Presentation on the topic of blogger hobby or profession. Who is a blogger? How to spell "blogger" or "blogger" correctly

A hobby can become a profession. Just like a profession can be exciting. The ideal option for a person is a situation where his profession is one of his hobbies. A hobby that, in addition to joy and satisfaction, also brings money, is what, perhaps, almost everyone dreams of nowadays. As a rule, people who have a “hobby job” are the happiest, get the most pleasure from their professional activities and go to work with desire and enthusiasm. If this is not the case, then the person looks for opportunities to realize his interests and inclinations somewhere else, and treats the profession as a forced activity, a means of satisfying other needs.

The influence of hobbies on profession

Many of us have hobbies to which we devote our free time. Some people like to draw, some play the guitar, and some spend their free time in the garage, figuring out how the car works. For most, these activities will remain at the level of a hobby, to which they will periodically devote free time from work. But there will also be those who want to combine their hobby with further professional activity. This does not mean that you necessarily need to be an artist if you have artistic abilities and spend all your free time on canvas. Having this talent, you can find application in other equally interesting professions. So, you have a hobby and you don't know where to apply these skills? Let's figure out what professions they can be useful in.

Do you like to travel, are you fascinated by new countries, are you constantly looking for information related to interesting facts about them? Perhaps you should consider the tourism industry and the professions that relate to it.

Examples of professions: tourism manager, tour guide, tourism product promotion manager, hotel manager, tourism instructor, tourism product sales manager, etc. You can also be recommended to choose professions that involve frequent business trips to other countries. Such professions include, for example, a linguist-translator.

Do you often spend time at the computer, are you good at software, are you interested in computer games? The field of IT technology might suit you, especially if you are interested not just in games, but in the algorithms by which they work, and in the programming languages ​​with which you can write such a game.

Examples of professions: programmer, system administrator, tester, software developer, technical support specialist, security system maintenance engineer, etc.

Can't imagine your life without drawing or artistic photography?

Examples of professions: designer, graphic artist, photographer, advertising specialist, architect, restorer, hairdresser, jeweler, fashion designer, makeup artist, etc.

Are you into cars? Do you spend your free time in the garage, repairing cars? Are you interested in their mechanism and components? Take a closer look at professions in the field of transport and car service.

Examples of professions: driver, auto mechanic, car mechanic, machinist, driving instructor, crane operator, design engineer, sales consultant in specialized stores, etc.

Does the process of cooking give you incredible pleasure? Are you constantly surprising everyone with new, delicious dishes? Do you experiment with cuisines from different countries? Then you might be interested in the catering industry.

Examples of professions: catering technologist, cook, pastry chef, baker, bartender-waiter, catering manager, etc.

Do you like sports and spend your free time training? You may consider professions that require serious physical training, provided that your health meets the requirements of the profession.

Examples of professions: coach (by type of sport), physical education teacher, instructor-methodologist for physical education, health-improving and sports-mass work, exercise therapy instructor, sports manager, instructor-methodologist for tourism, fitness instructor, sports columnist, cash collector, security guard, policeman, traffic police inspector. You can also consider specialties from military universities, universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Do you devote all your free time to reading? Are you interested in classical and modern literature, have an interest in linguistics, write a blog, or like to talk about things and events?

Examples of professions: journalist, philologist, advertising specialist, editor, proofreader, language and literature teacher, librarian, etc.

Are you seriously interested in music, play a musical instrument, or collect music from different artists?

Examples of professions: composer, arranger, instrumentalist, conductor, accompanist, music teacher, music director, art manager, sound engineer, sound engineer, musical instrument tuner, master of making and repairing musical instruments, specialist in creating computer music programs, etc.

Do you like to care for animals and observe their behavior? Are you interested in information related to the characteristics of the animal world? Are you a member of communities created to help animals? Examples of professions: veterinarian, dog handler, livestock specialist, game manager, jockey, zoologist, sales consultant in specialized stores, trainer, etc.

