Pathetic quotes for girls. Pathos statuses for guys, about men (pathos). Cool statuses about pathos

Status is a reflection of a person’s soul, and not cheap pathos.

“Are you pretentious?” - “I’m glamorous: D”

She doesn't like glamor, doesn't like vanilla... She just lives... Waiting for him... A simple guy who will love her...

It is not pathos that builds a person, but a person that builds it for himself!

It’s infuriating when pretentious bitches steal statuses, and then pass them off as their own and are considered fucking glamorous and cool.

If you want to be the “king of beasts,” then be sure to be ripe for it! And since in your dreams you are only floating, then don’t stop others from reaching the heights of the “king”!

To hell smart people, smart sayings... I'll just pretend to be a fool who loves Lazarev and glamor.

I'm not pretentious, but a little crazy... Pure as cocaine... Pornography in my head, war in my heart, champagne in my blood...

A man said, a man did, that’s why our men are quiet... and silent...

Where can I get to you? It will take a very long time to go down...

I’m sitting drinking coffee, glamorous bitch, and all I need is “Prado” and “Guсsi”.

I rub, my friend, and you are a bag of shit, when I rub the rhyme, the suckers get shocked.

Born to crawl, disperse - I'M TOOKING UP!

While you and your friends are discussing how depraved and vulgar I am, your boyfriend is shitting on my photo...

We are not pretentious, we are just the most brilliant!

Not so long ago I was very touchy. I constantly went around and offended everyone.

A man is like an expensive dress: it looks good and fits me... But I’ve already seen it on some bitch!

Shards of men's hearts are a necessary attribute of a professional seductress!

I will live by pathos, but not by you!

People say you've changed when you simply stop acting the way they want you to.

There would be no need to walk around the park with a guy, and it doesn’t matter how fashionable, glamorous a rapper he is or something like that... the most important thing is your attitude towards a person, understanding him and appreciating him...

It's better to die a lone wolf than to be a goat in a herd of sheep.

To go crazy you have to have it..)

Men want depraved relationships with beautiful women, women of beautiful relationships with depraved men.

I understand that coffee and cigarettes are cool, fashionable and all that. But you must admit, tea with cookies still tastes better!!!

If you didn't notice a girl at 14, she'll trample you into the dirt at 18.

-Young, handsome, tall, rich, has a car, good salary. I'm not looking for anyone, I just decided to get fucked.

Girls, don't offend guys!!! They already have an eternal tragedy in life: - sometimes it’s not to their taste, - sometimes they’re too tough, - sometimes they can’t afford it!!!

We are not afraid of work: if there is no work, we go to bed, if there is work, we also sleep... we don’t sit without work!!!)))

-I don’t need someone else’s, but I’ll take mine, no matter who it is!

I live as expected!!! And I’m entitled to everything!

I don't have delusions of grandeur. Great people do not suffer from it.

People are often cheaper than their clothes...

Take me to the house where the tequila is on the rocks.

There are two wise people: me and people, I believe in myself.

My pretentious status was not censored...

Happiness is when everyone envy you, but they can’t spoil you...

Yaroslavl paints - I sniffed it and was in a fairy tale!

If you're good at something, never do it for free.

Everything I have I earned myself. Begging your parents for money is also not an easy job.

If fortune has turned its back on you, then bend it over and fuck this bitch so that next time she will think twice before acting so rashly.

I have so much of my own stupidity that I save money on alcohol)

Guys, remember the phrase “let’s have sex” is not flirting.

When a guy has been waiting for a long time, for him “five more minutes” is mind blowing.

Status is like underwear - it needs to be changed... at least sometimes)))))))))))))

We earn billions from the show-off of young people.

Cigarettes without filters, glasses without glasses, windows without frames, doors without handles, people without brains...

No matter how many bitches moan on you... the hand of your beloved girl on your cheek is always more pleasant...

Never hang your nose. Hang people who offend you. More effect.

