Cherry plum compote for the winter is the most delicious recipe. Red cherry plum compote for the winter Cherry plum compote simple recipes

step by step recipe with photo

Cherry plum compote is a wonderful vitamin drink. The bright sour taste can be corrected by adding any fruit: cherry plum goes well with absolutely everything and brings a rich red tint everywhere.

Fruits do not tolerate long storage. Even with an incomplete bookmark in a jar, the compote turns out to be concentrated and slightly tart. It can be prepared without sugar, which is added later, and optionally diluted with water.

For flavoring, you can enter the zest of a lemon, orange, a pinch of cinnamon or a few clove inflorescences. Such a hot drink resembles mulled wine.


  • 350 g ripe cherry plum
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 600-700 ml hot water

Yield: 1 liter jar of compote.


1. For preservation, you can use any kind of tkemali: red, burgundy, yellow, etc. The main thing is that the fruits are ripe and even slightly soft when pressed. We wash them in water, remove the tails and pour them into a saucepan, in which we are going to cook the compote.

2. Pour water and immediately add granulated sugar. We can do without citric acid or lemon juice, because cherry plum itself has a slightly sour taste. We place the pan on the stove and bring its contents to a boil at maximum heat, and then reduce it and boil the compote for another 10 minutes.

3. The drink is completely ready when the fruits are freed from the peel and the liquid has absorbed their aroma. If desired, you can remove the foam from the drink with a slotted spoon. Scald jars and lids with boiling water or bake them in the oven for about 20 minutes, placing the containers first in a cold oven and gradually adding gas or power.

4. Pour the prepared compote with fruit into hot clean jars and immediately cover with hot lids.

5. Cork with a preservation key or screw on the lids if they are threaded for a jar. Be sure to turn the containers upside down, checking the tightness of the closure. We will send jars of cherry plum compote for the winter to the pantry, cellar, etc. - where it is dry and cool, so that the drink will perfectly wait for us until the first cold weather.

It is then that we will uncork a jar of delicious compote and treat all our relatives and friends, offering it along with sweet pastries, cakes, pastries, etc.

Note to the owner

1. It is not so difficult to catch the peel from the liquid, which the fruits were shed during heat treatment, and it is better to do this so that the cherry plum skin does not spoil the appearance of the contents of the jar. Of course, it will not be superfluous there: thanks to it, the compote, after standing for a month or two, will acquire a darker, more saturated color than without it. In general, your own idea of ​​​​the beauty of conservation will help every housewife make a decision.

2. But the foam is strongly recommended to be removed from the boiling product, because fermentation sometimes begins because of it. In a cold cellar, such a phenomenon is practically excluded, but in the pantry, unfortunately, it is possible. Removing the foam is a quick and simple manipulation if the cook is armed with a special spoon with a mesh or very small holes.

3. Glass containers filled with something hot mist up on the outside. The bottom is also covered with moisture and therefore slides on a plastic table top. So that the jar does not behave badly when rolling, it is necessary to substitute a rough plank or cork plate under it. You can lay a linen or waffle towel, but stains will certainly appear on them, and berry juice is difficult to remove from natural fabrics.

4. Gourmet insects make their way inside the cherry plum, pushing the stalk and making a loophole near it. When sorting through raw materials for harvesting, you need to inspect this area.

Cherry plum is a very tasty and healthy fruit from which you can make compote. To properly make this drink and learn about the various recipes for its preparation, check out the materials in this article.

What is this fruit?

The name of the cherry plum comes from the Azerbaijani word "aluca", which means "small plum". The fruits are juicy and round, with a pronounced sourness. Depending on the variety, the color of the fruit can be yellow, pink, red or even purple. The bones are poorly separated from the tender and fragrant pulp. Fruits reach 2-3 centimeters in diameter and weight - from 20 to 60 grams.

Cherry plum grows on trees from 2 to 10 meters high, has a high degree of resistance to frost and drought. One tree can produce up to 50 kilograms of cherry plum. The harvesting volumes of this fruit are impressive, they reach several hundred tons per year.

Various preserves are made from cherry plum: jams, compotes, syrups, jellies. Marmalade and wine are prepared from this fruit. A popular oriental delicacy - marshmallow - is a dried cherry plum puree. Unripe fruits are widely used in Caucasian cuisine for the preparation of seasonings and sauces that add sourness to the dish, including the famous tkemali sauce.

Cherry plum grows in Central and Asia Minor, the Tien Shan, the Balkans, the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Iran, Moldova and Ukraine. In most cases, these trees are wild. This fruit is also grown in Russia, the states of Asia and Western Europe. Due to early and violent flowering and high fruitfulness, cherry plum has become increasingly used in the design of parks and gardens.

