Tell about your company. How to write the text "About the company" for a new company? What will a professional offer you?

When meeting a new person, it is always interesting what he does, what his life values ​​\u200b\u200band plans for the future. To understand whether you want to continue acquaintance or not, all this needs to be learned in a short first meeting.

The same thing happens when potential customers are considering buying your products or services. They are trying to determine in a few minutes of reading the text "About the company" whether this is the company that they need. Can they trust you. Do you understand their needs.

Let's figure out how to write a text about a company that will answer customers' questions and inspire their unconditional trust.

Analyze your target audience

Everything you write should be interesting and useful for the visitor. The text should reveal the benefits of the client, strengthen his loyal attitude and remove objections. Dmitry Dementiy, the author of Texterra, says that the user should find information about solving their problems on the About page, and not about your successes.

When you understand who will be reading the text, you can choose the right style for it. For partner companies, investors, suppliers, choose a business style - strict, but not overloaded with stamps and clerical items. Write the same way you speak in business meetings.

Behind continuous enumerations, meaning is lost

When addressing specialists, write in their language. When communicating with ordinary consumers, a warmer approach and light humor are appropriate. Copywriter Vladimir Zdor advises you to talk about the company as if you are recommending it to a friend.

In the first part of the text, indicate the name of the company and its scope of activity. The reader should immediately see what you offer and for whom. Avoid industry jargon that you understand but customers don't.

Paragraph-representation of the company "StroyIndustriya"

In his universal three-part structure for the text “About the Company”, Maxim Ilyakhov puts the answers to the questions in the first place:

  • Who are we?
  • What are we doing?
  • How will we be useful to you?

Customer benefit is your mission. High-sounding words about "the desire for development" and "compliance international level» say nothing about you and mean nothing to consumers.

Mission to meet customer needs

Tell your story

Gaining trust among Internet users is a difficult task. A fraudulent company may look even better than a company with a long history and honest customer relationships.

The story of how your business started and how you built it step by step is important for users, which is why they go to the About page. Lindsay Kolovich, author of the HubSpot blog, in his article "10 About Us Pages That Are Probably Better Than Yours" shows how good story humanizes the brand.

Small companies have an advantage over large corporations, whose history is highly formalized and scheduled by date from and to. People like to support those who are close to them in terms of attitude. Reading a personal story is the first step to building trust.

Director of company - main character stories about her

Showcase your company's evolution with archived photos to reinforce your brand story and complete your story.

Set yourself apart from your competitors with advantages

Make it clear what makes your company different from others. The client will not remember anything from the text about professionalism, a well-coordinated team and profitable solutions. Common phrases are so blurry that they are more likely to force the user to close the page.

This text can be used for any similar company

Perhaps you have your own patented designs. Tell us exactly how they improve the lives of customers. For example: “Through the use of a patented profile, we reduce the metal intensity of the building by 30%, and our customers reduce construction costs.”

A detailed description of the advantage of the World Tree company is accompanied by a video evidence

Place diplomas, licenses, certificates, certificates, research results - any documents confirming the quality of your product.

Every advantage of your company must be supported by arguments formulated from the point of view of the client's benefit.

Include Social Proof in Text

The facts confirming the demand for your products and services act as a trigger on potential customers. Users decide to cooperate with your company based on the opinion of a large group.

Use numbers, such as how many orders you complete each month, how many clients you serve, or how many people subscribe to your newsletter. Denis Kaplunov also recommends talking about "experience in the market, the total assortment, the number of objects handed over, the fastest order completed."

The numbers speak for themselves

Post a photo of a lot of customers in your store. Add screenshots thank you letters and reviews. Reviews should not only praise your work, but also remove the main objections of consumers.

Provide expert testimony: a positive mention of your product in the press or an authoritative blog. Give a real-life example of how your service or product solved a customer's problem.

In the B2B segment, a list of partner companies works great as social proof. The more famous they are, the higher your authority.

List of clients in the form of a showcase of logos

Do not wishful thinking, show only real facts. Include in the list of partners only those companies with which you actually worked. Do not exaggerate production and sales volumes. Don't risk the reputation you've been building for so long.

Get to know your team

Another great way to build customer confidence is to post a photo of the team: all employees together or individually. They should look like they are happy to work for you, open to communication and really love what they do. This will help you establish personal connections with your target audience.

In the caption for the photo, indicate the name and surname of the employee, position, contact information. Respect the hierarchy - start with the leaders. Images must be of high quality, made in a working environment. Ideal - on a photo background with the company logo.

Webformula Internet agency team

Come up with a call to action

  • Go to other sections of the site
  • Call or send a request using the feedback form
  • Subscribe to newsletter
  • Join official group your company on social media
  • Download a trial version of the product

For example: "Look at what kind of houses we build - open the catalog of our projects."

