Why men are turned on by women's legs. Ulan-udenka will be tried for murder: she trampled and extinguished Pinala's cigarettes on the victim and trampled stories with her feet

I'll tell you what happened to me.

Vsera joyful went to the university, one exam and the end of the session.

Came to call me. The professor is sitting, a young, strict girl. I immediately thought, damn it, she doesn’t know me, the machine will not wait. Well, she starts asking me questions, I don’t really answer anything. She leaves the table on a chair with wheels and I go dumb. She was wearing a short, strict skirt, black tights and open shoes with thin, not very long heels.
She starts rubbing to me that I'm stupid and that she won't give me shit. I start begging her to put a test, I say that I’m absolutely ready for anything, because if it doesn’t, then the whole session is down the drain.
She makes a chic gesture with her foot, puts it forward and says quietly so ... "kiss." I didn’t even think about it, I immediately fell off the chair at her feet. While kissing, she told me that she would put a mark if I spent the whole day under her table, kissing, licking her feet and shoes. Heart pounded. What I need!) I abruptly agreed and left the office. Bypassed him and went out the back door. My Lady was waiting. I crawled under the table and lay on my back. Mrs. Julia (that was her name) just moved closer and put her feet on my face with some force .... it hurt, but I didn’t utter a word. She rubbed my face with her feet and, choosing a comfortable position, invited the next student. The table was closed and he couldn't even see anything. I relaxed as the Lady began to stomp my face. That is, I just raise one or the other beautiful leg, with force to press on my face. She wanted me to scream and embarrass myself. But I held on. Then she shoved the heel into my mouth. I started licking him. Shoes, thank God, were clean, a little dusty current. So I lay somewhere for about 15 minutes while the student answered, and the ruthless Lady trampled my face with her feet, continuing to sit quietly and interrogate the student. He left, and the lady moved away from the table and looked at me, my face was covered in scratches and dirt. She told me, "Go wash your face and come back." I ran to the toilet like lightning so as not to meet anyone. Happiness corridor was empty. Washed and ran back, and there was just a student. Her name was Anya, she was strict and impregnable, but beautiful and enticing. In general, she has a lot of attention, fans too. Mrs. Julia asked me "What are you waiting for?" I was afraid. After all, Anya will know everything and tell everyone. The mistress told Anya this is my foot mat. Don't tell anyone then I'll let you use it. Anna smiled and nodded. I thought, why not?, and climbed under the table. Anya was wearing transparent shoes with high metal stilettos and a short skirt. Dream in one word. I lay down as I was lying and Mrs. Yuliya was no longer so strong, but still not caring that it would hurt me, put her shoes on my face and briefly ordered me to lick. I licked and was happy! I thought to take a chance and in that small opening that was between the floor and the table I pushed my hand through and stumbled upon Anya's legs. I didn’t see how she reacted to this, but my hand was immediately crushed by two shoes. Moreover, Anya pressed painfully with her heels. Specially visible. So I lay somewhere for about ten fifteen minutes ... And I thought how lucky I was! Mrs. Julia will definitely order me to come to her every day or something, and now Anya knows too. He also orders to come to her house. I was right. Anya successfully passed the exam and got up ... It was the most painful thing that evening. She only stood with her heels on my arm. I thought my bones were about to break, but they didn't. I guess I just got lucky... Mrs. Julia also stood up on my face, with one heel resting on my cheekbone, and with the other on my head just above the temple. While they were standing it was painful, but I heard the conversation:
- Well done Anya! Everything went well.
- Thank you Yulia Olegovna, you promised to let me use your carpet!
- Yes, I remember, today I will wipe my feet on him at home, I have a lot of dirty shoes there, although no, tomorrow, the whole day, let him think today! And the day after tomorrow I will send him to you, just be careful not to break anything for him, otherwise they will put him in jail later, although you won’t tell the rug?
- mmm - I answered.
- We will assume that you will not tell ...
- Thank you Yulia Olegovna! - Anya turned on her heels, painfully scratching my hand and finally transferring all her weight to one heel, she hesitated a little and went. Mrs. Julia sat back down and called for the next student. So I lay for another three hours. Then, when he left, his whole face was numb, it was covered in bruises and abrasions. It was painful but very nice. Still, I'm a pervert. Now I'm sitting in a computer club and in an hour I'll be at the door of my new mistress Julia. Sorry everyone PC. I don't think I'll be here for a long time. How to do it in one word.

