Calories dumplings with cottage cheese. Recipe Boiled dumplings with cottage cheese. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. Harmful properties and contraindications

Probably, there is no such person who has not tried dumplings with cottage cheese at least once in his life. Due to its excellent taste and useful properties, the dish has earned immense popularity.


The main benefit of this dish lies in its filling, that is, in cottage cheese. We have heard about the benefits of this product since childhood. It contains a huge amount of calcium, which is so necessary for the construction of bone tissue. And this is not only a healthy musculoskeletal system, but also strong teeth, nails and beautiful hair. Moreover, it also contains a little fat, which allows our body to better absorb all the necessary trace elements. But in addition to calcium, it also contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sulfur, potassium, fluorine and even copper. The casein contained in cottage cheese, due to the fact that it helps to introduce essential amino acids into the body, contributes to the long-term preservation of a feeling of satiety, since it takes a long time to break down these acids. Also, casein helps to reduce the reserves of bad cholesterol, normalizes the fat balance, which leads to weight loss. Therefore, by consuming products containing casein, a person not only loses weight, but cleanses the walls of blood vessels, and, consequently, heals the body.

Curd also contains vitamins A, E and D. The first (retinol) helps improve vision. Vitamin D promotes high-quality and rapid absorption of calcium, and vitamin E (tocopherol) promotes rapid tissue renewal. No wonder in cosmetology it is called the vitamin of beauty and youth. Thanks to him, the skin always looks fresh and healthy. It also contains such an important acid as methionine. This substance preserves our liver, protecting it from decay and prevents the development of cirrhosis.

But, of course, dumplings are not only cottage cheese, they are also sugar and flour. Sugar, like glucose, is a source of energy and contributes to the activation of brain activity, but if you do not exceed the rate of its use. And flour is a supply of B vitamins, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Dumplings should be included in the diet of people who lack animal fats, protein and calcium, those with osteoporosis. They will not hurt with a slight disorder of the liver and gallbladder.

During the diet

Despite their benefits for the body, can they be harmful to the figure? If we consider them from the point of view of nutrition, then their moderate consumption will not contribute to weight gain. If you use cottage cheese, which has a low fat content, as a filling, then they will not contribute to weight gain, especially if you use them for breakfast. Of course, you should not get too carried away with a delicious treat. According to experts, daily you can eat 100-150 gr. product.

The nutritional value

Fans of this delicacy have always been interested in the question: how many calories are in dumplings and how many can you eat without harming your figure? Their average calorie content is 200 kcal per 100 gr. Of course, it all depends on what fat content of cottage cheese you use for the filling and what kind of dough. So, if you cook dough in milk and with homemade cottage cheese, then they can have a calorie content of 248 kcal per 100g. As you can see, the difference is significant. Considering that this dish is served with sour cream and sugar, then they the nutritional value may increase several times.

With a relatively low calorie content, they contain a large amount of protein per 100 g:

  • Calorie content - 200 kcal
  • Proteins - 10.3 g
  • Fat - 4.6 g
  • Carbohydrates - 31.5 g

How to reduce calories

To reduce their calorie content, try to cook them yourself in order to accurately control the amount of sugar and the quality of other ingredients that make up the dough and filling.

  • For cooking, choose recipes that result in the dough is elastic and can be rolled out thinly.
  • Use minimum amount of sugar or replace it with raisins.
  • Cottage cheese it is better to take a small fat content, but not fat-free, as it will not bring benefits. 5-9% will be enough.
  • Make the dough as simple as possible - from flour and water without adding eggs.
  • And if you want to make them more useful, then cook them for a couple.

Vareniki is a national Ukrainian dish that is already popular far beyond the borders of Ukraine. There is a lot different types dumplings, but all of them, in fact, are small pies made from yeast-free dough, boiled in boiling water. The filling in dumplings can be very different, both salty and sweet, and the calorie content of dumplings depends on the filling.

For the first time, such a dish was prepared in Turkey, pieces of vegetables and fruits were wrapped in dough. Apparently, dumplings came from there to Ukraine, where they got accustomed perfectly and became widely used. It was on the territory of Ukraine that all the huge variety of dumplings that exists today appeared.

