Anastasia Vedenskaya was abandoned by her husband and lover. Anastasia Vedenskaya: “Epifantsev decided to prove that he is sexy to all women in the country. If this is a long-term serious romance, then yes

The artist publicly announced her decision to break up with her husband. Vedenskaya stated on the show “You Won’t Believe It!” that her relationship with Epifantsev “has expired.” For a long time, the spouses who had lost love hid that they had problems, and last summer they even went on vacation to Sicily together. But they failed to establish contact.


“This was my initiative. I lived with a very difficult person for 11 years. And I believe that if something does not make you happy in life, but brings pain and disappointment, you need to leave immediately, without talking,” Anastasia explained her departure from her husband .

The actress, who recently shone on the show “Dancing with the Stars,” added that the last straw for her was Vladimir’s instability. According to Vedenskaya, Epifantsev lost control of himself. “I don’t like men’s hysterics. Lately he has been very nervous. For me, the harmony of children is more important, I don’t like all these squabbles,” said Anastasia.

According to some publications, the actress is now having a new romance. Allegedly, she has been dating dancer Dmitry Tashkin for about six months. However, formally Vedenskaya and Epifantsev are still married, although they have been living separately for a long time. The actor did not give a divorce to his other half. Perhaps the reason why Vladimir wants to save the marriage is two children - sons Gordey and Orpheus.

It is noteworthy that while Vedenskaya openly declares that she dreams of starting life from scratch, Epifantsev avoids talking about personal matters. “My wife is a good person. I don’t see the point in talking about it. There are so many interesting things happening around that can attract attention, not my family relationships,” the Starhit website quotes the actor.

Anastasia and Vladimir met during an exam at a theater school. He is 13 years older than her. Epifantsev was a member of the selection committee, and he immediately liked the talented, charming young artist. A romance broke out between them, which quickly led to marriage.

05 May 2017

According to Anastasia Vedenskaya, Epifantsev is to blame for the collapse of the family.

In January of this year it became known that Vladimir Epifantsev and his wife after 11 years of marriage. The couple were indeed happy together for a long time, successfully raising two children, but it turned out that the family idyll was only an illusion. Anastasia Vedenskaya told reporters about the reasons for the divorce. As the woman said, she tolerated her husband’s ambiguous behavior for a long time, but there is a limit to everything.

“At his behest, my husband put on amulets against me, and told me: “You are a witch. She bewitched me." Now I treat this with humor, but then I was scared, I felt that Volodya was going crazy. And now I don’t always understand who I’m dealing with; some other entities speak in him,” admitted Epifantsev’s wife.

Now Anastasia is demanding alimony from her husband for the maintenance of her two sons and hopes to get a divorce. The relationship between the spouses remains difficult.

“He understands that with two children we will not be automatically divorced. He needs a lawyer, which he must pay for. Why should I spend the money I earn on this? But when I realized that Volodya did not want to get a divorce, I said that I would find a lawyer myself. He replied: “I will not sign anything in the contracts.” But I'm not ready to get a divorce just like that. And it's not about the money. I like specifics and I want to know for sure that on such and such a day of such and such a month I will receive a certain amount that I can plan,” said the actress and added that after Epifantsev broke up with Anastasia, his children began to have problems communicating with others children, and Vedenskaya’s acquaintances began to condemn the young woman.

“Gordey doesn’t really accept him now. My son, like me, is a man of logic. And he believes that the father behaves disgustingly in many things. He had seen us quarreling more than once before and said: “Mom, I want you to break up.” But I always tell the children that their dad is the best, and they will not have any other father. Volodya really has a lot of merits, you can be proud of him,” admitted the wife of Vladimir Epifantsev in a frank interview with the portal

Vladimir Epifantsev's wife, actress Anastasia Vedenskaya, announced that she has long intended to divorce him. According to the woman, they broke up about a year ago. Despite the fact that the artists have lived together for 11 years and are raising two sons, Anastasia dreams of starting life from scratch. However, Epifantsev himself is rather negative about discussing his personal life.

“My wife is a good person. I don't see the point in talking about this. There are so many interesting things happening around that can attract attention, not my family relationships,” Vladimir shared with StarHit.

