Sunstroke bunin read the summary. "Sunstroke. The main characters of the story


They met in the summer, on one of the Volga steamers. He is a lieutenant, She is a lovely little, tanned woman (she said she was coming from Anapa). “... I'm completely drunk,” she laughed. - Actually, I'm completely crazy. Three hours ago, I didn't even know you existed." The lieutenant kissed her hand, and his heart sank blissfully and terribly ...

The steamer approached the pier, the lieutenant muttered pleadingly: "Let's get off ..." And a minute later they got off, on a dusty cab they reached the hotel, went into a large, but terribly stuffy room. And as soon as the footman closed the door behind him, both suffocated in the kiss so frenziedly that for many years they later recalled this moment: neither one nor the other had ever experienced anything like it in their whole life.

And in the morning she left, she, a little nameless woman, jokingly calling herself "a beautiful stranger", "Tsarist Marya Morevna." In the morning, despite the almost sleepless night, she was as fresh as at seventeen, a little embarrassed, still simple, cheerful, and already reasonable:

“You must stay until the next boat,” she said. - If we go together, everything will be spoiled. I give you my word of honor that I am not at all what you might think of me. There has never been anything even similar to what happened to me, and there will never be again. It was as if an eclipse had come over me… Or, rather, we both got something like a sunstroke…” And the lieutenant somehow easily agreed with her, drove her to the pier, put her on the ship and kissed her on deck in front of everyone.

Just as easily and carelessly, he returned to the hotel. But something has already changed. The number looked different. He was still full of it - and empty. And the lieutenant's heart suddenly contracted with such tenderness that he hurried to light a cigarette and walked up and down the room several times.

There was no strength to look at the unmade bed - and he closed it with a screen: “Well, this is the end of this“ road adventure ”! he thought. - And forgive me, and already forever, forever ... After all, I can’t come to this city for no reason at all, where her husband, her three-year-old girl, in general, her whole ordinary life!

And the thought struck him. He felt such pain and such uselessness of his entire future life without her that he was seized with horror and despair.

“Yes, what is it with me? It seems not for the first time - and now ... But what is special about her? In fact, just some kind of sunstroke! And how can I spend a whole day in this outback without her? He still remembered all of her, but now the main thing was this completely new and incomprehensible feeling, which had not been there while they were together, which he could not have imagined when starting a funny acquaintance. A feeling that there was no one to talk about now. And how to live this endless day, with these memories, with this insoluble torment?...

I had to save myself, to occupy myself with something, to go somewhere. He went to the market. But at the market everything was so stupid, absurd, that he fled from there. I went into the cathedral, where they sang loudly, with a sense of accomplishment of duty, then circled around the small neglected garden for a long time: “How can you live in peace and generally be simple, careless, indifferent? he thought. - How wild, how absurd everything is everyday, ordinary, when the heart is struck by this terrible "sunstroke", too much love, too much happiness!

Returning to the hotel, the lieutenant went into the dining room, ordered dinner. Everything was fine, but he knew that without hesitation he would have died tomorrow, if by some miracle he could return her, tell her, prove how painfully and enthusiastically he loves her ... Why? He didn't know why, but it was more necessary than life.

What to do now, when it is already impossible to get rid of this unexpected love? The lieutenant got up and resolutely went to the post office with a ready-made telegram phrase, but he stopped in horror at the post office - he did not know either her last name or her first name! And the city, hot, sunny, joyful, so unbearably reminded Anapa that the lieutenant, with his head bowed, staggering and stumbling, walked back.

He returned to the hotel completely broken. The room was already tidy, devoid of the last traces of her - only one forgotten hairpin lay on the night table! He lay down on the bed, lay with his hands behind his head and stared intently in front of him, then clenched his teeth, closed his eyes, feeling the tears roll down his cheeks, and finally fell asleep ....

When the lieutenant woke up, the evening sun was already turning yellow behind the curtains, and yesterday and this morning were remembered as if they were ten years ago. He got up, washed himself, drank tea with lemon for a long time, paid his bill, got into a cab and drove to the pier.

When the steamer set sail, a summer night was already turning blue over the Volga. The lieutenant sat under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older.

