Writing vowel letters in a copybook. Print the Russian alphabet in capital and printed on one sheet

Copybooks- special albums and manuals for training the correct writing of letters and preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing. If earlier we, parents, only knew copybooks at school (these were notebooks in which first-graders learned to write letters accurately), now you can find special copybooks for toddlers and preschoolers. Copybooks for children: figures, numbers, letters teach kids to write beautifully and train their hand.

There are recipes that are intended for a certain age of the child. On store shelves you can find recipes for children 3-4 or 5-6 years old.

In this article, I have prepared for you sets of copybooks that you can download for free and print out yourself. You can save the necessary pictures and give your child a new copy sheet every day.

Recipes for kids

Do you think that copybooks are only for preparing for school? This is not entirely true. Young children can trace simple pictures or large letters along the outline or dotted lines. These are recipes for kids. There is almost no text in such copybooks, because the child cannot read yet. But they are very large, and the pictures are funny. Why not invite your child to trace the dots around the cheerful cockerel or color the duckling.

Children 4-5 years old can be invited to play with - these are also a kind of copybook. In such copybooks you will not find numbers or letters; they are still difficult for a child. But tasks on logic or precision of movements will be required. By tracing figures, drawing curved and straight lines, the child masters a pen or pencil, learns to press and draw without taking his eyes off the paper.

Among the copybooks for children, a special group of copybooks can be distinguished - these are shading. They are drawings that need to be filled in with straight or dotted lines, depending on the task.

Recipes for children 5-6 years old

For children 5-6 years old, the copybooks will have more complex tasks. They include printed and written letters, as well as sticks, hooks and other parts from which written letters are constructed. But the dotted lines in these copybooks remain. The child traces the letters using them, learns to draw a line evenly and without interruption. It is better to trace the letters in the copybooks with a good pen, because when working with a pencil, the child may press the pencil too hard, and this will tire the hand.

Using such copybooks, the child will not only become familiar with the letters of the Russian alphabet, but will also begin to remember them better, and will also learn how to write them in writing. Numbers are also often found in copybooks for preschoolers. A preschooler gets acquainted with numbers and counting.

Recipes for children 5-6 years old can be divided into:

  • copybook ALPHABET,
  • copybook NUMBERS.

Copybooks for schoolchildren

In order for a child to learn to write beautifully, and for his handwriting to be preserved and not spoiled, you need to practice a lot. At school teachers don't give of great importance correct hand placement when writing and handwriting. But parents can try to work with their child themselves using special recipes for schoolchildren.

Calligraphic writing - good skill, which can be developed in every child. Download and print the copybooks and practice with your student in writing beautiful letters. IN

Please note that there are no pictures or shading in these copybooks. Basically, these copybooks are aimed at training good, beautiful handwriting.

During classes, pay attention to how the student holds the pen and how he draws lines. Make sure your child writes the letters without taking them off the paper. Don't scold your child if he can't write beautiful letters right away. Make sure that the child starts writing the letter from the right point, and not the way he likes. For example, they begin to write the capital letter P from bottom to top. Keep an eye on this. Now many copybooks even have arrows and dots - guidelines for children. Show them these arrows and explain what they are for.

I hope the copybooks will help your child learn to write beautifully and correctly!

Russian alphabet- a successive series of letters that convey the sound composition of Russian speech and create the written and printed form of the Russian language. The Russian alphabet goes back to the Cyrillic alphabet, in modern form exists since 1918.

Contains 33 letters, 20 of them convey consonants (b, p, v, f, d, t, z, s, zh, sh, h, c, sch, g, k, x, m, n, l, r ); 10 - vowel sounds (a, e, o, ы, и, у) or (in certain positions) combinations j + vowel (i, e, yu); the letter “th” conveys “and non-syllabic” or j; “ъ” and “ь” do not denote separate sounds. The Russian alphabet serves as the basis for the alphabets of some other languages.

History of the alphabet in Rus'

Around 863, the brothers Constantine (Cyril) the Philosopher and Methodius from Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), by order of the Byzantine Emperor Michael III, streamlined the writing system for the Slavic language.

The brothers were natives of the city of Thessaloniki (now Thessaloniki). Ancient Thessaloniki was a bilingual city in which, in addition to the Greek language, a Slavic dialect was heard.

Constantine, being a very educated man, even before his trip to Moravia, he compiled the Slavic alphabet and began to translate the Gospel into the Slavic language. In Moravia, Constantine and Methodius continued to translate church books from Greek into the Slavic language, teaching the Slavs to read, write and conduct worship in the Slavic language. The brothers stayed in Moravia for more than three years, and then went with their disciples to Rome to the Pope. On the way to Rome, they visited another Slavic country - Pannonia (the region of Lake Balaton, Hungary). And here the brothers taught the Slavs books and worship in the Slavic language.