Despite the fact that the actor tries to use vague language when speaking about divorce, his chosen one boldly declares that she has not lived under the same roof with her husband for a long time. However, she admitted on one of her television broadcasts that Epifantsev is still her husband, since the artist did not receive an official divorce. Anastasia does not specify why Vladimir does not want to completely break off relations with her.

Vedenskaya admitted that it was very difficult for her to live with a person, living together with whom brought her only pain and disappointment. According to her, she decided to end it and dared to leave her husband. Moreover, she was tired of her husband’s constant nervousness - he could not cope with his own emotions.

The actors met during an exam at a theater school - Vladimir was then a member of the selection committee, and therefore could not help but notice the talent and charm of the young artist. Despite the 13-year difference, a romance broke out between the artists, which quickly led to marriage. The couple had two sons - Gordey and Orpheus.

45-year-old Vladimir Epifantsev tries to do everything to remain attractive in the eyes of women. He constantly keeps himself in shape - he plays sports and strictly monitors his diet.

“Body culture is important to me. Especially because of my age, this is very important, since I am not going to lose my youthful enthusiasm. I really like sex and I want to be sexually attractive. And again, for my profession, for working in films, I try to maintain my figure. But I wouldn’t advise anyone to follow my method. Through trial and error, I chose a gentle system for myself, which is not so easy to come by, and I need to practice under the supervision of a specialist,” admitted Vladimir.

The actress said that her husband warned her that he would openly talk about their personal relationships in order to earn money and get new roles.

Once upon a time, Vladimir Epifantsev was looking for an actress for the play “Caligula”, where he himself played the main role. And he saw Anastasia Vedenskaya on stage, whom he really liked. This is how their story began. Vladimir carried his wife in his arms, admired her, was proud of her, however, she was proud of him too. They created together, argued, joked, raised their sons, in general, they gave the impression of an ideal couple.

It turned out that they broke up two years ago. This information did not go beyond the inner circle - until Vladimir visited the “Secret to a Million” program. Anastasia was not surprised that in the program “Secret to a Million” Vladimir spoke openly about their relationship. Epifantsev warned his wife in advance.

Anastasia asked: “Why?”, because she knows that her husband always despised this kind of program and certainly would not tell anything about his personal life for the public. The answer was unexpected: “To make money.” Nastya thinks that this is a challenge for her. But, according to the actress, it’s generally difficult for her to comment on what Volodya has been doing lately.

He came from the program and said: “I’m just a god, I performed amazingly there. You will fall to your knees and kiss me when you see the broadcast.” All this, of course, was said with humor, says Anastasia, but he was very pleased with himself, saying that this program would open the way to his new role, she did not specify which one... “That a lot of roles would come down.”

During the broadcast, Vedenskaya was at the airport and, in principle, had no intention of watching this trash, but she was overtaken by messages on social networks from people tearfully begging to save her husband: “Come back to Volodya,” “He loves you so much.” Anastasia, come to your senses!”

What added spice was the fact that at the same time, the Rossiya TV channel was showing the premiere of the film “Half an hour before spring,” in which Vedenskaya played one of the main roles. And the viewer could clearly admire this bitch who left Vladimir and lives with her lover. Then Nastya decided to ask her friends. She was told that Vladimir cried three times. “This is normal, I didn’t doubt it, I just clarified at what points. Someone wrote that everything was fake. On the one hand, I appreciated his acting skills, but on the other, I think it’s ridiculous. Now those who cursed him yesterday, calling him a Satanist, are led by his tears and are sure that I am a bad girl and destroyed the family. It’s ridiculous, because an artist of his magnitude doesn’t need such a performance.”

By the way, everyone is demanding an explanation from Anastasia about his videos on Instagram, asking why he films this and why he posts screenshots of correspondence with fans, full of obscenities, but she has no answer. Vedenskaya doesn’t like that she has to explain herself to the school, although now all his social media accounts have been blocked. The teachers asked if Nastya knew what problems children might have because of their father’s exercises. When Anastasia called Volodya, he replied: “I don’t care about the opinion of these Orthodox Christians.” “But today it’s not him, but me who is in the breach,” admits the actress.

