Glinka. Romance “I remember a wonderful moment. “I remember a wonderful moment” (creation story) Where was it written I remember a wonderful moment

Mikhail Glinka's romance "I Remember a Wonderful Moment" based on the verses of Alexander Pushkin is one of the most famous romances. The history of this romance began in 1819, when at one of the evenings in the house of Alexei Olenin, president of the Academy of Arts, Pushkin saw his nineteen-year-old niece Anna Kern. At dinner, Pushkin relentlessly watched Anna and did not spare her praise. He was captivated by her beauty. He would soon write:
"I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty."
Perhaps the impression that the young beauty made on the poet turned out to be so unusual also because Pushkin had heard a lot about Kern’s unhappy marriage. The main culprit in this marriage was her father. She was seventeen years old when she attracted the attention of division general Ermolai Kern. The general was more than thirty years older than her. He was an old warrior who valued parades, reviews, and maneuvers above all else. And Anna was a romantic girl who grew up reading French novels. She was not only beautiful, but was distinguished by her independence and originality of judgment. Of course, there was no way she could have liked the general. Many people had already wooed her, but her parents preferred the brave general. They convinced Anna that she would fall in love when she became the general’s wife, and she agreed due to her youth. A year later, her daughter Katya was born.
...As the years passed, Anna Kern blossomed in all her feminine glory. She was an enthusiastic fan of Pushkin’s poems. Anna never fell in love with her husband, and over time, the break in her relationship with General Kern became inevitable. It so happened that in the summer of 1825 Anna Kern came to visit Aunt Praskovya Osipova in Trigorskoye. At this very time, Pushkin was serving exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye, which was located next door. She was waiting for Pushkin's arrival from day to day and he arrived...
Anna Kern subsequently described this event as follows: “We were sitting at dinner when suddenly Pushkin came in. My aunt introduced him to me, he bowed low, but did not say a word, timidity was visible in his movements. He was very uneven in his manner: then noisily cheerful, now sad, now timid, now impudent - and it was impossible to guess in what mood he would be in a minute. When he decided to be amiable, nothing could compare with the brilliance, sharpness and captivation of his speech. One day he appeared in Trigorskoye with a big book. Everyone sat down around him and he began to read the poem “Gypsies.” For the first time we heard this poem, and I will never forget the delight that gripped my soul. I was in rapture as the flowing verses of this wonderful poem , and from his reading, in which there was so much musicality - he had a melodious, melodic voice... A few days later, my aunt suggested everyone a walk to Mikhailovskoye after dinner. Having arrived in Mikhailovskoye, we did not enter the house, but went straight to the old one, a neglected garden, with long avenues of trees, where I constantly stumbled, and my companion shuddered... The next day I had to go to Riga. He came in the morning and at parting brought me a copy of the chapter of Onegin. Between the pages I found a sheet of paper folded into four with the verses: “I remember a wonderful moment.” When I was about to hide this poetic gift in the box, he looked at me for a long time, then he frantically snatched it and did not want to return it, I forcibly begged for them again, I don’t know what flashed through his head then.”
In 1927, Anna gave a copy of these poems to Baron Delvig, who placed them in his almanac “Northern Flowers.” Yes, Pushkin fell in love with Anna Kern passionately, jealously and gratefully. Until the end of that year, he sent her letters, fondly recalling previous meetings, hoping for new ones, calling her to come again to Trigorskoye and waiting and hoping:
"And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
Both deity and inspiration
And life, and tears, and love."
After breaking up with her husband, Anna Kern returned from Riga to St. Petersburg and even lived for some time with Pushkin’s parents. She became friends with his sister Olga. In 1827, Pushkin celebrated his name day at his parents’ house, in the family circle. Anna Kern recalled: “That day I dined with them and had the pleasure of listening to his pleasantries. The next day I offered to take a boat ride. He agreed, and I again saw him almost as kind as he was in Trigorskoye."
Anna met Mikhail Glinka in 1826. In the winter of 1828/29, all of them - Pushkin, Glinka, Anna Kern - often met with the Olenins and Delvig. Glinka first performed the romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” in 1830 in the house of Pavlitsky, the husband of Pushkin’s sister. Anna Kern and Pushkin were present at this performance and were both very excited.
In its modern version, Glinka’s romance appeared nine years later in 1839 and was dedicated to Anna Kern’s daughter, Catherine. In the music of the romance there is the tenderness and passion of the blossoming of love, the bitterness of separation and loneliness, the delight of new hope. In one romance, in a few lines, the whole love story. Fate wanted the composer, whose marriage was unsuccessful, to love his daughter with the same strong love as the poet loved his mother, Anna Kern.
At the beginning of 1839, he first saw Catherine at the Smolny Institute, where she was studying at that time. Glinka recalled: “My gaze involuntarily settled on her: her clear, expressive eyes, her unusually slender figure and the special kind of charm and dignity spilled throughout her entire person attracted me more and more.” Ekaterina knew music perfectly and revealed a subtle, deep nature and soon his feelings were shared by her. After graduation, she lived with her mother and worked as a classy lady at the Smolny Institute. Anna Kern by that time had married a minor official who was twenty years younger than her and was quite happy. Her favorite saying was: “The course of our life is only a boring and dull period if you do not breathe in it the sweet air of love.” Glinka dreamed of going abroad with Catherine, but his plans were not destined to come true. Catherine fell ill. Doctors suspected consumption, advised them to live in the village, and Anna Kern and her daughter went to her parents’ estate Lubny, and Glinka to her family estate Novospasskoye. So they separated forever.
But two great men, Pushkin and Glinka, erected a “monument not made by hands” to two beautiful women: Anna Kern and her daughter, Ekaterina Kern, a monument for all times in honor of the “wonderful moment of love” - a message to all who love in eternity.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

