The most frequently asked questions on all-Russian verification work. Rosobrnadzor: no need for hype, verification work will not affect the certificate

The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) reports that, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 20, 2017 "On monitoring the quality of education" in 2017-2018 academic year All-Russian testing works (hereinafter referred to as VPR) will be carried out for students of grades 4 and 5 in the regular mode, grades 6 and 11 by choice educational organization.

The participation of educational organizations in the conduct of the VPR in the 6th and 11th grades is not mandatory, such a decision is made by the educational organization itself. VPR does not entail an additional burden as they will replace the traditional final examinations in an educational organization, which were carried out in the past decades in many regions and individual educational organizations.

VPR for students of the 11th grade are carried out in the following subjects: “ foreign language”, “history”, “physics”, “chemistry”, “biology”, “geography” for graduates who do not choose to pass the state final certification By educational programs secondary general education in the form of a unified state exam in the relevant subject.

At the same time, we inform you that VPR is not a state final certification. They are carried out by an educational organization independently, using uniform options for tasks for the entire Russian Federation, developed on federal level which should make it possible to evaluate the learning outcomes of students according to uniform criteria.

Distinctive features of the VPR are the unity of approaches to the compilation of options, the conduct of the work itself and their evaluation, as well as the use modern technologies, allowing to ensure the almost simultaneous performance of work by students of all educational organizations of the Russian Federation.

VPR tasks for students of the 4th, 5th and 6th grades are developed in strict accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards.

The content and level of VPR assignments for 11th grade students will take into account the fact that graduates who do not choose these subjects when passing the state final certification will have to perform these works. In this regard, the tasks, the content of the VPR, will include for verification the most significant elements for each academic subject that are important for the overall development of the graduate and his life in society, including the knowledge necessary for every citizen on the history of our country, ideas about healthy and safe lifestyle, ideas natural processes and phenomena.

The results of the implementation of the VPR can be useful for parents to determine the educational trajectory of their children. They can also be used to assess the level of training of students following the completion of the main stages of education, to improve the teaching of academic subjects in educational institutions of the Russian Federation, and to develop regional education systems.

At the same time, we inform you that the decision to participate in the VPR of an individual student is made by the educational organization.

Letter of Rosobrnadzor No. 05-11 dated 01/17/2018:

Anzor Muzaev, Deputy Head of Rosobrnadzor, answered popular questions about CDF to Anastasia Melnikova, columnist for MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

- Why are the All-Russian Testing Works (VPR) in five non-core subjects being introduced in schools?

Why do we introduce VPR? Why do we want all graduates of the school to write a paper in chemistry or biology, including those who consider themselves humanities? Not to make life difficult for them.
This was done in order to see the real picture of the state of education in the school. The exam is not indicative here, because the guys who have chosen certain subjects for themselves on the exam are motivated, they will additionally study. Their result is not only the result of the work of the school, the teacher. The VPR here will be a more accurate indicator and an "alarm bell" if there are problems with the teaching of certain subjects in a school, region, municipality.

Now schools themselves check how students have mastered subjects that are not included in the USE or GIA-9, they themselves conduct tests. They carry them out on their own assignments. No one controls how these tasks are composed, what their level of difficulty is, how their performance is evaluated.
Introducing the VPR, we offered schools single standard estimates. And federal and regional bodies education, and school directors themselves, and, importantly, parents can see the real picture - what they could or could not teach in their school.

It was reported that for graduates this would become "a kind of mechanism against" coaching for the Unified State Exam, "but the Unified State Examination remains, only now the control ones are being added. Students, future graduates, their parents and teachers are in worries ...

There is no need for fears and excitement, there is no need to worry. It's just about control works ah on the basis of the study of the relevant subject. Such tests were and are being carried out by schools in all subjects, this is a completely natural part of educational process.

VPRs do not affect the certificate, based on their results no decisions are made that are vital for the graduate, you do not need to prepare for them (VPRs) in any special way - you just need to study. We do not recommend that schools take into account the results of the VPR when grading in the certificate.