Anastasia Vedenskaya. Style: Nadina SMIRNOVA; Makeup: Ksenia SEMENOVA; Hairstyles: Daria DZYUBA. Dress, ASOS; jewelry, kojewerly

Once upon a time, Vladimir Epifantsev was looking for an actress for the play “Caligula”, where he himself played the main role. And he saw on stage an actress whom he really liked - . This is how their story began. Volodya carried his wife in his arms, admired her, was proud of her, however, she was proud of him too. They created together, argued, joked, raised their sons, in general, they gave the impression of an ideal couple. It turned out that they broke up two years ago. This information did not go beyond the inner circle - until Vladimir visited the “Secret to a Million” program. Anastasia presented her version of what was happening for the first time.

Nastya, were you surprised to learn that in the “Secret to a Million” program Vladimir spoke openly about your relationship?

No. He warned me. I asked “why?”, because I know that he always despised this kind of program and certainly would not tell anything about his personal life for the public. The answer was unexpected: “Make money.” I think this is a challenge for me. It’s generally difficult for me to comment on what Volodya has been doing lately. He came from the program and said: “I’m just a god, I performed amazingly there. You will fall to your knees and kiss me when you see the broadcast.” All this, of course, was said with humor, but he was very pleased with himself, saying that this program would open the way to his new role, I didn’t specify which one... that a bunch of roles would come down. During the broadcast, I was at the airport and, in principle, was not going to watch this trash, but I was overtaken by messages on social networks from people tearfully begging to save my husband: “Come back to Volodya,” “He loves you so much. Anastasia, come to your senses!” What added spice was that at the same time, the Rossiya TV channel was showing the premiere of the film “Half an hour before spring,” in which I played one of the main roles. And the viewer could clearly admire this bitch who left Vladimir and lives with her lover. Then I decided to ask my friends. I was told that he cried three times. This is normal, I didn’t doubt it (laughs), I just clarified at what points. Someone wrote that everything was fake. On the one hand, I appreciated his acting skills, but on the other, I think it’s ridiculous. Now those who cursed him yesterday, calling him a Satanist, are led by his tears and are sure that I am a bad girl and destroyed the family. It’s ridiculous - because an artist of his caliber does not need such a performance.

By the way, everyone demands an explanation from me about his videos on Instagram, they ask why he films this and why he posts screenshots of correspondence with fans, full of obscenities, but I have no answer. I don’t like that I have to explain myself to the school, although now all his social media accounts have been blocked. If we were, for example, in Sweden, the juvenile justice system would have already come to us to see how the children live, since they are also involved in this video art. Volodya uses them to increase his rating on social networks. He likes to shock the public. But boys, as a rule, do not understand what their role is in this or that video and what it all means. And then they wonder why those who study in the same school with them behave like idiots towards them. It's simple. Schoolchildren have already seen these works and interpret them in their own way, and perhaps from the position of their parents. And no matter how cool this or that work may be from an artistic point of view, it is not worth a single tear from my sons. The teachers asked if I knew what problems Orpheus and Gordey might have because of these exercises of his. When I called Volodya, he replied: “I don’t care about the opinion of these Orthodox Christians.” But today it is not he, but I who am in the embrasure.

- What is the most difficult and unpleasant thing for you after the program?

I don’t like dialogue with society, but with its heartbreaking stories throughout the country, it forces us to enter into it. It is clear that many with whom my children have contact have seen this program - teachers, mothers of classmates, friends. The sons feel this incredible burden. Although, on the other hand, I raise them to be warriors, and for me, the more difficulties, the better. I explain to them that this whole situation is a matter of overcoming. What and how Volodya presented on the program was half posturing, and half his truth. He really feels that way. But what surprised me most was the topic of the apartment he raised.

-Are you talking about the apartment he rents for you? Or about the one that was taken away by the bank for non-payment of the mortgage?

I think that for a man to tell the story that he rents an apartment for his children is not only uncomplimentary, but somehow slightly humiliating. Who, I wonder, should rent an apartment for them if not their father? Ideally, buy it, of course, but that’s probably something I’ll do someday myself. His phrase about my requests was also heard in the program. We lived for ten years on the Patriarch's Ponds, our sons go to school here, their friends are here, our whole world is here. And we are not going to change our lifestyle because dad was overtaken by a midlife crisis and he decided to prove to all the women in the country that he is still very sexually attractive and open to experimentation. I said: “Volodechka, there are three options for apartments, including cheaper ones. Choose. It’s up to you to pay.” He asked: “Children, what kind of apartment do you like?” They chose this one. Volodya said: “Great! I will shoot my films here.” We've only lived in it for a few months. And I myself add money for rent. If, in addition to other expenses, I could afford an apartment, I would not take a penny from him. Orpheus and Gordey study in a Spanish school, in an art school, study music, karate, go to training camps in different cities, individual language lessons are also required. If Volodya understood the full extent of responsibility for their future, he would not have lost the apartment he bought for his children due to non-payment of the mortgage. By the way, he said that I live there with my lover, but this is not true. I live in an apartment with children and a nanny. I have always fled from male dependence.