I'm happy. I found Mrs.

Lenochka was a very sweet, pretty girl. One of those who may not have a model appearance, but radiates with a special youthful beauty, the freshness of a spring morning. Always friendly, full of sympathy for everyone and love for life. Studied in the second year medical school. She chose this profession not by chance, but in accordance with her vocation - to help others, to ease their pain. However, she was not particularly popular with the guys, probably because of modesty.
Oksana, her classmate, on the contrary, was cheeky, stubborn and impudent. And although her appearance could hardly be called pretty - she was a success with the guys, and in the women's hostel she was the soul of the company.
Once in the hostel where the girls lived, Oksana and her company had a decent drink, and, in between times, they began to discuss Lena, who rarely drank and kept herself independent, studied well, and therefore caused irritation. Friends loved to gossip, and one of them suddenly invented a story that Lena secretly met with the best guy male hostel - those whom Oksana would very much like to see next to her, and who treated her like an empty place.
"Everyone saw!" friends convinced. Then they began to tease Oksana and laugh at her ... Oksana decided to take revenge, especially since the more beautiful and graceful girl always annoyed her.
- Tomorrow they will smear it on the ground !!! - Oxy said in a slightly drunken voice.

The next day, Oxy, who had not forgotten anything, and who did not want to become the object of gossip and laughter of her girlfriends, seriously decided to take revenge. Then - she just called Lena on her mobile and said:
- I'll wean you, bitch, to look at other people's guys! You still dance with me! – and quickly left, not becoming to continue the conversation.
Lena wanted to find out what was the matter and assure that she had not done anything bad to Oksana (especially since Lenochka never had a boyfriend), but she could not find her that day.

Being invited to a concert dedicated to the day of the city in the evening, the girl decided to deal with the undeserved insult later, her mood improved in anticipation of the concert of her favorite bands.
After the end of the concert, a crowd of the same students, mostly like her, began to slowly move towards the exit.

... suddenly feeling a sharp pain from the injection just above the left calf, Lena did not attach much importance to this. And really, well, you never know, maybe someone in their clothes had some kind of iron rivet, a pin, or the latch from the bag was hooked ... But after a couple of minutes the girl began to feel dizzy, she suddenly felt dizzy, and therefore tried to get out of crowds. However, it became more and more difficult to move with each step (since the effect of the drug introduced by Oksana intensified). Although the consciousness remained clear, the coordination of movements was disturbed, and each step was given more and more difficult. The body simply ceased to obey her, and Lenochka, somehow holding on with her unruly hands behind the backs of those walking nearby, began to slowly sink to the ground - right under the feet of her friends from the institute group, with whom they walked from the concert. The traffic was quite dense (as evil, it happened immediately after leaving the site). Lanterns burned here and there, smoke from pyrotechnics drifted to the ground, and underfoot there were mountains of rubbish, beer bottles and packages, it was not known with what. And the girls, after two hours of loud music, dancing, after stormy emotions and delight from communicating with their favorite bands, and from drinking drinks, were already tired and a little crazy ...
Lenochka could not believe the reality of what was happening:

