Final words from the teacher. Working on vocabulary

Russian language lesson in 6th grade (speech development)

prepared and conducted by the teacher of the 1st quarter. categories

Barakhova Tatyana Sergeevna



    introduce students to the features of writing a story based on what they hear;

    develop analytical thinking, OUUN, Creative skills, competent speech, students;

    develop teamwork skills and respect for the generation of veterans.

During the classes

    Organizational moment

The epigraph for the lesson was a proverb, read it and find out the meaning.

To be in an intelligent conversation -

Crazy to buy

And in stupid -

And lose yours.

What is the meaning of this proverb?

Today in class we will have a very “smart” conversation, in which you have the opportunity to gain intelligence.


In order for the work to be fruitful, you are divided into three groups - teams, so now I suggest that each team give itself a “name” related to the topic of the Russian language lessons and choose a captain.

So, what name did the members of the first group give themselves? Who was chosen as captain?



    Reporting the topic of the lesson, stating the problem

I see that the teams are ready, so I think it’s time to announce the topic of the lesson. And it sounds like this:

A story based on what you heard.


Tell me, what is rasskaz?

(is a narrative work that usually deals with one but important event in the hero’s life).

What elements are included in the composition of a story?

(exposition – plot – development of action – climax – decline of action – denouement – ​​epilogue).

What parts can the story be divided into? (introductory – main part – conclusion)

Have you ever encountered stories based on what you heard? Are you familiar with this type of work? (No)

Let's imagine what difficulties one might encounter when writing stories of this type?

Can anyone formulate the problem we are facing?


    Ignorance of the peculiarities of creating stories based on what they hear.

This problem can be either personal or general. Personal is the problem of one person, and general is the problem of many.

Tell me, what problem have we identified, personal or general?

Problems can be solved in various ways.

What do you think? (Look up the answer to the question in a reference book, dictionary, Internet, ask an adult, etc.)

Yes, of course, everything is true, but there is one more effective method problem solving – This is the creation of a project. This is exactly what we will learn today!

As a result of the work done, you should have your own memo-recommendation

On your desks you see samples of some reminders that may be needed in the process of work, and there is also a task plan that you must follow and be sure to complete (Appendix).

To make it easier to learn educational material, I suggest a certain algorithm (sequencing) works:

    Read the task plan carefully.

    Look at the reminders on the tables.

    Study linguistic text about stories based on what you hear.

    Highlight the main points from this text and select material for the memo.

    Prepare to defend your work.

    Present the information received.

Remember to use your time wisely! Distribute the types of work among yourself - this will reduce time.

Good luck!!!

    Independent collective work of students

In the text you came across the concept of listener and narrator, tell me which one is which?

Assignment to the first group:

    What are the features of writing an introductory part?

    Find the introductory part in the story “War Childhood.”

    What did we learn about the story's narrator in the introduction you provided?

    Does the example confirm the information you obtained from the linguistic text?

Assignment to the second group:

    Read the linguistic text.

    What are the features of writing the main part?

    Find the main part in the story “War Childhood”.

    How is the main story told?

Assignment to the third group:

    Read the linguistic text.

    What are the features of writing a conclusion?

    Find the final part in the story “War Childhood”.

    Does the example confirm the information you obtained from the linguistic text?

    Student performances

Thank you for your speeches.

VI. Generalization

And now all we have to do is summarize the information obtained by each group as a result of independent collective work into a single whole. Having done this, we will receive a recommendation memo “Features of writing a story based on what you hear "as a result, the product of the project.

Who wants to do this?


At home, using the instructions you received, write a story based on what you heard. Let the theme of this story be a story from your childhood, told to you by your mother.

Lesson summary

Did you gain some wisdom today in our “smart” conversation?


Linguistic text

A story based on what has been heard usually begins with an introduction, since it is necessary to prepare the reader for the perception of the story, i.e. preliminary explain in it such details, without knowledge of which it is impossible to understand the story.

The introduction should pique the reader's interest in the entire story by explaining where? When? And How? the author learned about what happened to the hero of the story.

The main part of the story includes the following compositional elements: beginning, development of action, climax, decline of action and denouement, an epilogue is possible. All these elements tell us in detail what kind of story the author heard. It is important here not to distort the information heard from the narrator, but to try to convey it as accurately as possible.

The final part informs the reader about the listener's impressions, i.e. the person writing the story, his wishes to the storyteller.

