A girl likes me but she doesn't want a relationship. What to do if a girl doesn't want a relationship? Her acquaintance, who does not have mutual feelings

Every guy, of course, has encountered a situation when a girl doesn’t want to date a guy and refuses him. Usually a young man cannot understand why this happens, what is wrong with him and how he can try to make the lady of his heart fall in love with him.

What to do if a girl refuses to date? First you need to understand the reason for the refusal, then everything will fall into place. It may be that the girl simply didn’t like the guy, and she doesn’t see him as a future spouse. Here, too, there are different reasons why she might not like the guy. Perhaps he was very persistent and intrusive, so this pushed the girl away. In addition, appearance young man She just might not be interested.

Another reason is the guy’s unpleasant character traits or unpleasant conversations about him from his friends. It happens that a couple first meets, becomes friends, communicates, dates, and then the girl hears unpleasant rumors about her boyfriend and after that her desire to communicate completely evaporates.

Of course, you can guess for a long time about why a girl refuses to date, but the easiest way is to ask her herself. After this, you can try to fix something, for example, start communicating with people who are not friends. You can show concern for her, help her in everything, demonstrate your positive qualities, and then maybe the girl’s heart will open for this guy. Perhaps after this the young man will be able to move forward in the relationship and become not only a friend, but also the girl’s loved one. After all, close friends often become so close that you don’t want to part with them even for a minute, and this is exactly what a guy who wants to attract a girl’s attention needs.

It must be remembered that the main goal is to eliminate past mistakes that could prevent you from giving the girl a positive answer. Therefore, there is no need to try to intrusively ask a girl to meet; it is better to do everything carefully so as not to scare her off.

Why do girls refuse to meet a guy described above, now it is important to understand how to win your beloved? First you need to win her heart, and only after that offer to become a girl, and then a wife. If her heart is won, then she will no longer be able to refuse the guy. It’s worth understanding how to establish a relationship with a girl you like. The main thing is to be a confident guy, but not arrogant. Without this, you shouldn’t even try and approach the girl. Some guys have problems communicating with the opposite sex, and therefore you first need to learn how to talk to ladies, and only then offer to date. You can practice by talking to a hairdresser, a waitress in a cafe, or saleswomen in stores - this will help you gain confidence. It is worth remembering that girls do not like selfish people.

The next thing that can help a girl like you is to start a conversation with her, because she is unlikely to approach you on her own. You need to show her that the guy is interested in her. You can ask about her hobbies and activities, so there is an opportunity to continue the conversation.

Don’t despair if a girl refuses to meet you, because maybe she just has important things to do and doesn’t have time to communicate. Moreover, if a girl gave a guy’s phone number, it means she can agree to meet at the next, more convenient time for her. Don’t be nervous, you need to behave calmly with the lady, and also turn on all your charm.

Interestingly, the restaurant is one of best places to meet a girl. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to take her to the most expensive place; you can simply invite her for a cup of coffee and a bun, and you don’t need to be a miser. After the restaurant, you can change your surroundings and take a walk in the park.

Guys should remember that it is difficult for a girl to immediately understand what he is like. Therefore, there is no need to insist on becoming this guy’s girlfriend on the first date. You may have to meet several times, showing your friendliness and gallantry, and only after that can you offer to become his girlfriend.

If you want to please a girl who doesn't want a relationship, you'll have to put in a lot of effort. As you know, men and women, like creatures from different galaxies, express their feelings differently. Most girls who say “I'm not ready for a relationship” are simply not interested in the guys they say this to. There are very few real situations when a girl is truly “not ready for a relationship.” Although there is always a possibility that you may be rejected if the girl you like is in no hurry to end the conversation with you, do not take the phrase “I’m not ready” too personally, but invite the girl to spend time together. After reading this article, you will learn how to behave correctly in this situation.


Approach the girl you like

    Think about why you want a girl to like you. Just because she's beautiful? If this is the only reason that drives you, you are going down the wrong path. A beautiful girl is very often shown attention only because of her beauty. With so much attention, a girl can feel lonely and misunderstood. She may start to think about her personal qualities, if beauty is the only reason for showing attention to it. Think about what attracts you to this girl. Holding someone's hand just because of their appearance is cruel. Before showing your interest in a girl, think about your motives. Pay attention to positive qualities:

    Be attractive to women. If you want a girl to pay attention to you, be attractive to her. This should be expressed in your appearance, behavior and in your relationships with other people. By making some changes, you can not only make yourself more attractive to women, but also become a more confident person. It is not necessary to resort to drastic changes. Start with simple things: pay attention to hygiene, listen carefully, do something nice for others (not just when she's around).

    Talk to the girl you like, even if she doesn't show interest in you. Let her know that you like her. Try to develop a friendly relationship with her. However, be careful not to act aggressively or be too intrusive. Ask her about something that you both are interested in. You can tell her something about the weather, about school, or something she might be interested in. You can break the ice if you offer her your help. For example, help her complete a project or homework. Choose interesting topics to talk about. Don't talk about politics, religion, past relationships, or traumatic events.