Or: “If you want to make an appointment with a designer, call.”

Call to action at the end of the text "About the company" of the Artmonopoly interior design studio

Summing up

    Before writing the text “About the company”, think about who you are writing it for: businessmen, lawyers, engineers, students, housewives. Choose the right style and language of presentation that is close to the reader.

    Explain who you are, what you do, and how your product will benefit the customer. Tell the story of your company: where did you start, what obstacles did you face and where did you end up.

    Showcase everything you can be proud of:
    - your own developments
    - technologies that only you use
    - certificates, certificates and licenses
    - Benefits for your customers

    Convince visitors of the popularity of your services and products with numbers, reviews, photos, expert opinions. Attract corporate clients by presenting them with a list of companies with which you are already working.

    Let customers see who they will have to communicate with in the process of cooperation with you. Show the company in person.

    Do not let the client leave the page just like that. Redirect it to other sections of the site, take contacts or ask to contact you.

Do you read "About the Company" texts? Do you think they are important for users or can you do without them?

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Consider the scope of the future description of the enterprise. It depends on the complexity, scale of the company's activities and the very business intent of its presentation. The basic information consists of the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise with a reflection of its parent body, an indication of the industry in which the business is conducted (agricultural or industrial production, the scope of services provided, transport, construction, etc.).

Give a reference: year of foundation of the company, its location. Describe the management structure, list the list of departments, provide a diagram of their interaction and subordination. Name the organizers of the enterprise, its owners (owners and managers), who have a direct impact on the stability of work, the image in the market.

Describe the enterprise by the form of ownership (municipal, state, private) and activities (LLC, OJSC, etc.) in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership (OKFS) and the All-Russian Classifier of Legal Forms (OKOPF).

Indicate the priority activities that provide the greatest profit. Describing the product, describe its purpose, reliability and quality, give all the necessary technical and economic characteristics. Inform about available licenses and their terms.

Report the number of employees, the degree of infrastructure development (transport services, engineering networks); economic relations (with suppliers of raw materials, consumers). An important part of the information is financial and economic indicators: the cost of funds and sales volume. Evaluate all types of resources: equipment, inventories, intangible assets, borrowed and own cash.

Emphasize the main objectives of the activity with predictable results of the work. They can be social and economic, and also have different time frames. It is necessary that the goals are measurable, consistent with the resources, positions of the enterprise. Express them in quantitative terms, for example, in sales revenue and profit (in %).


  • description of the company's activities

The characteristic of the enterprise may be required as an appendix to the report on its activities or to a certificate for potential investors. It forms an idea of ​​the activities of the enterprise itself and the effectiveness of the work of its management personnel. The form of such a characteristic is arbitrary, but it is better to adhere to a certain scheme of presentation.


The characteristic should be written on his letterhead, indicating the full name, details and contact numbers. In the title, indicate the word "characteristic" and the full name of the company, organization.

In the introductory part, indicate what form of ownership this enterprise belongs to and give a brief historical background on its activities. Indicate the date of foundation, the type of activity during its creation, the main stages of development and achievements. If the enterprise was a laureate or had awards, they must also be reflected.

Tell us about the company's current activities. Describe its structure and apparatus structure. As an illustration, give a block diagram that reflects the relationship between the selected individual units. Give details of the staffing for each department.

List all activities carried out by the enterprise. Describe the entire range of products manufactured, sold or provided. Give a brief analytical report on their competitiveness, quality compliance with international standards.

Provide statistical and financial analysis enterprise activities. Specify the main performance, cost, profitability. Give an analysis of sales markets, taking into account the specifics of the products. Show the efficiency of the enterprise in the form of diagrams and graphs that reflect the dynamics of indicators over the past few years.

Analyze the current state structure, list the categories and number of personnel, management and selection methods: how personnel are selected, trained and trained, how they are motivated. Specify their qualifications and level of turnover. Tell us about the social image of the enterprise - concern for environment, charitable, social and environmental programs.

Signed by the economist and the head of the personnel department. After the signatures are affixed, indicate the date the characteristics were signed.

The characteristic of an employee is a document with a brief review of his official and social activities at the enterprise. The characteristic also evaluates the business, psychological and moral qualities of a person.


First of all, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the person, date of birth, his education, a list of educational institutions and advanced training courses, degrees. Write data about the enterprise (place of work of the employee), list in chronological order the positions held by him and his duties.

The text "About the company" should be on every site. Moreover, its informative part is also useful for other promotional materials of the company.

Also, this article will be useful to those who reflect on the competent texts "About the project", "About the service", "About us" and "About me". Let the presentation there be somewhat different, but the essence is almost identical.

Why is this text important?

Firstly, it is included in the so-called "mandatory package" of texts on the corporate website.