- Is that really true? - her thought flowed aloofly and sluggishly, - either from the action of the drug, or from the unusual situation. Here she lies at the feet of the walking crowd of her girlfriends, next to her face they trampled on a plastic glass with a sandal, and drops of liquid splashed on her face ... WHY DOES NOBODY NOTICE ME? - a distant echo resounded in Lenochkin's mind.
The first blows of the shoes crashing into her body brought back a sense of reality. Only now control over the body is not returned.
Even though it wouldn't change anything now.
And this sweet, beautiful and young, life-loving girl, with such a rich inner world- for the legs of the same young female students walking, it suddenly became equal to piles of garbage thrown by the crowd on the asphalt.
On which you can (unintentionally, of course) simply step on in order to transfer the weight of the body further, on the way home, continuing to think about something of your own, dream, hope, love. Without even noticing the living underfoot, because you never know what is scattered there.
At first, several of her legs stepped over her, and only occasionally bumped into the toes of her shoes, stumbling and groaning. Then someone's foot in a pump (well, without a heel) stepped on her chest. The next foot in a white boot stood on his stomach. The next one, caught on her heel, tore her dress. Then - again on the chest, just slipping over the naked body and scratching it, she slid down. (The walker slipped on Lenochka, and tried to balance, shifting the weight of her body, while frightened, but cheerfully gasping).
Then more and more feet stepped on her chest, stomach, hips, not casually, but with the whole foot, not giving the girl the opportunity to inhale. Others began to step over again, Lenochka greedily gasped for air, but suddenly several feet stepped on her chest at once - from the throat to the diaphragm - and simply squeezed out all the air from the chest. The eyes of the recumbent went dark, and she lost consciousness - but, unfortunately, only for a couple of moments. She came to herself from the pain - her whole body hurt. Shoulders, neck, chest, legs. From the bottom up, she watched as her leg was lowered again - Lenochka saw her friend, Marina. But Marina did not notice the living thing under her feet, and the sole of her sneakers fell right on the girl's stomach. Marina stood with both feet on “something soft” and began to balance, pressing her stomach in with her socks, then with her heels. Lenochka was sick.
A traffic jam had apparently formed in the crowd, and now it hardly advanced, rather staggering back and forth. The density of the crowd increased even more. Lenochka realized that these were her last moments, and she recognized some of her friends at the top, who now became unwitting executioners.
Olya is a rather plump but attractive girl, a blonde with blue eyes stood on her chest. Catching balance, Olya transferred the weight of her whole body to her heels, literally squeezing out Lena's lungs. Lenochka suddenly felt something crackle in her chest. Then - more and more. And Olya kept advancing and advancing. Lenochka felt unbearably painful, to the dull pressing pain was added a sharp one, as from a stab with a knife. This rib, broken by Olya's heels, pierced the lung. Helen felt a salty taste in her mouth. The crowd monstrously condensed, and finally moved. The girls stepped on the whole body, by some miracle bypassing the face and eyes with hairpins.
Lenochka lost consciousness.

But thank God, by the will of fate I woke up in the hospital, and six months later I almost recovered.

Vanka - the most frail and the youngest in the 1st "A" - classmates beat ingeniously. During the break, they grabbed the arms and legs and began to pull in different directions, giving cuffs along the way.

And then, pulling off his trousers and shorts, they doused him with water and threw him on the floor. While the boys kept him on the linoleum, one of the girls perched on Vanya and began to dance, trying to touch with her shoe what was below the stomach. The children had fun.

This is how Vanya's mother Valentina Nikolaevna Razzhivkina describes the incident.

When I came home from work in the evening, Vanka was crying a lot, he was very depressed. He refused to eat, said that he had a severe headache. The next day he started vomiting. I called an ambulance. The doctors said that this was the result of a severe nervous shock, and they took her son to the hospital, - she fiddles with a bundle of documents in her hands. - And Vanya has a congenital heart disease and only one working kidney!

Vanya is a late and long-awaited child. Before calling the editorial office, Valentina Nikolaevna tried to find out for herself why her son was beaten, which of her classmates participated in this and where the class teacher was. It didn't work out. Marushkinskaya high school kept the defense.

I went to Marushkino (this is a village near Moscow just 25 km from the Moscow Ring Road. - Ed.) To look at first-graders who are able to "have fun" like that. What's in their eyes? What's in the heart? Or maybe Vanya embellished everything in emotional shock?

But cool Vanya disappeared. And I was sent to the director's office for all the information. There were also the head teacher and two more "witnesses" - most likely teachers. 26-year-old director Valentin Vladimirovich Sbusin is proud of:

After all, I went from school janitor to its director! And this is the first case in my practice... Let's figure it out.

