Baltika 0 is there alcohol. Can you drive after non-alcoholic beer? Useful information for drivers

Producer: Baltika Brewing Company LLC

Origin: Rostov-on-Don, Russia

On the review is the very first non-alcoholic beer I tried Baltika 0. Moreover, it is the classic version, produced since 2001, and not the excellent Wheat, which has already been written about.

Overview of the bottle Baltika 0: how many degrees and is there alcohol

For a review, I took a bottle. I like it more than banks. There is such a funny lid with a ring that you pull and open with such a characteristic sound. I like it very much. And the bank is kind of boring. Moreover, the bottle is comfortable to hold in your hands. She has such forms ... well, in general, what is there to write about? They themselves, for sure, more than once held it in their hands.

Baltika 0 (nulevka) is a non-alcoholic beer obtained by dialysis, in which alcohol molecules are removed in a special way from regular alcoholic beer. In this case, exactly the same delicious foamy drink is obtained, only with a minimum alcohol content. The degrees here are no more than 0.5, that is, the alcohol (alcohol) content does not exceed 0.5% (percent).

The composition of non-alcoholic beer Baltika zero is the usual water, light barley malt and malt extract, as well as malting barley and hop products. Everything is classic. Let's pour now.

Taste and aroma of non-alcoholic beer Baltika 0

And now, in my massive beer mug, there was a drink of light golden color with super lush foam, which still did not leave for a long time. I even had to drink quite a lot so that the entire contents of the 470 ml bottle entered my half-liter mug.

The aromatics of the "zero" Baltic are almost painfully familiar and very powerful, by the way, immediately after opening. Most of the hops are felt, but there are also sweetish malt undertones.

The taste of “nulevka” is sweetish, as if even some kind of fruit. Hops in taste is very lacking for me personally. It's like it came out with all the flavor.

My review of non-alcoholic beer Baltika 0 (zero) and its price

I’ve been drinking this “zero” a couple of million times already. This beer has been produced almost without alcohol since 2001. And about that time I tried it. And for a long time it was almost the only one, so uncontested. So much so that I got tired even at some point when it was impossible to drink, but my friends still wanted to make a beer company.

Years and even almost decades have passed since then. Now it seems to me that the aroma and taste of the classic non-alcoholic beer Baltika 0 seems to be somehow boring. I don't even know how else to describe it. It's good that the manufacturer is developing. The wheat version is just great. I wildly like it. There is even a non-alcoholic "seven". What else is in store for us in the future?

But we must still pay tribute to this non-alcoholic "veteran". Thanks to the "zero" for my evenings, as it were, without alcohol, but at the same time with it! With which I conclude my review.

Variety: Non-alcoholic Food pairing: Beef, Pork Country: Russia Alcohol: 0.5% Produced since: 2001

Brand "Baltika" appeared in 1992, becoming the first domestic recognizable food brand. Since the mid-1990s, Baltika has firmly occupied a leading position in the Russian beer market. "Baltika" is 12 different varieties with characteristic features and positioned in different price segments. Baltika can be purchased at 98% of retail outlets in Russia and in 75 countries around the world.

Varieties of beer "Baltika" received about 670 awards at international and Russian competitions.

The production of Baltika 0 beer began in 2001. The equipment installed at Baltika makes it possible to use the most advanced method of producing non-alcoholic beer today.

"Baltika 0"- non-alcoholic beer, which is produced using membrane filtration technology - the careful removal of alcohol from the finished beer. It is this method that makes it possible to produce non-alcoholic beer that does not differ in taste from beer containing alcohol. It uses a classic recipe and high-quality raw materials.

Baltika 0 has a traditional taste and aroma of light beer with sweetish notes.

Baltika 0 is exported to more than 45 countries, including countries such as the USA, Cuba, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, Ireland.

Drinking alcoholic beverages before a trip can cost the driver's license.

And if strong drinks are excluded unconditionally, is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer while driving?

A “lightweight” colleague of your favorite foamy drink seems to be a perfectly acceptable alternative, but not everything is so simple.

Before you treat yourself to a glass, you have to find out what is the percentage of ethanol in the drink and how long you can drive after non-alcoholic beer.

Established norms

It will not be difficult for patrol officers to feel the alcoholic amber. If suspicions arise, a special device, the Breathalyzer, may be used.

The portable device is equipped with sensitive indicators that work flawlessly and can show with high accuracy exactly how much ppm of ethanol is in the driver's blood.

By law, in 2020 the level of ethanol:

  • in the blood - 0.35‰;
  • in exhaled air - 0.16‰.