- What does it mean - she fled from male dependence?

My position is this: a man owes nothing to a woman until she gives birth to children. My stepfather was a very intelligent, smart and wealthy man, and he raised me in such a way that I couldn’t even imagine how I could afford to pay for myself. Never in my life would I love a man for money. This is my problem, by the way. Volodya gave me money for the first time when I was deeply pregnant, in my sixth month. My parents helped me a little, and while my belly was not visible, I worked part-time at a club and danced. My parents were not very happy with my choice, and I was between two fires. At this time, Volodya slowly began filming, and I periodically wondered why he didn’t ask how my finances were? You need to go to the doctors and buy something. And once, while getting ready for college, I got nervous and said to him: “Don’t you want to give me money for a taxi? Ask: do I even have them?”, and he was surprised: “How! Didn’t you know that they are in the nightstand next to our bed?! Mom takes it from there.” I saw, of course, both the bedside table and my mother, but what does that have to do with me?

- And when you got married, was it the same?

He is not greedy at all, he just needs to be guided and explained. He's naive, apparently. My mother says: “You are a bad wife because you lost your apartment. You had to take money from him and pay for it.” But I never calculated his earnings, did not call the agent, did not find out anything, was not aware of his expenses. Although he could say that his day of filming costs this much.

- But Volodya didn’t even talk about money, but about the fact that you were always expecting surprises from him...

In fact, it is usually men who court women. I've never had anything like this. Volodya is the second man in my life, and three months later I became pregnant. I decided to give birth, although I was not at all ready for this. I had plans for work, but certainly not for my family. When Gordey was born, many of my classmates began filming, going to theaters, but I sat at home, feeling like I was missing out on time. Volodya then said: “You won’t play for the crowd. I will create a theater, I am God.” I always trusted him, and even more so when it came to creativity. Regarding surprises, only one story comes up for me. I was sitting at home in a tortured state, taking care of the child, and one day on one of my days off my husband said: “Let’s go to Gorky Park and unwind.” I happily agreed, and about fifteen minutes later he asked: would we take his nephew with us? And then I started crying, because it seemed to me that this was spiritual callousness on his part. How can he not understand that I want to leave home at least for a little while and spend time together?! I was a crazy mother, I didn’t leave my children until they were three, I didn’t hire a nanny. I just wanted attention and warmth. He never gave me any diamond rings, and I didn’t need to.

The feeling from Volodya’s words that you wanted something incredible, so that he would jump out of his pants for you, climb out the window...

By the way, that would be cool. (Laughs.) I, of course, demand incredible things from everyone. I am a catcher of feelings. I look for magic and beauty in life, not surprises. And he knows this very well. But Volodya brought me beautiful dresses and accessories from his trips. Then I didn’t yet know that the biggest surprise was waiting for me ahead, so it was in vain that he was slandering himself. (Laughs.) My favorite things were given to him. In general, he shaped my taste in many ways, and I am grateful to him for that.

- As I understand it, he shaped not only your taste, but also in many ways your personality...

Yes, half of what you see in me now is the result of his work. We are very similar to him both externally and internally, like brother and sister. He always dreamed of seeing a girl on stage, falling in love and pouring blood on her in his works, so that he would have a muse, roughly speaking. (Laughs.) And so it happened.

- Volodya said that the last point in your separation was jealousy towards a specific woman.

Do you yourself believe that the family could collapse because of this?

- If this is a long-term serious romance, then yes.

No family can be destroyed because of one girl. This happens because of something else. In my case, this could happen due to several points that should not be violated in any case: lies, imbalance, drugs or alcohol. Besides, I am unfamiliar with the feeling of jealousy. I don't understand its nature. Otherwise, she would not have allowed what she did.

- A lie that includes treason?