But the last phrase is for a journalist. The school administration's version of events seems to have already been built. Like, the boy is to blame for everything. He was a badass from the very first day of school. Leap to everyone. And on that day, he bullied himself with the girls. They fought back. Well, an innocent children's brawl began. Vigilant cool fighters separated...

But how then did the boy end up in the hospital with injuries and a nervous shock?

This is what we want to understand. They assembled a commission of teachers, parents and a juvenile inspector.

And I sat, listened to the young director and thought about why, at least after the fight, he didn’t ask what Vanya looks like. It is unlikely that then he would begin to talk about him as a bully.

In the district hospital, Vanya was placed in a five-year-old ward. With peers, he flatly refused to lie. The boy appears in the office of the head. department - thin, pale, with bruises under his eyes, frightenedly pressed against the doctor.

He always remembers that school history, talks about it all the time, - complains the head. department Valentina Vladimirovna Borisova. - I forbade the medical staff to support this topic: the boy is already in a stressful state. And please don't talk about school with him. No need for him extra reminders ... - And already to the boy. - Let's listen to you.

Vanya obediently lifts his T-shirt. Of all the "wounds" there was a hematoma on the back.

It seems that the boy is more worried not because of the bruises, but because he was humiliated in front of everyone by his classmates.

Recently, Vanya was discharged from the hospital. His mother wrote a statement to the police on the fact of the beating. But he doubts that they will be able to find out the truth here.

Vanya will no longer go to the Marushka school. Will go to another school - yes, far away, and the road is not easy. But is it possible to return to a class where anything can happen to a child, and you will not find the ends?

Vanya's mother met me the other day classmate, - Valentina Nikolaevna called me yesterday. - And she warned: "If you bring your ... (unprintable) to our school again, they will beat him again, and much harder."


Teacher with 40 years of experience Yuri SNIGIREV:

I would not argue that children are more cruel now than they were 20 or 30 years ago. Yes, of course, they are more inventive in their cruelty - there are so many options offered by TV programs or action movies. But even before they fought in schools. They fought fiercely. And in first grade too.

Another thing - they punished for fights in such a way that it was disrespectful! And on a pedso

An unprecedented trial ended the other day in the UK. According to the verdict, a girl named Lorraine Thorpe will spend the rest of her life behind bars. The judge only threw up his hands: yes, the decision is the most severe, but a double murder is punishable by life imprisonment. And the young British woman, who recently turned sixteen, committed just such a crime - she killed two people, including her own father.

There is much in her story that neither the investigators, nor the jury, nor the judge understood. Perhaps Lorraine cannot be fully understood. "The girl was brought up in such a way that she did not have the right ideas about what is good and what is bad. In fact, she is prone to sociopathy, but the examination did not find signs of mental illness in her. Not the slightest deviation. Just such an upbringing. In some sense her father doomed himself to death," the judge said frankly in an interview with the Daily Mail after the end of the hearing.

Miss Thorpe will become a kind of record holder - the youngest resident of the United Kingdom, sentenced to life in prison. Of course, it is possible that she will be released from prison. Her early release is more than likely, given the circumstances. But in any case, the girl will spend at least a decade and a half behind bars - such a minimum was established by the court. And she will be released (if she does) as a grown woman.

Lorraine committed the crimes a year ago, in August 2009, when she was only fifteen. Terrible events unfolded in Ipswich, where she was born and raised. Her father Desmond Thorpe suffered from chronic alcoholism. At some point, his wife left him, leaving her daughter in the care of a bitter drunkard. What this "care" was, remains to be judged only by the deeds of the young British woman.

About a year and a half ago, she made an acquaintance with a hardened criminal - 41-year-old Paul Clark. Apparently, the relationship between them was by no means platonic, but the court did not take this circumstance into account. Lorraine fell under the influence of a new acquaintance, with whom she went on her first murder.

The victim was Rosalyn Hunt, a resident of Ipswich, who cared for Desmond Thorpe, who had been driven to cirrhosis by constant drinking. Ms. Hunt also liked to drink and met Lorraine's father at a meeting of the local Alcoholics Anonymous. They took a liking to each other and got along.

