Corn chips. Corn chips: what are they and how to prepare them? Potato chips are harmful

Corn chips are an original product that is made over an open fire using natural corn kernels. This product is a popular Mexican appetizer, served with a variety of sauces. Corn chips are a delicacy for vegetarians. These chips differ from potato chips in that they have a coarser consistency and have a peculiar aftertaste, somewhat reminiscent of popcorn. Where can you buy corn chips at an affordable price in Moscow? In the online hypermarket "Platypus"!

Corn chips are made from corn flour or tortillas. It is no coincidence that Mexico is considered the birthplace of such chips, because it was from there, according to scientists, that the crop itself, corn, spread throughout the world. Products made from this cereal are healthy and good for breakfast.

Corn, like other cereals, is rich in:

  • fiber,
  • vitamins
  • microelements.

Fiber removes toxins and waste from the body. Large amounts of magnesium and potassium are good for the heart and blood vessels, carotenoids are good for maintaining good vision. B vitamins, which traditionally are abundant in cereals, perfectly enrich the nervous system, improve mood, and give energy. Corn is needed for good immunity.

"Utkonos" is engaged in the sale and delivery of corn chips from leading manufacturers at a favorable price for consumers.

The calorie content of chips per 100 grams depends on the type of product. This article discusses the most popular snacks.

Despite the fact that chips are considered harmful, they contain a number of vitamins and minerals. Thus, unsalted potato chips are saturated with vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, PP, K, E, minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium.

Calorie content of banana chips per 100 grams is 517 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • 2.2 g protein;
  • 33.4 g fat;
  • 51 g carbohydrates.

To prepare the snack you need the following ingredients:

  • fresh bananas;
  • sugar syrup;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bananas cut into thin slices are fried in a frying pan in oil;
  • fried slices are dipped in boiled honey-sugar syrup;
  • The chips are allowed to dry. The dish is ready!

Calorie content of Lays chips per 100 grams

Calorie content of Lays chips per 100 grams is 511 kcal. 100 g of product contains 6.6 g of protein, 29.9 g of fat, 53.1 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the fact that Lays chips are made from natural potatoes, the product is not considered healthy. During heat treatment, potatoes lose almost all vitamins and minerals, while they are saturated with oils, flavor enhancers, harmful flavoring additives, and flavorings that contribute to the rapid gain of extra pounds and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Calorie content of lavash chips per 100 grams

The calorie content of lavash chips per 100 grams is 328 kcal. 100 g of dish contains:

  • 7.1 g protein;
  • 25.9 g fat;
  • 17.4 g carbohydrates.

To make lavash chips you will need:

  • 0.13 kg of Armenian lavash;
  • 0.15 kg of 20 percent sour cream;
  • 50 g sunflower oil;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • black pepper and salt to taste.
  • Armenian lavash is laid out on the table and thoroughly coated with sour cream;
  • grate hard cheese on top, add black pepper and salt to taste;
  • Lavash is cut into pieces, lightly sprinkled with sunflower oil on top, baked in the oven at 200° C until golden brown.

Calorie content of Pringles chips per 100 grams

The calorie content of Pringles chips per 100 grams is 541 kcal. 100 g of snack contains:

  • 4.08 g protein;
  • 36.1 g fat;
  • 49.9 g carbohydrates.

Nutritionists and doctors recommend against eating Pringles chips because they contain a lot of fat, starch, food additives and dyes. The product is contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, excess weight, high cholesterol, heart and vascular diseases.

Calorie content of Nachos corn chips per 100 grams

Calorie content of Nachos corn chips per 100 grams is 496 kcal. 100 g of snack contains 6.95 g of protein, 25.15 g of fat, 60.9 g of carbohydrates.

Corn chips are considered healthier than potato chips, but it is also recommended to eat them rarely and in small quantities. The large amount of calories, carbohydrates and fat makes chips a prohibited product for overweight people, weight loss and dieting.

Potato chips are harmful

The following harms of potato chips have been proven:

  • Regular consumption of the product provokes obesity and a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body;
  • potato chips cause diabetes mellitus and disrupt the functioning of the pancreas;
  • the snack contributes to the development of ulcers, disrupts the functioning of the heart, and leads to problems with the vascular system;
  • harmful fats in chips stimulate the occurrence of cancer;
  • Constant consumption of potato chips causes harm to men's health, including a decrease in testosterone levels in a man's body, impaired reproductive function, and decreased sperm quality;
  • Fatty acids in chips disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and reduce the body’s immune functions.