TO ***
I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And I dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

The history of the creation of the poem, to whom it is dedicated.

Anna Kern drawing by A.S. Pushkina 1829

The poem was written no later than July 19, 1825. At this time, Pushkin was forced to stay on the territory of the Mikhailovskoye family estate. The poem “K***” was first published in the famous almanac “Northern Flowers,” the publisher of which was Pushkin’s lyceum friend Anton Antonovich Delvig, in 1827. Pushkin saw Kern for the first time long before his forced seclusion; the meeting took place in St. Petersburg in 1819, Anna Kern made an indelible impression on the poet.

The next time Pushkin and Kern saw each other was only in 1825, when Kern was visiting the estate of her aunt Praskovya Osipova on the Trigorskoye estate; Osipova was Pushkin’s neighbor and a good friend of his. It is believed that the new meeting, which took place after such a long break, inspired Pushkin to create an epoch-making poem.

It is known that A. S. Pushkin personally presented the autograph of the work to Anna Kern before her departure from Trigorskoye to Riga, which took place on July 19, 1825, but the autograph, according to her memoirs, was in the manuscript of the second chapter of “Eugene Onegin”, which A. P. Kern should have been taken with her before leaving. Pushkin unexpectedly took away the autograph and only after requests returned it again (Guber P. Don Juan list of A.S. Pushkin. Kharkov, 1993). Among other things, this exclusive white version was irretrievably lost - apparently, in Riga, in the commandant's house.

Pushkin was a passionate, enthusiastic person. He was attracted not only by revolutionary romance, but also by female beauty. Reading the poem “I remember a wonderful moment” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin means experiencing the excitement of beautiful romantic love with him.

Regarding the history of the creation of the poem, written in 1825, the opinions of researchers of the work of the great Russian poet were divided. The official version says that A.P. was the “genius of pure beauty.” Kern. But some literary scholars believe that the work was dedicated to the wife of Emperor Alexander I, Elizaveta Alekseevna, and is of a chamber nature.

Pushkin met Anna Petrovna Kern in 1819. He instantly fell in love with her and long years kept in his heart the image that struck him. Six years later, while serving his sentence in Mikhailovskoye, Alexander Sergeevich met with Kern again. She was already divorced and led a fairly free lifestyle for the 19th century. But for Pushkin, Anna Petrovna continued to remain a kind of ideal, a model of piety. Unfortunately, for Kern, Alexander Sergeevich was only a fashionable poet. After a fleeting romance, she did not behave properly and, according to Pushkin scholars, forced the poet to dedicate the poem to himself.

The text of Pushkin’s poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is conventionally divided into 3 parts. In the title stanza, the author enthusiastically talks about his first meeting with an amazing woman. Delighted, in love at first sight, the author is perplexed, is this a girl, or a “fleeting vision” that is about to disappear? The main theme of the work is romantic love. Strong, deep, it absorbs Pushkin completely.

The next three stanzas tell the story of the author's exile. This is a difficult time of “languishing hopeless sadness,” parting with former ideals, and confronting the harsh truth of life. Pushkin of the 20s was a passionate fighter who sympathized with revolutionary ideals and wrote anti-government poetry. After the death of the Decembrists, his life seemed to freeze and lose its meaning.

But then Pushkin again meets his former love, which seems to him a gift of fate. Youthful feelings flare up with renewed vigor, the lyrical hero seems to awaken from hibernation, feels the desire to live and create.

The poem is taught in a literature lesson in 8th grade. It is quite easy to learn, since at this age many experience first love and the poet’s words resonate in the heart. You can read the poem online or download it on our website.

