Clinker grout. Grout for clinker tiles: which one to buy? Types of grout for seams. Epoxy grout

The use of clinker tiles for surface cladding is a guarantee of creating a practical and durable coating that has an outstanding aesthetic component and excellent resistance to low temperatures, ultraviolet, mechanical and other damage. Clinker manufacturers offer different sizes of tiles, but at the same time they always focus on the low vapor permeability of their products and the need to equip wide tile joints. The presence of sufficient gaps between the individual elements allows the surface to "breathe", prevents thermal deformation and moisture accumulation.

To fill the joints, special solutions (grouting, jointing) based on fine-grained binders or oligomeric compounds (resins) are used, which will allow:

  • hide masonry defects;
  • protect the edges of the tiles from damage;
  • increase the resistance of surfaces to negative impacts;
  • achieve an attractive decorative effect;
  • provide waterproofing of the ends of the tiles.

When choosing a joint, it is important to take into account not only the conditions of use, but also the characteristics of the building material in terms of price and quality. Extensive practical experience in the use of grouts for horizontal and vertical clinker surfaces has demonstrated the excellent performance of German brand products.

Types of grout for clinker and how to apply them

Everything can be divided into two groups:

  • Resin-based grouts (epoxy, furan): have a small assortment, high cost and rather complex application. They are not afraid of acid and humid environment resistant to high and low temperatures. They are used in situations where the surface is to be operated in difficult conditions.
  • Cement-based grouts: are the most popular because of their affordable price and ease of preparation. Thanks to the addition of various plasticizers, pigments, fillers, trass, sludge and polymers, they have a wide color gamut, good plasticity, volume and can be used in a wide variety of conditions.

Most often, cement-based clinker grouts are produced in the form of dry powder mixtures, which are quickly diluted with water or liquid latex to the consistency recommended by the manufacturer. Depending on whether a thick or liquid composition is being prepared, the grout is applied semi-dry, from a special gun or over the entire surface of the tile, followed by removal of excess. The last two technologies have received most widespread due to ease of implementation and excellent end result. Quick-Mix offers different kinds dry cement grouts for bricks, tiles and panels, for exterior and internal use, designed for different widths of seams and operating conditions.

Grouts for clinker tiles Quick-Mix

The consumer is offered grout solutions in a variety of gray, green, brown, beige, sand, cream, white and black tones. Popular grouts for clinker tiles and Quick-Mix bricks include:

Suitable for use in outdoor conditions. Differs in high plasticity, frost resistance and adhesion with a tile. It is diluted with water to a state of wet sand, goes well with a semi-dry method of application. Cannot be used at temperatures below +5 C, requires a joint depth of 5 mm and rapid use of the prepared mortar.

Applies to all types of work. The stitching is quite elastic and provides good adhesion of the material. Thanks to the addition of hard fractions, it forms a strong compacted filling without efflorescence for wide joints. Resistant to aggressive environmental influences, moisture and repeated freezing and thawing. The thickness of the grout layer for clinker tiles should be in the range of 10–12 mm. If applied unevenly, a distortion of the color tone can be traced.

Special mixtures for floor tiles and stairs. Allows efficient filling of joints 3–20 mm wide. They are frost and weather resistant. They are water repellent and can be used on heated floors. The manufacturer does not recommend using these mixtures for grouting tiles with a significant water absorption coefficient.

When used correctly, Quick-mix clinker tile grouts do not change their original properties throughout the entire service life, do not crack and practically do not wear out.

Grout for clinker tiles - how to choose?

After the installation of the tiles, it is necessary to process the gaps and seams. For these purposes, facade grout is usually used for clinker bricks, tiles, porcelain stoneware. The use of grouting material allows you to complete the cladding and protect the gaps between the products from water penetration and other damage.

Applying grout for facade tiles is a mandatory work that is always carried out after the installation of tiled products on the facade and walls of buildings. Tile grout performs several important functions at once:

  • Corrective. With the help of grouting material, you can hide the defects of the tiles, smooth out the existing deviations from the pattern (in this case, it is important to choose a mixture that is similar in color).
  • Aesthetic. Processing will give the facade, wall or any other surface a complete appearance. You can choose a grout to match the tile or a contrasting shade.
  • Firming. After applying the grouting material, there is an increase in the strength characteristics of the entire cladding, and the risks of damage to the edges of tiled products during operation are reduced.
  • Protective. The applied grout does not allow moisture to penetrate inside the facing material, therefore, there is an increase in the resistance of the tile to negative temperatures.