Corn chips - good or bad?

    Corn grain, water, sunflower oil, salt, antioxidant. Does not contain GMOs. It's not so scary anymore, people! Calm down) The air is much more harmful to breathe) But the corn chips are divine!

    My personal opinion is that all types of chips are very harmful to the human stomach and to the entire body as a whole. Chips contain a lot of flavoring additives and flavor enhancers, as well as dyes and much more. All this should not be eaten. If you really want to eat chips, then you should do this no more than once a quarter.

    Corn chips cannot be healthy, because they contain not just corn and salt, but many flavorings, flavor enhancers, and even dyes. Examine the package of corn chips carefully. And in terms of harmfulness, they are equal to potato chips, because they have the same composition.

    Corn chips typically contain much less fat than potato chips. For this reason, they are still preferable to potato ones.

    The predecessors of corn chips are Mexican tortillas. In their homeland, they are as popular as bread in our country, and have long been the basis of the diet.

    But modern products contain a lot of all sorts of chemical additives and flavorings. Therefore, they can hardly be called useful.

    All store-bought chips are equally harmful; they add a lot of flavorings and flavor enhancers, as well as preservatives. But if we proceed from which starch is more harmful, then potato starch is still worse than corn starch, which means corn chips should be a little better.

    But it seems to me that corn chips (aka nachos) are slightly less harmful than potato chips. Usually, potatoes are fried in oil, but nachos, it seems, are not immersed in oil, but fried in ovens or ovens. But I don’t think it’s worth getting carried away with either one or the other chips and eating them every day. Even corn ones.

    I have a negative attitude towards various chips and similar products. Because it's all chemistry. It’s better not to even read their composition, so as not to spoil your nerves. I believe that corn chips are no healthier than potato chips. Therefore, I forbid my children to eat any chips.

    Both corn and potato are harmful. And the degree of harm depends not on what they are made of, but how. Both of them come into contact with oil that has been overcooked an unknown number of times, and it has long been known that even the second time no oil should be used.

    With great difficulty, we still managed to convince our granddaughter to stop eating chips. After all, there are a bunch of all sorts of flavorings, emulsifiers and all sorts of other nasty things that cause great harm to your stomachs, and even more so to children’s. Chips are completely harmful to your health. First of all, convince yourself of this, and then your children and grandchildren. Don't prohibit, but try to convince. Bans may not produce any results.

    Read the composition yourself, there is a whole periodic table there. It doesn't matter whether it's corn or potato. It’s better not to eat this, find a replacement for this disgusting thing.

    Any chips are harmful. During mass production, various flavors, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers and other additives are added to chips. If the calorie content of corn chips is 400-450 kcal, then potato chips are approximately the same. But in potato vegetables there is additional damage from starch. So potato ones are probably still more harmful.

    I would not recommend using this modern product, which is made in modern factories. Of course, nothing bad will happen from consuming one pack, but if you use this product every day, you may greatly regret it.

Benefits, harms, calorie content of chips per 100 grams

The calorie content of chips per 100 grams depends on the type of product. This article discusses the most popular snacks.

Despite the fact that chips are considered harmful, they contain a number of vitamins and minerals. Thus, unsalted potato chips are saturated with vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, PP, K, E, minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium.

Calorie content of banana chips per 100 grams

Calorie content of banana chips per 100 grams is 517 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • 2.2 g protein;
  • 33.4 g fat;
  • 51 g carbohydrates.

To prepare the snack you need the following ingredients:

  • fresh bananas;
  • sugar syrup;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bananas cut into thin slices are fried in a frying pan in oil;
  • fried slices are dipped in boiled honey-sugar syrup;
  • The chips are allowed to dry. The dish is ready!

Calorie content of Lays chips per 100 grams

Calorie content of Lays chips per 100 grams is 511 kcal. 100 g of product contains 6.6 g of protein, 29.9 g of fat, 53.1 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the fact that Lays chips are made from natural potatoes, the product is not considered healthy. During heat treatment, potatoes lose almost all vitamins and minerals, while they are saturated with oils, flavor enhancers, harmful flavoring additives, and flavorings that contribute to the rapid gain of extra pounds and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Calorie content of lavash chips per 100 grams

The calorie content of lavash chips per 100 grams is 328 kcal. 100 g of dish contains:

  • 7.1 g protein;
  • 25.9 g fat;
  • 17.4 g carbohydrates.