It’s good that we are now only considering the first point. (Laughs.) It's not about the betrayal itself. Can be changed and hidden. But if this comes up, telling the truth is one thing, but trying to make your partner look crazy is quite another.

- So you needed the recorder in order to convict him not of treason, but of lying?

Yes! It's a funny story. I was getting ready to run errands and asked: “Volodya, tell the truth. We can sit down and talk about this right now. I will understand you." But he said: “No, I swear on the lives of my children.” And when you feel that he is lying, but you hear such words, you realize that you are going crazy. I told him that I would have to buy a voice recorder, although I was too lazy to go to Gorbushka. He thought I was joking. This is another feature of mine - I always warn about what I am going to do. You can catch me doing this, but people usually don’t believe me, and then ask: “How could you?!”

Yes, I really put a voice recorder in his jacket pocket and then laughed, listening to him in my car, because his was being repaired, talking with my friend. Although he insisted that he went to get the carpet. Since then, the most popular story among friends is “the tale of how Volodya went to pick up the carpet.” I let him listen to this recording, and he said: “Did you feel... in my skin?”, from this phrase I concluded that he took revenge on me. Volodya was proud that men were constantly hovering around me, and he knew very well which of them was in love with me. I've never hidden anything. And he thought I was doing a great job with them. But, apparently, not everything was as painless for him as he demonstrated. In any case, I did not lie to him or betray him for a second. But the most amazing moment from the voice recording is Volodin’s words: “It’s so good that I left the car around the corner, because your husband was at the entrance.” By the way, he was his friend. And it’s completely out of character for Volodya to come up with such things.

- Why did you begin to suspect that something was wrong?

We got married very quickly. Once our relationship became intimate, he said: “I have never had such a sexual relationship with anyone in my life. I want to live with you all my life and have children.” He didn't need betrayal even now. He used someone close to me to hurt me as much as possible. Although I certainly saw what was happening. I laughed at the unexpected “helper” who appeared in our family. But at some point I was finished off by breakfasts, lunches, dinners, prepared by hand and brought to our door. She went wherever he was. It was even convenient for me. He gets sick, I need to take him to the doctor, she calls me and says that she will take him to the hospital herself. I agreed. Why should I be afraid that this would make him fall in love with her? After all, he looked at me with horror and said: “How can she even be an object of desire... small, fat, big-eared.” But Volodya behaved very sophisticatedly, weaving an intrigue for a long time, so that then one... and a blow. And it’s amazing to me that a person ruined his life because of nonsense. I asked: “Why?”, but there was no answer. Now he’s completely gone wild and keeps repeating: “Now I’m out of your control!” We had quarrels before, but it was not this that became stressful, but his very strange behavior.

What was this strangeness? And have you tried to find out where the reason lies: in creative dissatisfaction, a midlife crisis?

He kept saying that he felt he was going to die soon. I understood: he was overcome by depression. But then I was filming “Quiet Don” and “Fighters” at the same time, I had no time, I was wandering around on expeditions, living there for a long time. I thought I should just wait it out. One day he was at the dacha with the children, I called, he didn’t pick up. I wrote an SMS saying that I need to talk to Gordey. And then I got my message back. At that second I felt that something bad was happening. She asked: “Who are you forwarding my messages to?” He didn’t explain anything and started talking very strangely: “Nastya, I love you very much!” But I would like the next time you... I treat you with respect...” It’s unusual for him to construct phrases like that. And then I thought that he had ended up in some kind of sect. I opened his email and saw that he was transferring money somewhere. In a letter from this addressee to Volodya it was written: “I will make you a luxurious family. The fact that your wife is a warrior is nothing, we will break her now.” Volodya had to forward all my messages to him and tell him what was happening with us, and he would respond by saying that he needed to write to me. I “pierced” the address of this man and at night ordered a bouquet for him in a funeral design with a note “From Epifantsev’s wife.”

- Yes - wreath to Zilov, “Duck Hunt” made itself felt...

Yes. (Laughs.) In the morning, he called Volodya in horror asking how I found him. Then my husband, at his command, put on amulets against me, and told me: “You are a witch. She bewitched me." Now I treat this with humor, but then I was scared, I felt that Volodya was going crazy. And now I don’t always understand who I’m dealing with; some other entities are talking in him.

You always admired his talent. But he believes that because of you he does not engage in his creativity, but acts in TV series, since you demanded a lot from him...

