Black lion habitat. Does a black lion exist in nature? Where and how do lions live

News and Society

Does a black lion exist in nature?

August 12, 2013

The lion is a smart, strong and very dangerous predator, a thunderstorm of deserts and savannahs. Many of us associate this beautiful and proud animal with the king of beasts, who instills fear in everyone, but is not afraid of anyone. We are used to seeing these muscular big cats with a red mane and golden hair, but in Lately there are more and more photos with dark animals. The black lion looks unusual, so many people are wondering: is this a real animal or a skillful work of Photoshop?

You should not think that in the natural habitat there are only lionesses and lions with a reddish color, in the savannas you can often meet predators with their former mane and skin, there are also cats with beige hair and blue eyes. Nature sometimes rewards animals with the most unimaginable colors and shades. All this is explained genetic mutations. If there are leucists and albinos, then why can't there be such a thing as a black lion?

Albinism is opposed by melanism, so it is likely that both white and dark animals can exist. Scientists different countries unanimously refute the fact that the black lion exists. In their opinion, this is impossible not at the genetic level, but in terms of survival. Mutation specialists explain that dark-colored individuals did not survive during evolution, so now you can not even hope that a dark lion cub will appear. Even if we assume that he will be born in the wild, then most likely the animal will not survive.

The black lion suffers from impaired thermoregulation, it has reduced immunity, and some difficulties arise when hunting. If an animal is born in captivity, then people will help him survive, but in his natural habitat he has practically no chance. Despite the fact that scientists have answered the question in detail, setting out their own point of view, many people still ask questions: "Do black lions exist?" and "Where can I see them?".

Cryptozoologists do not agree with the researchers, they believe that dark individuals can still be found in wild nature. In support of their point of view, there were reports from the African mainland, namely from the Okovango area, and from Persia that black lions were seen there. Both territories have similarities in one thing - they are covered with stunted trees and shrubs. Such a landscape allows predators with dark hair to hide from the scorching sun and hide when hunting.

A whole pride of dark lions was found in Okovango, but they cannot be called black. They differ from ordinary big cats in a dark brown color. Scientists do not recognize that this is a consequence of melanism, but agree on the idea of ​​inbreeding. This color is fixed because predators live in the forest.

The black lion is the dream of cryptozoologists today. They believe that there are dark individuals in the African bush or savannah, but no one can find them yet. If a melanistic lion were found, then it would be easier for researchers to study the evolution of the species. Scientists can only hope that the black miracle will someday be born in the zoo.




Cherny Lev Semenovich, was born in 1954 in Tashkent. Jew. Israeli citizen.

Leo is the middle of three brothers. The elder brother, Mikhail, born in 1952, lives in Israel, the younger brother, David, born in 1958, lives in the USA. L.Cherny, after leaving Russia for the West in 1994, lived in Great Britain and Israel. ( 10.04.00)

While studying at the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, student Cherny was actively involved in speculation, for which he was prosecuted. He bought his freedom in exchange for cooperation with the KGB. Upon graduation, the Chekists provided Lev Chernoy with warm place- he took the post of head of the quality control department of the branch of the Tashkent excavator plant, which produced consumer goods. (Сompromat.Ru 10.03.00)

On the basis of this branch, in 1985, Lev created one of the first production cooperatives in Uzbekistan. To work in it, he attracted his older brother Mikhail, who took over the organization of production, while Leo was engaged in the supply of raw materials and sales of products, financial issues. The cooperative essentially became the brothers' first and last joint venture.

Soon Lev Cherny became one of the largest "guild workers" who worked in the shadow production of consumer goods. Production was provided with raw materials and materials, which were obtained through systematic theft. state property in especially large sizes. In this, L. Cherny relied on the support of organized criminal groups in Tashkent, whose leaders were his former school friends. According to some reports, the money for the promotion of the cooperative was allocated from the local common fund, since Lev was of interest to criminals in connection with the creation of a structure for laundering proceeds from racketeering, prostitution, arms and drug trafficking. Through connections with the Uzbek criminal community, primarily with Gafur Rakhimov and Tofik Arifov, Cherny established relationships with such major figures of the underworld as thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (“Jap”) and Otari Kvantrishvili (“Otarik”). (www.