This is very important - that the results of the VPR do not affect the final grades. Well, since this is an approbation, and the participation of schools is voluntary, then who, as a result, decides that this or that school participates in this experiment? School directors? Students and their parents?

The decision to participate is made by the school. If such a decision is made, then the director must then issue an order, on the basis of which it is determined who and how participates in the control work.

And if the school writes tests, but one of the 11th graders refuses (since this is a voluntary matter). For example, he wants to focus only on preparing for those subjects in which he will take the exam - is such an option possible?

The rights and obligations of all participants in the educational process are defined by the law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

The law contains a description of the powers of the school to organize various forms of certification. If a teacher in a class announces that a test will take place on such and such a day, then the students are not accepted to challenge this decision, are they?

If a student is going to enter a technical university, does this mean that he should generally refuse to study the basics of the history of his country? Or the foundations of the functioning of one's own organism, or the elementary laws of nature? Let's not turn graduates into "specialists like flux" (Kozma Prutkov - ed.).

Who's talking about refusing to study? All schoolchildren study other subjects anyway - for years. If you are referring to Kozma Prutkov, I will quote another of his statements: "Do not take anything to the extreme." Well, the question about the voluntary participation of students in the VPR was asked in connection with which, I quote, you said literally the following: "The participation of schools [in the conduct of the VPR] is voluntary. Moreover, the students themselves also voluntarily participate."

And I can repeat the same to you. In general, VPR is not the exam at all. But it really checks the most significant aspects of each subject - what is important for later life and overall development.

- Will the CDF be mandatory in the future?

On this moment we are talking about the VPR 2017, which are held by the decision of the school. Other decisions can only be made after a comprehensive discussion with all interested communities.

How will the subjects for the control ones be selected - after all, all graduates, in addition to the mandatory USE, have completely different state exams?

Now we are talking about the trial mode. The future will show which organizational form of conducting the VPR will be the most effective.

- What other tests are planned for this academic year in other classes?

This year, 4th grade students from all schools will write All-Russian test papers on the Russian language, mathematics and the world around them. For the 5th grades, VPR in the Russian language, mathematics, history and biology will be held in the testing mode, that is, on a voluntary basis. In November, we also conducted a VPR in Russian for grades 2 and 5, in which about a quarter of the country's schools took part.

- How will the participation of schools in the VPR affect their ratings?

The level of results will not be taken into account in any rankings. Perhaps in the future, when the school conducts a self-assessment of its work, it makes sense to take into account the mass participation in the VPR, since the results of the VPR make it possible to make the school transparent, to provide more information about its work for parents and the public.

- How many schools have decided to conduct VPR this academic year?

In May, when we conducted VPR in the 4th grade, 37,000 schools, about 1.3 million children, took part in them. This is the vast majority of schools in Russia (about 9/10). Given that participation was voluntary, this is an impressive figure. We don't yet have data on how many schools will conduct VPR in grades 5 and 11 in the spring, but we hope that participation will be no less active.

And yet - in April 2017, some schools will conduct a VPR: somewhere they will write bad tests in chemistry, somewhere in physics, and then what? Will the teachers be fired? Somewhere there will be excellent results - and in this case, what will follow? Rewards?

Nobody gets fired. But if the director decides to carry out the work objectively, then he, as well as all teachers and all parents, will receive very valuable information with which they can continue to work.

It's a completely natural way famous school from time immemorial. There is nothing new here, control work has always been carried out.

The peculiarity of the VPR is only that the school and parents get the opportunity to see their performance in comparison with the whole country. And if a child could not be taught something, it is necessary to work with this school, with the teacher, to engage in his retraining and advanced training so that a student of any school can receive a full-fledged education.

Why are some additional exams or new requirements introduced in the 11th grade? It is already difficult for future graduates, this is a very responsible, busy year, which actually has an impact on the whole life. Why load eleventh graders even more? What you have learned is what will come out. Maybe it is worth starting reforms in the lower and middle grades in order to gradually prepare future graduates for new realities?

VPR set the acceptable level of requirements within which children and teachers can finally find a compromise and not refuse to study an “unnecessary” subject at all, but take from it all the most significant, important from the point of view of later life and general development. This is a path to greater honesty in education, an opportunity for graduates to speak with full right of getting a general secondary education, rather than specialized training in the three subjects of the Unified State Examination.