    Don't send mixed signals about how you feel. The term conflicting feelings describes the difference between how others perceive you and your behavior and how you perceive yourself. A girl may reject you if you send her mixed signals. For example, you may constantly talk about other girls and your past dates, or you may be late for a date, which can also raise questions in the girl's mind.

    Be a good friend. If she really isn't interested in a relationship or she can't be in a relationship right now for whatever reason (family, school, work, health, etc.), don't pressure her. Become a good friend to her. Give her support. This is especially important if she is faced with a serious problem, such as the death of a loved one or illness.

    • Respect her right to privacy and personal space. Don't try to solve her problems and don't give her advice. Just let her know that you are there and ready to listen.
    • Be a good listener. Do not rush to express your opinion and do not give in to the temptation to decide everything for her.
    • Make a plan on how you can show her your attention. Offer to pay for her at the cafe or give her a ride home. Simple good deeds, like bricks, over time can turn out to be a solid wall of strong relationships.
  1. Make jokes with each other. Nice funny jokes are a way to show your interest in someone. Jokes can defuse tense situations. When you make fun of someone, do it in a way that doesn't hurt the other person. In addition, the girl must understand that you do not want to hurt her feelings, but only show your interest in her. You can make fun of what she eats or the style of music she listens to.

    Flirt with her. Flirting is a universal and essential aspect of human interaction with the opposite sex. When flirting, look at the girl, smile, and then quickly look away. You can also compliment her or act like an old-fashioned gentleman by holding the door, letting her pass, treating her to something at a cafe, or carrying her purse. If you already have a close enough relationship, you can brush a strand of hair out of her face, hug her when you meet her, or sit next to her. If she is not indifferent to you, she will take a step towards meeting you and will also flirt with you.

    Make her jealous. One way to encourage a girl to show interest in you is to remain a little cold in the relationship. If your relationship has reached a dead end, start communicating with other girls. By doing this, you can make her jealous and she will value your relationship even more.

    Build an open relationship. If you love her and she loves you but is afraid of any commitment, you can build an open relationship. An open relationship is a relationship without obligations. Everyone in your couple is free to do whatever they want. You can afford to flirt with other girls. If you are between 18 and 24 years old, an open relationship can help you become an emotionally mature person and learn how to communicate with the opposite sex. IN open relationship It is important to establish ground rules so as not to hurt each other's feelings:

Surprisingly, many girls in Lately do not show a strong desire to start a romantic relationship with the guy they like. Young people, offended in their best feelings, complain about the callousness and dryness of their chosen one, ask for advice from others and ask: what to do if the girl does not want a relationship? Is it just callousness or simply an unwillingness to waste time and nerves?

Reasons why girls don't want relationships

There are different reasons for a girl to refuse to date a guy.

There are different reasons for a girl to refuse to date a guy. Some of them are not too serious, while others are quite serious. So, let's figure out why girls may not want to be in a relationship.

Hard childhood

It is quite possible that she had a negative example before her eyes in the form of relatives who were unhappy in their marriage. As an example, mom and dad quarreled and swore all the time, it is possible that her father even raised his hand against her mother. Psychologists have long proven that family discord directly affects the personal lives of their offspring. Such children adult life They will treat their potential partners with great distrust, trying to protect their soul from other people's interference. The situation will be especially difficult if the girl’s father was to blame for everything in childhood. In this case, she will subconsciously seek protection from her significant other, completely playing the role of an unfortunate victim. Or he will understand that all men are enemies and can hurt.

It is quite possible that she had a negative example before her eyes in the form of relatives who were unhappy in marriage

Having seen enough family scandals in childhood, an adult girl can be extremely careful when choosing a partner and will think several times about whether it is worth starting a romantic relationship at all. She will carefully choose her partner and will not allow a person in whom she does not trust to know what is going on in her soul.

No mutual sympathy

Perhaps she is already attracted to another boy

You can be a cool guy, handsome and smart, make good money and play sports. But her heart doesn’t skip a beat when you meet, she likes you, but only as a friend. Perhaps she is already attracted to another young man, who may look worse than you, but the girl sympathizes with him more. It's all about special chemical reactions in the brain when looking at this or that guy. And if she doesn’t have such reactions when she sees you, then nothing can be done about it.

She recently had a breakup with another guy.

Surely the pain from parting with her previous boyfriend has not yet subsided in her heart

Surely the pain in her heart from parting with her previous boyfriend had not yet subsided. After a painful cessation romantic relationships she will want to hold off on new ones for a while. A broken relationship is always difficult and difficult to go through, so it is quite logical that a girl in this difficult period of her life would want to be alone for some time. She doesn’t want gifts at all, receiving movie tickets or invitations to walk along the embankment. She just needs to survive the psychological trauma and restore order in her soul and heart.

Your beloved is in this place temporarily

If she came to your city or locality to study, gain new knowledge, or just relax, perhaps visit someone, then it is clear that she will not start a relationship. And why? If in a few months (possibly years) she still packs her bags and leaves your city forever. Perhaps you will call each other, correspond with in social networks, but you can’t be together. Only if your love does not overcome all the obstacles that arise in its path, of course.