Many types of dumplings have already ceased to be cooked and their recipes began to be forgotten over time. For example, dumplings “with sand”, which used to be one of the favorite dishes of the inhabitants of the north-east of Ukraine, are almost forgotten today. The filling for such dumplings was prepared from flour fried in lard. Of course, the calorie content of dumplings with such a filling was high, but people who worked all day in the field needed a lot of energy.

The high calorie content of dumplings is the reason that makes many people deny themselves such a delicacy. Vareniki is really quite a high-calorie dish. Even if you choose the least calorie filling, the dough will still contain quite a lot of calories.

Cooking dumplings is a real art, which not everyone can do. Only really experienced and skilled housewives make delicious dumplings that do not boil in water, they turn out tender and tasty. We will find out how many calories are in dumplings, how to cook them better and what benefits they can bring to our body.

Types and calorie content of dumplings

For everyone who watches their figure, the question of how many calories are in dumplings is very important, but it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to it, since it depends on the specific filling of the dumpling and the sauce with which it was served. Since ancient times, recipes for dumplings with cabbage, berries, and pea puree have come to us. Today dumplings with potatoes, cottage cheese, meat and mushrooms are more popular.

Very popular today lazy dumplings. Such dumplings are prepared from dough and cottage cheese, but the cottage cheese is not wrapped in dough, but mixed with it. These dumplings are very easy to prepare and do not require great culinary skills. They may have different shape, be round or triangular, also such dumplings can be salty or sweet.

The calorie content of lazy dumplings depends on how much and what kind of cottage cheese was added to them, how much sugar and other products are in them. That is why the calorie content of lazy dumplings can vary in a very wide range - from 170 to 260 kcal. It should also be borne in mind that any dumplings, including lazy ones, are usually served with sour cream or other sauces, which further increase the calorie content of lazy dumplings. In general, dumplings with cottage cheese and sour cream are one of the most high-calorie ones, they can contain up to 350 kcal, so you should only eat such a dish very much. active people and children. The rest, in order to enjoy such dumplings, will have to risk their figure.

If we consider how many calories are in dumplings, then we can see that their other types are much less high-calorie. For example, the calorie content of dumplings with potatoes is 225 kcal, and dumplings with liver and sour cream - 246 kcal, the calorie content of dumplings with cherries is 165 kcal, and the least calorie dumplings are raspberry dumplings - only 89 kcal. Very tasty and not very high-calorie dumplings are obtained with sauerkraut- they contain 134 kcal, in dumplings with mushrooms 196 kcal, and dumplings with potatoes and cheese - 195 kcal.

The composition and benefits of dumplings

As we have already said, the calorie content of dumplings depends on their composition, and their composition can be very different. The only thing that does not change is the presence of thinly rolled dough, in which various fillings are wrapped. The usefulness of dumplings also depends on the filling, but there are some common features, which are characteristic of all types of dumplings.

The method of preparation of dumplings allows you to save all the useful substances in the filling, as it is boiled in the dough. Useful substances are not washed out of the filling, and all vitamins that do not decompose from high temperatures are stored in it. In dumplings with fruit filling contains a lot of fiber and vitamins, dumplings with curd filling are very rich in calcium and phosphorus.

To get the most out of dumplings, it's best to steam them. Steamed dumplings are good for the stomach and are easily digested without overloading the body. The only thing that can become an obstacle to their use is high calorie content dumplings.

Will the calorie content of dumplings keep the figure

Vareniki is a high-calorie dish that has long been intended for people who work hard and spend a lot of energy. But today, sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle have become the norm, and the high calorie content of dumplings with potatoes or cottage cheese often makes you refuse such a dish. The low calorie content of dumplings with cherries or raspberries will sometimes allow you to enjoy such a dish, but also infrequently. Is it possible to reduce the calorie content of dumplings and eat them without harming the figure?

Vareniki, as a rule, belong to the dishes of traditional Slavic cuisine. And most of all they are common in Ukraine. It is generally accepted that dumplings are similar to dumplings and many dishes from classical Chinese cuisine. And the main hallmark of such dishes is the filling, as well as their appearance.

