Sergei Svetlakov with his wife Antonina. Antonina Chebotareva - who is she? Biography and details of the personal life of Svetlakov's wife (8 photos). Filmography: films starring Sergei Svetlakov

The famous humorist, screenwriter, producer and showman Sergei Svetlakov, despite his often frivolous stage image in life, is a serious person and a reliable family man. The artist was married twice, and both of his wives have nothing to do with show business.

Marriage of 12 years

Sergey Svetlakov met his first wife, Yulia Voronchikhina, while studying at the Ural State University of Communications, at a disco. Young people met for three years before Svetlakov proposed to Yulia.

It happened in an elevator. Sergey and Yulia entered the elevator, and the girl heard: “ Either you marry me and we move on or I leave». « Let's go further”, Julia replied.

In order for the family to live separately, Svetlakov's parents exchanged their three-room apartment, having bought a house on the ground and a odnushku for the young.

On weekends, Sergei and Yulia went to weed with their parents, cursing everything in the world, but they had vegetables from their own garden, and Yulia's parents sent meat. The couple lived happily, they had some kind of parties every weekend, and as Svetlakov jokes: “ The return of bottles after such parties significantly replenished the family budget».

If for Svetlakov, like for many Kven workers, studying at the institute was of secondary importance, then Yulia studied well, and after graduating from the university, a successful career in the department awaited her. She was supposed to take the position of head of the department, but Moscow was waiting for Sergei. Julia dropped everything and went for her husband.

The first wife of Sergei Svetlakov was brought up in a large family, in which the father was the main earner, and the mother was a faithful assistant and keeper of the hearth. Julia without hesitation embarked on the path of a housewife, although she had ambitious plans for her own career.

According to Sergei Svetlakov, in later life her views on the role of a woman were at odds with her husband's patriarchal views which has been the subject of controversy. However, be that as it may, all the years of marriage, Julia, as befits a faithful wife, remained on the sidelines, supporting her husband in all endeavors and patiently enduring difficulties.

The period of difficulties was short-lived - with the incredible performance of Svetlakov, the family quickly resolved the housing issue by purchasing an apartment in Krylatskoye, and without any loans and mortgages.

In 2008, right on Svetlakov's birthday, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia, in which Sergey does not like the soul and does everything so that his family lives comfortably. He spends a lot to ensure that his wife and daughter live outside of Moscow, in the Baltic States, Yalta and other environmentally friendly places. Svetlakov works a lot, buys an apartment for his parents, builds a house for himself on Rublyovka, tries to be in time, to take everything from his luck.

Julia goes through life side by side, supporting her husband in everything. And unexpectedly in 2012, the Svetlakovs get divorced. Sergey cannot name any specific reason, but emphasizes that this is not another woman and nothing else. “Just not fate,” he replies succinctly.

Interesting Notes:

Now Julia is happy in her second marriage with businessman Vladimir Vasiliev. Sergei Svetlakov is personally acquainted with Yulia's new husband, and has repeatedly crossed paths with him at work. Julia is raising her daughter Nastya, and also makes her own jewelry under the SVETLAKOVA brand.

spy story

With his second wife, Antonina Chebotareva, Sergei Svetlakov met at the premiere of his film "Stone" in Krasnodar. Antonina then held the position of deputy director of a cinema chain, and her duties included meeting and seeing off eminent guests.

She also met Svetlakov, who later recalls: the first thing that caught on was Antonina's hand. When the girl offered her hand for a handshake, he noticed a mole between the index and thumb, exactly the same as that of Svetlakov himself. The dots formed like yin and yang.

All the way Sergey joked and talked nonsense, which he always does when he likes a girl. During this period, he was still married to Julia, but they did not live together. For thirteen hours we communicated, talked, and felt an incredible closeness. Sergey took a phone number from Antonina, and after leaving they began to call each other and talk for a long time.

Svetlakov tried to invite Antonina to Moscow, but the girl was of strict morals, and at the first call of the man she refused to go anywhere. " If you want, come to me in Krasnodar».

Svetlakov fell for the girl he liked. She advised him not to stay at the hotel, but invited him to the mountains. In her car, Antonina took him up the mountain serpentine for 210 kilometers, and only at night they reached the cottage village, in which Svetlakov forgot about everything.

Punctual, obligatory and reliable, Sergey suddenly disappeared for all his business partners for several days. There was no communication in the mountains, the lovers enjoyed each other's company without extraneous interference.

Antonina began to come to Moscow often, and young people also went on vacation abroad. One fine day, Sergei simply did not let his beloved go home. They began to live together.