The story was first published in 1926. A fleeting romance that happened between the lieutenant and a young woman returning from a vacation in the south put them before a choice, break off the relationship or continue. A summary of Bunin's story "Sunstroke" will help to understand the storyline of the work, on which the author tried to draw the reader's attention. Having made a choice, young people missed the main thing in life - love, which is given only to the elect.

Main characters

  • lieutenant
  • Young woman- a beautiful stranger, on her way home after a vacation in the south.

On the deck, leaning against the railing of the ship, stood an interesting couple. A young, pretty woman, obviously flirting with the lieutenant. She spent a whole month on the Anapa coast. Rested, tanned, she beckoned to her. The lieutenant, kissing her hand, felt his heart skip a beat with excitement.

Hearing an offer from a new acquaintance, going ashore right now was a complete surprise for her. The pier loomed ahead. Surprised by herself, the woman decided to succumb to momentary weakness. A cab carriage raced through the streets of a small Russian provincial town straight to the hotel. As soon as the footman closed the door of the room behind him, they rushed to each other, suffocating in a kiss. Many years later, they will remember this moment. They had never experienced such feelings in their lives.

The next morning, the night guest did not feel embarrassed. The woman was aware of what happened at night. She asks the lieutenant to wait for the next steamer. They should not be seen together. Everything that was between them looks like a sunstroke, a flash. The lieutenant did not argue. Escorted to the pier, put on the ship, kissed goodbye.

Returning to the room, the lieutenant acutely felt how much he missed the mysterious stranger. Loneliness and pain pierced through. He remembered all of her. The smell of sunburn, a strong body, a cheerful sound of a voice. He didn't understand what was happening to him. Nothing special seems to have happened, but why does it hurt so much?

To escape from painful memories, the lieutenant decided to take a walk around the city. A bazaar, a cathedral, a small neglected garden. Nothing helped. He clearly understood that the heart was forever struck by "sunstroke", great love, great happiness. He would have died without hesitation, if only to bring her back even for one day.

I returned to the hotel completely exhausted. Only a hairpin, forgotten on the night table, reminded of the visit of the night guest. Lying on the bed, with his hands behind his head, the lieutenant gazed intently ahead of him. Tears rolled down from the man's eyes. I managed to fall asleep only in the morning.

The same cab that brought the lieutenant to the hotel delivered him to the pier. Sitting under a canopy on the deck, the man felt ten years older.

The story "Sunstroke" by Bunin was written in 1925, published a year later in Sovremennye Zapiski. On our website you can read summary"Sunstroke", which is useful for both reader's diary as well as in preparation for a literature lesson. The book describes a fleeting romance between a lieutenant and a young married lady who met while traveling on a ship.

The main characters of the story

Main characters:

  • The lieutenant is a young man, impressionable and ardent.
  • The stranger is young beautiful woman who has a husband and a three-year-old daughter.

Bunin "Sunstroke" summary

I. A. Bunin "Sunstroke" summary for the reader's diary:

A young lady returns alone from a vacation to her city in the outback of Russia. On the way on the ship, she meets a young man, a lieutenant. The characters talk pleasantly for several hours and feel that they like each other. That same evening, the two of them get off the ship at a stop and go to the nearest hotel. Finally alone, they kiss passionately. They will remember this moment for the rest of their lives.

The heroes spend the night in an inn. In the morning, the lady asks the lieutenant not to go with her, but to wait for the next flight. She says that she has never allowed herself anything like this and does not want to arouse suspicion now. The woman admits that yesterday she and the lieutenant seemed to have had a sunstroke and they lost their heads. The lieutenant takes the lady to the steamer and kisses her goodbye.

Returning to the hotel, the man suddenly feels emptiness and loneliness. He almost cries with anguish, realizing that he will never see this woman whom he managed to fall in love with. At the same time, he does not even know her name (the woman did not want to give her name).

The lieutenant only knows the city where she lives with her husband and 3-year-old daughter. He realizes that this sudden love really hit him like a sunstroke. The next morning, the lieutenant boards the steamer and continues on his way. Sitting on deck, he yearns, feeling 10 years older.

See also: The story "Antonov apples" Bunin wrote in 1900. The work is a lyrical monologue-reminiscence built using the “association technique”. On our website you can read. Retelling will help prepare for the lesson of literature, verification work.

A short retelling of Bunin's "Sunstroke"

"Sunstroke" Bunin summary of the story:

They meet in the summer, on one of the Volga steamers. He is a lieutenant, She is a lovely, small, tanned woman returning home from Anapa.