For example, Italian ravioli are small dumplings stuffed with veal. The dough for them is prepared the same as for noodles. And traditional dumplings can be prepared with a variety of vegetable and fruit fillings. They are usually served hot with butter and sour cream, which in turn increases the calorie content of dumplings.

Varieties and benefits of Slavic dishes

To date, there are as many varieties of dumplings as there are fillings used during cooking. In ancient times, following the religious calendar, meatless fillings were prepared, such as stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes, berries, dried fruits. Boiled beans, buckwheat and millet porridge were also used.

In modern society, the filling depends on the preferences of culinary specialists. It is possible to distinguish such types of it as minced meat or poultry, mushrooms, vegetables, potatoes, cottage cheese and fruits. Accordingly, the calorie content of dumplings depends on each type of filling. And by appearance they can take a semicircular, square or triangular shape.

The main composition of dumplings is dough and filling. The dough can be prepared with kefir, yeast or water. After thorough kneading, it rolls out into a thin layer. Pieces of a certain shape are cut out of it, into which the filling is wrapped. After that, the edges of the dough are pinched. And the dumplings themselves are boiled in water until they float.

For human health, this dish is beneficial only if this product is cooked at home or is a high-quality semi-finished product of industrial production. Useful properties, as well as the level of calories in dumplings, are due only to their composition.

It should be noted that steamed dumplings retain much more useful properties. They are more easily absorbed by the body. For example, dumplings with fruit filling enrich the body with vitamins, pectin and minerals. With meat - proteins, phosphorus, iron and potassium.

But the traditional filling of cottage cheese contains calcium, which is necessary for teeth. It also contains phosphorus, which contributes to proper formation human bone tissue. And the calorie content of dumplings with cottage cheese will be approximately 248 kcal per 100 g.

If such a dish is served with sour cream, then the calorie content will be 349 kcal. Dumplings with cottage cheese among all types are considered the highest in terms of the energy value of the product.

To correctly determine how many calories are in dumplings, you need to know their composition and method of preparation. In this regard, all calculations of energy value can take indicative indicators. But in any case, this dish is classified as a high-calorie type, since it contains flour.

The energy value of ready-made dumplings with cheese can be calculated at home. And this is very easy to do. In the process of preparing a dish, it is necessary to weigh each ingredient separately. That is, you should first calculate the total calorie content of the dough, and then the filling. Then you need to add the resulting calorie and weight numbers.

Further, to establish the calorie content of a raw dumpling, you need to divide total number the energy value of all ingredients by their total weight. And in this way we will calculate the level of calories in one dumpling.

It should be remembered that when boiled, foods increase their weight due to water, but retain their calorie content. To determine the calorie content of a finished dumpling, you need to find out their weight after boiling. Then you should divide the total number of calories of all components by the weight of the finished dumplings.

But you can use ready-made tables of caloric content of foods and dishes. They provide information about the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a particular food product, as well as their energy value.

For example, the calorie content of steamed dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries will be 189 kcal. Vareniki with liver, served with sour cream, will be 246 kcal. Vareniki with mushrooms in terms of calories will be equal to 196 kcal. Cherry dumplings - 201 kcal, and they also include 1 g of protein, 5 g of fat and 46 g of carbohydrates.

The lowest-calorie dumplings are with raspberries. Their energy value is 89 kcal. And dumplings with sauerkraut have a little more - 134 kcal. Dumplings with cherries in their calorie content will be 192 kcal.

Calorie dumplings with potatoes

The calorie content of dumplings with potatoes is only 221 kcal per 100 g of the finished product. This makes it possible to include them in diet food. And besides, potatoes in terms of their useful elements are a valuable product. It contains starch, as well as various vitamins, for example, A, B, PP and C. And, as you know, these elements can strengthen human immunity.

The calorie content of dumplings per 100 grams depends on the composition of the dough and the filling. This note considers the number of calories in dumplings with potatoes, mushrooms, cherries, cottage cheese, cabbage.

Calorie dumplings with potatoes in 100 gr. 148 kcal. A 100-gram serving of the dish contains:

  • 4.1 g protein;
  • 2 g fat;
  • 29.3 g of carbohydrates.