You can process the seams with tiles yourself or with the help of specialists. The best option- order this service from those masters who performed the installation of the cladding. They will be able to choose the most suitable type of grout and how to apply it, taking into account the operating conditions of the finish. Gap grouting services are often automatically included in the total cost of tiling work (especially if significant work volumes are provided).

Types of grout for clinker tiles

It is customary to distinguish two main types of grouting materials used to grout gaps. These are compounds made on the basis of cement and epoxy resin.

Special dry powder mixtures can also be used, which are made from Portland cement, with the addition of plasticizers. They are usually used for sealing small seams.

cement grout

Cement grouts for clinker tiles are suitable for outdoor and indoor work. Cement acts as the basis in such grouting compositions. To increase elasticity and adhesion to the lining, plasticizers and other components that improve performance are additionally added to the mixture. Cement compositions differ in scope:

  • For universal use.
  • For interior work (interior mixtures).
  • For outdoor work (facade).
  • For rooms with high humidity (water resistant).
  • For finishing furnaces and fireplaces (heat-resistant).

In stores, you can buy cement grouts in which mineral pigments are added. This allows you to choose the material of the color that is needed (for example, to match the clinker used). The main advantages of cement-based grouting material include:

  • Large selection of all kinds in the store.
  • Wide range of colors (from light to dark).
  • Relatively low price for products from popular brands.

Epoxy grout

Epoxy-based exterior grouts are made from two components: hardener and epoxy. The components must be mixed before starting work, because the finished tile grout tends to harden quickly.

A high level of elasticity and fast polymerization are the advantages of epoxy compounds for treating joints and gaps between tiles. But without proper experience, they are more difficult to use - if you leave traces of the mixture on the lining for some time, it will be problematic to wipe them off in the future. The disadvantages of epoxy mixtures include their high cost when compared with conventional cement counterparts.

On the video: Epoxy grouting of clinker tiles on steps

What are the ways to grout the seams between tiles?

There are several techniques with which you can perform seam processing. Regardless of the chosen grouting of clinker tiles, you must first carry out preparatory work.

  • When manipulating cement and epoxy compounds, it is required to use personal protective equipment: a respirator, goggles, gloves.
  • First of all, the required amount of water is poured into the container for mixing the mixture (indicated on the package with grout for outdoor tiles), after which the dry powder itself is added.
  • The resulting mass should have a uniform shade and consistency. Before starting processing, make sure that there are no lumps or pigment clots in the mixture.
  • Traditionally, mixtures for grouting tiles for outdoor and indoor use are prepared for 20-30 minutes of active use. After this time, the composition made becomes unsuitable for application to the surface.

Semi-dry processing

The technology is relevant for use if the choice fell on the traditional grouting of clinker tiles for external works. To carry out the work, it is necessary to buy a bricklayer's jointing, which will correspond to the width of the gap between the laid facing products. The gap itself should be 5 mm deep or more. When using the semi-dry method, work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Add water to the dry powder according to the instructions and mix until the mixture becomes like wet sand in consistency.
  2. Then you need to put a small amount of the resulting mixture in a suitable container.
  3. Finally, you need to fill the gap with grout using jointing.

Seams processed using this technology are obtained with a rough texture, but if the work is carried out with clinker, then this solution will be the most optimal. The rough texture of the seam will give the surface the effect of "aging". The disadvantages of this method include the fact that it is difficult to carry out work on your own without having the proper experience and skills.

Pistol processing

The use of a grout gun for clinker is a common technique because it can be used by both professionals and ordinary homeowners. The work is carried out as follows:

  1. You can use any type of grout for joints outside the house - cement or epoxy.
  2. From the dry powder, you must prepare the solution in accordance with the instructions on the package (it varies depending on the manufacturer, so it is difficult to give specific recommendations for preparing the mixture).
  3. A small amount of the resulting mixture must be placed in a standard construction gun.
  4. The mixture from the gun must be squeezed out into the cavity of the gap between the tiles, without falling on the cladding itself. In case of accidental contact with clinker, tile grout should be removed from the tile as soon as possible.
  5. After the mixture has set, it is necessary to remove the excess with improvised materials.
  6. Immediately after this, it is necessary to apply grout into the gaps with a spatula or just with your finger.