I'm completely drunk, she laughed. - Actually, I'm completely crazy. Three hours ago, I didn't even know you existed.

The lieutenant kisses her hand, and his heart beats blissfully and terribly.

The ship approaches the pier, the lieutenant begs her to get off. A minute later they go to the hotel and rent a large but stuffy room. As soon as the footman closes the door behind him, both of them merge into a kiss so frenetically that they later remember this moment for many years: none of them has ever experienced anything like this.

And in the morning this little nameless woman, jokingly calling herself "a beautiful stranger" and "Tsarist Marya Morevna", leaves. Despite the almost sleepless night, she is fresh, as at seventeen, a little embarrassed, still simple, cheerful, and already reasonable: she asks the lieutenant to stay until the next ship.

There has never been anything even similar to what happened to me, and there will never be again. It’s like an eclipse hit me… Or rather, we both got something like a sunstroke…

And the lieutenant somehow easily agrees with her, takes her to the pier, puts her on the ship and kisses her on deck in front of everyone.

Easily and carefree, he returns to the hotel, but the room seems to the lieutenant somehow different. He is still full of it - and empty. The lieutenant's heart suddenly shrinks with such tenderness that he has no strength to look at the unmade bed - and he closes it with a screen. He thinks this cute "road adventure" is over. He can't "come to this city, where her husband, her three-year-old girl, in general, her whole ordinary life."

This thought shocks him. He feels such pain and the uselessness of his entire future life without her that he is seized by horror and despair. The lieutenant begins to believe that this is really a "sunstroke", and does not know "how to live this endless day, with these memories, with this insoluble torment."

The lieutenant goes to the bazaar, to the cathedral, then circles around the abandoned garden for a long time, but nowhere does he find peace and deliverance from this uninvited feeling.

How wild, how absurd everything is everyday, ordinary, when the heart is struck by this terrible “sunstroke”, too much love, too much happiness.

Returning to the hotel, the lieutenant orders dinner. Everything is fine, but he knows that without hesitation he would die tomorrow if it were possible by some miracle to return the “beautiful stranger” and prove how painfully and enthusiastically he loves her. He does not know why, but it is more necessary for him than life.

Realizing that it is impossible to get rid of this unexpected love, the lieutenant resolutely goes to the post office with a telegram already written, but he stops in horror at the post office - he does not know either her last name or first name! The lieutenant returns to the hotel completely broken, lies down on the bed, closes his eyes, feeling the tears rolling down his cheeks, and finally falls asleep.

The lieutenant wakes up in the evening. Yesterday and this morning he remembers as a distant past. He gets up, washes, drinks tea with lemon for a long time, pays for the room and goes to the pier.

The ship leaves at night. The lieutenant sits under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older.

See also: The story was written in 1924, and touched on the author's favorite topic - difficult love relationship. For better preparation for the literature lesson, we recommend reading the summary of "Mitya's Love" chapter by chapter. managed to very subtly and at the same time artistically convey the experiences of a young man who found himself face to face with unrequited love. A retelling of the story will also be useful for the reader's diary.

Contents of "Sunstroke" with quotes

While traveling on one of the Volga steamships, the lieutenant meets a beautiful stranger who is returning home after a vacation in Anapa. She does not reveal her name to a new acquaintance, and each time she answers his insistent requests “ simple sweet laughter.

The lieutenant is amazed by the beauty and natural charm of his companion. Ardent, passionate feelings flare up in his heart. Unable to contain them in himself, he makes a very unambiguous offer to the woman to go ashore. Unexpectedly, she easily and naturally agrees.

At the very first stop, they go down the ladder of the ship and find themselves at the pier of a small provincial town. Silently they go to a local hotel, where they shoot " terribly stuffy, hotly heated during the day by the sun room».

Without saying a word to each other, they so frantically suffocated in a kiss”, that in the future for many years they will remember this sweet, breathtaking moment.

In the next morning " little nameless woman”, quickly dressing and regaining the prudence that was lost, is going on the road. She admits that she has never been in a similar situation before, and for her this sudden flash of passion is like an eclipse, “ sunstroke».

The woman asks the lieutenant not to board the ship with her, but to wait for the next flight. Otherwise " everything will be ruined”, and she wants to keep in her memory only this unexpected night in a provincial hotel.