The news of the pregnancy came as a surprise to everyone. Adult people, he is 35, she is over 30, did not plan a child, but he nevertheless appeared. To give birth or not, for Antonina, the question did not exist, she was only afraid that she would have to return to Krasnodar and raise the child alone. However, Sergei immediately proposed to the girl, and the young people got married.

Svetlakov kept his relationship, romance, wedding and birth of a baby in strict confidence.. No one, not even his closest friends, knew about such a dramatic change in Sergei's life. They avoided public places and hotels, Sergey planned every trip, checked everything, filmed a quiet a private house He did everything himself, did not delegate to anyone. They traveled a lot at that time, and Antonina accompanied him everywhere.

The couple had a boy Ivan, and Svetlakov is extremely happy about the appearance of an heir. He completed the house in Jurmala, where his family now lives permanently, for reasons of peace and environmental cleanliness. Of course, after the son grows up, he plans to move him to Moscow, but childhood should be calm and healthy, Svetlakov believes. The wife fully agrees with him.

Some actors are constantly offered the roles of villains, the role of a heartthrob hero sticks to others, and still others are incomparable in portraying “tough guys” ... Russian artist Sergey Svetlakov is able to transform into anyone: a gay phrase-monger, an honest traffic police inspector, a “night butterfly” and even in ... a revived tablet. The comedian on the screen looks like an eternally young adventurer, and in real life Sergei is content with the role of a decent family man. The young * wife of Svetlakov, whose photo * has only recently begun to appear on the network, is of no less interest to fans than her star husband. Who is this mysterious woman who managed to drastically change the life and biography of the showman? Sergei Svetlakov, although he does not like publicity, is ready to shout about the love that overwhelms his heart to the whole world.

Sergei Svetlakov with his current wife Antonina Chebotareva

The marriage of Svetlakov with his first wife Yulia ended in divorce for no reason: details of the breakup, photo

With his first wife, Yulia Voronchikhina, the showman lived for more than ten years, but he never found spiritual harmony and peace. Their stormy romance broke out in their student years within the walls of a completely “earthly” educational institution - the Ural state university ways of communication, where the novice KVNschik received the specialty "Economics on railway transport". As a third-year student, the young man proposed to his chosen one. Freshman Voronchikhina became the wife of Svetlakov. At first, Julia was satisfied with a colorful family life. Sergey Svetlakov traveled around the country with the inimitable "Ural dumplings" - his wife obediently followed her beloved.

KVN team "Ural dumplings"

The real fame for the talented "generator of ideas" came after the release of the project "Our Russia". Railway worker funny guy never did - Sergei Svetlakov was invited to work on Channel One. The family moved to live in the capital. In Moscow, the wife of the actor Julia was able to realize herself as a realtor. December 12, 2008 - on the artist's birthday - the Svetlakovs had a daughter, Nastya.

Sergey Svetlakov with his first wife Julia

The appearance of the child could not unite the couple - the marriage broke up in 2012. Svetlakov always treated his wife and daughter with trepidation, but the actor clearly lacked love in relations with his wife. Sergei is sure that there is no one to blame for the destruction of his family - it was just "not fate."

Sergei Svetlakov on the set of the film "Bitter"

Antonina Chebotareva - the second wife of Sergei Svetlakov: a chance for new happiness

After breaking up with his wife, Svetlakov was disappointed in women more than once. The young ladies seemed to him fake, boring and hypocritical. Until one day, while on business in Krasnodar, he saw bottomless blue eyes ... After a series of failures in his personal life and an amorous lull, an adult man was overtaken by love at first sight. Svetlakov arrived in Krasnodar with the premiere of his film "Stone" - at the airport he was supposed to be met by the deputy director of the local cinema chain. The on-screen merry fellow had no idea that the working meeting would be fateful for him.

Svetlakov with his new wife

The serious lady Antonina Chebotareva, who holds a high position, liked him at first sight. Our hero immediately began, like a teenager in love, to poison jokes and attract the attention of a girl with jokes. The lady, due to her occupation, repeatedly communicated with the stars - the arrival of "Ivan Dulin" did not mean anything special to her. After several unsuccessful relationships, the heart of an attractive person seemed to be empty forever.

