How to identify a drug addict by appearance. Signs of a drug addict in behavior. Observing emotional and behavioral signs

Belongs to severe pathological conditions, characterized by the development of painful cravings for narcotic substances that cause a euphoric state or change the perception of reality.

Every year, the number of drug addicts among young people is growing rapidly, this is due to the availability and distribution of drugs, as well as the popularity of these substances among teenagers.

Drug addiction leads to complete degradation of personality and causes the spread of various infectious diseases and STDs or death due to.

Very often, such people try to hide such changes and begin to wear sunglasses with dark glass without taking them off.

Drugs lead to personality degradation - a person stops taking care of himself.

The drug addict ceases to be interested in his appearance, becomes sloppy, stops showering and bathing, rarely changes clothes, does not monitor genital hygiene, and stops washing his hair and combing his hair.

When using injecting drugs, a person begins to wear long sleeves to hide the marks of injections.


You can also recognize a drug addict by the changed colloquial speech - previously unused phrases and new, rather strange expressions appear that it is impossible not to pay attention to.

The most famous are bash (dose of a drug), bayan (syringe), huckster (drug dealer) and others.

Attitude towards loved ones

Over time, people who use drugs lose any interest in their relatives, children stop worrying about their parents, husbands or wives do not show interest in their other half, in particular in children.

Drug addicts begin to spend their leisure time outside the home, this can last a whole day, a day or even several. Constant lying begins, money or valuables are taken away.

Unusual items

Very often, a drug addict brings strange objects into the house - these can be various small blackened spoons, syringes, a needle, small bags, grass.

Poor health

The use of narcotic substances makes adjustments not only to a person’s psycho-emotional state, but also negatively affects physical health:

  1. sleep disorders (insomnia);
  2. appetite disorder (sharply decreased or increased);
  3. a sharp drop or increase in blood pressure;
  4. digestive disorders (more often among new drug addicts);
  5. bad breath;
  6. coughing attacks or persistent runny nose (when inhaling substances through the nose).


It is not difficult to recognize a person who uses drugs; you just need to take a good look at the person’s behavior, mental state and appearance.

- this is a complex process in which specialists from several fields participate - narcologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, as well as specialized specialists, depending on the development of diseases of the internal organs.

But the most important thing is the support of family and friends, without which no drug addict can cope.

Video: How to recognize a drug addict? Signs of drug use

Human life is oversaturated with various types of temptations. This is gambling, alcohol and drugs. In the drug world, the greatest harm comes from smoking weed. It is especially common among young people, as it is considered a soft drug that does not provoke addiction and dependence. This opinion is erroneous, because narcotic smoking mixtures cause the development of persistent addiction at the psychological and physical level.

Not to mention the harm that weed causes to the body. The consequences of such a hobby can be terrible - almost all smokers eventually switch to using harder drugs, which quickly lead a person to complete degradation and death. How to notice trouble in time? To this end, there are certain signs of smoking weed in adults.

You can recognize a person who smokes weed by some clearly visible signs.

While a person “sits” on a smoking mixture, his brain does not have time to degrade completely and is not so clouded. At this level, it is still possible to get rid of addiction and return the individual to normal society, subject to adequate and timely treatment. But first, you need to realize the threat that seemingly harmless weed poses, and learn about the harm that the smoking mixture brings with it.

According to UN statistics, about 160 million people consume narcotic herbal mixtures on a regular basis.

What is "weed"

“Weed” is the popular term for hemp. This plant was once famous for its useful and valuable qualities. But over time, the source of benefit became a real “incarnation of hell.” This metamorphosis occurred due to cannabinoids, in large quantities included in the plant. It is these compounds that negatively affect the functioning of the body and cause persistent dependence over time.

During consumption, cannabinoids actively affect brain receptors, which affects the behavior of the addict. While on a smoking high, a person experiences a number of different sensations, ranging from mild euphoria accompanied by inexplicable laughter to hallucinogenic states and memory loss.

Weed is a name for drugs made from hemp.

The vast majority of people, especially young and frivolous people, naively believe that weed is completely harmless. Such a false belief costs not only health, but sometimes even life.

In many countries (and in Russia as well), the cultivation of hemp is prohibited at the official level. Any derivatives of this plant are classified as drugs and are subject to severe penalties for cultivation and distribution.