Line UMK Merzlyak. Mathematics. Algebra. Geometry (5-11) (B)

UMK Line Geography. "Classic Line" (5-9)

Line UMK V. P. Dronov. Geography (Wind rose) (10-11) (base)

UMK Volobuev-Ponomarev line. General History (10-11) (BU)


VLOOKUP in questions and answers

Why was it created, when is it carried out, what threatens it, how to prepare for it psychologically? We turn to official data and interviews with representatives of Rosobrnadzor.

All-Russian test work (VPR) is a practice designed to establish a regular check of the level of knowledge of schoolchildren for compliance with federal state educational standards. Russian schoolchildren wrote the first VPR in 2015. Since 2016, the All-Russian verification work has become regular.

After studying official sources, we answer questions about CM that are most often asked by parents.

Basic information: why, for whom, how

Why was it necessary to introduce VPR? Does the exam really not provide all the necessary information?

Students take profile exams in all subjects not in the general order, but by choice, that is, there is no way to get complete data on how other students have mastered the subject. In addition, graduates are aware that their future studies and careers depend on the results of the Unified State Exam, so they prepare very carefully for specialized exams, most often resorting to the help of tutors and attending special courses. Therefore, based on the results of the USE, it is impossible to judge what is the role of the school in the success of graduates. In order to get a more transparent picture, All-Russian verification works have been introduced, drawn up according to uniform requirements.

In grades 11, VPRs are held only for those students who did not choose the USE in the relevant subjects. That is, who takes the exam in geography, he does not write VPR in geography.

“Now schools themselves check how students have mastered subjects that are not included in the USE or GIA-9, they themselves conduct tests. They carry them out on their own assignments. No one controls how these tasks are composed, what their level of difficulty is, how their performance is evaluated. By introducing the VPR, we offered schools a single standard of assessment ... "- Anzor Muzaev, Deputy Head Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science, in an interview with MIA "Russia Today" dated 12/14/2016.

Read on the topic:
  • Vadim Barabanov: "VPR is not an exam, but a test"
  • Modern geographical education at school: questions and answers

In 2017, not all schools conducted VPR. Is this a mandatory and universal procedure, or can you still refuse?

At the testing stage, the decision to participate in the VPR was made by the schools. According to the 4VPR portal, in the 2016/17 school year, three million children participated in the VPR in 95% of the country's schools. There is no exact information on the official website regarding 2018, however, it is likely that the participation of the school in the VPR for grade 4 will be mandatory.

“In the 2017/2018 academic year, the testing of the VPR in history will take place in grades 5 and 11, in the next, in the 5th grade, VPR in history is planned to be introduced into the regular mode,” said the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Sergey Kravtsov on All-Russian Conference Association of teachers of history and social studies (source - the press service of Rosobrnadzor).

“This year, participation in the VPR for eleventh graders is voluntary, but next year, all graduates will be required to take part in the VPR in history. Russian schools", declares Oksana Reshetnikova, director of FIPI (source -

Is it possible for one of the students not to write a VLOOKUP if his school and his class are writing this work?


The decision on the procedure for conducting the VPR within the school is made at the school level (source - the official website of the VPR). The school administration can, for example, exempt children with handicapped health, but it is unlikely that each student will decide for himself whether to write a test paper for him or not.

What classes will write VLOOKUP in 2017 and in what subjects?

At the moment, the list of All-Russian verification works is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 69 dated January 27, 2017. It states that the monitoring of the quality of training in the form of audit work will be carried out:

    in the 4th grade - in the Russian language, mathematics and the world around,

    in the 5th grade (in the testing mode) - in Russian, mathematics, history and biology,

    in the 6th grade - according to life safety,

    in the 8th grade - on life safety,

    in the 10th or 11th grade - in geography (in the approbation mode),

    in the 11th grade - in physics, chemistry, biology and history (in the approbation mode),

    in the 10th grade - in chemistry and biology.