To make lavash chips you will need:

  • 0.13 kg of Armenian lavash;
  • 0.15 kg of 20 percent sour cream;
  • 50 g sunflower oil;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • black pepper and salt to taste.
  • Armenian lavash is laid out on the table and thoroughly coated with sour cream;
  • grate hard cheese on top, add black pepper and salt to taste;
  • Lavash is cut into pieces, lightly sprinkled with sunflower oil on top, baked in the oven at 200° C until golden brown.

Calorie content of Pringles chips per 100 grams

The calorie content of Pringles chips per 100 grams is 541 kcal. 100 g of snack contains:

  • 4.08 g protein;
  • 36.1 g fat;
  • 49.9 g carbohydrates.

Nutritionists and doctors recommend against eating Pringles chips because they contain a lot of fat, starch, food additives and dyes. The product is contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, excess weight, high cholesterol, heart and vascular diseases.

Calorie content of Nachos corn chips per 100 grams

Calorie content of Nachos corn chips per 100 grams is 496 kcal. 100 g of snack contains 6.95 g of protein, 25.15 g of fat, 60.9 g of carbohydrates.

Corn chips are considered healthier than potato chips, but it is also recommended to eat them rarely and in small quantities. The large amount of calories, carbohydrates and fat makes chips a prohibited product for overweight people, weight loss and dieting.

Potato chips are harmful

The following harms of potato chips have been proven:

  • Regular consumption of the product provokes obesity and a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body;
  • potato chips cause diabetes mellitus and disrupt the functioning of the pancreas;
  • the snack contributes to the development of ulcers, disrupts the functioning of the heart, and leads to problems with the vascular system;
  • harmful fats in chips stimulate the occurrence of cancer;
  • Constant consumption of potato chips causes harm to men's health, including a decrease in testosterone levels in a man's body, impaired reproductive function, and decreased sperm quality;
  • Fatty acids in chips disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and reduce the body’s immune functions.
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Corn chips

Corn chips are a popular snack in Mexican cuisine. They are made from corn flour or tortillas. Typically, these chips are eaten with guacamole or salsa sauce. In our country, it is quite rare to find corn chips in retail sales. You can buy them only in large chain supermarkets. However, no one is stopping you from making corn chips at home. In this article we will tell you how to make corn chips.

Harm of corn chips

Like any other chips, corn chips are commercially produced with the addition of various food additives: stabilizers, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers, etc. Not all of these additives are safe - many of them have carcinogenic properties. In addition, chips have a fairly high energy value. The calorie content of corn chips per 100 g of product is 450-500 kcal. And this is 1.2 times more than the calorie content of granulated sugar. Therefore, people who are overweight should not eat chips.

Corn chips recipe

To make corn flour chips you will need: wheat flour, corn flour, oil for frying chips, chopped cilantro and dill, olive oil, hot water, ground red pepper, ground chili pepper, paprika and salt.

Sift corn flour into a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it. Add water in small portions so that it is all absorbed into the flour. The cornmeal should remain moist and crumbly (it should not float in the water). If you suddenly overfill the water, add more flour.

Next, cover the bowl with the steamed flour and leave it for about half an hour. This time is enough for the flour to cool. Then add ground red pepper, paprika, salt, chopped herbs, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of chili pepper to the flour. Mix all the ingredients, and then start adding wheat flour in small portions and knead the dough. The dough should be crumbly. Wheat flour is needed more to bind excess liquid and make the dough elastic.

Knead the dough and divide it into several parts. After this, roll out each piece of dough with a rolling pin into a very thin layer. Then cut the dough into small triangles, which in just a few minutes will turn into chips. Pour a sufficient amount of olive or other vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat and fry the triangular pieces of dough in it. Transfer the finished chips to a wire rack or dry with a towel to remove excess oil. That's it, homemade corn flour chips are ready.

Corn chips nachos

Corn chips nachos are a favorite Mexican snack. These chips can be purchased ready-made or made in your own kitchen. The calorie content of nacho chips is 498 kcal.

So, to prepare corn chips you will need: 2.5 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour, salt, 1.2 tbsp. spoons of corn flour, 1.5 teaspoons of azhgon, 0.5 teaspoons of cumin, 4 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

Mix corn and wheat flour, add vegetable oil, azhgon, cumin and salt to the flour. Stir. Pour 2 cups of water into the flour and knead the dough until you get a tight ball. Divide the resulting dough into several parts and roll each piece into a thin layer. Cut the rolled out dough into small triangles. Fry the dough in a large amount of hot oil, and then place the chips on a napkin to absorb excess fat.