The danger of “easy” hobby

Smoking cannabis primarily negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system and the functioning of parts of the brain. TO greatest danger This hobby includes the fact that in the vast majority of cases, a person eventually switches to heavier drugs, when smoking weed no longer satisfies him.

What does smoking weed lead to?

Among the most pronounced consequences caused by addiction to cannabis, experts note the following:

  • mood swings;
  • major personality changes;
  • global damage to the nervous system;
  • numerous problems with teeth and gums;
  • significant decline in mental abilities;
  • destruction of the cortex and subcortical structure of the brain;
  • development of various diseases of the respiratory system;
  • pronounced inhibition in recognizing and understanding new information.

One of the most sad consequences of using weed includes a possible overdose, which can result in death. Accidents often happen to smokers who are high. Being in an altered consciousness, a drug addict can start a fire or create another emergency situation.

How to recognize a weed smoker

Signs of cannabis use are not fundamentally different between adults and adolescents. It is important to know these symptoms in order to recognize impending trouble in time and sound the alarm. At the initial level, the problem is still solvable, and the addict needs to be saved before he switches to harder drugs.

How to recognize a cannabis smoker

To find out whether a person uses weed, you should carefully look at the behavior and habits of a friend. If there are changes in his usual state, loved ones should immediately be wary. So, when a person “sits on the grass,” the following signs will be an indicator of such a hobby:

Unreasonable fun. And for the most inconspicuous reasons. Under the influence of cannabis, a person experiences real “universal” love for everything living, he is bursting with joy and fun. Being in a state of drug intoxication, a person strives to convey his love to everyone around him. And causeless laughter is so strong that it becomes extremely difficult for a drug addict to stop.

Increased appetite. Smoking weed provokes attacks of insatiable hunger. Cannabinoids irritate the taste buds, so someone intoxicated by the drug can eat an amount of food in one sitting that would normally last for 1-2 days.

By the way, cannabis, while causing irresistible gluttony, does not contribute to weight gain. The fact is that weed also enhances metabolic processes, so the addict’s weight remains normal even with constant eating.

But then various problems arise with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Since under the influence of weed the composition of gastric juice changes towards oxidation, there is a high probability of erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa and the development of ulcers.

Changing eyes. These are the most obvious signs of a weed addict; the photo shows that the intoxicated person’s eye pupils differ sharply from their normal state. Despite the fact that their size remains virtually unchanged, the smoker's eyes become unnaturally red and very inflamed. In some cases, even strabismus develops. Sometimes the eyelids begin to close on their own.

A weed smoker's eyes look bloodshot and inflamed.

Increased thirst. In addition to insatiable hunger, a person under the influence of cannabis experiences extreme thirst. This symptom is formed due to excessive dryness of the oral mucosa. Narcologists call this effect “cotton mouth syndrome.”

Behavioral changes. You can identify a weed addict by certain behavioral characteristics. Such as:

  • absent-mindedness;
  • inattention;
  • excessive talkativeness;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • desire for people to communicate;
  • inability to objectively estimate time, distance;
  • periodic lethargy, lethargy, some dullness, which is replaced by mobility and talkativeness;
  • problems with short-term memory (the drug addict is unable to remember what happened to him 5-10 minutes ago, how he ended up in this place, etc.).

Increased sweating. When smoking weed, due to increased metabolic processes, a person experiences an increase in sweating. Moreover, sweat has a disgusting, repulsive and pungent odor. The strongest deodorants cannot protect you from this “aroma”.

Symptoms of overdose

If the symptoms that appear in the case of ordinary cannabis use can in some cases be confused with simply good mood and an optimistic attitude towards life and the surrounding reality, then symptoms of a different kind are less pleasant. We're talking about an overdose. In this case, the signs of cannabis use are expressed much more clearly. They are as follows:

  • painful muscle spasms;
  • slowing of speech functions;
  • a significant decrease in all reactions;
  • increased heart rate, which causes strong increase HELL;
  • thoughtful, apathetic state (the person does not react to others);
  • appearance of hallucinations various types(auditory, tactile, visual);
  • attacks of suspicion and anxiety, sometimes reaching a paranoid state.

Symptoms of overdose

Over time, cannabis lovers begin to crave a more intense experience. This occurs due to the body becoming accustomed to weed. In this case, a person switches to using spice and hashish. An addict can also become addicted to more serious drugs – hallucinogens.