As you can see, any hobby you have can be valuable from a professional point of view. And if you know how to make beautiful things, sew, cook deliciously, cut hair, grow flowers, repair household appliances, write computer programs, play chess, like to go hiking, practice martial arts, dance or are interested in history, then you not only have the opportunity to fully relax, communicate with interesting people and be an interesting conversationalist. Any hobby of yours can become a reason for business contacts, a source of additional income, or even a turning point for choosing a new profession.

If you have seriously thought about everything, weighed all the pros and cons and still remain true to your decision to connect your hobby with your profession, then take another look at the proposed options.

In addition, to develop professional interests, you may be recommended to enroll in a club at an out-of-school institution. Institutions of additional education for children and youth now provide a wide choice of forms and areas of study that contribute to the development of abilities and interests, social and professional self-determination. For some, classes in clubs will become a useful hobby, and for others - the basis for choosing a future profession.

The influence of profession on hobbies

It’s no secret that hobbies not only help in the fight against stress, broaden one’s horizons and social circle, but also characterize a person’s personality. It’s not for nothing that the “hobby” column is often present in employers’ questionnaires. However, a person’s profession also quite often influences his hobbies. A hobby is often a continuation of professional activity. And this is not surprising, because many people’s choice of profession is based on hobbies that are formed in childhood.

As you know, tourism managers like to devote their leisure time to travel, designers love to draw and photograph, and drivers love to devote their leisure time to everything related to cars. IT specialists most often devote their free time to computers and the Internet, journalists and editors to reading, and translators to studying foreign languages.

The choice of hobby largely depends on gender. For example, hunting, a traditionally male activity, is popular mainly among representatives of traditionally “male” professions: officials and civil servants, police officers, security guards. The situation is the same with fishing: engineers, builders, drivers, and security guards are especially keen on it. Handicrafts and cooking are popular among representatives of “female” professions: accountants, economists, nurses, teachers and educators. Secretaries are more interested in dancing than others.

The most popular hobby among representatives of various professions and specialties is sports. Avid athletes are office managers, among whom every third person is passionate about sports, businessmen, security guards, police officers, architects, and tax inspectors.

5 obstacles that prevent you from turning a hobby into a profession

Do what you love and earn money at the same time. It would seem, why doesn’t everyone succeed? After all, if a person is passionate about something, he will definitely achieve success in it. However, in such a scenario, we may encounter obstacles that prevent us from making our dream come true. We can identify the main stumbling blocks that separate many from turning a truly favorite activity into a profession.

  • Pleasure from the process

A hobby exists precisely to gain satisfaction from an activity. This approach is ideal for having a good time, lifting your mood and distracting yourself. But often we focus too much on the process, believing that one day our dreams will automatically turn into reality. It's not enough to just love drawing, photography or traveling. It is important to determine what exactly you would like to do for a living in this field - to determine your own goal.

How to solve: Formulate a measurable goal and outline options for how to achieve it. Don’t limit yourself – write down all the possible and impossible solutions that come to mind. Do you love travel? Decide what exactly you want to do: provide travel management services, blog and write about new places, or create a new service for travelers. Do you want to create a website “about something interesting”? Formulate what and for whom your resource will broadcast, what will be its peculiarity and value for readers.

  • Lack of self-discipline

A hobby is not an activity where we force ourselves into limits. That's why we so often seize on a new idea with passion, and then quietly abandon it. There can be many reasons for this: tired, hard, lack of time or inspiration. In such cases, many of us again begin to be satisfied with the process or push the goal into the distant future.

How to solve: If you can’t control yourself, obligations will help you. Find a partner or client who will need to provide a specific result or take part in some project, even for free.

  • From inspiration to inspiration

It is inspiration that helps you come up with and do incredible things. But you can’t build a work process on inspiration, because today it may be there, but tomorrow it won’t be. And what to do when “it doesn’t work”? Just wait? What if the muse returns in a week or a month? In this case, there is a high probability that all plans and goals will be destroyed.

How to solve: create conditions for your inspiration. Think about why you are doing this, how much effort you have already put in and what you will get as a result. Still “doesn’t work”? Remove all distractions, focus on what you love to do, give yourself rewards and use the things that inspire you the most: look at what you have already done, look through your plan, watch some inspiring videos or turn on some music. Dream, praise yourself and start doing.