Sergei Svetlakov and wife Antonina Chebotareva

The showman returned to Moscow as a completely different person - dreamy and elated. In his thoughts, the master of jokes constantly returned to the beautiful Tosya. One fine day, Svetlakov, putting work into the background, rushed to his beloved in Krasnodar. The most responsible and punctual person in the world did not contact his colleagues for several days and did not think at all about filming and TV shows. Only Tosya - only romance! The lovers began to meet, torn between career and love. Once Svetlakov decided to dot the i's - he suddenly confessed his love to his passion and moved her to the capital. The actor did not reveal to anyone all the secrets of his personal life. Rumors even began to appear in the press about the stormy romance of "Svetly" with Vera Brezhneva. Svetlakov published the first personal photo of his wife on the network only in 2016:

Sergei Svetlakov with his wife Antonina on vacation in Spain

Son Vanechka - the main gift to Svetlakov from his beloved wife

The novel of people of art developed at lightning speed. The couple did not make plans - fate decided everything for the lovers. Once, being in a suitcase mood before a working trip, Svetlakov learned from his wife Antonina that he would soon become a dad. The actor was sure that, thanks to contraception, he and Tosya "everything is under control." The appearance of Vanechka's son was a grand event for the comedian - only girls were stubbornly born in the Svetlakov family. Sergei and Tosya, not having lived together for a year, became parents.

Sergei Svetlakov in the movie "Yolki-3"

The birth of Antonina Chebotareva took place in Tallinn - Svetlakov considers the Pribalika the ideal place for a cozy family life. The couple chose to "give birth" together. In the capital of Estonia, natural childbirth is considered normal - the participation of the father in a happy event is only welcome. Obstetricians act calmly, respectfully treat women in labor. The young father gladly dressed the tiny Vanechka, lulled him and bathed him already in the first days of the baby's life. Svetlakov learned proper childcare during a previous marriage. By the way, the daughter of the actor Nastya turned out to be wise and smart beyond her years. She became friends with Aunt Tasya and sincerely fell in love with her brother. Nastya's mother is not against her daughter's frequent meetings with her ex-husband and Antonina. A new man also appeared in her life - Svetlakov's ex-wife often shares personal photos on the network. “Instead of four unfortunate people, there are now four happy, loving and loved ones,” - this is how Svetlakov comments on the events of his stormy personal life.

Photo from personal microblog ex-wife Yulia Svetlakova

The wedding of Sergei Svetlakov and Antonina Chebotareva under the motto "The age of freedom is not to be seen!"

The wedding of Sergei Svetlakov and Antonina Chebotareva took place in Thailand. The slogan of the event was the comic saying “The age of freedom is not to be seen!”. The groom, the bride, Nastya and Vanechka, in honor of the holiday, dressed not in elite outfits, but in prison uniforms with sewn numbers. The popular couple chose comfort and real fun instead of frills. Guests of the event celebrated an important event right on the beach.

Wedding of Svetlakov and Antonina

After the birth of her son Vanechka, Svetlakov's new wife did not even think about going out - she already had a lot of worries. For the first time with a new life partner, the actor appeared at the premiere of the film "Ambulance" Moscow-Russia ". The couple looked simple - without pathos and glamor. However, Antonina Chebotareva does not seek to join the star "party" - the comfort of home inspires her much more than the red carpet and the shine of spotlights. Happy spouses diligently hide the baby from the press, but Svetlakova's daughter has already managed to make herself known on television. A talented girl, strikingly similar to her father, managed to participate in the Comedy Battle program.

Daughter Nastya Svetlakova in the Comedy Battle program

Wife, children and the creation of a family in the biography of Sergei Svetlakov is more important than all awards and fame

Sergey Svetlakov, according to breaking news about his personal life, works on a “shift basis”, plans to learn how to allocate his time in such a way as to be able to relax more often with his wife and children. After the appearance of a photo of Svetlakov's wife on the network, fans are waiting to admire the pictures of little Vanechka. Lovers, for family pastime, always try to find the quietest cafe, the most unpopular cinema or the least crowded square. Sergey assures: “We are better off this way, we have no desire to use the media and popularity, so that later we can flicker in magazines and appear where there is free food and a saxophone plays in the corner.” And the actor is right: happiness should not be “glossy”, but real.

Public person Date of birth April 9 (Aries) 1982 (37) Place of birth Nalchik Instagram @antoninacheb

Antonina Chebotareva is Svetlakov's wife, about whom practically no one knew anything before meeting with her lover. At the same time, Tonya herself at that time was far from the last person in one of the country's film companies. However, the girl quickly left her usual life for the sake of Svetlakov, who, having fallen in love at first sight, invited her to Moscow with him. However, Antonina did not regret her act at all and quickly became the showman's wife.