Each person is right in his own way, but in my opinion he is not! Because I'm always right!

-Where are you from so impudent? – And that insolence has a special area of ​​residence?

Fuck, I still have to shoot and shoot until the oppressive loneliness...

If a man is good, then it doesn’t matter what color his BMW is.

Pathos statuses for guys, about men, just pathos

Cool statuses about pathos

Where can I get to you? It will take a very long time to go down...

I don’t need someone else’s, but I’ll take what’s mine - no matter who it is!

No matter how many bitches moan on you... the hand of your beloved girl on your cheek is always more pleasant...

I live as I should! And I’m entitled to everything!

I have so much of my own stupidity that I save money on alcohol)

Guys, remember the phrase “let's have sex” is not flirting.

I don't have delusions of grandeur. Great people do not suffer from it.

People are often cheaper than their clothes...

Take me to the house where the tequila is on the rocks.

Never hang your nose. Hang people who offend you. More effect.

There are two wise people: me and people, I believe in myself.

When a guy has been waiting for a long time, for him “five more minutes” is a complete mind blower.

Status is like underwear - it needs to be changed... At least sometimes!

My pretentious status was not censored...

You were insulted - forget it... You were humiliated - forgive me... You were hit - fuck it, remember everything and beat the hell up!!!

If you abuse me, you will overdose!

Anyone can offend me... but not everyone has time to apologize...

A man said, a man did, that’s why our men are quiet... and silent...

It is not pathos that builds a person, but a person that builds it for himself!

Get lost in the fog, cover yourself with a cloud!

A true friend is not someone who will come to your aid in trouble, but someone who will be sincerely happy for you when you buy yourself a BMW...

A woman can be compared to her favorite jacket; you love her madly. But why do you need it in Turkey?!

You and I are intelligent people, asshole!

People say you've changed when you simply stop acting the way they want you to.

Each person is right in his own way, but in my opinion he is not! Because I'm always right!

Life is too short to waste it on safely extracting for a flash drive.

Are they digging a hole for you? Don't interfere. Once finished, you'll make a pool.

Life must be lived in such a way that the pathologist becomes scared!

It's better to die a lone wolf than to be a goat in a herd of sheep.

To go crazy you need to have it...

I ask you to come to your senses and open your heart to me. Now, motherfucker, break off a couple of pieces of ice for my double whiskey!

“Are you pretentious?” - “I’m glamorous!”

There are a lot of harmful things in the world... For example...

Not enough human warmth? Throw more people into the oven!

If you find a horseshoe by the trough, it's not luck, someone threw away the hoof!

I'm sending you to hell, keeping to the schedule! You need to be strict with this - there are many applicants...

Not long ago I was very touchy. He constantly walked around and offended everyone.

Young, handsome, tall, rich, has a car, good salary. I'm not looking for anyone, I just decided to get fucked.

A real man is not the one who tears his shirt, but the one who tears his condom!

If you're good at something, never do it for free.

Girls, don't offend guys! They already have an eternal tragedy in life: - sometimes it’s not to their taste, - sometimes they’re too tough, - sometimes they can’t afford it!

Fuck, I still have to shoot and shoot until the oppressive loneliness...

Everything I have I earned myself. Begging your parents for money is also not an easy job.

We are not afraid of work: if there is no work, we go to bed, if there is work, we also sleep... We do not sit without work!

I'm not pretentious, but a little crazy... I have pornography in my head, war in my heart, champagne in my blood...

If fortune has turned its back on you, bend it over and fuck this bitch so that next time she will think twice before acting so rashly!

Happiness is when everyone envy you, but they can’t spoil you...

Yaroslavl paints - I smelled them and I was in a fairy tale!

I rub, my friend, and you are a bag of shit, when I rub the rhyme, the suckers get shocked.

Born to crawl, disperse - I'm taking off!

We're tired of our “you have to be able to forgive.” God will forgive. And I will remember.

If a person is a jerk, then the relationship with him will be strained...