“Verbal and object” signs

You can also suspect that a loved one is addicted to smoking cannabis by the appearance of some strange devices in the house. If in doubt, you need to carefully check the apartment for items such as:

  1. Cut tubes, remnants of hoses.
  2. Empty cigarettes (free from tobacco).
  3. Matchboxes with the remains of an incomprehensible mixture of herbs.
  4. Various unusual twists of foil or cellophane.
  5. Plastic cut bottles. Drug addicts cut special holes at the bottom, and it may even be a little smoky.

In addition to such accessories that weed addicts use, the conversation of the addict can also change. Slang expressions appear in his speech. These words become another sign of cannabis consumption. When discussing how to recognize a drug addict who uses weed using slang words, you should know that in this case it is difficult to identify a specific “dubious” word.

The jargon of drug smokers is constantly changing, they invent new words and definitions. Addicts come up with other names for their smoking paraphernalia. But the words below are most often and have long been found in the everyday life of smokers and reveal his addiction to cannabis:

  • hashish (hash): hashish;
  • boshka: dry tops of a narcotic plant;
  • dotsl (smoke or finish): finish smoking the remaining mixture;
  • blow up: smoking weed with a bubbler;
  • Varenka: leftover milk where dry plant matter was boiled;
  • joint (joint): weed packaged in a cigarette or rolled joint and ready to be consumed;
  • bulbulator (bulbik): equipment made from a plastic bottle, used to smoke hemp or hashish.

It would be useful to mention what smokers also call the hemp plant. These are the following slang words: shmal, anasha, hemp, margot, plasticine, drach, bashatumnay, marusya, ganj, garik, smoke, hemp, snuffbox, grass (grass), cones, plan, drach, marukha, shan, manyaga, hemp, plast, boshki, dope, milk, zharakha, shala, garik, zharakha, smoke.

These names apply not only to weed. Addicts can also use them to refer to marijuana, hashish, spice and other types of drugs that they consume through smoking.

What to do with an addict

It is almost impossible to get rid of the craving for smoking cannabis on your own. The situation is explained by the fact that drug addicts, confident in the safety and ease of such a drug, extremely rarely admit that they have a problem and express a desire to put an end to “nonsense.”

In this case, only a specialized clinic can help. Specialists will determine the addict’s condition and develop an individual treatment plan. Help for a drug addict is comprehensive, because it is necessary to rid a person not only of physical, but also of mental addiction.

Well, the path to recovery begins with a visit to a drug treatment room. The doctor performs an initial examination, assesses the patient’s condition, and talks with him and relatives. And then he proposes a treatment program, based on the period of consumption of weed, the frequency of its use and the damage to the body already caused by the drug.

For many drug addicts who have not yet entered the stage when it becomes absolutely no difference, it is important that their family, friends and simply those around them do not understand that they are addicted to drugs. They try to hide their addiction and resort to various methods to do this.

However, there are not many such methods. And the signs of drug addiction are still quite bright and obvious to many around.

When an addict hides one symptom and succeeds, others remain that are not so easy to get rid of. It is by these signs that any person who is familiar with drug addiction first-hand will identify a severe drug addiction. In addition, in addition to the obvious external signs, drug addicts change their behavior. And it is impossible to hide or disguise by any means or means.

And no amount of tricks will hide the serious consequences that drugs leave behind. Especially if taken regularly over an extended period of time.

External signs that drug addicts manage to hide

  1. Traces all over the body that remain from constant injections into the veins. These marks are especially common among drug addicts in the area of ​​the elbows of the arms, the knees of the legs or thighs, the groin area or armpits. Such visible signs of intravenous drug use force drug-dependent people not to wear short sleeves or shorts, even in the most extreme heat.
  2. The pupils of the eyes are narrowed to the point of dots. People who constantly use drugs have eyes that react poorly to light; there is even a term they use for such a pupil - “sunken pupil.” Sometimes drugs can cause the opposite reaction, leaving the pupils permanently dilated.
  3. Red eyes. In most drug addicts who use cannabis drugs, capillaries in the whites of the eyeball burst and hemorrhages form, which give the eyes a red color.

These are not all the signs by which you can recognize a drug addict. In fact, there are many more of them. And professional drug addicts always have with them a set of items for taking drugs, because without this they simply cannot imagine their life and items that help hide their addiction. How do drug addicts hide these obvious signs?