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And I dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

“I remember a wonderful moment...” - one of the most touching and tender poems about love written by A. S. Pushkin. This work is rightfully included in the “Golden Fund” of Russian literature. We offer you to review the analysis of “I remember a wonderful moment...” according to plan. This analysis can be used in a literature lesson in 8th grade.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- poems written in 1825 and dedicated to A.P. Kern. Published in the almanac “Northern Flowers” ​​in 1827.

Theme of the poem- poems about unrequited love, which nevertheless saves a person, elevates his soul and fills life with meaning.

Composition– The poem consists of three conventional parts. the first part is nostalgic, where the hero yearns for his beloved, the second describes the hero’s feeling of loneliness and suffering, the third brings the hero back to life, saving him from despair by the newly resurrected feeling of love.

Genre– love letter

Poetic size – iambic pentameter with cross rhyme ABAB.

Metaphors- “the rebellious gust of storms scattered former dreams”

Epithets- “heavenly features”, “hopeless sadness”, “wonderful moment”.

Comparisons- “like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty.”

History of creation

The history of the creation of the poem is directly related to the person to whom this sincere declaration of love is dedicated. Pushkin dedicated his poems to Anna Petrovna Kern, married woman, who captivated the poet’s heart with her deep and restrained beauty, as soon as they met her at a social reception in 1819.

True, the poem was written only a few years after they met - in 1825, when Pushkin again met the captivating beauty of St. Petersburg in the Trigorskoye estate, which was located next to the poet’s native estate - Mikhailovsky - where Alexander Sergeevich was serving his exile. There, he finally confessed his feelings to Anna, and she reciprocated Pushkin.

It is possible that Kern was primarily interested in Pushkin as a young poet and therefore the attention of a celebrity pleased her vanity. One way or another, it was not only Pushkin who courted Anna Petrovna, which aroused burning jealousy in the latter, which always became the cause of scandals between lovers.

Another quarrel ended love relationships Pushkin and Kern, but still the poet dedicated several wonderful poems to her, among which “I remember a wonderful moment...” occupies a special place. Pushkin’s lyceum friend Delvig published it in the almanac “Northern Flowers” ​​in 1827.


Pushkin chose the description of the feeling of unrequited love as the main problem of the poem.

The poem contains the whole range of emotions, the evolution of which is simple: at first the lyrical hero experiences love languor, in his imagination again and again resurrecting the image of his beloved. But gradually the feelings that did not find a response in the beloved’s soul faded away. And the lyrical hero again plunges into a boring and gray world: in this everyday life, his soul seems to die.

But now, after a while, the hero meets her again, his beloved. And the forgotten feeling of love is resurrected, filling the soul and heart of the poet with the fullness of life sensations. Only in love does Pushkin see meaning; only love, in his opinion, can relieve despair and pain, and make a person feel alive again. Love resurrects to life - this is the main idea of ​​the work.


The composition of the poem conventionally consists of three parts. In the first, the mood of the lyrical hero is nostalgic. He returns again and again in his memories to meeting and getting to know a beautiful woman.

The lyrical hero dreams of “cute features” for a long time and hears her “tender voice.” Then Pushkin describes the dark days of his “imprisonment” in the wilderness. He admits that the loneliness of exile deprived him of even inspiration, and life, once full of vivid emotions, turned into existence.

In the third part of the poem, the lyrical hero again feels the joy of life, since a meeting with a forgotten beloved revives love in his heart, and with it inspiration, passion, and the desire to live return.


The genre of the poem is a love letter, since in the poem the lyrical hero, addressing his beloved, tells her the story of his feelings for her: love - oblivion - sadness - rebirth to life.

Means of expression

The poem contains only one metaphor - “a rebellious storm dispelled previous dreams”, but it also contains other means of expressiveness: comparisons - “like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty” and several epithets - “heavenly features”, “hopeless sadness” , “wonderful moment.”

The poetic meter of the work is very typical for Pushkin - it is iambic pentameter with a cross ABAB rhyme method. Thanks to cross-cutting rhymes (vision - imprisonment - inspiration - awakening) and alliteration on the consonants “m”, “l”, “n”. the rhythm of the poem becomes very clear and musical. The melody of the poems is also enhanced by the undulating alternation of iambic feet.

Poem test

Rating analysis

Average rating: 4.2. Total ratings received: 177.

"I remember a wonderful moment..."- the traditional title (according to the first line) of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s poem “K***”, addressed (according to the generally accepted version) to Anna Kern, wife of the commandant of the Riga Fortress, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Ermolai Fedorovich Kern.