Biography of Antonina Chebotareva

Antonina was born in the resort town of Russia, Nalchik. During her school years, Tonya was actively involved in sports and participated in various athletics competitions. At the same time, the girl repeatedly won prizes.

At school, she studied very diligently and diligently. Upon graduation, Tonya entered the College of Design, where she studied for about 3 years. Then Chebotareva became interested in managerial activities and entered the university in Krasnodar. There she studied economics, management and business. Antonina received her university degree in 2005.

After graduation, Chebotareva got a job in Krasnodar. For the first few years, the girl worked as a manager in a local television company. A little later, Antonina got a job at the Monitor film company, where she quickly rose up the career ladder, taking the position of deputy advertising director.

In 2013, Antonina suddenly quit her job after another meeting with Sergei Svetlakov and moved to Moscow, and a few months later she moved to the actor's house in Jurmala.

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Personal life of Antonina Chebotareva

While in high school, Antonina met her first love. The guy was a little older than her, but this did not prevent them from being together. Soon her lover went to serve in the army, and Tonya honestly waited for him, but the chosen one died tragically in the service. For Antonina, this was a huge shock, from which she could not move away for a long time. After the incident, the girl switched to a career.

In the last classes of a comprehensive school, she still had a relationship with a classmate. However, after graduation, they parted ways as friends.

Chebotareva met Svetlakov quite by accident when he came to Krasnodar to present the film "Stone". It was love at first sight. At the same time, relations developed slowly, in the form of friendly communication. However, everything changed dramatically when Sergey arrived in Krasnodar a year later with the presentation of a new painting called "Jungle". In a few days, Chebotareva realized that they really needed each other. In less than a week, Tonya quit her favorite prestigious job and, having packed her things, moved to Moscow to Svetlakov.

Soon the couple had a son, Ivan, and after that, the lovers officially legalized their relationship.

The showman's current wife is Antonina Chebotareva. She is from Nalchik, date of birth - 04/09/1982.

At school she studied "excellently", at the same time she went in for sports. He has a rank in athletics, the winner of local competitions. In her youth, Tonya experienced a personal tragedy. The young man she was dating died in the army.

After receiving the certificate, she studied at the Kabardino-Balkarian College of Design. The purposeful girl decided not to stop there, having entered KSU (Kuban University) at the Department of Management and Advertising.

In Krasnodar, Antonina began her career as a middle manager at a local television company. Pretty soon, she gets the position of deputy director of the Monitor cinema chain.

In 2011, on duty, the girl met Sergey, after which drastic changes take place in her life. The couple hid their close relationship for a long time.

Sergey Svetlakov: family, wives and children, photo

Popular actor, TV presenter, screenwriter and producer from Yekaterinburg, date of birth - 12/12/1977. Parents worked in the field of communications.

Despite the groovy character, he studied well. He was actively involved in sports, received the category of Candidate Master of Sports in handball. He was the soul of the company, telling jokes best of all.

Parents insisted that Sergei continue the dynasty. Therefore, the young man enters the Ural University of Communications. At the end of the first year, Svetlakov won the Knight of the Institute competition, which gives the guy the confidence to move on.

Sergei writes scripts for the university team of KVN "Barabashki", and soon he himself becomes a member and captain. Recognition in hometown comes after a performance in Sochi.

Unexpectedly, Svetlakov received an offer to write texts for the famous "Ural dumplings". After receiving a diploma, he worked for several years at customs. KVN again bursts into an established life with a stable job and salary.

Now Sergey is offered to join the Ural dumplings as a member. At his own risk, he agrees. In 2000, the team holds the title of champions of the "Major League of KVN".

In 2001 Svetlakov moved to Moscow. Together with Martirosyan, Slepakov and other guys who later laid the foundation for the Comedy Club project, they rent an apartment in the center of the capital.

They continue to cooperate with KVN as screenwriters, that is, they write and come up with numbers for the performances of different teams.

In 2004, Svetlakov was invited as a screenwriter to Channel One, where he met Vanya Urgant. Soon he becomes a co-host in the comedy show ProjectorParisHilton.

In 2009, Sergei completed his performances at the Ural Dumplings, deciding to take up his own projects. The first sketch show is "Our Russia". Then the cinematic career of the actor begins.

Today Sergey Svetlakov is the country's leading showman, who has more than 20 film roles behind him, the opening of many projects, a lot of written scripts, participation as a jury member on rating shows.

In addition to creativity, the actor is successfully engaged in the restaurant business.