Recipe for dumplings with potatoes:

  • peeled, boiled and kneaded 0.8 kg of potatoes;
  • mashed potatoes mixed with 3 pcs. fried onions;
  • from 5 tablespoons of flour, 2 eggs and 2 glasses of water, the dough is kneaded and rolled out. Circles are cut from the dough;
  • put potatoes with fried onions on the resulting mugs;
  • pinching the edges, sculpt dumplings;
  • boiled dumplings with potatoes in boiling water after surfacing for 6-8 minutes;
  • greens and sour cream are added to the dish (to taste).

Calorie lazy dumplings with cottage cheese per 100 grams

Calorie content per 100 grams of lazy dumplings with cottage cheese 190 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 13.7 g protein;
  • 2.4 g fat;
  • 29.1 g of carbohydrates.

Recipe for lazy dumplings:

  • 0.6 kg of mashed cottage cheese is mixed in a blender with 0.1 kg of sugar, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt. The consistency of the mixture should be homogeneous;
  • 0.1 kg of semolina is added to the resulting cream. Everything is thoroughly mixed;
  • to prepare the dough, put 0.15 kg of flour into the mixture. The consistency of the dough should be such that it can be rolled out into an elongated sausage;
  • the diameter of the sausage should not exceed 50 mm. The dough is cut into small cubes;
  • the resulting pieces of dough are boiled in boiling water until they float;
  • sour cream is added to taste in ready-made lazy dumplings with cottage cheese.

Calorie dumplings with cottage cheese per 100 grams

Calorie dumplings with cottage cheese per 100 grams 197 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 9.1 g protein;
  • 5.6 g fat;
  • 27.7 g of carbohydrates.

To prepare dumplings with cottage cheese, you need:

  • prepare the dough from 1 cup flour, 50 g sugar, 1 egg, a pinch of salt and half a glass of water;
  • let the dough lie down for 30 minutes;
  • at this time, 1 egg is driven into 0.25 kg of cottage cheese. The resulting mixture is mixed with 50 g of sugar and 2 g of vanilla;
  • circles are prepared from the dough, the curd mixture is laid out in them;
  • Dumplings are boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes after surfacing.

Calorie dumplings with cabbage per 100 grams

Calorie dumplings with cabbage per 100 grams 106 kcal. 100 g of the product contains:

  • 3.4 g protein;
  • 1.7 g fat;
  • 19.8 g of carbohydrates.

Cooking steps:

  • to prepare the dough, 0.4 kg of flour, half a teaspoon of salt and 0.16 liters of water are mixed. The test is allowed to brew a little;
  • to prepare the filling, finely chop 1 kg of white cabbage. Cabbage stewed with 2 tablespoons tomato paste, a small amount of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of water;
  • 1 onion peeled, finely chopped. One medium-sized carrot is rubbed on a grater;
  • onions and carrots are fried in vegetable oil;
  • frying is added to stewed cabbage, seasoned to taste with sugar, black pepper;
  • the finished filling is lightly fried over low heat. You need to fry until all the liquid has evaporated;
  • Dough for dumplings is cut into pieces, rolled into circles. The filling is laid out in mugs;
  • boil dumplings for 5 minutes in boiling water.

Calorie dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms per 100 grams

Calorie dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms per 100 grams 184 kcal. 100 g of the dish contains:

  • 6 g protein;
  • 3.6 g fat;
  • 32 g of carbohydrates.

The steps for preparing dumplings in this case are the same as for dumplings with potatoes. The only difference is that fried mushrooms are added to the filling.

Calorie dumplings with cherries per 100 grams

Calorie dumplings with cherries per 100 grams 182 kcal. 100 g of the dish contains:

  • 4.45 g protein;
  • 0.93 g fat;
  • 39.2 g of carbohydrates.

Cooking steps:

  • for the dough, mix 0.8 kg of flour, 180 ml of water, 1 egg and a little salt;
  • the dough is allowed to stand wrapped in a bag for 15 minutes;
  • at this time, 0.8 kg of pitted cherries are mixed with 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • fruit filling is laid out on rolled out circles cut from dough and wrapped;
  • boiled dumplings in boiling water for 6 minutes.