The poem was written no later than July 19, 1825. At this time, Pushkin was forced to stay on the territory of the family estate Mikhailovskoye. The poem “K***” was first published in the famous almanac “Northern Flowers,” the publisher of which was Pushkin’s lyceum comrade Anton Antonovich Delvig, in 1827. Pushkin saw Kern for the first time long before his forced seclusion; the meeting took place in St. Petersburg in 1819, Anna Kern made an indelible impression on the poet. The next time Pushkin and Kern saw each other was only in 1825, when Kern was visiting the estate of her aunt Praskovya Osipova on the Trigorskoye estate; Osipova was Pushkin’s neighbor and a good friend of his. It is believed that the new meeting, which took place after such a long break, inspired Pushkin to create an epoch-making poem. It is known that A. S. Pushkin personally presented the autograph of the work to Anna Kern before her departure from Trigorskoye to Riga, which took place on July 19, 1825, but the autograph, according to her memoirs, was in the manuscript of the second chapter of “Eugene Onegin”, which A. P. Kern should have been taken with her before leaving. Pushkin unexpectedly took away the autograph and only after requests returned it again (Guber P. Don Juan list of A.S. Pushkin. Kharkov, 1993). Among other things, this exclusive white version was irretrievably lost - apparently, in Riga, in the commandant's house.

The main theme of Pushkin's poetic message is the theme of love, which has always occupied a key place in his work. It is biographical realities that organize the compositional unity of this significant example of love poetry in world literature. Pushkin presents a capacious sketch of his life between the first meeting with the heroine of the message and the present moment, indirectly mentioning the main events that happened to the biographical lyrical hero: exile to the south of the country, the period of bitter disappointment in life in which works of art, imbued with feelings of genuine pessimism (“Demon”, “The Desert Sower of Freedom”), a depressed mood during the period of a new exile to the family estate of Mikhailovskoye. However, suddenly the resurrection of the soul occurs, the miracle of the revival of life, caused by the appearance of the divine image of the muse, which brings with it the former joy of creativity and creation, which is revealed to the author from a new perspective. It is at the moment of spiritual awakening and a surge of vital energy that the lyrical hero again meets the heroine of the poetic message: “The soul has awakened: / And now you have appeared again...”.

The image of the heroine is significantly generalized and maximally poeticized; it differs significantly from the image that appears on the pages of Pushkin’s letters to Riga and friends, created during the period of forced time spent in Mikhailovsky. At the same time, the use of an equal sign is unjustified, as is the identification of the “genius of pure beauty” with the real biographical Anna Petrovna Kern. The impossibility of recognizing the narrow biographical background of the poetic message is indicated by the thematic and compositional similarity with another love poetic text called “To Her,” created by Pushkin in 1817.

Here it is important to remember the idea of ​​inspiration. Love for a poet is also valuable in the sense of giving creative inspiration and the desire to create. The title stanza describes the first meeting of the poet and his beloved. Pushkin characterizes this moment with very bright, expressive epithets (“wonderful moment”, “fleeting vision”, “genius of pure beauty”). Love for a poet is a deep, sincere, magical feeling that completely captivates him. The next three stanzas of the poem describe the next stage in the poet’s life - his exile. A difficult time in Pushkin’s life, full of life’s trials and experiences. This is the time of “languishing hopeless sadness” in the poet’s soul. Parting with his youthful ideals, the stage of growing up (“Dispelled old dreams”). Perhaps the poet also had moments of despair (“Without a deity, without inspiration”). The author’s exile is also mentioned (“In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment ...”). The poet’s life seemed to freeze, to lose its meaning. Genre - message.

Other versions have been put forward regarding the heroine of Pushkin’s poem. Mikhail Dudin considered the serf girl Olga Kalashnikova to be her, to which he dedicated his poem “My Song About Olga Kalashnikova.” Vadim Nikolaev (V. Nikolaev, “Who was the “Wonderful Moment” dedicated to?”, “Literary Studies”, 2008, No. 3) put forward a version according to which the poem is dedicated to Tatyana Larina, that this is “not love lyrics, but poems about creating an image "

In 1840, composer Mikhail Glinka wrote a romance based on Pushkin’s poem, dedicating it to his daughter A.P. Kern, Ekaterina Ermolaevna, with whom he was long and selflessly in love. Pushkin's poems combined with Glinka's music make the work famous in wide circles.

I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness, in the worries of noisy bustle, a gentle voice sounded to me for a long time and I dreamed of sweet features.

Years passed. The rebellious gust of storms scattered my former dreams, And I forgot your tender voice, your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of captivity, my days dragged on quietly, without deity, without inspiration, without tears, without life, without love.

The soul has awakened: And here you are again, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in ecstasy, And for it the deity, and inspiration, And life, and tears, and love have risen again.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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