If she came to your city or town to study, gain new knowledge, or just relax, perhaps to visit someone, then it is clear that she will not start a relationship

There are also other situations possible in which a girl may refuse to start a relationship. As an example, she keeps you as a backup option. If she is popular with men and you are her next admirer, then it is quite possible that she does not plan to build a serious relationship. Such people usually flutter through life like butterflies, without thinking about what awaits them ahead. If you are useful to her in some way, for example, you have a car and can always take her on errands, then most likely she is just using you. Think carefully: is such a girl needed?

A girl may not agree to a relationship if she is busy studying at the university at that moment. She gives all her strength to it, realizing that this will feed her in the future. Such a girl is distinguished by her seriousness and hard work, as a result of which she will not start dating a guy so as not to be distracted from her studies.

What to do if a girl doesn’t share your desire to start dating?

If the girl refused the offer to date, think about what could be the reason for this reluctance

If the girl refused the offer to date, think about what could be the reason for this reluctance. Based on this, you, like a real strategist, must develop an action plan. So what to do if:

  • She had a difficult family situation. Dad scolded her and mom, perhaps raised his hand to the woman. Having seen enough of the daily scandals at home, it is not surprising that she does not want a relationship. In this case, you should show wisdom and try to prove to her that not all men are monsters and satraps. Show your love, present yourself with the best side. Here, manifestations of tender feelings towards her and appropriate actions would be appropriate. Convince the girl that you respect and take into account her opinion. Never forget about your chosen one’s birthday, give gifts and give compliments. The main thing here is that all your actions must be from a pure heart, otherwise the girl will definitely feel the catch. If you truly love her and want to be together, then sooner or later your beloved’s heart will thaw and she will agree to be with you;
  • She recently broke up with another guy. You need to understand her and not insist on starting dating. Give the girl time to get over the unpleasant situation. She will be grateful that you understood what was going on in her soul. It is necessary to give her time to calm down and come to internal balance. Parting is always a hard blow, and you will act wisely if at this time you are a faithful friend and adviser to your beloved. And when she recovers and comes to her senses, offer a wonderful option for developing a romantic relationship with you. The girl will already know that you are a faithful friend and a good comrade, perhaps she will develop sympathy, from which true and pure love will then grow;
  • She doesn't like you. This is where it will be most difficult. Everyone knows the saying “you can’t force yourself to be nice.” Don't force her to date, she won't do it anyway. Do not under any circumstances write yourself down as a failure: this was simply not your person. You shouldn’t have complexes about appearance, you are the most ordinary guy and you will definitely meet your true love. The best way out of this situation will be your friendship. Help her with her studies or work if it becomes necessary. Show your best side, but never compare yourself to her boyfriend if one appears. Try to switch your attention to other girls, among them there are smart, beautiful and kind young ladies who will happily agree to date you. If you fall in love with another girl, but with yours ex-lover If you remain good friends, this will be the best scenario for events. In addition, it is possible that someday life will bring you together again... but this is a completely different topic.

In all these and many other situations, there is only one way out: always listen to your heart and never allow yourself to offend a representative of the fair sex. If you can’t start dating a girl, you shouldn’t be at enmity with her, it’s better to maintain a warm and kind relationship. And you should remember that your person will always find you.

Even for a self-confident guy, the sudden announcement by his girlfriend that she doesn’t want a relationship will be a cold shower: so is it worth imposing and making efforts for any qualitative changes? The problem voiced will be a much heavier burden for a young man with a less decisive character.

However, it is still possible to restore relationships and come to a positive place.

What to do if a girl doesn’t want a relationship “at the moment”?

Life is like a kaleidoscope picture - it always appears in the form of a unique pattern formed as a result of combinations of the same pieces of glass and pebbles. And in order for your individual ornament to bring joy and moral satisfaction, you need to work hard on the layout of your own character traits and specific life circumstances.

And since “nothing is impossible,” the only obstacle to achieving your goal can only be your own laziness and reluctance to change your (already boring) usual routine. Only love and the thirst for happiness can become a “magic” push that forces you to move from the dead point of inertia. However, a young man who does not want to “give up without a fight” must first of all make sure that in front of him is exactly the girl he needs, and the relationship with her will not destroy his own life.

Several unique ways to “obsess” for the sake of a relationship with a girl

It’s hardly worth being an “annoying fly”, boring a girl with endless outpourings of feelings, engaging in self-pity and unquestioningly fulfilling any lady’s whim. By humiliating himself and allowing himself to be manipulated, a guy is more likely to achieve the opposite effect - he will make himself despise.

You can achieve success only by “learning a lesson” from any current circumstances, which will allow you to take a sober look at yourself from the outside and understand what you don’t like opposite sex and develop a strategic plan for change.

For the sake of the girl you love, you can change not only your image or clothing, but also your own body. To become attractive, you should not only change your hairstyle and learn to take care of hygiene, but also make your friend admire her athletic figure, sparkling eyes and healthy complexion. It is for these purposes that all sports grounds and “gyms” open their doors to a young man: as they say, being determines consciousness.