Masking constricted pupils

The problem of narrow pupils is most often experienced by those drug addicts who use opium drugs. In order to give the pupils normal look, they use a medicine that normally treats stomach diseases. The name of this drug is becarbon.

This medicine has side effect- when taking it, the pupils dilate. It is this effect that adherents of heroin, opium from poppy straw and crocodile use. In order to dilate the pupils, pink tablets of the drug becarbon are ground into a fine powder and diluted with water. After which the drug solution is instilled into the eyes, a few drops at a time.

Therefore, packaging such a drug in the bag or pocket of a friend or relative should alert his loved ones. After all, this may mean that the person is a drug addict and uses strong opiate drugs. It must be said that the drug becarbon often dilates the pupils unevenly.

One of them turns out to be wider than the other. This is due to the fact that the dosage that goes into both eyes may be different, for example two drops versus three. You can also recognize a drug addict by such pupils.

But the worst thing is that this drug, used in this way and not for its intended purpose, has a very detrimental effect on human vision. Therefore, very soon the drug addict who regularly used it, the sharpness of the picture of the world drops greatly and a cloudy and unclear movie appears before his eyes.

There are others medications, capable of dilating pupils in the same way as becarbon. These include, in particular, atropine and drugs from its group.

Masking dilated pupils

Dilated pupils of the eyes occur mainly in those drug addicts who use narcotic stimulants. They also use medications to make their eyes look normal. For example, a group of drugs such as miotics.

These include drugs such as: fosarbine, pilocarpine, carbacholine, aceclidine, physostigmine, phosphakol and other drugs that can narrow the eye pupil. Like the previous masking agent, these drugs greatly damage vision and even often cause cataracts. But those drug addicts who want to hide their addictions do not stop even at complete blindness.

Concealing puncture marks

If there are many traces of intravenous injections on a person’s body, then for others this is the most obvious sign of drug addiction, which simply catches the eye. These traces can be seen by any loved one, friend or relative of the drug addict.

And if he compares it with other signs, for example, strange behavior, he will make a clear conclusion about the person’s drug addiction. Of course, when a drug addict begins to be asked questions about the nature of these traces, he has to come up with various, sometimes very ridiculous, options for their origin.

Versions may vary. From a squeezed pimple to scratches from a cat's claws. However, even a person far from medicine or drugs will be able to distinguish traces of injections from other skin lesions.

If you look closely at the marks on the skin, you will see the entrance hole of the needle in the form of a small red dot at the injection sites. Very often a small bruise will form around the injection site. For experienced drug addicts, injection points form entire “roads” because they follow each other.

When a drug addict injects many times in a row into the same vein, a “well” can form at that spot. Each new injection expands and deepens it, making it more distinct and noticeable.

If you take a closer look at the “roads” of a drug addict, you can see a certain pattern. This is a clear sign that the person is injecting drugs into a vein. After all, “roads” follow only along the lines of veins.

But stubborn in their desire to hide their drug addiction, people pass off even the most obvious “roads” as ordinary scratches, and explain the appearance of “wells” as burns. Everything depends only on the degree of development of the drug addict’s imagination.

Masking of injection marks occurs by regularly applying various ointments to the injection sites, which serve against the appearance of blood clots. CU such ointments include: troxevasin, hepatrombin and the like. Using these ointments, drug addicts get rid of bruises in a matter of days.

Another way to hide marks from injections is a method in which injections are made only in those areas of the body that are not visible to others. For example: groin area, legs, neck below and under the hair, back of the forearm or armpit.

With injections in the groin, the drug addict can afford to wear T-shirts and shorts in the hot summer, no different from other people. True, any drug addict is immediately betrayed by huge circles under the eyes and painful thinness.

Those drug addicts who do not inject drugs in any way, intramuscularly or intravenously, but only smoke narcotic mixtures or snort drugs, are not much different from other people. And recognizing them as drug addicts is quite difficult. It must be said that those drug addicts who are afraid for their loved ones or do not want anger on their part come to such drug use.

Concealing red eyes

Addicts who use marijuana or other cannabis derivatives suffer from constant severe hunger and dry mouth, and they also have red eyes. And if the first two consequences of taking drugs cannot be hidden, but they are not striking, then the effect of red eyes is removed with the help of eye drops.