The man easily agrees and escorts his companion to the pier, after which he returns to the room. However, at that moment he realizes that something in his life has changed dramatically. Trying to find the reason for this change, he gradually comes to the conclusion that he was head over heels in love with the woman with whom he spent the night.

He rushes about, not knowing what to do with himself in a provincial town. The sound of the stranger's voice is still fresh in his memory, the smell of her tan and canvas dress”, the outlines of her strong elastic body. To get a little distraction, the lieutenant goes for a walk, but this does not calm him down.

Unexpectedly, he decides to write a telegram to his beloved, but at the last moment he remembers that he does not know " no last name, no first name". All he knows about the stranger is that she has a husband and a three-year-old daughter.

Exhausted by mental anguish, the lieutenant boards the evening boat. It sits comfortably on deck and admires the river scenery, " feeling ten years older».


In his work, Bunin describes different aspects of love, which can bring not only joy and joy, but also deep suffering.

This is interesting: Being in Paris, the writer was very homesick, which prompted him to write a touching work, a brief for the reader's diary absorbed his best moments.

Video summary Sunstroke Bunin

This story is amazing, original and very exciting. It is written about sudden love, about the emergence of feelings for which the characters were not ready and they do not have time to figure it all out. But main character and does not suspect what suffering will have to go through, from the moment of parting with a beautiful young stranger.

They meet in the summer, on one of the Volga steamers. He is a lieutenant, She is a lovely, small, tanned woman returning home from Anapa.

I'm completely drunk, she laughed. “Actually, I went completely crazy. Three hours ago, I didn't even know you existed.

The lieutenant kisses her hand, and his heart beats blissfully and terribly.

The ship approaches the pier, the lieutenant begs her to get off. A minute later they go to the hotel and rent a large but stuffy room. As soon as the footman closes the door behind him, both of them merge into a kiss so frenziedly that they later remember this moment for many years: none of them has ever experienced anything like this.

And in the morning this little nameless woman, jokingly calling herself "a beautiful stranger" and "Tsarist Marya Morevna", leaves. Despite the almost sleepless night, she is fresh, as at seventeen, a little embarrassed, still simple, cheerful, and already reasonable: she asks the lieutenant to stay until the next ship.

There has never been anything even similar to what happened to me, and there will never be again. It’s like an eclipse hit me… Or rather, we both got something like a sunstroke…

And the lieutenant somehow easily agrees with her, takes her to the pier, puts her on the ship and kisses her on deck in front of everyone.

Easily and carefree, he returns to the hotel, but the room seems to the lieutenant somehow different. He is still full of it - and empty. The lieutenant's heart suddenly shrinks with such tenderness that he has no strength to look at the unmade bed - and he closes it with a screen. He thinks this cute "road adventure" is over. He can't "come to this city, where her husband, her three-year-old girl, in general, her whole ordinary life."

This thought shocks him. He feels such pain and uselessness of his entire future life without her that he is seized by horror and despair. The lieutenant begins to believe that this is really a "sunstroke", and does not know "how to live this endless day, with these memories, with this insoluble torment."

The lieutenant goes to the bazaar, to the cathedral, then circles around the abandoned garden for a long time, but nowhere does he find peace and deliverance from this unwelcome feeling.

How wild, how absurd everything is everyday, ordinary, when the heart is struck by this terrible “sunstroke”, too much love, too much happiness.

Returning to the hotel, the lieutenant orders dinner. Everything is fine, but he knows that without hesitation he would die tomorrow if it were possible by some miracle to return the “beautiful stranger” and prove how painfully and enthusiastically he loves her. He does not know why, but it is more necessary for him than life.

Realizing that it is impossible to get rid of this unexpected love, the lieutenant resolutely goes to the post office with a telegram already written, but he stops in horror at the post office - he does not know either her last name or first name! The lieutenant returns to the hotel completely broken, lies down on the bed, closes his eyes, feeling the tears rolling down his cheeks, and finally falls asleep.

The lieutenant wakes up in the evening. Yesterday and this morning are remembered to him as a distant past. He gets up, washes, drinks tea with lemon for a long time, pays for the room and goes to the pier.

The ship leaves at night. The lieutenant sits under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older.