  • No one is chasing you in the neck

Why rush if we set deadlines for ourselves? If we want, we work, but if we want, we don’t. We ourselves have the right to change our schedule or take a time out to simply be lazy or do something else. Or maybe everything should be done differently? Which option should I choose? Choice and the fear of making mistakes are the real villains.

How to solve: don't hesitate, just act. In any business there are several options, you just need to make a decision and choose one of them. If it doesn't work out, do it differently. Don't relax and don't come up with more excuses. Stick to the previously determined schedule, hurry to make your dream come true.

  • Am I that good?

When we put our soul into something, sometimes we are too afraid of criticism. Do you think that your efforts will not be appreciated or that someone will do the same thing much better? Do you think that you are not suitable for this, that you have no talent?

How to solve: Instead of giving yourself another assessment, believe in yourself and take action. Don't try to please everyone, just do what you love the best you can. Not for someone, but for yourself. Adequately evaluate your work and results, listen only to constructive criticism from people whose opinions are important to you. If you don't like something, fix it.

If you want to change your life and do exactly what brings you pleasure, stop being realistic and start dreaming. Write down your ideas and fantasize about how you would like to implement them. And then feel free to get to work. And no excuses - just purpose, diligence, training and a clear “plan to take over the world.”

In recent years, quite a few new professions have appeared that are known to many, but not many know their meaning. Blogger is a profession of the 21st century, which is directly related to the Internet, or more precisely, to the blogs that the blogger posts on the Internet. In this article you will find out who a blogger is and how to write this name correctly.

The Free Internet Encyclopedia offers this option for formulating a blog as an online journal or diary of events on a website. The content of the blog is regularly updated, the text itself changes, the image and multimedia change.

The Internet space has more than one thousand blogs, but everyone understands how a blog differs from a regular website. For example, there is a site with such navigation as: the main page of the site, site services, contacts of the site administration, site news, and so on. Accordingly, the news section contains information about the site where all company news is published.

Provided that when a company places the news section on a subdomain or on a separate domain, then the additional site can be classified as a blog, since the texts are sorted in chronological order, with the first entry at the very bottom, and, conversely, with the last text left at the top.

If the company decided not to put the news on a separate domain, but simply expand the site with a news line, then we can consider that the news section has become a blog.

Who is a blogger? How to spell "blogger" or "blogger" correctly?

Blogger is a new profession of the 21st century, which is associated with writing quick texts on a news site or in the blogging section of a site.

It is believed that the correct spelling is “blogger”, with one letter “g”, and not “blogger” with two letters “g”. Read about it on Wikipedia.

Now the question arises: is a blogger a profession or a hobby?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally, since the blogger writes posts through his personal perception of the world. Such a process can express self-realization and bring pleasure, but the traditional stereotype is that the profession cannot bring pleasure.

Personal statements are based on one’s own experience, theoretical knowledge, one’s own interests and preferences. A classic example is a livejournal blog, which can often be found on forums, in discussions of political life, discussions of TV series, and so on. If a blog is written for the purpose of making new acquaintances or for ordinary communication, if the texts are formed according to personal desire, in free time from work, then this is more of a hobby than a profession.

A blog as a text is a statement of personal opinion and can contain various topics. It carries information based on personal knowledge.

Writing blogs began to be used relatively recently as a means of earning money.

What blogger can call himself a professional?

First, the one who puts the reader at the forefront. It has a schedule of published texts, although not regular, but still there.

Secondly, the one who correctly expresses his thoughts, without spelling errors, because he checks the work before sending it.

Third, the one who optimized the blog articles for search engines.

Fourth, the one who makes money from writing texts.

In order to have your own regular reader, you need to improve, as in any other matter. Articles should be interesting to the reader and logically complete.

Having drawn up a “template” for the work, you can begin to write it. You should analyze and reason, then it will be interesting.

The reader subconsciously needs to be treated kindly. The main thing for a blogger is his reader, his target audience. It's never too late to learn, so learning from other resources is always useful and effective.

You don’t need to write for search engines, you need to write for people, then the blog will be in demand.

Do you need special education to become a blogger?