The narration in stories based on what is heard is usually conducted in the 3rd person, but the author can present the material in the 1st person; such a narration enlivens the story and allows you to characterize the narrator through his speech (direct speech).

How to work on a story

    Think about what incident you will talk about, how interesting and instructive it is.

    Formulate the theme and main idea of ​​the story, give it a title.

    Select the necessary material from your memories or collect it from other sources.

    Repeat the composition of the story.

    By specifying the outline of the story's composition, make a plan. Indicate in it the introduction, beginning, climax, denouement, conclusion.

    Pay attention to the proportionality of the parts of the story. Remember: it should show the main event as fully as possible.

    Try to use dialogue (or individual remarks), elements of description (possibly reasoning) in the story, and in such a way that they help to more fully imagine the course of events and the characters of the people you are talking about.

    Write a draft of the story, then rewrite it after checking and correcting it.

How to prepare for an oral presentation

    Think about the purpose for which you will speak.

    Determine the topic, the main idea, the main tone of your statement (solemn, calm, indignant, critical, etc.).

    Collect or select the necessary material.

    Decide what type of speech will prevail in your statement (narration, description, reasoning). Why?

5. Determine the possible style of your statement (colloquial, journalistic, scientific, official business).

    Make a plan.

    Speak your statement in front of the mirror, watching the tone, logical stress, rate of speech, volume of voice, gestures and facial expressions.

Ask some of your friends to listen to you, take their comments into account.

Use a tape recorder: listening to a recording will help you improve your speech.

“Features of writing a story based on what you hear”

    Tell us about the narrator.

    Describe him.

“Features of writing a story based on what you hear”

    1. Write under what circumstances you heard the story you were telling.

      Tell us about the narrator.

      Describe him.

      Tell the story you heard in detail.

5. Try not to distort the information received.

6. Express your impression of what you heard.

7. Wish the narrator something.

“Features of writing a story based on what you hear”

    1. Write under what circumstances you heard the story you were telling.

      Tell us about the narrator.

      Describe him.

      Tell the story you heard in detail.

      Try not to distort the information received.

      Express your impression of what you heard.

      Wish something for the narrator.

“Features of writing a story based on what you hear”

1. Write under what circumstances you heard the story you were telling.

    Tell us about the narrator.

    Describe him.

    Tell the story you heard in detail.

    Try not to distort the information received.

    Express your impression of what you heard.

    Wish something for the narrator.

"Military childhood"

My grandmother's name is Polina Ivanovna Alekseeva, she was born in the village of Yartsevo Krasnoyarsk Territory. She is now 75 years old. How much she has experienced in her life! The most terrible events are the tragic death of the father and the early death of the husband. But my grandmother’s stories about the war and post-war years are especially striking. I can’t even imagine how one can survive this and how one can survive in such conditions! The family had 3 children. Before the war, grandma’s dad was a fisherman and traded in fur, which is how he fed his family. But after his death, his wife and three children were left without housing and without food. The most delicious food was the cakes that mother made from potato peelings and grain waste, secretly picked up by children in the fields. They also ate quinoa grass and horsetail: they cooked stew from them and ground them into porridge. Already in 1942, my grandmother had to earn her bread. As a seven-year-old kid, she ran through the forest to another village, where she was hired as a nanny for an infant. The baby's father was the chairman of the collective farm, so the family lived in abundance, and the little nanny was fed with potatoes and bread. And at the end of the work, she was given pieces of flax and calico, which were later sold. With this money, the family was able to buy a poor, but their own home - a “fill in the ground”. Later, my grandmother began working on a machine. It stood in the air and was covered only by an awning. In summer to protect from rain, in winter from snow. The winters were harsh and cold. The frost reached 50 degrees. But the workers were only allowed to enter the closet for a few minutes, because it was impossible to stop the machine: in the cold it would not be possible to start it. The workers had frostbite on their hands and faces, but no one said: “I can’t do it anymore.” It was such a time, it was difficult for everyone. For the rest of her life, my grandmother remembered how on May 9, 1945, the school principal came into the classroom and said: “Go home and put on your best, because the war is over. We won!" All the children ran home. My grandmother and her sister had a beautiful red scarf. She tied it and ran to school to rejoice with everyone. I admire my grandmother! She experienced so many troubles and misfortunes, raising nine children alone. Now granny has poor vision, difficulty moving, and is often sick. But still, many people say that she is very beautiful, although she is old and covered in wrinkles. And when I look at photographs of a young grandmother, I admire her beauty: black eyes, sable eyebrows, long black hair braided. My grandmother is an optimist. Remembering his life, he always sees good and bright in everything. He says that people in hard times were “worn out, but kind and cheerful.” They lived together in harmony, “grieved and walked with the whole village.” Perhaps this is what allowed our people to survive the terrible years of war.