In 1990, Cherny met the owner of Trans Commodities, Sam Kislin, a native of Odessa and now an American citizen. Together they begin to supply raw materials to Russian metallurgical enterprises. The lack of working capital forced the directors to resort to the services of L. Chernoy and Kislin. The scope of Trans Commodities expanded and soon L. Cherny registered Trans-CIS Commodities Ltd in Monte Carlo (Principality of Monaco). (TCC), which effectively took over the Trans Commodities business. Kislin's attempts to achieve a civilized division were severely suppressed: he was advised to "seriously think if his wife wants to see him and his children alive."

According to the US FBI and the Swiss police, “Yaponchik” became L. Cherny’s partner in Trans Commodities, and the firm was actively used to “launder” dirty money, including those received from the drug business.

In 1991, L. Cherny met in Moscow Goran Stanovich, a representative of a small company called Trans-World Metals (TWM), owned by the English businessman David Ruben. At that time, TWM mediated in the supply of small lots of tin to the London Metal Exchange (LME) and cooperated with VO Raznoimport.

TCC started to work together with TWM. It was then that the aluminum industry of Russia and other former republics of the USSR became the sphere of L. Cherny's main interests. In 1992, a conglomerate of intermediary firms formed around TWM, called the Trans-World Group (TWG). (

In 1992, Cherny goes to Soskovets, who authorizes in the aluminum industry of Russia hitherto unseen in economic history humanity method of pumping money out of the country - tolling. The regime of customer-supplied raw materials (alumina) “under customs control” exempted TWG from taxes and customs duties on imported raw materials and exported metal. At the same time, up to 75% of foreign exchange earnings remained on the accounts of intermediary firms. Thanks to tolling, TWG entered the top three largest players on the London Metal Exchange in a short time. In 1995, TWG sold over 1 million tons of aluminum on this exchange. 5% of all world production. TWG's annual income has reached US$5 billion. TWG President D. Ruben in the British press repeatedly emphasized that “it was Lev, with his connections, who set up business in the territory of the former Soviet Union". Cherny was listed in TWG only as a general consultant, but, according to the testimony of company employees, he solved all issues related to doing business in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan alone..03.00)

Cherny himself argued that a foreign partner in the person of Ruben was necessary to raise funds to finance operations with aluminum plants. However, in reality, Trans-World Metals, in terms of its scale, could in no way act as a major investor, and L. Cherny needed TWG only to legalize capitals of criminal origin, primarily to invest funds from the “common fund” into legal business. The TWG President D. Ruben was assigned the role of “Zitz-Chairman”.

Almost throughout his career in big business, L. Cherny was in the field of view law enforcement. Thus, at the beginning of 1992, the American company Newtel Co., founded by emigrants from Russia, carried out a large-scale operation to collect ruble funds from Russian buyers for the purchase of imported industrial goods and foodstuffs. The collected funds were converted into hard currency (the total amount was in the millions of dollars) and transferred abroad. As they say, their conversion through the bank "Capital" was organized by L. Cherny. (

Seeing the high profitability of operations in the aluminum business in Russia, L. Cherny took vigorous steps to establish control over the plants through the acquisition of significant stakes in their shares. To circumvent the 20% restriction imposed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the free purchase of shares in Russian enterprises, L. Cherny created dozens of anonymous offshore companies in Monaco, Gibraltar, Switzerland, Virginia, the Bahamas, Cyprus, etc. In turn, these offshore companies established subsidiaries in Russia, which numbered over a hundred. The network of these firms was actively involved in buying up shares, which allowed TWG to become a shareholder in enterprises producing a total of more than 2 million tons of aluminum per year by the beginning of 1995. These are Bratsk (BrAZ), Krasnoyarsk (KrAZ), Sayan (SaAZ), Novokuznetsk (NkAZ) and Nadvoitsk (NAZ) aluminum smelters.

When buying shares in factories, funds were used stolen from the country's budget with the help of the so-called “Chechen advice notes”. There were no formal grounds for bringing charges against the head of Trans-CIS under such a scheme..03.00)

According to experts, L. Cherny is involved in the theft of at least 800 million dollars out of a total amount of about 2 billion stolen in banking system Russia using fake bank documents.

