation does not help? Try to sing what you are trying to remember. Sing the lyrics to the tune of a famous hit or come up with your own melody using the phenomenon of a song that you can't get out of your head.

    • Data recovery

    In one of the stories about Sherlock Holmes, the great detective asked the assistant how many steps on the stairs he overcomes every day, and Dr. Watson could not give an answer.

    Often we do not notice the most obvious repeated facts and figures, and as another exercise to improve memory, we should use the method of recalling past events.

    Did you have a free minute at work? Close your eyes and try to reconstruct the face of the colleague you met yesterday in the hallway. Remember what he was wearing, what he said, what expression he had on his face. This method is great for those who have problems with visual memory, do not keep faces in their heads, although they are not inclined to forget names.

    With the help of the same exercise to improve memory, you can learn to remember the sequence of events - a few days after going to the cinema, try to restore in detail how many people were in the hall, what you ate and drank, do the same after visiting a museum or restaurant. And soon you will notice that memory problems began to recede.

    Five little things

    The main problem of memory is not to capture the picture, but to recreate it, and it is this ability that must be honed.

    The problem of "how to quickly improve memory" helps to solve a daily workout called "five little things." It can be repeated at work, at home and even on the road.

    • At the first stage, put five different objects on the table in front of you, look at them for a couple of seconds, close your eyes and try to remember in detail what exactly lies in front of you, what color, shape, etc.
    • In the second step, make it harder for yourself by trying to remember the five items you just saw on a colleague's desk or in a subway car.
    • The third step, which contributes to a significant improvement in memory, is to increase the number of memorized objects and the time elapsed since you stopped looking at them. Remember what exactly and in what order is in the lower right drawer of your desktop, before returning from your lunch break; mentally draw a picture of the contents of the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet on the way home from work.

    Puzzles and puzzles

    Children's toys can improve our memory!
    Collecting puzzles and solving puzzles, we force the brain to strain, work, stimulate to produce new neural connections.
    To make the task more difficult, set a timer and solve logical tasks for a while, and you will notice that the further you go, the faster you find the answer.

    The main memory problem often lies not in a person’s inability to remember, but in the fact that we ourselves bring ourselves to a state where the brain cannot function normally, neural connections are depleted and broken, and in the future, medication may be required to restore the ability to remember. To find the answer to the question “how to improve memory and attention”, you should devote time not only to exercises, but also to self-improvement and improving the quality of your life in general.