Presentation "history of animation". Animation is a land of wizards. Interesting about animation History of animation and animation presentation

Slide 2: The concept of "animation"

Animation (from Latin multi - many, multiplicatio - multiplication, increase, increase, reproduction) - techniques for creating the illusion of moving) using a sequence of still images (frames) that replace each other with a certain frequency. Animation is a type of animation that is created by frame-by-frame shooting of individual drawings or theatrical scenes.

Slide 3: The concept of "animation"

Animation (derived from the Latin "anima" - soul, through the French animation: animation, animation) is the Western name for animation. A technology that allows using inanimate stationary objects to create the illusion of movement. Animation is also called the result of applying this technology.

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The first mention of animation (revival) dates back to the 1st century BC.

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In the 10th century, shadow performances began to be held in China - a spectacle visually close to the future animated film. -

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In the middle of the 15th century, books with drawings appeared that reproduced the various phases of the movement of the human figure.

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In the 17th century, there were also craftsmen who entertained the public with sessions of moving pictures using optical devices like filmoscopes, where transparent plates with drawings were inserted. Such devices were called a magic lantern or in Latin "laterna magica". In the second half of the 17th century, "Magic Lanterns" appeared.

Slide 8

1646 - the Jesuit monk Athanasius Kirscher gave the first description of the device of the "magic lantern" he designed. The magic lantern is a projection apparatus for showing slides and it consists of a wooden or metal case with a hole and / or a lens, a light source is placed in the case. Magic lantern Keramikfliesen by Johann Falk

Slide 9

In 1832, the Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau created the phenakistiscope. Phenakistiskopʹ (from Greek - "deceiver" and "look") - a laboratory device for demonstrating moving drawings, the design of which is based on the inertia of human vision


Slide 10

"Strobe" was called a cardboard drum mounted on an axle. On the inside of this drum, on a paper strip, was a series of drawings (usually eight to twelve) illustrating the successive phases of the movement of a person or animal. 1832 - the same principle was put by the Viennese professor Simon von Stampefer as the basis of the stroboscope.


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Phenakistiscope by Edward Muybridge (1893)


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In 1834, the English mathematician William George Horner invented the zootrope, in which, like a stroboscope, drawings pasted on tape moved.


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Emile Raynaud created the praxinoscope apparatus, which consisted of a rotating drum, a system of mirrors and a lantern. In 1892, Reynaud launched a kind of attraction - an optical theater. There he showed the audience comic stories lasting 15-20 minutes. The first real animator is considered to be the Frenchman Emile Reynaud.


Slide 14

The very first cartoon featuring puppets was made in 1898 by James Stuart Blackton and Albert Smith. It's called "Lilliputian Circus". The toys in it were wooden.


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Emil Kohl Emil Kohl - in 1908 created the first animated films. 1908 - French artist Émile Cole showed his first animated film Phantasmagoria or Fantosh Nightmare. Cole worked on this cartoon for about 5 months. He drew each frame on paper, which he then transferred to negative film. For this cartoon, which takes about a minute and 20 seconds, the artist had to make about 700 sketches, which he later photographed. The film has no real story or structure.


Slide 16: Emil Kohl - the father of European animation

In 1908, the artist joined the French film company Gaumont as a photographer and screenwriter, but then moved on to making animated films. Kohl made many films (over 250) using drawings, clippings and puppets.


Slide 17: The first cartoon in the USA

In 1906, James Stuart Blackton, one of the founders of the Vitagraph Company of America, presented the cartoon "Funny Faces" to the public. It was a series of unpretentious drawings, which depicted funny faces.


Slide 18: " The beautiful Lucanida, or the war of stags and mustaches" - the first in Russia, the second in the world (after the "Circus of the Lilliputians", a three-dimensional animated film

In 1912, Vladislav Starevich created the first puppet cartoon entitled "The Beautiful Lukanida, or the War of the Horned and Mustache". The cartoon was filmed using the frame-by-frame method, and its main characters were real live insects from Starevich's entomological collection. The plot of the cartoon told about the love of Lucanida, the mistress of stag beetles, and Count Geros, a representative of the tribe of longhorn beetles. The tape was a wild success with the audience. Knowing well the habits of insects and using the method of frame-by-frame shooting, Starevich achieved natural plasticity of the "actors" in his picture.


Slide 19

In 1913, Vladislav Starevich created an animated film: "Dragonfly and Ant", which brought him world fame. The film "Dragonfly and Ant" sold 140 copies, which was an incredible phenomenon for the cinematography of that time. In addition to puppet animation V.A. Starevich, the first in Russia, was also engaged in hand-drawn animation.In 1913, he made an animated insert into the film "The Night Before Christmas" based on the novel by N.V. Gogol. Having survived the October Revolution, he emigrated with his family to Italy, this paralyzed Russian animation until the second half of the 20s, Vladislav Starevich - the first multiplier in Russia


Slide 20: Winsor McKay - the creator of the first color cartoon

McKay was a pioneer of animation, ahead of its followers by many years as animated films, and pioneering the technology that became the industry standard and popularized by Walt Disney and other cartoonists. McKay's most famous works are the newspaper comic Little Nemo in Dreamland (1905-1914, 1924-1927) and the cartoon Gertie the Dinosaur (1914). The first color cartoon was his Little Nimo (1911) Winsor McKay - creator of the first color cartoon


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The creator of the first sound, musical and feature-length animated film is the American animator, film director, actor, screenwriter and producer Walt Disney On October 16, 1923, the New York film distributor M. J. Winkler signed a contract with Walt to create a series of cartoons about Alice. This day is considered the founding date of The Walt Disney Company. foreign animation


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In 1928, Walt Disney created the first voice-over cartoon, Steamboat Wily. 1928 - birth of Mickey Mouse, the most popular cartoon character in the history of animated films


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In 1929, Walt Disney filmed "Dance of the Skeletons", the first of the "Funny Symphonies" series.


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In 1934, Walt told his animators that he was going to make a feature-length cartoon. He offered them a story about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The making of the film took three years, and by Christmas 1937, the film was completed. He was a huge success.


Slide 25

1940 - The Tom and Jerry series begins production at MGM Studios. Animators Joseph Barbera and William Hanna work on it for the next 17 years.


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Soviet graphic animation appeared in 1924. The first films were made by the artist A. Bushkin under the direction of director D. Vertov. These were mainly movie posters and satirical films. Animation artists A. Bushkin and A. G. Ivanov used a very simple, but expressive technique of flat marionettes. In places, joints they were fastened with hinges. The puppet was superimposed on the glass of the filming table, behind which there was a drawn background - the scene for the characters of the film.) “The most famous film: “Soviet Toys” (dir. D. Vertov, animation by A. Bushkin and A. Ivanov Soviet animation Dziga Vertov Soviet film director and screenwriter, one of the founders and theorists of documentary film


Slide 27

In one year 1924, at the Kultkino studio with its small team of artists, a number of animated films were released: German Affairs and Deeds,  The Story of a Disappointment (Boris Savinkov), An Incident in Tokyo, Humoresques (dir. D. Vertov, animation by A. Bushkin and A. Belyakov). “Important films of this era: “Skating rink” (1927, I. Ivanov-Vano, D. Cherkes, Y. Merkulov), “Mail” (1929, M. Tsekhanovsky ) and "Organchik" (1933, D. Cherkes N. Khodataev).


Slide 28

The first children's animated film "Senka the African", based on the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky. was released on the screen in early 1927. A team of artists worked on the film: Y. Merkulov, D. Cherkes, I. Ivanov-Vano


Slide 29: Film Studio "Soyuzmultfilm"

In 1936, by decision of the government, a special studio of animated films "Soyuzmultfilm" was created in Moscow.


Slide 30: Animation directors that the whole world knows: Alexander Ptushko

The first Soviet full-length animated film "New Gulliver", 1935


Slide 31: Ivan Ivanov-Vano

- one of the founders of the animated fairy tale and the founder of the Soviet school of animation. His first cartoon, which met a wide audience, was the short film "Skating Rink". He has directed numerous film adaptations of contemporary and folk tales, including "Moidodyr", "Twelve months", "Geese-Swans", as well as dozens of others. Ivan Ivanov-Vano


Slide 32: Lev Atamanov

The cartoon was translated into many languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, and this is not counting all the dialects of the then USSR. And the main characters were voiced by world cinema stars. For example, the French Snow Queen was voiced by Catherine Deneuve, and the American Gerda was voiced by Kirsten Dunst. Lev Atamanov

performed by a student 111
Korzhavina EvgeniyaCONTENTS
History of animation
The history of the film adaptation of the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh"
1. The history of the appearance of the character
2. Winnie the Pooh in the USSR
. Sources


The largest animation film studio in the USSR "Soyuzmultfilm"
began her work in Moscow in 1936 with the creation of the cartoon "In Africa
hot". For more than 70 years of history, the studio has released more than 1,500
hand-drawn and puppet animated films.