It is still unclear how exactly Trans-World financed the start of its activities in Russia. David Reuben claims that he and Simon invested their own funds in the initial operation, but no document has been produced to show that they were the source of the initial funding. And this brings us back to the Central Bank embezzlement case, which is centered on a scam involving multi-level transactions under the cover of which a dollar-ruble exchange was carried out and, through Russian banks, government funds were transferred on false vouchers to a number of companies, including Trans world. In the thick of the deals are two companies with similar names: Trans-CIS Commodities, founded by Lev with the help of David Reuben, and Trans-Commodities, a company located in New York, 50% owned by Mikhail (Mikhail's partner in Trans-Commodities was Sam Kislin, who is mentioned in the FBI report as being linked to the imprisoned Russian " godfather", and whose nephew, according to Joel Bartow, worked with Mikhail Cherny. Kislin subsequently became a member of the Committee economic development New York and made significant financial contributions to support Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Rudolph Giuliani. He denies any ties to the mafia or to Trans-World.) (Fortune 12.06.00)

In the struggle for the division and redistribution of property in the aluminum industry, the forces of organized crime were most actively involved. The death toll in this struggle (which journalists called the "Great Patriotic Aluminum War") was in the tens. Particularly bloody were the clashes between groups vying for control of the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant. At the suggestion of L. Cherny in 1991, one of the local criminal leaders Anatoly Bykov (“Bull”), whose “godfathers” were the leaders of the Uzbek organized crime groups, in particular Cherny’s school friend T. Arifov, infiltrated KrAZ. He recommended Bykov to his former countryman L. Cherny, and he persuaded Ivankov-Jap to bet on Bull.

Over the next two years, Bykov managed to force out or destroy all his competitors and led an organized criminal community. Krasnoyarsk Territory. There was also a corresponding division of the spheres of influence of criminals in the aluminum industry of the region: thief in law Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik), who represented Yaponchik in Eastern Siberia, oversaw the supply of alumina to BrAZ, Bykov legalized himself as one of the co-owners of KrAZ, and Vladimir closely associated with Bykov Tatarenkov (“Tatarin”) tried to establish control over SaAZ. "Tatarin" led a gang of up to 60 active fighters and for its cruelty was recognized as the most dangerous criminal formation in the East Siberian region. During May-June 1994 alone, Tatarin's militants killed 10 people who were related to the struggle for influence at KrAZ.

Shortly before this, in April 1994, O. Kvantrishvili was shot dead in Moscow, who, as it became known later, took certain steps in order to press L. Cherny's firms in the aluminum complex of Russia.

Fearing for his life, L. Cherny moved to the West with the beginning of criminal squabbles. There, especially at first, he constantly moved from place to place, living alternately in London, Paris, Monaco, New York, Tel Aviv, Caracas.

In 1995, the following were victims of contract killings: in April, Vadim Yafyasov, vice-president of Yugorsky CB, in June, Oleg Kantor, president of the same bank, in September, Felix Lvov, representative of the American company AIOC.

Bank Yugorsky, which faced serious financial problems, tried to reorient itself to servicing aluminum plants, and a few days before his death, Yafyasov even took the post of commercial director of KrAZ, where the structure he and Kantor represented became a competitor to TWG. Moreover, Yafyasov was a partner of L. Cherny for some time and had information about his business. Despite the pressure put on him, Yafyasov agreed to testify in the case of false advice notes, which, according to law enforcement officials, was the reason for his murder. (

In September of the same year, Felix Lvov, a representative of the American company A1OS, was killed. This company worked with Russian aluminum smelters and according to the tolling invented by Cherny, and accidentally wandered into his "garden". Lvov had the imprudence to declare at the hearings in the State Duma the need to investigate the facts of violation of the law during the privatization of the aluminum industry, which directly affected the interests of L. Cherny, who then carried out the seizure of KrAZ through Bykov. Lvov was offered a position in the TWG and, after being refused, was killed.

In June 1996, in the center of Moscow, Boris Fedorov, president of the National Sports Fund, received a bullet and four stab wounds, shortly before that he refused to cooperate with Trans-World and made public some information about the business of L. Cherny and his partners in Russia. On the night of April 24, 1999, Fedorov died suddenly in his home in Moscow under unclear circumstances.