If, after the test, the real figure exceeded the allowable rate, the driver faces not only a decent fine for drunk driving, but also the deprivation of a driver's license.

When deciding whether you can drive after non-alcoholic beer, you should get the opinion of the authorities.

Patrol officers and narcologists are sure that non-alcoholic beer while driving is quite dangerous, and the consequences of excessive consumption of even such a harmless drink can be unpredictable.

The thing is that each manufacturer will have a different percentage of alcohol in the drink.

Do not think that non-alcoholic beer does not contain alcohol at all. The production process does not completely eliminate ethanol. Beloved by many, Baltika will reward 0.05–0.09‰, but Clausthaler is already stronger – 0.07–0.1‰.

The examination allows narcologists and representatives of the traffic police to determine the degree of intoxication:

  • 0.2–1.2‰ - light.
  • 1.2–2.2‰ - average.

A value of 4.7‰ is considered serious, poses a danger to human life. It has been proven that the Breathalyzer is able to fix the level of ethanol at 0.2‰.

This should be the starting point when deciding whether and how much non-alcoholic beer you can drink while driving.

Scientists from America have empirically proven that it is possible to drink a soft drink. The level of ethanol in the blood after consumption is insignificant, and the fume disappears for 10 minutes.

In order to play it safe and not arouse suspicion among the patrol service, compatriots are still recommended to wait at least half an hour before the trip.

However, this is true only for those drivers who did not abuse too much and did not allow themselves more bottles.

If motorists themselves understand that the adequacy of thinking is violated, it is better to avoid the trip. To get rid of amber, experts advise chewing coffee beans, roasted seeds, parsley or green leaf tea.

Fragrant chewing gum will only cause unnecessary questions from the inspectors, it does not clog the smell of alcohol, but only complements it.

As soon as a traffic police officer has suspicions about the adequacy of the driver and his sobriety, he may require not only passing a test on a special device.

The patrol service can escort the driver to the nearest narcology department for blood donation and clinical confirmation of intoxication.

Let the driver down not only non-alcoholic beer, but also other drinks and food. Before the trip, it is better not to use:

  • kvass;
  • koumiss;
  • overripe fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • cognac sweets.

Adding these foods to your diet, even in small amounts just before a trip, can lead to trouble.

To the listed products, you can also add flavored tobacco products (alcohol from 1.5% to 50% is used for production), citrus peels, black bread with sausage, overripe bananas.

You should not rinse your mouth with hygiene products with alcohol, as well as use certain medications (alcohol is added to some to increase efficiency, therefore reading the instructions is mandatory).

To drink or not to drink non-alcoholic beer before a trip is a personal matter. It is not necessary to give up your favorite drink, it is enough to be careful, vigilant and follow the recommendations issued to avoid trouble.

Baltika №0 Non-alcoholic(Russia)

The equipment installed at Baltika makes it possible to use the most advanced method of obtaining non-alcoholic beer today. As I have said many times before, there are several ways to free regular beer from alcohol. One of them is when they stop fermentation by cooling, or use special yeast that does not ferment sugar into alcohol. Second operating method- Evaporation method. This is when the beer is heated to a certain temperature and the alcohols evaporate. And the most modern, effective, but also expensive method is dialysis. It is this method that allows the production of non-alcoholic beer, the least different in taste from beer containing alcohol. Roughly speaking, this is when the beer flows through one pipe, which is a membrane, and this pipe is inside another pipe. Water flows in the space between the pipes. Only molecules of alcohol pass through the membrane of the first pipe and dissolve in the water that washes the first pipe. Thus, the beer becomes non-alcoholic.

So, "Baltika No. 0" is made using the technology of dialysis - the careful removal of alcohol from the finished beer, and not the technology of stopped fermentation.

ALA 0.5% ENS 12%

Interesting parameters, in particular the initial density. In most non-alcoholic varieties, it is in the region of 5-8%. But this is certainly for those who make non-alcoholic beer by stopping fermentation. And Baltika claims they make regular beer and then remove the alcohol. True, I took this number of 12% from the official website - ENS is not indicated on the bank, because the law, it seems, allows you not to bother with indicating the density. I wonder why hide the initial density? It has always interested me. And Europeans rarely indicate it, and Americans. What is the secret, who knows?

Okay, a few words about beer. The color is golden, just sparkles with crystal clearness. The foam is good quality. The aroma is similar to most non-alcoholic beers, but this typical sawdust-wort alcohol-freeness in the aroma is expressed quite in the background and unobtrusively here. In addition to the malt base, the aroma has notes of carbon dioxide, metal and some not very bright colors.