If you want to be the “king of beasts,” then be sure to be ripe for it! And since in your dreams you are only floating, then do not prevent others from reaching the heights of the “king”!

Where are you from so impudent? – And that insolence has a special area of ​​residence?

If a man is good, then it doesn’t matter what color his BMW is.

A man is like an expensive dress: it looks good and fits me... But I’ve already seen it on some bitch!

Before you take revenge, you must first put the pieces of your heart back together.

“I sincerely believe that the best thing in the world is to hate you!” - This is just pathos.

We are not the real us in the photos. We are not us. Sheer pathos and deception. In life they are completely different.

Sometimes a person becomes such a large part of ourselves that with his disappearance the emptiness can no longer be filled.

No baby, this is not pathos. I just had to turn into one to shut up all you pompous fools.

Irony can sometimes heal even something that is infected with pathos.

Thanks to pathos, we simply wrap unpleasant qualities, things, and actions in a pleasant wrapper. So convenient. After all, as the phrase sounds – “promiscuous”... It’s somehow even mysterious. But to put it another way – “it falls under everyone who wants it” – that’s not true at all, right? Pathos saves.

With your pathos you are simply killing my love. She endures, but will not endure indefinitely. Stop before it's too late. Pride is worth much less than my love for you...

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

Over time, you will understand that all this pathos and glamorous clothes are not important. And you will bite your elbows because you lost the girl who loved you more than life itself...

Pathos is the feeling of the insensitive, the sacred ecstasy of those who despise life.

Only in fairy tales does a princess kiss a toad, and it turns into a handsome prince. In life, it's the other way around: the princess kisses the prince, and he becomes a disgusting toad.

Cute! you are far from a fool! and up close he’s a complete idiot!))

I will learn to automatically stall every time I hear your voice or your name. go blind when stumbling upon your photos. break my fingers every time I want to call you.

she doesn’t want to see how happy you are. Don’t write to her, don’t call. Don’t remember her, don’t say her name out loud - she feels it with her fingers, with her skin. She feels it. Especially when you’re next to someone else.

How I want to go back to those times when all you needed to be happy was chocolate...

It’s strange, but those who hurt the most are those who say they don’t want to hurt

You need to wash your hands... bandage your tail... smile in the mirror and spit on you....

A real man will not say “Get out!”... when you leave, he will forcefully press you to him with the words “Sit down and calm down”

– Do you know what’s the funniest thing about our relationship?.. – What?.. – They just don’t exist..

I'm not jealous, I just love myself too much to let you disrespect me

I'm too complicated a story for you. And people don't like complexity

When he spoke a lot, she kissed him on the lips to silence him. Then he deliberately spoke even more, closing his eyes expectantly and smiling

Drawing dreams is not stupid. Even if they never come true. It's stupid not to dream.

Doctor! when I’m with my wife 15 times a night...what’s that called?! -pus*g))

Smile at life and life will smile at you. The last misfortune is the heaviest of all.

I won’t forgive you... the resentment will remain... your antics... your empty words... they are worthless. but just remember Life -> Deed -> Boomerang

Take the corkscrew out of your ass and insert it into your head so that there is at least something twisty there

– what do you need me for? - and for life...

Cries quietly while watching romantic comedies, smiles at children on the street and admires the stars at night... waiting for happiness... strange...

Only you no longer need a body or a bed. Or maybe just a little something - something like a hug and a kiss. As there? Farewell... unforgettable?.. God bless her, with his unforgettableness. Any kiss

It's not easy to always be graceful and sweet, as if there were no cloudy days. But to become the only one in the world for someone, Believe me, it is more difficult, much more difficult...

Did you want to crush my dream? Break off, I have it unbreakable, shockproof and frost-resistant

I am often mistaken. In books, in clothes with colors. And yet it is empty. I worry that I am mistaken about you

The worst thing is that you are the only one. The only and irreplaceable. This is what I was afraid of most

There are a lot of harmful things in the world.. For example..