As a rule, in such texts, companies come off to the fullest and dedicate themselves to odes of praise and narcissism in the style of: how cool and fluffy we are. Yes, this is the only text where you can safely praise yourself.

True, there is one caveat. A smart move is to present the facts, and in such a way that the reader himself draws conclusions about the degree of your coolness.

For new companies, the writing of the “About the Company” text is always a hot topic. For one simple reason: “We just opened, there’s not much to write about”.

Then I have a counter direct and not particularly pleasant question: “Why did you open up at all if you have nothing to tell the reader?”.

This article has been asking for a long time, but for some reason the topic remained in our repository of ideas. But in Lately new companies often ask about this text. Well, as always, to such important and sensitive issues let's go in detail.

The text "About the company" begins with a business

If you open a new company, you understand that it must be a different company in terms of format (compared to competitors). The path of the clone is often the path of dumping, because you will be fighting a name that has already established a reputation for itself.

Therefore, the reader should see something special in your company that can interest him.

Conclusion - look for differences.

A new company can grab the attention of the market through a unique selling proposition. The simplest options in such a starting case:

  1. Niche care.
  2. Targeting a narrow audience.
  3. Orientation to a specific group of goods.
  4. Exclusive item.
  5. A new service for the market, etc.

For the consumer, you must become a new company not only in your “birth certificate”, but also in your format.

For clarity, let's take an offline example - a fitness club. All of them are almost identical in their format. A great way to build a new club is to bet on one idea based on the needs of the audience. Let's drop excess weight. And the club itself declares this, its specialization is a set of programs, simulators, trainers that will help clients burn fat.

Or another example...

One of our new clients - the Ukrainian company Sotnik - is engaged in business promotion using Google AdWords contextual advertising. This is a narrow niche.

Against the background of numerous Internet marketing agencies, SEO studios, etc. I personally see this as a very smart move. A small staff with a large and productive experience.

It is built around this...

Company positioning

The very first thing that the reader of the text “About the company” wants to understand is what kind of organization is it? What is its essence?

  1. Speak the title.
  2. Show exactly what the company does.
  3. Point out your specialty.

The task of this block of text is to form in the mind of the reader a preliminary emotion "Oh, that's exactly what I need."

So we write:

Sotnik is a company that promotes business on the Internet using Google AdWords contextual advertising.

Everything is extremely simple, accurate and understandable. The reader sees what kind of company is in front of him and what exactly it does. He also notes for himself that this is a company specializing specifically in the Google AdWords system.

If a client specifically needs one service, then very often preference is given to a company with a narrow specialization, where the service of interest is the main (or rather, the only) profile of activity.

A bold positioning option is to voice yourself as #1 at something. Think about what. The narrower the niche, the more likely it is to become No. 1 there.

Fitness club number 1 for burning fat. Juicy? And then!

We voice the mission

The mission for the company is what an oath is for a soldier and the "Oath of Hippocrates" for a doctor.

For many companies, the mission on the site is not formulated at all. Why? Because…. "What is a mission?"

A new company should have a mission a priori. After all, for the reader, everything should be new for you. He wants to see in you those people who will help in resolving his issue.

He wants to see the specific purpose of your work. Why did you open up?

See an example of a mission we developed for another client of ours - a major international company TESCOM, which is engaged in the promotion of new medicines on a turnkey basis to the Russian market:

“Our mission is to prolong people's lives and fill them with positive emotions. Even more real warmth, even more healthy smiles. To do this, we find unique medicines and turn them into #1 medicines and products for the Russian consumer.”

As you can see, in the mission statement it is important not only to voice it, but also to indicate what exactly you are doing (or will be doing) to fulfill it.

Now let's formulate the mission for the Sotnik company, which we talked about above:

“Our mission is to provide your business with new customers and buyers who are looking for information in the Google search engine (which is more than 60% of the Ukrainian search market). To do this, we will hold events that will bring only interested users to you.”

Somehow, this is a work piece that was printed at the speed of thought. But the structure and logic can be traced in it, it remains only to work on the wording.

Confirm your expertise

You have identified the positioning, formulated the mission, now you need to show the reader why you consider yourself experts in your field. Like, "What can you confirm?"

In other words, why are you able to fulfill what you claim in your mission?

And here the new company needs to try very hard to list really convincing (and albeit not particularly revolutionary) arguments.

This block is the first part of the answer to the client's key question: " ».

For example, what gives the Sotnik company the right to consider itself an expert in promoting business on the Internet using Google AdWords contextual advertising?

Here, various arguments can be used, for example, a rich experience in working with the system, passing accreditation and obtaining certificates from Google, a certain number of successful companies, etc.

Hit hot spots and numbers!