In Rome, Constantine became a monk, taking the name Cyril. There, in 869, Kirill was poisoned. Methodius with his disciples, who received the priesthood, returned to Pannonia, and later to Moravia.

By that time, the situation in Moravia had changed dramatically. After the death of Rostislav, his captive Svyatopolk became the Moravian prince, who submitted to German political influence. The activities of Methodius and his disciples took place in very difficult conditions. The Latin-German clergy in every way prevented the spread of the Slavic language as the language of the church.

Methodius was sent to prison, where he dies in 885, and after that his opponents managed to achieve the prohibition of Slavic writing in Moravia. After the adoption of Christianity, Bulgaria became the center of the spread of Slavic writing.

Here Slavic schools are created, the original Cyril and Methodius liturgical books are copied.

The widespread use of Slavic writing dates back to the reign of Simeon in Bulgaria (893-927). Later, the Old Church Slavonic language penetrated into Serbia, and at the end of the 10th century. becomes the language of the church in Kievan Rus.

Now let's go back to our time and see what modern ones look like capital letters Russian alphabet. Correct capitalization is the key to legible and beautiful handwriting.

Russian alphabet - capital letters

Russian alphabet - capital letters

Russian alphabet in pictures for children

Thank you for the project material provided

Writing is a universal carrier of information, religion, culture and politics, one cannot fail to note that main role the Russian state’s own written language: it is quite likely that it was the alphabet that preserved this people and did not allow them to assimilate into a foreign culture.
After all “Language is the spirit of the people”(W. Humboldt), in language is the entire worldview of a nation, the subtlest features of perception, there is no People without Language!

Before starting to learn the Russian language, any student must know its basis - the alphabet. You need to learn it in the very first lesson and you need to master this knowledge properly.

Any word in the Russian language consists of sounds, which are the basis of the shell of any word. Each word consists of a different sound design. The combination of letters in a word, as well as the stress, is of great importance.

In any language, including Russian, transcription is used to distinguish letters in words. It is transcription that helps to understand how a word sounds, giving it a generally accepted written form. The transcription will show the softness of the consonants, which syllables are in the word, as well as where the stress is located and which letters fall under it.

The letters of the alphabet can be divided into groups such as vowels and consonants. In addition, vowels can be stressed; this is only six letters. Shocked vowels are those vowels that, when pronouncing a sound, do not encounter an obstacle in the oral cavity. You can put your hand to your throat and feel how the ligaments vibrate. Any vowel can be shouted and sung. It is vowels that are the basis of any word, but stressed syllables sound distinct, while unstressed ones sound more colorless.

Consonant sounds usually encounter an obstacle in their path during pronunciation. Usually such sounds are quite difficult to pronounce if they are in a row. The Russian language does not have words that consist only of consonants. Consonants can also be divided into voiced and voiceless, as well as paired and unpaired sounds.

Capital letters

When studying the alphabet, you must also study the writing of letters, as well as punctuation marks. Large capital letters will be very important and needed in all further education of children. To develop handwriting, you will need to show your child different fonts that are used to write a particular capital letter.

For the correct design of letters while writing, you can make reminders for children. You just need to take sheets of paper that are in A4 format, on which to print suitable and various stencils with capital letters. Use a wide variety of fonts so that children can best remember how to write one or another letter of the Russian language. Such pictures can be colored, you can draw small elements of decoration on them, but in such a way that they do not distract from the information that the stencils contain.

You can use classic comb-over fonts, original writing, floral and festive designs, the main thing is to show your imagination and involve children in creating such an alphabet; they will be interested in decorating and coloring capital letters on paper that is in A4 format.

Lower case

Learn the rules of how to write lower case no less important than the big ones. Therefore, in order to learn the entire alphabet this way, it would also be a good idea to use similar stencils and different fonts that can be printed on paper that is in A4 format.

Then lowercase letters will be learned much easier by children, and if printed pictures are hung up as an example, then children will better remember the Russian alphabet and learn to write different fonts using printed stencils as an example. It is the stencils that will become the basis quick memorization children of certain lowercase letters.

Russian alphabet

The first thing anyone who wants to master English needs to learn is, of course, the English alphabet. Let's talk about him. Since there is a lot of information, I divided it into sections.

Letters of the English alphabet.

The modern English alphabet has 26 letters (in English, letters are called letters or characters - chars for short). Each letter can be uppercase (uppercase / large) or lowercase (lowercase / small). Latin letters became the basis for the English alphabet.

Exact shape block letters depends on the font.

Inscription of letters of the English alphabet.