In 1998, TWG takes control of the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Smelter (KrAZ), which owns a 60% stake in the Achinsk Alumina Refinery (AGK). In the summer of 1998, the term of external management at the plant ends. The manager, G. Fetisov, insisted on the immediate sale of AGK at auction - all the same, 827 creditors of the plant are not going to wait long. The real buyers - the Alfa group and the Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company - challenged each other for the right to shell out $200 million for the plant. And this saga would have ended with a normal bankruptcy, but in this case KrAZ would have lost its property and, consequently, control over prices for raw materials. TWG could not accept this - tolling was under threat. And in June 1998, as ordered by L. Chernoy, the Krasnoyarsk Territorial Arbitration Court removed G. Fetisov from the post of manager of the AGK and extended external management for another five-year period and a half. The court also appointed a new arbitration manager as by the same personal order - Nail Nasyrov. N. Nasyrov came to the plant after working at the Pavlodar aluminum plant in Kazakhstan, from where TWG was expelled in disgrace by the authorities of the republic. And Nasyrov then simply fled from Kazakhstan, having previously caused damage to its economy - according to the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the amount of $40 million. In connection with the activities of the TWG in his country, President Nazarbayev had to admit that tolling was a big economic mistake. The results of the activity of the manager Nasyrov affected the AGK immediately and sharply. The production of scarce raw materials on the domestic market fell over the month from 70,000 tons (May) to 36,000 tons (August). But this record is not the limit for Nasyrov - in September, the production of alumina at the plant was 26 thousand tons per month. A normally operating enterprise in two months (!) reached the level of 1996, when in the city of Achinsk, where the AGK is a city-forming enterprise, there were 11 thousand unemployed and the city lived in conditions of a humanitarian catastrophe! Deliveries of alumina to TWG-controlled enterprises have dropped sharply, washing out AGK's working capital. Thus, N. Nasyrov, thanks to his Bolshevik method of leadership, only in the first two months caused damage to the plant in the amount of five million dollars. (Novaya Gazeta, 11/15/99)

In 1997, the UK National Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) carried out a special operation code-named "Copperfield". As the Western press reported, the focus of the investigation was, in particular, an emigrant from the Soviet Union with an Israeli passport, Lev Cherny. According to NCIS intelligence, he was a liaison between the British trading and intermediary company Trans World Group (TWG) and organized crime groups of the "Russian mafia". In the course of operational and investigative measures, including wiretapping of Chernoy's telephone conversations, it was possible to identify his contacts with people involved in international drug trafficking, "laundering" large amounts of criminal origin. In addition, according to the British intelligence services, the network of offshore firms created under the wing of TWG and managed by Cherny poses a potential threat to the economic security of the UK and any other state where the company's branches operate. Most of them, according to experts from Interpol and the Russian Federal Service security (FSB), created specifically for the legalization of capital of criminal origin ... (Moskovsky Komsomolets 23.12.98)

As a result, the intelligence service established links between Cherny and Vyacheslav Ivankov, the imprisoned "godfather" of the American branch of the Russian mafia. It was found that 25% of all phone calls from the Trans-World office in London were made to overt mafiosi involved in money laundering, drug smuggling and gems. In Russia, one of the investigators connected Chernykh with the transfer of proceeds from the sale of drugs and theft of cars through retail in London. According to the investigator, the volume of these machinations was too large to draw a clear picture, according to the report on Operation Copperfield. Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Federation, in the absence of money laundering legislation, requested assistance from the FBI

Russia's new interior minister, Anatoly Kulikov, publicly announced in 1997 that he was expanding the Central Bank investigation into Lev and his associates. Kulikov also linked the aluminum trade to the Izmailovo group, and claimed that the group was under the control of Mikhail Cherny's friend, Anton Malevsky, who runs it from Israel. He also stated that "practically all" transactions between KrAZ and BrAZz were controlled by criminal gangs.

In March 1998, Yeltsin removed Kulikov from his post, and two weeks later the new Minister of the Interior announced that Lev Cherny was no longer under suspicion as an accomplice in the theft of funds from the Central Bank.