There are many such drops that reduce redness of the eyes and relieve dryness, the most famous drug is Visine.

These are all the main ways that help drug addicts hide external signs use of certain types of drugs. But loved ones can always compare a person’s behavior, the use of these drugs and other signs in order to understand that he is really a drug addict. He suffers from a severe addiction and needs help.

A drug addict can be recognized by the following signs of taking popular drugs:

  • Reception LSD- dilates the pupils, makes the skin pale, increases body temperature, creates hallucinations, causes a rapid pulse and unintelligible speech.
  • Reception Ecstasy- dilates the pupils and gives the eyes a characteristic shine, making the jaws clenched. A person's teeth grind and his teeth play, he suffers from insomnia.
  • Reception Marijuana(aka cannabis, hashish) - dilates the pupils, makes the eyes red and puffy, makes movements uncertain, increases appetite, makes you laugh for no reason and creates a wandering smile on the face.
  • Reception Heroin: turns the pupils into “dots”, gives the effect of “glassy” eyes with half-closed eyelids, slows down breathing. The person experiences drowsiness, suffers from lack of appetite. He often has red, swollen lips, he scratches his nose and face, and sometimes other parts of the body , there are injection marks on the body, and burnt holes on the clothes.
  • Reception Amphetamine(aka speed, hair dryer, speed) - creates a lack of appetite and mood swings, insomnia begins, the person has dilated pupils, suffers from increased talkativeness and anxiety. The addict develops vigorous activity, which is replaced by severe fatigue. Those addicted people who use the drug, inhaling it through their nose, constantly have with them plastic cards with traces of scratches, on them they “roll out paths” and banknotes with signs of being rolled into a tube.
  • Reception Pervitina(aka screw) - gives dilated pupils, insomnia, traces of injections are visible on the body. The person has a rapid heartbeat, loses appetite, and has cramped muscles and jaws. The addict is unable to sit still, constantly bites his lips and “goggles” his eyes, and in 90% of cases a strong pungent odor emanates from his clothes.
  • Reception Cocaine(aka crack) - repeats the signs of amphetamine use, and adds to them sweating, rapid breathing and a tendency to talk at length.

In order for drug addiction not to become a death sentence, having noticed loved one signs of drug use, you need to seek help from specialists. The center successfully fights drug addiction and helps drug addicts overcome addiction and become ordinary normal people again.

Parents must always be in a state of heightened attention to all the problems of the child, must actively observe the lives of their children, be interested in how they spend their free time, what they strive for, what tastes they develop, desires that arise and what actions they perform under the influence of the environment, microsocial environment. Parents must catch all the changes occurring in their children, be able to understand the behavior and characteristics of their reactions, as this is necessary to identify the first signs of drug addiction.

Why is it so difficult for parents to notice that something is happening to their child? Firstly, most novice drug addicts are very careful. They are afraid of exposure, are forced to hide, lie, and therefore make very little contact. Secondly, often, due to their busy lives, parents do not have enough time to communicate sufficiently with their children.

What advice can you give to parents in this regard? Here are a couple of tips: 1. Try to have cordial and confidential conversations with your children every day. 2. Don’t let your personal affairs consume you so much that you don’t notice the seemingly small details of your children and some details related to their lives and behavior.

Let us dwell on those signs, having noticed which, parents, relatives and friends could correctly evaluate them, that is, identify them as painful in order to take the necessary measures to prevent trouble. Relatives and relatives can usually easily identify a drunk person. It's a completely different matter when taking drugs. Most parents don't know how to tell if their child is using drugs. Signs of drug use can vary depending on the type of drug, dose, frequency of use and combination. For convenience and clarity, they can be fairly roughly divided into two parts - changes in behavior and external signs.

Changing the behavior of a novice drug addict

Signs of drug addiction are, first of all, loss of enthusiasm, indifference, lack of initiative, and the appearance of indifference; loss of interest in previous hobbies and studies; absenteeism at school, college; secrecy and privacy. There is alienation from the traditional team, withdrawal from former friends, and loss of contact with parents. The formation of some micro-groups, unexpected companies should be alarming, especially if it is hidden. Deceitfulness is on the rise. It is possible to leave home.