I really love this block. Because this is the second part of the answer to the question " Why should work with you?". And you don’t need to call it “Our advantages”, this is already boring and banal. How to name? Contact us, let's think together, taking into account the specifics of your business.

The primary task of the text "About the company" is to simplify the decision-making procedure for the buyer as much as possible. Therefore, be sure to build your presentation based on the criteria by which the client chooses.

Numbers are more accurate than words. Numbers are more convincing than words.

And the new company can also be represented in the form of numbers.

See how we did it in the text for our SMS-Planet client (by the way, they have a simple and clear positioning - mobile marketing for your business).

Everything is presented in the form of a bulleted list, which is easy to read:

  • free test messages upon registration;
  • the cost of one message - from 75 kopecks;
  • 20 largest message processing centers;
  • sending speed - 18,000 messages per minute;
  • the ability to send long messages (6 in 1);
  • support for more than 800 telecom operators from 160 countries of the world;
  • checking the performance of numbers;
  • ready-made solutions for 40 types of business;
  • message delivery guarantee - 100%;
  • service integration.

Yes, this is a new company that did a good analytical job before entering the market and immediately enters with intelligence and consideration.

By the way, this technique is just perfect for services and online stores.

"Text Tour"

This structural block is not always possible. But when it is possible, it is always appropriate. In fact, you are taking a short tour. Immerse the client in the workflow.

We did the same when writing a text for the Waltzmatic company, which manufactures platform carts:

“Our production consists of six production sites, each of which is equipped with the best high-precision equipment from leading European brands.

*press brake manufactured by Swiss company Bystronic, CO2 laser complex (laser of the world-famous German company TRUMPF), etc.

We have developed and created a unique process control program ourselves, which significantly reduces the time it takes for orders to pass from an application to a finished product.

All stages of production are monitored online, information is transmitted via an internal computer network, bypassing any "paperwork".

The design office of our company can be represented as an efficiency formula - "qualified design engineers + the latest software". Automation and computerization of the development process minimizes design time.

In addition to the design bureau, the company has a technological and design bureau.

Our work is high-class specialists in various fields of activity, innovative European equipment and a well-functioning, perfected production mechanism.”

"How we are working?"

A very important block that shows your customer orientation. In fact, you decipher the great phrase "individual approach to each client."

See how we played it up in the text for the DLS furniture company:

  1. We will offer you a meeting in any convenient place and at any convenient (for you) time.
  2. We will carefully listen to the essence of your problem.
  3. Based on what we heard, we will offer several options for solving your problem. By the way, working with non-standard projects is a standard situation for us.
  4. We will take measurements of your premises, make a visualization, develop a design project so that you can see how it will be in reality.
  5. Further, we provide you with information on terms (standard - 10 days, while we are ready to seek a compromise) and cost.
  6. After manufacturing, the furniture is delivered to your premises (workers go inside in disposable shoe covers), installed, and the “picture” turns into reality. If necessary, we can take out your old furniture from the premises.
  7. We clean up after ourselves any garbage, packaging, leftover spare parts, etc.
  8. You get a full consultation about the features of the operation of your furniture.
  9. No matter where our products will be used (office sofas, hotel beds, home furniture, etc.) - you get the opportunity for full warranty and post-warranty service.

The client read and got a complete idea of ​​what cooperation with such a company would look like.

How do you think it will bring him closer to making a decision?

Share your principles

I love talking and writing: If a business has no principles, it is not a business.».

"Our principles", "Our rules", etc. - this is more of an image information than a direct selling one.

The task of such a block is to show the consistency of your business, the values ​​of the company and the CARE of the client.

An example from the text for Bass Kervill, which sells and installs acoustic systems:

  1. PUNCTUALITY - deadlines that are negotiated with customers are observed with impeccable accuracy. Moreover, we always strive to deliver the work before the stated deadline.
  2. RESPONSIBILITY - we always take into account all the wishes of customers and implement them in the form of ready-made solutions. In the end, you get exactly what you want.
  3. INDIVIDUALITY - we categorically refuse a template approach and practice only individual solutions for each client. Simply put, each of our projects is 100% unique.
  4. CLEANING - we pay due attention to detail so that the result is a work that looks perfect and perfect. To improve the quality of work and attention to detail in each area of ​​work, we practice triple control.
  5. ENTHUSIASM - we love what we do and we pass on our love in our work.

Tell us about your plans for the future

Any company develops. And it is even more necessary for a new company to follow the path of development.

In the text "About the company" it will never be superfluous to indicate your plans for the near future. This tells the client that your organization is serious and that you are on the move to improve.

An example from the text for the LADA-market company:

“Having come a long way from container trade to a company store, we are not going to stop there. We are moving forward and mastering new directions - such as:

  • Opening a car service on the basis of the store.
  • The development of the theme of sports tuning.
  • Launching a system of personalized plastic cards”.