Summary of "Sunstroke" Bunin

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They met in the summer, on one of the Volga steamers. He is a lieutenant, She is a lovely little, tanned woman (she said she was coming from Anapa). “... I'm completely drunk,” she laughed. “Actually, I went completely crazy. Three hours ago, I didn't even know you existed."

The lieutenant kissed her hand, and his heart sank blissfully and terribly ...
The steamer approached the pier, the lieutenant muttered pleadingly: “Let's get off ...” And a minute later they got off, on a dusty cab they reached the hotel, went into a large, but terribly stuffy

Number. And as soon as the footman closed the door behind him, both suffocated in the kiss so frenziedly that for many years they later recalled this moment: neither one nor the other had ever experienced anything like it in their whole life.
And in the morning she left, she, a little nameless woman, jokingly calling herself “a beautiful stranger”, “Tsarist Marya Morevna”. In the morning, despite the almost sleepless night, she was fresh as at seventeen, a little embarrassed, still simple, cheerful, and already reasonable: “You must stay until the next boat,” she said. “If we go together, everything will be ruined. I give you my word of honor that I am not at all what you might think of me.

There has never been anything even similar to what happened to me, and there will never be again. It was as if an eclipse had come over me… Or, rather, we both got something like a sunstroke…” And the lieutenant somehow easily agreed with her, drove her to the pier, put her on the ship and kissed her on deck in front of everyone.
Just as easily and carelessly, he returned to the hotel. But something has already changed. The number looked different. He was still full of her - and empty.

And the lieutenant's heart suddenly contracted with such tenderness that he hurried to light a cigarette and walked up and down the room several times. There was no strength to look at the unmade bed - and he closed it with a screen: “Well, this is the end of this“ road adventure ”! he thought. “Forgive me, and already forever, forever ... After all, I can’t come to this city for no reason at all, where her husband, her three-year-old girl, in general, her whole ordinary life!” And the thought struck him.

He felt such pain and such uselessness of his entire future life without her that he was seized with horror and despair.
“Yes, what is it with me? It seems not for the first time - and now ... But what is special about her?

In fact, just some kind of sunstroke! And how can I spend a whole day in this outback without her? He still remembered all of her, but now the main thing was this completely new and incomprehensible feeling, which had not been there while they were together, which he could not have imagined when starting a funny acquaintance. A feeling that there was no one to talk about now.

And how to live this endless day, with these memories, with this insoluble torment?...
I had to save myself, to occupy myself with something, to go somewhere. He went to the market. But at the market everything was so stupid, absurd, that he fled from there.

I went into the cathedral, where they sang loudly, with a sense of accomplishment of duty, then circled for a long time around the small neglected garden: “How can one live in peace and generally be simple, careless, indifferent? he thought. - How wild, how absurd everything is everyday, ordinary, when the heart is struck by this terrible “sunstroke”, too much love, too much happiness!”
Returning to the hotel, the lieutenant went into the dining room, ordered dinner. Everything was fine, but he knew that without hesitation he would have died tomorrow if by some miracle he could bring her back, tell her, prove how painfully and enthusiastically he loves her ... Why?

He didn't know why, but it was more necessary than life.
What to do now, when it is already impossible to get rid of this unexpected love? The lieutenant got up and resolutely went to the post office with the phrase of the telegram already ready, but he stopped in horror at the post office - he did not know either her last name or her first name! And the city, hot, sunny, joyful, so unbearably reminded Anapa that the lieutenant, with his head bowed, staggering and stumbling, walked back.
He returned to the hotel completely broken. The room was already tidied up, devoid of the last traces of her - only one forgotten hairpin lay on the night table! He lay down on the bed, lay with his hands behind his head and stared intently in front of him, then clenched his teeth, closed his eyes, feeling the tears roll down his cheeks, and finally fell asleep ....
When the lieutenant woke up, the evening sun was already turning yellow behind the curtains, and yesterday and this morning were remembered as if they were ten years ago. He got up, washed himself, drank tea with lemon for a long time, paid his bill, got into a cab and drove to the pier.
When the steamer set sail, a summer night was already turning blue over the Volga. The lieutenant sat under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older.