This fruit is the closest relative of the plum. However, the plum has a much more pronounced sweetness and is not as rich in calcium. Plum fruits are usually larger and darker than cherry plum. If cherry plum ripens in July - September, then plum - from June.

Benefit and harm

Cherry plum is rich in trace elements, minerals, antioxidants, organic acids, fiber. These fruits contain a large amount of vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, A, E. Due to the low sugar content, this plum relative is perfect for dietary nutrition. The calorie content of cherry plum is only 34 kcal per 100 grams. In addition, cherry plum has many useful properties:

  • Due to the abundance of vitamin C, the fruit perfectly strengthens the immune system. It is recommended to eat it regularly with a tendency to frequent colds, weakening the protective functions of the body.
  • The fruit favorably affects the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Cherry plum has a mild laxative effect, enhances intestinal motility.
  • Due to the high level of fiber content, the product removes toxic substances from the body, contributes to the normalization of metabolism.
  • The fruit increases the level of hemoglobin, it is recommended for people suffering from anemia.

  • Cherry plum has properties aimed at preventing stroke, heart attack, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis. It cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, helps protect against heart disease, lowers blood pressure.
  • Regular consumption of several fruits of cherry plum can improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • The high content of B vitamins supports the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia, nervousness, and increased excitability.
  • The fruit promotes weight loss by speeding up metabolism.
  • It also helps digestion of "heavy" foods. It is not for nothing that a variety of sauces for meat are prepared from cherry plum.
  • The fruit removes excess fluid from the body, helping to eliminate edema.
  • Given the low sugar content, cherry plum is perfect for inclusion in the diet of diabetics.
  • This fruit is credited with the ability to save the elderly from senile dementia.

However, this fruit should not be abused. Excessive consumption of cherry plum can cause serious harm to the body. Include the fruit in your diet in reasonable amounts.

Eat only ripe fruits. Be sure to wash fruit thoroughly before eating or using it in food or drink. In no case do not eat cherry plum bones: they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous for the body. It is worth remembering the possible negative consequences of consuming this fruit:

  • Excessive consumption of cherry plum is fraught with poisoning, and, as a result, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • In large quantities, this fruit can cause dehydration.

  • It is also contraindicated in people suffering from hyperacidity of the stomach.
  • An ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a direct contraindication to the consumption of the fetus.
  • Consistently exceeding the daily allowance of this product may lead to an increase in blood glucose levels. This can be dangerous for people with diabetes.
  • Hypotension patients should not abuse cherry plum, it can significantly lower blood pressure.
  • It is also contraindicated in people with a fast metabolism. With hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, in particular with thyrotoxicosis, plum consumption should be reduced to a minimum.

Subtleties of cooking

Each compote recipe is good in its own way. But there are some tricks that are relevant for making any cherry plum compote. By following these simple tips, you will be able to achieve the perfect taste, rich aroma and maximum benefits from this wonderful drink:

  • Use only high-quality, ripe fruits without signs of spoilage.
  • Cherry plum deteriorates very quickly. Process the fruits on the day they are picked. Extra plums can be frozen. Frozen fruits are stored in the freezer for up to six months.
  • Choose hard fruits for compotes, otherwise they will quickly become sour during cooking and fill the drink with a cloudy sediment.
  • Adjust the amount of sugar depending on the type of fruit and your own taste. Don't rely entirely on the recipe.
  • The fruits of this plum relative retain most of the vitamins after freezing. In winter, they will be an excellent ingredient for a healthy compote.

  • When preserving compote, fruits are used both whole and pitted.
  • The main condition for the preparation of preservation is the sterility of the container, the purity of the fruit, and the tightness.
  • Cherry plum compote will be beneficially complemented by raspberries, pears, peaches, apples.
  • To obtain a sterile container for canned compote, the sterilization process must last at least 10 minutes.
  • To prevent the cherry plum shell from bursting during cooking, you can pierce the fruit with a toothpick.
  • After rolling the compote, turn the jars over and place them on the lid, insulate and leave for 4-6 hours.
  • There is a seaming method that allows you not to sterilize the container. Put thoroughly washed fruits on the bottom of a clean jar. Then fill the container to the top with boiling water, cover with a lid. After 10-15 minutes, drain the water, repeat the procedure twice. Now you can pour cherry plum with boiled syrup.


Compote of cherry plum, apricot and green basil. The following ingredients are needed for 3 liters of the finished drink:

  • cherry plum - 600 grams;
  • apricots - 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • green basil - 1 branch;
  • water - 2 liters.


  • Wash the fruit thoroughly, make a couple of punctures in each with a toothpick. The bones do not need to be removed.
  • Place fruit, water, and chopped basil leaves in a saucepan.
  • Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Add sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Pour into a jar and seal.
  • Turn the jar over, insulate and leave it to cool in this position.