Often one is drawn “to one’s native swamp” by one’s former social circle, consisting of losers and primitive people. In this case, it is advisable to make new acquaintances: with those who live an interesting and meaningful life. Having surrounded himself with people worthy of sincere respect, the guy cannot help but look up to them - and over time, the girl will notice the changes that have taken place. In addition, if there are interesting women among your friends, there are many ways to make a girl jealous and force her to reconsider her attitude towards the rejected young man.

The girl says she doesn’t want a relationship yet: check or not

There is no need to ask the question “the girl doesn’t want a relationship, is it worth imposing” if the decision in favor of action guarantees personal growth. The one who wants to change the world, starting with himself, will never feel like a loser, because the desire to achieve one’s ideal is happiness in itself. At the same time, momentary desires do not always bring good, but fate knows exactly what will happen for us the best option: to gain the girl’s favor, or to find another love over time.

Willingness to change externally and internally also includes increasing your intellectual level: start reading smart books, studying philosophy, surprising you with interesting ideas. Of course, you shouldn’t stoop to primitive “show off”. Having learned to work on himself and move towards self-improvement, a guy cannot remain outside the attention of the fair sex, which is why the chances of reciprocity and harmonious relationships will multiply many times over.

Now is not the time when girls dream of a family, a husband, children and a cozy kitchen in which they can cook dinner for their loved one from morning to night. Career, life goals, dreams, self-development, personal growth - all this is now interesting to women, and therefore, before blaming a girl for indifference or bitchiness, take a closer look at her, maybe she just doesn’t need a relationship right now?

Often, doubts about the relationship can get in the way. making the right choice. Many girls are afraid of serious relationships, due to a possible error. Despite the fact that today it is not as difficult to separate as it was in past centuries, a bad and unsuccessful union still greatly affects the psychological and nervous state of both boys and girls, the latter, on top of everything else, are already too emotional.

In this case, there is no point in pressing or arguing. In this state, girls are very sensitive to insults and any words. If you like her, give her what she needs - become her support and support, but do not forget to remind her that you are not a friend, but a guy who really likes her. Nice surprises like a bouquet of roses or chocolates will be very welcome. This is not intrusive, unlike pendants, chains and other expensive gifts, but pleasant, reasonable and understandable for her.

There is no relationship without trust, but if you have a reputation “ bad guy“, without commitment, stability, love and so on, many girls may not fall for you. No matter how you seduce them, there are those who will still resist, for them the most important thing is confidence in tomorrow, not the size of your wallet or the availability of a car. Look at yourself, whether you are scaring her off with your excessive attention, what experiences you have had and what people around you say about you. Perhaps your reputation is working against you, then start with yourself, if you really need her, but if you just like the girl, just find another one.

The second option for a “spare” guy is when the girl is just bored. For example, she came to the village on vacation, what should she do there, outside the city? She starts hanging out with local teenagers and, of course, she may seem to like you, although in reality she is just looking for fun until she returns to the city again. In this case, you shouldn’t get your hopes up about a long-distance relationship. This is just a trick of the eye and the ear, such girls come and go without noticing the one they hurt or who they might like, stay away from them if you are not one of the reckless people who are capable of leaving a mark or a wound in her changeable heart.

If a girl denies you love, that's not so bad. But what if she doesn’t say “yes” or “no”. It often happens that a girl says that she does not want a relationship, she will forgive her to wait or be a friend. This situation is complicated because it is impossible to accurately determine her intentions. Perhaps she is not ready to be with you yet, or perhaps she is simply deceiving you. To get out of this puzzle, you need to understand the reason for this behavior.

Why doesn't a girl want a relationship?

To find out, you need to start playing by its rules. Tell her that you understand her and have a heart-to-heart talk. As a result, she may state that:

  1. I broke up with my boyfriend and can’t forget him;
  2. Doesn't want to rush things;
  3. Afraid of getting burned;
  4. The girl says she doesn't want a relationship with anyone

    Sometimes a girl declares that she doesn’t want a relationship with anyone for no reason. There are 2 options here:

  5. She is a lesbian (which is rare);
  6. She is lying, both to herself and to you.

If in such a situation the lady allows herself to be touched, and you have kisses or sex, then you have found a “free cat”. She really doesn't want to start anything, but she doesn't mind being a girl. This picture suits many people. But the difficulty is that such a person, besides you, will have many more favorites, like the famous empress.

The girl can't have a relationship

This theory can only be true if there is significant evidence. For example, she is much younger than you, older, poorer, richer, etc. In this case, indeed, something may interfere with the relationship.

In many situations, girls say that they do not want a relationship in order to make a slave out of the guy. She “temporarily” wants nothing to do with you. But you can talk to her, help her with her homework, fix her computer, and so on.

Be that as it may, it’s worth understanding everything in detail, not getting angry and not making serious decisions. Understand what's going on. And you will find out what to do with all this next in the next article.

The girl said she doesn't want a relationship? This is complete nonsense! From childhood, the female sex is accustomed to the family hearth: dolls, daughters and mothers, plastic dishes and much more. For the most part, their main goal is to build successful relationships: some only care about money, while others care about love and mutual understanding.

Therefore the problem is with you! As Pushkin said: “

Yes, there are girls who are looking nice guy, but not everything is simple with them either. Let's look at the reasons!