I'm like a balloon... when no one holds the string, I'm carried away

I made a big mistake - I woke up again. It’s a nightmare to start the day with a mistake..

Everyone pays for sex, it's just the whores who name the price honestly.

Do you have a boyfriend? - No. – How does such a sweet, beautiful, charming girl not have a boyfriend? – He died of happiness..!

I'm afraid of empty eyes... yes, perhaps most of all I'm afraid to look into the eyes of a person dear to me and see darkness and cold there... it's difficult to understand, you have to feel it. And I wouldn’t even wish for an enemy to plunge into this deep cold, filled with stinging fragments of indifference...

Don’t be naive... Neither enemies, nor chance will kill you... neither drunken cattle, nor envious hens, nor a maniac hiding his face... No, no... you will be killed by the one who is nearby... who is closest....

When you don't want it, you have it. You have THIS without appreciating it. When you lose, you understand - you can’t live without THIS...

This year I realized two truths: 1. there is love 2. but not with us

Honey, wearing a condom isn’t cheating, is it? - Yeah, but with a silencer it’s not murder...

I love the smell of coffee in the morning, snow, beautiful stories and fallen leaves. and I also love you. but now it doesn't matter at all

Seryozha is worried - one, Igor is worried - two, Sasha is worried - three, Olya went for an ultrasound!))

And the next morning I realized that I couldn’t live without him. I spat on all conventions and called. It's better to be happy than proud

Between us there are apartments, tables, schools, institutes, road signs, kilometers, miles, cedars, rowan trees, supermarkets and a lot more. Are you kidding me or what? Between Us there is only our own stupidity. And nothing more.

if you want to write him something heartbreaking, tender, sweet, take a deep breath, count to ten and continue to do your thing

A man’s happiness is called “I want.” A woman’s happiness is “He wants.”

if you know a person well, then you can even hear with what intonation he says those phrases that he himself wrote

yes, I’m still the same….I still have the same autumn outside my window….I still love the rain.and I still remember someone’s promises of happiness

Breaking up is not difficult. It's hard to look back. Difficult the first night. The first morning is difficult. And the next couple of days. Then it should let go.

I need a guy who can tell me “shut up”... and in a way that won’t offend me...

Probably in a past life I was a dove... Because now I wanted to give a shit about everything)

Lips to lips – scorched by passion... A sea of ​​emotions... and... a drop of happiness...

It turned out that not thinking about you is as difficult as proving Fermat’s theorem, how to draw a rainbow with a black pencil. how to choose a synonym for the word “synonym”, how to grow cabernet sauvignon at the North Pole. I’m not that cool.

I said a hundred times that I would never trust anyone again. And you appeared - and I sent all my stupid principles to hell

since childhood I loved chocolate.. now I love you, dark-haired, dark-skinned and with brown eyes.. now you are my chocolate

There are girls they sleep with, and there are girls they dream about

People in my world are divided into you and the rest

If people are shouting “fool” on the street, you don’t have to turn around.

I’m like an exhibit - everyone looks at me, but only one gets it)

- You are crying? - No. I'm just chopping onions in bed at night...

If they tell you “I will always be there” - relax, he will leave much earlier than you think.

When your most cherished dreams come true, you should expect that sooner or later fate will present you with a score

Only those who do not cheat have the right to be jealous.

I want to be the reason for your happiness

Tell me you love me by holding my chin tightly with your fingers and making me look into your eyes. And then I will suffocate from helplessness

Someday I will come at night and kill you. I'll kill for a ruined past...

It doesn't matter what you see, it matters how you look at it!!!

Pain cannot be tolerated... Pain cannot be fought... Pain must pass through you in order to become your strength...

It doesn’t matter what’s on your head, the main thing is to imagine that there’s a crown on it!

We drown in each other, slowly, with pleasure, There is an incomprehensible excitement in our breathing and thoughts. You can’t get away from love with a desperate plea. But I just want to be next to you.