Sometimes a teenager freezes in a dreamy pose and flinches when called. There may be lapses in memory, inability to think logically, to explain one’s actions and their reasons.

Adolescents who use drugs quickly change their character; they become emotionally unstable and impatient. Sudden changes in mood, outbursts of hostility, and irritability for no reason appear. Particularly alarming is the sharp change in the state of excitement to passivity and lethargy; rapid change from fatigue to extraordinary energy.

Previously unusual rudeness, aggressiveness and cruelty appear. Manners and even handwriting change.

Carefree fun can be replaced by anger, melancholy, and anxiety. The sleep formula is distorted - insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day, increased activity in the evening. Appetite changes (absence, outbreaks of gluttony), the nature of nutrition changes. A previously unnoticed addiction to some food may appear. For example, opium addicts eat only sweets during certain periods, since they feel nauseous when eating other foods. They cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. And hashish addicts periodically experience an increased need for food.

Teenagers’ strong advocacy for the freedom to use drugs and positive statements about them should not go unnoticed.

Specific elements of the drug addict subculture appear - specific jargon (grass, wheels, shirevo, parish, plan, mulka, jef).

How to recognize a drug addict?

Typical external signs of a drug addict are, first of all, a change in complexion - usually pallor, there may also be redness, circles under the eyes, dry or painful oily skin (“greasy coating”), excessively constricted or dilated pupils.

With inhalation use (inhalation of vapors of volatile toxic liquids and various powdery substances), a border of irritation appears around the lips and especially in the corners of the mouth. There may be redness and swelling of the face and difficulty breathing through the nose. Sometimes there is a mask-like, hypomimic, puffy face or, conversely, animated facial expressions.

Teeth often turn yellow and become covered with indelible plaque; the tongue loses its natural color, becomes thick, and deep longitudinal cracks appear on it.

A runny nose (“running nose”), increased body temperature, and a state of intoxication without the smell of alcohol are observed. Pantomime changes, reflecting the “gestural contour” of the entire personality. The gait becomes unsteady. Untidyness, sloppiness, and stains on clothes from chemicals appear.

You should be alerted by the appearance of unusual odors - specific from the mouth, from clothes (sweetish, similar to the smell of incense, glue or household chemicals). For example, the smell of hemp preparations, which are usually used when smoking, differs from the usual smell of tobacco smoke. It has a specific smell of rotten straw, mustiness, and a damp basement.

Most often, attention is paid to sudden weight loss. However, one of the main signs is marks on the body from injections, injection tracks, which are possible in the most unusual places: under the armpit, in the mammary glands, in groin area and etc.

A very significant factor is the appearance of items that accompany drug use - tablets, ampoules, syringes, needles, various tubes, hookahs, glue, plasticine-like lumps with a strong odor. A typical type of cigarette is smoked by hashish consumers, mixing it with tobacco. Firstly, they are noticeably longer, and secondly, they burn unevenly - obliquely, more on one side. This is where the slang name “jamb” comes from. You can find precise mini-scales for weighing a single dose, as well as smoking sticks to kill the specific smell of hashish.

You can find a rubber band, cord, tape and other similar items to compress the veins of the arm before injection. When using cocaine, they find so-called cocaine spoons to inhale it through the nose.

These are the main signs of drug addiction, indicating the use of drugs and toxic substances. Of course, not all of them are equal - some are quite significant, others are less significant. But if in behavior or appearance If the child matches several signs, and especially 5 or more, then, without throwing hysterics, you need to calmly talk to him and figure everything out. Under no circumstances should you immediately scold your child for not being able to stop using drugs. Perhaps this is already the subject of his experiences. Only a calm, confidential conversation with a loved one will help reveal all the child’s experiences.

Of course, only a doctor can determine the disease and its nature, but should loved ones be vigilant and, if necessary, sound the alarm? Therefore, relatives, senior comrades, and colleagues should closely monitor everyone’s life young man. Everyone who comes into contact with young people - teachers, educators, mentors, coaches, foremen - must not only observe, but also constantly (tactfully, but skillfully) monitor the behavior and lifestyle of their students. This should become not only human, but also everyone’s job responsibility. And if any of you notice signs of drug addiction in a young man, you need to sharply stop these attempts, in no case putting it off “for tomorrow.” Only today! Tomorrow may be too late: a persistent craving for drugs arises and you will have to undergo long-term treatment. You should contact specialist narcologists as soon as possible. Remember that no one will help your child except you and doctors.