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  15. The theme of love is the main one in the work of Ivan Aleksandrovich Bunin. "Sunstroke" is one of his most famous short stories. The analysis of this work helps to reveal the author's views on love and its role in the fate of a person. What is typical for Bunin, he focuses not on platonic feelings, but on romance, passion, desire. For the beginning of the 20th century, this [...] ...
  16. The story "Sunstroke", Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote in 1925, while in the Maritime Alps. This story, like many other works by Bunin written in exile, has a love story. The author in this work shows that mutual feelings can stir up a series of love experiences. Bunin thought a lot about the title of the story. There were two ill-chosen titles for the story, which [...] ...
  17. In his prose work, I. A. Bunin often refers to eternal themes. The theme of love is one of the most important in his works. IN true love, according to I. A. Bunin, there is something in common with eternal nature. Only that feeling of love is beautiful, which is natural, not invented. To this feeling, the writer composed a genuine poetic hymn. Already in the title of the story [...]
  18. I. A. Bunin achieved high mastery in the field of the “small” form of prose - the story, leaving brilliant examples of this genre for posterity. Examples of this are the stories "The Gentleman from San Francisco" and "Sunstroke". At first glance, nothing connects these two stories, except, of course, the name of the author. They have a different story, theme, style. But on the other […]
  19. LOVE IS THE HIGHEST GIFT OF FATE (according to the story by I. A. Bunin “Sunstroke”) In his prose work, I. A. Bunin often refers to eternal themes. The theme of love is one of the most important in his works. In true love, according to I. A. Bunin, there is something in common with eternal nature. Only that feeling of love is beautiful, which is natural, not invented. […]...
  20. Life without illusions is the recipe for happiness. A. Frans In Bunin's work, there are several main themes that particularly excited the writer and, one might say, succeeded each other. The first period of Bunin's work was devoted mainly to the image of the Russian village, poor and miserable. All the sympathies of the author in the village stories were on the side of the poor, exhausted by hopeless need and [...] ...
  21. Lev Nikulin in his work “Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin: Literary Portraits” reports that the story “Sunstroke” was originally called “A Chance Acquaintance”, then “Xenia”, but both of these names were crossed out with a sharp stroke. The first name simply informed about the event, the second - called the name of the heroine, but did not create Bunin's "sound", mood. Bunin chose the most successful name - "Sunstroke": it [...] ...
  22. I. A. Bunin is considered to be the successor of Chekhov's realism. His work is characterized by an interest in ordinary life, the ability to reveal the tragedy human existence, saturation of the narrative with details. Bunin's realism differs from Chekhov's in its extreme sensuality, picturesqueness and at the same time rigor. Like Chekhov, Bunin addresses eternal themes. Nature is important to him, however, in his opinion, the highest [...]
  23. In 1918-1920, Bunin wrote down his direct observations and impressions of the events in Russia at that time in the form of diary notes. Here are a few fragments: Moscow, 1918. January 1 (old style). This cursed year is over. But what's next? Maybe something even more terrible. Even probably so ... February 5th. From the first of February they ordered to be a new style. So […]...
  24. The work is Bunin's diary entries, kept by him in 1918-1920. In the notes, the author reflected his impressions and observations regarding the events taking place in Russia at that time. Moscow, January 1, 1918 (the record is still in the old style). This damn year is over. What will happen next? Perhaps something more terrible. February 5th. From February 1, it was ordered [...] ...
  25. Summary Uncle recalls a quarrel with his little nephew that arose one winter evening. Mentally addressing the boy, he tells him that he is a big naughty who, carried away by something, does not know how to restrain himself. On the other hand, there is nothing more touching than this same baby, when he, having played up, clings to the shoulder of an adult in the evening and wraps his arms around his neck with such tenderness, on [...] ...
  26. The road from Colombo goes along the ocean. Primitive pirogues sway on the surface of the water, black-haired teenagers are lying on silk sands, in heavenly nakedness. It would seem, why do these forest people of Ceylon need cities, cents, rupees? Doesn't everyone give them the forest, the ocean, the sun? However, growing up, they trade, work on plantations, fish for pearls, replace horses - they carry Europeans, because everyone knows […]...
  27. Summary The narrator recalls how they walked along the high road, and in the young birch forest nearby, the mowers mowed and sang. It was a long time ago. And the life that everyone lived at that time will never return. There were fields all around. The old high road, carved with ruts, went into the endless Russian distance. The sun was leaning to the west, ahead [...] ...