The advantages of using a gun include the ease of work. Troweling work should be started only after the laid clinker tiles have completely set. Otherwise, there is a possibility of displacement of individual products, because. The composition of grouts includes plasticizers.

Processing according to the "surface grout" technique

An easy-to-use method, but it is not chosen as often as a pistol one. If grouting of tiled cladding is performed on the surface, then the work is carried out as follows:

  1. At the first stage, you need to prepare the mixture according to the instructions.
  2. The resulting solution should be similar in consistency to thick sour cream.
  3. The finished composition should be smeared over the entire surface, and then remove the excess with a rubber grater, leaving the solution at the level of the tiles.
  4. At the last stage, you need to walk on the tiles with a regular foam rubber sponge.

All grout residues must be immediately removed from the tile until the mortar has set (otherwise it will be much more difficult to wipe it off later). The disadvantages of the method experts include:

  • The complexity of the application process, filling the seams, cleaning the surface from excess solution.
  • The method can be used only in cases where the clinker has a perfectly smooth surface (it is very problematic to remove mortar residues from corrugated tiles).
  • High grout consumption (compared to other application methods).
  • Small selection of colors.

How to grout clinker tiles

A day after laying, clinker tiles are laid out. This means that the seams need to be processed. This helps improve aesthetics and protect the surface from dirt or water penetration. You need to know how to process the seam of clinker tiles in order to eliminate the shortcomings that became noticeable after laying.

Choice of grout

In construction stores in large cities such as Moscow, they offer the following types of grout mixtures:

Cement. Inexpensive, applied quickly, suitable for all occasions, but very limited in terms of color;
epoxy. Quite expensive, it is not very easy to apply, but it is ideal if the cladding of the facade of the house is made. May have glitter additives. Resistant to negative influences external environment;
silicone. It is suitable if clinker tiles of famous brands, for example, were used for finishing rooms with high humidity.

It will not be difficult to choose a grout, because there are only three types of them in stores in Moscow and other large cities. Before gluing the clinker tiles, you need to decide on the method of applying the grout:

Semi-dry. The price is low, but it will be difficult to apply, a small selection of colors;
pistol. It is applied quickly, but this is a more expensive option compared to the previous one. If clinker tiles were used for decoration different colors(for example, ), then this the best option;
throughout the area. If you decide to process not only the outer or inner part, then you should purchase just such a grout.

The best option, if you need clinker tiles for the whole house, is the third one, otherwise you should choose the second one.


Applying cement grout to the seam of clinker tiles :

The dry mixture is diluted with water in the proportions indicated in the instructions;
if there are crystals that give color, then you must wait 5-10 minutes after kneading and repeat the steps. Otherwise, it will turn out that the facade clinker tiles, for example, the "" brand, will have an unattractive appearance. This can be seen in various photos on the web;
the seams are filled with cross-like movements;
seams are formed with a damp sponge, the mixture must be washed;
the setting time is at least 60 minutes, and operation can be started in a day.

The process is quite simple, so even the one who does it for the first time can handle it. In the city of Moscow, as in any other, you can purchase a silicone mixture, which is applied as follows:

Surfaces near the seams are degreased, cleaned of dirt and dried;
the tip of the silicone tube containing the mixture is cut off;
sealant from the gun is applied inside the seams;
silicone residues are removed after drying.

There is nothing difficult in the process of processing seams with a silicone mixture, but it costs more than concrete. Before fixing or gluing clinker tiles, it is better to immediately purchase a grout mixture. In our store in Moscow, consultants will help you choose the grout that best suits the type of application and color.

What grout for clinker tiles can be used? This question interests many. After all, always lining the walls with clinker tiles usually ends with its grouting and polishing. Only properly executed cladding can become a decoration and protection of the surface of the house.

What is this article about

What is grouting for?

If you ask this question to people, many will answer that it improves the quality of the finish. This is true, but it also performs other functions:

  • the surface lined with clinker is distinguished by a special coefficient of vapor permeability;
  • a wide tile joint after grouting is able to breathe;
  • grouting can prevent chipped tiles;
  • it is able to hide some defects in masonry and wall cladding;
  • increases the strength of the wall and the resistance of its surface to the effects of extraneous forces;
  • various decorative effects are achieved.