Naturally, the daughter was jealous of her father for the woman he brought home - in her mother's place. Paul Clark added fuel to the fire. He insisted that an alcoholic could not be selfless and would probably try to kill Desmond, and then claim the inheritance due to Lorraine. In the end, the girl was convinced that Mr. Thorpe's mistress deserved to die.

As the judge would later say, Paul Clark played the role of organizer in this crime. His instigation actually pushed Lorraine to murder, but all the fanaticism that caused the death of Rosalyn Hunt, she committed with her own hand, without the assistance of a "mentor". The description of what happened shocked the jury: a fifteen-year-old teenage girl kicked a defenseless woman for a long time, punched her in the stomach, punched her in the face and jumped on the victim, trying to trample her. Rosalyn was physically weak, and the suddenness of the attack made it impossible for her to resist at all.

The passivity of the victim did not confuse Miss Thorpe, but, on the contrary, provoked her. Then, with pride and laughter, she told her friends how she trampled on Rosalyn's head with her feet, and then, together with Paul Clark, hid the body of the murdered woman. It was the testimony of the girl's friends, struck by the story, that made it possible to bring the "mentor" of the young criminal to justice. Taking into account the conviction behind him (he served a term for causing grievous bodily harm), the court sentenced the man to 27 years in prison without the right to parole. But the judge who led this scandalous case is not sure that the responsibility for Lorraine's crimes lies entirely with her "teacher".

trample on, trample on, trample on, step on, walk on; crush, or knead with your feet, stomp, beat, push, pound, pound. Don't trample the grass, don't walk on it. Don't trample the floor, don't trample, don't get dirty with your feet. They trample clay, crush it with their feet ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

trample- Trampling, trampling, trampling, not true. 1. what. Crush, crush, trample under foot. Trample the grass. Trample the flowers. || Dirty, dirty feet. Don't trample the floor with your boots. 2. what. Press, knead with your feet for some practical need. Trample the clay... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

stomp- trample, humiliate the Dictionary of Russian synonyms. stomp 1. crush with your feet; trample (high) 2. see humiliate Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E... Synonym dictionary

trample under your feet- trample underfoot (inosk.) insult (humiliate). Wed They who crouch to those who are above them, always trample on those who are below them. Per. Those who crawl before the higher ones always trample under the feet of the lower ones. Bucklo. History of… …

trample someone with your feet; stomp into the dirt.- Trample someone with their feet; stomp into the dirt. See MAN... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

Stomp in the dirt- Trample in the dirt (inosk.) To humiliate. Wed They trampled on the authorities in the dirt, and I was silent ... I did not contradict ... Saltykov. Well-intentioned speeches. 9. Wed. He felt ... a special pleasure to trample him into the dirt according to all orders in the work. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

trample- trample, trample, trample; trodden; incompatibility 1. whom (what). Press, knead with your feet. T. grass. 2. what. Wear out when walking (shoes) (simple). T. boots. | sovereign trample, opchu, opchesh; optanny (to 1 value) and trample, opchu, opch; opted (to 2 ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

stomp- vb., nsv., use. comp. often Morphology: I trample, you trample, he/she/it tramples, we trample, you trample, they trample, trample, trample, trample, trample, trample, trample, trample, trample, trample, trample; St. trample, trample, trample… Dictionary of Dmitriev

stomp- trample, trample; trodden; tan, a, o; nsv. 1. whom what. Knead, crush, crush when walking, running or in a fit of anger, anger. T. crops, berries. Don't trample the hay! T. with a frenzy clock, scraps of letters. T. ants. T. ground with feet, boots. T. fire, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

stomp- trample / then / pchesh; then / ptanny; tan, a, o; nsv. see also stomp 1) someone that Knead, crush, crush when walking, running or in a fit of anger, anger. Topta / be crops, berries. Don't trample the hay! Stomp with frenzy clocks, shreds ... Dictionary of many expressions

stomp- I carry. transition 1. To crush, crush, crush someone or something with your feet. ott. unfold To trample, to trample something. ott. Destroy, exterminate, crushing with their feet. ott. trans. To express gross disdain for something, to suppress someone. 2. unfold ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova