How to properly insulate the roof with vapor barrier and mineral wool. Roof insulation with mineral wool: basalt, glass wool, slag wool. Stages of roof insulation from the inside

Roof structures of a pitched type, in which the arrangement of a warm room (attic or attic, for example) is expected, requires mandatory thermal insulation. When choosing insulation materials that protect the roof from bad weather, mineral wool is the most popular. Roof insulation with mineral wool is an option used by many.

Internal insulation of roof structures is carried out by such types of insulation that are optimally suited for the roofing used in construction.

The choice of mineral wool for roof insulation

Known varieties of mineral wool differ in the type of source (raw) material, according to which they are divided into the following types:

  • basalt insulation;
  • glass mineral wool;
  • thermal insulation products based on slag.

On a note

Mineral wool also differs in the form of the material ready for use (usually it is available in the form of rolls or rigid plates).

Consider the characteristics of each of these varieties of thermal insulation material in terms of their compliance with the requirements for the quality of insulation various kinds roof coverings.

Basalt insulation

Stone or basalt material is well suited for insulating roofs made of metal tiles, ondulin or slate, under which a small attic-type living space is being built. The main advantage of basalt insulation, the plates of which are absolutely inaccessible to moisture, is the possibility of using it in a damp climate.

This material is quite flexible and durable, which allows it to withstand any mechanical deformation that occurs when the rafters dry out, for example. It has excellent longevity and retains its protective properties for about 40-50 years.

glass wool

Glass wool is made from microscopic glass fibers with a thickness of no more than 15 microns and is available in the form of rolls, mats or rigid plates. Heaters of this class have the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation performance;
  • resistance to fire;
  • reliable protection against mold and fungus.

Glass wool blanks are elastic and durable, which greatly simplifies their self-assembly under the roof arches. And the cost per square meter of this insulation is quite small (on average, it is 140-160 rubles).

The disadvantages of this material include:

  • the danger of insulation microparticles for the human respiratory tract and the need to work with it only in a respirator or gauze bandage;
  • significant shrinkage of glass wool slabs or rolls during their long-term operation;
  • high hygroscopicity of the material (ability to absorb moisture).

Despite these shortcomings, glass wool is widely used for internal insulation of pitched roofs with such types of protective coatings as slate, metal tiles and others.

Mineral wool based on slag

The material made from blast-furnace slag can be used for warming soft roofs, as well as ondulin and slate coatings mounted on the rafter sheathing.

This grade of mineral wool fully meets the requirements for heat-insulating materials and has all their inherent properties. Its merits include:

  • reduced thermal conductivity;
  • good vapor permeability combined with a low level of hygroscopicity;
  • relatively low flammability index;
  • good soundproofing properties.

In addition, the slag-based insulation material is resistant to deformation and is able to perform its protective functions. long time(up to 50 years).

For all its merits, this type of insulation is noticeably inferior in quality to all the previously listed types of mineral wool and is used quite rarely.

Features of installation (laying) between the rafters

In cases where insulation is organized from the side of the under-roof space, it is more convenient to lay the thermal insulation material between the rafters.

On a note

This laying method is usually used when the thickness of the plates or the rolled layer of insulation is comparable to the cross section of the rafters themselves. If this condition is not met, the insulation is organized according to a combined scheme, involving the laying of several layers of heat-insulating material (including along the rafters).

To insulate the roof using this technology, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • a mounting knife for cutting mineral wool in rolls or a hacksaw for metal used for forming solid slabs;
  • measuring devices (tape measure and building level);
  • ladder-ladder (for the convenience of laying the uppermost layers);
  • vapor barrier, waterproofing and finishing materials.

The order of installation of mineral wool blanks between the rafters looks like this:

1 First, by means of a long bar with a level, the location of the lower sections of the rafter legs in the laying plane is determined. If deviations from it are found, it is necessary to align the “failed” elements by increasing them. The main goal of this operation is to ensure that all the rafters are located in the same plane. 2 After their alignment, the rolled or slab material is cut with a knife or a hacksaw into blanks of the required size (taking into account the inter-rafter gaps) and placed in niches.

If the thermal insulation is not laid in one layer, the plates are arranged so that the joints in different layers do not coincide.

3 Since the insulation is mounted according to the “spread” principle, the width of the cut blanks should exceed the distance between the rafters by about 2-3 cm. 5 Next, the fixed heat insulator is covered with a vapor barrier material, which can be used as a conventional polyethylene film or a special membrane. These materials are fixed on the laths of the crate by means of a construction stapler. 6 Drywall or plywood (less often - lining) is sewn on top of the film, on which later it will be possible to perform decorative finishing. 7 At the final stage, a waterproofing layer is added to the formed roofing cake from the side of the roof, which protects the heat insulator from bad weather.

Installation of insulation on the rafters

The over-rafter method of laying insulation involves the following order of installation operations:

  • first, on the upper cut of the rafters, a crate of thin laths is stuffed, on which mineral wool blanks are then laid;
  • on the lower cut of the rafters, another crate is mounted from the same rails, on which a vapor barrier film is attached by means of a stapler (the niches remaining between the rafters form ventilated spaces);
  • finishing material (drywall or plywood) is then stuffed over the film;
  • a layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the cotton wool, fixed in any way available for this roof structure.

In conclusion, we note that when organizing insulation work, one should not forget about the ventilation of internal spaces, which ensures the operational durability of the entire roofing pie. This problem can be solved by taking into account the design features of the truss system, in which there are always free cavities and niches.

The most important condition for comfortable living in your own home at any time of the year and with the lowest possible cost of energy used for heating and air conditioning And almost all parts of the building should be insulated. The roof is no exception, which, incidentally, is not always remembered by inexperienced novice developers.

If you look at the percentage of heat loss of any building that does not have proper thermal insulation, it is clear that the "lion's share" of them falls on the attic floor and roof. The specificity of this section of the general design of the house imposes special requirements on the materials used for its insulation. Let's try to understand this issue in order to help the reader eliminate possible errors and make right choice. So, what is the best roofing insulation?

The need for roof insulation

First of all, it is necessary to dispel doubts about the need for roof insulation. Let's start with this.

The limited area of ​​​​the site for building a house, and simply the considerations of the most efficient construction at the lowest possible cost, often move the owners to use the attic space usefully. Attic "floors" are very popular in our time, when the attic turns into a full-fledged living space, which does not differ from other rooms in terms of convenience and comfort. You can place in the attic and a utility room, for example, a warm pantry, office or workshop.

It is clear that with this approach to the useful use of the attic, there is no doubt about the insulation of the roof. Whatever type of roofing is chosen, none of them will provide the required protection against winter cold. And in the hot summer period, the roof slopes heat up in the sun to such an extent that staying in an uninsulated attic becomes not only uncomfortable, but even completely unbearable from the heat. This, too, by the way, should never be discounted - insulation, or rather, thermal insulation of the roof helps to ensure an optimal microclimate in the attic at any time of the year.

And what about those who do not have the conversion of the attic into a useful room in their immediate plans for construction? Maybe limit yourself to high-quality thermal insulation of the attic floor?

How is an attic floor insulated?

The ceiling of the room, bordering from above with an unheated and uninsulated attic, becomes not a "bridge", but a whole "main" for heat losses. This is eliminated by the implementation of a whole range of thermal insulation works. - read in a special publication of our portal.

Of course, you can limit yourself to this. But it would be better to listen to the arguments in favor of insulating the roof slopes, even if this is, of course, associated with additional costs:

  • All details of the truss system and the internal arrangement of the attic space will be protected from the destructive effects of temperature and humidity changes. Therefore, the durability of the entire roof structure as a whole will increase.

  • Energy efficiency increases dramatically if we consider it on the scale of the entire building. That is, the insulation of the roof, even with high-quality thermal insulation of the attic floor, will still make its “mite” in achieving the most comfortable conditions at minimal cost from an external energy source.
  • Most modern insulation materials have the ability to effectively absorb sound vibrations. Insulated roof slopes will not become "resonators" in heavy rain or hail. This is especially true for roofing materials that are traditionally considered "noisy" - metal or slate.

  • Finally, what seems unnecessary or temporarily unfeasible today may turn into an urgent need in the future. This means that the prevailing circumstances can lead the owners of the house to the idea of ​​​​the need to expand the usable area due to the attic space. So it’s better to have a warm attic right away than to subsequently do it “from scratch”, which can often be associated with the alteration or replacement of individual elements of the truss system that have already experienced a long-term negative impact of external factors. Sometimes such work cannot be carried out without temporary removal of the roofing. In a word, it will be much more expensive. So it makes sense to think ahead.

Criteria that a roof insulation must meet

To make the right choice, you need to know the criteria by which this material should be evaluated. There are many of these criteria, and it should be immediately noted that not a single heater fully corresponds to all of them. So you often have to face the choice of which of the advantages to give preference.

So, the "ideal" material for thermal insulation of the roof is one that meets all of the following requirements:

  • Of course, thermal insulation qualities should be put in the first position. The material must have low thermal conductivity, that is, create the maximum possible resistance to heat transfer in specific application conditions. This indicator can be estimated by looking at the thermal conductivity coefficient, which is necessarily indicated in the list of thermal insulation characteristics. To insulate the roof, where you can’t really “run up” with the thickness of the insulation and the mass of the thermal insulation structure, they try to use materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient of not more than 0.05 W / m × C °. And the lower this figure, the better.
  • In second place in importance can be put the density of the material. Nobody needs unnecessary overloads of the truss system. So the less the insulating layer weighs enough to create comfortable conditions, the better.
  • The trouble with many insulating materials is excessively high hygroscopicity, that is, the property of being saturated with moisture literally from the air. And waterlogging always leads to at least a loss of thermal insulation qualities. So, ideally, the insulation should have a minimum moisture absorption, and even better - pronounced hydrophobicity. This is especially important in roof conditions, where moisture is indispensable.
  • The insulation material must retain its qualities over a wide temperature range. That is, thermal insulation should “work” equally well both in extreme frosts and at the peak of summer heat.

  • The most important qualities of the material, especially used for roof insulation, are fire safety indicators. This applies to resistance to fire, the ability to become a flame spreader, smoke generation, toxicity of combustion products. The ideal material is seen completely non-combustible, but, alas, in this matter for a lot of heaters - far from everything is safe.
  • The stability of the material, that is, its durability under real operating conditions. An ideal insulation should not change shape and volume, be resistant to chemical or biological decay, spontaneous or due to external negative impact one type or another.
  • The insulation should not serve as a breeding ground for microorganisms, should not be an attractive place for nests of insects, birds, mice. And this, by the way, is also a very difficult problem to solve.
  • The thermal insulation material during operation should not pose a danger in terms of the release of fumes harmful to human health and other environmental pollution.
  • For those who are going to carry out thermal insulation work on their own, the clarity and simplicity of working with the material is important, which does not require excessive effort, special experience, special equipment.
  • Finally, an important criterion for any building material, including insulation, has been and remains affordability.

As you can see, there are a lot of criteria for assessing the quality of thermal insulation materials. And now we will begin to “try on” them to heaters that are suitable for thermal insulation of a pitched roof.

What is the best roofing insulation?

This post will focus on the most widespread V private construction pitched roof. Flat roofs have their own specifics of thermal insulation, and the materials used for this purpose may be different. So, bulk heaters, special building mortars with special filling, high-density mineral wool slabs and other materials are widely used. This issue requires a separate detailed consideration, so it will be omitted in this article.

And for pitched roofs, where on the insulation itself will not have a significant mechanical effect, they still try to use materials with a small specific gravity. They can be roughly divided into three groups:

  • Insulation with fiber structure.
  • Rigid heaters with a gas-filled porous structure.
  • Sprayed heaters.

These groups are also heterogeneous - materials can vary significantly both in basic composition and in performance.

Insulating materials with a fiber structure

This group of materials has one thing in common - all of them are an interweaving of thin fibers, due to which a layer of immobilized air enclosed in them is created. And this, in turn, becomes a thermal insulation layer. But the raw materials for the production of fibers can have serious differences, up to their "nature" - mineral or organic. The first includes all varieties of mineral wool, the second subcategory - cellulose-based ecowool.

Mineral wool

For thermal insulation of building structures in residential buildings, two types of mineral wool are used. In the first of them, the fibers are formed from a melt of quartz glass, in the second, the raw materials for production are rocks of the basalt group. Hence the names - glass wool and stone (basalt) wool.

There is another type of mineral wool - it is made from waste from metallurgical enterprises, slag. But in residential construction, it has not received distribution, since it loses both in insulating qualities and in durability. Yes and in terms of environmental safety She, too, is not all right. In a word, to detain your attention on it - there is not much point.

Mineral wool prices

mineral wool

But you should take a closer look at glass wool and basalt wool.

Mineral wool based on glass fibers

For the production of glass wool, glass cullet and purified quartz sand are used as raw materials. After melting the mass in furnaces, thin fibers are drawn from it using a special technology, which are then pressed into “carpets” using binder additives. At the final stage of production, cutting into blocks or mats of the sizes established by the standard is carried out.

The production process has been worked out for a long time, there is no shortage of raw materials either, and therefore the cost of glass wool is quite affordable, which predetermines its wide popularity. Inlet form - blocks (plates), mats in rolls and in Lately easy-to-install plates in rolls are also practiced.

TO dignity m of glass wool include the following:

- The specific gravity of the insulation is small, and therefore its laying does not require much physical effort, and the thermal insulation system does not exert a significant load on the roof structure.

- Blocks or mats of glass wool have good elasticity. That is, they can be laid in spaces that are somewhat smaller in size - after straightening they fit quite tightly both to each other and to the enclosing elements (in this case, most often to the rafter legs).

“The same quality allows you to significantly reduce the volume of material when it is packed on the production line. This property allows to reduce the overhead costs for the transportation of insulation. And after unpacking, blocks or mats, expanding, take on the specified dimensions.

- The material is flexible, that is, it can be used without additional cutting into smaller fragments for thermal insulation of complex, for example, curved or broken sections.

At the same time, glass wool also has certain flaws which should never be forgotten:

- Such a heater has a fairly high hygroscopicity. Therefore, when using it, special attention is paid to the creation of a reliable vapor barrier from the side of the attic, and to the possibility of free evaporation of moisture from the side of the roof. Otherwise, the insulation will quickly become damp and lose all its thermal insulation qualities.

— Glass fibers are characterized by rather high brittleness. This means that vibrating effects are completely contraindicated for glass wool. Small broken fiber particles become a serious irritant for the skin, eyes and mucous membranes of the respiratory system, that is, thermal insulation work should be carried out in compliance with special protective measures. Measures should be considered to completely exclude the possibility of these particles entering the atmosphere of the residential area of ​​the house during operation, as they cause allergic reactions.

- The emission of formaldehydes, which are part of the binders, is also one of the disadvantages of the material. But this is more typical of cheap heaters of unknown brands (or even those that do not have any trademark at all - this happens too!) Leading manufacturers are trying to nullify emission indicators, and many modern types of glass wool are approved for use not only in residential and public buildings but even in educational and medical institutions.

A few more words can be added about the “branding” of glass wool. The fact is that the construction market is filled with inexpensive materials of very dubious origin. In the production of such glass wool, either outdated technologies are used, or the process of technological control is completely absent. Such mats are characterized by high fragility of fibers and strong shrinkage, and glass wool can turn into dust in just a few years. Naturally, there can be no talk of any quality of thermal insulation of the roof here. So the pursuit of cheapness often results in considerable additional costs.

If a decision has already been made to use glass wool for roof insulation, then you should pay attention to quality products, for example, Ursa or Isover companies.

For example, let's take a closer look at the insulation from the line « UrsaGeo». Suitable for roof insulation « A private house» , "M -11" And "Pitched Roof", whose name speaks for itself.

The basis of all these materials is fiberglass with the addition of special mineral components that reduce the disadvantages characteristic of glass wool. Products of this series are considered completely safe for both humans and the environment.

Ursa products are characterized by a number of special advantages:

— The material belongs to the group completely non-combustible heaters. Not only does the insulation not ignite itself - it can become a barrier to the spread of flame.

- The company's technologists managed to reduce the emission of binder organic compounds to such a low level that it can be ignored altogether - it does not affect the cleanliness of indoor air in any way.

“Thanks to special mineral additives, which are the technological secret of the company, glass fibers have received additional elasticity, that is, it has been possible to reduce their characteristic fragility.

— In many types of thermal insulation "Ursa Geo", in particular, in the "Pitched Roof", an interesting technology "URSA Spannfilz" is used. Literally, this expression can be translated as "elastic felt." The special structure of the fiber board gives it increased elasticity, and the insulation blocks fit very well between the rafters, which allows you to do without even additional fastening. A tight fit eliminates the formation of voids, unfilled insulation.

- Heaters are produced in a form that is very convenient for laying. For example, the material "Pitched roof" is a slab in a roll, which greatly simplifies cutting to the desired size, if necessary.

– The manufacturer guarantees a long term of properly laid thermal insulation without losing its insulating qualities, without shrinkage and destructuring- at least 50 years old.

The main characteristics of fiberglass insulation of the Ursa Geo line, which are excellent for thermal insulation of a pitched roof, are shown in the table.

A private houseM-11pitched roof
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m×°С0,045 0,044 0,040
Vapor permeability, mg/m×h×Pa0,65 0,64 0,64
Fire safety classKM0KM0KM0
Flammability groupNGNGNG
Operating temperature range, °С60÷+22060÷+22060÷+220
Water absorption for 24 hours, kg/m², no more1 1 1
Release formmats in a rollmats in a rollslabs in a roll
Dimensional parameters, mm
- length8350 7000;
- width1200 1200 1200
- thickness50 50; 10 150;200
approximate cost1100 rub/m³roll 1200×10000×50 mm - 1220 rub.980 rub. with a thickness of 150 mm;
1070 rub. with a thickness of 200 mm.
Mineral wool based on basalt

Fibers obtained from the melt of rocks gabbro-basalt groups have a number of advantages over glass ones. They become thinner and longer, they have more pronounced elasticity, much less fragility. All this gives mineral wool on this basis higher performance. All the advantages inherent in glass wool are also characteristic of basalt, and there are, in addition, a number of advantages.

Prices for basalt wool

basalt wool

It is even visually noticeable that high-quality basalt wool has a pronouncedly homogeneous structure, it is given clear geometric shapes. It is much easier to work with such a heater - it is certainly not worth neglecting the means of protecting the skin and respiratory organs, but it does not cause such strong irritation as glass wool.

Better with basalt wool and with hygroscopicity - a special treatment dramatically reduces moisture absorption, and products from some manufacturers even have properties close to hydrophobicity. But this still does not give reason to refuse vapor barrier. Vapor permeability is at a height, that is, when the right conditions are created, even moisture that accidentally penetrates into the material will easily evaporate through the ventilation gaps of the roofing pie.

The products of well-known brands are doing well with the indicators of formaldehyde emission - heaters have sanitary certificates with admission to safe use in any residential area. By the way, it will never be out of place to check the presence of a copy of such a certificate when purchasing any insulation material.

Basalt wool slabs are extremely easy to install - both due to the exact "geometry" and due to the pronounced elasticity. And besides, manufacturers provide other "chips". So, for example, ROCKWOOL LIGHT BATTS SCANDIC boards, popular with builders, have an edge “spring-loaded” using a special technology, which ensures their accurate and reliable fixation at the installation site - between rafters, beams,

An excellent solution for roof insulation - ROCKWOOL LIGHT BATTS SCANDIC boards with a springy edge zone, which makes installation simple and very reliable

There are few significant shortcomings in basalt wool (if we are talking about really high-quality products of well-known brands). Perhaps, only the higher cost of the material can be attributed here.

The range of basalt heaters is quite wide. Along with the "heavyweights" in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bproduction - the companies "ROCKWOOL", "PAROC", "TechnoNIKOL", quite worthy products are offered by the companies "Basvul", "Isobel", "Izovol" and others. Before purchasing, it makes sense to get to know the brand you like better - trustworthy companies always have informative Internet portals, and a network of representative offices is organized on the territory of Russia.

As an example, to get acquainted with the physical and operational characteristics, you can take the already mentioned above insulation " ROCKWOOL LIGHT BATTS". By the way, another of its advantages is that during packaging in production it is compressed more than twice due to vacuum technology. But when the packaging is removed, the plates take on the specified dimensions without any loss of their performance.

Name of the main operational parameters of the materialIndicators
Thermal conductivity coefficient (W/m×°С):0,039
Specific Gravity (kg/m³)30
Flammability groupNG
Fire safety classKM0
Vapor permeability (mg/(m×h×Pa), not less than0.03
Moisture absorption at partial immersionno more than 1kg/m²
Dimensions800×600 mm
(XL boards - 1200×600 mm)
thickness50 or 100 mm
(XL boards - 100 and 150 mm)
approximate cost- with a thickness of 50 mm - 145 rubles / m²
- 100 mm - 285 rubles/m²
- 150 mm - 430 rub/m²

The service life of such thermal insulation is estimated at at least 50 years.

Fiber insulation on an organic basis - ecowool

This insulation appeared in wide use not so long ago, and is even unknown to many. And meanwhile - it shows very good thermal insulation qualities.

The basis for the manufacture of ecowool are ordinary cellulose fibers obtained from woodworking waste, paper and other scrap raw materials. The total content of cellulose in the composition of this insulation reaches 80 ÷ 85 percent. The rest is additives that ensure the biological stability of the material (boric acid) and special fire retardants that increase the resistance of cellulose to fire.

The thermal performance of ecowool is very decent: the thermal conductivity is approximately in the range from 0.038 to 0.043 W / m × ° WITH, that is, it is quite comparable with mineral wool.

The material is famous for its ecological cleanliness (hence its name), and antiseptic treatment reliably protects it from debate and decay, from damage by pathogenic microflora. Rodents and insects do not make nests in ecowool.

According to the degree of combustibility, the material belongs to the group G 2 - low combustible, self-extinguishing. Combustion products do not contain toxic substances, which is typical, for example, of synthetic heaters.

Ecowool is quite hygroscopic, so the issues of reliable hydro and vapor barrier will have to be thought through unequivocally. But due to the capillary structure of natural fibers, moisture also easily evaporates from the material without violating its qualities. Interestingly, in this way, an ecowool insulation stand is able to “automatically” maintain an optimal humidity balance in the room.

Ecowool prices

Ecowool is laid using "dry" and "wet" technologies. But applying the “wet” method, that is, by spraying, is not particularly justified on roof slopes that have a negative slope from the attic side - there will be too much waste. Therefore, most often this insulation is blown into cavities that are created using vapor barrier membranes or the inner lining of the attic.

Insulation of the roof slopes with ecowool - the material is blown into the created cavities using a special installation

The density of the insulation layer, depending on the application method, ranges from 40 to 75 kg / m³.

TO shortcomings similar insulation can be attributed to the following:

- Even the "dry method" of laying ecowool (with the exception of floor insulation) requires a special installation. In addition, well-developed skills are needed for the quality performance of such work.

- The process of laying ecowool - in any case, it turns out to be very dusty. It is impossible to start it without personal protective equipment.

The cost of ecowool ranges from 20 to 35 rubles per kilogram. She usually does for sale in sealed plastic bags, packaged in 15 or 20 kilograms.

It seems to be not so much. But if you look at the price lists for the services of manufacturers or distributors of such a heater, you can see that you still have to pay about the same amount for installation. And without special equipment - it is extremely difficult to do this. This, perhaps, is the most important "minus" of such thermal insulation.

Sprayed heaters

One of the most effective ways to insulate a roof is to spray foam insulation on the back of the roof slopes. With this approach, the thermal insulation layer becomes almost seamless, that is, without leaving cold bridges.

There are several types of such materials. But polyurethane foam is closest to “ideal” in terms of all criteria for the quality of thermal insulation.

Perhaps the most reliable and effective method thermal insulation of a pitched roof - polyurethane foam spraying

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of PPU is very low, estimated at less than 0.03 W/m×°C. The material shows excellent adhesion to almost all surfaces. The closed cell makes the insulation layer vapor-tight, that is, in some cases, you can do without additional costs for vapor barrier.

However, all the advantages of the material are also combined with a rather high price for it. Moreover, polyurethane foam is synthesized directly at the place of work from two initial components, for which special installations are used. That is, "lovers of independent creativity", one way or another, will have to resort to calling the brigade. And it also costs a lot of money.

There is, however, a caveat - disposable mini-installations for spraying PPU have recently appeared in hardware stores. However, the price for them is not lower than the cost of professional services.

If you look at the prices of construction companies in the Central region of Russia, then the cost of spraying polyurethane foam 100 mm thick on an area of ​​1 m² ranges from 1100 to 1400 rubles, depending on the manufacturer of the initial components. Agree, very expensive.

You can talk about polyurethane foam for a long time and a lot, but we confine ourselves to the above brief information. The fact is that on our portal a special publication has been given to this type of insulation. By the way, it also talks about another type of foamed insulation - foam insulation, which can also be used for thermal insulation of roofs.

Prices for polyurethane foam

polyurethane foam

Special thermal insulation technology - foamed insulation

These differ from all other insulating materials, first of all, by a special application technology. Read about the advantages and disadvantages and the features of working with them in a special article of our portal.

Rigid insulation boards on a synthetic basis

Polystyrene based materials

This group of heaters includes the familiar white foam and extruded polystyrene foam. Despite the relatedness chemical composition, the difference in the performance of these materials is very large.

  • Let's start with foam. And here we will immediately express a categorical judgment, with which, perhaps, some will not agree. Nevertheless, it is highly undesirable to use polystyrene for thermal insulation of roof slopes.

No words - the foam captivates with a low price, quite worthy thermal insulation characteristics, lightness, ease of installation. What more could you want?

But let's take a closer look at its shortcomings:

- The production of foam plastic is a fairly simple process that does not require highly sophisticated equipment. And they do this business everywhere, very often without observing any technical requirements. So talking about some quality standards is just ridiculous.

- The main disadvantage of polystyrene is its combustibility. And this material not only spreads the flame very well, but also emits deadly toxic substances during combustion. Literally a few breaths - and a person receives a powerful poisoning, leading to the most sad consequences. The statistics of tragedies in a fire show that when polystyrene foam ignites, people have little chance of surviving even with a not very big fire. Is it worth it to plant such a “bomb” on such a vulnerable section of the building from the point of view of fire danger as the roof?

Prices for PIR boards

The main component of such boards is polyisocyanurate foam (PIR for short). It is a gas-filled rigid structure with isolated cells.

Due to the special production technology and the specifics of the polymer itself, insulation boards are still considered unsurpassed for their thermal insulation properties. So, the manufacturer claims an absolutely fantastic thermal conductivity of 0.022 W / m × ° WITH! In fact, in real conditions, it can, of course, be more, but even 0.025 is a very good indicator.

The material is characterized by high mechanical strength - up to 120 kPa at 10% deformation. At the same time, the density of the plates does not go beyond 40 kg / m³

Wide temperature range of operation: from - 70 to + 110 ° С.

Almost complete hydrophobicity - a closed cell does not allow moisture to penetrate inside.

PIR-plates can be covered with foil, which gives them additional slickness from moisture. Other types of coatings are also practiced.

Many models of slabs have convenient tongue-and-groove interlocks that allow you to cover large areas with a seamless coating.

One of the "pioneers" in the production of such thermal insulation was Russian company"Technonikol". In its product range - plates for insulation of any parts of the building, including - for the roof. At the same time, the company also offers ready-made solutions - sets of materials for thermal insulation of the roof between the rafters, under them and above them - at the choice of the consumer.

The standard dimensions of the drink are 600 × 1200 mm. The thickness is chosen according to the needs - in the assortment of a number of plates with a thickness of 25 to 150 mm.

There is no doubt that such thermal insulation materials have a great future. But so far they have not received wide distribution - simply because of the high cost. So, depending on the specific type, on the type of external coating and on the thickness of the plates, the price for them varies from 11 to 15 thousand rubles per cubic meter.

TechnoNIKOL is not the only company that has mastered the production of these innovative materials. Watch a video about the insulation of a pitched roof with PIR boards from the company " Pirro Group.

Video: Insulation of roof slopes with innovative thermal insulation - PIR-plates "PirroGroup"

Appendix: How to determine how much insulation is required?

If there is certainty with the choice of insulation, then the question will inevitably arise - what thickness of thermal insulation should be made in order to ensure comfortable conditions in the attic. You will need to make a small calculation, and a convenient online calculator will help us with this.

The calculation is not particularly difficult. The algorithm is based on the fact that the thermal insulation system being created should create a total resistance to heat transfer not less than that established by the standards for a particular region, taking into account its climatic features. You can find out the normalized thermal resistance from the attached map-scheme. Pay attention - in this case we are interested in red numbers - for coatings. This indicator in the "troika" is always the largest.

The second value required for the calculation is the thermal conductivity of the insulation material. The calculator database has already entered the operational values ​​of these coefficients for heaters, about which discussed in this publication.

If desired, you can also take into account the sheathing of the attic, if it is solid. The materials of such sheathing also have certain thermal insulation qualities. And this can give, although not very large, but still a decrease in the required thickness of the insulation. However, this item is optional, and if the skin is not taken into account, just leave the default value of its thickness - 0 mm.

The final result will be shown in millimeters. It remains only to bring it to the standard thicknesses of the selected insulation, rounded up. For example, it turned out 132 mm. You can apply two-layer insulation with 100 and 40 mm thick slabs, or use 150 mm thick slabs. Here you can choose for reasons of economy of one or another possible option and according to the planned scheme for installing insulation.

The arrangement of a warm roof implies the mandatory installation of an insulating layer. As a rule, the slopes are insulated after the completion of the assembly of the truss system, but before the installation of the roofing - and this technology is considered optimal. However, annoying overlays sometimes happen, and after the roof is assembled, it turns out that the existing insulation is not enough for normal thermal insulation.

The need for roof insulation

In such cases, it is necessary to insulate the roof from the inside with mineral wool - this allows you to compensate for the level of heat loss. About how the roof is insulated from the inside with mineral wool, and will be discussed in this article.

There are two fundamental technologies for roof insulation from the inside:

  • Laying insulation on the roof between the frame rafters;
  • Laying insulation over the rafters.

Each technology of roof insulation with mineral wool will be considered in more detail.

Types of heaters

Of course, it is necessary to insulate the slopes only when installing a warm roof. The heat-insulating layer is laid in the space between the rafters at the stage of roof installation, when there is no finish coating yet - this approach is quite convenient and does not require significant effort.

Roof insulation can be performed with the following types of mineral wool:

  1. glass wool. The composition of this heat-insulating material contains fiberglass with a thickness of not more than 15 microns. Glass wool can be produced in the form of rolls, plates or mats. The characteristics of such a heater are impressive: excellent thermal insulation properties, good fire resistance and complete resistance to impact. biological factors. The material released in the form of plates is quite convenient and very easy to install. Glass wool can be safely attributed to the category of budget insulation materials, if you look at the cost of alternative heat insulators. The main drawback of this material is the ability to cause irritation upon contact with open areas of the human body, so it is necessary to work with it only in a full set of personal protective equipment.
  2. Basalt (stone) wool. This material also contains fibers, but here they are represented by a natural mineral - basalt. Additional components include some carbonate rocks, bentonite clay, and several other composites. Basalt wool is characterized by complete incombustibility, excellent thermal insulation performance and resistance to mold and fungus. The structure of this material is not so strong, and at a price it exceeds glass wool by about 1.5-2 times, but the safety and ease of installation have done their job - and therefore basalt wool is in much greater demand.

There is also a third type of mineral wool - slag wool. It is pointless to consider do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside with mineral wool of this type, since it is not used for internal roof insulation due to extremely negative impact on the human body.

Installation of mineral wool between the rafters from the inside of the roof

Before you insulate the roof of the house from the inside with your own hands, you need to understand the options for installing thermal insulation. When laying thermal insulation material from inside the roof structure, the easiest option is to install it in the space between the rafters. True, this method is relevant only if the thickness of the insulation layer does not exceed the width of the rafters, otherwise you will have to do a combined thermal insulation of the roof.

Insulation of the roof with mineral wool from the inside in this case will look like this:

  1. First of all, you need to take the building level and measure the lower level of the rafters, which should be uniform around the entire perimeter of the frame. If there are deviations from the level, it is necessary to align all the rafters so that they go in one line.
  2. Above the rafters must be laid in advance waterproofing film which protects the insulation from moisture. If this film was not used during the installation of the roof, then it will no longer be possible to lay it, so the thermal insulation will be without proper protection.
  3. Mineral wool is cut into suitable pieces. When installing a heater between the rafters, the fixation of the material is carried out due to the bursting force, therefore, the cut elements should be 2-3 cm wider than the distance between the rafters. When laying the material in two layers, you need to ensure that the joints of one layer do not coincide with the joints of the other.
  4. The next step is to fit the vapor barrier. Cut strips of the membrane are installed above the insulation to protect it from moisture and air. The vapor barrier membrane is installed parallel to the roof slope and fixed with a construction stapler.
  5. The last stage is the sheathing of the insulation, for which drywall, plywood or edged board is usually used. In the future, the sheathing will act as a support for the decorative decoration of the attic walls.

When installing insulation on a roof with a slope angle of less than 25 degrees, the following situation may arise: heat-insulating plates will simply fall out due to a lack of bursting force. To prevent this from happening, the insulation must be further strengthened with slats or a strong fishing line stretched between the rafters. On slopes with a large slope, this problem usually does not arise.

In the event that the width of the thermal insulation material does not allow it to fit into the space between the rafters, its installation will have to be carried out in two stages. One layer of material will be laid according to the technology described above, and the second - on top of the already mounted layer. Such insulation of the roof with mineral wool is much more expensive, but the result is better.

Roof insulation with mineral wool along the rafters is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The first steps exactly repeat the installation algorithm between the rafters - the installation step of the rafter legs is measured, after which the insulation is cut so that it can be mounted by surprise. When using rolled material, you need to let it lie down a bit in a straightened state.
  2. During installation, the edges of the plates are tucked inward, and after the installation of the insulation, they straighten out.
  3. A vapor barrier is attached to the rafters with a stapler. The rules are the same: the strips of material are laid with a slight overlap so that steam does not pass through the joints.
  4. Laths are horizontally nailed to the rafters, the thickness of which should exceed the thickness of the insulation by 1-2 cm. The distance between the laths should be sufficient for laying heat-insulating boards.
  5. Mineral wool is laid between the stuffed slats. When laying, make sure that the joints of the material do not coincide with the joints of the previous layer.
  6. The final stage is the outer skin, for which any finishing material can be used.

This technology of roof insulation is considered the most effective, therefore, when deciding how to properly insulate the roof with mineral wool, this option should be preferred.


Roof insulation from the inside with mineral wool is quite effective remedy to protect the roof from the cold. Knowledge of the theory and competent implementation of the chosen technology will make it possible to create a reliable roof, under which it will be possible to equip a dwelling in the future.

A warm roof is a requirement for the modern construction of private, public and industrial buildings. Saving energy resources, the price of which is growing from year to year, is an important component of government programs that form a social package. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the insulation of the roof from the inside with mineral wool. We will tell you how to do it, which ones are used besides mineral wool Additional materials. We also draw your attention to important nuances assembly process.


Characteristics of mineral wool

Let's start with the characteristics of this insulation, which will show why it is so popular today.

    Thermal conductivity of mineral wool - 0.034-0.04 W / m K. To get at least some idea of ​​how good this is, let's denote the thermal conductivity of an ordinary ceramic brick, which is 0.56 W / m K. This is more than ten times better.

    The density of mineral wool varies from 30 to 200 kg/m³. In this case, the higher the density, the higher the mass of the product, the higher the thermal conductivity and the price of the material. For roof structures, there is no need to use very dense slabs that can withstand heavy loads. Inexpensive panels with a density of no more than 60 kg / m³ are suitable here.

    Vapor permeability is 0.49-0.6. That is, this insulation has a good indicator, which allows air to freely pass through the heat-insulating layer, making air exchange inside the premises.

    Mineral wool - non-combustible material, which is very important for roofs assembled from lumber. Today, more and more often there are requirements for building structures regarding to increase fire resistance.


The only disadvantage of mineral wool is its hygroscopicity. That is, the insulation absorbs moisture, losing its thermal properties. Today, this problem is solved quite simply - by laying protective films made of polymers that prevent moisture from getting into the zone of the heat-insulating cake.

Types of insulated roofs

The main task set by the topic of the article is to deal with the thermal insulation processes that are carried out from the inside. With the insulation of pitched roofs with mineral wool, everything is clear. We will talk about this a little lower. Now consider the option of warming a flat roof from the inside. Although optimally - external thermal insulation. It is easier to carry out work, more convenient and more correct according to the building canons.

But sometimes, for example, if it is necessary to insulate a garage, the heat-insulating measures of a flat roof are carried out from the inside. How they do it.

Insulation from the inside of a flat roof

If the roof of the same garage is reinforced concrete floor slabs purchased at the reinforced concrete factory, or a cast monolithic slab with reinforcement, then in both cases it will be necessary to assemble the frame structure on the inside, that is, on the ceiling.


But before that, it is recommended to repair the concrete ceiling: seal the seams with repair mortar or putty, and treat with a deep penetration primer. This is done so that the concrete coating material, which is formed during the intensive operation of a garage or other structure, does not crumble onto the heat-insulating cake. And at the end, treat the ceiling surface with a liquid waterproofing material. It can be bitumen or polymer-bitumen mastic.

So, the concrete ceiling is ready, now you need to install a frame on it. Its elements are either wooden bars with a maximum section of 50x50 mm, or galvanized profiles that are used for mounting drywall sheets. If it is decided to use lumber, then it is recommended to treat it with an antiseptic and flame retardant before installation. It's in that order.


But, as practice shows, craftsmen often use metal profiles. They last longer, under the influence of changes in humidity and temperature, they do not change their size, do not warp or rot. They are installed on direct suspensions. They do it like this:

    Several parallel lines are applied on the ceiling in increments of 50-60 cm.

    On them, starting from any wall, mount direct suspensions to the ceiling on metal dowels. The installation step depends on which finishing ceiling material will be used for the ceiling cladding. The greater the mass of the cladding, the smaller the installation step of the suspensions. Average step value: 30-50 cm.

    At first hang two extreme profiles. First, they hang one, exposing it horizontally and fixing it to the suspensions with small self-tapping screws (bugs). Then the second one is installed, aligning not only horizontally, but also in the same plane with the first one.

    Between mounted profiles pull a few strong threads, forming a single plane of the new ceiling.

    Along these threads install intermediate elements of the ceiling crate.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects and other buildings (, ) for country houses - from manufacturers presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country". The necessary parameters are set in the filters and the cost is calculated, depending on the technology, materials, total area and other indicators.

The frame is ready, you can proceed to the laying of thermal insulation material. To do this, you can use mats or roll modification. The insulation is simply laid under the frame, on which it will rest. The thickness of the heat-insulating layer is determined by the distance between the crate and the base ceiling surface. The main task of the work manager is not to let the laying go with gaps between adjacent parts of the insulation, which will subsequently become cold bridges.

Therefore, it is necessary to lay the material so that adjacent parts fit snugly against each other. It is better if you carry out the installation of mineral wool in layers. At the same time, one important nuance must be observed - the joint of two adjacent mats must be closed with mats of the lower layer. That is, the installation is carried out in a checkerboard pattern. The last step in the insulation process is to lay a waterproofing film over the thermal insulation.


Today, a frameless version of the insulation of concrete ceilings with mineral plates is often used. The latter are mineral wool pressed into slabs of a certain thickness. These are more rigid products with low hygroscopicity.

Installation is carried out on the ceiling using two types of fasteners. This is either a special mushroom-shaped self-tapping screw made of plastic, or an ordinary metal self-tapping screw, which is screwed into a plastic dowel inserted into the ceiling surface. But in order for the screw to hold the plate, in addition, a wide plastic washer is installed between its cap and the insulation, which is called a rondo. Washer diameter - 60 mm.

The installation process itself is quite simple.

    A mineral wool board is applied to the ceiling.

    Through it with a drill or puncher with a long drill make holes both in the heat-insulating material itself and in the ceiling.

    They drive plastic dowels into them if mushroom-shaped self-tapping screws are used. If a steel self-tapping screw with a rondo is used, then the plate is removed, plastic dowels are inserted into the holes.

    Then mount the plate to the ceiling.

    And in this way install all mineral wool panels. The main task is to install them tightly to each other.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Usually, a frameless option for insulating a concrete ceiling from the inside is used if the ceiling structure is to be plastered. To do this, the insulation is covered with a waterproofing membrane, a plaster mesh is installed, and only then a plaster layer is applied. If plates with a high density were used (more than 125 kg / m³), ​​then waterproofing can be omitted.

Video description

The video shows how to insulate a concrete ceiling with mineral wool slabs in a frameless way:

Insulation of pitched roof structures

It should be noted that the technology of roof insulation with mineral wool, meaning pitched, is the laying of heat-insulating material between the rafter legs. Of course, as in the previous version, the mineral wool must be covered with protective films on both sides.

So, the roof from the inside of an attic or attic space is a truss system, on top of which a crate is installed, and roofing material is fixed on it. Such roofs are called cold. To make them warm, you need:

    stripes, starting from the bottom of the roof structure, lay vapor barrier material. Its task is to keep moisture from the side of the roofing in case of leaks. And at the same time, it will let wet vapors through, which can penetrate into the thermal insulation layer from the attic. The strips are overlapped (10-15 cm), the joints are closed with adhesive tape.

    Spend installation thermal insulation material. Its thickness should be equal to the width of the rafters. If the selected material does not have sufficient thickness, then it is laid in several layers in a checkerboard pattern, as described in the previous case.


    They lay on the rafter legs waterproofing membrane, which is also attached to them with a stapler and steel brackets. Installation is carried out in exactly the same way as the vapor barrier material, that is overlap with sticky tape.

    In the future, carry out finishing of the truss system sheet, slab or panel materials. For example, it can be plywood, drywall, OSB boards, chipboard and others.

Video description

The video shows how to carry out the process of insulating a pitched roof with mineral wool from the side of the attic:

There is another option for insulating the roof from the inside when the task is to replace the roofing. In this case, it is better to approach the solution of some operations in a different way. That is, from the outside, the roof structure is rafter legs, on which the crate is stuffed. Since the roofing material is changing to a new one, it is necessary to examine the entire truss system to determine the defective elements. And, if such are found, then they should be replaced.

Now a vapor barrier film is installed on the rafter legs: from the bottom up, overlapping using adhesive tape. Further along the rafters, wooden slats with a section of 50x50 mm are laid, which are attached to the rafters with self-tapping screws 70-100 mm long. This is a counter-lattice that will create a ventilated gap between the heat-insulating cake and the roofing. Now, a crate is stuffed across the rafter system, and the roofing material is already being installed from above.

As for the thermal insulation of a pitched roof, this operation is carried out from the inside of the roof. That is, mineral wool is laid between the rafter legs, and a waterproofing membrane is stuffed on top of it. That is, everything is exactly the same as in the previous version.


Roof insulation is a responsible process. There are no assumptions to be made here. For example, high-density insulation cannot be used, because it has a lot of weight, which will require additional reinforcement of the truss system. In addition, the high density of mineral wool is a high thermal conductivity of the material, which should not be allowed.

It is impossible to carry out installation, leaving gaps and cracks. And although this problem is solved today simply - by filling defects with foamed sealant, all the same, the fewer materials used, the better.

A mandatory operation is the processing of lumber used as part of the roof structure with antiseptic and flame retardant liquids.

When installing the roofing material, it is necessary to leave a ventilation gap in the roof ridge structure through which moisture will be removed from under the roofing material.

Video description

The video shows a layout of a pitched roof, on which mineral wool is insulated from the inside:

Conclusion on the topic

Roof insulation from the inside using mineral wool is the most commonly used option in private housing construction. Mineral wool is an inexpensive material, with good thermal characteristics, it is convenient to lay it between the rafter legs without additional fastening, the service life is quite long - up to 50 years, if the entire installation process is carried out correctly.

Warming is a must technological process roof construction. Usually, craftsmen perform external thermal insulation of slopes during installation after assembling the truss frame, but before laying the roofing material. Such a scheme is considered the most rational and effective. from the inside, mineral wool is produced in situations where installation work is already behind. As a rule, this method is resorted to if during operation it turned out that the thickness of the existing thermal insulation layer is not enough to eliminate heat losses. In this article we will tell you how to insulate the roof from the inside with mineral wool with your own hands.

Thermal insulation of slopes is performed if the roof is of a "warm" type. Insulation is placed between the rafters of the frame, this task is performed outside during roofing. This is due to the fact that it is inconvenient and long to fix the plates, holding them above your head. For internal insulation of roof slopes, do-it-yourself use the following types of mineral wool:

Note! For internal insulation of the roof, slag wool cannot be used. This cheap type of mineral-based insulation is made from waste from the metallurgical industry. But blast-furnace slags, from which slag wool is made, during installation emit many tiny tiny particles that are dangerous to human health.

Installation between rafters

If the roof is insulated from the inside, then it is most convenient to install the thermal insulation material between the rafters of the frame. This method is suitable if the calculated thickness of the insulation layer is less than or equal to the width of the rafters, otherwise combined thermal insulation of the roof slope is performed. The technology for laying thermal insulation material between the rafters is as follows:

  1. Using the building level, the lower surface of the rafters is measured, it should be located on the same level. If the rafters were made from lumber of different sizes, then they need to be leveled so that they all lie in the same plane.
  2. Waterproofing for internal insulation of the roof slope is a film laid on the rafter legs in front of the flooring. If it was not performed during the creation of the roofing cake, then the insulation will have to be left without protection from moisture, hoping that the roofing material will not fail.
  3. Rolls and slabs of mineral wool are cut into the required lengths. The insulation is installed by surprise, so the width of the material should be 2-3 cm more than the step between the rafters. If the insulation is carried out in 2 layers, then the plates are laid in a run-up so that the joints do not fall on each other.
  4. The sheets of the vapor barrier membrane are cut. They are mounted on top of thermal insulation to protect the material from the penetration of air saturated with water vapor and from getting wet. The canvases are fixed perpendicular to the rafters along the roof slope, attaching with a construction stapler.
  5. The insulation is sewn up with drywall, plywood, clapboard or edged board in order to decorate the attic walls on top of them.

Important! If the roof slope has a small steepness of less than 25 degrees, then the insulation boards installed at random may fall out of the space between the rafters. To prevent this problem, thermal insulation is held with cross rails or fishing line stretched between the rafter legs of the frame. As experience shows, on slopes with a slope of 40-45 degrees, the insulation holds well without additional help.

Rafter installation

If the thickness of the recommended thermal insulation layer is thicker than the width of the rafter legs, then the installation of mineral wool is carried out in two stages. The first layer is laid at a distance between the elements of the roof frame, and the second on top of them. This insulation technology requires more material, it is more expensive, but it is guaranteed to protect against heat loss, therefore it is used to equip residential heated attics. In order to do the installation of mineral wool on the rafters with your own hands, you must:

  1. Using a ruler or tape measure, measure the distance between the rafters. Cut the slabs or rolls of insulation so that the width of the material is 2-3 cm higher than this figure.
  2. If mineral wool is used in the form of rolls, after cutting it is necessary to leave the cut strips unfolded for a while on the floor so that the material lies down and straightens out.
  3. Wrap the edges of the mineral wool slab towards the center, and then mark between the rafters and carefully straighten.
  4. On the rafters, using a construction stapler, fasten the sheets of the vapor barrier membrane. The strips are overlapped by 10-15 cm to prevent steam from penetrating through the connecting seams.
  5. Perpendicular to the rafters, pin the slats, the thickness of which is 1-2 cm more than the thickness of the thermal insulation layer of mineral wool. The step between the rails must correspond to the size of the insulation board.
  6. Mineral wool is laid between the slats, making sure that the knocks between the layers of thermal insulation do not coincide.
  7. The walls of the attic are lined with decorative finishing material, using slats as a frame. For sewing, lining, edged board, plywood or drywall are used, on top of which wallpaper can be glued.

Important! Professional roofers find that insulating the roof slope over the rafters gives the most effective result. After all, if the thermal insulation material is laid only between the rafters, "cold bridges" are formed. This term refers to small streams of cold air penetrating into the room along the wooden frame elements. The second layer of mineral wool blocks the path of "cold bridges", optimizing the temperature regime.

Video instruction