Some people, no longer at a young age, come to the understanding that all their lives they have not been doing what they really wanted. Society often imposes its stereotypes, which we do not consciously obey, and then, clutching our heads, we begin to realize that we are not at ease, and that it is too late to change everything.

It’s radically interesting to change your life, it’s never too late. You just need to remember your childhood dreams, your childhood desires, your child’s perception of life, and for a moment plunge into the world of your childhood, having sorted out the main issues.

Why am I in this world? What do I want from this world? What did I come into this world with? What do I want to take with me from this world? By answering these questions, a clear understanding will come of whether we are in the right place or not.

Now, having decided on an occupation - becoming a blogger, you need to decide whether special education is needed for this.

Many people are naturally gifted with talents, but not many achieve success in the area of ​​their given talent or skill. Why? Obtaining certain skills and abilities is always associated with personal growth and self-development.

A blog provides an opportunity for self-realization in a new area, for which you do not need to have any formal special education, since the reader, having visited the site, does not require a diploma, but is looking for useful, interesting information, and a warm relationship with the author of the site.

The next important point for getting this profession is age. Many people suffer from the traditional, fundamentally incorrect stereotype that age can be a reason for giving up an interesting, full life.

Creative moment of the profession

The profession of a blogger gives you the opportunity to create personal masterpieces and post them on your website. The blogger is given the opportunity to take pictures, process them with Photoshop or another program, make sketches, record audio sounds, and create videos. Using a blog, you can publish books, CDs, give audio lessons, and give online consultations.

With the help of a blog, you can not only engage in self-realization, but also earn up to $1000 a month or more.

You can become a successful blogger by purchasing the course "". It's very profitable.

A blogger (or also spelled “blogger”) is a person who has and maintains his own blog (or, in other words, a diary) on the Internet.

Every person who keeps an electronic diary and administers it is a blogger. Naturally, the existence of an electronic diary implies the need for hosting on the World Wide Web and constant visits from other users.

The blogger has access to his blog and the rights to use it, post information on it and edit it.

What is a blog? And what does a blogger do?

A blog is essentially an online diary. In it, the blogger makes some regular entries for various purposes.

Most often, a blog has a specific topic (for example, cooking, philosophy, cars, etc.), however, there are cases when people simply reflect their opinions and thoughts on various topics in an electronic diary, or use it as an electronic diary.

In the second option, blog traffic, user interest and other parameters are not important for bloggers; they simply keep a diary for their own needs.

If the content of the resource is no longer relevant or, in the opinion of the blogger, needs to be adjusted, he can independently make all the necessary changes, being the owner of this blog and having the appropriate rights and opportunities.

How is a blog different from a regular diary?

Translated from English, “blog” is translated as “Internet (online) magazine.” Essentially, this is a site that is filled with constantly added posts. Each post is a new entry, which can be in any format: text, photo, video.

Most often, blogs contain short entries relating to a specific period of time, sorted in descending order.

The characteristic difference between a diary and a blog is that a handwritten diary is usually individual and does not imply the presence of outside readers. Electronic, on the contrary, allows other users to read the author’s posts and openly discuss them.

Hello, friends! If you are reading this article, then you, like me once, were interested in the question of who a blogger is and how to become one. Before starting to consider this profession, I would like to ask you, what do you think: is it correct to write blogger or blogger?

I will answer that both are right. Since in Russian the doubling of the letter “g” is not used in any word, and this word is of foreign origin (blogger), where two letters “g” are used, it turned out that both the first and second variants are used.

What is a blog?

To begin with, it should be noted that a blog is a kind of website that hosts a web-diary of an author who wants to share his thoughts and experiences. In general, this type of activity will not be difficult for a person who once kept a diary. This is due to the fact that a blog is an electronic version of a notebook.

But it can be read by many netizens either by knowing where it is located or by finding it through a search engine. Information available for public viewing is presented in the form of videos, notes, articles and audio recordings. In addition, these may be photographs and other images.

Note! By posting all types, you can attract more visitors, because in this way you take into account everyone’s preferences and make information accessible to everyone.