I highlighted the vowels in red and the consonants in blue.

The sound of the letters of the English alphabet differs in different versions. So the last letter Z in the English pronunciation sounds [zed] /, and in the American one it sounds [zi] /. The British pronounce “zed” because the letter is derived from the Greek letter “Zeta”, which passed into Old French as “zede”, from where it migrated into the English alphabet in the 15th century as “zed”.

Americans pronounce the letter “z” by analogy with the names of other letters: B, C, D, etc. The first American pronunciation of the letter “z” was recorded in Lye's New Spelling Book in 1677. This decision was long disputed, but was completely accepted in 1827 after Webster's publications.

Today, most of those who study the English alphabet also call this letter. Most likely, this trend is explained by the fact that in most songs about the alphabet it is sung, since for this option pronunciation is easier to find a rhyme.

  • — Now I know my A-B-Cs

  • — Next time won’t you sing with me?

But the British are not lagging behind, and today the ending of the song is also widespread

  • - Sugar on your bread. Eat it all up before you are dead.

English humor, isn't it?

English alphabet capital letters.

Pay attention to the new trend of writing the capital letter A. Today it is customary to write it the same way as the small letter, although previously it was written similar to the Russian capital A. Here is a variant of the old spelling.

It is worth saying that among those studying the English alphabet in other countries, few people use capital letters. This trend is also emerging in countries where English is their native language. Look at the two handwritten texts. In the first version, ordinary letters are used for writing, connected in a letter in a way that is convenient for the writer. The second version uses capital letters of the English alphabet, of course, with handwriting features.

And this is what a calligraphically verified version of handwritten English looks like. The written English alphabet looks exquisite.

And this is what English doctors write. Reminds me of something, doesn’t it?

Copybooks of the English alphabet.

I offer you a set of copybooks of the English alphabet. Click to enlarge.

English alphabet in words.

English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation

Vowels of the English alphabet.

There are 6 vowels in the English alphabet. Do not accept saying “vowel letters of the English alphabet”. A letter is an outline of a sound. A vowel or consonant, as well as voiced, hard, soft, hissing, etc., can only be sound. OK, let's move on to the letters of the English alphabet that convey the vowel sound. These are A, E, I, O, Y, U - a total of 6. Each letter can express several sounds.

  • [ı:] – long and;
  • [ı] – short and;
  • [ɜ:] – wide e;
  • [ıə] – ie;
  • [α:] – long
  • [e] - short E
  • [əυ] – eu;
  • [ɒ] – short o;
  • - long y;
  • [ʌ] – short a;
  • [ᴐ:] – long o.
  • – yu;
  • [ʌ] – short a;
  • [u] – short u.

This is how the vowels of the English alphabet are read. Let's move on to consonants.

Consonants of the English alphabet.

There are 20 consonants in the English alphabet.

[s] / [c] before vowels i, e, y

/ [j] before e, i, y

[h] / [x] simple exhalation

[ŋ] / [nasal / velar n] before g and sometimes before k

/ [kv] combined qu

[r] is a sound, something between r and a very hard Russian z; pronounced without vibration. Often not pronounced at all

[z] / [з] at the end of a word after a vowel or voiced consonant, sometimes in the middle of a word between 2 vowels

[w] - sound similar to [uv]

/ [гз] before a stressed vowel

[z] / [з] – sometimes at the beginning of a word

History of the English alphabet.

The evolution of the English alphabet is evident over the last 1500 years. Although the modern English alphabet contains 26 letters, there used to be more.

After the 6th century, when Christian monks began transliterating Anglo-Saxon using Latin characters, they encountered some difficulties. Anglo-Saxon contained several sounds that could not be written in Latin. Therefore, the monks borrowed three old runes: ð (interdental voiced з), þ (interdental voiceless s), and Ƿ (uinn, analogous to the modern W). The presence of these runes, ligatures (connections of letters) æ and œ, as well as the absence of J and Y is one of characteristic features Anglo-Saxon alphabet. Look at the Beowulf manuscript.

Under the influence of the Norman script, the runic character of the English alphabet gradually faded away and the letters ð, þ and Ƿ soon disappeared. Instead of Ƿ, they began to use double V -> VV, which gradually became an independent letter W as a result of the use of printing presses.

How did Y and J join the English alphabet? Y and U are derived from V, as a result of the differentiation of consonants and vowels. J came from I.

With his characteristic ingenuity, Benjamin Franklin tried to improve the English alphabet. He suggested removing c, j, q, w, x, and y, since they could be replaced with other letters. He also suggested adding six letters of his own invention. But Franklin's alphabet did not catch on.

Today, the most common letters in the English alphabet are e, t, a, o. The rarest ones are x, q, z.