Blacks were officially cleared of complicity in the Central Bank affair because the Department of the Interior concluded that despite the fact that an organized crime group was behind the scam, and despite the fact that Blacks clearly benefited from it , there is no evidence that Black was aware that the funds were stolen. These findings not only helped Lev return to Russia in an attempt (now clear failed) to rebuild the crumbling Trans-World empire, but also stopped an investigation that could have destroyed Trans-World's operations in Russia. In part, Lev got out of suspicion thanks to the testimony of Gennady Druzhinin, one of the leaders of KrAZ. Imagine our surprise when it turned out from bank documents that Trans-World had previously paid Druzhinin exactly one million dollars - and this at a time when Trans-World was allegedly put up from KrAZ. (Fortune 12.06.00)

In the summer of 1998, L. Cherny moved to Russia, where he planned to stay permanently and hide from possible criminal prosecution. Here he is conducting an active PR campaign to create for himself the image of a major patriot entrepreneur, statesman, which would allow him to legalize himself and legalize his business. Millions of dollars are spent to pay for publications within the framework of this campaign in many central newspapers (Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trud, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Parlamentskaya Gazeta, etc.). In addition, Lev Cherny tried to use Berezovsky's opportunities to enter the Russian establishment and even the presidential entourage. However, having paid for Berezovsky's purchase of the Kommersant publishing house (through a fund headed by Chernoy's man Kia Dzhurabchian) and a controlling stake in TV-6, Cherny received essentially nothing in return, since politicians and high-ranking officials tried to distance themselves from him in the run-up to the elections, so as not to be compromised by ties with such an odious person.

Chernoy's relationship with Berezovsky did not go unnoticed. The Swiss prosecutor's office, which is investigating Berezovsky, also became interested in firms associated with Lev Cherny, and during the investigation arrested one of their top managers, David McNeil. Nevertheless, at present, L. Cherny continues his public campaign, the main goal of which is not only personal positioning in the ranks of the political elite, but also the introduction of his proteges into the structures of all branches of government at the federal and regional levels. The close ties of Lev Cherny with the top of organized crime and the origin of his capital give every reason to assume that he is fulfilling the task of ensuring the massive penetration of crime into power. (

Instead of an afterword:

Chernoy's partner David Reuben is fond of claiming that Trans-World has "saved" Russia's aluminum industry, the only industry to have increased productivity by 7% since 1989. At the height of their influence, in 1997, the Reubens claim they "invested" roughly $400 million in these plants. The Ministry of Economy of Russia calls the figure close to zero. In reality, Trans-World was systematically starving one of the most viable industries of the former Soviet Union, giving factories oxygen just so they could work for their tolling racket while the equipment was both morally and physically obsolete. The audit report for BrAZ for 1997 shows a $600 million loss on sales - that's for the world's largest aluminum smelter. The Reubens' internal reporting for the same year indicates that Trans-World and plant management made nearly $200 million in profits.

In exactly the same way, the Reubens and Chernys acquired control of one of Russia's largest steel mills in 1995 - and by 1997 were siphoning off roughly $300 million a year from it. When a group of American investors, including George Soros, announced that they had acquired approximately 50% of the plant's shares, they were not admitted to the board of directors and were not allowed to familiarize themselves with the enterprise's trading contracts, although the court ruled in their favor. And no wonder - the plant's profit (before tax) fell from $80 million in 1995 to $40 million in 1996, despite the strengthening of the steel market. (Fortune)

Lions are considered by many people to be one of the most beautiful animals in the cat family. The word "lion" in humans, in most cases, is associated with something strong, powerful, wise and noble. In nature, there are lions and lionesses, endowed by nature with a special color and coloration. In the savannas you can meet lions with a white skin and mane. There are lions with blue eyes and the color of the skin and mane from light beige to golden. All the variety of colors can be explained by mutations at the genetic level. White and golden lions are called albinos and leucists. The existence of black lions on the planet, scientists are questioning everything.

Scientist Clark Tonge, who specializes in mutations among big cats, explained this theory of the existence of black lions by saying that during the evolution of lions, dark-colored individuals did not survive and, therefore, the possibility of their existence in our time is unlikely. If a lion cub with a black skin and mane is born in the wild, then in any case it is unlikely that he will survive, since such processes as weak immunity, impaired thermoregulation and difficulties arising from hunting will contribute to his death. Biologists believe that a lion with black hair will not be able to survive in the wild. If such a lion is born in captivity, the likelihood that he will live is high enough. Despite all the statements of scientists, cryptozoologists believe that black lions can exist in nature. Some of the cryptozoologists are even sure of this. In Persia and Africa, people claimed to have seen black lions.

The photo above is most likely a photoshop.

It is worth noting that science does not stand still, and it is quite possible to manipulate the DNA of lions, with a subsequent change in their color.