You won't believe it, I miss you! -You're right...I don't believe it!

That's why I wear bracelets all over my wrist. And I don't sleep for hours, and I talk for hours. If there is happiness in the world, then this happiness smells like your wet hair.

Love is like a commodity. The girl is a seller. The guy is a buyer. If he can't afford the price, he rummages through a cheap second-hand store

Loving someone is okay, and fucking is okay too. but if you do both with the same person, it will give him too much power over you, it will allow him to put his hands directly into your personality, it will give him a share of your soul

Oh girl! Leave your phone number! What? No pen? Show me your fingers! I'm writing it down... One, one, one... one... Oh, it's not one!? What an uncultured girl...

How much human happiness has been shattered just because one of the two did not say “sorry” in a timely manner

Don’t forget to move the hands to the hour. This means more time at night. This means we have less time, To have time to say that I need you... A lot.

you know, I'm so stoned right now that I almost forgot my name and address, but I'll never forget yours.

Have you ever cried since we broke up? Yes, when a log fell on your foot...

I want a tattoo on my heel - “kiss me before I go” hello darling. Let’s meet, we haven’t seen each other for so long...” - “yes, for a long time, we haven’t communicated for six months now...” - “why are you so sad? did something happen?” - “it happened, you called...”

You run your finger over your lips, so gently and carefully. His eyelashes trembled. You remove your hand, you don’t want to wake him, but you repeat again. He shuddered with his whole body, tensed, hugged you tighter and relaxed. He smiled in his sleep. And his lips, although chapped, were sweet, sweet. And without realizing it, you fulfill his wish - to wake up from the kiss of your beloved girl. You just couldn’t resist.

Don't smash phones against the wall. Suddenly, at this very moment, you will receive an SMS: “I love you more than life itself. sorry"

Accusing a woman of something she didn’t do means giving her an idea...

I'm angry today... I fell off my broom))

But someday they will come up with memory cards for people... And then we will be able to put our memories into neat folders: color, black and white, sound... And when full or if necessary, we can easily put in a new little plastic thing... And we can either put the old one away in a cardboard box with the inscription “for a long memory” or throw it away as unnecessary...

A selection of original quotes and statuses =))

You begin to understand that everything is really bad when the person who always calmed everyone down cries.

I turned off my heart like an alarm clock at 6 am. Unconsciously and sleepily.

– But I don’t sell my love for money! – Isn’t this the same thing, if not worse, to sell your love for love?..

- Darling, how do you like my new haircut? -It’s normal. It will grow back.))

- Do you want to die for me? - No, I want to live for you.

Forget about everything, get used to this pain. It is now your second life.

It’s not in vain that I’m sewing dozens of the wrong ones now, because you are somewhere

Everyone says forget it, forget it...but can you forget the multiplication table?!..

Girl, can I see you? - Can you not?

I won’t notice if there are no stars in the sky, if the sea dries up…. But I will notice that I no longer feel the sun if you are not around!

There's sawdust in her head, nope!!! But there is paper in the bra... yes...

I will leave him memories, just as they leave waiters a tip - just enough so as not to offend, just enough so as not to be remembered...

Apparently the only man who will wish me “good morning” and bring me coffee for breakfast will remain the cashier at McDonald’s...

A smart woman knows how to cry at the right moment in front of the right man

The point is not at all whether she is beautiful. And not even whether it is interesting to communicate with her. She just has THIS. For some women, it’s enough to walk down the street once to remain in a man’s memory forever

Nowadays, girls have become like knights, just as courageous and ready to take the first step. And the guys were so embarrassed and afraid of rejection that they turned into princesses who also needed to be conquered

Do you know this game - “Indifference”? So I’m tired of playing it with you...

I'm too proud to fall on my knees, even if I love you madly! If you go to someone else, I will stay, without a doubt, I won’t follow you like a dog! But how much I love and suffer, you won’t know! And I won’t even tell you how sad I am! Everyone says that you can’t command your heart... So know that I will command my heart!!!