End your “About” text with a call to action

One common mistake in "About" texts is that they end without a call to action.

Let's think together. Why does the reader get acquainted with this text at all?

That's right, to get as close as possible to making a decision. If the information in the text seems convincing to him, what should he do next? Looking for a feedback form on your site, or it’s not clear what phone numbers are in the “header”?

Gently tell him what to do after reading.

This is what we did in the text for the Gold-Print company, which repairs office equipment and maintains cartridges:

“If you have any additional questions, ask them by phone. 57-64-64 and 59-52-24 or directly fill out this simple online form (you will receive an answer within 15 minutes):…”

Instead of a postscript...

I hope that in this article you were able to see some mature ideas for yourself.

In any case, if you want to equip your site with a really strong text "About the company", we will definitely come up with an interesting personal solution.

After all, we already do this for our clients. And, what is there to dissemble, we do very well.

A useful addition to the article.

Denis, recorded a video on how to write the text "About the company" for a new company.

The text about the company (it is also “about the company”, it is also “about us”, it is also “about the enterprise”, etc.) is somewhat reminiscent of the Japanese poisonous fugu fish. It is worth it to “overexpose” it a little, and instead of invoking the reader’s trust and disposition, the material begins to repel and cause disgust. And the reason for this is the subtleties of human psychology. Only few people take them into account. By the way, they say that earlier a cook who cooked puffer fish incorrectly had to eat it himself. I wonder how it would look in the field of copywriting ... I wrote a text with the opposite effect - if you please, post it on your site. In the most visible place. Let everyone watch!

This I, of course, exaggerate. And laughter with laughter, but on most sites, texts about the company can be reduced to three sentences: “We are very cool, have been on the market for a long time, customer-oriented and reliable. There is no one better than us. Order from us!”. In other words, these lyrics are, you know, a kind of epic ode, every word of which is sweet honey. Even too sweet. Sugary. This is especially true for medium-sized businesses, whose management is already thrilled by phrases like “ …with an emphasis on customer focus, innovative technologies and customized solutions for the client’s business…

You can object to me now, they say, Daniel, a person specifically came to this page to learn about the company. Therefore, everything is fine. He's interested! And so it is. But there is a nuance. Imagine that you went to my site and read something like this.

I am a first-class Professional (with a capital letter). Copywriter. I solve any problems quickly, clearly and efficiently. I am the best. The rest are no match for me. I am successful and constantly improve my skills. I have a lot of experience and a lot of cases behind me. I'm a cool specialist. If you're not with me yet, then you just can't afford me!

What emotions does this text evoke in you? Feel free to express yourself. Or choose one of the options.

☑ The person who wrote the text is an ordinary bouncer who compensates for self-doubt with loud phrases. It's repulsive.
☑ There is something clearly wrong with the person's conceit. It feels like he convinces not the reader, but himself of his viability. It's repulsive.
☑ The person talks only about himself, not about me and my problems. It's annoying. And repels.
☑ The text was written by an ordinary upstart who is not worth paying attention to and taking seriously.
☑ Where are the specifics? Where are the facts? Where are the arguments? What is this freak show of empty abstractions?
☑ Oh, damn…. I just want to take it ... And crack it ... Once. Or two.
☑ This is a clinic. How to drink. No options.
☑ Class! A true professional who does not hide it!

If you chose the latter option, immediately close this article and do not read any further! And by the way, congratulations, you are among the 0.1-2% of people who are led by such texts. Therefore, you are lucky to some extent.

In all other cases, let's figure it out. Do you know why such texts are repulsive? Because their authors want the reader to share the informational message with them. But instead of leading to the necessary conclusions, they impose them. And in a particularly hard form. As a result, the reader develops a natural defensive reaction. In other words, a conflict arises from scratch, where the author of the text is on one side of the barricades, and the reader is on the other. And since the latter cannot object, he simply closes the page and leaves.

Now let's see how we can solve this problem with the desired effect. Ready? Then make yourself comfortable, we begin!

Tasks of the text about the company

Let's think logically. Just like that, they don’t get to the “About the company” page. It is opened in one of the following situations.

  1. These are competitors. They came to the site to steal the most valuable ideas, because. they can't think of anything on their own. And they envy.
  2. This is the management of the company. It opens the page to admire the text. Certainly in the morning. Charge with positivity. And with the realization of their incredible coolness, they get to work.
  3. This is a potential client., which chooses from a variety of options, and it needs additional arguments to make a decision.
  4. This is a client who has already placed an order but is still in doubt. He needs additional arguments in favor of the correctness of the choice in order to calm down and continue to go about his business.

The first two situations are of no interest to us. Yes, yes, and the second one in particular. Many people think that the text should please the customer. However, in practice, what the customer likes has little to do with his customers. At least because the customer is not his target audience. And we do the text for her.