Corn chips carambass

Carambas corn chips are, of course, not for everyone. They are different from the potato chips we are used to. Carambas are harder than the famous Lay's chips and taste similar to corn pops. In these chips you can see flavorings, flavor enhancers, stabilizers and a lot of other stuff. So whether to buy them or not is up to you.

Sauce for chips

One of the most popular sauces served with corn chips is guacamole sauce.

To prepare the sauce you will need: 2 avocados, a tablespoon of lime juice, salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of coriander, 1 red onion.

Peel the avocado, remove the seeds and puree with a blender. Chop the red onion as much as possible and combine with avocado puree. Stir. Then add lime juice, salt and pepper to the puree. Stir again. Before serving, sprinkle the sauce with ground coriander.

Corn Chip Salad

To prepare a salad with corn chips you will need: 100 g of corn lettuce, large sweet pepper, 2 tomatoes, 4 tbsp. spoons of Taco sauce and 5-6 corn chips.

Break the corn chips into small pieces. Transfer them to a bowl. Add sauce and stir. Let the chips sit for 15 minutes until they become soft. At this time, wash the tomatoes and cut them into thin slices. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into strips. Combine torn lettuce leaves, tomatoes and peppers into salad bowls. Season the salad with the sauce and chips and stir.

Don Nachos original corn chips

Don Nachos Original Corn Chips are crispy corn chips cooked over an open fire using real corn kernels. Corn chips are the most popular Mexican snack. They are served with various sauces (calorizer). They are great for vegetarians. Unlike regular potato chips, they have a coarser consistency, plus they have a peculiar corn aftertaste, similar to popcorn.

Calorie content of Don Nachos original corn chips

The calorie content of Don Nachos original corn chips is 497 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Don Nachos original corn chips

Ingredients: corn grain (corn flour), vegetable oil, water, salt.

Useful properties of Don Nachos original corn chips

Don Nachos original corn chips contain vitamins A, E, a large amount of calcium and iron. The advantage of these chips is that they do not contain cholesterol (calorizator). But they are very high in calories, so people who are watching their figure should not load up on them. The optimal consumption of such chips is no more than 50 grams per day.

Hello bakers! Do you like chips? I don’t)))) Well, maybe only those with just salt and corn like nachos. But they are terrible, although delicious! Fried in oil, there are clearly problems with the composition - it is not very natural, high in calories, like cake, and generally not healthy at all. One day I felt the urge to eat something like this again, but instead of going to the store and buying it, I baked it at home. The result was not disgusting at all, but a very tasty snack, one might say that it is healthy, because the chips were not deep-fried, did not contain preservatives, flavors or dyes and were made from freshly ground corn flour. By the way, the corn I used was the kind for popcorn, which was very hard, so I had to grind it twice.

For 3-4 giant chips or a pile of smaller chips:

100 gr. finely ground corn flour or homemade whole grain, sifted;

250 gr. boiling water;

¼ tsp. sea ​​salt + a little for sprinkling;

2 tbsp. corn oil;

Spices such as ground chili, paprika, etc. - optional;

Flax seeds or kilinji - optional.

The corn, as I said, had to be milled twice, the grain was so hard that it blocked the millstones, which has never happened with regular corn.

So this is what I did:

Turned on the mill (I have Hawos Queen 1) work “idle”, set the grinding lever to “seven” and began to pour grain into the hopper a little at a time. A new batch was poured only after the previous one had been ground.

This is how the cereal turned out.

Then she moved the lever to “one” and ground the corn again, gradually pouring the grain into the hopper, also a little at a time.

Flour in its original form.

But I don’t use this, if we are talking about corn or chickpeas, I definitely sift it fine sieve, because such flour contains a lot of coarse particles and husks.

This is what remains in the sieve after sifting.

And this is what sifted through - flour.

Now the dough.

Pour the flour into a bowl, add butter, salt and spices.

Mix everything properly.

Pour in boiling water and stir.

Place some dough on the parchment (in piles or islands, whichever is more poetic)) and spread it in a thin layer, trying to get an even layer. Or make a giant chip that covers the entire parchment.

Sprinkle with seeds and sea salt if desired. Bake in a well-heated oven with stone oven at 200 degrees for about 5-7 minutes, until the dough begins to noticeably brown.

Break the finished chips into pieces or eat them whole, they are very tasty!