It may be too early to say “I love you,” but every time I meet your eyes, I think that only YOU are the person with whom I want to be close...

First you drink for love, and then because of love.

you will run after my warmth, suffering without love on a cold night, and I’ll probably start a notebook with a list of everyone who wants me..

Life is like a zebra - black stripe, white stripe, black stripe, white stripe, and then a tail and a complete ass

I hate your lips, which drove me to unconsciousness. I hate your hands, which made my body tremble. I hate your voice, which told me “I love you.” I hate you for giving me eternity, but without you.

I’m not an echo to you - give yourself twice))

I miss thousands of beautiful words a day, but because of your banal “How are you?” the heart loses its rhythm.

no signs of illness, just a temperature of 40° and dizziness. At the hospital they said they were sick with you, fell in love with your eyes.

If you can’t have what you want, learn to want what you have... Happiness is on the side of the one who is satisfied.

Yes, all because there were too strong drinks, too strong feelings, too bitter tears.....

– You promised not to smoke – And you promised to love

– Do you have a dream? – You know, I would like to come home and not take my keys out of my pocket. I just want to ring my doorbell. And for her to open it...

You can’t love me. You can only get into trouble with me. Get into trouble and get stuck.

I’ll smile. I’ll say: “Okay. Be happy, honey. Be happy with her.” With a proud step of heels tapping on the asphalt, I’ll leave... And around the corner I’ll take off my shoes, throw my cell phone in the nearest trash can and scream throughout the street how much I hate you.

Fashion was born in Paris. Pathos in England. But in Russia? Don't give a fuck was born in Russia

Her dreams always come true, but they are not realized by the people who are in her dreams.

  • You need to live in such a way that your parents are proud of you, your friends hold on to you, your significant other loves you, your enemies die of envy, and everyone else stupidly admires you!
  • My joy, I am not one of your dolls. I am from a unique Barbie series!
  • How sometimes you want to roar, yell, fight, beat anything and destroy everything around, but there is nothing left to do but put on a mask of indifference...
  • The princess’s heart cannot understand: “Why does she need one when she has five at once?!”
  • “...we spend our whole lives at the party, the years fly by without stopping, at night with someone, alone during the day, we are the generation of coke and vodka...”

  • Let the cute girls bat their eyes, shedding tears on the books... let different princes from fairy tales gallop towards them, but I would prefer a Lamborghini...
  • Patience and hard work don't suit me
  • Why does everyone say that women love money? We don't love them! Look how fast we are getting rid of them
  • No longer a baby, but already a princess. Time has flown by, I have grown out of childhood. I lost my heart, changed my principles and now I only hang out with princes...
  • From cosmetics, I prefer powder for male brains!

  • You are a fake doll, you behave intrusively, pretentiously and stupidly! So perfect and you think everything is cool, but in life everything is DG, Expensive and Stupid!
  • Thanks to those who love me - you make me better. Thanks to those who hate me - you make me stronger. Thanks to those who don’t care at all - you are needed as extras!
  • A woman seems much taller if she has a man under her heel
  • I ask you to come to your senses and open your heart to me. Now, motherfucker, break off a couple of pieces of ice for my double whiskey.
  • Money keeps her dear love, she feeds on the currency of fat wallets, no need for sweet words - give her warmth... a mink coat and the Caribbean islands!

  • The reason for my insomnia can only be night club, and not you, dear.
  • The most pleasant acquaintance in my life began with the words “Beauty, let me give you a mirror so you can admire yourself.”
  • A Lady is a woman who behaves in such a way that a man has no choice but to be a Gentleman...
  • Proud - because they have already humiliated!!! Eternal - because she died in soul... Bitch - because she was once abandoned! I swore not to love ANYONE EVER!!!
  • A man is like an expensive dress: it looks good and fits me... But I’ve already seen it on some bitch!