Therefore, we are interested in real readers whom we can influence. After all, a text about a company or enterprise is a commercial tool. And it must directly or indirectly affect sales. These are situations #3 and #4. Please note that we are working with people who have knowingly clicked on a link and entered a section to get more information and form a final opinion. In other words, we are not working with a "cold" audience.

Based on this input, we can pose and solve the problem at five levels. How deeper level we touch, the more effective solution we get.

Five levels of tasks to be solved. The deeper the level, the more effective the solution.

Level #1: Information

At this level, we give a person what he came for - information and arguments for making a decision. At the same time, pay attention: arguments are always based on facts, and not on abstractions. In other words, it's always specific. See examples.

Abstractions —> Facts (Concreteness)

  • Long time on the market —> Founded in 2004
  • Dynamically developing —> Increased turnover by 115% in 2017
  • Employed by professionals —> Certified by Google
  • Fast service —> Application processing in 10 minutes

Level #2: Detachment from competitors

In addition to the basic information, a good text about the enterprise always has a commercial layer. To do this, you can use or make accents on. The latter can be placed in a separate information block a la “Your Benefits”. See how to turn properties and characteristics into benefits. Alternatively, you can even formulate , turning the text about the company into a kind of . Any marketing chips are also suitable as a detuning: guarantees, promotional offers, etc.

If the marketing component is tight, you can simply write what competitors do not write about, even if everyone has it. Then this will work in your favor. For example, one beer manufacturer once described the technology of container sterilization. This technology was used by all market players, but whoever wrote it first was the first to implement it (in the eyes of the consumer).

Level #3: Challenge of Trust

In fact, the challenge of trust is the activation of a single psychological trigger. Favorable trigger. But I want to consider it separately, since it is key to solving our problem. In other words, after reading the text, a person should like your company. If this happens, then with a probability of 80% he will turn to you. Even if yours is more expensive. This is the case when emotions decide.

Note that the opposite is also true: if the text is rife with clichés, bluster, and abstractions, then it has the opposite effect. And if a person doesn’t like the company on an emotional level (he doesn’t like it, that’s all, he may not even be aware of it), then he will bypass it with a 99.9% probability. 0.1% are latent masochists who just love to suffer.

Activating the goodwill trigger is a great help. Ideally, if you combine it with the mission and values ​​of the company. With this approach, you immediately voice the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a person that coincide with his beliefs. An emotional resonance sets in, and, voila, he already likes you a little more.

Other attributes that influence well-being in the About Us text are honesty and openness. That is why even start-up companies or web studios, when they write honestly that they have no experience, but have a desire to work for quality and name, they disarm and thereby bribe potential customers. The approach works in the same way when photos of employees are placed in the text. A company with a human face is always more attractive than a faceless company (however, there are exceptions to this rule).

But that's not all. Honesty and openness is not only about telling the truth. Often, a simple description of technological or business processes significantly increases trust. For example, a manufacturing company may post a photo or video from the shop floor. This approach worked great for me when selling animal feed.

Finally, another option is to simply post photos of the office, show how employees work. Since people think in images, they form a complete picture. And if competitors do not do the same as you, then for you this is a powerful emotional adjustment.

Level #4: Psychological Triggers

In addition to the well-being trigger, there are many other psychological “hooks” that you can hook the reader on. This is especially important when you are serious about going through all levels of solving a problem and getting a response (level 5) in the form of an application.

Mutual exchange. Give a man useful information without asking for anything in return. For example, in the format of a mini-book. A person will remain indebted to you (according to inner conviction), and is more likely to respond to your commercial offer.

Subsequence. Show how you work. Moreover, present this information in the form of a sequence: from the client's application to the result. The only condition is that everything must be described in the present tense. So you create the illusion that a person is already working with you, which means that there are much fewer barriers and obstacles for him.

Group membership. If you have a thematic product or service, then you can create your own community. To become your client means to become a part of this community, and many may choose your company just for that. For example, a company that sells jeeps may well organize “4x4 rides” among its customers, thereby increasing their loyalty and involving new members in the community.

Level #5: Getting Feedback

Final level. We want to close a person to a target action - so that he leaves a request. Therefore, we need to make it as easy as possible for him. Here is common sense: the easier it is to respond, the higher the likelihood that a person will do it. To solve this problem, you need to place on the page, the so-called capture points. It can be a form or just a button, when you click on it, a person leaves a request.

At the same time, it is far from the fact that a person will read the text in full. Therefore, I usually make capture points both at the beginning and at the end. For reliability, so to speak.

Sample text about a company

Since texts like “About Us” are a commercial tool, . Adjusted for the warmth of the audience, of course. Besides. The word “text” itself does not mean at all that the material should look like one big symbolic “sheet”. No one canceled the features of perceiving information from the screen.