History of animation

Animation has been considered a branch of the film industry since its inception. However
this interesting direction can also be successfully associated with painting and
graphics. Artist's talent plus technical capabilities - and into the world
art is born that leaves neither children nor adults indifferent.
The roots of the emergence of animation are associated with a stroboscope - an optical
a toy invented by the Belgian inventor Joseph Plateau in 1932.
The principle of this device was simple - a cyclic

For example, a running horse, which was depicted by several
times in different stages of movement. When the circle rotates, the drawing
merged, and the illusion of a moving object arose.
The first real multiplier is considered to be
French Emile Reynaud. He created the praxinoscope apparatus,
which consisted of a rotating drum, a system of mirrors and
lantern. In 1892, Reynaud launched a kind of attraction
- optical theatre. There he showed the audience
comic stories lasting 15-20 minutes. This
happened a few years before the famous premiere of the brothers
Lumiere, that is, the animation became known to the French
even a little earlier than the movies.

Further development of animation, as well as cinema,
took place in France. Emil Kohl is another bright director and
artist, began his career with acting productions. IN
1908 he created the first animated films

They looked like cartoon comics, only in motion.
Emile Kohl drew thousands of drawings to bring them to life. He
sought to achieve realism by copying real
objects, and even used photography. His legacy
modern animators consider valuable.

Another bright name in the history of animation is associated with Russia. IN
1912 Vladislav Starevich created the first puppet
cartoon entitled "Beautiful Lucanida, or war
horned and mustachioed." This figure became famous for his love for
insects. He made a lot of films dedicated to them, and looked
they are very natural on the screen. Vladislav Starevich - thin
psychologist and talented artist. He cared not only for
visual side of cartoons, but also filled them with a deep

If in Europe filming took place almost artisanal
way, then in America with the technical base everything was much
better. This is where Walt Disney appeared, who in 1929 filmed his
the first hand-drawn cartoon with musical accompaniment
narrative, because only the Oscar he received 30 times. His
Subsequently, the masters of cinema introduced another interesting

cartoon characters.

The history of the film adaptation of the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh"

The history of the appearance of the character
Let's start
from the amazing fact- the story of Winnie the Pooh
based on real events(although this confluence
circumstances is not unique in its kind). More
Moreover, almost all the characters had their real

It all started in 1924 when the British writer Alan
Alexander Milne with his four-year-old son
visited the London Zoo for the first time, where the boy
made friends with Winnie the bear. After that case
a teddy bear given to him by his father on his first birthday
named Vinnie. Since then, the boy has not parted with
with your favorite toy. The boy's name was Christopher Robin.

In addition to Winnie the bear, Christopher had other toys,
which served as prototypes for the works of his father:
Piglet was a gift from neighbors, Eeyore without a tail (lack of
tail is devoted to one of the chapters "in which Eeyore loses his tail"),
Kanga with Baby Roo and Tigger (bought by parents for evening
stories to his son).

Subsequently, the writer said, “I practically did not
invented, I only described what I saw. Real well
is also the setting, the Hundred Acre Wood (translated by Zakhoder
"Wonderful Forest") is a part of the territory located in the forest
Ashdown near the Milnes' Cochford farm. On this
territories are located "Six pines and a stream" described in
chapter "in which Christopher Robin organizes an expedition to
North Pole." As a child, Christopher Robin often
climbed into the hollows of trees and played there with Winnie the Pooh, so
many characters in Milne's work live in hollows.

Winnie the Pooh in the USSR
We owe the appearance of Winnie the Pooh in the USSR to the writer and translator
Boris Zakhoder, who began work on the translation of the story about
teddy bear in 1958. In July 1960 was published
the first book about Winnie the Pooh in Russian.

It was thanks to Zakhoder that such variants of the name appeared
main characters like Piglet (Piglet), Eeyore (Eeyore), Tigger (Tigger),
Heffalump (Heffalump). Ten years of domestic reader
associated the image of Winnie the Pooh with the illustrations of Alice Poret,
which were not at all similar to those familiar to us
cartoon characters.