Why a girl doesn't want a relationship - 4 reasons

Reason #1. Consequences of past relationships

After a recent breakup, girls need time to snot. For some, a few hours are enough, while others remember past relationships for years. This happens quite rarely these days, but it still happens.

Vulnerable girls are afraid to open up to a new person, and in this situation you need to prove that you are a worthy choice and are ready to achieve her: do things that her ex did not do.

  • Let others know that this is your future girlfriend (by actions).
  • In this case, it is enough just to be a man, show your courage and not be embarrassed by public opinion. She must realize that you are different and worthy of trust. Be arrogant, stubborn, persistent, and even if the girl doesn’t want a relationship, she will have no choice to refuse.

    Reason #2. You're just a friend (friend zone)

  • You need to make her need your communication! Stop spending all your time with her and looking for a reason to meet. Make it clear that if the girl does not change her attitude, she will lose you.
  • A frank conversation is ideal if she herself wants to talk to you, but sometimes you have to make the first step yourself. To do this, you need to take a rather long pause, supposedly time has passed and you are already a different person - here you will decide everything for each other.
  • Reason #3. She's using you

  • She only needs you as a driver: give you a lift, drop off, pick up.
  • They remember you when she needs something.
  • Do you recognize yourself? Guy, you are being used, there is no question of any relationship! It’s good if you sleep together periodically, otherwise run away from her with your heels sparkling. She will suck all the money out of you and will take advantage of your kindness until the very last moment, and when you cannot offer her anything, she will disappear as if you did not know each other.

    Reason #4. You're not serious!

    Have you ever heard these words from girls? Understand! Irresponsibility is the scourge of men from time immemorial; ladies will not date you until they are convinced of your seriousness.

  • You need to stop treating girls lightly
  • begin to notice small details unique to her,
  • remember her birthday
  • know her favorite flower,
  • stop drinking and flirting with everyone,
  • Then you have a chance!

    How to get a girl who doesn't want a relationship in 5 steps

  • Step #1.
  • We put forward a theory why she wouldn't want to be together. There is always a logical explanation, but you need to understand that sometimes they themselves cannot give a clear answer.

  • Step #2.
  • You must set a specific goal, for example: a kiss. And move and act based on the position: will it bring you closer to the goal or not.

  • Step #3.
  • All her girlfriends and friends should understand that you are courting her, this will prove that you are not afraid to show off your feelings (they love this kind of thing).

  • Step #4.
  • Always increase the pressure; if one approach does not work, you need to use a heavier arsenal.

  • Step #5.
  • The essence of the method is: “Either yes, or total no.” If you haven’t achieved your goal, then you’ve tried everything and now it’s no longer possible to achieve it. Only in such a final will you feel like a winner, regardless of whether you got the girl or not.

    I guarantee you, if a girl doesn’t want a serious relationship, then by acting according to this scheme, you will completely change her opinion, or yours!

    What to do? How to proceed?

    When a girl says that she doesn’t want a relationship yet, it means that you are not suitable for her, or she doesn’t want to date you!

    You need to change your attitude towards yourself, and therefore change yourself:

  • practice your diction and voice,
  • In reality you both want serious relationship, she just hasn’t decided yet, but this is a girl - she needs to be pushed to such a decision. Go for it!

    For practical advice on relationships from a psychologist, watch the video:

    If a guy doesn't want a relationship

    Evening. Moon. A secluded bench in the park. You and him. You are sitting next to each other, chatting pleasantly at the most different topics. You are madly in love with him, and he also shows sympathy for you. It’s like they’re no longer friends, but they’re not a couple either. Suddenly, in an attempt to say the next phrase, you literally collide with each other. Your lips are getting closer and closer... But at one “wonderful” moment the guy just gives up. It becomes clear he doesn't want a relationship. But why? And how can you make him change his mind? This is what I will try to help you with.

    First of all, I want to admit that the author of this article is a guy. Also, today, perhaps, we will do without specialists. Because, having read their recommendations and conclusions, I laughed for a long time, imagining those poor things that followed them. It’s better to immediately turn to the so-called popular opinion.

    Having analyzed enough a large number of answers to the question that interests us, I tried to highlight the main reasons why guys most often do not want a relationship and, of course, I bring them to you, with possible solutions.

    Reason one - undecided

    It often happens, I know from myself, that a man likes several girls with whom he communicates and does not seem to mind having a relationship. But dating one means either completely or significantly reducing your time communicating with others. Often such a choice confuses a guy. Many girls say if you want to get a guy, “ignore” him. But no, in this case such a feint will only worsen your situation. If you really want to achieve him, then try to make sure that maximum of his attention is focused on you. But, under no circumstances be intrusive. Give him a reason to call, write, or come visit. For example, ask for a cap or glasses, they say, to try them on, and as if because of your absent-mindedness, take them home. If he really likes you, he will definitely drop by, and even stay for tea and cookies. In general, use all methods to constantly be present in his head. Over time, he will understand that he is thinking about only one thing and all the others will fade into the background.