That's why I always recommend developing any text in a modular and prototyping way. In other words, you present the material as a “layer cake”. And then fill each layer with a solution to the problem of the desired level. At the same time, we use the main rule: the most important information is as high as possible.

Let's look at an example. Typical text “About the company”. It can be roughly divided into a dozen (twelve) layers. Then fill each layer with descriptors (functional blocks containing text and graphics).

In the first layer, we will make a heading according to the 4U formula. And in the second - we will summarize the key summary information about the company. Plus, let's make a "capture point". So we give the person the necessary information (1st level), activate the trigger of mental involvement (4th level) and give the opportunity to make a response (5th level). Alternatively, key figures can be placed in a separate block. As a result, we get such a first screen.

Text "About us": WHY-formula in action.

The third layer is followed by the fourth. Here you can show cases, examples of tasks that the company can solve (contrast trigger and detuning from competitors). In extreme cases, you can simply show the products and focus on the shock benefit.

An example of a block of cases in the text about the company.

The fifth layer is an ideal place to show the main benefits and to differentiate from competitors (2nd level of tasks).

In the sixth layer, you can conduct a kind of virtual tour of the enterprise (also to inspire confidence). If there is a video, you can insert a video and description. If not, it doesn't matter, you can use a regular gallery.

The sixth block is a virtual tour of the company.

Seventh layer. Here you can use the descriptor a la "How we work." It does a good job of activating the sequence trigger (4th level of tasks).

An example of the block how we work in the text "About us"

The ninth layer - we show the faces of employees to inspire confidence (3rd level of tasks).

The ninth block is the company's employees (to inspire confidence).

The tenth layer is showing client logos (with their permission, of course) and activating the social proof trigger. If there are letters of recommendation, even better. We use both.

Trigger activation "social proof": clients and letters of recommendation.

Eleventh layer - we make a call and duplicate the capture point so that the page does not turn into a "dead end" for the user.

Finally, in the twelfth layer: add a map with contacts and phones. In general, it is believed that the map has a place on the “Contacts” page, but it is also acceptable to place it here so as not to force a person to go to one extra page (which he may not go to).

The final prototype of the text for the page "About the company"

And here is how the prototype of the text looks like if you connect all the blocks together.

As you can see, even if there seems to be nothing to write about the enterprise, the page turns out to be quite weighty. And this is without “water” in the text.

And further. At first glance, it may seem that we have a landing page. And partly this will be true, since both the landing page and our text have the task of getting a response from a potential client.


A text about a company is not a work of art that needs to be hung in a frame to admire. This is a common commercial tool that has its own tasks. And he must solve them. No more, no less. Today we looked at five levels of tasks in the About Us text, as well as a modular approach to writing it. All that remains is to make an adaptation for your organization. Try - and you will succeed!

Companies' websites usually have a section with the text "About the company" or "About us". There is an opinion that this section of the site is not important, because anyway no one reads it, but they immediately look at the section with services or the catalog. This problem exists, but it is not as large as it is commonly thought. Users underestimate this section of the site because often texts about companies are useless, they do not contain any information other than phrases about how good the company considers itself, about a promising team with rich experience, a focus on results, about low prices and incredible customer focus. A section with such text is really not interesting to the reader, therefore it is useless.

Why do you really need the text "About the company"

This text is needed to convince the client to contact you to solve their problems. Therefore, self-praise is not an option, each company can say that it is the best. Even though this text is about your company, it’s still not about you, but the client, in the center of such text. He is not interested in the date of creation of the company and your ego. Facts should be built around the needs of the client: your task is to convince that you understand their problems better than others, have really important advantages over competitors and do your job well.

That is, this text is needed to answer three questions of the client:

  1. What kind of company are you?
  2. How can you help?
  3. Why is it worth contacting you?

What should not be the text "About us"

The most common mistake of such texts is unsubstantiated. The company understands that they need to convince the client to contact them by text and order something like this from copywriters:

But this is not convincing. The problem with such texts is that they do not say anything about your company. We have covered up the names of the firms, and it is impossible to represent any specific organization from the description. Such words can apply to absolutely any company, and they do not tell the specifics: there is no clear scope of work, services, descriptions of the benefits that are important to the client, there is no evidence of these benefits. Even what companies do needs to be separated from self-praise and cliches. There is no informativeness and persuasiveness, the texts are useless.

What should be the text

The "About the Company" section will be really useful if you write a text that is customer and search engine oriented. That is, it should be understandable to the reader, informative and convincing, and at the same time work for optimization in search results. Therefore, we recommend focusing on these two factors so that the text gives customers answers to their questions about your work, and so that users can go to the site for key queries and contact you specifically.