Mouthfeel texture is finely carbonated, the body is not watery but light. It is unlikely that it was strongly fermented to raise the alcohol figure. This makes no sense, since then the alcohol must be removed, and the less it was formed during fermentation, the better. Most likely, the extract content of the initial wort of 12% indicated on the website is, to put it mildly, somewhat overestimated. But I'm just speculating, maybe things are different.

The taste is quite sweet and clean. Light malt, unmalted grain, something corn, raw straw, sawdust, wort, light hop bitterness - these components characterize the taste picture. The wort sweetness remains in the aftertaste for a short time. The typical aftertaste of most non-alcoholic beers is present, but not so pronounced as to be annoying. Especially when you knew what you were getting into before uncorking a bottle or a can of Baltika No. 0.

Not bad for non-alcoholic, but far from ideal. The ideal in this sense for me is the maximum similarity to ordinary (alcoholic) beer. Here, this similarity is 3.5 points out of 5. Please note that I rate within the same style. That is, even in the non-alcoholic segment, a "five" is possible, although this is not Westvleteren 12.

For some reason, among many beer lovers it is believed that "Baltika No. 0" is the best non-alcoholic beer of Russian production, and not only Russian. But, according to my observations, those who say so have not tried some varieties from other producers. We'll check it out soon.


Find out if drinking non-alcoholic beer is harmful, whether Muslims can drink it, and whether a breathalyzer will show non-alcoholic beer. Here you can read the advice of a nutritionist, and learn how to use the product correctly.


Today, there is a lot of controversy about whether non-alcoholic beer is harmful. Most high-profile experts will agree that beer is harmful in any form.

The negative effect of non-alcoholic beer on the body is extensive. There is an action on the kidneys, liver and heart. During the production of non-alcoholic beer, cobalt is used as a stabilizer. Such a substance clogs the heart muscle, negatively affects the functioning of the excretory ducts of the kidneys and liver.

Action on hormones. With the regular use of non-alcoholic beer in the body of a man, testosterone, the male hormone, begins to be poorly produced. Instead, the amount of female hormones increases dramatically.

Action on the reproductive system. Women are advised not to drink non-alcoholic beer. The drink as a whole negatively affects the condition of the genital organs, can lead to ovarian cancer. The use of a soft drink by a nursing mother can lead to convulsions in a child, to a violation of his psyche. Any kind of inexpensive non-alcoholic beer, including Baltika 0, has an extremely negative effect on the state of the male and female body.

The general conclusion: whether to drink beer or not, everyone must decide for himself. It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, and then make the only right decision.

Can Muslims drink non-alcoholic beer?

In many modern Arab countries on the shelves of shops and supermarkets you can see non-alcoholic beer, which is bought by believers. So can Muslims drink non-alcoholic beer?

If you answer the question from the point of view of the Muslim faith, then beer is strictly forbidden to drink. The thing is that Arab laws prohibit the use of any alcoholic beverages, while non-alcoholic beer has a small content ethyl alcohol.

The drink can contain from 0.5 to 1.2% alcohol, which is acceptable, both in terms of technological process, and from the point of view of the legislation of the countries where it is issued.

General conclusion: it has been proven that beer contains a small percentage of alcohol! Logically, a "non-alcoholic" drink is haram for Muslims, and therefore its consumption should be strictly prohibited.

Many manufacturers claim and will continue to claim that beer contains hundredths of a percent of ethyl alcohol! Muslims must decide for themselves whether they can drink non-alcoholic beer or not!

Will the breathalyzer show non-alcoholic beer?

Many car enthusiasts are wondering if the breathalyzer will show non-alcoholic beer. After all, some people drink a drink and then drive a car, while a certain category of people gets fined by the traffic police.

Below is the result of a study conducted by a medical center in Moscow. Drivers were asked to drink 1 liter of the drink chosen for them. Apple juice, non-alcoholic beer, kvass were used in the experiment.

After 20 minutes, the readings were measured, using a modern model of the AlcoHunter Professional + breathalyzer. Research results:

  • apple juice - 0.00%;
  • non-alcoholic beer - 0.09%;
  • kvass - 0.00%.

According to the instructions, breathalyzer results from 0.2 to 1.2% indicate that the driver is slightly intoxicated, which is unacceptable under Russian law.

Doctors note that after drinking non-alcoholic beer, a person may experience a slight unsteadiness of gait, the smell of alcohol from the mouth, increased breathing and heart rate.

The general conclusion of the study result: drivers are prohibited from drinking more than 2 bottles of non-alcoholic beer, since the drink contains a small amount of alcohol-containing substances. The result of the breathalyzer will be positive.