Cherry plum compote with zucchini for the winter

Having tried this drink, it is almost impossible to guess that zucchini is present in it. The unexpected combination of ingredients and the unusual taste of this drink will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ingredients for 3 liters of finished drink:

  • cherry plum - 600 grams;
  • zucchini (peeled) - 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • water - 2 liters.


  • Pre-sterilize the container and lid.
  • Wash the zucchini, peeled and peeled, and cut into cubes about 1 by 1 cm.
  • Put the washed cherry plum in the jar without separating the pulp from the stone.
  • Add zucchini to it.
  • Pour the contents of the jar with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Drain the water back into the saucepan, add the sugar.
  • Boil the syrup for 3-5 minutes.
  • Pour hot syrup into a jar of cherry plum and zucchini.
  • Roll up the jar with a lid, turn it over and insulate. After 6 hours, the container can be turned over and removed for long-term storage.

Cherry plum compote with cherries for the winter

Cherry and cherry plum go well in compotes. The drink has a bright ruby ​​​​color and rich aroma.

Ingredients for preparing 3 liters of drink:

  • cherry plum - 500 grams;
  • cherry - 400 grams;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • water - 2 liters.


  • Sort and wash fruits. Poke holes in the cherry plum with a toothpick.
  • Check the prepared container for chips. Sterilize jars for 10 minutes.
  • Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, add granulated sugar to boiling water and cook over low heat, stirring, for another couple of minutes.
  • Put cherries and cherry plums in prepared jars.
  • Pour the contents of the container with boiling sugar syrup, cover and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then pour the syrup back into the saucepan and boil again.
  • Pour hot syrup into the container, immediately seal it.

Place the jar upside down, wrap it in a towel and let it cool in this position. This will provide additional sterilization of containers, lids and compote ingredients.

Compote for the winter of cherry plum and raspberries with mint

A drink prepared according to this recipe has a wonderful aroma and a fresh, tonic taste. The combination of raspberry and mint perfectly complements the sourness inherent in cherry plum.

Ingredients for 3 liters of finished drink:

  • cherry plum - 300 grams;
  • raspberries - 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • mint - 2 branches;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  • First, sterilize the jar and lid.
  • Thoroughly wash the cherry plum and raspberries, get rid of the tails.
  • Lightly pierce each cherry plum fruit with a toothpick.
  • Put the cherry plum on the bottom of the jar, then the raspberries and pre-washed mint branches.
  • Add sugar to a saucepan of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour the contents of the jar with boiling syrup and immediately cork it.
  • Turn the jar over, wrap it in a towel and let it cool in this form.

Compote of cherry plum and dried fruits

Since cherry plum is perfectly stored frozen or dried, it is not necessary to preserve compotes with this wonderful fruit. You can enjoy such a compote right in winter or at any other time of the year. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • cherry plum - 300 grams;
  • dried dates - 300 grams;
  • dried apples - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 150-200 grams;
  • water - 3 liters.


  • Sort dried fruits, soak for 5-10 minutes in cold water, rinse.
  • Remove pits from dates.
  • Wash the cherry plum, remove the tails.
  • Bring water to a boil, add dried fruits and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • Dip the cherry plum into the pan and cook over low heat for another 3-5 minutes.
  • At the very end, add sugar and let the composition cook for a couple more minutes.
  • Ready compote must be insisted for 5-6 hours, after which it can be drunk.

This compote is best served chilled. This drink can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. However, it is better to use it on the first day after preparation in order to get the maximum amount of vitamins.

For information on how to make a fragrant cherry plum compote, see the video below.

In winter, you want to plunge into summer and drink compote, which will remind you of summer. Therefore, many housewives prefer to prepare several cans of compote. Often, fruits are used, which are sold in abundance on the market or growing in a summer cottage. Cherry plum is not found everywhere, as it is thermophilic. Nevertheless, she has her fans who put all their efforts into finding their favorite fruit, so we will tell you how to prepare cherry plum compote yourself for the winter.

To get a delicious compote, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • choose whole, ripe and firm fruits;
  • maintain the tightness and sterility of the container;
  • correctly calculate the amount of added sugar.

What is combined with cherry plum in compote?

Cherry plum can be combined with many ingredients, however, it will feel most advantageous with oranges, plums, apples, pears and apricots.

What varieties are better to choose?

Compote is brewed from any variety. In general, it all depends on the recipe. So, some variants of the drink involve the use of blue fruits, and yellow or red cherry plum is used to enhance the taste.

Cherry plum preparation

Cherry plum is carefully examined, removing spoiled fruits, and washed. Before the fruit enters the container, it is pierced with a toothpick so that it does not burst.

How to make compote at home

Now there are many options for making a drink from cherry plum. It all depends solely on the personal tastes of each. We offer to consider several options on how to make a drink tasty and vitamin.