As you probably already guessed, a blogger is a person who maintains an electronic diary. The blog can contain the author’s thoughts, questions that are up for discussion, life stories, etc.

In order for a diary to be popular, you must be able to communicate with your readers. After all, it is thanks to them that your blog will flourish. They read, discuss, express opinions, are interested in answers to certain questions and prompt consideration of new topics. These factors are the ways in which a blog differs from a regular website on the Internet.

Note! If you decide, you need to win the trust of your readers and regularly fill it with new interesting information. If you don’t want to fill your diary with written content, you can use video or audio. This diary format may seem more convenient not only to you, but also to your audience.

Blog and money

Today, blogs have lost their selflessness and are mainly created only so that their owners can improve their financial situation. Moreover, the income can be quite impressive.

If someone thinks that blogging can be done carelessly, then this activity is not for him. Not everyone can become truly successful and earn good money, or rather only those who think not only about money, but also about their readers.

It should be fun

Sometimes novice bloggers, creating their own resource on the Internet, pursue only one goal - to earn money. According to the plan: create it, fill it with some information and thereby attract visitors. But after at least 20 articles are posted in the diary, the understanding comes that this is not enough at all. And after some time, we run out of ideas for writing new articles...

Pursue other goals: gain subscribers, be interested in the opinions and needs of your readers. Try to make interesting articles, accompanying them with photographs, pictures and videos.

Any work should be enjoyable. Therefore, if you do not like this activity, then you will not be able to create a good blog, not to mention income.

Many people started blogging with me, but few of them followed through with it. The first failures gave them up. The key to success is the work that once made a man out of a monkey

Blogger - hobby or profession? Prepared by Alexey Ferenets, 11th grade student, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33

Who is a blogger? A blogger is the owner of an online diary, its author and creator. A person who expresses his thoughts. Blogger is a broad concept; it can be the author of a LiveJournal or the owner of a Twitter account. A blogger can write a blog on a free platform, or he can be the author of a standalone blog, with his own domain and on one of the engines for creating a blog.

Blogger as a profession There is a separate category of bloggers - TOP bloggers. They are the most popular people in their niches, it is their subscriber counters that display the most impressive numbers, and they are the ones who set the trend in the blogosphere in their field.

There are many examples. In the field of website promotion, these are Daniil Maul, Alexey Terekhov, Mikhail Shakin, and in the football environment, the TOP blogger is Zenit football player Roman Shirokov, in the business field - Oleg Tinkov. There are such people in every niche, they are often quoted, clippings from the blogs of these people are used as arguments in any dispute.

He (or she) may be a professional in some field, a traveler, a businessman who uses a blog to build a personal brand, or a person who simply shares events from his life. Also, many bloggers keep online diaries to sell a product, because now a blog is an excellent marketing tool. A company can also act as a blogger; this type of blog is called corporate. Even Dmitry Medvedev is a blogger.

Bloggers in the modern sense are a separate category of media. The fastest reaction to events now is in blogs. The reaction is quick and, most often, independent.

Blogger as a hobby Hobby bloggers, let's say, are bloggers who create blogs just because they love it. Many will say: “My blog is also my favorite thing.” Yes, but most bloggers create blogs to make money. And this type of bloggers create their resources on the Internet just like that. It’s better, of course, to combine business with pleasure and create a blog, both to earn money and as a hobby. But not everyone creates a blog precisely for the sake of money. Maybe they already have a lot of money and they just create blogs for themselves. Maybe, I don’t rule it out. But still, this type of blogger is extremely rare...

But not everyone creates a blog precisely for the sake of money. Maybe they already have a lot of money and they just create blogs for themselves. Maybe, I don’t rule it out. But still, this type of blogger is extremely rare...

Blogger star Blogger-star is a type of blogger who wants to become famous on the Internet using their resource. Well, that is, how to become famous? They are interested not so much in earnings as in their name, universal recognition, respect, etc. Everyone, of course, wants to become famous. I believe that blogging is exactly the place where you can earn not only money, but also a name. The second may even be more important. Maybe I am 20 percent of this type. Don't know. But at least I think so, blogging is exactly the place where you can rise up and take the stage.

Thank you for your attention!