Yes, at the end of our family life, he began to say that it was I who drove him there, and all this for the sake of the family. In fact, it was his choice. I think he likes to drive a cool car, eat in nice restaurants, help his relatives... what does that have to do with me? Also posturing. He was happy about the apartment that we took out on a mortgage; we chose it together. Perhaps it seems to him that we still live together. He can come at two in the morning, wander around the house, drink tea, and fall asleep with us. I don’t feel sorry for him, but when he promises his sons to come tomorrow and doesn’t show up for three days because he’s trying to get back to normal after another crazy party in his closet, posting a bunch of selfies of a group orgy, or, without warning, leaves for filming, it’s crazy hurts the children, especially Orpheus. After Volodya left, he developed asthma and spent a long time in the hospital. Orpheus loves his dad madly and goes crazy without him.

- It’s surprising that Volodya has changed so much...

This is his way. This means that he needs to go through all this jungle and work out. The only thing that depresses me is that I cannot protect the children from the psychological attack of the rather aggressive and intolerant space that Volodya creates for them. But in this situation, nothing depends on me. When I am indignant at his behavior, he says: “Well, good. Do you know how I lived? What did I have as a child? And I ask him: “Are you taking revenge on us by looking into your not very successful past? But you created a wonderful family, gave birth to children. And then you decided to roll over us because you felt bad as a child?”

Was your demand for acting a trigger? Although earlier he said that he was happy with your successes, that then the house would be calmer...

Now I already doubt this. I started actively filming, then he went crazy. Volodya was a father, a husband, and a brother to me... It hurt me not because of this story, but because the only person closest and dearest to me betrayed me.

- How do children treat him now?

Gordey doesn’t really accept him now. My son, like me, is a man of logic. And he believes that the father behaves disgustingly in many things. He had seen us quarreling more than once before and said: “Mom, I want you to break up.” But I always tell the children that their dad is the best, and they will not have any other father. Volodya really has a lot of merits, you can be proud of him. He is a great artist, kind and loves his sons madly.

-Who do the boys resemble in character?

Gordey is like me, he is warlike, he will never be broken. He has the character of a fighter. And Orpheus is Pusechka, everyone adores him. He is a copy of Volodya in appearance. He loves fights and karate, but inside he is gentle and can be scared of something. And looking at him, I finally understood Volodya: when you have a brutal external form, but inside you lack the strength of spirit, inside you are a flower.

- Tell me, did he cheat on you in his work, on the set of those same videos? This came from the screen.

No that's not true. There were no women with me, me was enough for him (laughs): he undressed me in his works, doused me with artificial blood. Creating art both in life and in work. But when we broke up, the frenzy began. And although I still see highly artistic things, more often - nothing at all. His consciousness is clouded. He orders girls for filming from Ufa, Karaganda, he likes that each one thinks: he has a reason with her. But to live with such a person, you need to be very strong. This is a serious test. His demons must be contained, and you must understand how to curb them. I directed them in a creative direction. But that girl with big ears let them out. Now no one knows how to deal with this and how it will all end. I think the mechanism of self-destruction has started in him.

Why did it suddenly start? After all, he himself says that he ran and is running from many things that he observed in his past life...

A certain type of person is born with this code. If we look at his father (Moscow Art Theater actor Georgy Epifantsev - author's note) and brother, we will understand that at some point he started working with them too. They destroyed themselves and everyone around them. When his father separated from his mother, he was hit by a train. Brother is a different story. My father drank, my parents swore and fought terribly, and my mother sent Volodya and his brother to a boarding school for some time so that they would not be present during the scandals. And my younger sister Natasha grew up with her grandmother in Sergiev Posad. Telling the story of how my mother came to the boarding school and warmed red fish in her mouth in the cold, my husband always cried. His psyche has been traumatized since childhood, and severe stress comes from there. I am terribly surprised that in this program Volodya said that I did not have a father and for this I take revenge on men. I had an amazing stepfather, I consider him a father. He loved me, raised me from the age of six, taught me a lot. I didn't have any injury. And our children have it.

- So we need to save him. Although I don't suggest you do this...