Cool! 2

In the essay, the boy tells a story about a mysterious girl that his grandmother told him.

One weekend, our whole family went to the dacha. In the evening, a heavy downpour began and we had to interrupt all work in the garden and take shelter in the house. Grandma started knitting another pair of socks, mom and dad started doing crossword puzzles. My sister and I watched them in silence.

Suddenly, grandma broke the silence and told us one interesting story, which happened to her in her youth. I really remember her and that’s what I would like to talk about.

On summer holidays my grandmother was often sent to the village to visit relatives. There she rode horses, swam in a warm river, sunbathed and talked with peers. In the evenings, they gathered in a large group, lit a fire and told each other various stories. One modest girl named Agapka came to such gatherings. She didn’t really communicate with anyone, she sat away from the fire and just watched everyone, listened to scary stories.

Agapka looked rather strange. She had long black hair, large brown eyes and a pale complexion. She always wore the same dark long dress and walked barefoot.

No one in the village paid attention to this. The boys constantly made fun of her, but for some reason they were afraid to come closer. The girl never went to the river to swim; she only left the house in the evening to sit by the fire. One evening, the guys decided to go for a swim in the river. Agapka, hearing such a proposal, stood up and headed towards the house. My grandmother stopped her and invited her with her, but she refused, although it was clear from her look that she really wanted to go. The guys decided to go to the cliff, which was located about a kilometer from the village.

And so, everyone walked together along the sandy road. The children's path was blocked by a huge wheel, which itself was rolling along the road. It tried to knock all the kids off their feet, then disappeared somewhere, but after a few minutes it reappeared. The boys tried to catch it, but it escaped. One of the boys took a thick stick and began hitting the wheel with it. It spun and everyone heard a loud screech. The whole company rushed towards the house.

The next evening, despite their fear, the children gathered around the fire again. However, no one discovered Agapka; her place was empty. The girls decided to follow her to tell a strange story that happened to them on the way to the cliff. But Agapka’s mother said that she was sick and would not be able to go outside. Then the mischievous boys looked out the window and saw how the local healer was treating bruises and abrasions on the girl’s back.

Who is Agapka? Maybe it's just a coincidence? I still think about these questions. But I am sure that in our time such Agapoks no longer exist, because I personally have never met one.

Even more essays on the topic: “A story based on what you hear”:

But just recently, Ivan Petrovich told Sonya and me that he served in the legendary brigade of Captain Flerov. At her disposal were the world-famous Katyushas, ​​which terrified the Nazis during the war. Ivan Petrovich was the commander of one of these vehicles. My friend’s grandfather told us that in October 1941, he, along with his brigade, was surrounded by the Germans near Moscow. Their commander, Ivan Andreevich Flerov, gave the order - to break through to their own people at all costs, sacrifice their lives, but not fall into the clutches of the enemy. After all, otherwise the Nazis will get the Katyushas - most powerful weapon, which they will direct against the Russians!

According to Ivan Petrovich, he and his comrades made their way 150 km behind enemy lines, and with every meter the hope grew stronger that they would soon see their own. “But apparently it’s not fate!” - the former soldier sighed bitterly during his story. Suddenly the vehicles ran out of fuel - the chances of breaking through to their own disappeared.

Then the brigade captain gave a terrible but necessary order - to load all the Katyushas with the remaining fuel and give the last battle to the Germans. And those cars that remain empty will be blown up. And so it happened. On the night of October 7, 1941, near the village of Bogatyr, Captain Flerov’s team gave its last battle. Ivan Petrovich said that all the soldiers courageously carried out the commander’s orders and behaved with great dignity. While some were destroying the Germans, others were blowing up Katyushas, ​​dying in the process.

The battery commander also blew himself up. Having received a serious wound, he decided to die by destroying the head launcher. Ivan Petrovich and several other soldiers were miraculously able to escape. They broke through the German ring and got to their own, where they told about the feat of their comrades. However, as Gurvich indignantly noted, they were able to adequately evaluate him only many years later, when Flerov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Remembering these long-standing events, Ivan Petrovich did not hide his tears. And he said that this is not forgotten. And on this I completely agree with him. All generations of Russians should remember the events of those terrible days, be grateful to those soldiers, and never repeat those mistakes.