The grout mixture is able to align the seams. But it can also spoil the appearance if applied incorrectly.

What can be grouting

Grouting clinker tiles is of two main types:

  • cement based;
  • on epoxy resins.

Cement can be the basis of grouts. Various plasticizers, dyes for tiles are added to it. This is the most common type of grout. The finished composition is able to be well fixed in any seam and perfectly removed from the front surface of the tile. Various additives make it possible to use the cement composition in the most different conditions. It is used when performing interior work and when facing the facade surface on the street. A multi-component cement-based grout is also designed to form a waterproofing layer between facing tiles and building wall. Grout for joints can be moisture resistant. It is suitable for processing walls in the bathroom, lined with tiles.

You can choose the color you need for work by a combination of several mixtures of the same type. Basic colors:

  • white;
  • brown;
  • red;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • yellow;
  • beige.

Some other colors may also be found. Portland cement grout is available with several additives. RKS grout is very soft, fits comfortably into the seam. The composition is diluted with water and used to process seams 3-5 mm wide.

The composition with the addition of sand is used for processing joints with a width of more than 5 mm. The sand fills them up perfectly. It is not recommended to use for grouting tiles with a glossy surface, as it will leave traces in the form of scratches.

Epoxy grouts are more expensive than cement grouts. They consist of the main composition and hardener, which must be diluted in a certain proportion before work and mixed thoroughly. The quality of the finished mixture depends entirely on the quality of this operation. Grouts of this type are used in difficult tile operating conditions. It may be acid resistant. The mixture is also used for finishing pools. The disadvantage of epoxy compounds is the difficulty in working with them and the inability to remove the composition from the front side of the tile. To avoid this, you can first wax the entire surface of the lined wall, then rub the seams. But even in this case, it is necessary to immediately remove the remnants of the grout mixture from the treated surface.

How to use ready-made grout

When choosing a grout, there is only one rule that must be observed: it must be of the same manufacturer on whose adhesive the tile is planted. The main manufacturers of adhesives and grouts are Quick-mix and Ceresit. When preparing glue or grout, you must strictly adhere to the instructions that must be on the package. The instruction says:

  • water is poured into the bucket in the right amount with a temperature of 5 to 20 ° C;
  • dry powder is added;
  • everything is thoroughly mixed.

It should be remembered that it is the dry mixture that is added to the water, and not vice versa. It is better to mix with a special whisk, but you can do it with any suitable object. After stirring, the solution is left to swell and to dissolve the dye grains. After 5-7 minutes, it is mixed again. Ready mix resembles sour cream, does not crumble and does not roll off the surface of the wall. The composition must be prepared for half an hour of work. A larger amount of solution may become unusable. Do not add excess water. Excess liquid causes cracking of the material. You can buy a ready-made composition. It goes on sale in plastic buckets of various sizes (photo No. 1).

The composition is applied to the tile with a rubber spatula. Often a syringe shaped like a pistol is used for application (photo No. 2). The mixture is placed in it and squeezed into the seam through the nozzle. Grout that has fallen on the surface of the tile must be removed immediately. The instruction recommends wiping the surface with a sponge or a special grater every 5-10 minutes (photo No. 3). After the gun, the seams are aligned with jointing (photo No. 4). Everything must be done carefully and cleanly so that the clinker does not lose its natural beauty.

Final part

Clinker tiles are often faced with residential buildings and industrial premises. The work usually ends with grouting. For execution final stage work, you need to purchase a dry mix or ready-made grout. When buying, you should pay attention to the thickness of the seams for which the mixture is calculated, the operating temperature and the frost resistance of the composition. The characteristics of the solidification time and life of the finished solution are very important. Before starting work, you need to clean the seams of glue. This can be done with a knife, file or a special scraper. Joints must be completely dry and clean before grouting. Work is carried out with a rubber spatula or grater. You will also need a gun and embroidery, gloves on your hands.

The working composition can be used based on Portland cement or epoxy. The latter is quite expensive and does not always justify itself when processing large areas. It is better and cheaper to use cement grout. For better protection against fungus and excessive moisture, it is recommended that the finished seams be treated with a water-repellent composition. It can be Fuga-Shine, Atlas Dolphin or Ceresite ST 10. This is especially important when laying tiles on a plasterboard surface.