I, too, am not without egoism and am not so perfect as to throw myself under the feet of a confused genius. Now I am sure that I will no longer have a serious relationship. I feel a thrill from today's freedom, from the fact that I can live for myself. I am a partially destroyed person by all these events, I have emptiness inside. And I don’t want to feel anything anymore, it’s pointless to try to achieve this from me. One of my actor friends said: “You broke up with Volodya, maybe we’ll get married now?” "For what?" - I asked. And I heard: “I really like his career.” They get the impression that I will inspire them with confidence and give them strength. It used to be like this: she always helped men, moved them and guided them. I am tired of this. I’m great at doing this, but I don’t want to, I’m tired. An easy relationship is welcome, but don't get to know my kids and try to be the good guy in my life.

Volodya said that at first he was even henpecked and his main goal was to please you. He claimed that he was warm, homely, soft, and you began to show toughness...

Volodya is a very driven person. He had eleven years of a great life because I controlled everything: children, work, family. I always gave him advice, we made decisions together, edited his films together. We were a super tandem. We went to bed at five in the morning to have time to talk. Of course, I'm tough, but I've never been different. We went through a very difficult path together from scratch, he had nothing, and no work either. I don’t know who wanted to live with him then, but now everyone wants to.

- Volodya himself decided to leave?

No, if I hadn’t called the nanny and said: “Natasha, you have an hour and a half to collect his things, and he must have time to pick them up during this time,” he would never have left. I just didn't give him a chance to talk about it.

By the way, Volodya did not express a clear position on your divorce. He said he doesn’t mind, he just wants you to do it.

It is not true. He understands that with two children we will not be automatically divorced. He needs a lawyer, which he must pay for. Why should I spend the money I earn on this? But when I realized that Volodya did not want to get a divorce, I said that I would find a lawyer myself. He replied: “I will not sign anything in the contracts.” But I'm not ready to get a divorce just like that. And it's not about the money. I like specifics and want to know for sure that on such and such a date in such and such a month I will receive a certain amount that I can plan. And I don’t want to write him messages about this with requests.

-Are you determined to get a divorce?

Certainly! I have been involved in spiritual practices since I was eighteen years old and I know that any woman in a man’s life is the caretaker and cleaner of his family. And until you break this connection, nothing will happen. That is, we are still together. I feel it energetically, and so does he. He knows for sure that divorce is the end of our story. But it’s one thing when you live with a man and protect his family, dragging all this along with your life energy, and quite another when you break up, and you continue to drag it all out. I'm talking about the subtle plane, about energetic things. All the nasty things he can do at any moment fall on us like a concrete slab. But physically I am disconnected from him. At the same time, I sometimes feel incredibly sorry for him, to the point of tears. But I think everyone has their own path.

You recently returned from Cambodia, which seems like a scary place. Do you have an instinct of self-preservation? Do you still have children?

Don't know. I'm a hang glider. True, I haven’t flown for a long time, although I really love it. But why have I never used drugs and never will? Because I'm afraid of situations in which nothing depends on me. And I will never let anything or anyone get the best of me. And in Cambodia I understood where I was going and why. I don't look at everything with innocent eyes. I often travel to places of power, I feel them, I know them. Asia is close to me. I really love oriental culture and opened my own Korean clothing store. In Korea, fashion is approached with humor. You can have a white face, red lips, ruffles, and at the same time skulls and spikes. They mix everything and it turns out incredibly stylish. I have a salon of eclectic kitsch Korean clothing. I called it “Spiritual Beauty Salon”, because I am absolutely sure that the way you broadcast yourself to the world is a reflection of who you are inside. Sometimes people come in and say: “This is so beautiful and unusual. But where are we going to go in this outfit?”, and I convince them that the main thing is to overcome their fear and unleash their creative potential. This is not a business, but my workshop of experiments, my soul.

Have you said more than once that you feel a lot, almost foresee, but you didn’t expect what happened in your personal life?

I saw it all. Or rather, I was forced to see higher powers. (Smiles.) My grandmother is a gypsy. Previously, I struggled with abilities that were incomprehensible to me, frightening, but manifested throughout my life. Now I’ve come to terms with it, I accept it. I've always written poetry. Volodya is their fan. He insisted that each episode of the second “Flint” should contain my poem. This added infernality and romance to the tough action movie. So one of them, heard at the end of the film, is “Too alone.” I wrote it during a break between my scenes at the play “Duck Hunt”. My poems usually line up on their own. “Too alone” is about us. And you say - did I foresee...