Easy winter recipe

For the usual recipe for a cherry plum drink with the preservation of seeds, you need to take:

  • cherry plum - 300 grams;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 200 grams.

The fruits are placed in jars and covered to the top with boiling water (2 liter jars are used for this recipe). In this state, it should stand for about half an hour. After that, the liquid is again poured into a container and sent to the stove. At this time, sugar is laid out in containers, and the fruits are again poured with boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. Then the banks roll up. In principle, the drink is ready to drink in a day.

Without sterilization

You can also prepare compote without sterilization. Plums are washed and placed in a container. Water is brought to a boil and poured into containers. After the jars are closed, they must be wrapped in a towel, and in this state they are allowed to cool. So they stand for about a day.


This recipe is for those who want to make compote without sugar. In addition to water, fruits and containers, nothing is needed here. Ripe and sweet fruits are selected, laid out in jars and filled with the same water, but only brought to a boil, in which they were blanched.


For this recipe, you need cherry plum halves, which are poured with boiling water and stand for 30-35 minutes. After that, the water is drained back into the pan, sugar is added and syrup is boiled, which is then poured over the cherry plum. Next, you need to roll up the container.

with orange

This recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • cherry plum - 600 grams;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • orange - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • carnation;
  • cinnamon.

Banks are sterilized, fruits are washed. The zest is cut off from the orange, the flesh is cut into rings. Ready fruits are laid out in jars and poured with hot syrup. Then it remains only to close the jars, and the drink is ready for the cold.

With plum

Basically, for this recipe, jars are not sterilized, but only washed. Fruits are placed in the prepared container and poured with boiling water. In this form, they are left for 10 minutes. Next, the water is again poured into the pan, and sugar syrup is boiled. Fruits are poured with ready-made syrup, after which jars are rolled up.

For those who do not want to get an overly concentrated taste of the drink, the jar should be filled with fruits by a third.

With mint

In order to brew a drink from cherry plum and mint, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • cherry plum (it is best to give preference to small fruits);
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • fresh mint.

with apples

To make compote with cherry plum and apples, first of all, you need to choose fresh fruits. The fruits are washed, and the peel is cut off from the latter. Basically, apples are cut into slices so that they fit into jars without any problems. You can not get the seeds from fruits if you plan to drink compote during the year. In a container, cherry plum is laid on top of apples.

With zucchini

Perhaps for some this recipe will seem unusual, however, the finished drink tastes like pineapple juice. So, for compote we need:

  • cherry plum (yellow) - 300 grams;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • zucchini - 900 grams.

All products must be washed, and the zucchini must be peeled and cut into small cubes (the core is removed). Fruits and vegetables are placed in a container and poured with boiling water. In this state, they should be until the temperature drops to 40 degrees. After that, the water is again sent to the container for preparing the syrup, which is then poured over all the ingredients. Then it remains only to spin the finished drink.

Vegetables and fruits should be washed well. Vegetables need to be peeled and cut into small cubes. When the main ingredients are already in the container, they are poured with boiling water and left until the temperature drops to 35-45 degrees. Then the water is poured back into the container to boil the syrup. After that, the drink is ready for seaming.

with apricots

To prepare a drink from cherry plum and apricot, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • apricots - 900 grams;
  • water;
  • sugar.

All fruits are washed and thrown into a colander to remove excess moisture. At this time, start preparing the syrup. After the syrup is cooked, they fill the container into which the fruit is already placed. Next, the jar is placed in a pot of water, which is located on the stove. The water is brought to a boiling point, the stove is turned off and the compote is left on it for half an hour, after which it is ready for seaming.

With pears

For a drink with cherry plum and pears, the following ingredients are needed:

  • pears - 1 kilogram;
  • cherry plum - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • lemon acid;
  • mint.

Prepared fruits are laid out in a container and poured with boiling water for about 15 minutes. Next, the water is poured into a container for making syrup. Ready syrup ingredients are poured again and rolled up for long-term storage.

Terms and rules for storing compote

As for the shelf life of the finished compote, everything will depend on the specifics of the recipe. So, if the fruit was rolled up with seeds, you need to store it for no more than a year, since over time the drink will gradually be poisoned by harmful substances.

Usually compote is cooked from whole dense fruits. When the fruits are hard, the stone can be removed. Depending on the color of the skin, it may turn out red, orange or yellow compote.

Benefits and contraindications

Juicy plum pulp is a tasty and healthy plant product. Even after heat treatment, most of the vitamins and elements are preserved in the fruits. Fruits do not evaporate, do not boil for a long time, and in the process of preservation they give all the useful substances to the drink. As a result, in winter you can easily replenish the supply of vitamins and trace elements in the body. The content of useful substances is given in the table.