My mother often recalled her childhood and youth. We now live in frosty Siberia. And during her childhood, her mother lived in sunny Kyrgyzstan. I am always interested in listening to her stories about the nature of this country. I imagine mountains covered with snow, forest on their slopes.

One day my mother told me about a dog that had wandered into their house. No one knows where she came from as a small puppy. They called her Naida, that is, found. My grandmother first tried to kick the dog out. They already had their own, and they were not going to keep another one. But Naida did not leave. Her grandmother took pity on her and left her to live in the yard. Naida grew into a small dog. But she had one peculiarity - she did not allow her mother and her brothers to approach the water.

Behind the village where my mother’s family lived, there was a small pond. All the local kids went there to swim. Summer in Kyrgyzstan is hot, and both my mother and her brothers, that is, my uncles, loved to swim. Therefore, having done all the housework, they ran to the pond. One day Naida tagged along with them. When the children approached the water, Naida began to run along the edge near the water and did not let either her mother or her brothers run into the water. It took them a lot of effort to jump into the pond. At this time, everyone else calmly entered the water and swam. But the dog did not want to let its owners swim.

When mom ran into the coolness of the pond, Naida was busy trying to keep Uncle Petya on the shore. But when she saw her mother in the water, she immediately rushed after her. She caught up with her and began to grab her hands. Catching her mother's hand, she dragged her to the shore. Mom laughed, pulled her hand away and swam back to the middle. But Naida began to grab her by the hair, by the ears, by everything that could be held and pulled.

So she always ran to swim with them, and the same story always repeated itself. But one day a neighbor’s boy, who had come to visit from the city, followed his mother. He swam poorly. Mom played with Naida, trying to deceive her, and swam further and further. She glanced at Vovka. He was floundering in the middle of the pond. At first my mother didn't pay attention. But a terrible guess immediately made her turn her head. Vovka went under the water, surfaced and sank again. And there was no one nearby except the dog. In horror, the mother screamed to the dog:

Nayda, save me!

The smart dog looked where her mother’s gaze was directed. A minute later she was already near Vovka, grabbed the boy going under the water by the hair and dragged him to the shore. Mom swam up to them. Together with the dog, they pulled Vovka ashore. He hadn't had time to swallow any water yet. He just hugged Naidu. Since then she has become a hero. All the neighbors tried to show her signs of attention. And Vovka gave him a beautiful collar.


A large viburnum bush grows near my grandmother’s house. The hut seemed to be hidden in the shadow of a bush - the viburnum grew so majestic and lush. In autumn, she bends her hands to the ground, as if asking her hand: take me. I admire its red berries and remember what I heard from old people.

This was a very long time ago, back when Turkish invaders and Tatar hordes often raided the wide Ukrainian steppes. The conquerors were extremely cruel, and after their raid houses burned, mothers and children cried, old and infirm people asked for protection, the land became a wasteland for many years. The enemies had a stony and merciless heart: they cut everyone down with their crooked sabers. Blood was shed, tears were shed, groans and children's cries spread across the Ukrainian soil and rose to the very sky.

But not everyone was killed by enslavers. Young girls and boys were taken captive and driven to a distant and unknown country. The boys were turned into soulless Janissaries, and the girls were sold into slavery on the slave market.

In one village, an extremely beautiful and hardworking girl grew up and flourished. Once, when the Tatars attacked the village, a courageous and very beautiful girl, having deceived the enemies, led them into impenetrable thickets - supposedly leading them onto the road. And she led them into such a slum, impenetrable swamps, that they all died there. The Khan ordered the girl to be executed, and his faithful servants carried out the order. Hot blood poured out, and where that blood fell on the ground, it became viburnum.

They say that it was from that time that viburnum berries became like droplets of blood, and the seeds of the berries became like the heart. This is the legend associated with viburnum, which is why these berries are so respected in Ukraine.

I admire the viburnum, which extends its brushes to me, as if conveying a greeting from the distant past.

My mother really loves going to forests, especially pine or birch ones. And every year we go to some new place to walk through the forest. Parents say that this is good for health, since there is a lot of dirt in a big city, and this dirt is harmful to human health.

From what I heard, I realized that the forest has the power to cleanse the human body. But that one day I saw my mother hugging a tree trunk and saying something to him. Are the trees alive? – I thought. I decided to ask my mother about this. To which my mother replied that they are alive and can absorb all the negativity that has accumulated inside a person; you can trust trees with your anger. At that moment I felt sad, because people go to the forest only to do good for themselves: to cleanse the body, to get rid of what has been oppressing you for a long time, but they don’t give anything to the forest in return. I decided that I would communicate with the forest, and I would help it, just as it helped me. Now, as soon as we arrive in the forest, I find my favorite tree, which keeps my secrets, tell everything that has accumulated inside me, and then water it with water so that it lives for a long time.