How to write text useful to the client

The text will be useful for the client if it answers his questions about you. The client is primarily interested in himself and his business, so tell me how you can solve his problems and why you are better than others.

Maxim Ilyakhov, editor, creator of the Glavred service and author of the book Write, Shorten, advises building the text according to the plan:

1.Who are you? Name the company and industry.

For example, you are a bicycle rental company "Sun".

2. How useful are you?

Write what customer problem you can solve. It is better to formulate it in general terms, for example, your benefit is not that you can rent a bike, but that you save the client from having to buy such a vehicle and take care of storing it.

3. How do you do it?

That is how you provide the second item of the list. For example, you rent bicycles for adults and children, tandems and scooters.

4. What are the features?

Tell us about your chip. For example, by agreement, you can decorate vehicles for thematic photo shoots or get a sample of Soviet times, perhaps you have convenient subscriptions for family vacation or you are the largest network in the city, so it is convenient to get to you from any area.

5. How can you prove it?

All of the above must be proven. Attach a video with a bike ride on your transport, photos with your scooters, write how many points with bicycles you have and residents of which areas are convenient to use your services.

In addition to this plan, Ilyakhov advises writing in the info style - that is, formulating it as clearly, concisely and to the point as possible.

Alina Vashurina, PR director of Ecwid, thinks infostyle makes the text too dry. Alina suggests writing on the page of the text "About the company" a catchy live story of the creation of the store, fragments from an interview with the director about choosing a name, mission and values. So the text will become fascinating and help you win over the client. In addition, she also suggests talking about the benefits for the client and focusing on the features of the product.

What to do for young companies without experience

Petr Panda, founder of Panda Copywriting, writes that young companies that have little to say about themselves due to lack of experience can write about their desires, interests and credo. Of course, if it concerns work and helps the client form an opinion about you.

Let's say you recently opened a computer repair service, but do not yet have much experience and recommendations. In this case, write about your hobbies and passions that will help present you as a specialist. Information about your origami hobbies will not help, unlike a story about how you like to delve into computer technology since childhood, how once you and the guys assembled a robot in a computer circle, and now these guys work with you in a technical center where they repair computers and other technique.

Expert opinions generally agree. The text should be:

  1. Company name;
  2. field of activity and services;
  3. special offers that distinguish the company from competitors;
  4. evidence of the effectiveness of working with the company;
  5. emotionality, liveliness;
  6. lack of clichés and clichés.

A good example of a text about a carrier company, it describes the benefits and indicates Special offers beneficial to the client:

This is a piece of text about the benefits of the service, the descriptions clearly explain to the client how exactly the properties of the product will be useful to him.

Short and to the point: they outlined the scope of work and their own position.

How to optimize text for search results

It’s great if your text is clear, informative, and persuasive, but that’s not enough. If your text cannot be found on the Internet, raise the site to the top of the search results.

The completed semantic core (SN) will help you with this. This is a list of key phrases categorized into sections of your site. Words must be selected according to the frequency of use in search queries on your topic. We wrote more in the article about and compiling keywords. The main thing is not to spam the text with keywords, so that it doesn’t look like in that joke: “Sometime a SEO specialist comes into a bar and orders tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, a banquet in a restaurant, holding events, the best clubs in Moscow ... "In this case, even if the semantic core is compiled correctly, search engines will not miss your text on the first page.

You can check the naturalness of the text with the help of - this is our service for checking according to Zipf's law, that is, according to the pattern of word frequency distribution.

There are other services for checking text for nausea, water content, keyword density. For example, this can be done with Istio , Advego , Seotxt optimizer.

In addition to filling the semantic core, meta tags work for promotion ( ) - HTML markup elements with information about the content of the site page. The site can work without meta tags filled in, they do not affect functionality in any way, but bots use them to determine what information is on the page and how useful it is. We described in detail what meta tags are and how they work.

Meta tags are placed between … and are not visible to users, except for the title and description tags. Information from them is displayed in the search results in short description links.

Title - the title of the page, by which the bot determines whether the page matches the request. The more the tag looks like a search query, the more likely the site will get on the first page of the search results, so be sure to include keywords at the beginning of the tag.

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The title is compiled according to the rules of the Russian language, do not forget that the text is written for users, and not just for search engines.

For example, a tag might look like this:

Meta tags are important for ranking a site in search engines, but even perfectly matched tags will not bring the site to the top positions if the content is useless and not interesting to the user.

What is the result

The text in the "About the company" section of the site will be useful if you focus on two factors when writing: customer benefit and optimization for bots. That is, tell the client how the company can help him and why it is worth turning to it, and not to competitors, and do not forget about search engines: optimize the text and fill in meta tags correctly in order to get to the top positions of search results. In this case, users will be more likely to open your site, and you will be able to convince them to become your customers.