    Reason two - friends

    This does not mean his and your friends, but the fact that he considers you his friend. Perhaps he even loves you as a girl, but when starting a relationship, he doesn’t want to lose you as a friend. In this case, it will be quite difficult to convince the guy. We are a stubborn people and everyone has certain concepts. But nothing is impossible! To begin with, and this is the most important thing, break the stereotype of a friend. That is, make him perceive you as more than just loved one, but as a girl first of all. Women's charms will help you. Try to look as sexy as possible next to him, to evoke a desire, so to speak. You can try to make him jealous, or start pestering him directly. But both of these methods can be very effective and can also cause serious quarrels, so before using any of them, carefully test the ground.

    Reason three - material resources

    To be honest, today dating a girl is quite an expensive pleasure. Of course, you can spend nothing and be a very happy couple, but what man doesn’t want to please or surprise his beloved. Take her to the cinema, theater, or at least invite her to a cafe. This is why many guys don't want a relationship. It seems to them that they will not be able to satisfy all the desires of their beloved. This kind of case, in my opinion, is the most difficult. It’s not just principles here, it affects men’s pride, self-sufficiency, independence, in the end. But, as they say, trying is not torture. The main thing is not to ignore him or make him jealous in any case - this will only hurt you more. The most correct and suitable option just talk to the guy. Try to explain to him that he is more important to you than money, that you love him for who he is, etc. But I warn you, it will be very difficult.

    Reason four - he is indifferent to you

    Well, what can you do, this happens. Unrequited love and all that. But this, I tell you, can be fixed. To begin with, get interested. As in the first case, get into his head. Interested? Calls and writes, craves communication? “Ignore”, but not too cruelly, otherwise the fish will fall off the hook. If you do everything correctly, then after some time he will begin to pursue you. The so-called hunter instinct will work. Then give in to him. But I warn you right away that such relationships are most often quite short, since the hunter, having caught his prey, loses excitement and interest.

    Well, that's all. I hope these tips will help you, dear girls, become happy. If it doesn’t work, I ask you to forgive me in advance and understand that everyone makes mistakes. Moreover, every person is so unpredictable that it is almost impossible to predict his actions in a given situation.

    The girl doesn’t want a relationship: how to behave?

    Usually girls want relationships more than men. We want to have someone nearby who will take care of us, spend time with us and declare their love. But there are girls who are in no particular hurry to start serious relationship and do not want to bind themselves to any obligations.

    Why doesn't a girl want a relationship?? What is the reason for the fact that she does not strive to have a life partner nearby?

    The main reason for the reluctance to part with her freedom may be a series of unsuccessful romances, which left the girl with many unpleasant memories and the fear of repeating past situations. Fear new love quite understandable.

    Time must pass before you want a new relationship so much that past mistakes no longer matter. Until a girl is open to something new, she will not come across those men with whom she wants to go further than just flirting.

    After a difficult breakup, there comes a period when you need to rethink everything before plunging into a new romance. It happens that immediately after a long relationship and a breakup with a loved one, we meet another person with whom we start dating. But those unresolved problems that existed in past relationships, if not dealt with, may arise in a new relationship. And then it will be even more difficult to deal with them.

    Another reason that a girl prefers to be “in free flight” may be that she has finally found harmony in her soul and learned to enjoy her loneliness.

    Still, relationships add certain problems and it is not so easy to start depending on a person again, to be devoted to him, when you have just begun to feel the taste for a free life.

    If a girl doesn’t feel self-sufficient without a man, then it’s time for her to change, because dependence on a relationship will not lead to anything good. You need to have your own circle of friends, your own interests and hobbies, so that in case of separation you do not feel completely devastated. And without a relationship, you must learn to be happy, and then soon a loved one will appear in your life.

    A jealous man, who in a relationship constantly limited a girl’s communication with the opposite sex, can influence the fact that after an affair with him she will not want something serious for a long time. Eternal control, mistrust on his part, constant quarrels based on jealousy can for a long time discourage a girl from wanting to belong to someone. Now she will constantly think about how her new chosen one does not have the same qualities as the previous one, because it is difficult to cope with the fact that they always do not trust you and suspect you of something.

    Disappointment from unsuccessful relationships gradually passes. Believing in the best helps you perceive past negative experiences without pain. Relationships often end suddenly when we are not ready to leave, but this is not a reason to give up! You must definitely believe in the best, and if you haven’t yet met the person you could love, then you will find him a little later, but it will definitely happen!

    This means that she is satisfied with life without a man. Time will pass, and she will be ready to open up again to someone who, in her opinion, will be worthy of it. In the meantime, she has the right to enjoy her freedom, in which many advantages can be found. These include trips somewhere, new experiences, communication with friends - everything that we sometimes give up for the sake of a loved one.

    The girl doesn't want a relationship

    The girl says she doesn't want a relationship

  • Sees you as a friend (for now);
  • Doesn't want a relationship with anyone.
  • Whatever the answer, it must be thought through and, if possible, verified. To do this, just watch her, talk to her friends, listen to gossip and so on. Don't attack her right away. After all, there is a chance (albeit small) that she will really be with you, but a little later.

    The second option is more preferable. If a girl says she doesn't want to be in a relationship, then she (most likely) just wants to appear strong and independent. Also, she may lie to torment you or simply out of spite.