Table - Useful composition of cherry plum compote

CompoundContent in 100 g, mgBenefit
Potassium188 - Stimulates the work of the heart;
- relieves convulsions, swelling;
- helps brain function
Calcium27 - Strengthens bones and vessel walls;
- participates in the formation of protein;
- promotes blood clotting
Phosphorus25 - Supports the musculoskeletal system;
- strengthens tooth enamel;
- contributes to the normal growth and development of the body
Magnesium21 - Stimulates the work of the brain;
- improves memory;
- relieves anxiety, improves mood
Sodium17 - Controls water and acid-base balance;
- normalizes the work of muscles;
- promotes the production of gastric juice
Vitamin C13 - Supports the immune system;
- strengthens nails, renews skin and hair cells;
- increases the elasticity of blood vessels
Iron1,9 - Synthesizes a number of hormones;
- carries oxygen throughout the body;
- Helps absorb B vitamins
Vitamin PP0,5 - Normalizes the work of the nervous system;
- maintains optimal cholesterol levels;
- participates in metabolism
Vitamin E0,3 - Promotes rapid tissue regeneration;
- supports immunity;
- takes part in the synthesis of hormones

Due to the high acid content, fresh fruits are not recommended for people suffering from high acidity of the stomach. Sweet compotes are contraindicated in diabetes.

Cherry plum compote for the winter: 15 options

Recipes for cherry plum compote for the winter for a three-liter jar are prepared according to one algorithm. Syrup is boiled from boiling water and granulated sugar, with which clean fruits laid in containers are poured. You can do otherwise: put berries and fruits in a jar, cover with sugar and pour boiling water.

Natural preservatives are sugar, fruit and berry acid, lemon juice, so you can do without sterilization. Before laying the ingredients, it is recommended to wash the container inside and out and scald it with boiling water.


Description . You can prepare a simple compote from any variety of cherry plum. The more acidic the fruit, the more granulated sugar will be needed (although it's a matter of taste). You can mix different varieties of the same ripeness. The ingredients are designed for three liters of compote.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 500 g;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • water - 2.5 l.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruits and prick with a toothpick so that the pulp gives up most of the juices.
  2. Dispense into sterile containers.
  3. Boil water, pour inside.
  4. Close the jars with nylon lids and leave for 12 hours.
  5. Carefully drain the liquid into a saucepan (you can use a lid with holes) and place on the stove.
  6. Pour sugar, dissolve the grains, wait for the boil.
  7. Pour the boiling syrup into a storage container.
  8. Roll up with a key, put to cool upside down.

You can use containers of any size. However, the components are always evenly distributed and take up about one third of the jar.


Description . A beautiful and fragrant compote is obtained from cherry plum and orange. Spices are added to taste. Adjust the amount of granulated sugar according to the acidity of the fruit.

What you need:

  • plum fruits - 300 g;
  • orange - 200 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • anise - three pieces;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • carnation - three buds.

How to cook

  1. Rinse all components well.
  2. Cut the oranges into rings about a centimeter thick, remove the seeds.
  3. Prick the juicy fruits with a toothpick.
  4. Put fruit in jars.
  5. Boil the liquid, add sugar, add spices.
  6. Wait for the boil, strain and pour into containers.
  7. Roll up and let cool.


What you need:

  • cherry plum - 200 g;
  • lemon - 30 g;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 1.5 l.

How to cook

  1. Rinse, discard spoiled fruits, tear off the petioles.
  2. Cut the lemon into slices, take out the seeds.
  3. Boil water.
  4. Prick the cherry plum fruits in several places.
  5. Dip in boiling liquid for five minutes and rinse under cold water.
  6. Put it in the bank.
  7. Top with lemon wedges and raisins.
  8. Pour sugar into the broth and boil again, dissolving the sugar grains.
  9. Pour fruits and berries, roll up the container.


Description . A beautiful drink is obtained from two cherry plum varieties with apricot fruits. Some fruits can be taken more, while others - less. Apricot compote with a sour taste is sweeter and more tender than plum compote with apricot notes. After cooling, you can strain the drink and serve.

What you need:

  • apricots - 150 g;
  • red cherry plum - 150 g;
  • yellow cherry plum - 150 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 2.5 l.

How to cook

  1. Rinse, remove twigs and stalks.
  2. Prick red and yellow fruits, remove apricot pits.
  3. Put the prepared fruits in the pan.
  4. Pour in water and put on the stove.
  5. Wait for the boil and boil for 15-20 minutes over low heat.
  6. Pour sugar, stir, turn off the burner.
  7. Divide fruit into bowls with a slotted spoon.
  8. Pour the compote and roll up the jars.

To accurately determine the amount of liquid, fill the ingredients arranged in jars with clean water. Then pour it into a saucepan and cook the compote from the resulting volume. It is recommended to add 100-200 ml, as some of the moisture will evaporate during the cooking process.