Additional articles on this topic:

With regular drug use, direct signs associated with being under the influence of drugs become evident.

The question is often asked, “what does a drug addict look like, what is he like?” Firstly, changes in a person’s behavior and appearance are aggravated. Secondly, signs of drug intoxication cannot be controlled and suppressed, much less hidden. Conditions of this kind have quite a lot of specific signs that are easily noticeable upon careful observation.

It should be taken into account that when using different drugs, external signs manifest themselves differently and can be directly opposite in nature depending on the substance used.

Intoxication after taking drugs is noticeably different from a similar state after drinking alcohol. There are a number of indicators that, if observed, require immediate medical attention.

The appearance of people taking drugs should also serve as an alarm signal. Take a closer look and you will see what a drug addict looks like. Wrinkled, unkempt clothes and unkempt, dull hair will help identify a drug problem. Especially if this sloppiness is combined with pale skin, which in drug addicts quickly becomes emaciated, dry, and loses elasticity and tone. Damage to the skin (even the slightest wounds) does not heal for a long time.

Signs of drug addiction in adults and children

Drug addiction is a terrible problem. People addicted to drugs quickly turn into mere living beings and cease to be normal members of society. Therefore, the question of how to identify a drug addict and how to determine whether your child or loved one is taking drugs is very relevant. It is very important to diagnose and provide help as early as possible, while the person still has memories of that other life before drugs, while he still has the desire to live fully.

How to identify a drug addict? Before you do anything, you need to know how drug addiction develops.

And this happens according to the following scheme:

  • "first try" At this moment there are no thoughts at all that addiction may develop. The drug gives unusual ease;
  • rapid formation of dependence. At this stage, it is very important to promptly recognize the first signs of drug addiction and provide assistance. And it may consist in convincing a person that a problem has arisen and treatment is necessary;
  • loss of all interest in life, the drug replaces family, loved ones, friends, work. During this period, the addict begins to understand that he needs to undergo treatment, but as withdrawal symptoms occur, he convinces himself that it is too late and there is no turning back.

Knowledge of the process of addiction will make it possible not only to identify a drug addict, be it a child or an adult, but will also make it possible to provide him with timely assistance.

Symptoms of drug use

A person taking any narcotic substances is revealed by both his external physical condition and behavior. Therefore, if you are careful, you can understand how to identify a drug addict. People who have this problem are different from others:

  • feel lethargic;
  • their laughter is inappropriate;
  • their pupils are noticeably constricted;
  • they are thirsty, so they constantly want to drink;
  • they are overcome by drowsiness;
  • rashes may appear on the skin and itching may occur.

These are visible symptoms, but there is also a soul, that is, “ back side". The fact is that drugs affect the brain, the human mind, his inner world, destroying it completely. That is, it arises not only physical dependence, but also psychological. Therefore, it is important to know how to recognize a drug addict, but it is also important to understand that simple treatment in a drug treatment clinic will not help him. Long-term rehabilitation is needed. Without it, treatment will not bring any results.

Sign of drug addiction - health

Many people wonder how to identify a person who uses drugs. This can be done if you pay close attention to the changes that have arisen in human health:

  • the drug addict's blood pressure increases;
  • the heart rate increases significantly;
  • the intestines become upset and, as a result, diarrhea begins;
  • The main and most important symptom is the development of withdrawal from a drug addict, this is when he develops unbearable pain in his muscles and joints. The muscles tremble noticeably because the cramp in this case is uncontrollable. The person is exhausted, he wants to rest, but he cannot find a place for himself, he rushes about, he can neither sit nor lie down.

These are the signs that can help you decide:How to recognize a drug addict.

A drug, no matter what its nature, has a suppressive effect on the human body. At first, a person is sure that he will bring the highest pleasure. But gradually, withdrawal occurs instead, and gradually you need to take drugs no longer in the hope of getting pleasure, but with only one goal: to save yourself from suffering and pain.

The main signs of a drug addict are eyes, pupils

Undoubtedly, drug addiction is a problem that you need to beware of and try to protect your family and friends from it. But how do you know if a person is a drug addict? How can you tell if your best friend or your own child is taking drugs or if something else is going on with them?

Close attention, as always, should be paid to the special behavior and external state of a person.