    In some cases, the word “I don’t want” turns into the word “I can’t.” Your lover may say that she can't be with you because:

    Usually, this is an empty excuse. After all, even the most diligent students and super busy ladies give up everything they do for the sake of love. And if she blames circumstances for everything, then she simply doesn’t like you, and she doesn’t want to offend you.

    At the same time, she will soon want love... But not with you. And you will also help her in everything and suffer from jealousy. This effect is called the friend zone. And there is no point in starting the situation here. Otherwise, your personal life will go downhill.

    If this happened to you, then do not scold the girl. Look for the problem within yourself. Perhaps you haven't proven yourself as a guy and haven't been able to prove to her that you are capable of a relationship.

    There is a possibility that you are too complex or too simple and that has turned her off. Sometimes girls are put off by excessive seriousness. After all, few people want a serious relationship right away. Everyone wants romance, flirting, etc.

    Pay attention to clothing style, hobbies, temperament. Often, guys themselves do everything so that no one likes them, and then they wonder why the girl doesn’t want a relationship.

    The girl doesn't want a relationship? The reason is always in you!

    The girl said she doesn't want a relationship? This is complete nonsense! From childhood, the female sex is accustomed to the family hearth: dolls, daughters and mothers, plastic dishes and much more. For the most part, their main goal is to build successful relationships: some only care about money, while others care about love and mutual understanding. Therefore the problem is with you! As Pushkin said: “ The less we love a woman, the more she likes us!"You're just not 'asshole' enough for her:

    Yes, there are girls who are looking for a good guy, but not everything is easy with them either. Let's look at the reasons!

    Of course, circumstances may be individual, but based on women’s logic and millions of guys who are in a similar situation, the reasons are always the same. After all, in fact, it’s not so difficult to understand a lady.

    • Give her flowers and all sorts of trinkets.
    • Sing her a song or record a funny video, maybe a serious one.
    • Offer your help and insist on participating in her plans.
    • She walks with you, trusts you with her innermost thoughts, flirts... but as soon as it comes to relationships - does she immediately bury her head in the sand? Congratulations - it's friend zoned! Probably the most thankless task for guys is to endure and suppress the feeling when a lady chooses a groom and sometimes asks for your opinion. What to do in such a situation?

    • Let him be jealous - start hanging out with other girls, take pictures with them, upload photos to social media. network - she should see that she is not the only one in your life.
      • She demands gifts from you, trips to restaurants, cafes.
      • Have you ever heard these words from girls? Understand! Irresponsibility is the scourge of men from time immemorial; ladies will not date you until they are convinced of your seriousness. You need to stop treating girls lightly, and start noticing small details that are unique to her, remembering her birthday, knowing her favorite flower, and also stop drinking and flirting with everyone, and perhaps you will have a chance!

        Initially, you need to understand whether the girl likes you or not. Read about signs of sympathy here. But even if everything is bad and she doesn’t pay attention to you, the situation is not hopeless! But is it worth your effort?

      • First you need to find out the reason why nothing works for you.
      • Next, think over an action plan and identify the goal you need to achieve.
      • Make it clear that you are serious and determined (so that it is noticeable from the outside).
      • Make attempts from less significant (going to the cinema) to larger-scale (a serenade under the window).
      • You should continue until you start dating or the goal is fulfilled, or until you hate each other.
      • The essence of the method is: “Either yes, or total no.” If you haven’t achieved your goal, then you’ve tried everything and now it’s no longer possible to achieve it. Only in such a final will you feel like a winner, regardless of whether you got the girl or not. I guarantee you, if a girl doesn’t want a serious relationship, then by following this scheme, you will completely change her opinion!

        When a girl says that she doesn’t want a relationship yet, it means that you are not suitable for her, or she doesn’t want to date you! You need to change your attitude towards yourself, and therefore change yourself:

      • change your wardrobe (article on the topic),
      • sign up for a gym
      • read a book on psychology
      • Anything that will make you more organized, restrained, courageous. After all, a girl wants to see a responsible and cheerful guy, and you need to work on it every day!

        Surprise! You need to be spontaneous, you need to amaze a girl every time you go for a walk or see each other, always have an ace up your sleeve. Plan your events in advance and present them as a surprise, let her feel like she’s the one and only!

        In reality, you both want a serious relationship, she just hasn’t decided yet, but this is a girl - she needs to be pushed to such a decision. Go for it!

        Surely after the betrayal everything will be as before, constant reproaches and reminders will continue, everything will be remembered. you destroyed the most important thing, trust

        Well, in any case, everything is screwed up. It won't be like before. She will leave you on her own, purely out of revenge, or she will cheat on you for the same reason. So forget about it. It's hard, but be a man and stand strong

        If a girl doesn't want a relationship, why does this happen?

        It would seem that she stubbornly looks at you all the time, is embarrassed when talking, flirts when you are in a big company, and even happily goes to the cinema with you, but as soon as the conversation about relationships begins, her look changes, her mood deteriorates and she turns from sweet sheep, it turns into an inaccessible block of ice. Why doesn’t a girl want a relationship if not everything outwardly screams that it is important and even necessary for her?