Everything changed after the appearance in 1969 of the first Soviet
cartoon about Winnie the Pooh. And after the release of two more
short cartoons about Pooh Bear in 1971 and
1972 Winnie became the most beloved and most quoted
Soviet character on long years. Script for cartoons
wrote cartoonist Fyodor Khitruk together with Boris
Zakhoder. It is the creative differences between Zakhoder and Khitruk
caused the cessation of work on new series of the cycle
(originally it was planned to release cartoons for all
chapters of Milne's work).

The script for the cartoons was written by the animator Fyodor Khitruk
together with Boris Zakhoder. It is the creative differences
Zakhoder and Khitruk caused the cessation of work on
new series of the cycle (originally it was planned to release
cartoons for all chapters of Milne's work).

At the initiative of Khitruk (against the will of Zakhoder) from the cartoon
the character Christopher Robin was excluded, in the first cartoon
he was replaced by Piglet, in the second by Rabbit. Many
domestic viewers, "grown up" on these amazing
cartoons unfortunately do not mistakenly accept the recognized
all over the world the original concept of the work, considering
Soviet animated version is the only true and
infinitely immutable.

It is worth noting that Khitruk's Winnie the Pooh, wrapped in
truly socialist
whirlwind of storytelling
cinematic spirit
of his time, though
accurately conveys
core values ​​and
morality laid down by Milne,
but it is also individual
culturally adapted as
and the first Disney
Winnie the Pooh director
Wolfgang Reithermann,
released in 1966
("Winnie the Pooh and the Honey

According to Fyodor Khitruk himself, he did not know about
the existence of Disney cartoons, but there are
opinions according to which it is the success of the overseas Winnie the Pooh
prompted the cartoonist to create the Soviet version of the plush

In any case, everyone has the opportunity to see both
version and draw independent conclusions on the subject of similarity and
differences in animation techniques. Also not
secret that Soviet cartoons about Winnie the Pooh were created
excluding copyright (owned by Disney since 1961) and not
could be shown outside the USSR, just as they could not
participate in international film festivals.

The 1990s became the time for the creation of new Russian translations
"Winnie the Pooh". Zakhoder's retelling ceased to be
the only one. Victor Weber's translation became the most famous
from alternative to Zakhoderovsky and several times went to
publishing house "EKSMO"; besides, it was printed
parallel to the original in a bilingual commentary
edition published in 200 by the Raduga publishing house. IN
Weber's version retained the division into two parts as well
prefaces and poetic dedications in each of them[,
all 20 chapters are fully translated.

However, according to some critics (A.
Borisenko, L. Bruni), this translation is not so valuable with
artistic point of view, as Zakhoderovsky, and
also in a number of places unnecessarily literal conveys
the original, neglecting the language game; translator
consistently seeks to avoid decisions
Zakhoder, even where they are indisputable.
Translations of poems (performed by
not Weber, but Natalia Rein). Weber has Piglet -
Piglet, Heffalump - Proboscis, and Tigger - Tiger.

Moses did the music in the cartoon
Samuilovich Weinberg

Producer: Lyubov Butyrina

Already at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the struggle for inheritance intensified
the creator of Winnie the Pooh, so in 1991 the widow of Schlesinger, already
earned by that time on the bear cub 66 million
dollars sued the Disney company, demanding that
companies another 200 million. During this fight, Disney
took the strategic step of uniting financially
plan with the direct heirs of Alan Milne (who
spoke exclusively negatively about the products
Disney). The case ended in the defeat of Schlesinger's widow. IN
1998 Christopher Robin's daughter sued the company
Schlesinger in order to completely deprive them of copyright, but in the end
lost this case.

Illustrations of the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh" were children's drawings,
which simply replace one another. Such a screensaver for a movie
creates a benevolent and kind attitude towards this
cartoon. And the songs that the funny and good-natured sings
teddy bear, now the whole country sings and knows.


"How to make an animated picture" - Give the file a name with *.gif extension. Make a copy of layer 30 and place four layers in this order. GIMP. As planned, on this scoreboard we will change the last two digits. Preliminary training of individual personnel. Well, we have three layers ready - three frames of animation. Saving the result as an animation.

"Autodesk 3ds MAX" - Shooting. The rendering stage is closely related to the shooting stage. Thus, the effect of stereoscopy was achieved. Visualization is also called rendering or rendering. 3dsmax. Projection windows. A similar project can be done by one person on a home PC. The process of coloring 3D objects is called texturing.