I like to communicate with my tree; inside I immediately get the feeling that it understands me and knows how to listen. It seems to me that he became a true friend to me, and I to him. Still, the forest is a mysterious place, here a person can be himself. I really like that I can communicate in the forest with my family, because they are not busy with work as usual, we spend a lot of time together, sing songs, tell each other everything that happened during this time, laugh.

The forest really brings people together, because a person is freed from all worries, and there is no longer a dull smile and sad eyes on his face, but on the contrary, his lips themselves begin to smile, and a light lights up in his eyes.

6th grade, 7th grade

Several interesting essays

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  • Grabar I.E.

    Born in Budapest in the family of a deputy. Subsequently, the family moves to Russia. In Moscow he received a legal education and, at the same time, a historical and philological education in the period from 1889 to 1895

  • Essay Analysis The Philistine in the Nobility by Molière

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  • Analysis of Gorky's story Malva

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Essay - a story based on what you heard 6th grade

Belkova Margarita Aleksandrovna

  • Developed by a teacher of Russian language and literature of secondary school No. 9 in Novy Urengoy, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
  • Belkova Margarita Aleksandrovna

Educational lesson

Goal: develop the ability to write an essay in a certain genre, choose the appropriate type of speech.

  • 1) repeat the composition of the essay - story;
  • 2) carry out work on speech development: selection of synonyms, epithets, comparisons, emotional and expressive vocabulary; compile working materials for the essay;

  • 3) introduce students to the types of connections between sentences in the text
  • 4) develop students’ spelling and punctuation skills;
  • 5) improve work on complex text analysis

What is a story?

  • Short story - small epic genre: a short prose work, which, as a rule, depicts one or more events in the hero’s life. Circle characters in the story is limited, the described action is short in time. Sometimes a work of this genre may have a narrator.

What is composition?

  • Composition is the construction of a work of art.

Composition of an essay-story

I. Introduction(who remembers this story and under what circumstances)

II. Main part(where, when the events took place, with whom the story told happened)

III. Climax(the most interesting, memorable moment in the development of the action)

IY. Epilogue(afterword)

  • What type of speech will you use in your essay:
  • narration
  • description
  • reasoning?

  • Narration with elements of description and, perhaps, reasoning .

Sample introduction

Sample introduction

  • This story happened a long time ago, during the Great Patriotic War. My great-grandfather on my mother’s side, like many other Soviet people, was called up to the front. And he was only 18 years old then.

Sample introduction

  • This incredible (or funny, or tragic, or dramatic ) I heard the story from my friend, and it happened last year in the city of ... Anapa.

Sample introduction


II. Main part

  • - When I was working in an apiary, which was located, I had to walk there every day, or even spend the night in heavy rain. Lightning flashed like blue snakes, and terrible thunder rumbled.

  • The woman was soaked through and somehow walked along the muddy road. She almost reached the house and stopped to catch her breath under a massive wooden gate with a canopy. A young silver poplar grew nearby.


Suddenly she looked up and saw a golden iridescent ball right next to her face. The woman froze and even stopped breathing.

She guessed that it was ball lightning. The ball slowly approached her face. “Well, this is the end,” the woman thought doomedly, looking at the lightning in fascination.

  • When the fear subsided a little, the woman saw that lightning had struck the top of the poplar and seemed to cut it in half almost to the very middle. The trunk was charred and blackened.
  • - This poplar has stood like that ever since. At first, it seemed to have dried up, but my mother did not allow it to be cut down, she believed that it saved her life by taking a lightning strike,” Ivan Yegorovich, our neighbor, continued to tell.

EPILOGUE (afterword)

Many years have passed since then. The handsome poplar has turned green again, grown, and covered itself with fresh bark. And only the crown split in two reminds of that terrible and unusual event.

This is the story that happened many years ago in a village near Moscow.

Working on vocabulary

  • Pay attention to the definitions in the text.
  • What are bright, memorable definitions in a literary text called? ?


  • Name the definitions in the text


  • One day I found myself in one Moscow Region village where my friends lived there. In the house opposite, near the gate, he grew up curly-haired handsome man -poplar. I noticed him forked the top, like split by a sharp with a knife. His extraordinary told me the story old peasant in small town near Moscow village.