        Don't confuse flirting and affection. What you want can be accepted as reality if you like the girl, but not all guys understand the feelings addressed to them. If she is nice, kind and ready to go for a walk with you, this does not mean that she likes you as a guy. For a girl, the word “friend” is not an empty phrase, but a reality to which she strives. Perhaps she wants nothing more from you than friendship, communication, pleasant company when she is lonely or problems pile up all at once. And if this is the case, then you must decide who she is to you and what exactly you want from her.

        When you find a girl like this, don’t rush to be disappointed; it’s better to find out what she is striving for and how long it will take. There are girls who don’t date anyone at school, they are completely devoted to their studies and friendships, but at the university they are already starting to look at guys, looking for someone they can rely on, who will support their ambitions and aspirations. What does she want, to become president or just go to university, find a job, learn French, find out and it will be easier for you to navigate time. Do you have the patience to wait for it or can it bring you closer to your desired goal?

        Such girls are interested in guys with similar ambitions, those who do not stand still, help her see in you aspirations and desires, goals in life, invite her to a museum, ride horses, to a place where she is interested in her life goals for a long time, and not entertainment.

        The choice of bitches is to be ready for anything. This type of girl wants everything at once, and if the guy she likes has already been invited to the ball, the “backup” option is a great way out of the situation. The mistake the guys make is that they become “spare” knowing this and don’t try to change anything. But this role will not change in a day or even a year, if a girl sees in you only a possible alternative to her true feelings, run away from her while you have time, opportunity and desire. There are a lot of beautiful, cute, plump, thin girls around, in general, girls for every taste and color, open your eyes and look past the one who doesn’t see you.

        From such a relationship one can only expect betrayal on her part, constant complaints about the lack of money, attention, true love and joys - that is, nothing good.

        What to do if a girl doesn’t want a relationship: how to impress

        Many people are familiar with the situation when a girl seems to like a guy, but excludes a serious relationship. Perhaps the beauty is not ready to date, or she simply does not have the time, and most importantly, the desire. Let's try to figure out what to do if a girl doesn't want a relationship, and whether there is a way out for a guy from such a situation.

        Sometimes you can hear from guys something like, “The girl doesn’t want a relationship with me, but I really like her.” In such a situation, guys can use the following tips:

        Many guys do not take the interests of their chosen one seriously, which results in difficulties in communication. Listen to the girl you like before asking her out.

        You liked the girl, you want to date her, you know that she is free from any obligations. But the girl says she doesn’t want a relationship yet. In this case, you can do the following:

      • constantly remind yourself, do not disappear from the horizon;
      • give flowers for no reason, just as a sign of attention. Show how important attention is to you;
      • offer help in any situation. Tell her that your chosen one can always count on you. If you receive a refusal, still insist on participating in solving her problems;
      • Show others by any actions that this is your chosen one.
      • Even if the guy thinks that the girl doesn’t want a relationship this moment, you can still achieve her location. It is possible that in some situations you will have to be more persistent, even bolder. Show persistence, then the beauty will simply have no choice.

        When a girl doesn’t want a relationship anymore and says so directly, then try to get her to have a sincere conversation. Tell her that, as a friend, you are willing to listen to her talk about her past experiences. If you get consent, this will be your first step towards a serious relationship. Most likely, in past relationships your chosen one had too negative experiences, so she is afraid to start something new. Make it clear by actions and words that you are a completely different person, that you have true, serious intentions.

        Make a real action plan with the help of which you will gradually lead the beauty to agree to a serious relationship. Use the following tips:

      • be sure to find out for yourself the reason why something is going wrong;
      • set a goal for yourself, step by step achieve it. For example, plan a friendly kiss for today;
      • show your intentions in such a way that they become noticeable to others. Her friends and colleagues at work should understand this, and in addition to everything, they began to discuss the situation;
      • if going to the cinema and restaurants did not produce results, then sing a serenade under her window;
      • Continue your conquest attempts until the goal is achieved. Either the beauty will agree, or you will begin to hate each other. But you are unlikely to remain friends.
      • Using the recommendations listed, any guy can achieve the most unapproachable girl. The main thing in the development of relationships is to show your chosen one that you keep your word and know how to stand up for yourself and your beloved. Show, prove with your actions that a relationship with you will bring happiness.

        Probably every girl faces the problem of being overweight? After all, sometimes it’s not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, or trim your sides or belly. Diets don’t help, you don’t have the strength or desire to go to the gym, or it doesn’t bring tangible results.

        The girl says she doesn't want a relationship

        The girl says she doesn’t want a relationship with anyone. The girl allows herself to be touched, but says that she does not want a relationship.

        The girl doesn't want a relationship The reason is always you!

        Girls are always ready for a relationship, you're just not right for her! You need to achieve it in other ways, which we will talk about in this article.

        If a girl doesn't want a relationship

        If a girl doesn't want a relationship, why does this happen? It would seem that she stubbornly looks at you all the time, is embarrassed when talking, flirts when you are in a large company, and even with

        What to do if a girl doesn’t want a relationship, how to impress

        Many people are familiar with the situation when a girl seems to like a guy, but excludes a serious relationship. Perhaps the beauty is not ready to date, or she has