Description . A sweet-sour drink can be brewed from unripe fruits, taking a little more sugar. It is recommended to add gooseberries or blackberries, as well as fragrant spices - cinnamon, vanilla, star anise.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 200 g;
  • raspberries - 200 g;
  • water - 2.7 l;
  • mint sprigs - to taste;
  • sugar - 250 g.

How to cook

  1. Sort the fruits and berries, rinse them well under a cold stream.
  2. Pour the ingredients together with mint greens into a jar.
  3. Boil liquid.
  4. Pour in sugar, dissolve completely.
  5. Pour the hot syrup into the jar and roll up the container.


Description . Bright yellow peach compote can be prepared from nectarines. Choose only ripe juicy fruits. The drink has a delicate sweet taste.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 400 g;
  • peach - two or three pieces;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 2.5 l.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruit, prick with a fork or toothpick.
  2. Cut the peach pulp into slices, discard the bone core.
  3. Put the prepared ingredients in clean, dry jars.
  4. Pour in the sugar.
  5. Boil water and pour into a container to cover the fruit.
  6. Cover the neck of the jar with a towel and leave for a few minutes.
  7. Boil the remaining liquid and fill the containers completely.
  8. Seal, leave to cool upside down.


Description . Compote of cherry plum and apples is prepared simply and quickly. The taste depends on the variety of fruit and can vary from sour to honey-sweet.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 300 g;
  • apple - 400 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 500 g.

How to cook

  1. Pierce washed plum fruits.
  2. Cut the apples into quarters, cut out the seeds.
  3. Boil water, add sugar.
  4. Dissolve the sugar grains and wait for the boil.
  5. Add fruit, boil for three to four minutes.
  6. Cover the compote with a lid and let it brew for half an hour.
  7. Put the fruits with a slotted spoon in jars.
  8. Pour in the syrup and roll up.


Description . To make the compote a beautiful ruby ​​​​hue, it is recommended to take a dark, lilac cherry plum. The drink is saturated with vitamins needed in winter. For cooking, you can use frozen fruits and berries.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 80 g;
  • apples - 200 g;
  • blackcurrant - 200 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 3 l.

How to cook

  1. Wash fruits and berries.
  2. Leave small apples whole, cut large ones into slices, remove the seeds.
  3. Put the ingredients in the jar.
  4. Pour in the sugar.
  5. Boil water and pour inside.
  6. Sterilize the jar with a lid.
  7. Screw on, put the container upside down and let cool.


Description . Pear compote has a delicate honey taste. Citric acid will help not only to keep the drink for a long winter, but also give a characteristic sourness.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 300 g;
  • pear - 300 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 3 l;
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon;
  • mint - one branch.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruit, pierce in several places with a toothpick or fork.
  2. Cut the pear into quarters, cut out the seeds.
  3. Put mint leaves, fruits in containers.
  4. Boil water, fill the jars, half covering the fruit.
  5. Leave to infuse for half an hour.
  6. Drain the liquid back into the saucepan.
  7. Pour sugar, acid, wait for a boil.
  8. Pour into jars, roll up.

Choose ripe but firm pear fruits. Overripe fruits will lose their shape during storage, make the drink cloudy and provoke fermentation.


Description . Ripe cherry fruits go well not only with cherry plum, but also with other fruits and berries. Compote can be supplemented with gooseberries, apple or pear slices. The drink will be more aromatic if you add a cinnamon stick and a few cloves. Before pouring the compote into jars, lay out the spices.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - three glasses;
  • cherry - three glasses;
  • sugar - 450 g;
  • water - 2.5 l.

How to cook

  1. Wash and dry the fruits.
  2. Pour into prepared clean containers.
  3. Pour the liquid into the saucepan.
  4. Add sugar, stir well until dissolved and boil.
  5. Pour fruit, twist jars.


Description . An unusual combination gives compote with honey notes. Instead of apples, you can put citric acid as a preservative.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 150 g;
  • sour apple - 300 g;
  • melon - 300 g;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • water - 1 l.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruits.
  2. Prick the cherry plum in several places with a toothpick.
  3. Peel the apples from the skin, cut the pulp into slices.
  4. Soak the apple peel in water.
  5. Boil for a quarter of an hour, strain (you can catch the skins with a slotted spoon).
  6. Pour granulated sugar into the broth, dissolve.
  7. Add apple slices, boil for eight minutes.
  8. Add cherry plum fruits and wait for the boil.
  9. Cut the melon pulp into cubes and place in containers.
  10. Transfer the boiled fruit to jars with a slotted spoon.
  11. Pour in the syrup, seal with a lid.


Description . An unusual compote of cherry plum and zucchini for the winter turns out to be transparent, beautiful, tasty. The pieces of zucchini soaked in syrup taste like canned pineapples. Ingredients are calculated for one liter of compote.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 200 g;
  • zucchini - 200 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • water - 600 ml.