"Active GIF Creator" - Animation creation in Active GIF Creator 3.5. The final stage. Purpose and objectives of the lesson. Sample. Beginning of work. Active GIF Creator 3.5 (russian edition). Drawing. Try at home. We set the parameters. Animation. What happened.

"Animated banner" - Layers with ready-made individual frames. We create frames. We save animations for the Web in GIF format. Move the selection. Create a new image of one of the given sizes. We take a hard black brush, and even better a pencil. Place the picture in the right place with the Move Tool (M). Background for an inscription with an address.

"Gif-animation" - Copy the image to several layers. We make changes using free transformation. Create avatars for web pages. Avatars can be static (no animation) or animated. Technology for creating gif-animation in Photoshop or ImageReady. Let's go to Adobe Image Ready. To start the animation, you need to set the time to change frames.

"The Birth of Animation" - The use of symbols in complex animation. Movie clip creation. Raster picture. Movie. Word. Edit window. Now you can remove one of the leaves. morphing process. Symbol editing mode. Frame pointer. Duplicate characters. Completeness. Library panel. Height. Setting animation with slowdown.


The fascinating world of children's animation.

What is a cartoon?

Cartoon , cartoon is a film made with the help of drawing tools and intended to be shown in a cinema, on TV or on a computer screen.


Animation(from lat. multiplicatio- multiplication, increase, increase, reproduction) - techniques for creating the illusion of moving images (movement and / or changing the shape of objects - morphing) using a sequence of still images (frames) that replace each other with a certain frequency. Animation(from fr. animation: animation, animation) - the Western name for animation: a type of cinema art and its work (cartoon), as well as the corresponding technology.

August 30 1877 is considered the birthday of hand-drawn animation. In the first half of the XIX century. Belgian physicist joseph Plateau, Austrian professor-geometrist Simon background stamper and other scientists and inventors used a rotating disk or tape with pictures, a system of mirrors and a light source (lantern) to reproduce moving images on the screen - ( phenakistiscope , stroboscope).

Dinosaur Gertie .

In 1914 Winsor McKay creates the first ever cartoon character endowed with bright personal qualities - dinosaur Gertie . Simultaneously, the huge number of drawings made for the film required the invention of a new production technology, leading for the first time to a division of labor between the animator and the background artist: while McKay drew the phases of the dinosaur's movement, a student he hired copied the contours from the sample to each sheet mountains, lakes and trees.

Movie cameras .

Used to make cartoons film cameras , as a rule, having a design similar to devices for combined shooting.

reproduction installation.

To create hand-drawn animation, there were cartoon machines, which were a complex reproduction installation with a special film camera that allowed you to adjust the opening angle and perform blackouts and influxes. The design of professional animation machines made it possible to create multi-layered images on separate media and included lighting equipment.

Multstanok with digital camera .

At present, for hand-drawn animation, a computer or a cartoon machine with digital camera .

1928 - Walt Disney creates the most popular cartoon character in cartoon history - Mickey Mouse . In the same year, his first animated sound film was released. steamboat Willie » ( English Steamboat Willie ).

« Soyuzmultfilm »

1936 - V USSR film studio founded Soyuzmultfilm "(originally -" Soyuzdetmultfilm ").

Types of cartoons

  • Plasticine
  • Animated

Types of cartoons by duration.

Feature-length cartoons (typically over 70 minutes)

Short cartoons (usually about 25-30 minutes)

hand drawn cartoon

The technology of traditional hand-drawn animation includes the imposition and reduction of transparent sheets with characters drawn on them into one frame; if it is necessary to depict the movement of one character, he is drawn himself and the frame is assembled with the replaced part, instead of drawing the whole picture with the whole change.

puppet animation

Puppet animation is a method of volumetric animation. When creating, a stage layout and puppets-actors are used. The scene is photographed frame by frame, after each frame minimal changes are made to the scene (for example, the pose of the doll changes). When playing the resulting sequence of frames, the illusion of movement of objects arises. This type of animation first appeared in Russia in 1906.

computer animation

Computer animation - view animations created using computer


Cartoonist , multiplier , animator- artist animated film. Currently, animators work in various industries: cinema, television, video games, the Internet. Animation uses a variety of technologies, including drawings , puppet animation , 3D graphics. These features lead to significant differences in the specialization of animators.

Film studio logo.

  • "Soyuzmultfilm"
  • Creative Association Screen
  • Kievnauchfilm
  • Studio "Mill"
  • Walt Disney Production
  • pixar

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