Of these, almost all VPRs have already been completed, except for VPRs in chemistry and biology for grade 10: their students will write on October 18, 2017.

It is worth noting that this list may undergo changes and be supplemented with new items. We advise parents to keep their finger on the pulse and follow the news of education.

By whom and how are VPRs carried out? Is it the same harsh procedure as the exam?

Tasks for VPR are developed at the federal level: this ensures the necessary unity of approaches to assessment. And the control work is carried out by the schools themselves, so the children will take the VPR in their native walls.

“Each educational organization independently decides on the use of materials received for the conduct of the VPR, and establishes the procedure for conducting the procedure in graduating classes,” - Vadim Barabanov, Head of the Federal Commission of Developers of the KIM USE for Geography FIPI, in an official interview with the Russian Textbook corporation on 12/20/2016.

The procedure for conducting VPR is extremely transparent and does not require any additional actions from schoolchildren. The most common model for organizing VPR is as follows: first, the school registers on the federal portal for supporting VPR; a personal account is automatically opened for her. Three days before the work (the exact schedule will be made public closer to the spring) VPR materials are placed on the portal in the form of encrypted archives. The school code is obtained through a personal account. also in personal account there are evaluation criteria and electronic form to collect results.

Testing work is carried out at school and takes 1 - 2 academic hours (for elementary school - 1 hour). The recommended time for the VPR is the second or third lesson.

The teachers of your school also check the VPR on the day of the work. The results are then entered into a form and sent directly to a single information system so that experts can work with them.

This is interesting:
  • Final essay 2017: how to prepare and how to prepare?

VFR for students: benefits, risks, features

But still, which result is more important - the USE or the VPR?

For 11th graders, in terms of the impact of results on their future studies and career, of course, the USE is more important. The result of the VLOOKUP may not even affect the final grade of the student in this subject: the decision to use the results of the VLOOKUP is made at the school level. Experts in the field of education point out that the impact on the annual assessment and the adoption of any serious decisions is not a priority task of the All-Russian verification work.

“VPRs do not affect the certificate, based on their results no decisions are made that are vital for the graduate, you don’t need to prepare for them (VPRs) in any special way - you just need to study. We do not recommend that schools take into account the results of the VPR when grading in the certificate ... "- said Anzor Muzaev in an interview with MIA "Russia Today" dated 12/14/2016.

It is clear why Rosobrnadzor needs these data. And what are the benefits of VPR for children?

Even a very capable student will find it difficult to successfully pass the OGE and the Unified State Examination if he has a gap in knowledge in the 4th, 5th, 8th grade. Often these gaps are invisible to teachers, parents, and children themselves. Finding out during a fateful exam that you missed something important a few years ago, to put it mildly, is not very pleasant. The VPR is designed to identify shortcomings in time, point out topics that for some reason have not been fully mastered by you.

So, the result of the VPR is an indicator of the student's individual level of preparation, a good tool for identifying problem areas, as well as for making further decisions when building an individual educational trajectory.

In addition, data on the results of the VPR as a whole for the school is an excellent marker of the level of the educational organization. This can be useful, for example, for parents who choose a school for their child: the results of the CDF can act as an objective criterion.

VPR tasks - what are they?

The task of the VPR is to check the level of knowledge of schoolchildren for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, therefore common feature for VPR tasks in all subjects - practical orientation.

Since the tasks are so unusual, it means that Does the preparation for the VPR give some new, special load?

VPR is the same test work as all that children write. It should not lie on the shoulders of children and parents with some special heavy burden. VPR tasks may seem difficult for those who studied without looking back at the Federal State Educational Standard: in order to complete the tasks, it is not enough to reproduce the memorized facts. It is necessary to reason, analyze, think more broadly and freely navigate the problems. And for most children, this is quite a lifting task: in 2017, 95% of students who wrote VLOOKUP coped with the work.

What will happen if the child "fails" on the CDF?

First of all, the unsuccessful result of the VPR is a timely signal for both the student and the entire school. VPR can become a tool for self-diagnosis and the basis for building a strategy methodical work. The main task of the VPR is to remove another qualitative cut of data on the progress of students and on the compliance of their results with the norms of the Federal State Educational Standard, and not create additional obstacles for the student. However, many nuances will be decided at the school level.