How to cook

  1. Wash and dry the ingredients.
  2. Poke holes in the fruit.
  3. Cut the zucchini into cubes.
  4. Put the prepared components in a sterile jar.
  5. Boil water, pour into a container.
  6. Let stand ten minutes and drain back into the pan.
  7. Pour in the sugar grains, stir until dissolved.
  8. Wait for the boil and boil for two minutes.
  9. Pour into a container, seal, turn over.

For cooking, both young and "old" zucchini are suitable. In the second case, it is better to peel off the skin.


Description . You can cook cherry plum and grape compote for the winter from any kind of fruit. It is not necessary to combine white grapes with yellow plums. You can take blue, sweet, sour or pink grapes and dark cherry plum. Each variety smells differently, so you get different drinks for the same recipe.

What you need:

  • grapes - 200 g;
  • cherry plum - 200 g;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • water - 300 ml.

How to cook

  1. Wash and dry fruits.
  2. Put in sterile dry jars (grapes can be left on a branch).
  3. Pour in the sugar.
  4. Boil water and pour into containers.
  5. Sterilize and roll up.

Frozen Fruit Plum

Description . It is convenient to prepare compote from frozen cherry plum and other plum fruits in winter if there is nowhere to store jars, and a bag of fruit is placed in the freezer. You can cook compotes from quick-frozen fruits all year round without worrying about canning rules.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 100 g;
  • large plum - three pieces;
  • dogwood - 50 g;
  • turn - 200 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 1.5 l.

How to cook

  1. Rinse frozen fruit if this was not done before freezing.
  2. Boil water.
  3. Lay out the prepared fruits.
  4. Wait five minutes.
  5. Pour in sugar, stir gently so that the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  6. Bring to a boil.
  7. Cover with a lid and turn off the burner.
  8. Leave for a few hours.
  9. Strain through a sieve and serve.


Description . Saturated cherry plum compote is prepared without sugar. The drink may turn out to be too sour if unripe fruits are used. Therefore, choose only ripe juicy fruits with a high content of fructose in the pulp. Due to the lack of preservatives, it is recommended to sterilize the jars and pasteurize the workpiece.

What you need:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruit, put in a colander.
  2. Boil the liquid and dip the fruits for five minutes, and then immediately place in ice water.
  3. Pour into dry sterile jars.
  4. Boil fruit broth and pour into containers.
  5. Pasteurize for ten minutes and roll up.

Unsweetened compote can be prepared in a slow cooker. Pour hot water (3 l) into the bowl, add a clove bud, pierced fruits. Turn on the "Cooking" program for three to five minutes. After the signal, remove the cloves and pour the compote into jars.

You can come up with your own recipe for cherry plum compote, not forgetting the principles of preparation and canning. If the containers are not sterilized, then it is better to store the blanks in a cool place. Add sugar to taste, tasting the syrup as it cooks. An oversweetened drink can always be diluted, even while drinking.

Cherry plum, this is a kind of plum that allows you to cook almost anything from it. But in each case, a person needs to adhere to a clear recipe, which not everyone knows about. If we are talking about making cherry plum compote for the winter, there are a large number of varieties of this drink to choose from that can please even the most demanding gourmets.

To make the compote tasty, you need to follow some rules. First of all, it is about the following:

  • the drink can be prepared from whole cherry plum or from even halves;
  • it is recommended to use only hard fruits, soft ones can become sour during processing;
  • tightness and sterility must be strictly observed;
  • sugar must be added, based on the acidity of the cherry plum;
  • each fruit should not show signs of even slight spoilage.

What is combined with cherry plum in compote?

The most advantageous combinations of cherry plum in compote can be considered the addition of fruits such as pears, oranges, plums, apples and apricots. An equally delicious drink can be prepared by adding zucchini or mint.

What varieties are better to choose?

You can cook compote from absolutely any variety of cherry plum. Depending on the recipe, the drink may contain more, for example, blue fruits. In this case, yellow and red can be added to enhance the taste, but, first of all, it depends on the taste preferences of the person.

Cherry plum preparation

In the process of preparation, each fruit must be carefully examined and those that show signs of damage must be removed. Before starting to lay in a jar, cherry plum is pricked with a toothpick so that it does not burst. Also in the future, this will have a positive effect on the taste of compote.

How to make compote at home

To prepare a delicious compote, today you can use many methods and recipes.

Each of them does not differ in any difficulties that do not allow performing all the necessary actions at home.

Most often, people are interested in the simplest recipes, and only after acquiring the necessary experience they complicate them.

Easy winter recipe

To make a compote with bones, you will need the following:

  1. 300 grams of yellow cherry plum.
  2. About 2 liters of water (if a 2 liter jar is used, 1.5 liters).
  3. 200 grams of sugar.