Calorie dumplings with sauerkraut per 100 grams

Calorie dumplings with sauerkraut per 100 grams 32.1 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 1.38 g protein;
  • 0.42 g fat;
  • 6.23 g of carbohydrates.

The cooking recipe is the same as for dumplings with stewed cabbage. The main component of the filling in this case will not be stewed, but sauerkraut.

The benefits of dumplings with potatoes

The following benefits of dumplings with potatoes are known:

  • the product has a relatively low calorie content, therefore it is indicated for weight loss and during a diet;
  • There are a lot of easily digestible amino acids in the vareniki dough. It is much better absorbed than yeast dough;
  • if whey is used to prepare the dough, dumplings will be saturated with vitamins B, C, A, minerals phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium;
  • The main component of the filling of dumplings is mashed potatoes. This is a dietary product that contains a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamins A and PP.

Harm dumplings with potatoes

If any vegetable frying is added to the filling of dumplings with potatoes, this dish will have a number of contraindications. Such dumplings will have to be abandoned in case of exacerbation of diseases of the gallbladder, liver, with stomach ulcers, intestines, and a tendency to flatulence.

When using potatoes with mushrooms as a filling, allergic reactions to mushrooms are not excluded.

For the first time, such a dish as dumplings appeared in ancient times, so it is not known for certain which place is their homeland. Currently, a simple and tasty dish, the preparation of which does not require much time and effort, is very popular. However, every person who pays attention to their health will want to know how many calories are in dumplings and how useful they are.


For their preparation, a special unleavened dough is used, and boiled potatoes are taken as the filling. At the same time, in addition to potatoes, you can take a wide variety of ingredients - fruits, mushrooms. Vareniki with potatoes are an excellent way out for those who prefer plant foods, they are equally well suited for people who are on a diet.

The dough for this dish is made from flour with the addition of water or whey. Therefore, it is a source of vitamins A, C, a large number of amino acids. There are micro and macro elements in the test - potassium, sodium, phosphorus. The main advantage of such a test is its ease for the body - it is quickly absorbed and digested without creating heaviness.

The potato used as a filling also contains a lot of useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. So, it contains substances such as starch, dietary fiber, fiber, minerals, amino acids, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, proteins. Vitamin composition represented by group B, as well as A, C and PP. In the tubers in large numbers contains an element such as potassium, vital for a good tone of the heart muscle.

The use of food stuffed with potatoes is indicated for people who have problems with the digestive system, as the tubers have an enveloping property. In addition, the fiber, which is part of the vegetable, helps to improve bowel activity.


Like most other dishes, dumplings can also be harmful if consumed constantly in large quantities with the addition of high-calorie sauces. In addition, special attention should also be paid to the quality of the filling - remove all greens from the tubers, damage during cooking, do not take old and flabby tubers. The most beneficial for health are homemade dumplings cooked with one's own hands.

The nutritional value

100 g will contain:

  • calories - 150 kcal;
  • fats - 2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 30 g;
  • proteins - 4.5 g.

If you're wondering how many dumplings in 100 grams then know that the weight of one dumpling is approximately 18-23 grams, so there will be about 5 pieces in 100 g.

Is it possible to use for those who are on a diet and in what quantity

Potato dumplings will be a great option for those who do not follow diets and for those who want to lose weight, as they do not have a very high calorie content. In addition, this dish is well suited for those who fast or are a vegetarian, as it perfectly saturates and supplies the body with vitamins. The main requirement when using food during a diet is to consume them in the morning and in moderation.

How to reduce calories

To make the dish even more healthy and low-calorie, you can use several tricks:

  1. It is best to cook them for a couple - in this case they will be absorbed even faster and retain more vitamins.
  2. For the filling, it is preferable to take, since its energy value will be lower.
  3. It is not recommended to use heavy cream or mayonnaise as a sauce.
  4. When preparing the dough, whey can be replaced with water, as well as one or not add the yolk.

In this case, dumplings with potatoes will be an excellent addition to the menu for those who decide to lose weight or simply do not want to gain extra calories.