How to prepare for the VPR?

When should you start preparing?

If from grade 1 your children have been studying according to the lines of teaching aids that fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, then preparation has already begun for you. But to feel even more confident, you can now turn to the study guides, specially compiled for preparing for the CDF.

All education experts point out that VPR does not require special training - after all, no one hires tutors for ordinary tests. For more peace of mind, it will be useful to watch demo versions of VLOOKUP: they are publicly available at information portal VPR and on the FIPI website. If even after that you do not leave an anxious feeling, you should pay attention to study guides, compiled specifically for the preparation for the VLOOKUP.

For eleventh-graders who are going to take the VLOOKUP in geography, we suggest testing their strengths on the online VLOOKUP simulator. The resource includes a set of interactive test items on all major topics, and the results are calculated automatically.

The basic rule of preparation for VPR isjust study for a year. Preparing for the test work in 2 months is a stressful and sometimes unsolvable task. The right decision- prepare for the VPR gradually, systematically, in the usual mode for a schoolchild, using a variety of tasks and studying according to modern teaching aids.

Alexandra Chkanikova

*Since May 2017, the DROFA-VENTANA joint publishing group has been part of the Russian Textbook Corporation. The corporation also included the Astrel publishing house and the LECTA digital educational platform. Alexander Brychkin, a graduate of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, candidate of economic sciences, head of innovative projects of the DROFA publishing house in the field of digital education, has been appointed General Director.

VPR - Graduation test work, which is written by graduates of elementary school. There are only three VPRs in the 4th grade: in mathematics, the Russian language and the outside world.

First of all, VPR is a monitoring that was introduced in order to understand which schools are fulfilling their main task, which the state has set for them.

VPR is a fairly new way of testing knowledge, and everyone is very afraid of this test: the school is afraid and scares the parents. The same thing happened many years ago with the USE.

In almost all schools, parents are scared that if the child does not pass this transfer exam (which is considered to be a VPR), then they will leave him for the second year, leave him to retake, etc. But as a school principal and as a teacher, I will say that this is not really the case. Why? Read on.

Because according to the law, no grades are given for VPR. And CDF is not designed to move a child from primary to secondary school. The initial goal of the VLOOKUP is to identify general level training primary school countrywide.

Children write VPR without surnames. All their names are coded and, in fact, the school simply receives an average learning score, and therefore wants this score to be higher than the rest (raise the prestige of the school, etc.), which is why parents and children are so intimidated.

But in fact, everything is much simpler. The school wants points for the school, because the results of the VPR are compared by district, by city, by region, by country, and then published for everyone to see.

Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that your child will stay for the second year if he writes a CD poorly. Nothing bad will happen!

And if your school has an honest administration and a competent teacher, then the grade for the VPR should not affect the annual grade for the 4th grade (annual grade is the average score based on the results of 4 quarters).

Let go of the situation, don't worry that your child won't be promoted to the next grade or get a lower grade for the year. In theory, this should not happen, and even if it does, you have the right to file a claim with the school administration, and then, if necessary, with the education department. Moreover, now, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, any controversial situation in elementary school is considered in favor of the child.

In total, children write three exams: in Russian, in mathematics and work on the world around them.

1. The world around

Worst of all in the country in 2017 and 2018, following the results of the VPR, they wrote a paper on the subject “ the world". Because there are very “intricate” tasks, for which you need to have a sufficiently developed coherent speech, and in which you need to be able to describe some experience in words or draw a conclusion. Not always, firstly, children love to write, and secondly, they are able to coherently and clearly express their thoughts.

The tasks of the surrounding world are almost all difficult, they are estimated at some three, some at six points, the amount of work is very large - ten pages of tasks with photographs. And very often it is on it that children (although it is written third) show the worst results, even if the child had a five, he can write the world around him for three.

To prevent this from happening, you need to at least watch the tasks of the demo version with your child, and as a maximum, in the analysis of the world around you in the premium version, pay attention to all weak spots that we're talking about there.