Each container must be washed well, like all fruits. Next, you can put a bowl of water on the fire and wait until bubbles form. Cherry plum, already placed in jars, is poured with it, and left for about half an hour. Now the same liquid is returned back to the pan and put on fire.

Then you can start laying out sugar in jars. When the water boils, you need to fill the jars with it and leave it again for half an hour. For such purposes, you can use containers with twisting necks. After spinning, the finished compote must be turned over and left in a place where the sun's rays do not reach. After 1 day it is ready to drink.

Without sterilization

Compote can be prepared without a long sterilization process. To begin with, each plum is washed and placed in a jar. After that, you need to put water on the stove and bring it to a boil to pour it into jars. After the jars are closed, they are wrapped in a towel and allowed to cool. This will take about half a day. The next day, the water will need to be drained and the fruits covered with sugar (3 tablespoons per 1 liter).

After the previously drained water boils on the stove, it is poured over the banks to the very top. After the container is closed, again wrapped in a towel and sent to the basement.


To make compote without sugar, you only need the selected cherry plum variety and water. It is advisable to use only the most ripe and sweet fruits. When it comes to sterilization, one liter jars should take at least 12 minutes.

Cherry plum should be put in a colander and kept in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes.

Fill the jars with the same liquid in which the fruits went through the blanching process, after it has been brought to a boil.

When the jars are hermetically sealed, they are sent to a dark place for complete cooling.


To prepare such a compote, the halves of the fruit after washing should be poured with boiling water and left for 30-35 minutes. After the liquid is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added and the syrup is boiled. Next, they need to pour the stacked cherry plum into the jars and tightly roll up the lids.

with orange

To successfully close the compote with the addition of oranges, you will need the following:

  • 600 grams of fruit;
  • cinnamon;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 oranges (preferably larger);
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 3 star cloves.

To begin with, banks are sent for sterilization. Then you can start washing the cherry plum and oranges with a brush, cutting off the orange zest, because because of it the compote can give off bitterness. The pulp is cut into rings. After the fruits are laid out in containers. Now it's time to pour boiling sugar syrup over them and roll up the lids, which have also been sterilized.

With plum

Such a drink is attractive in that it has a pronounced sweet and sour taste. For such purposes, jars are often not sterilized, they should simply be washed well and put in them with cherry plum and the selected plum variety. So that the taste is not too concentrated, the fruits should not occupy more than 1/3 of the jar. Next, you can pour boiling water and leave the containers for 10 minutes.

After the water is sent to the pan in order to start cooking the syrup with sugar. Its quantity is selected to your taste. After preparing the syrup, it is poured into jars and rolled up well.

With mint

To cook compote with cherry plum and mint, you will need the following:

  1. Small cherry plum fruits.
  2. 300 grams of sugar.
  3. Fresh mint.
  4. Water.

Cherry plum is placed in a clean jar, mint is added, poured with boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. Further, the cooking process is no different from closing the plum compote described above.

with apples

To make such a compote, you need to select only the freshest apples and cut off the peel from them. To put them in a jar, the fruits are cut into slices. Cherry plum can be left with pits only if the drink is drunk within the first year after preparation. When the decision is made, this fruit is placed on top of the apples.

With zucchini

After adding zucchini to cherry plum compote, it will look a bit like pineapple juice. For this, the following ingredients are used:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • sugar (300 grams);
  • yellow cherry plum - 300 grams;
  • 900 grams of zucchini.

Vegetables and fruits must be washed well. The first must be peeled and cut into small cubes without a core. When plums and zucchini are placed in jars, they are poured with hot water and left to stand until the temperature drops to 35-45 degrees. The water is then returned to the pot to make an unsweetened syrup. Now you can pour it into the container and tighten the lid.

with apricots

To close such a compote, you will need about 0.9 kilograms of apricot per 3-liter jar. The process of its preparation is as follows:

  1. Washing containers with soda.
  2. Apricots and plums are washed in cold water and left in a colander.
  3. Syrup preparation.
  4. Next, you can fill the fruit in jars and pour syrup.
  5. Now the jar must be placed in a pot of water on the stove.
  6. When it boils, the container should stand for about half an hour.
  7. Before you put the fruit in containers, they must be washed and sterilized. On top, you can put 2 leaves of mint and pour boiling water over a little more than half. After 14-16 minutes, the liquid is drained into a convenient dish for preparing syrup. When it is ready, it is poured into jars and closed with sterilized lids.

    Terms and rules for storing compote

    If fruits with stones were used for preparation, preservation cannot be stored for more than 1 year. Otherwise, the drink will be poisoned with harmful substances.

    Cherry plum, in principle, can be attributed to those fruits that do not withstand long-term storage in any form.