Means of communication of proposals . Selection of synonyms, conjunctions, allied words

  • One day I found myself in a suburb near Moscow village, Where my friends lived there. In the house opposite A handsome curly poplar tree grew near the gate. I noticed on his bifurcated top as if split with a sharp knife. His extraordinary history An old peasant in a small village near Moscow told me.

Epithets are bright, unusual, memorable definitions, most often expressed by adjectives

  • curly handsome
  • forked top
  • extraordinary history.

  • One day I found myself in one Moscow Region village, Where my friends lived there. In the house opposite grew up near the gate curly-haired handsome man -poplar. I noticed on his forked top, as if split by a sharp knife . His extraordinary history told me old peasant in small town near Moscow village.

  • What is the name of the selected means of artistic expressiveness of the text? ?

  • COMPARISON – bringing together two objects or phenomena in order to explain one with the help of the other.

"Beautiful, like a heavenly angel"

"Eyes like the stars »

Working on vocabulary. Selection of verbs.

  • When I was just a boy,” the old man began, “my mother worked in an apiary, which was located three kilometers from the village. Mom had to walk there every day, or even spend the night there. And then one day on the way home she got caught in a heavy downpour. Lightning flashed like blue snakes, and terrible thunder rumbled.

Write down the verbs

  • When I was just a boy,” the old man began, “my mother worked in the apiary, which was three kilometers from the village. To mom had to every day there walk on foot, or even spend the night there. And then one day on the way home she hit under heavy rain. sparkled blue snakes lightning, and rumbled terrible thunder.

  • When I was just a boy,” the old man began, “my mother worked in the apiary, which was three kilometers from the village. To mom had to every day there walk on foot, or even spend the night there. And then one day on the way home she hit under heavy rain. sparkled blue snakes lightning and rumbled terrible thunder.


  • Woman got wet through and through wandered along a muddy road. She's almost arrived home and stopped catch my breath under a massive wooden gate with a canopy. Near grew up young silver poplar.

Means of communication of proposals

  • Woman I was soaked through and somehow walked along the muddy road. She I almost reached the house and stopped to catch my breath under massive wooden gate with a visor. Near a young silver poplar grew.


  • The woman was wet through and walked somehow along a muddy road. She's almost there home and stopped to catch my breath under a massive wooden gate with a canopy. A young silver poplar grew nearby.


  • The woman was soaked through and somehow walked along soggy road. She almost reached the house and stopped to catch her breath under massive wooden gate with a canopy. Grew up nearby young silver poplar.
  • Are there any epithets among these definitions? Unusual, memorable definitions?

  • By soggy road
  • under massive gate
  • young silver poplar.

Please note on the syntax! (construction of sentences)

  • [One day I found myself Where lived my familiar). In the house opposite near the gate grew up curly handsome man - poplar . I paid as if split with a sharp knife. His extraordinary story told I'm old peasant in a small village near Moscow.


  • 1 complex sentence
  • [One day I found myself in a village near Moscow], ( Where lived my familiar).


  • The rest are all simple
  • 1 zpt is in a complex sentence
  • 2 zpt highlights comparative turnover
  • I paid attention to its forked top, as if split by a sharp knife .

Watching the syntax

  • “When I was just a boy,” the old man began, “my mother worked in an apiary, which was located three kilometers from the village. Mom had to walk there every day, or even spend the night there. And then one day on the way home she got caught in a heavy downpour. Lightning flashed like blue snakes, and terrible thunder rumbled.

Observe syntax and punctuation

  • - ( When I was just a boy) - [ the old man began] , - [my Mother worked in the apiary], ( which was three kilometers from the village). (Dialogue) To mom had to every day there walk on foot, A then and spend the night there. And then one day on the way home she hit under heavy rain. sparkled blue snakes lightning, And rumbled scary thunder .

  • 1 complex, complex sentence - a fragment of dialogue.
  • -When I was just a boy - the old man began, - my Mother worked in the apiary, which was three kilometers from the village.

  • Sentence 2 is simple, complicated by homogeneous predicates
  • To mom had to every day there walk on foot , A then and spend the night there.

  • Sentence 3 is simple
  • And then one day on the way home she hit under heavy rain.

  • 4 sentence is complex, complex, connected by a conjunction AND
  • sparkled blue snakes lightning , And rumbled scary thunder .


  • 1. write an essay - a story based on what you heard in ex. 520 on page 217