Property tax deductions for the purchase of housing: types and methods of registration 🏘 We continue a series of publications on various tax deductions and the procedure for their registration. Previously, we have already talked about: social tax deductions professional tax deductions standard tax deductions This time we will consider property deductions, namely, a deduction for the purchase of housing, which is issued: For the purchase of an apartment, room or construction of a house; To pay off interest if you bought a home with a mortgage; To repay interest on refinancing loans for the construction or purchase of housing. Remember that the deduction is not provided if you: bought a home at the expense of employers, maternity capital or budget funds; bought property from a spouse or one of the relatives; have exhausted their right of deduction. The size of the tax deduction is determined by two main parameters: income tax paid; expenses for buying a home. When buying or building real estate, you can return up to 13% of the value of the objects, but the maximum deduction amount should not exceed 2 million rubles per person. That is, in one hand you can get no more than 260 thousand rubles. However, there are limitations. If a home was purchased before 2014, you can use the deduction once in a lifetime, and the purchase price does not matter. If housing was purchased after January 1, 2014 and did not use the deduction before, then you can use it several times, but it is still strictly limited to 2 million rubles. For each year, you can return no more than transferred to the budget income tax. If you have not used the right to receive the deduction in full, its balance is carried over to subsequent tax periods. That is, you can return the tax for several years until you return the entire amount. If you took out a mortgage, it is important when exactly it was issued. If before January 1, 2014, then the property deduction will cover the entire amount of interest, and if after - the interest deduction is limited to 3 million rubles, i.e. You can return a maximum of 390 thousand rubles. Also, since 2014, the maximum amount of the deduction applies to the cost of acquiring both one and several real estate objects. The amount of benefits can be doubled if you buy an apartment in marriage - then both spouses have the right to return 13% of the cost of the purchased housing. If you acquired property in common shared ownership before January 1, 2014, the property deduction is due to each co-owner depending on the share, if after - the amount of the deduction depends on the actual expenses incurred by each owner within the general limit. We will talk about property deductions for the sale of housing in one of the following publications. The procedure for obtaining a deduction when contacting an employer, as well as a list of additional expenses that are taken into account when calculating the property tax deduction, see our infographics.

The lion is a smart, strong and very dangerous predator, a thunderstorm of deserts and savannahs. Many of us associate this beautiful and proud animal with which it instills fear in everyone, but is not afraid of anyone. We are used to seeing these muscular big cats with red manes and golden fur, but lately there have been more and more photographs of dark animals. looks unusual, so many people are interested: is this a real beast or a skillful work of Photoshop?

You should not think that in the natural habitat there are only lionesses and lions with a reddish color, in the savannas you can often meet predators with a former mane and skin, there are also cats with beige hair and Nature sometimes rewards animals with the most unimaginable colors and shades. All this is due to genetic mutations. If there are leucists and albinos, then why can't there be such a thing as a black lion?

Albinism is opposed by melanism, so it is likely that both white and dark animals can exist. Scientists from different countries unanimously refute the fact that the black lion exists. In their opinion, this is impossible not at the genetic level, but in terms of survival. Mutation specialists explain that dark-colored individuals did not survive during evolution, so now you can not even hope that a dark lion cub will appear. Even if we assume that he will be born in the wild, then most likely the animal will not survive.

The black lion suffers from impaired thermoregulation, it has reduced immunity, and some difficulties arise when hunting. If an animal is born in captivity, then people will help him survive, but in his natural habitat he has practically no chance. Despite the fact that scientists have answered the question in detail, setting out their own point of view, many people still ask questions: "Do black lions exist?" and "Where can I see them?".

Cryptozoologists do not agree with the researchers, they believe that dark individuals can still be found in the wild. In support of their point of view, there were reports from the African mainland, namely from the Okovango area, and from Persia that black lions were seen there. Both territories have similarities in one thing - they are covered with stunted trees and shrubs. Such a landscape allows predators with dark hair to hide from the scorching sun and hide when hunting.

A whole pride of dark lions was found in Okovango, but they cannot be called black. They differ from ordinary ones in a dark brown color. Scientists do not recognize that this is a consequence of melanism, but agree on the idea of ​​inbreeding. This color is fixed because predators live in the forest.

The black lion is the dream of cryptozoologists today. They believe that there are dark individuals in the African bush or savannah, but no one can find them yet. If a melanistic lion were found, then it would be easier for researchers to study the evolution of the species. Scientists can only hope that the black miracle will someday be born in the zoo.