2. Mathematics

Most of all, children and parents are afraid of mathematics (if you look at the assignments, you will see that there are actually reasons), but for some reason it is written the best. And the highest results in 2018 among children were in mathematics.

The tasks are not difficult, the tasks are simple. But attention must be paid not only to how the child decides and writes the answer, but to how he draws up the work. For example, when solving problems, there are two types of criteria. If you wrote, as expected, in brackets, for example, "k." - sweetie, explanation, full answer, then you get two points for the task. If you just wrote the answer, then if it is correct, you will be given one point for the task. One way or another, getting a triple in math is very easy.

But with the five is much more difficult, just like in the outside world. There you need to know all the subtleties and pitfalls.

3. Russian language

An exam that can be taken out in a separate direction due to ambiguity.
Two days are allocated for Russian.

On the first day, children write a dictation and complete assignments for the dictation.
The norms for evaluating the dictation are quite soft: for seven mistakes made, the child receives zero points, for 6 mistakes made 1 point, for 5 mistakes 2 points, for 4 mistakes 3 points, and so on. If there are no mistakes in the dictation, in the Russian language you can get the maximum number of points - 7.

On the second day, the children write a test. It is here that the greatest difficulties arise, because tasks, if you do not know the assessment criteria, are almost impossible to complete correctly.

The main thing is that there are subtleties in writing VLOOKUP for high scores. For example, in Russian, a task on the text: “What question should be asked in the text in order to understand that the one you are asking has read the text?”

However, the children often answer the question: “What is this text about?” gives 0 points, because it is not specific.
And points will be given by a question like: “How many people walked through the park? Or in what city were the events? Or who did Petya meet?

There are a lot of such subtleties, we have considered them in detail.

So what is VPR?

By by and large, this is an exam in which there is still a given framework for the corridor of thoughts that must be clearly observed.

And if, for example, children are in family education, they have not come across these "Pattern".

If children study at school, there are many teachers, perhaps they are “trained”, “coached” for the correct answers during the preparation. But also “training” can be different - negative and positive.

Consider the legal side of the VPR.
The main document can be considered a letter from Rosobrnadzor regarding the conduct of the VPR. Last year, we used it to write an appeal to the school for our subscribers. The situation was banal: the school required the full-time participation of the child in family education in the VPR for certification, but the family was on a trip and the child could not be physically present at the VPR.

Therefore, based on the letter from Rosobrnadzor, we made a legally competent appeal to the school.

What is the most important line in the letter that you can rely on:
"The decision to participate in the VPR of an individual student is made by an educational organization."

Once again, we draw your attention.
Of course, the school is very intimidating, saying that this is all for children, that this is a transfer exam, and so on. But this is not a transfer exam.

If your child writes a VLOOKUP unsatisfactorily or poorly, this will in no way affect his promotion to the next grade. It's all lies and provocation. There is no such regulatory document in which it would be written.

VPR samples are now on the FIPI website, they can be viewed and downloaded. Other materials in VPR StatGrad You can search for them, they are always published, they are always posted.

Participation in the VPR of the sixth and eleventh grades is not mandatory.

Batyanov Denis as a guest author, this post explains how to find data in one Excel spreadsheet and extract it to another, and also reveals all the secrets of the vertical view function.

Using the COLUMN function to specify an extraction column

If the table you are extracting data into with a VLOOKUP has the same structure as a lookup table, but simply has fewer rows, then VLOOKUP can use the COLUMN() function to automatically calculate the numbers of columns to retrieve. In this case, all VLOOKUP formulas will be the same (adjusted for the first parameter, which changes automatically)! Note that the first parameter has an absolute column coordinate.

Creating a Composite Key with &»|»&

If there is a need to search in several columns at the same time, then it is necessary to make a composite key for the search. If the return value were not a text value (as is the case with the “Code” field), but a numeric one, then a more convenient SUMIFS formula would be suitable for this, and a composite column key would not be required at all.

This is my first article for Lifehacker. If you liked it, then I invite you to visit my site, and I will also be happy to read in the comments about your secrets of using the VLOOKUP function and the like. Thank you. :)