  28. “My dear, when you grow up, will you remember how one winter evening you went out of the nursery into the dining room - this was after one of our quarrels - and, lowering your eyes, made such a sad face? You are a big naughty, and when something captivates you, you do not know how to hold back. But I don't know anyone more touching than you when you [...] ...
  29. A young man, Vitaly Meshchersky, who has recently entered the university, arrives home for the holidays, and he has a desire to find love without romance. To carry out his plan, he visits neighboring estates and one day ends up in his uncle's house. At the same time, the author tells about Meshchersky's childhood love for his cousin Sonya, with whom he [...] ...
  30. Chang (the dog) is dozing, remembering how six years ago in China he met his current owner, the captain. During this time, their fate has changed dramatically: they no longer swim, they live in the attic, in a large and cold room with low ceilings. The captain sleeps on a sagging bed, but Chang remembers what kind of bed his master had before - comfortable, […]...
  31. The brothers Tikhon and Kuzma Krasov were from a small village called Durnovka. Once upon a time in their youth, they conducted a joint small trade, but then they quarreled and dispersed. Kuzma became a hired worker, and Tikhon rented a small inn and opened a shop and a tavern. He bought all the grain from the landlords, bought land almost for free, and [...] ...
  32. Will you remember, my dear, when you grow up, how one winter evening you entered the dining room with a sad face, lowering your eyes? It happened after one of our quarrels with you. You are a naughty, and in your hobbies you don’t know how to keep it. But there is nothing more touching for me than when, hushed, you cling to my shoulder! When […]...
  33. Shows hunger and impoverishment in the village in winter. Tanya, a little girl, sleeps on the stove with her brother Vaska (their father is Korney and mother Marya). The family was forced to sell a cow and a horse for next to nothing. But there is still nothing to eat and nothing to feed the children. Therefore, the mother sends the children from the very morning to walk on the street (to [...] ...
  34. I. A. Bunin Light breathing Exposition of the story - description of the grave main character. What follows is a summary of her history. Olya Meshcherskaya is a prosperous, capable and playful schoolgirl, indifferent to the instructions of a classy lady. At the age of fifteen, she was a recognized beauty, had the most admirers, danced the best at balls and ran on skates. It was rumored that one of […]
  35. Alexey Arseniev was born in central Russia in the 70s. XIX century, on the farm Kamenka, in his father's estate. His childhood passed in the bosom of dim Russian nature. In front of him were endless fields with colorful grasses in the summer, vast expanses of snow in the cold of winter. All this gave rise to a heightened sense of beauty in the hero, which formed him [...] ...
  36. "Sukhodol" is a family chronicle of the Khrushchev noblemen. The fate of Natalia is at the center of the work. This is a courtyard girl who lived with the Khrushchevs as a native, since she was her father's foster sister. Many times the narrator repeats the idea that the Sukhodolsk gentlemen and the domestics were close. He gets to the estate for the first time only in his adolescence and immediately sees that the ruined [...] ...
  37. Memoirs of the author-narrator about the recent past. A fine early autumn comes to his mind, a thinned and dried up garden, all in gold, filled with the delicate aroma of fallen leaves and the smell of Antonov apples, which comes from apple carts filled with gardeners to be sent to the city. The narrator runs out into the garden late at night and, after talking with the watchmen guarding him, turns his gaze [...] ...
  38. Alexey Arseniev was born in the 70s. 19th century in central Russia, in his father's estate, on the Kamenka farm. His childhood years passed in the silence of discreet Russian nature. Endless fields with the scents of herbs and flowers in summer, boundless expanses of snow in winter gave rise to a heightened sense of beauty that shaped it. inner world and preserved for life. At times he could [...]
  39. The author travels along the lower reaches of the Dnieper on a small steamboat "Oleg". Some girl (an acquaintance of the captain) is traveling in the first class, in the second - several Jews and a poor actor, who, however, immediately begins to show signs of attention to the girl. The lower deck is filled with Khokhlushkas, who in the evenings have sincere conversations and sing long songs. Among them is a pockmarked blind man - a lyre player [...] ...
  40. I. A. Bunin A gentleman from San Francisco A gentleman from San Francisco, who is never mentioned by name in the story, since, the author notes, no one in Naples or Capri remembered his name, he is sent with his wife and daughter to the Old World for two whole years in order to have fun and travel. He worked hard and […]