Svetlakov's first wife - Yulia Voronchikhina

The couple met at a student disco, they studied at the same university. Mutual sympathy soon turned into a serious feeling. A beautiful romance lasted 3 years.

In the third year, Sergei made a marriage proposal to the girl in his usual manner. In the elevator, the guy said:

Either you marry me, then we move on. Either I'm leaving.

Julia said that they would climb together.

Sergei's parents provided the newlyweds with housing by exchanging their three-room apartment. The couple lived happily, the doors of their house were always open to friends.

For Svetlakov, studies took second place after KVN. Julia, on the contrary, sought to get an excellent diploma. After graduating from high school, she got a job in a departmental position, and her husband at customs.

When the question arose of moving to Moscow, Yulia followed Sergei without hesitation. Moreover, she accompanied him on all tours. The wife was a reliable rear and support of the actor.

The issue of housing in the capital was resolved rather quickly. Svetlakov bought an apartment in Krylatskoye.

They waited a long time for their first child. Finally, in 2008, for Sergei's birthday, his wife gave him a daughter, Nastya. To ensure a decent life for the family, the showman worked hard. He constantly sent Yulia and her child on vacation, built a house on Rublyovka.

Svetlakov's divorce from his wife

The news of the separation of the happy couple seemed like another joke to all friends and family. Many said with laughter that Sergey was untied from the bonds of marriage . However, everything turned out to be more serious.

The couple really decided to disperse after 12 years life together. There were no comments from either side. Neither Julia nor Sergey can clearly state the reason for the divorce. Just gone love or not fate.

They parted as good friends. Sergey takes an active part in the life and upbringing of his daughter.

Svetlakov's ex-wife is getting married

Julia was not in the status of a divorced lady for long. Soon after parting, a respectable man, businessman Vladimir Vasilyev, appears in her entourage.

Quite quickly, the couple officially registers their relationship. Today Julia lives in a second happy marriage. She opened her own pearl design business under the SVETLAKOVA brand.

Svetlakov's second wife - Antonina Chebotareva

Sergei met his current wife in 2011, when, as part of a film crew, he arrived in Krasnodar for the premiere of the film "Stone". The girl's duties included meeting and seeing off filmmakers.

Antonina immediately liked the actor. According to Svetlakov, the first thing he noticed was the girl's mole between the thumb and forefinger.

Sergey has exactly the same mark. When shaking hands, the symbol "yin and yang" is obtained. This seemed to the man a landmark, even a fateful moment.

All the time that the actor was in Krasnodar, he tried to charm Tosya, joked, told stories. Leaving, Sergey asked for a phone number. Thus began a romance at a distance.

They called up, chatted for hours, unable to hang up the phone. Once Svetlakov invited the girl to stay with him in Moscow, but Tonya abruptly put him in his place, answering:

You must come yourself.

Sergei pulled without hesitation. They climbed up the serpentine for a long time, having traveled 210 km, they settled in a cottage. The always punctual actor disappeared for a week, the connection in the mountains did not catch.

Sergei at that time was not free, but he no longer lived with his wife. After meeting in the mountains, relations with the new darling went to another level. They began to live in two cities, traveled the world together.

Once Svetlakov invited Tosa to move to him in Moscow, the girl agreed. Soon both learned the news that they would have a child. Sergei immediately offered to sign, which they did at the Embassy of Riga.

The actor himself came up with a script for the wedding, according to which the celebration should be a complete surprise for the parents. The ceremony took place on the beach of Jurmala. The newlyweds and children put on prison uniforms, numbers with the date of birth are sewn on the chest.

The couple held a second celebration in Thailand, but after the birth of the baby.

Children of Svetlakov

The daughter from her first marriage, Anastasia, was born on December 12, 2008. Despite her young age, the girl is already taking part in the comedy battle Comedy Battle.

The son of Antonina and Sergey was born on July 18, 2013. The boy was named Vanechka, in honor of the best friend of the showman Ivan Urgant.

Svetlakov's wife in "Yolki" and "Our Rush"

In the sketchcom “Our Russia”, different actresses acted as the faithful of Sergey:

  1. Julia Sules - played the wife of the hard worker Belyakov from Taganrog, who constantly talks to the TV.
  2. Anna Ukolova is the tortured chosen one of the most honest traffic cop in the country.
  3. Lyudmila Knyazeva is a peaceful but heroic comrade-in-arms of pensioner Anna Viktorovna from Novosibirsk.

In the film epic "Firs" in the role of the wife of Zhenya, the character of Svetlakov, actress Irina Arkhipova starred.